Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 39

Număr de rezultate: 1406


Easy poem

I am not looking for peace, I cannot stand war
tranquil and alone I go around the world in a dream
full of suffocated songs. I long for
fog and silence in a grand port.
In a grand port full of slight sails
ready to take off for the azure horizon
sweetly swaying, while the whisper
of the wind passes with brief accords.
And those accords the wind brings
faraway over the unknown sea.
Dream. Life is sad and I am alone.
Oh when oh when in an ardent morning
will my soul awaken in the sun
in the eternal sun, free and quivering.

Golubi letyat nad nashey zonoy (Голуби летят над нашей зоной)

Голуби летят над нашей зоной,
Голубям нигде преграды нет,
Как бы мне хотелось с голубями
На родную землю улететь.
Но забор высокий не пускает
И колючек в несколько рядов,
Часовые с вышек наблюдают,
И собаки рвутся с поводов.
Вечер за решёткой догорает,
Солнце тлеет, словно уголёк.
На тюремных нарах напевает,
Что-то напевает паренёк.
Он поёт, как трудно жить на свете
Без красивых ласковых подруг,
А ещё труднее жить без воли,
Вся тюрьма заслушалася вдруг.
Плачут в дальних камерах ребята,
Вспоминая молодость свою,
Вспоминая прошлое когда-то,
Как говорили ласково - люблю.
Даже самый главный надзиратель
У стены задумчиво стоит,
Только он один и знает
Сколько пареньку осталось жить.
А под вечер вздрогнули засовы,
Повели по лестнице его,
Он сказал последние три слова -
Приведите сына моего.
На площадку лестницы тюремной
Привели парнишку лет пяти,
Он кинулся на шею с криком - папа,
Папа, ты с собой меня возьми.
Он кинулся на шею с криком - папа,
Папа, ты с собой меня возьми.
Вечер за решёткой догорает,
Солнце тлеет, словно уголёк,
А под утро вся тюрьма узнает -
Ночью был расстрелян паренёк.
Голуби летят над нашей зоной,
Голубям нигде преграды нет.
Как бы мне хотелось с голубями
На свободу к маме улететь.


Drumeag ce timpul l-a şters
pe care împreună, într-o zi, ne-ai văzut trecând pe-aici
Am venit pentru ultima dată
am venit să-ţi spun durerea
Drumeag care în zilele astea erai
înconjurat de trifoi şi grabă a florilor,
doar o umbră în curând tu vei fi
doar o umbră exact ca mine
De când a plecat,
trăiesc în tristeţi
drumeag, prietene,
voi pleca şi eu.
De când a plecat,
nu s-a mai întors
Îi urmez paşii
la revedere, drumeagul meu...
Drumeag pe care în fiecare după-amiază,
păşeam fericit cântându-mi iubirea,
nu-i spune dacă se va întoarce
că lacrimile mele au udat pământul.
Drumeag acoperit cu ierburi,
mâna timpului ţi-a şters urma
Lângă tine mi-ar plăcea să cad
lasă timpul să ne omoare pe-amândoi
De când a plecat,
trăiesc în tristeţi
drumeag, prietene,
voi pleca şi eu.
De când a plecat,
nu s-a mai întors
Îi urmez paşii
la revedere, drumeagul meu...

Mi-ar plăcea

Mi-ar plăcea să-ţi arăt o cale în oceanul vieţii
un loc unde nimeni nu a putut să ajungă mai înainte
unde vântu-i prieten
şi briza-i întristarea
ce-ţi îmbrăţişează trupul, iubire, pe fugă
Mi-ar plăcea să-mi fi alături, femeie
cântecul zorilor să adoarmă pe pielea ta
şoptind în urechea ta fără teama uitării
poemele iubirii
poemele de ieri...
Aş vrea să mă pierd în trupul tău şi să ancorez
în portul tău, barca mea goală de iubire
să scriu cu lacrimile mele tristeţile pe nisip
şi să las valurile să-mi şteargă durerea
Mi-ar plăcea să-mi fi alături, femeie
să împărtăşeşti cu mine viaţa ta şi apoi
când vântul de toamnă atinge templul tău
Vom fi împreună la fel de uniţi ca şi ieri
Mi-ar plăcea să-ţi arăt o cale în oceanul vieţii
un loc unde nimeni nu a putut să ajungă mai înainte
unde vântu-i prieten
şi briza-i întristarea
ce-ţi îmbrăţişează trupul, iubire, pe fugă
Mi-ar plăcea să-mi fi alături, femeie
cântecul zorilor să adoarmă pe pielea ta
şoptind în urechea ta fără teama uitării
poemele iubirii
poemele de ieri...

