Rezultatele căutării pagină 7
Număr de rezultate: 278
The False Lover Won Back
The sun shines high over on the hill
And low over in the dell
In the place where me and my love dwell
The sun, it never goes down
Dear love, the sun, it never goes down
'Go saddle and bring to me
The beautiful black steed
Or saddle the brown one
That I may ride all around, dear love
That I may ride all around'
Dear love, that I may ride all around
'When will you return, dear love?*
When will you be home?'
'After the heather hills have all dried up
And all grown green again.'
Dear love, and all grown green again
'Oh, that's too long to stay away
That's too far away from home
The baby that's not yet born
Will be too long awaiting its name'
Dear love, will be too long awaiting its name
He turned his high horse's head around
And he quickly rode away
So she tucked in her skirts
And very quickly followed
Dear love, and very quickly followed
The first town that they came to
He bought her hose** and shoes
And he told her to change her mind and return home
And not to follow him any more
Dear love, and not to follow him any more
'It's your love that I want
Your love in return for mine***
It's hard when I like you so well,
And you don't feel the same way'
Dear love, and you don't feel the same way
The next town that they came to
He bought her a brooch and ring
And he told her to change her mind and return home
And not to follow him any more
Dear love, and and not to follow him any more
'It's your love that I want
Your love in return for mine
It's hard when I like you so well,
And you don't feel the same way'
Dear love, and you don't feel the same way
The next town that they came to
He bought her a wedding ring
And he told her to dry her rosy cheeks
And that he would take her with him
Dear love, that he would take her with him
'It's your love that I want
Your love in return for mine
And there's no other but you for me, dear love
And there's no other but you for me
Dear love, and there's no other but you for me
There's comfort for the comfortless
And honey for the bee
'And there's no other but you for me, dear love
And there's no other but you for me'
Dear love, and there's none for you but me
'It's your love that I have gained
Your love in return for mine
So turn the head of your high horse around
And we will ride for home
Dear love, and we will ride for home
Love's seesaw game
Love is never corresponded on one side
But I want to be loved
Without only me loving
Untill then I say goodbye to love
When the twilight comes, I look at the clock
The tides of people reach to the half
Standing tiptoe
I look for someone who looks like you
I chase happy couples
With the eyes, seen from the back
I'm tired of waiting in vain
And yet I won't go home
If you return the half
Of my love to you
When I wait for you
I'll say hello to love
You sayng sorry with a sweet voice
Is an excuse I memorized
I changed
I'm different than yesterday
Love is never corresponded on one side
But I want to be loved
Without only me loving
Untill then I say goodbye to love
If you return the half
Of my love to you
When I wait for you
I'll say hello to love
I'll say hello to love
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Just Like The Breeze
Just like the breeze that passed through a branch and moves
Your memory passed by me, it flooded my mind with words
Missing You, I'm not quite happy about it, my state can't make you happy either. Do you tell of me? Do you miss me? Forget me? Do you stay up or sleep?
Just like the breeze that passed through a branch and moves
Your memory passed by me, it flooded my mind with words
Missing You, I'm not quite happy about it, my state can't make you happy either. Do you tell of me? Do you miss me? Forget me? Do you stay up or sleep?
I still think about you sometimes
Do you cry over me?, smile, or just think about me?
Shame on you if you don't smile and let the memories pass by
Of our days, our secrets, when we first met and our love
I still think about you sometimes
Do you cry over me?, smile, or just think about me?
Shame on you if you don't smile and let the memories pass by
Of our days, our secrets, when we first met and our love
O, I loved you so much, I swear to God if it satisfies you
I feel the same love and care to this day
These are my thoughts but if they sadden you or hurt you
I'm fine and good, My life's going well now
Yakov Ben Ionatan
Trivia: Balansoar
A fost un început bun
Cu suisurile și coborâșurile lui
Înainte să realizez, ne plictiseam unul de celălalt
În toate aceste emoţii lipsite de sens
Un joc repetat de balansoar
M-am săturat de asta
Un joc repetat de balansoar
Ne săturăm unul de celălalt
Au fost argumentele drăguţe cele care au început totul?
În momentul în care am devenit mai greu decât tine
Pentru că încă de la început paralelele nu au fost niciodată
Poate că am devenit mai lacom și am încercat să mă potrivesc cu tine
Spunând că aia a fost iubire și că asta e iubire
Mai există un motiv pentru care să continuăm să ne repetăm?
Amândoi ne-am săturat de asta
Și pare că amândoi ţinem aceeași carte în mână
Dacă e așa, atunci..
În regulă, acest joc repetat de balansoar
Este timpul să-i punem capăt
În regulă, acest joc plictisitor de balansoar
Cineva trebuie să coboare de aici
Cu toate că niciunul dintre noi nu poate
Să nu ne privim în ochi și să vedem cine va coborî sau nu
Haide să nu tragem lucrurile doar după felul în care simţim
Vom pleca de aici sau nu?
