Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 11

Număr de rezultate: 462



Ah, ah, ah, ah.
Printre atâția oameni, te-am văzut ajungând.
Mâna destinului m-a făcut să te salut.
Ți-am spus numele meu și nu știu nici unde,
Nici cum de mi-ai răspuns cu un sărut.
Pentru tine a contat doar să te tratez bine.
Tu de 19 ani, iar eu de 23.
Și am început să plănuiesc să ne vedem din nou.
Și dacă aș putea să-ți demonstrez
Că dacă suntem împreună nimic nu ne mai lipsește.
Și că în ciuda distanței te voi iubi.
Trebuie doar să știi...
Că eu aș vrea să rămân,
Și că deși nu trebuie, vreau să te sun.
Să repetăm poveștile la nesfrârșit, nu știu...
Cum să-ți cer să te îndrăgostești,
Dacă la final nu-ți voi fi alături când vei plânge.
Cum să-ți cer să te iluzionezi
Și să decupez distanța dintre noi prin cântece.
Cum să-ți cer? Dacă la final nu-ți voi fi alături
Când mă voi îndrăgosti de tine.
Când mă voi îndrăgosti de tine, uh...
Îmi amintesc tot ceea ce-ți plăcea
Și cămașa care-ți ajungea la picioare.
Acea fățucă când îți cântam pentru prima dată.
Rămân cu totul și nu rămân cu nimic.
Fară tine nu mai e nimic, ți-am lăsat totul.
Știu că e prea devreme pentru asemenea cuvinte, dar le voi spune.
Cum mâinile noastre împreunate în noapte nu simt frigul,
Fără tine, timpul trece, dar zilele sunt neînsemnate...
Ca valurile din Marbella, tu erai frumoasă și singură.
Iar eu îți duc dorul și-ți duc dorul, însă te sun și uit de asta.
Cum te iubesc și te iubesc, dar iubirea asta nu mai e a mea.
Știu că e periculos când gura ta și a mea sunt împreună.
Cât aș vrea să rămân, dar acum nu ești cu mine.
Viața mereu trece, dar nu trece cu tine.
Cum să-ți cer să te îndrăgostești,
Dacă la final nu-ți voi fi alături când vei plânge.
Cum să-ți cer să te iluzionezi
Și să decupez distanța dintre noi prin cântece.
Cum să-ți cer? Dacă la final nu-ți voi fi alături
Când mă voi îndrăgosti de tine. (Tu de 19 ani, iar eu de 23.)
Când mă voi îndrăgosti de tine. (Tu de 19 ani, iar eu de 23.)
Și chiar dacă sunt în altă parte,
Sunt cât se poate de fericit că te-am putut întâlni.
Și chiar dacă nu am certitudinea că te voi revedea,
Cântecul ăsta e al tău.
Amintește-ți de mine.


Among so many people, I saw you arrive
Something in destiny made me say hello
I told you my name and I don't know where
Like with a kiss you answer me
You only cared that I treat you well
You 19 and I 23
And I started my plans to see each other again
And if I could show you
That being together there is nothing missing
And that I will love you despite the distance
You just have to know
That I would like to stay
And although I shouldn't, I just want to call you
That we repeat the stories again and again, I don't know
How do I ask you to fall in love?
When in the end I won't be when you cry
How do I ask you to have illusionos?
And cut our distance with songs
How do I ask you? If in the end I won't be
When I fell in love with you
When I fell in love with you, uh
I remember everything that you liked
And your shirt which reaches the feet
That little face when I was singing to you for the first time
I take everything and I'm not taking anything
Without you there is nothing, I left everything to you
I know it's too early for these words, but I threw them
As your hand and my hand they don't feel cold at night
Without you the hours pass, but with empty days
As in Marbella the waves, you were beautiful and alone
And I miss you and I miss you, but I call you and I forget it
How I love you and I love you, but this love isn't mine anymore
I know that your mouth and my mouth, when they come together, there is a mess
How I would like to stay, but now you are not with me
Life always pass, but it doesn't pass with you
How do I ask you to fall in love?
When in the end I won't be when you cry
How do I ask you to have illusionos?
And cut our distance with songs
How do I ask you? If in the end I won't be
When I fell in love with you (You 19 and I 23)
When I fell in love with you (You 19 and I 23)
And even if I'm somewhere else
I'm easier because I could find you
And if I don't have the certainty of seeing you again
This song is yours
Remember me
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

