Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 61


Fury of Living

Fury of living
My sins
Of another day
That tastes of nothing
In this anxiety of redoing
And winning the illusions that I know
Only deny me the reality
And as punishment
Are always true
I want to live
And I no longer even know
If as punishment
For good or evil
The love that was always denied
Has the rare taste that nobody
Will take from me
Fury of living, feeling vain
Of this desire that never minds
False words swig of gall
Ingratitude my black rosary
Which is the reason for this feeling
Raggedy man, pain and solitude
Fury of living
My sins
Of another day
That tastes of nothing
In this anxiety of redoing
And winning the illusions that I know
Only deny me the reality
And as punishment
Are always true
I want to live
And I no longer even know
If as punishment
For good or evil
The love that was always denied
Has the rare taste that nobody
Will take from me
Fury of living, feeling vain
Of this desire that never minds
False words swig of gall
Ingratitude my black rosary
Which is the reason for this feeling
Raggedy man, pain and solitude


Go, girl!
Right next to me, right next to me
It's been tough without you!
It's been tough!
I've been like a mad dog
Tossed on the curb
It's been tough without you!
It's been tough!
I feel cold when it's hot
My joy is gone
Without my honey bun
Without spooning to fall asleep
Without my baby, dear God
Sweet Jesus!
I'm at the bar night and day
It's really cowardly of you
Not to pick up the phone
When I call!
You're just begging me to die!
Oh sweetheart, sweetheart
If you come back to me, I'll leave the bar
Oh sweetheart, sweetheart
I miss our boinking
Our boinking
Our boinking
I miss our boinking
I miss our boinking
Our boinking
Our boinking
I miss our boinking

Îți voi dărui un trandafir

Îți voi dărui un trandafir
Un trandafir roșu pentru a picta orice
Un trandafir pentru fiecare lacrimă de-a ta de consolat
Și un trandafir ca să te pot iubi
Îți voi dărui un trandafir
Un trandafir alb ca și cum ai fi mireasa mea
Un trandafir alb care să te ajute să uiți
Fiecare mică durere
Ma numesc Antonio și sunt nebun
M-am născut în '54 și trăiesc aici de când eram copil
Credeam că vorbesc cu diavolul
Astfel m-au închis patruzeci de ani intr-un spital de nebuni
Îți scriu această scrisoare pentru că nu știu să vorbesc
Iartă-mi caligrafia
de școală elementară
Și mă mir dacă încă mai simt o emoție
Dar vina e a mâinii care nu încetează să tremure
Sunt precum un pian cu o clapă ruptă
Acordul disonant al unei orchestre de bețivi
Și zi și noapte se aseamănă
În puțina lumină care străpunge sticlele opace
Mă scăp încă pe mine pentru că mi-e teamă
Pentru societatea sănătoasă suntem mereu considerați gunoi
Miros de urină și rumeguș
Aceasta este boala mintală și nu există leac
Îți voi dărui un trandafir
Un trandafir roșu pentru a picta orice
Un trandafir pentru fiecare lacrimă de-a ta de consolat
Și un trandafir pentru ca să te pot iubi
Îți voi dărui un trandafir
Un trandafir alb ca și cum ai fi mireasa mea
Un trandafir alb care să te ajute să uiți
Fiecare mică durere
Nebunii sunt semne de întrebare fără fraze
Mii de nave spațiale care nu se mai întorc la bază
Sunt aceleași marionete să se usuce la soare
Nebunii sunt apostoli ai lui Dumnezeu pe care nu-i vrea
Îmi fabric zăpadă cu polistiren
Patologia mea este că am rămas singur
Acum luați un telescop... măsurați distanțele
Și priviți între mine și voi...cine e mai periculos?
Înăuntrul pavilioanelor ne iubeam pe ascuns
Decupând un colț care să fi fost doar al nostru
Imi amintesc puținele clipe în care ne simțeam vii
Nu ca dosarele medicale înghesuite în arhive
Din amintirile mele vei fi ultimul care se va estompa
Erai precum un înger legat de un calorifer
În ciuda faptului că eu încă te mai aștept
Și dacă închid ochii îți simt mâna care mă atinge
Îți voi dărui un trandafir
Un trandafir roșu pentru a picta orice
Un trandafir pentru fiecare lacrimă de-a ta de consolat
Și un trandafir că să te pot iubi
Îți voi dărui un trandafir
Un trandafir alb ca și cum ai fi mireasa mea
Un trandafir alb care să te ajute să uiți
Fiecare mică durere
Mă numesc Antonio și sunt pe acoperiș
Dragă Margherita sunt douăzeci de ani de când te aștept
Nebunii suntem noi când nimeni nu ne înțelege
Când chiar și cel mai bun prieten te trădează
Îți trimit această scrisoare, acum trebuie să plec
Scuză-mi caligrafia de școală elementară
Și te miri că aș simți încă o emoție?
Surprinde-te din nou pentru că Antonio știe să zboare