Din acest joc repetat de balansoar
Trebuie să îl oprim acum
Oamenii pot fii atât de prefăcuţi
Cu toate că știm că cineva va fi rănit dacă o persoană nu e acolo
Niciunul nu vrem să devenim tipul rău
Așadar, lupta îndoielnică a responsabilităţilor continuă
Am devenit atât de epuizaţi încât în sfârșit am devenit paralele
Dar asta nu e paralela pe care ne-am dorit-o
La început, ne lăudam despre cine este mai greu și zâmbeam când ne priveam unul pe celălalt
Dar am uitat cine este mai greu și acum am început un război
Iar aici sunt cărbunii pentru focul luptei
Se va termina doar atunci când unul dintre noi va coborî
Ne prefacem că ne pasă unul de celălalt
Dar e o combinaţie cu spini
Nu putem continua, trebuie să facem o decizie
Dacă nu am fi avut sentimente unul pentru celălalt
Dacă nu ne-am fi gândit unul la celălalt
Am fi târât asta până acum?
Dacă nu mai ai sentimente pentru mine
Acest joc de balansoar este periculos
Oprește-te din a te mai gândi la mine
În regulă, acest joc repetat de balansoar
Este timpul să-i punem capăt
În regulă, acest joc plictisitor de balansoar
Cineva trebuie să coboare de aici
Cu toate că niciunul dintre noi nu poate
(Așteaptă, așteaptă)
Mă așez pe acest balansoar pe care nu ești tu
(Așteaptă, așteaptă)
Exact ca la început, când nu erai aici
(Așteaptă, așteaptă)
Mă așez pe acest balansoar pe care nu ești tu
(Așteaptă, așteaptă)
Cobor de pe acest balansoar fără tine
În regulă, acest joc repetat de balansoar
Este timpul să-i punem capăt
În regulă, acest joc plictisitor de balansoar
Cineva trebuie să coboare de aici
Cu toate că niciunul dintre noi nu poate
Să nu ne privim în ochi și să vedem cine va coborî sau nu
Haide să nu tragem lucrurile doar după felul în care simţim
Vom pleca de aici sau nu?
Din acest joc repetat de balansoar
Trebuie să îl oprim acum
(Așteaptă, așteaptă)
Mă așez pe acest balansoar pe care nu ești tu
(Așteaptă, așteaptă)
Exact ca la început, când nu erai aici
Așteaptă, așteaptă)
Mă așez pe acest balansoar pe care nu ești tu
(Așteaptă, așteaptă)
Cobor de pe acest balansoar fără tine
How've You Been?
Versions: #2
On this cold morning
The sky is painting pictures
I wipe out your profile
With a cup of black coffee
Again my thoughts are running in circles
We're losing each other
Our photo's on the table
And everything makes me shake
Relax, relax, relax
I'm relieving my fatigue
With an herbal liqueur
A warm bath and a cigar
But the soul doesn't heal with either sleep
Or herbal tea
Your keys are in the kitchen
Oh God, how I miss you
How've you been?
How've you been?
Do you have someone
To kiss you tenderly in the morning?
How've you been?
How've you been?
Are you warm?
Who will show up in your dreams tonight?
How've you been?
Well, how've you been?
I miss your hands so much
How've you been, how've you been?
I know that time heals wounds
But it still hasn't gotten easier for me
Minor notes again
We're proud idiots
Every morning
It's as if I'm dying
These thoughts are running in circles
How is it that we're now apart
If you really can
Then so can I
Relax, relax, relax
But it's so hard to
Not think about us
Looks like I'm hopeless
You see, the soul doesn't heal
With either sleep or herbal tea
Why are you so quiet?
I need you so badly
How've you been?
How've you been?
Do you have someone
To kiss you tenderly in the morning?
How've you been?
How've you been?
Are you warm?
Who will show up in your dreams tonight?
How've you been?
Well, how've you been?
I miss your hands so much
How've you been, how've you been?
I know that time heals wounds
But it still hasn't gotten easier for me
Snow made an angel to the doorway
A girl saw from a bridge how black
The water was down there somewhere
Her mother asked 'Why is she writing poems?
The child must be out of her mind'
The girl cried for a moment and looked behind her
The sigh of the city rang wildly
Who could feel this as their own country
The water was as dark as the times
And the water was black
Mother walked in all blacks
And even the priest got coffee to drink
And father was drunk, how else?
Someone brought flowers to the doorway
Others go to the moon and others to Sweden
Others just have a smaller paycheck
Dad left to Sweden five years ago
Mom was unhappy even then
I put a piece of cartboard to the window
So even some place could be warm
In the radio they sang 'Thank the Lord!'
Sunday mom passed away
And dad went to Sweden, mom to heaven
And the priest got coffee again
And my brother was drunk, I think I saw him cry
Snow made an angel to the doorway
And dad went to Sweden, mom to heaven
And the priest got coffee again
And my brother was drunk, I think I saw him cry
Snow made an angel to the doorway
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.
Trivia: Seesaw
Versions: #2
The beginning, well was fun I guess
Just the ups and down itself
Before i knew it you and i became tired of each other
Inside this pointless emotional exhaustion
A repeating seesaw seesaw game, at this point
I just became sick, sick of it
A repeating seesaw seesaw game
We both became tired of it and we are now miserable
Was the pretty arguments the start of it all?