Away we went

Independent, like the air,
Descemer Bueno
Micha, Enrique Iglesia
I don't want this night to pass and be over,
I want it to be endless,
she knows how to get inside my head,
smoothly, she destresses me,
she knows what button to push on me,
'cause she has the power and the magic to impress me.
When I'm with her, is like drinking passion entirely out from the bottle,
when she surrenders, I fall, drunk,
drunk in love, between her arms
when she kisses me, her taste takes me to heaven,
and I get lost into her universe,
I take a one-way trip,
and ask her, ''Let's go, further away''.
We started in the ground,
and then took off
you and I, away we went,
you and I, away we went, away
we started in the ground, (we started in the ground,)
and then took off, (and then took off)
you and I, away we went,
you and I, away we went, away.
I want the feelings to win, tonight
keep them rising, free like the wind.
She knows how to make me fall in love,
please me and have some fun,
she knows what button to push on me,
'cause she has the power and the magic to impress me.
When I'm with her, is like drinking passion entirely out from the bottle,
when she surrenders, I fall, drunk,
drunk in love, between her arms
when she kisses me, her taste takes me to heaven,
and I get lost into her universe,
I take a one-way trip,
and ask her, ''Let's go, further away''.
We started in the ground,
and then took off
you and I, away we went,
you and I, away we went, away
we started in the ground, (we started in the ground,)
and then took off, (and then took off)
you and I, away we went,
you and I, away we went, away.
Away we went,
no stops or luggage,
or customs office, so you won't be left with the desire,
that if you don't open the door, I'll climb out the window,
that if you call yourself Eve, don't hide the apple from me,
that it's not a little, daddy, I have quite a lot... quantity
that with your daddy you won't be afraid of the dark
we started on the ground, the bed and then the couch,
and we leave the bathroom if you ask me for more, later.
We started in the ground, (we started in the ground,)
and then took off, (and then took off)
you and I, away we went,
you and I, away we went, away.
We started in the ground, (we started in the ground,)
and then took off, (and then took off)
you and I, away we went,
you and I, away we went, away.
We started in the ground, (we started in the ground,)
and then took off, (and then took off)
you and I, away we went, away.
you and I, away we went.
Just learning.

Romance Doubt

Calm down, the swells of excitement,
Get rest, lonely heart that lost all hope,
I'm crying, I'm hurting, my soul's grown so tired of estrangement!
I dream of a happy opponent,
He haunts me, persistent and fearsome,
My envy is burning, is boiling with malice in secret!
The sorrowful time will be over,
Again we'll embrace one another,
With passion and fervor the heart will pulsate, resurrected...
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

A fragile man

You've turned me into a fragile man
Stone has become clay
That's how a man
Can one day beg
Only one person
That's me a fragile man
[To whom] love hangs by a thread
The thread was used
Before breaking
The instant you left me
With you I was capable
Of standing up to everyone
And look at me [now] a sandcastle
That just wave wave overturned
You've turned me into a fragile man
As the unloved...
Will I get over it?
Tell myself: 'I continue'?
The day I lose everything?
And look at me a fragile man
Without a tear at the tip of the eyelashes
My life as if in exile
Hangs by a thread
And that's me a fragile man
If the line between
Power and weakness is invisibile
I feel it again as if a great emptiness
And I don't even have your address
You've turned me into a fragile man
As the unloved...
Will I get over it?
Tell myself: 'I continue'?
The day I lose everything?
And look at me a fragile man
Without a tear at the end of the eyelashes
My life as if in exile
Hangs by a thread
And that's me a fragile man