Train To Genoa

I haven't seen you for a long time
And now I am on my way to you
On the cold window glass
I wrote
Your name and Rijeka - Genoa
I haven't seen you for a long time
Are you still the one I know?
This train is cozy
But I'm restless
I'm drinking my third coffee
On the train to Genoa
Do you still love me, tell me
What does your heart say
Are we still together
If that's not love
Tell me what is love
Tell me truthfully
I remember everything
You can see the bay
Ships' lights from your room
But I, I don't want it to end
This train is running late
I hope you're waiting for me

Polyana, Polyana

Polyana*, Polyana, there´s a pit in Polyana,
Guys say that I´m wearing makeup.
Have you heard such news?
Guys say that I´m wearing makeup.
I´m not wearing makeup,
And boy, I won´t marry you.
Lily, lily and grass,
Boy, I won´t marry you.
Polyana, Polyana, there´s a pit in Polyana,
Guys say that I´m wearing makeup.
Have you heard such news?
Guys say that I´m wearing makeup.


Poor me, I ended up
On a reeling piece of wood
A trembling twig
I ended up
poor me, on a shivering leaf
Not even I know
Which road I'll take
Which way
I'll choose to run
Don't know which road to take
Once my mother could
Once she could make an apple
I guess she planted a sapling
Couldn't tend to it
I grew up without a father
I grew up without parents
The backwoods are my home
My house
My house is on the berry shrubs
The sky is intricately embroidered
The Big Dipper is well made
I wonder how my life is
I wonder
The life of me, dark-browed
Once my mother could
Once she could make an apple
I guess she planted a sapling
Couldn't tend to it
Once my mother could
Once she could make an apple
I guess she planted a sapling
Couldn't tend to it
It was put in a bad place
On the edge of a dark cloud
On the hard roots of the birch
Deep in the autumn night

Îți voi desena...

Îți voi desena stelele
Care noaptea cad de pe cer...
Voi îndoi acel desen și voi scrie în colț
Că aceste stele ești tu.
Îți voi desena soarele
Care strălucește în ochii tăi.
Iar tu vei zice 'este a mea' când mă vei vedea pe mine,
Vei zice că acest soare sunt eu.
Iubirea ta este atât de dulce!
Vreau să mă strângi în brațe.
Ascultă-mi inima,
Sărută-mi lacrimile...
Îți voi desena iubirea mea pe palme,
Inima mea ești tu.
Iubirea ta este atât de dulce!
Vreau să mă strângi în brațe.
Îți voi desena stelele
Care noaptea cad de pe cer...
Voi îndoi acel desen și voi scrie în colț
Că aceste stele ești tu.
© Vladímir Sosnín

On The High Rock

I´m sitting on a rock, on a high rock
And from here the world seems to be marvelous and wide
I´m sitting on the rock and just looking
And suddenly all the shadows are gone
I´m sitting on the rock and everything is calm
All this hurry is lost somewhere, somewhere down there
From this rock I can see that everything is purer
Suddenly peace fills my heart
I like sitting on the high rock
There are no people, only sun is shining (only sun is shining)
On the high rock there´s something what caresses my soul
Suddenly one can feel God´s presence
I´m sitting on the rock, on the high rock
Two of us escaped from the cage of freedom
From this rock I can see that everything is purer
Suddenly peace fills my heart
I like sitting on the high rock
There are no people, only sun is shining (only sun is shining)
On the high rock there´s something what caresses my soul
Suddenly one can feel God´s presence
Only few clouds are running beside me
And the breeze is blowing calmly
I like sitting on the high rock
There are no people, only sun is shining (only sun is shining)
On the high rock there´s something what caresses my soul
Suddenly one can feel God´s presence

They Say (The Rose)

They say love is a water
that floods the tender grass
They say love is a knife
that strikes the soul full of hate
They say love devours
Great and agonizing, full of greed
I say, love is the flower
and the seed lives only within you
If you're afraid of breaking,
you'll never know how to dance
And your dream never wants to awaken
so that you can fulfill it
Are you afraid to give yourself up?
Is there no one who warms you?
Is your soul so afraid of death
that it has never learned life?
When the nights were lonely
was the way, your way, too long?
And you believe you can't love
because you've never succeeded
Oh, then think of the winter
It hides the moss in the snow
And the flowers that still sleep
will become roses as ever


Angel. You, who approach to me when it gets dark and whom I dream of.
Angel. You, who stare at me with those eyes full of eternal love.
Angel. You, who touch me and I feel my body has recovered life.
Angel. You, who take my painful crown of thorns away.
Angel. You, who take me with your wings to any place in heaven.
Angel. You, who make this poor soul believe in love again.
Angel. You are my angel.
Angel. You have all the beauty I sought in a woman.
Angel. You are the most dangerous temptation for the soul.
Angel. You hold onto the desire of this fearless sinner.
Angel. You break as crystal when you feel my fire love.
Angel. You are my angel.
Angel. You, who tell ours must end and then you burst into tears.
Angel. No one can be between heaven and hell and then burst into tears.
Angel. You are my angel.
Angel. You who leave when dawn comes.
Angel. You whom my imagination makes up every night.
I love you!