The moments became heavier than you
Because from the very beginning, parallels never existed
Did we try to be equal in spite of our greed?
It was love and if this is the epitome of the definition of love
Is there a reason to continue to repeat?
We're both tired of it and it seems like we both have the same card
If it's that way, then well...
All right, this preating seesaw game now
I finally try to end this(game)
All right, I'm sick of this seesaw
Someone has to get off from here
Although we can't
Let's not eye each other and see who well get off or not
Let's not drag this just by the way your feeling
Let's try to end this and decide who will get off or not
This preating seesaw game
Let's stop now
People are guite conniving even though we know
One will gethurt if one person is not there
Both don't wanna became the b***ard(bad guy)
So the ambiguous battle of responsibilities continues
After becaming exhausted beyond exhaustion, the parallel we desired became a parallel
Ay this not the parallel I wished for
In the deginning, we brag about who is heavier and
Laugh while we look at each other
We forget who is heavier and now we started war,
And now there are embers
Of the fight
Someone here in the end
Will have to get off in order for it to end
We pretend to care for each other we can't continue
We have to decide now
If we don't have feeling for each other
I we didn't think for each other
Would we whave dragged this on until now?
If you don't have feelings anymore
Being on top of this seesaw is dangerous,dangerous
Don't think about me anymore
All right, this preating seesaw game now
I finally try to end this(game)
All right, I'm sick of this seesaw
Someone has to get off from here
Althougn we can't
(Hol' up Hol' up) I walk on top of this seesaw that you aren't on
(Hol' up Hol' up) Just like how in the deginning you weren't here
(Hol' up Hol' up) I walk on top of this seesaw that you aren't on
(Hol' up Hol' up) I get off of thisseesaw that you aren't
All right, this preating seesaw game now
I finally try to end this(game)
All right, I'm sick of this seesaw
Someone has to get off from here
Althougn we can't
Let's not eye each other and see who well get off or not
Let's not drag this just by the way your feeling
Let's try to end this and decide who will get off or not
This preating seesaw game
Let's stop now
(Hol' up Hol' up) I walk on top of this seesaw that you aren't on
(Hol' up Hol' up) Just like how in the deginning you weren't here
(Hol' up Hol' up) I walk on top of this seesaw that you aren't on
(Hol' up Hol' up) I get off of this seesaw that you aren't
Shut In
Whether it’s day or night
I don’t know
Everything that I want to think
Is too much for my brain
Just staring, just dawning
Just banging against the walls
Windows closed, doors closed, shut in
I try to see something
I try to get up
Windows closed, doors closed, shut in
Locked out
I am shut in
Don’t ask me how long I have to live like this
Don’t look at me that dumb way
You aren’t any better off
It’s just you still don’t know
That you are shut in
Bolshoi party crocodile x4
aircraft vrtaljot crocodile crocodile
hard bass and hip hop crocodile, crocodile x2
desomorphine-permonide crocodile, crocodile
amphetamine ketamine crocodile, crocodile
Moscow, Prague and Berlin crocodile, crocodile
Budapest, Chernobyl crocodile, crocodile
Bolshoi party crocodile x4
In settlement, in my settlement
Same as favela from television novella,
On teeth who takes you even sea does not wash,
Watch over path because everyone drives like a dog.
Neighbour managed to faster better hang
Carpet on goal, we cannot throw football.
Baker Vido could not catch dream
That is why the bread will be little bit late today.
Grandmother Obren punches balls so they do not destroy mangel,
Aunt Rajka receives guests who leave quickly,
Djoka is shouting mother always for every trifle,
He has no will to hang out with us in beerhouse.
Bozana is decorating roses, she does not give them to be overgrown,
Twitches weeds, incinerates, digs up garden.
Those kids are not kids anymore, they grow up quickly.
They drink beer,t hey bet and they smoke greasily weed.
Boro and Anto, chess rivals
On the bench with filed and they smoke cigars.
Aunt is collecting underwear, I spoil the freshness,
I smoke up settlement when I grill.
In settlement, in my settlement
Grandmas sat down again to talk,
Girls in t-shirts with straps are walking,
Goods are missing crew broomed everything.
In settlement, in my settlement
Same as favela from television novella,
On teeth who takes you even sea does not wash,
Watch over path because everyone drives like a dog.
In settlement, aunt Slavka is cooking greens
About cooking everything will be heard till Sunday,
Lather smells, uncle Jozo is washing car
So old Mercedes is beautiful again.
Little Milenica goes somewhere to fuck.
Every evening someone else crumples bed.
By the aunt Ljube, tangerines are ripe for long time,
They are going down the drain for no reason, there is no one to pick them up.
Nationals from brain by the aunt Andrea.
When Vaso died, business with brain, people say.
Aunt Branka criticizes, because of ball she shits to children
Because they throb ball in front of her doors, and they have field.
In grandmother Dragica’s garden all cats are fat
For the difference of cats by the aunt Gracijela.