Mă cunoști

Oh, oh, welcome to my queen! My queen, baby!
Ai-ai-ai-a, Alisia - vino și ia-o!
Move your body, shake your body,
Give me your body, bo-bo-body!
Move your body, shake your body,
Give me your body, bo-bo-body!
Să te sărut? Să te lovesc?
Ambele mi-ar plăcea!
Chiar dacă te sărut, chiar dacă te lovesc,
Până la urmă, tot te voi iubi!
Spune-mi cum faci de nu mă lași să mă supăr pe tine
Mi-ai luat sufletul și îl ții în puf
Nimeni nu a reușit să mă supună până astăzi,
Și să-mi suporte mofturile
Să conduc periculos - tu mă lași
Să cheltui mulți bani - tu mă lași
Și să ies în oraș mă lași
Tu mă cunoști, tu mă cunoști
M-ai făcut așa repede să te plac
Și să fiu geloasă - tu mă lași
Cum să uit că mă cunoști?
Eh, mă enervează cât de bine mă știi!
Să te sărut? Să te lovesc?
Ambele mi-ar plăcea!
Chiar dacă te sărut, chiar dacă te lovesc,
Până la urmă, tot te voi iubi!
Spune-mi cum faci de nu mă lași să mă supăr pe tine
Mi-ai luat sufletul și îl ții în puf
Nimeni nu a reușit să mă supună până astăzi,
Și să-mi suporte mofturile
Să conduc periculos - tu mă lași
Să cheltui mulți bani - tu mă lași
Și să ies în oraș mă lași
Tu mă cunoști, tu mă cunoști
M-ai făcut așa repede să te plac
Și să fiu geloasă - tu mă lași
Cum să uit că mă cunoști?
Eh, mă enervează cât de bine mă știi!
Să te sărut? Să te lovesc?
Ambele mi-ar plăcea!
Chiar dacă te sărut, chiar dacă te lovesc,
Până la urmă, tot te voi iubi!
Love me, oh la la la...
Love me, oh baby, love me...
Love me, I think about you, love me, I think about you...
Love me, I think about you, baby!
Love me, I think about you, love me, I think about you...
Love me, I think about you, baby!
Să te sărut? Să te lovesc?
Ambele mi-ar plăcea!
Chiar dacă te sărut, chiar dacă te lovesc,
Până la urmă, tot te voi iubi!


It's strangers who are holding me back.
So many things I've been given in life!
Probably all I lacked was only pigeon's milk1, and that's all.
And I have no children,
My first child became my last one.
I have no relatives,
I have some, but remote, distant.
My husband passed away because he was weak.
When I was in good health I kept a cow and a piglet,
And was happy about it.
I cared for them and tend them.
And now I can't take care of the catle, I can't do anything in this world.
I have a pension, oh, it's not that much, but I don't mind that.
We need kind people, who will bring the victory.
Because we still have those old people who complain about their children, and I already know things he has no idea of.
And we have those old people who complain about their children shouting at them, and now I know what it's like.
I suffered the way I had no joy in life, many things happened, a war...
But I ate any food I could find and survived.
Glory be to Jesus Christ!
Glory be to grey headed God!
Hey! Hey!
The Earth and God can't take it anymore.
Everything is coming on us just like ancient people predicted from the earliest times.
And they were wise soothsayers!
People are flying in the sky, the Hutsuls2 can't choose a ribbon3,
Forget their traditions, the only thing we're missing here it's the Devil himself.
It's the end of the world!
  • 1. Pigeon's milk is something which is difficult to obtain.
  • 2. An ethnographic group of Ukrainian pastoral highlanders inhabiting the Hutsul region in the Carpathian Mountains.
  • 3. I'm not sure what the part about the Hutsuls mean, but I suppose it's about being too picky? Or maybe not.