You and only you

You and only you
I know time goes by
and so many things happen without understanding them.
The world is a dance
that doesn't stop and where everything can happen.
That's why you came
and in each day everything then changed later.
I fell in that mess
to say for fun
'you are my Love'.
My eyes don't look for the stars
when the night comes looking for me.
I don't need to see them
with the light that I always see only in your eyes.
There is only one truth
it doesn't matter when someone wants to censor us.
Even when they say 'it's too late',
it is always time for those who know how to love.
In the air walks the perfume of love
that persecutes us to the end perhaps.
It's stupid,
but you want me,
you see, oh, it's just you.
That's why you came
and in each day everything changed later.
I fell in that mess
to say for fun
'you are my Love'
'my love'...

Negru este culoarea părului adevăratei mele iubiri

Negru este culoarea părului adevăratei mele iubiri,
Faţa lui aşa moale şi minunată,
Cei mai curaţi ochi,
Şi cele mai puternice mâini,
Iubesc pământul unde stă el,
Iubesc pământul unde stă el.
Negru este culoarea părului adevăratei mele iubiri,
A părului adevăratei mele iubiri,
A părului adevăratei mele iubiri.
Oh, îmi iubesc iubitul,
Şi el ştie bine,
Da, iubesc pământul unde stă el,
Şi mai sper
Că va veni timpul
Când el cu mine vom fi ca unul,
Când el cu mine vom fi ca unul.
Aşa negru este părul adevăratei mele iubiri
Negru este culoarea părului adevăratei mele iubiri,
Negru este culoarea părului adevăratei mele iubiri.

Patru femei

Pielea mea este neagră
Braţele mele sunt lungi,
Părul meu este lânos
Spatele meu este puternic,
Destul de puternic să suporte durerea,
I-a fost impusă din nou şi din nou.
Cum mă cheamă?
Numele meu este mătuşa Sarah,
Numele meu este mătuşa Sarah.
Pielea mea este galbenă,
Părul meu este lung,
Între două lumi
Eu aparţin.
Tatăl meu a fost bogat şi alb,
El a silit-o pe mama târziu într-o noapte.
Cum mă cheamă?
Numele meu este Safronia,
Numele meu este Safronia.
Pielea mea este bronzată,
Părul meu arată bine, este frumos,
Şoldurile mele te invită,
Şi buzele mele sunt ca vinul.
A cui fetiţă sunt?
Ei bine, a ta dacă ai nişte bani să cumperi.
Cum mă cheamă?
Numele meu este Dulceaţă( Lucru dulce),
Numele meu este Dulceaţă.
Pielea mea este maro,
Şi maniera mea este dificilă,
Voi ucide prima mamă pe care o văd,
Pentru că viaţa mea a fost prea dură.
Sunt îngrozitor de amărâtă aceste zile,
Pentru că părinţii mei au fost sclavi.
Cum mă cheamă?