Vesna waters garden, came to family,
And I did not watch her in settlement since long time ago.
In settlement, in my settlement
Same as favela from television novella,
On teeth who takes you even sea does not wash,
Watch over path because everyone drives like a dog.
In settlement, in my settlement
Grandmas sat down again to talk,
Girls in t-shirts with straps are walking,
Goods are missing crew broomed everything.
In settlement, in my settlement
Same as favela from television novella,
Surveyors measure left over lots,
New buildings are not registered in cadastre.
In settlement, in my settlement
Grandmas sat down again to talk,
Girls in t-shirts with straps are walking,
Muljani with Yugo shout: anchovies, anchovies!
You know, one day it won't matter
That we're together, and that's a pity
Though it's sad, it's not by chance
That February will come again
Throughout the long night till dawn
I won't shut my eyes
The chilly wind shan't disturb us
You know it's probably wrong
That we're together, and that's a pity
But this windy sorrow is unrelenting
And won't set us free
A white river's ice won't melt away
On a sunny day
That won't happen, not in our case
While February, like a gentleman,
Removes its white overcoat
You and I will have just found
That we are both alone
While February, like a gentleman,
Removes its white overcoat
You and I will have just found
That we are both alone
You know, perhaps, it isn't complicated
As simple as two times two
If one day your words
Turn into a paper crane
Someone might snatch up a few lines on an envelope
And whisk them off into the distance
Something will've happened, February perhaps
While February, like a gentleman,
Removes its white overcoat
You and I will have just found
That we are both alone
While February, like a gentleman,
Removes its white overcoat
You and I will have just found
That we are both alone
Ne Vedem Mai Tarziu
Nu e nimic de regretat,
Am dat tot ce am putut
E tot una pentru mine daca te am sau nu oricum
De fiecare data promisiunile se schimba,
Si se repeta de nenumarate ori
Tu nu esti un barbat adevarat, desi ti-am dat inima mea, nu
Scuzele tale rasuna in gol,
Esti precum un caine care latra
Cand aud despre tine, pielea mi se face de gaina
Te voi arunca, te reciclez
Fata de langa tine e o proasta
Iti voi spune azi, ca nu te mai vreau
Asteapta, credeai ca va dura la nesfarsit?
Dar la sfarsit, tot ai dat-o-n bara
Din spate in fata, esti prea luminos precum un ping pong
Acum te dau afara, ding dong
Ma jucam, nu stii?
Ai gresit persoana
Ar fi trebuit sa mi te supui ca unei regine albina
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu mai tarziu
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu
Ai fi avut, ai fi putut, ar fi trebuit,
dar nu ai facut nimic
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu mai tarziu
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu
Ne vedem mai tarziu,
poate niciodata
Nu mai sunt indragostita nebuneste,
Nu conteaza daca te tii dupa mine
Sa ma vrei iar si apoi blah blah blah, e patetic
Acum nu mai ai un cel mai bun prieten
Vei fi singur acest weekend
Vei fi un pierzator,
Da, vei fi un pierzator singuratic, ha
Scuzele tale rasuna in gol,
Esti precum un caine care latra
Cand aud despre tine, pielea mi se face de gaina
Te voi arunca, te reciclez
Fata de langa tine e o proasta
Iti voi spune azi, ca nu te mai vreau
Precum timpul care a trecut pe nesimtite,
te-ai dus si tu
Ai uitat cine sunt?
Mai bine iti amintesti,
eu sunt sefa, ipocritule
Am terminat cu drama,
ti-am sters numarul
Am pornit motorul din inima mea,
si am plecat sa prind sentimente pentru altcineva
Apas acceleratia
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu mai tarziu
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu
Ai fi avut, ai fi putut, ar fi trebuit,
dar nu ai facut nimic
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu mai tarziu
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu
Ne vedem mai tarziu,
poate niciodata
La revedere,
Ar fi trebuit sa ai grija de mine cand ai fost langa mine
De ce vrei sa pleci si sa faci asta, de ce?
Iti placea cum obisnuiam sa ma indepartez de tine
Acum poti doar sa-ti amintesti,
Pa pa pa pa pa
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu mai tarziu
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu
Ai fi avut, ai fi putut, ar fi trebuit,
dar nu ai facut nimic
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu mai tarziu
Ne vedem mai tarziu, baiete
Ne vedem mai tarziu
Ne vedem mai tarziu,
poate niciodata
I'm attracted to him, I haven't seen anything like him before.
My mind becomes an infant's mind.
I follow his footsteps and kiss them.
I wish him to be man at home
My wish is that I'm wed to him, and become his bride.
It's irritating that he doesn't see me and doesn't notice my makeup. He doesn't my heart beat. I feel defeated.
I glance at him but he doesn't notice. My polar ice is bleeding. I'm stubborn but he has defeated me.
I think about doing it, involving the elders, taking him to his home and engaging him.
I want to change the laws of the universe, and if they say that I'm insane, his eyes are the source of my insanity. I love him.
I sense something different in him, his presence and his beautiful personality. I abandoned the world and fell in love with him.