Don't Cry, Love

Don't cry, my love...
Soon I'll return...
Don't cry, my love...
Soon I'll return...
Someone will have
Don't cry, my love...
spoke to you about me
Soon I'll return...
Saying how I'm not
Soon I'll return...
Worthy of you
Soon I'll return...
If at night I then tell you
Me crying over ?
You always answer that
It's not true, it's not true
At the casino we found each other
In those days we loved each other
And those days did not change
Believe me
Don't cry, love
Because you want to be alone
In that way I could
Stop crying about her
I know everything about you
Don't cry, my love...
You know everything about me
Soon I'll return...
So I won't be able to
Don't cry, my love...
never ?
Soon I'll return...
But if one day I'll err
And ask for your pardon
I know you'll pardon me
The pardon is always love
At the casino we found each other
In those days we loved each other
And those days did not change
Believe me
Don't cry, love
Because you want to be alone
In that way I could
Stop crying about her
Don't cry, love
Because you want to be alone
In that way I could...

They say men shouldn't cry

When I lost you
I didn't understand your ingratitude
So I remained
Without conforming to the loneliness.
My injured soul and my life lost
I just tripped
All my friends always used to tell me
better to end
They say men shouldn't cry
over a woman that doesn't wish to love
and as I coudn't
hold my weeping,
closing my eyes,
I started to cry.
I tried to forget
Seeing you leave telling me 'good-bye'
For that reason I've made my [own] prison
My sad dream...

Cats' song

Mice and fleas know that you shouldn't mess with cats
Let dogs know that their hours are numbered
We feel hatred for them
Give us a sign and we'll catch all the dogs
Let's turn a kennel into the glue factory today, guys!

Tell me you'll cry

Tell me you'll cry,
when you lose me.
Tell me you can be so happy,
only me with me alone.
Just once I'd like to hear it from you,
and then will all my dreams come true.
Tell me that you too are happy,
[with] us living as a couple.
Then you'll never,
never need to cry
I will be near you.
What I am and what I have
should also from today belong to you,
but first I'd like
to know from you,
if you really love me.
Tell me you'll cry,
when you lose me.
Tell me you can be so happy,
only me with me alone.
Just once I'd like to hear it from you,
and then will all my dreams come true.
Tell me that you too are happy,
[with] us living as a couple.
Then you'll never,
never need to cry
I will be near you.
Then the sun
bright for us will shine,
and you won't be alone.

And Maybe It Was Not Me

Versions: #3
And maybe it was not me - so be still
But my heart pounds on by itself without me
And its sinews split asunder themselves
As though a scattering of light
But maybe it's so, or maybe not...
But maybe it's so, or maybe not...
And maybe it was not me - tell (me)
But the blood, it runs like a river amongst the rocks
And its vessels split asunder themselves
As though a scattering of light
But maybe it's so, or maybe not...
But maybe it's so, or maybe not...
And the floe and the fever will touch you - hold on, come to
A serene and simple hand flipping through the days
And its strands split asunder themselves
As though a scattering of light
But maybe it's so, or maybe not...
But maybe it's so, or maybe not...

Sweet Water, Water of the Sea

With the passing of the years
I learned with life
either you live intensely
or I'll dream dies.
With the passing of the years
affection is more intense,
we live the present
one doesn't play with luck.
Sweet water, water of the sea
For water it comes for water it goes
Sweet water, water of the sea
Such is life, it takes and it gives.
[Sweet water, water of the sea
For water it comes for water it goes
Sweet water, water of the sea
Such is life, it takes and it gives]
You, the water that falls from the sky
and which the waves will carry away
I want to drink you sweet
but you taste like the sea
I want to drink you sweet
but you taste like the sea
Sweet water, water of the sea
Sweet water, water of the sea.
With the passing of the years
we measure our steps
we go on a good path
to forget the failures.
With the passing of the years
so much one learns,
The heart is made strong
and feelings rise up.
Sweet water, water of the sea
For water it comes for water it goes
Sweet water, water of the sea
Such is life, it takes and it gives.
[Sweet water, water of the sea
For water it comes for water it goes
Sweet water, water of the sea
Such is life, it takes and it gives]
You, the water that falls from the sky
and which the waves will carry away
I want to drink you sweet
but you taste like the sea
I want to drink you sweet
but you taste like the sea.
[Sweet water, water of the sea
Sweet water, water of the sea.
Sweet water, water of the sea
Sweet water, water of the sea.]
Sweet water, water of the sea
Sweet water, water of the sea.
Sweet water, water of the sea
Sweet water, water of the sea.


