Rezultatele căutării pagină 8
Număr de rezultate: 345
You didn’t hear I called you
You didn’t hear I called you, you didn’t see I watched you
You didn’t notice I asked you, you didn’t ask what I wanted
You were in your world and going, You were whispering something all the time
You were traveling on the skies, Always troubled and rushed
Now you ask me where I have been, have I been away from you for a moment?
You didn’t hear I called you, you didn’t see I watched you
That you are determined to go to the Loveland, that you won’t come back till you are in love
That unkindness perished you but you didn’t perish the flower of love
Why didn’t you pass my door, why didn’t you holler at this troubled lover
You didn’t hear I called you, you didn’t see I watched you
You didn’t notice I asked you, you didn’t ask what I wanted
You were in your world and going, You were whispering something all the time
You were traveling on the skies, Always troubled and rushed
Now you ask me where I have been, have I been away from you for a moment?
You didn’t hear I called you, you didn’t see I watched you
That you are determined to go to the Loveland, that you won’t come back till you are in love
That unkindness perished you but you didn’t perish the flower of love
Why didn’t you pass my door, why didn’t you holler at this troubled lover
You didn’t hear I called you, you didn’t see I watched you
There's no faith left in me for love
Promise I gave my promise , I have take an oath
to never love again
I have already asked these peculiar emotions
about love and
If I am afraid , certainly there's a reason
place where fire burns , the suffering
suppose you didn't heard of it
follow the traces in me
There's no faith left in me for love
do not ask do not ask
you gave me your hands shamelessly
do not ruin do not ruin your pleasure ...
She lives in the center and eccentrically
For work she's a student
That falls under VAT
Addicted to cosmetics
At Hondos drugs are distributed
She shops at Zara and is an activist
She hoards cats and dogs
And only eats organic food
Instead of change, she gives kisses
With her body that looks like a drawing
Depressed by nature
Depressed by nature
Depressed by nature
She lives in the center that's why she knows a lot
Be careful, you might see her in your dream and like it
She'll like it then
But don't do her wrong
She'll cut you in half with two eyes like swords
She sleeps late at night and doesn't wake up in a good mood
Unless you do her with the shutters still closed
She talks and changes the dictionaries
She only eats magazines
She looks up high and sees rats with wings
While dead flowers fall and invisible violins play
Depressed by nature
Depressed by nature
Depressed by nature
Depressed by nature
She lives with precaution in a country of old people
And she doesn't even want to have kids
She radiates something provocatively
In a frequency I can't hear
Depressed by nature
By nature
By nature
By nature...
I don't want
I don't want to sleep
I don't want to close my eyes and sleep
I Won't Love Anymore
I'm not going back to you
I'm not going back to you
I won't love anymore
It's all my fault
No matter how much you cry
No matter how much you beg
I'm not going back to you
End this ordeal anymore
I can't take knowingly
Tell me what you say
This life doesn't pass
I'm not going back to you
You broke my hopes
You destroyed my dreams
You took my curse, my curse
Now you're alone
End this ordeal anymore
I can't take knowingly
Tell me what you say
This life doesn't pass
I'm not going back to you
Furtuna din sufletul meu
Esti suflarea ce-mi petrece parul
Lacremile ce se revarsa
Cu fiece gand indreptat la tine
Esti ardoarea-mi sufletului
Esti fiinta-mi
Esti suflarea ce-mi petrece parul
Lacremile ce se revarsa
Cu fiece soapta ce-o impartasesti
Esti lumina intunecatei mele vieti
Tu .. (precum) o 'furtuna' esti pentru mine
Esti nebunia-mi din suflet
Fiindca ma faci a simti , ma faci a simti
Elimina durerea ce-i blocata in sufletu meu !
Opreste 'sangerarea' , eu te voi iubi iar si iar
Poarta-ma mai departe in asta noapte iar eu am sa continui
sa te sarut intreaga-mi viata
Ahh, tu ma faci a simti ..
Ahh, tu ma faci a simti ..
Ignora pacatele-mi
Iertandu-ti greselile-ti
Sa fim eterni iubiti .. dragoste !
Esti al inimii foc
Starnesti ardori cu ochii-ti
Uneori ma gandesc de poti sa ma faci fericita ..
De esti persoana potrivita mie
Tu esti o furtuna pentru mine
Nu poti sa vezi luminile ?
Or sa-ti arate din nou
Drumu' ce duce catre mine
Tu esti dragoste , stiu ca tu esti acela ..
Mereu un foc in inima-mi
Nu poti vedea norii?
Are sa ploua din nou
Neliniste in gandurile-mi
Hurican in sufletu-mi
Insa mereu o mare furtuna/ardoare in a mea inima
Refr x2
Deep Night, Gardens Rustle Quietly
Deep night, gardens rustle quietly
Only you, mom, are not sleeping.