Don't leave me

Don't leave me
It's important to forget
Try to forget
What shall pass
Forget the time
Of misunderstandings
And the time, lost
In search of the wind
Forget for good
What incessantly
Tries to kill us
With so many 'whys'
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
I'll willingly give you
Pearls of rain
From a country where it doesn't rain
Where there isn't even wayer
I will leave treasures
After dying
To dress you all up
With lights and gold
I will make a kingdom
Where muttering
About loving you forever
Only you will be king
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
I'll invent to you
Words that cannot
Even be heard
And I'll tell you
Of whom, for love
Destroys the terror
Of all the laws
And the story of a king
Dead from mourning
For not finding me
I will tell too
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
It's already been seen
From underneath a sea
That it never occurred
For fire to blossom
It so happens one day
That a burnt field
Produces healthier wheat
Than the best April
And at sunset
They will go mix
Under the sky burning
So many colors in pairs
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
I will not say anything to you
I don't even now how to cry anymore
I will just be standing there
From there I shall watch you
Dance and smile
And I will listen to you
Sing and laugh
Until I feel like
The shadow of a shadow
That is in your hand
The shadow of a dog
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
Don't leave me


Mine, even if you go other way
and fate doesn't help us
Never forget it, you are still mine
Mine, even if you spend the night with another one
and make a waste on joy,
never forget that you are still mine
Mine, because you will never stop saying my name
And when you sleep, you will dream about me
Even you will say that you are mine
Mine, even if you have tomorrow other bonds
Nobody will cry on your arms
Never forget that you are still mine
Mine, because you'll never stop saying my name

Satin All Over

This whisky night feels so soft
Your silhouette comes through the light
Living in peace
This whisky night feels so soft
Your silhouette comes through the light
Living in peace
The dumped heel, unpaired
The lipstick on your cigarette
You wearing satin all over
Invisible, you stroll around
Far from me, I notice you
Being your own woman, secretly
Far from me, I notice you
Being your own woman, secretly
This whisky night feels so soft
Your silhouette comes through the light
Living in peace
This whisky night feels so soft
Your silhouette comes through the light
Living peace
The dumped heel, unpaired
The lipstick on your cigarette
You wearing satin all over
Invisible, you stroll around
Far from me, I notice you
Being your own woman, secretly
Far from me, I notice you
Being your own woman, secretly
Living peace
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Fugue Nº 1

We make up anything
Not to suffer
And laugh at nothing
Not to cry
We make up anything
Not to suffer
And laugh at nothing
Not to cry
We even think of living in the Moon
Wanting to leave, bag and baggage
We live in a building with elevators
Wanting to live either in the sky or at Arpoador
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
We dream, drink and cry to forget
Tear down letters not to suffer
We go out on a trip, to take a walk
We want to work, so we won't remember
We don't want to face the beast
That dwells inside us
We don't want to face the beast
That dwells inside us
We make up anything
To be happy
We fall in love with an actor
Or with an actress
We make up anything
To be happy
We fall in love with an actor
Or with an actress
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
We even think of living in the Moon
Wanting to leave, bag and baggage
We live in a building with elevators
Wanting to live either in the sky or at Arpoador
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
We don't want to face the beast
That dwells inside us
We don't want to face the beast
That dwells inside us
We make up anything
To be happy
We fall in love with an actor
Or with an actress
We make up anything
To be happy
We fall in love with an actor
Or with an actress
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
Not to cry
Not to cry
Not to cry
Not to cry
Not to cry
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Lui îi Plac Băieții