(I’m) Living on the cords of memory and waiting for (someone) to push me (forward)
Drowning in the sea of the past and in need for a straw
To pull me (back) to you tonight
To get me in where I can relax in your arms
My problem is not that I’m not by your side
My problem is the paralyzed living in my chest
Who wants to walk (again)
And go to you and ask for forgiveness
And tell you that he’s been wrong
(That) he wasn’t aware that someone like you
Is unforgettable
My problem is not that I’m not by your side
My problem is the paralyzed living in my chest
Who wants to walk (again)
Lend me my heart from your chest
If you got tired of it
As if it’s going to leave your bosom (for real)
If you ever asked for that
I don’t want my heart
I’m going to leave it for you
My problem is not that I’m not by your side
My problem is the paralyzed living in my chest
Who wants to walk (again)
And go to you and ask for forgiveness
And tell you that he’s been wrong
(That) he wasn’t aware that someone like you
Is unforgettable
My problem is not that I’m not by your side
My problem is the paralyzed living in my chest
Who wants to walk (again)

You burn my bonfire, burn

Versions: #2
Who needs the legends about God?
We are not blind you and I!
Our gods are those roads,
That leading to the deadly fight.
Trying hard the drum,
The bugle signalled, roll-call is on,
And among us there are no lazy ones.
You burn my bonfire, burn
My comrade and my friend,
My companion.
Everyone for themselves, but we're going only forward,
Towards the light of the fire, through darkness and hell,
Farewell mum, farewell dad,
My little sister, farewell.
The flame flares up
In to the wind and vastness it had gone,
To be the first in time we'll learn.
You burn my bonfire, burn
My comrade and my friend,
My companion.

With love or without love

Only four words in Spanish are needed: con amor o sin amor,
everybody knows that one can do it too, con amor o sin amor.
You're almost always right,
because the sentence, and that's important,
Definitively fits in every year, year in, year out.
Does that feel very Spanish to you,
it is easier to live with love
or without love, and this you too try out now..
Whether in good or bad, with love or without love,
somehow you have to read it, with love or without love.
Either way, what's right is
that you live, only that is important,
because you only live life once.
Either way, what's right is
that you live, only that is important
because you only live life once.
You have sorrows, you have worries, with love or without love.
Every night has a morning, with love or without love... Bravo!
Black or white, you may turn it,
as you wish, so will it end,
as it must, and you can do [only] a little about it.
Black or white, you may turn it,
as you wish, so will it end,
as it must, and you can do [only] a little about it.
Only four words in Spanish are needed: con amor o sin amor,
everybody knows that one can do it too, con amor o sin amor.
You're almost always right,
because the sentence, and that's important,
suits well in any case every year, year in, year out.
Does that feel very Spanish to you,
it is easier to live with love
or without love, and this you too try out now.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, with love or without love...
Let's see... Let's see... With love or without love...
Oh, very well, ver wel... Now in Spanish...
Let's see... With love or without love...
Oh, bravo... Bravo... With love or without love...
Ohhh! Very well...!

Pink elephant

Where baobabs came to a slope,
Pink elephant was living in the meadow.
Maybe he was a little bit gray.
Shoes he was wearing size 100.
Smart tigers, silly jackal
Were moving quieter if he was asleep.
He was a little baggy on the outside.
Kind ears, gentle gaze.
But days of change came.
A cunning hunter captured him.
And in a zoo on a dull day
He became an ordinary gray elephant.
Beasts laugh, joke about him:
'Oh so handsome! Gray as a home!'
The elephant smiled, the elephant forgave them.
But for some reason the elephant became sad.
It's a waste to feel down, there's no trouble!
I know you are pink!
Maybe, accidentally somewhere in a dream
You leaned against a gray wall.
My kind elephant, I'm sorry,
Life has gray days.
The sun will give dawn soon,
It will paint skin pink!
It will paint skin pink!