I hear a rustle of your mouth - you´re repeating everything
In your hot supplication there is my name.
I know, the God hears your prayings
For your dear child
And in my soul with thanksgiving
I regain the light and the warmth.
What would I do if I wasn´t
On the trial next to you.
Mom, you sent me to God
And brought me to the church of God.
Grey hair is already on your temples
My dear mom - that is all me.
But I am begging you mom, forgive me
That I caused you grief, forgive me.
On your face, familiar since childhood
Life left traces of grief.
Mom, it was me with the disobedience
I hurt you without thinking - you cried.
May the Lord reward all our mothers
For their prayers for their children.
So they could see in eternity
All their sons and daughters.
Sanitary Napkins
Versions: #2
Tampon or sanitary napkins?
What a question!
But it drows
But it drows
Sanitary napkins!
Sanitary napkins!
You drink tampon like wine
Yo yo yo cockroach with bikini
And l have birthday on March 8 but eho cares?
Take the sanitary napkin and hit the baby's head with it
Tampon or sanitary napkins?
What a question!
But it drows
But it drows
Sanitary napkins!
Sanitary napkins!
You drink tampon like wine
Yo yo yo cockroach with bikini
And l have birthday on March 8 but eho cares?
Take the sanitary napkin and hit the baby's head with it
Oh, yeah, hit the baby's head, hit his head
It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack, not rationality!
Sex On The Grass
Versions: #2
Dry pussy, never sorrows
Fate hit me which is like an miserable girl
And l said to hit a bitch which is like a steak
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Condoms finished
But l can't stand it, l dry
I wanna be dried without drop water on me
My sweet baby, l'm getting horny!
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack, not rationality!
tick tack tick
the clock ticks on, the hour hand uninterruptedly moves to the next hour
the day, goes faster than I want, I would want the time to freeze
so I can stay small forever
I won't grow bigger, in my dreams I dream that it's possible
Tik tak tik, the time goes way to fast for me
I still have to exercise, dance, sing but the day's already over
Tik tak tik, I want so much all at once
I run and run but in the meanwhile I find no time, no time
Tik tak tik tak tik tak tik
Tik tak tik tak tik
I bicycle through weather and wind, my peddles are flying everywhere
I still have to feed the cat and walk the dog
It dazes me so I limp towards my bed
Exhausted I fall onto my bedsheets, I've set my alarm
I dream that I could stop the time
That I won't grow bigger, in my dreams I dream that it's possible
No time, no time
No time to hang out
or sit in front of the tv
I would want it a different way, but the clock ticks on and on
it has control over me
Ooooh, oh no, no time, oh yeaah
No time!
The eyes of a buffalo lit up the darkness,
The eyes of a buffalo lit up the darkness,
And you won't believe what harbors in my house,
You won't believe!
The eyes of a buffalo lit up the darkness,
The eyes of a buffalo lit up the darkness.
A single rouble, a single rouble.
Two people can't pull us apart, two people can't pull us apart.
And you won't believe what harbors in my house,
You won't believe!
Gadopiatkina, Gadopiatkina
I need women, tender women.
I need women, tender women.
I lost you
Versions: #2
I lost you, oh,the most precious one...
I lost love and kindness
and who I have in this world...
other than you even if your absence took long time.
You left and who stayed with me?!
to feel my laugh and cry
and even the wound as you're away
is invading me and I'm welcoming it
and who I have in this world...
other than you even if your absence took long time
Can you believe? as much as I'm yearning,
I see you in the house's corners
and talk to you about my sadness
and I feel as if you know about it…
and who I have in this world...
other than you even if your absence took long time.
What can I do with the pain and the aaah (groan),
but the permanence is only for God
he will provide me with patience as you're away
and this is my destiny and I accept it…
and who I have in this world...