Păr sexy, un zâmbet superb
E cel mai perfect tip de care-am dat de ceva vreme
Sensibil, foarte dulce
Chiar se și uită la Neveste Disperate împreună cu mine
Inima mea bate ca o tobă, le-am spus celor mai bune prietene că el e alesul
Am spus, cred că sunt îndrăgostită de data asta, ele mi-au spus ceva ce mi-ar putea schimba părerea
Lui îi plac băieții, acum totul are sens
Lui îi plac băieții, îmi place de tipul ăsta dar e indecis
Lui îi plac băieții, nu-mi vine să cred că s-a întâmplat din nou
Lui îi plac băieții, ooh oh oh băieții ooh oh oh
Unghiile date cu ojă, se îmbracă ca un manechin de la American Apparel
Bănuiesc că e puțin ciudat, că e așa mare fan Lady Gaga - ah
Inima mea bate ca o tobă, nu-mi vine să cred că mi-ar face speranțe false
Dar acum încep să văd toate semnele, oare e adevărat? Mi-am pierdut mințile?
Lui îi plac băieții, acum totul are sens
Lui îi plac băieții, îmi place de tipul ăsta dar e indecis
Lui îi plac băieții, nu-mi vine să cred că s-a întâmplat din nou
Lui îi plac băieții, ooh oh oh băieții ooh oh oh
Lui îi plac băieții, acum totul are sens
Lui îi plac băieții, îmi place de tipul ăsta dar e indecis
Lui îi plac băieții, nu-mi vine să cred că s-a întâmplat din nou
Lui îi plac băieții, ooh oh oh băieții ooh oh oh
Nu cred c-aș putea suporta acest gen de respingere
Bănuiesc că e timpul să accept, gay-radarul meu are nevoie de verificare
Credeam că eu și el, formam un noi perfect
Bănuiesc că voi trece la planul B
Amândurora ne plac cumpărăturile și amândurora ne plac BĂIEȚII!
Ne plac băieții, în sfârșit totul are sens
Ne plac băieții, e o poveste de dragoste cu o modificare
Ne plac băieții, mi-am găsit noul meu gay cel mai bun prieten
Ne plac băieții, în sfârșit totul are sens
Ne plac băieții, e o poveste de dragoste cu o modificare
Ne plac băieții, mi-am găsit noul meu gay cel mai bun prieten
Ne plac băieții, ooh oh oh BĂIEȚII!

My shoulders

The new walls of the house
Under the paint and the false ceilings
Our future questioned
The reminder of my first lives
Sheep herds of dust
My rubble of a single man
And that child that cries that eats
Kilos of milk, kilos of diapers
And all that love in exchange for it
I hope it's not a lot to say
I hope all of that will hold
On my shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
Not well-built
My shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
Not well-built, not hefty
Not fantastic
Love, humour, moods are the same
As the two light bulbs on your face
That illuminates when I pedal
The weight of my ridiculous name
Of that aristocratic phantom
That goes forward when I move back
I hope it's not a lot to say
I hope all of that will hold
On my shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
Not well-built
My shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
Not well-built, not hefty
On my shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
My shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
Not well-built, not hefty
Not won
If it holds, then you'll marry me
For my shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
My shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
My shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
Not well-built, not hefty
For my shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
Not well-built, not hefty
The new walls of the house
Under the paint and the false ceilings
Our future questioned


The wind of that old memory
Reaches the hideout of my abandonment
And with the dead dust of yesterday,
Your love also returned.
I don't know if you are living happily
Or if the world has defeated you...
And if living without desiring to go on
You search for the peace of dying.
The doubt about your absence and my guilt,
The sorrow of having to remember.
The dream about the past that accuses me,
Hands that do not wish to forgive.
The friendly pain of being with your shadow,
The remorse of knowing that I am surviving.
The faraway pain of hearing your name said
The sad voices that insist on coming back.
I no longer dream that you will return
To the failure of my life
Nor that in your heartbeat
I would find a source to go on.
I only want that if you are also
Upon the cross of abandonment,
You will know how to forget me in your forgiveness...
All in all, look at what I've become.
The pain of your eternal absence,
The sorrow of knowing that you will not come back.
The pain of listening in my solitude
Voices that accuse me as soon as they reach me.
The friendly pain of being with your shadow,
The remorse of knowing that I am surviving.
The faraway pain of hearing your name said
The dead voices of the joyful times past.
I don't know if you are living happily
Or if the world has defeated you...
And if living without desiring to go on
You search for the peace of dying.