I often think of Charly,
On the street I
found him, near his end,
Oh, Charly.
Separated from the others,
freezing in the rain
and so helpless, Little Charly.
With broken wings,
he lay lonely at the bottom of the little one,
I picked it up
Oh, Charly.
Took him in my hands,
which gave the bird
hope and warmth,
Little Charly.
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...
I carried him home,
he recovered soon,
flew around the room,
Oh, Charly.
One day he flew,
unsure in his freedom
on towards heaven,
Little Charly.
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...
I often think of Charly,
On the street I
found him, near his end,
Oh, Charly.
One day he flew,
stop in freedom
on to heaven,
little Charly.
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...

A song of a little train from Romashkovo

A big field, a green forest...
So many roads and ways in spring
It's so good to live in the world
Shy, the sun!
Wish us a good way, the wind!
A good
A good
A good way!
The most, the most,
The most good way!
Everything is interesting, wherever you look
A harmonious song sounds over the world
It's so good to live in the world
Shy, the sun!
Wish us a good way, the wind!
A good
A good
A good way!
The most, the most,
The most good way!
A big field, a green forest...
So many roads and ways in spring
It's so good to live in the world
Shy, the sun!
Wish us a good way, the wind!
A good
A good
A good way!
The most, the most,
The most good way!

The Highway

The rain is falling and it is night, on the long highway
How long is [the] way, only me and nothing else
Kilometers passing by, thinking of her
What a night, what silence, she knew
that I am running, thinking of her.
The cars on the road, always passing by
The noise of trucks, getting lowder
There are no people on that street, it is raining
The night is darker, I am suffering,
I am running, thinking of her.
I continue on that highway without having you,
without knowing if one day I'll find you,
I will go faster.
The bars at that hour, are closing
The lovers' motels still waiting
A train crosses the road, it is slow
While my thoughts run quickly [inside my head]
thinking of her, thinking of her.
I continue on that highway without having you,
without knowing if one day I'll find you,
I will go faster.
Thinking, imagining, the suffering increases
I skid on a curve,
the brake heats
The need indicates 170 [kph].
I continue on that highway without having you,
without knowing if one day I'll find you,
I will go faster.
The rain is falling and the night seems eternal,
Jealousy drives me crazy thinking of her
Lost in uncertainty and in the mist
I don't see that I'm almost without gas.
The rain is falling and it is night, on the long highway
I don't even feel the silence, of the dawn
The rain is falling and it is night, on the long highway
I don't know if she's waiting, I don't know anything more.
The rain is falling and it is night, on the long highway
What a night, only me nothing else.

Marching off to the cinema

Today we are joyful walking down the street
Grown-ups smile when they meet us
An ice lolly is so tasty today
It's great that our class is going to the cinema
The real cinema is better than TV
Everyone in our class agrees with that
Your friends are always with you
You feel bored at home with your parents
At night grown-ups enjoy watching
People kiss each other over an hour on the telly
In the cinema you can tell your friend that it's rubbish
But you should keep silent when you are at home
The real cinema is better than TV
Everyone in our class agrees with that
We so long dreamed about this beautiful day
Today our class is going to the cinema

Tears No One Sees

You loved him
And thought he was
the only one.
Today you must cry,
Because he's leaving you.
Does your heart know where
The dark clouds pass
Over your life?
You gave so much,
Nothing gave he in return.
Tears no one sees,
Are your secret,
Whenever you are alone
And the day escapes.
Tears no one sees,
Will be over,
And you will be free
For a new happiness.
Evenings you lay awake,
Think about many things at night.
Your beautiful eyes
no one should allow,
To be so sad.
Tears no one sees,
Are your secret,
Whenever you are alone
And the day escapes.
Tears no one sees,
Will be over,
And you will be free
For a new happiness.
Tears no one sees,
Will be over,
And you will be free
For a new happiness!