other than you even if your absence took long time
Curses to the mobile phones
Curses to the mobile phones
Curses to the mobile phones and the guy that invented them
And whichever time your woman likes
She can find you
Curses to the mobile phones
I've lost my sleep
I've lost my sleep
I saved my girlfriend on my contacts as 'Thanasis'
Curses to the mobile phones
You always regret it
You always regret it
One night you have some fun, a thousand you pay for it
My mobile phone I threw away and now I'm fine
My mobile phone I threw away and now I'm fine
And from the internet I went out with another 'Thanasis'
And from the internet I went out with another 'Thanasis'
I no longer give 'doubts' in my house
I no longer give 'doubts' in my house
Because through facebook I'm getting dates
Because through facebook I'm getting dates
If you want my opinion, throw away your mobile phones
If you want my opinion, throw away your mobile phones
Do just what I did and sleep tight
Do just what I did and sleep tight
Ești terminat
Ce lipsiți de suferință sunt oamenii
Toate planurile tale la sfârșit au frustrare
Tu ești terminat ești un oțel ruginit
Prea buruienos numele de cod lipsit de nevoi
Nu m-ai stau mult deasupra
Acum până unde vei pleca cu acest gaz
Tu ești terminat fiule ai pierdut
Problema aceasta luptându-te cu obrăznicia te distrezi
Nu ai văzut porno afară o femeie goală
Acesta nu sunt eu fiule de ce Ne O 1 numele
Tu ești terminat fiule 1 la sută nu ești
Ce păcat fără expresie și frumusețe
Personalitatea ta Schizo paginile voastre pe numele meu
Am vorbit cu admiratoare fete pe pagină
Tu ești terminat mereu m-ai întărit
Caracterul tău un tort și fără cremă
Oare vin atât de lipsit de suferință
Îți dau acestă melodie de când ești mic
Tu ești terminat ieși din camera ta uită-te în oglindă
Eu cred că colegii tăi te exclud în mod natural
Spunând problemele familiei tale eu cred nu rămâne așa
Încerca să te schimbi te schimbi cu timpul
Ești terminat dar eu nu te-am terminat pe tine
Mă doare foarte tare starea ta sunt un vagabond
Defapt nu vă pasă deloc de mine
Te face atât de nebun prezența mea
Eu...Tu ești terminat Cast Away
On the moonda uitându-te afară nu ești nimic
Tatăl meu a fost lăsat imobilizat la pat m-am dus la secție
Mi-am dat pagina din cauza paginilor false
De ce ai răpit fata Can Bozok amice
Dacă te-aș fi găsit aș fi la închisoare!
Ege Kökenli
My past loves
My past loves
my lost loves
beautiful like Sundays
my past happinesses
As I'm bringing you by my side
while it's getting late
in the ashes of your dreams
the bitter tears are being shed
My past loves
the years have taken you
sadnesses that brought yesterday,
it will be covered in snow
Mereu când îndrăznesc cu adevărul meu văd venind minciuna
1 zi pentru mine rezervă lasă balta muzica la mine sa întors problema
Dacă nu ar fi muzica în viața mea nu am nimic altceva
Pentru că ura vieții și răzbunarea mea mi-a dat un premiu .
Nu trăiesc cu oamenii frate
Nu înțelege greșit nu i-am văzut deasupra mea
Exact de-a lungul a 76 de track-uri 1 cumpărare ar fi genial i-am scris tatălui meu
Și el nu le-a văzut pe astea.
(nu vede lan!)
Vreau să înțelege-ți puțin eu nu mă cunosc cu muzica rap
Dacă nu te interesează de mine nu te băga în cearta mea
pentru că eu îmi vomit ura această hârtie cu stilou
Ceea ce am scris eu se complică în prezent, viața mea în cursă.
Dacă pentru a scrie cauți probleme îți dau
Ulan a iubit o fată a luat-o fratele ce să-ți spun
Dragoste iubire la dracu fiule am murit în viața mea
Dacă vrei puțină inimă îți dau carnea mea.
Toți au pășit de fiecare dată curată direcția mea
Voi vă străduiți să muriți eu dorindu-mi moartea
Spunând că visul tău nu merge dacă nu fugi creierul tău îți găsește coșmarul
Eu oricum vreau să mor în fiecare noapte la ce amenințare e asta? (x2)
Zâmbește cu mine din cel mai aglomerat adânc un zâmbet
Zâmbește o dată părul meu nu mi-a mai rămas în mâini o zi.
Ce este acestă aglomerație o zi plonjează într-o zi o zi
Acum o să merg la moarte trebuie să plec fără să mă nasc într-o zi
Nu este ceva așa ostentativ amice a fost veteran tatăl meu
ascultând aceste melodi auzi mândrie așadar era pentru tine.
Până astăzi nu m-am potrivit pentru că tu ai fost mereu strânsă în ieri
Eu mergând până la moarte ai și tu o inimă care iubește?
Tu îți pui viața pe insulă ea plecând să fie mireasa altcuiva
În fiecare noapte îl implor pe Dumnezeu aștept să fie a mea
Ajunge pentru a umple locul nu-i mai poți ține de mână pe cei care au plecat
ține-o de braț chiar dacă ar fi greu să fie a ta
Nu trăiești cu restul amice am nevoie să muriți.
În camera mea 8 suflete am aruncat 4 tururi trebuie să vedeți.
în fiecare dimineață uitându-se în oglindă m-am urât pe mine
În această situație oricum devenind fals cu tine e imposibil să mă întorc.
Cu greșeli în ochi nu tolerez m-ai înțeles
Nu întreba ce faci dacă ai spune bine poate m-ai înțelege.