I hope he will remain close to me, to my life, my world, my love. I want to embrace him with all my heart and soul.
I love you girl. You are 100% beautiful. Not like the rest. My love.
O my heart (in frustration)
i didn't use to believe what people say about love
and how faith finds you a lover suddenly
I used to believe when the sun sets, i'll be gone
And a pillow hugs my hope till it sleeps
Where did you come from
Before you I didn’t live
I’ve never seen comfort
I didn’t see other than my sorrows
But where did you come from
My eyes blinked and I cried
I don’t know what happened to me
When you greeted me
O my heart, god my sorrows left, I swear they left
Are you a lie or a dream
Precious, I don’t want to be shocked
God don’t take him from me
I wish I won’t be denied from you
You, from this moment
Won’t see except my love
And I won’t see except you
And nothings important after you
O my heart, god my sorrows left, I swear they left
See You Again
See your eyes
See your face
My heart kept pounding
See your face
See your eyes
So I knew I'd got you in my heart
More precious
Than any other moment
In the world I lived
Was time spent around you,
Dreams - all of that together
I cherished it like air
Every night
Too painful sad love is standing with unfamiliar face
Please, say you know the way
That wind is going
I’ll be there
I am with you
See your eyes
See your face
Tears kept flowing
Things I had
Things I had not
Everything was meaningless
Because in the world I would live
There was no any place
I could call that name
This much painful
Ever night our love is standing with unfamiliar face
Please, say you know the way
That wind is going
I’ll be there
I am with you
I’ll be there
I’ll be there
After everything gets scattered
I'll meet you
Everything will hurt
But in that place we are laughing together
I’ll be there
See you again
Snow made an angel to the doorway
Versions: #2
This story died when mom and dad broke up in the 90's
About the same time mom's father died of heart attack
I was crushed in school, we broke hearts
Nobody brought roses to the doorway
It was the end when dad went to jail
He couldn't run from the cops
Mom left to Siberia, she did nothing else than was against communism
Just being here is hard sometimes
Sometimes you're hurt by everything that's relevant to you
Sometimes it's hard to believe in God
I'm not sure if He's real
They say that the most important thing here is to be happy
And we laughed, but not for too long
When the song we sang to you in your funeral
Went like this:
And the water was black, mom wore a black dress
And the priest got coffee to drink
And dad was drunk, how else could've it been
Snow made an angel to the doorway
I remember when I walked by Vantaanjoki as a kid
I wondered what it feels like to drown
There has been times and stuff to think about
So much I've just wanted to fall asleep
It's familiar to many of us
I respect all of them
To everyone who tries to survive no matter how much it hurts
This only happens in movies
Or in August, so the ones stands out
Would have no problems
It's dark inside my head, no-one sees it
The only thought I have is wrong, the second one is the extremity
I've met thousands of sweet, suicidal girls
Guys just don't want to open up
And I, myself, understand that now
That the time you lose will never come back
I stood on the bridge, there was fog in the air
I thought of jumping but the water was black
And the water was black, mom wore a black dress
And the priest got coffee to drink
And dad was drunk, how else could've it been
Snow made an angel to the doorway
And the water was black, mom wore a black dress
And the priest got coffee to drink
And dad was drunk, how else could've it been
Snow made an angel to the doorway
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.
To the warm air
Love is like a distant star
It guides you to home, showing the way
Love is like the burning of the sun
It has seen everything happen beneath it
I can't find the right word
You don't need speaking
It will fade into the air
Oh, how everything turned like this again
The wrong way, though my intentions were the best
And even if the day brought a new direction
Can it stand what it recreated
I get icy walls break now
With the grass and ground under my feet
Walk with me this road to love
To its warm air
To its warm air (to the warm air)
To its warm air
Love is like the burning of the sun
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.
A New Dream
They shut me inside the same walls
Utopias and Curiosity
Happiness was never there, not even for a single day
Today these lights surround me
Today these lights surround me
and today the sky is bright
Inside I understand that this is my life
Reality is clear to me (I see the light)
And the cloud has dissolved
Darkness takes away nothing
Everything around me is clear
I know what freedom is
and this is the first time
Suddenly I see such great wonders
only thanks to you
Now I have finally broken my empty dreams
I finish the fragile things I began
For truth never showed itself to me before
Now I've seen her, my doubts slip away
When I see her, my eyes light up
Inside I understand that this is my path
Reality is clear to me (I see the light)
and that I want to be with you
Reality is clear to me (I see the light)
and sadness goes away
Now Happiness is here
and nothing can be hidden anymore
Look, today I have a new dream
I sense it because you're here
I sense it because you're here
I see light
A long time, there, looking out of my window,
A long time, there, looking at things far away
One lifetime, blindly searching for
Worthy dreams
I am there, marvelling at the stars
I am here, and I see clearly
And the future is clear
Because I am living my dream!
And at last I see the light!
And the fog has dissolved
And at last I see the light
And the sky has opened
And the magical world
throws my heart into the flames
I see light, someone is showing it to me
And indeed it is you yourself
For a lifetime, I wanted something useless
indeed small, unachievable, weak
For a lifetime, I always wondered
What am I searching for?