Angel of the Night

Evenings, when you are alone
When times doesn't pass by
When you are ill with longing
For no one understands you.
When you'll awaken in the darkness
And feel yourself lost
Close your eyes and call me
Feel in you, how I come.
As an angel of the night
I am invisible there
I give you my all
Dream and cry with you
Until the day awakens.
And I am no near to you
I lay my hand on your hair
And whatever you may encounter
I guard your sleep
As an angel of the night.
You are unlike the others
No one has seen through you
And also those who loved you
Only know your skin.
Is love true?
Or is it just an illusion?
Close your eyes and call me
Feel in you, how I come.
As an angel of the night
I am invisible there
I give you my all
Dream and cry with you
Until the day awakens.
And I am no near to you
I lay my hand on your hair
And whatever you may encounter
I guard your sleep
As an angel of the night.
I do not know your name
But I know who you are
I haven't found you completely
I've always missed you.
And also where you always may be
I will wait for you already
Close your eyes and call me
Feel in you, how I come.
As an angel of the night
I am invisible there
I give you my all
Dream and cry with you
Until the day awakens.
And I am no near to you
I lay my hand on your hair
And whatever you may encounter
I guard your sleep
As an angel of the night.

Lagoon of Love

Blue sea and white sand
like a photo out of a dream
And my boat rides along the beach
You are there
In the faraway loneliness
lives the happiness we can trust
This wonderful time
comes only once, comes only once,
On the lagoon of love
Lovers play in the sunshine
We enjoy this happiness alone
Softly sings the sea
Life can be so beautiful
On the lagoon of love
The wind sings softly in your hair
One day makes all wonders come true
Our world is lost
The lagoon of love
The wind sings softly in your hair
One day makes all wonders come true
Our world is lost
The lagoon of love
And we lay for hours
Said neither us two not even a word
And where the red sun
sank in the sea
Blue night and red wine
Don't leave my heart
Hold me tight, I am alone
But stay with me, but stay with me
On the lagoon of love
Lovers play in the sunshine
We enjoy this happiness alone
Softly sings the sea
Life can be so beautiful
On the lagoon of love
The wind sings softly in your hair
One day makes all wonders come true
Our world is lost
The lagoon of love
The wind sings softly in your hair
One day makes all wonders come true
Our world is lost
The lagoon of love
True love knows the way
to the lagoon and to happiness
Whenever you think of me
your heart returns to it
On the lagoon of love
Lovers play in the sunshine
We enjoy this happiness alone
Softly sings the sea
Life can be so beautiful
On the lagoon of love
The wind sings softly in your hair

Daca ma parasesti nu merita

Valiza pe pat
e aceea dintr-o o lunga calatorie
si tu fara sa-mi spui nimic ai avut curajul
cu orgoliul ranit a celui ce apoi se razvrateste
dar cand te enervezi esti si mai frumoasa.
Si astfel, pe neasteptate eu as fi lichidat
dar sa stii victima unei analize grsite
daca un barbat tradeaza, tradeaza pe jumatate
pentru cinci minute si nu mai erai aici
Daca ma parasesti nu merita (daca ma parasesti nu merita)
Daca ma parasesti nu merita (daca ma parasesti nu merita)
Nu ti se pare un pic scump
pretul pe care eu sunt pe cale sa-l platesc?
(Daca ma parasesti nu merita) daca ma parasesti nu merita
(daca ma parasesti nu merita) daca ma parasesti nu merita
inauntrul acelei valize tot trecutul nostru
nu poate sa stea
Pune la loc fiecare lucru si sa vorbim un pic
eu greseli am facut, vinovat sunt
dar ceea ce conteaza intre a spune si a face
e sa stii sa mergi mai departe dar si sa stii a te intoarce
Daca ma parasesti nu merita (daca ma parasesti nu merita)
Nu ti se pare un pic scump
(Daca ma parasesti nu merita) daca ma parasesti nu merita
inauntrul acelei vaize tot trecutul nostru
(Daca ma parasesti nu merita) daca ma parasesti nu merita
inauntrul acelei valize tot trecutul nostru
(Daca ma parasesti nu merita) daca ma parasesti nu merita
inauntrul acelei valize tot trecutul nostru

Good Day, Argentina

Good day, Argentina,
it was long, my way to you,
though now I wave the sombrero,
good day, I am here!
Good day, Buenos Aires,
when the red sun glows
it whistles [to me] in the distance, from 'La Plata',
and it sings with me a song:
Good day, Argentina,
Good day, you foreign land,
good day, Argentina,
come we shake hands.
Good day, Argentina,
my melody is named so
and it should unite us two
with the harmony's band.
Good day to her guitars,
when the evening goes down,
they should tell me lightly
how the song of the Pampas rings.
Good day, miss,
and when you are then with me,
time will seems to you as if a dream,
because you never more [will] forget.
Good day, Argentina,
Good day, you foreign land,
good day, Argentina,
come we shake hands.
Good day, Argentina,
my melody is named so
and it should unite us two
with the harmony's band.