În camera mea sunt traumatisme în fiecare zi diferite ceva diferit
Ea a crezut sinuzita cu pastilele poate m-ai fi înțeles.
Acasă sunt prins în capcană acele zile le-am asemănat cu tine
mi-ai spus că am povestit despre ea oamenii seamănă cu oamenii.
În fiecare zi latră las-o baltă la început sau la proprietar
Nu te teme tată am medicamentele lângă mine nu pierd ora lor
Într-o zi o să-mi câștig proprii bani în mâini propria mea meserie
eu fără să vreau mi-am tăiat soarta mi-a dat în față sprijin
întrucât la 9 ani ai țipat la mine
Eu nu vreau 5 bănuți tot ce vreau suport.
Zâmbește cu mine din cel mai aglomerat adânc un zâmbet
Zâmbește o dată părul meu nu mi-a mai rămas în mâini o zi.
Ce este acestă aglomerație o zi plonjează într-o zi o zi
Acum o să merg la moarte trebuie să plec fără să mă nasc într-o zi
Ege Kökenli
ohh, tu oferit-ai sentimentu' ce vreau a simti
Ani peste ani a durat, eu a simti in asa fel
Precum regina inlauntru-mi , adevarata femeie in afara ,
nu poti tu a vedea !?
Tu daruit-ai un simtamant in asa fel ...
Tu facut-ai a ma simti acaparata , de fiece data
Fiece suflu , e doar pentru tine , Tu ...
Descrii combinatia perfecta , noi doi , tu si eu
Descrie combinatia perfecta , noi doi , tu si eu
Graba , indepartarea nu-i solutie
Insa trebuie eu a 'alerga' doar pentru a avea o parte din tine?
Doar pentru a avea ce ai tu de pret , ce ai mai bun
Stele de pe bolta cereasca imi aratata calea
Tu m-ai facut a ma simti acaparata , de fiece data
Fiece suflu , e doar pentru tine , Tu ...
Descrii combinatia perfecta , noi doi , tu si eu
Descrie combinatia perfecta ,
Noi doi , tu si eu x2
Soptita in departare catre stele
Strabatut-am lumea a te gasi
Cutreierat-am lumea a te atinge
Recunoscut-am reflectia-ti in oglinda , a frumusetii si perfectului
Soptita in departare catre stele
Strabatut-am lumea a te gasi
Cutreierat-am lumea a te imbratisa
A te fae al meu
Munti si rauri , zapezi si deserturi , cutreierat-am doar
pentru tine
Tu facut-ai a ma simti acaparata , de fiece data
Fiece suflu , e doar pentru tine , Tu ...
Descrii combinatia perfecta , noi doi , tu si eu
Descrie combinatia perfecta , noi doi , tu si eu (X2)
De ce mi-a dat Dumnezeu asta?
Ce-am făcut?
Nu am curajul sa lupt
Nu am timp să mă schimb
De ce nu sunt mort?
Merit, el nu
Eu nu aparțin acestei lumi
Nu pot fi liber
Am o poveste de spus
Oamenii judeca mult
Oamenii nu-i pot înțelege pe altii
Oamenii nu-i pot iubi pe alți
De ce mi-a dat Dumnezeu asta?
Sunt blestemat, dar iubesc si iert
Sunt suparat, dar am o inima de aur
Sunt plin de dragoste, dar nimănui nu-i pasă
You cut my heart into slices
Versions: #2
Come you, come by yourself
Come only you beside me
Your look, your voice, your lips
I want them only for myself
Come you! beside me!
Your look! I want it with me!
Your voice! I like it!
[Chorus x2]
You cut my heart into slices
Don’t disturb me! Then I’ll want you!
You cut my heart into slices
You make me vagrant, but I want only you
Come you, come by yourself
Come only you beside me
Your look, your voice, your lips
I want them only for myself
Come you! beside me!
Your look! I want it with me!
Your voice! I like it!
[Chorus x2]
You cut my heart into slices
Don’t disturb me! Then I’ll want you!
You cut my heart into slices
You make me vagrant, but I want only you
[Chorus x2]
You cut my heart into slices
Don’t disturb me! Then I’ll want you!