There [s]he is, and [s]he shines like a star
Suddenly, I am struck out of my senses
Right now with you I
shall find my dream!
And at last I see the light!
And the fog has dissolved
And at last I see the light
And the sky has opened
And the magical world
throws my heart into the flames
I see light, someone is showing it to me
And you are the light (x2)
Să Vezi Prin
Asteapta un minut, lasa-ma sa termin
Stiu ca nu iti pasa, dar poti sa asculti?
Am comis-o, presupun ca am tot facut-o
Mi-am purtat inima afara intr-un lant in jurul gatului
Iar acum lipseste
Deci cred ca mai bine as pleca
N-am stiut niciodata cu adevarat cum sa te multumesc
Te uiti la mine de parca
Poti sa vezi prin
Cred ca voi merge
Pur si simplu n-am stiut niciodata cum sa simt
Tu simti macar ceva?
Ai spus 'Nu ma trata urat'
Dar ai spus ca e atat de trist, asa ca am facut tot ce puteam
Negandindu-ma ca ma vei lasa bucuros
Stiu ca nu-ti pare rau, de ce ar trebui sa iti para?
Pentru ca cine sunt eu sa fiu indragostita cand iubirea ta nu e niciodata pentru mine?
Deci cred ca mai bine as pleca
N-am stiut niciodata cu adevarat cum sa te multumesc
Te uiti la mine de parca
Poti sa vezi prin
Ar Trebui Să Mă Vezi Cu O Coroană
Musca-ma de limba, astepti rabdator
Purtand un semn de avertizare
Asteapta pana cand lumea imi apartine
Viziunile pe care le vandalizez
Este frig in partea mea de regat
M-am indragostit de ochii acestia oceanici
Ar trebui sa ma vezi cu o coroana
Voi domni peste oraselul asta bun de nimic
Priveste-ma cum ii fac sa se inchine
Unul cate unul
Unul cate
Ar trebui sa ma vezi cu o coroana
Tacerea ta este sunetul meu preferat
Priveste-ma cum ii fac sa se inchine
Unul cate unul
Unul cate unul
Imi numar cartile, le privesc cum cad
Sange pe un perete de marmura
Imi place modul in care cu totii
Spune-mi ce e mai rau
Sa traiesti sau sa mori mai intai
Dormind in interiorul unui dric
Nu visez
Ai spus
Vin-o in vizita draga
Cred ca esti frumoasa
Sunt ok
Nu sunt 'draga' ta
Daca crezi ca sunt frumoasa
Ar trebui sa ma vezi cu o coroana
Voi domni peste oraselul asta bun de nimic
Priveste-ma cum ii fac sa se inchine
Unul cate unul
Unul cate
Ar trebui sa ma vezi cu o coroana
Tacerea ta este sunetul meu preferat
Priveste-ma cum ii fac sa se inchine
Unul cate unul
Unul cate unul
Voi domni peste oraselul asta bun de nimic
Priveste-ma cum ii fac sa se inchine
Unul cate unul
Unul cate
Ar trebui sa ma vezi cu o coroana
Tacerea ta este sunetul meu preferat
Priveste-ma cum ii fac sa se inchine
Unul cate unul
Unul cate unul
Autumn by the Lakeside
Like a hazy screen of blankness
Hovers mist across the lake
In the trees a rustling, faint
Wind and leaves a mournful strain
In the grand odyssey's wake
Chilly morn' after the banquets
Like a first résumé take
No sunbeams cutting through the grain
Flocks of birds voyaging wane
Goodbyes and handshakes...
Autumn by the lakeside
Weather turning, frosty hands
As we are standing by the lake
We both know, this is the end
I wonder why we will not break
Colorful leaves sweep the banks
Straying off into the gale
Woods in hundred thousand dyes
Tint the first cracks in their guise
Acting blind and acting stale
And the twilight paints us blank
Even more than we were pale
All this holds glamorous ties
Yet we cannot slake the cries
That the good times are to fail
A sight so ripe with beauty
Yet a mere remaining rest
A thought that brings a frosty shiver to our chest
Wanna go see the ocean babe
If it’s with you, I’m down down down down
Let me get in the passengers seat
Answer me quickly, now now now now
So good, sweet showers
Even the candlelight in my room
Make me feel good
I wanna get closer to you tonight
Might be a little early for this, might be a little fast
I just wanna say say
Sometimes, being spontaneous is good
boy what do you say
So take me there
Wanna go see the ocean babe
yeah you&I
If it’s with you, I’m down down down down
Let me get in the passengers seat
yeah you&I
Answer me quickly, now now now now
Wanna go see the ocean babe
yeah you&I
If it’s with you, I’m down down down down
Let me get in the passengers seat
yeah you&I
Answer me quickly, now now now now
I’m not easy, I don’t trust men
But you’re the exception
You make my heart open
Maybe today’s the day, let’s check our feelings
Tonight is the night
We fit together so well like coca and cola
This is what you said said
Honestly, you don’t know how to hide it
Boy I like that way
So take me there
Wanna go see the ocean babe
yeah you&I
If it’s with you, I’m down down down down
Let me get in the passengers seat
yeah you&I
Answer me quickly, now now now now
You and me, with the cool breeze
Let’s leave together with a kiss
I’m waiting, take me away
It’s a heart fluttering night, it’s getting hot
Give me all your love
Wanna go see the ocean babe
yeah you&I
If it’s with you, I’m down down down down
Let me get in the passengers seat
yeah you&I
Answer me quickly, now now now now
Wanna go see the ocean babe
yeah you&I
If it’s with you, I’m down down down down
Let me get in the passengers seat
yeah you&I
Answer me quickly, now now now now
I am Pakhtun
I possess elegance.