From the blue Hills we come

From the blue Hills we
Our teacher is just as stupid as we are
With the glasses on the nose
He looks like an Easter bunny
From the blue Hills we
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
From the blue Hills we
Our teacher is just as stupid as we are
With a bald on his head
Does he look like grandma's pot?
From the blue Hills we
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
From the blue Hills we
Our teacher is just as stupid as we are
With the chalk in his hand
He looks like an elephant
From the blue Hills we
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
From the blue Hills we
Our teacher is just as nice as we are
Don't gives us bad marks
Because we have it
From the blue Hills we
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yay Sing yeah yeah yippie yippie yeah yeah yippie yippie yay
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Dear drug

Dear drug finally I'm finding the pride to write to you
I want to tell you all the hate I feel for you and you know well why
You defeated me and like a coward everyday I scratch my soul
From every trip with you I come back more coward and more useless
And you thrive, you smile delighted and always offer company
In the times when colors crack and my mind flies away
You make use of every moment when I can't stand my loneliness
And you fill my mind with those holes that you get to sell to me
I want to curse you,
I want to gather my strength to shout to you
The rage that I only can give you
With my broken soul
I wanna leave you only my scorn as my unique legacy
Only my rage I can give you
With my broken soul
I wanna leave you only my scorn as my unique legacy
Dear drug I hate you for the people that is going to kill for you
For all the dreams that you stole, the nature that you corrupted, mocking me
Dressed like a mate offering herself naked only for love
In an artificial pleasures' bed you exhaust me and you go away
I want to curse you,
I want to gather my strength to shout to you
The rage that I only can give you
With my broken soul
I wanna leave you only my scorn as my unique legacy
Only my rage I can give you
With my broken soul
I wanna leave you only my scorn as my unique legacy
I wanna leave you only my scorn as my unique legacy


Suddenly, blue
Everything got blue
My nail polish is blue
My dress is blue
Spread it around town
Now there's everything at ease
Sharing with your friends
What I want is to enjoy myself
Call me, call me, call me
Send me something on WhatsApp1
Enjoying myself in the nightclub
Let's connect
Call me, call me, call me
Send me something on WhatsApp1
Throw your hand up,
The palm of your hand!
Suddenly, blue
Everything got blue
My nail polish is blue
My dress is blue
Spread it around town
Now there's everything at ease
Sharing with your friends
What I want is to enjoy myself
Call me, call me, call me
Send me something on WhatsApp1
Enjoying myself in the nightclub
Let's connect
Call me, call me, call me
Send me something on WhatsApp1
Sharing with your friends
What I want is to enjoy myself
Call me, call me, call me
Send me something on WhatsApp1
Enjoying myself in the nightclub
Let's connect
Call me, call me, call me
Send me something on WhatsApp1
  • Brazilian people call this app 'Zap' or 'Zap Zap'
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Now and always

One more time I got face to face with loneliness
Putting together the pieces of my heart
What left of this love was passion
And I who was loving you and dreaming of never losing you
I see myself now forced to forget
Our history and you
The night was so short for loving you
And it was worth it
To wake up with you by my side
So many plans, so many dreams
Turned into longing for you
By my side
I will try not to cry
While remembering our story
I will keep
Waiting for you
To Love you
Now and always


You'd better stop
With these looks
You give at me
With eyes full with promises
And then smiles
Of someone who doesn't want anything
You don't know
But turns out I have scars
Caused by life
And I'm afraid
Of trying and suffering once more
I don't want to have you
For just a night1
And me just someone else on your bed
For just a night and nothing else
Between the two of us
There should be more feeling
I don't want your love for just a moment
And have a whole life to regret it
I don't want to have you
For just a night1
And me just someone else on your bed
For just a night and nothing else
Between the two of us
There should be more feeling
I don't want your love for just a moment
And have a whole life to regret it
  • As in: the loved person is a prostitute that will stay with a client for a night
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