You cut my heart into slices
You make me vagrant, but I want only you
You cut my heart into slices
You cut my heart into slices
M-am îndrăgostit de ochii tăi
M-am îndrăgostit de ochii tăi
Sărutările tale m-au vrăjit
Nu mai știu încotro mă îndrept
Am luat-o razna din cauza ta
M-am regăsit și m-am pierdut
Nu-mi pasă care va fi finalul
Te vreau
S-a aprins focul deodată
După o singură privire, am crezut în tine
Greșeală sau nu, oriunde aș ajunge
O să te urmez, vreau să trăiesc asta
Spune-mi cum faci asta
Mor și trăiesc în mâinile tale
M-am îndrăgostit de ochii tăi
Sărutările tale m-au vrăjit
Nu mai știu încotro mă îndrept
Am luat-o razna din cauza ta
M-am regăsit și m-am pierdut
Nu-mi pasă care va fi finalul
Te vreau
Cum să-mi imaginez un asemene scenariu
Am căzut în luptă și alta nu mai există
Cu un sărut de al tău mi s-a schimbat viața
Mi s-a schimbat traiectoria și tu ai devenit unica
Spune-mi cum faci asta
Mor și trăiesc în mâinile tale
M-am îndrăgostit de ochii tăi
Sărutările tale m-au vrăjit
Nu mai știu încotro mă îndrept
Am luat-o razna din cauza ta
M-am regăsit și m-am pierdut
Nu-mi pasă care va fi finalul
Te vreau
The Plastic Ladybird
When I saw you first time,
you came by a huge track.
I fell in love with you
but you didn't, but you didn't look at me.
Plastic ladybird,
my beloved,
be my wife,
I'm begging you, I'm asking you on my knees.
Plastic ladybird,
my beloved,
be my wife,
I'm begging you, I'm asking you on my knees.
A beetle came to the ladybird.
He knocked at the little window
and the ladybird cleared her throat quietly,
'Go away beetle, go away beetle, I have a horse-fly.'
Plastic ladybird,
my beloved,
be my wife,
I'm begging you, I'm asking you on my knees.
I confessed my love to you.
You betrayed me with a beetle.
Then I showed you
what is, what is the power of the penguin.
Plastic ladybird,
my beloved,
be my wife,
I'm begging you, I'm asking you on my knees.
This is the end of this song,
my beloved viewer.
If you enjoyed it,
sing, sing together with us.
Plastic ladybird,
my beloved,
be my wife,
I'm begging you, I'm asking you on my knees.
Plastic ladybird,
my beloved,
be my wife,
I'm begging you, I'm asking you on my knees.
(Love) Confession
I am suffering by every move you make
I thought I knew you, but I don't
In every sight of yours, in every glance of yours
There is a truth and a lie, what can I say.
Love with you is a mystery.
The passion and the lust in your body
Every doubt of me relieve
And I have the feeling we are the only lovers.
I am burning sweet in your flame
I feel like a God in your body
I'm transforming into smoke that circles you with a kiss
And touches you every moment
Your shape is a sign on my mind.
It fills my gap* every night.
My undying love**
I have learn to pay for your mistakes, what can I say....
I'm burning sweet in your flame
I feel like a God in your body
I'm transforming into smoke that circles you with a kiss
And touches you every moment.
'It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack, not rationality...'
What's Done Is Done
Every time I trail off and sadness creeps under my skin
When I walk down what used to be city
I come to realize why people leave here
'Cause they can't look at folded pants
'Cause those same people ruined gardens
And instead of flowers they keep garbage under their windows
But hey, what can you do, it's hard to live on asphalt
Believe me, I lived easier with grenades during war then now with consequences of war
Let's look at life from the brighter side
Let's look at our new uptown girls and what they do
So, I approach one, she looks hot, I start to talk
But she can't hear me, she still hears cattle in her head
I'm not confused, don't get me wrong, some things still work
I show off my Mercedes benz and start the engine, they get that part
We're in my room, I start to take off her clothes, trace her breasts
She starts to moan like she's giving birth
While I'm struggling with condom, I don't know where to begin
I didn't even put it on and she already says 'Wow, it's big!'
And said condom is full before dawn
But who'd change it then, while we're still at it like we just begun
Or, what if it breaks, sudden thought crossed my mind
And she realized what's on my mind, yelling
'Don't come inside of me, I beg you, don't!'
'Well, shit, this is already my second time.'
What's done is done
There's no going back in time
What's done is done, aaaah...
No matter circumstances, town is still cheerful
you know, we're becoming well known in the world and all that shit
And what's more important, we're becoming well known
As following story tells:
I wake up this morning, start masturbating again
It's been seven days since I had sex
I'll find someone to stick it soon, hell, I'm not a leper
So my righty, my first love, can finally have some rest
AIDS is big these days, I can already hear my mum inside my head
Even so, it's better to risk it than keep it in my pants
I get dressed and go out
Partisan movies aren't enough to describe the horror of the scene, ugly faces dominate
In that moment, membrane pulsates in my pants
'Who cares about your standards, desperate times...!'
Since my cock isn't picky but it's prone to throwing up,
I'll call it 'He' from now on
I approach her, she looks good enough, I'm fixing my mojo
Her clothes is expensive
Her shoes are huge enough to fit two babies, I'm thinking it over
And He says: 'She just grew out healthy, probably grandad's genes.'