I am the beacon of peace.
I am youth of kuyber.
I am Pakhtun.
I am very blessed.
Wether I am rich or poor,
I am hardly bothered by it.
I am Pakhtun.
With the songs of Haroon Bacha and takkar,
And in the hands of love, I have grown.
I'm a verse of Ghani.
I am Pakhtun.
If you hit me with stones,
Point gun at my head.
I'll hold out flowers to you.
I am Pakhtun.
With a hat on my head,
I take pride in my honor.
I am music, a melody of love.
I am cherished by all,
I am Pakhtun.
I am a verse of Ghani
I am Pakhtun.
Leave Him
Leave him,
Tomorrow passion will bring him on his own
He'll find out that my heart is his love
He left me and I wouldn't leave him
And what can I do?
He told me to forget my passion
and to go far away from him
But still, I am better than him
I will never forget his love
because he is my life
Oh my heart, just let him abandon his love
He'll end up suffering in life
and he'll need me like I need him
My love is his fate
It's fine
His heart wouldn't bear my absence
He's all bark and no bite
Tomorrow he'll come trying to make it up to me
What's the worst he could do?
When he regrets losing me
I know he will come begging me
Even if he tried to forget me,
he can forget that
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
Să vedem marea
Ai vrea să mergem să vedem marea ,iubitule?
Numai dacă sunt cu tine
Sunt gata, gata, gata
Ia-mă și lasă-mă să mă așez lângă tine
Răspunde-mi repejor
Acum ,acum, acum
Atât de bună , o baie dulce
Chiar și această lumânare luminându-mi camera
Fă-mă să mă simt bine
În noaptea asta vreau doar să mă apropii de tine
În noaptea asta
Poate că încă e devreme,poate că e puțin cam repede
Vreau doar să spun
Câteodată îmi place să fiu spontană
Băiete ,ce spui?
Deci , ia-mă acolo
Ai vrea să mergem să vedem marea ,iubitule?
Numai dacă sunt cu tine
Sunt gata, gata, gata
Ia-mă și lasă-mă să mă așez lângă tine
Da, tu și cu mine
Răspunde-mi repejor
Acum ,acum, acum
Ai vrea să mergem să vedem marea ,iubitule?
Numai dacă sunt cu tine
Sunt gata, gata, gata
Ia-mă și lasă-mă să mă așez lângă tine
Da, tu și cu mine
Răspunde-mi repejor
Acum ,acum, acum
Nu cedez ușor ,n-am încredere în bărbați
Dar tu faci excepție
Îmi deschizi mintea
Poate că noaptea asta e noaptea
În care ne verificăm sentimentele unul altuia
Noaptea asta e acea noaptea
Avem o groază de lucruri în comun
La fel ca Coca și Cola
Asta e ceea ce mi-ai spus
Sincer , nu știi cum să-ți ascunzi sentimentele
Băiete,mie așa îmi place
Deci , ia-mă acolo
Ai vrea să mergem să vedem marea ,iubitule?
Numai dacă sunt cu tine
Sunt gata, gata, gata
Ia-mă și lasă-mă să mă așez lângă tine
Da, tu și cu mine
Răspunde-mi repejor
Acum ,acum, acum
O briză răcoroasă ,tu și cu mine la la la
Plecăm doar noi doi singuri
Aștept să mă săruți
Du-mă să văd marea
O noapte interesantă, simt că iau foc
Dă-mi toată iubirea ta
Ai vrea să mergem să vedem marea ,iubitule?
Numai dacă sunt cu tine
Sunt gata, gata, gata
Ia-mă și lasă-mă să mă așez lângă tine
Da, tu și cu mine
Răspunde-mi repejor
Acum ,acum, acum
Ai vrea să mergem să vedem marea ,iubitule?
Numai dacă sunt cu tine
Sunt gata, gata, gata
Ia-mă și lasă-mă să mă așez lângă tine
Da, tu și cu mine
Răspunde-mi repejor
Acum ,acum, acum
The Daughter of the Sea
'Confide ye not in the Daughter of the Sea
Beware ye of her!'
Thus he exclaimed
As he was swallowed by the sea
And sunk in the dark of night.
Blood red are the shores of Kalimdor
Dost thou hearest the crying of men?
Her father fell in Theramore
For she had left him there alone.
Why, why, oh Daughter of the Sea
Why hast thou forgotten who thou art?