In My Veins

I want you in my veins
Because you're my blood
I want you without any call for attention
I want to be the vegetal1 of your degradation
And I want you to be the flower in my swamp
You're a full moon
That gets dirty in my sky
However, not only are you my muse
As, in my messy mind,
You're my own samba
The richness of my soul
The verses of the poetry
Tasty gastronomy
My ideology
And Olorun's2 masterpiece
Dear Lord, I want you so much!
I want you in my veins
Because you're my blood
I want you without any call for attention
I want to be the vegetal1 of your degradation
And I want you to be the flower in my swamp
You're a full moon
That gets dirty in my sky
However, not only are you my muse
As, in my messy mind,
You're my own samba
The richness of my soul
The verses of the poetry
Tasty gastronomy
My ideology
And Olorun's2 masterpiece
Tasty gastronomy
My ideology
And Olorun's2 masterpiece
Dear Lord, I want you so much!
I want you in my veins
Because you're my blood
I want you without any call for attention
I want to be the vegetal1 of your degradation
And I want you to be the flower in my swamp
You're a full moon
That gets dirty in my sky
However, not only are you my muse
As, in my messy mind,
You're my own samba
The richness of my soul
The verses of the poetry
Tasty gastronomy
My ideology
And Olorun's2 masterpiece
Tasty gastronomy
My ideology
And Olorun's2 masterpiece
Dear Lord, I want you so much!
  • A lifeless person
  • In Yoruba Mythology, said to be the name given by the Oracles to one of the three manifestations of the Supreme God in the Yoruba pantheon.
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Crni kos

Zašto želiš da letiš, Crni kosu?
Nikada nećeš leteti
Ne postoji dovoljno veliko mesto
Da drži sve suze koje ćeš isplakati
Jer je ime tvoje majke bilo 'Usamljena'
A ime tvoga oca je bilo 'Bol'
I tebe zovu 'Mala tuga'
Jer nikada nećeš ponovo voleti
Pa zašto želiš da letiš, Crni kosu?
Nikada nećeš leteti
Zašto želiš da letiš, Crni kosu?
Nikada nećeš leteti
Nemaš nikoga da te zagrli
Nemaš nikoga da brine
Kada bi samo razumeo, dragi
Niko te ne želi nigde
Pa zašto želiš da letiš, Crni kosu?
Nikada nećeš leteti
Zašto želiš da letiš, Crni kosu?
Nikada nećeš leteti
Nemaš nikoga da te zagrli
Nemaš nikoga da brine
Pa zašto želiš da letiš, Crni kosu?
Nikada nećeš leteti
Nikada nećeš leteti

Definition of Lady

How to define her
When she is all dressed up
If she makes me lose control
As if she were naked?
How to define her
When she is naked
If she is passing by
Like every cloud?
How to get her naked
When she is all dressed up
If she is more undressed
Than when she is naked?
How to possess her
When she is naked
If she looks like rain?
If she looks like a vulva?
How to define her
When she is all dressed up
If she makes me lose control
As if she were naked?
How to define her
When she is naked
If she is passing by
Like every cloud?
How to get her naked
When she is all dressed up
If she is more undressed
Than when she is naked?
How to possess her
When she is naked
If she looks like rain?
If she looks like a vulva?
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Sense Harbor

Who comes and crosses the river
Along the Pilar mountain range
Sees an old hovel
Which extends to the sea
Who sees you coming from the bridge
You are waterfall, Saint-Johannine
Driven over a hill
Among the mist
Through alleys and sidewalks
from Ribeira to Foz
Through dirty and worn stones
And sad and lonely lamps.
And this air severe and serious of yours
From a face and singing
Which secrets the mystery from us
Of this beautiful and darkening light
Seeing you abandoned like that
in that brownish timbre
in that closed way of yours
Of who grinds a feeling
And it's always a first time
on every return home
See you again in this haughtiness
of injured kite on the wing

With eyes closed (And clenched fists)

You only liked making love
There, in the pine forest,
There, you were never bored.
You felt fire in your vains
when I loved you,
when I held you close to me.
You only liked making love,
I was in love
and I never noticed
that with eyes closed,
with fire within
and with clenched fists
you never saw,
ever, ever, ever,
my love
my love
my love
poor love,
in your hands,
you suffocated it
with your hands,
your hands.
You only needed some days
to give the same speeches of yours
to someone else.
Close your eyes again
with the fire within,
you clench your fists again,
now it is his turn.
You only liked making love,
I was in love
and I never noticed
that with eyes closed,
with fire within
and with clenched fists
you never saw,
ever, ever, ever,
my love
my love
my love
poor love,
in your hands,
you suffocated it
with your hands,
your hands.
I went back there, to the pine forest
and I asked for forgiveness
Yes, I did it for you,
for the insults made to the green grass,
to the wind and the shadows
and to all the trees that you know.
My love,
my love,
my love,
my poor love,
my love,
my poor love.