She moves so smoothly, she could easily move an average elephant
If she was mixing concrete, I'd already be ready for a building
She steps wide, I'm running behind, everything boiling on the inside
Her legs defy gravity.
I'm thinking for myself, it would charitable to fuck her
And He says: 'Charitable? You'd fuckin' beg for more!'
'Nice to meet you, I'm Micha.' and she smiles:
'Nice to meet you, too. I'm Dushica but they call me Dushka.'
She ask whom I live with, do I live nearby, she has to go to toilet.
With my mum, I say, she asks, do we have any kids.
We storm inside, I'm thinking, who cares about manners
She didn't even close the door, she pees standing up
Thought crossed my mind, Look at this asshole
and He says: 'She maybe had some surgery and her pussy went up higher'
I pull her hair and scream:'What a fuck is this, bitch?!'
And she says: 'I feel like a woman, but I was born a man.'
I reach for her pussy and down there, a prick.
What's done is done
There's no going back in time
What's done is done,
f**k my life.
'There's no answer to where the love goes. People are always lonely... But, are you happy? Even in this meager living.'
~ Yutaka Ozaki
Marunouchi Sadistic
The reward's on the parallel lines after joining a company
I love Tokyo but there's nothing there
Gimme a Rickenbacker 620
Don't have the 190,000 Ochanomizu
It's so rough I get off on the smell of the Marshall
Every night I'm just going to the top
Making one Rat the tools of my trade
And then I trip when Benji reflects in my lungs
Lately been playing cops in Ginza
Even when you cross the border all glories must fade
Gimme a receipt
No tax accountants here Korakuen
In the future I want you to be a monk and get married
Every night on your bed just playing games
I wanna try being a pizza place girl
And then Benji smacks me with his Gretch
Blue bite it and come for me
I said I'll go home on the last train Ikebukuro
My Deception
It amuses me thinking about
why I was having a hard time moving on from you before.
Am I not supposed to be really forgetful?
I don't know why it was so
but it really had been impossible to forget you.
But now it's finally changed,
If ballpens can easily be (misplaced and) lost,
how much more of feelings?
This is as far as I can go,
This is as far as I can get,
I shall not continue pursuing
a person who is a nimble runner.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Just forget it.
Don't deceive me anymore,
but that's *just (my) deception,* okay?
*Just (my) deception,* okay? (2x)
*My deception*...
Moving on as if there's a breakup to move on from
What is it with my presumptuous heart?
Why I was having a hard time letting go
when I wasn't being held on to at all.
Try stopping me too, please?
May I now finally learn
that there's absolutely nothing I can reap
from this love that is (constantly) being given then taken back.
This is as far as I can go,
This is as far as I can get,
I shall not continue pursuing
a person who is a nimble runner.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Just forget it.
Don't deceive me anymore,
I shall start moving away ever slowly,
just ever slowly,
just in case maybe,
you'll (be wanting to) catch up to me,
but that's *just (my) deception.*
This is as far as I can go,
This is as far as I can get,
I shall not continue pursuing
a person who is a nimble runner.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Don't deceive me anymore.
I shall not assume (anything ever) again,
I shall not get carried away (ever) again,
I shall not (allow myself to) be beguiled (ever) again
by you, who leads people on.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Just forget it.
Don't deceive me anymore,
but that's *just (my) deception.* okay?
*Just (my) deception,* okay? (3x)
*My deception*...
*Just (my) deception,* okay? (3x)
An F in Math
Hey bros, it's statics law
I got an F in math
The Chemodan is a kind of problem
I got an F in math
What makes each following day a bit warmer for fellas
I can even say that the shadow is dead
We're in the car, too lazy to open the windows
Tinted windows hide the faces
I'm not a killer, but I can kill with precision
If you meet me in the street, you'll recognize me by the way I walk
Cheap vodka hits right in the bull's eye
Cigarettes between our teeth, we chat when we meet up
And not about butts hidden under the skirts.
The problem is how to pay for the cellphone plan
The perfume of the southern fields
I like those nature's gifts which are more fun
No need for pneumatic weapons
An F in math
The laws on the streets and their aesthetics
Were taught to you in school, but it's all in vain
You'll get a black eye in between the brick walls
Hey bros, it's statics law
I got an F in math
The Chemodan is a kind of problem
I got an F in math
It's sperm on the lips it's toothpaste
Respect for those who's often in my headphones
How many of you fucking rastas are there?