Will Cristina ever be back?

Will Cristina ever be back?
Is she going to stay there?
Could it be that she doesn't care
to knock on the door to cheer me up?
Day and night I wonder
My thing is wondering
Will Cristina be back?
Who knows if she wants to come back
Will Cristina be back?
Is she going to stay there?
Longing to hear from her
In the streets I look for those who can brief me
Some laughing, make a mockery of it
Others think I'm insane.
Some go by so fast
That can't listen to me.
Will Cristina come back?
Will she like it?
Will it be that in the coldest hours
Of the empty nights don't she think about coming back?
Is she eager to come back?
Is she taking her time?
Will Cristina ever be back?
Is she going to stay there?
Will Cristina ever be back?
Is she going to stay there?

Cântă muzicantule

An după an, zi de zi
Trăim ca de obicei
Şi în dezordinea zilnică
Plutim în mulţime
Unii sunt obosiţi, alţii sunt norocoşi
Unii muncesc doar pentru pâine
Dar s-a auzit de sub fereastră
O melodie veche.
Cântă muzicantule, te voi crede
Că vor veni zile mai bune
Cântă muzicantule, deschideţi larg uşile
Supărări şi bucurii ne aşteaptă
Şi nu contează părerea audienţei
Că sunetul „repetă” nu este auzit
Scena lui este o curte mică
Fără promptere sau cortine.
Cântece despre soarta oraşelor,
Muzicantul este mereu pe drum
Adesea buzunarul lui este gol
Dar asta nu e o problemă.
Cântă muzicantule, te voi crede
Că vor veni zile mai bune
Cântă muzicantule, deschideţi larg uşile
Supărări şi bucurii ne aşteaptă
Cântă muzicantule, te voi crede
Că vor veni zile mai bune
Cântă muzicantule, deschideţi larg uşile
Supărări şi bucurii ne aşteaptă

Ceai de trandafir

Ceaiul de trandafir străluceşte ca un pahar de vin
Între noi este un perete de sticlă, între noi este linişte
Atingem cu buzele o bucată mică de gheaţă
Încercăm să o încălzim, dar nu simţim căldura
Tu nu mă auzi
Eu nu te aud
Între noi sunt necazuri ca frigul
Frigul iernii
Tu nu mă auzi
Eu nu te aud
Am putea să ne înţelegem unul pe altul ?
Nu putem să întoarcem ziua de ieri- se topeşte în noapte
De ce am pierdut cheile fericirii noastre?
Este adevărat că altcineva va bea ceaiul de trandafir în locul nostru ?
Este adevărat că noi nu am putea deschide uşa de sticlă acum ?

Moon song

When the moon wanders on the blue mount
and looks in through the window,
then I sometimes think like so
and slowly strum the lute:
How happy you are, you clear moon
that gets to travel so high above the Earth
and only look on
And only look on
Surely you see folly without speaking
One can probably believe so
Both lovers who are lost in torment
and lovers who are having fun
Surely you see the tear running from the eye
but the sorrow never makes it up to you
It is too high
It is too high
The spectacle tires you shortly
One can not blame you for that
Then you just simply go away
One also gets tired of shining
Then you are away for a few days
and come again when you please
and look at us
And look at us
Oh dear moon, take me to you
from this world so cramped
It seems like no one would miss me here
For here there are so many of those
I long for you up in the heights
There, my tired eye will one day
not cry more
Not cry more
And when I no longer shall dwell here
and the green hill hides me,
you will look at the grave just as mildly
even though everyone else forgets it
Then my spirit as it gets to travel
to the star lands will so freely declare
my love to you
My love to you

You go

I still have in my memories
The night I met you
I did not know you would become
all for me.
Everything happened as I imagined
It was like the dream I expected so much
What I was looking for someday to have
In you I found it.
And suddenly everything became cloudy
my world went out, and you were no longer
What is the use of this song?
If fate has already separated us.
And you go
Knowing that you will not return
And I have silence
Drowning in my loneliness.
And you go
And although I did not know it
I was already losing you
You do not know how much it hurts me to know you're leaving.
Girl I keep wondering where it went wrong
You left and I still can not understand why
Why did you leave, if all was well
If I loved you, and I got lost.
I know that love left you with other wounds
But getting away is never the best way out
You never understood, what you were for me
And how it hurts to see.
What are you going
Knowing that you will not return
And I have silence
Drowning in my loneliness.
And you go
And although I did not know it
I was already losing you
You do not know how much it hurts to know.
That in spite of all the time and the love that in you you bet on my way
He dies in this room and I'm left alone
Without an answer, tell me what it costs you
Give me a second of your time
To write even the end of this story
Play the last attempt card
And if there is no more turn, close the door.
And you go
Knowing that you will not return
And I have silence
Drowning in my loneliness.
And you go
And although I did not know it
I was already losing you
You do not know how much it hurts me to know you're leaving.
What are you going
What are you going
What are you going
This is my translation of the song.This is not copyright.Hope yoy like it.