Side by Side

We are two parallel paths
We go through life side by side
Crazy like we are
Crazy like we were
I don't even know which one of us is misfortunated
Side by side my love
But so far
How big is the distance
Between us
What happened between us
That set us apart?
Why did my ideals
Die like this inside of me?
Shoulder to shoulder
So many times
But so far
Berween us, who knew
It's hard to believe
That so much love
So deep love
Has finished
And we both without love
Side by side
We were one only destination in the past
We are a mismatched love
Crazy like we are
Crazy like we were
I don't even know which one of us is misfortunated
Side by side my love
But so far
How big is the distance
Between us
What happened between us
That set us apart
Why did my ideals
Died like this inside of me?
Shoulder to shoulder
So many times
But so far
Between us, who knew
It is hard to want
So much love
So deep love
To be over
And us both without love
Side by side
And us both without love
Side by side

You for me

The actor was no longer speaking
He threw his mask away
And beside it, he recited
The real story of a man
In love
You for me
Lover and young forever
You for me
When you come, I feel alive
You for me
I feel you when the water
Is wailing and your silence is my lament
My soul,
Don't go, I couldn't live without you
I know there is someone else loving you
But if I loose you, I will have to invent myself the joy of
Finding you
Feeling you
Dreaming you
And loving you
You for me...
You for me
Lover and young forever
You for me
When you come, I feel alive
You for me
I feel you when the water
Is wailing and your silence is my lament
My soul,
Don't go, I couldn't live without you
I know there is someone else loving you
But if I loose you, I will have to invent myself the joy of
Finding you
Feeling you
Dreaming you
And loving you
You for me...
You for me
I love you, my dear friend
You for me
My first fantasy
You for me
I'll call you poetry


Let me sing soon,
The things that you are.
Let me stop the time
That dances between us...
Let me be a breath,
Until you're here,
My greeting to the day,
For never
Letting go...
I'd like
That my journey
As a wanderer,
Would end with you.
And this being loved,
Being undone, divided,
Chased after each other, being pleased
Would be a breath
To us.
I want the love between us
To be a breath
So that it doesn't bend
So that we could give each other more.
Let me be a breath,
Until you're here,
My greeting to the day,
For never letting go...
I'd like
That my journey
As a wanderer,
Would end with you.
And this being loved,
Being undone, divided,
Chased after each other, being pleased
Would be a breath
To us.
And I'd like
That everytime
You're looking for something
You'd look for me.
And our song
Would be to us
A breath,
Our own memory of us
Would be a breath.
I want the love between us
To be a breath
So that it doesn't bend
So that we could give each other more
Let me be a breath,
Until you're here,
My greeting to the day,
For never
Letting go...
Winter is coming