I'll stop lighting up only when I kick the bucket
Feel the difference, I'm a gambler, you're a favorite
Fuck your Russia, Algiers is in my home
In a minute I'll find the lever and flip the world
Explain to me which part of your ass isn't fat
High on glue with my people
I'm walking all dressed up in my Calvin Klein socks
And not cause of glue I try to hit and miss
If rap is a hobby for me, then I can fuck off
Fuck it, hit the crotch and there will be no noise
There are many angry teens in my neighborhood
When I ride on the pony even when I'm cool
My town is cool - they bring it from St Petersburg
The guys are having fun online, look
There are hair rollers on the chest, listen, fuck off
I love Baha's rap, check it out Paha
Since if it's just a hobby, then I can fuck off
Chair Romance
Chair* is often a boring place,
but when you pass across it
the sun starts shining and, like falling out of a dream,
the hansome guys from Chair get awake.
A short skirt and everyone open wide their eyes
and I am not at all better than them.
So small and sweet as a bajadera**
everyone would eat you with delight.
Come this night to have a romance,
I want your lips to become my habit.
Melt me as a candle,
you and me - it would be such a good luck
if you come to have a romance.
People tell stories that you are in the Company
only of tycoons and directors.
Your eyes overstrain my heart,
I sweat as if I were in the spotlights.
As i see, waiting will not bring me an advance,
I will have to do a hard work on my own.
I have to be a hero, to come to you and
to propose you a marvellous plan.
Come this night to have a romance,
I want your lips to become my habit.
Melt me as a candle,
you and me - it would be such a good luck
if you come to have a romance.
Stuck as a gun, with sophisticated tactics
I went out to find you.
And I saw someone giving you a hug
and I lost hope when I heard what he is whispering to you.
Come this night to have a romance,
I want your lips to become my habit.
Melt me as a candle,
you and me - it would be such a good luck
if you come to have a romance.
Because Of (All These Reasons)
I coated the night while you were sleeping
I smelt the purest piece of the morning
Were you the only one who makes me good?
(I've never had somone as good for me as you)
Still i've a festering sore
Were you the only one who gives me everything?
Still nobody understands me
I wasn't looking for anybody because of all these reasons
I couldn't replace you with anyone in this night
Love will not die, if you believe
I miss your voice as a silent prayer of the heart
Nobody understood that, insight is far away
Those nights are restless, forgotten paths home
Why is your soul fluttering? You are so precious to me
I tell you every day
Be with me
Time is helpless, I only hope you will come back
And will touch me, reach my hand when you come back
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Divinely good when the forgotten old returns
Dive into the abyss and come back after passing through the fire
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Silence will kill us soon, you are farther than I thought
My thoughts, perhaps, will not know where you are
Nights are asking what will happen, if two hearts get lost
Other continents and times are other too
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Time is helpless, I only hope you will come back
And will touch me, reach my hand when you come back
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Divinely good when the forgotten old returns
Dive into the abyss and come back after passing through the fire
Feeling will not die, if you believe
Feeling will not die, if you believe
M-am înecat în Marea Neagră
Veacul curge din ochii mei
Pe drumurile de ruine
Sunt prins respirând
În cușca dragostei
M-am înecat în Marea Neagră
Dacă ar vedea inima mea nebună
Am închis moartea
Moartea mea să fie în ochii tăi
Sunt prins respirând
În cușca dragostei
M-am înecat în Marea Neagră
Dacă ar vedea inima mea nebună
Am închis moartea
Moartea mea să fie în ochii tăi
Veacul curge din ochii mei
Pe drumurile de ruine
Sunt prins respirând
În cușca dragostei
M-am înecat în Marea Neagră
Dacă ar vedea inima mea nebună
Am închis moartea
Moartea mea să fie în ochii tăi
Ege Kökenli
Câmp de luptă
Aceste amintiri care îmi înconjoară cele patru laturi mă trag în stâncă
Dă-mi înapoi fericirea pe care mi-ai luat-o cand ai plecar
Sa rupt cuiul, tu și eu
Inima mea a fost în acest joc de dragoste, sufletul mi-a ieșit din corp
Nu este nevoie să întrebi, Hamza este bine?
Tot ce aveam eu a plecat cu tine, mi-am pierdut sensul
Ți-am îmbrățișat părul în timp ce ți-l mângâiam
Acum am îmbrățișat moartea, care motiv ne-a trminat
Mi-am legat mâinile pe aceste șine triste
Aștept moartea să vină trenul să fie ultima mea respirație
Nu a adus primăvara, sa lovit rece în lunile de martie
Pielea noastră va avea din nou o pauză de judecată
În fiecare gând care cade în mintea mea te ridici rege
Nopțile mele sunt otravă și te agăți de zi
Cum o demonstrezi? Cum porți o asemenea mască?
Cum sunt un idiot? Încă arzi așa inima.
Cum nu am văzut 5 luni? Cum nu mi-a murit iubirea?
Mi-am imaginat că îmi deschizi ochii
Te-am văzut arătând bine cu dragostea mea mângâindu-te
Cu cât te-am iubit mai mult cu atât am orbit!