Thou wast the Guiding Starof our nation
Yet now thy light has all but extinguished.
She fled westwards over the Great Sea
The father did follow with haste
And in his heavy heart, he held just one request
'Oh Sea, wherefore is my child?'
Yet suddenly in the distant shore
The enemy approaches
The daughter beheld the merciless onslaught
But turned away.
Betrayed from the only child
He cried out full of grief and pain
As he sank deep into the watery abyss,
'Confide ye not in the Daughter of the Sea!'
I hear the call far over the silverysea
It still resounds to this day,
'Confide ye not in the Daughter of the Sea.
Beware ye.
Beware... of me.'
'Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise!'
I Loved You So That I Forgot Sleep
Versions: #2
I loved you so that I forgot sleep
My fear is that you will forget me
You locked me up outside of sleep
And left me staying awake into the night
I loved you, I loved you
I loved you, I loved you
I miss you -- I can't see you
Nor can I speak to you
I call you behind the streets
And behind the windows
I try to forget
You steal forgetfulness
And I think I have found you
Return for me what was
And everything is lost from me, I didn't find you
I loved you, I loved you
I loved you, I loved you
My fear is that I will still love you
In the coming days
And I run away from your forgetting
Don't look in the mirror
My jail is you, you are my jail
And my freedom is you
And you are what I hate
And what I love is you
I wish I had not stayed up and put you to sleep
I loved you, I loved you
I loved you, I loved you
Where are they going?
Why are they so busy?
Feels like their souls have been sucked out
Their heads are down low on their phones (eyes fixed)
Hey look up, it’s dangerous
All those people gathering around the bus station
It’s so gross
Like a frowning cat’s face
Where is everyone going?
Where is their destination?
I’m curious
Where are you going?
They look miserable
Llike they’re being dragged
Their faces, their legs look so heavy babe
Whoa (whoa) look at him (look at him)
Where’s he going (where’s he going) take me with you
Whoa (whoa) look at him (look at him)
Where’re you going (where’re you going) take me with you
Whoa doo loo doo doo doo
Doo loo doo doo doo
Take me with you
Whoa doo loo doo doo doo
Doo loo doo doo doo
Take me with you
That lady over there is so busy
She’s not gonna look at me
The moment her eyes turn (hey hey)
Hey look up, it’s dangerous
All those people gathering around the bus station
It’s so gross
Like a frowning cat’s face
Where is everyone going?
Where is their destination?
I’m curious
Where are you going?
They look miserable
Llike they’re being dragged
Their faces, their legs look so heavy babe
Whoa (whoa) look at him (look at him)
Where’s he going (where’s he going) take me with you
Whoa (whoa) look at him (look at him)
Where’re you going (where’re you going) take me with you
Whoa doo loo doo doo doo
Doo loo doo doo doo
Take me with you
Whoa doo loo doo doo doo
Doo loo doo doo doo
Take me with you
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Whoa (whoa) look at him (look at him)
Where’s he going (where’s he going) take me with you
Whoa (whoa) look at him (look at him)
Where’re you going (where’re you going) take me with you
Whoa doo loo doo doo doo
Doo loo doo doo doo
Take me with you
Whoa doo loo doo doo doo
Doo loo doo doo doo
Take me with you
Things Are Not Always What They Seem
People don't always say what they think
Things are not always what you believe
Be careful before getting yourself involved
Don't take one thing for another
Who knows, friend or enemy, don't get worried
For better or worse, wait for your time to come!
People don't always say what they think
Things are not always what you believe
Be careful before getting yourself involved
Don't take one thing for another
Rumors come and go, seek the truth
It hides away, then suddenly, it becomes clear!
People don't always say what they think
Things are not always what you believe
Be careful before getting yourself involved
Don't take one thing for another
Nothing is what you believe!
The summer passes
the winter come, and I am still the same
Days go by
And I am still hearing words
About a dream that ended and ceased
I wish I can scream out loud
I wish I can escape my silence
I wish I can break my walls
I am helpless and restraind
I wish I can change and be changed
The summer passes, the winter come, and I am still the same
Days go by
And I am still hearing words about a dream that ended and ceased
I wish I can choose my own way
That I can run a wat and free my self
That I talk and speak
That I shout and revolt
I wish I can change and be changed
The summer passes, the winter come, and I am still the same
Twilight & Palmtrees
The twilight drenched palm-trees in the light of dusk
So they bent their sides beautifully, wherever they could (~Randomly)
How & how it went on here in the streams
The parade of light, like braids
All who saw its golden hair (the light)
Kept on looking at it wherever it went .
Anywhere it walked, it kept on bending & wobbling
got lost & went on
While the twilight
drenched palm-trees in the light of dusk
So they bent their sides beautifully
Anyhow they could
And listen to the song of clarity
Its whispering got louder while it is increasing
Its seedling stepping on sunset-horizons
Hurrying its steps like a runaway
Who mixed in the redness (red light like shed-blood) & frightened the day
Which said in concern (the day)
The twilight drenched palm-trees in the light of dusk
So they bent their sides beautifully anyhow they could
The twilight drenched palm-trees