Oh, păcătosule, unde o sa fugi?
Păcătosule, unde o sa fugi,
În acea zi?
Unde o să fugi?
În acea zi*
Ei bine, am fugit către piatră, te rog ascunde-mă
Am fugit către piatră, te rog ascunde-mă
Am fugit către piatră, te rog ascunde-mă, Doamne
În acea zi
Dar piatra a strigat, nu pot să te ascund
Piatra a strigat, nu pot să te ascund
Piatra a strigat, nu o să te ascund, omule,
În acea zi
Am spus'piatro, ce e îneregula cu tine, piatro?*
'Nu vezi că am nevoie de tine, piatro?
Doamne, Doamne, Doamne
În această zi
Așa că am fugit către râu,
Acesta sângera,
Am alergat către mare, aceasta sângera,
Am alergat către mare, aceasta sângera
În acea zi
Așa că am fugit către râu, acesta fierbea
Am alergat către mare, aceasta fierbea
Am alergat către mare, aceasta fierbea
În acea zi
Așa ca am alergat către Dumnezeu, te rog ascunde-mă
Nu ma vezi rugându-mă?
Nu ma vezi aici jos rugându-mă?*
Dar El a spus' Mergi la diavol'*
Dumnezeu a spus' Mergi la diavol'
A spus' Mergi la diavol'
În această zi
Asa că am plecat către diavol, acesta mă aștepta*
Am plecat către diavol, acesta mă aștepta
Plecat către diavol, acesta mă aștepta
În ziua aceasta.
Am strigat, putere
(Puterea către Dumnezeu)
Adu aici jos
(Putere către Dumnezeu)
(Putere către Dumnezeu)
Asa că am fugit către râu, acesta fierbea
Am alergat către mare, aceasta fierbea
Am alergat către mare, aceasta fierbea
În acea zi
Asa că am alergat către Dumnezeu.
Am spus'Doamne, ascunde-ma'
Te rog ascunde-mă
În această zi
A spus' copile, unde erai tu, când nu te rugai?
Am spus, Doamne, Doamne, asculta-mi ruga'
Doamne, Doamne, asculta-mi ruga'
Doamne, Doamne, asculta-mi ruga'
În această zi
Păcătosule, te rogi, te rogi, păcătosule, te rogi.
În această zi
Am strigat, putere
(Puterea către Dumnezeu)
(Puterea către Dumnezeu)
(Puterea către Dumnezeu)
(Puterea către Dumnezeu)
(Puterea către Dumnezeu)
(Puterea către Dumnezeu)
Oh, Doamne, Tu nu știi?
Tu nu știi că am nevoie de tine?
Tu nu știi ca am nevoie de tine?
Putere, putere, putere, Doamne
In prima 'strofa' a cântecului vorbeste Dumnezeu. 'În aceasta zi'
Se refera la apocaliosa. Am tradus diferit pentru a nu ma repeta prea des.
Pietrele ofera adăpost păcătoșilor, dar nici acestea nu pot încălca voia Domnului în ziua apocalipsei.
Trâind o viața departe de Dumnezeu pe acesta îl astepta iadul, așa că Diavolul il așteaptă
Audiție plăcută!

Totul va trece, Maria!

Totul va trece, Maria!
Asa e viata, Maria!
Totul va trece, Maria!
Totul va trece...
Asa e viata, Maria!
Asa e viata, Maria!
Totul va trece, Maria!
Totul va trece...
Asteapta-ma cu Tilson!
Pana la intoarcerea mea
Asta e despre tine si mine,
De asemenea (e) cu amintirea ta.
Eu voi avea grija, iubirea mea,
Ca sa stii
Ca voi continua sa te iubesc
Cu constienta mea.
Desi esti trista,
Nu intelegi viata,
Te intrebi de ce
E a ta pedeapsa.
Pentru ca dimineata deja
Vom fi impreuna.
Atunci voi ramane
Langa tine pentru totdeauna.
Asteapta-ma pentru viziunea ta!
Pana la intoarcerea mea
Asta e despre tine si mine,
De asemenea (e) cu amintirea ta.
Eu iti voi da iubirea mea
Ca sa stii
Ca voi continua sa te iubesc
Cu constienta mea.
Totul va trece, Maria!
Asa e viata, Maria!
Totul va trece, Maria!
Totul va trece...
Totul va trece...

Iubitului meu ii pasa de mine

Iubitului meu nu-i pasa de spectacole
Iubitului meu nu-i pasa de haine
Iubitului meu ii pasa doar de mine
Iubitul meu nu este interesat
De locurile extravagante
Liz Taylor nu este pe gustul lui
Si nici zambetul Lanai Turner
Este ceva ce nu poate vedea
Iubitului meu nu-i asa, cine stie?
Iubitul meu este interesat doar de mine
Iubitului meu nu-i pasa de spectacole
Iubitului meu nu-i pasa de haine
Ii pasa de mine
Iubitului meu nu-i pasa de de curse de masini
Iubitul meu nu este interesat de,
Iubitul meu nu este interesat de locurile extravagante
Liz Taylor nu este pe gustul lui
Si nici zambetul Lanai Turner
Este ceva ce nu poate vedea
Este ceva ce el nu poate vedea
Ma intreb ce este cu iubitul meu
Iubitului meu ii pasa doar
Iubitului meu ii pasa doar
Iubitului meu ii pasa doar de mine