Eu am murit! În acea zi mi-ai zis câ nu mă iubești!
Sângele ma dus la tron în stânga mea
Genunchii mei erau amorțiți, venele mele erau înfundate
M-am trezit în spital cu o soneră
Doctorii au venit să cunoască pacientul
Dar ei nu știau că singurul meu tratament ești tu
Acest oraș a fost o hartă în amintirea a 5 lunii
Plămânii mei au falimentat fără tine
Să vină moartea! Ce contează când este o moarte vie?
Rămâi o jumătate pentru a te pierde cele mai terifiante specii
M-ai sugrumat în ocean direcția rugăciunii
Mi-i distrus mâinile, patru laturi atunci când ești plin
Karabük ma înecat în 4 laturi când tu erai lângă mine
Am deschis utopiile de ce încă vă restrâgeți
Mâinile mele au fost condamnate stiloul meu a fost condamnat să scrie
Apele inundă pe de altă parte, focul este aspru
Aceste amintiri care îmi înconjoară cele patru laturi mă trag în stâncă
Dă-mi înapoi fericirea pe care mi-ai luat-o cand ai plecar
Sa rupt cuiul, tu și eu
Inima mea a fost în acest joc de dragoste, sufletul mi-a ieșit din corp
Ege Kökenli
Nu mă m-ai întorc de unul singur rece
Ce s-ar întâmpla dă-mi un zâmbet
Ți-am închis ușile deshise
Oricum m-ai lăsat așa înclinat
După ce tu ai plecat drumurile s-au acoperit cu zăpadă
Sunt condamnat în acest puț
Oricum m-ai lăsat așa înclinat
Nu mă m-ai întorc de unul singur rece
Ce s-ar întâmpla dă-mi un zâmbet
Ți-am închis ușile deshise
Oricum m-ai lăsat așa înclinat
Nu mă m-ai întorc de unul singur rece
Oricum m-ai lăsat așa înclinat
După ce tu ai plecat drumurile s-au acoperit cu zăpadă
Sunt condamnat în acest puț
Oricum m-ai lăsat așa înclinat
După ce tu ai plecat drumurile s-au acoperit cu zăpadă
Sunt condamnat în acest puț
Oricum m-ai lăsat așa înclinat
Nu am altă vină decât că te-am iubit pe tine
Oricum m-ai lăsat așa înclinat
Ege Kökenli
În continuu în capul meu e o întrebare, cui îi trebuie acest cal?
Să fi bogat la discotecă și fals să vinzi șervețele...
Amici se aruncă în foc, miciuni și bani murdari
Dacă își găsește calea o adaugă la lista neagră.
Tu!Cunoscuți nu m-au cunoscut
Pentru că niciodată nu am călcat pe aici
Locul meu este sigur, fruntea este mereu a mea
Nu am ales niciun dinte cu fratele meu
Nu știu dacă am călătorit mult
Singurul lucru pe care l-am învățat este că totul sa schimbat
Sunt 20 și ceva de ani de când lumea sa dezvoltat
Credeți-mă că nu știu cum a trecut timpul
Sunt recunoscător că am venit la locul unde mâncăm pâine uscată
Am venit în locul unde lipsește laptele de pasăre de pe masa noastră
Am spus dar niciodată nu ne-am pierdut răbdarea
Slavă domnului, la maturitate numele nostru de familie Yetik!
Refren x2
Simțiți-vă! Soția nu este înșelată de fată
Simțiți-vă!Ai endința de a auzi adevărul
Simțiți-vă!Expresia care descrie străzile
Istanbul este oceanul iar eu sunt partea de jos
Fiecare magazin de colț, cerșetori în fiecare colț
Turcii, Kurzii, Lazi, Cerchezi, Frenki
Interiorul și exteriorul sunt mereu eterne
Cine îmi este prieten la închisoare, cine a gasito pe Amatem
Oameni care se iubesc îi dau bani unui om singur
Dacă banii trag apă atunci faci o rană profitabilă
Stoarcere, asalt, crimă, hoția îți dă mâini
Nu poți să trăiești ilegal mințindu-ți familia
Experiențele spun o greșeală ridicolă
Dacă îți ți spatele te face pasul
Cei pe caeei-ai crezut prieteni vin și te trădează ezastruos
În acel moment (ea) se refugiază la altă inimă
Am fost aici de ani de zile Galata și Taksim
Haydar, mi-a dominat tinerețea
Terketsem își amintește de Istanbul pe stradă
Am 3-5 prieteni care nu m-ar lăsa la jumătatea drumului
Refren x4
Simțiți-vă! Soția nu este înșelată de fată
Simțiți-vă!Ai endința de a auzi adevărul
Simțiți-vă!Expresia care descrie străzile
Istanbul este oceanul iar eu sunt partea de jos
Ege Kökenli