Far Away from You

I see the highway pass by, I see you
The curves make me dream, I kiss you
Far away from you
Wait for me, I want you together with me.
I pass along the seashore, we play
I turn on the radio to play, we dance
Far away from you
Wait for me, I want you together with me.
The rain leaves me again crying.
I step on the accelerator flying.
A green light tells me: Go
Not even one sigh tells me: Exit
Far away from you
Wait for me, I want you together with me.
A green light tells me: Go
Not even one sigh tells me: Exit
Far away from you
Wait for me, I want you together with me.

In the darkness for your fear

Tonight I had a terrible dream,
it was pitch dark.
Tonight I was afraid,
a shadow covered my face.
I felt a horrible fear,
my body was turning to dust.
And then I woke up
but the nightmare remained.
I used to be a great mage,
famous across the whole Russia.
When the royals betrayed me
I got into rage.
I cursed their world,
but I made a mistake with one girl.
Beware, Anya,
Rasputin will be bad.
In the darkness for your fear
it will find its path.
In the darkness for your fear
it knows its way.
On that day I will honour my promise,
one of us has to die.
In the darkness for your fear
I will come.
Blood is throbbing in my veins already,
my strength returns.
Tighten the waist,
drown that dreadful stench in cologne.
For aught I care, may you comb your hair yet,
when I'm in good shape again, you will see!
До свидáния, Aня, evil I will be!
In the darkness for your fear
the horror will take you.
Gruesome am I!
In the darkness for your fear
It will be a sin.
Monstrous is your goal,
it will become real.
In the darkness for your fear.
I bid you farewell!
In the darkness for you fear
it will find its path (it will find it)
In the darkness for your fear
A horror of horrors.
I will give you a sign,
the last march.
In the darkness for your fear.
In the darkness for your fear.
Look, you rabble,
I'm your master,
let loose your malice.
In the darkness
In the darkness
In the darkness
Find her, wherever she is
In the darkness
In the darkness
In the darkness
In the darkness
In the darkness
In the darkest of gloom
I want her!

In Bethlehem Shines a Star

In Bethlehem there shines a star, there they play, they play.
Play the angels on the wide-golden bandura,
Play the angels on the wide-golden bandura,
The Most pure Virgin bore a son, there they play, they play.
Play the Kings on the wide-silver bandura,
Play the Kings on the wide-silver bandura.
She bore a son, swaddled him the manger, there they play, they play.
Play the shepherds on a copper bandura,
Play the shepherds on a copper bandura
Swaddled him the manger, so named Him Jesus, there they play, they play.
Play the minstrels on a bright-new bandura,
Play the minstrels on a bright-new bandura.
My dear Son, these are your people, grant God, grant God,
Fortune, freedom, good fate to your people,
Fortune, freedom, good fate to your people.

A longer road leads to the end

I come to you from afar,
look for the stars at home,
and you have not forgotten me,
so give me your hand Cariño.
Tell me please: 'I forgive you'.
In dreams I was always near you,
and you have not forgotten me,
so give me your hand Cariño.
The journey is over now,
and I give you my hands,
No longer do I want to say goodbye
it breaks every love.
How could I only walk away from you,
I will never again understand it.
And you have not forgotten me,
so forgive me Cariño.
The journey is over now,
and I give you my hands,
No longer do I want to say goodbye
it breaks every love.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
I come to you from afar,
look for the stars at home,
and you have not forgotten me,
so give me your hand Cariño.
The journey is over now,
and I give you my hands,
No longer do I want to say goodbye
it breaks every love.
The journey is over now,
and I give you my hands,
No longer do I want to say goodbye
it breaks every love.