Give Me What I Give You

You don't want to see
What's happening here
No need to tell you
I'm not just for you
Because what I want
To do is something casual at last
And if what I want is a sin
Come and burn with me
Come on down
Go down my waist
Kiss my naked skin (oh)
Stay here in my madness
Give me what I give you (ohh)
May it never end (ooh)
Us loving each other uncensored
Torture me with more desire
Give me what I give you
If one day you see me with another
Calm down, cause I'm not yours
Your jealousy and obsession, are your fault
Don't blame me
And if you can accept and remember
That I'm committed to nothing (yes)
We can let loose this passion, heat
That burns and lives in me
Come on down
Go down my waist
(My waist)
Kiss my naked skin (ohh)
Stay here in my madness
Give me what I give you
(Give me what I give)
May it never end
(What I give)
Us loving each other uncensored
Torture me with more desire
Give me what I give you
See how my body burns
How the fire doesn't go out
How the night doesn't end
You have to know how to love me
Without falling in love
I don't want love and I don't want romance
You have to get physical with me
Make my blood boil
You have to know how to love me
Without falling in love
Ours is physical (oh)
We make love, without feeling love (yeah)
(Give me what I give you)
It's natural, the pleasure
You enjoy it, and so do I
No relationship
(Give me what I give you)
I want your body
Not your heart
Go down my waist
(Down my waist)
Kiss my naked skin (ohh)
(Ohh, yeah yeah yeah)
Stay here in my madness
Give me what I give you
(Don't fall in love)
May it never end
Us loving each other uncensored
Torture me with more desire
Give me what I give you
Go down my waist
(Go down my waist)
Kiss my naked skin
(My naked skin)
Stay here in my madness
Give me what I give you (oh)
May it never end
(That my body)
Us loving each other uncensored
(Yes in the night)
Torture me with more desire
(Ooh, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, ohh)
Give me what I give you
Come here
Don't be shy
I'm in the mood
Give me what I give you

Let It All Go

You know why, tears pour like rain,
not only because of sadness.
On sunny days, the rain pours too.
And I ask you, my friend, don't cry.
Let his heart go.
Forgive him for everything, but he's not worth it.
Stay proud.
Forgive and let it all go.
Sad eyes, biting your lip,
and your heart is breaking from the pain.
Your soul's ocean, love's island,
Give it all to him, my friend
Let go of his heart.
Forgive him for everything, but he's not worth it.
Stay proud.
Forgive and let it all go.
Even if you can't sleep and your soul screams in pain.
Even if your heart flutters.
Even if all your expectations were ripped to shreds.
His excuses were stupid and nonsense. 1
You can't sleep and your soul screams in pain.
Your heart rate beats too fast.
All your expectations were ripped to shreds.
His excuses were stupid and nonsense.
His excuses ...
His excuses ...
Let go of his heart.
Forgive him for everything, but he's not worth it.
Stay proud.
Forgive and let it all go.
Let go of everything ...
My dear friend...
My dear friend...
  • 1. lit: 'His confessions were ridiculous and ludicrous'

Don't Fear Me

Versions: #2
Well I, well I, just adore your strong manly hands.
Well I, well I, just adore your lips and your face.
Well I, well I, just adore the broad shoulders of a man.
Well I, well I, just adore the things that you say.
Don't fear me baby, get close to me and stay.
Don't fear me baby, don't turn and look away.
Don't fear me baby, I know just what to say.
And, you'll forget all your worries of the day.
Well you, well you, act so young, looking up into the sky.
Well you, well you, cat's got your tongue, standing there so quiet.
Well you, well you, a little old to be acting young and shy.
Well you, well you, grab my hand, enjoy the ride.
Don't fear me baby, get closer next to me.
Don't fear me baby, don't turn and look away.
Don't fear me baby, I know just what to say.
And, you'll forget all your worries of the day.
Don't fear me.
C'mon don't fear me. Hmmm?
Don't fear me baby, I know what to say.
And, you'll forget all your worries of the day.

You don't convince

I guess I wasn't so understanding
There is no more return for you
So save your breath you've become a past
And what we have experienced together in the archives have entered...
Not convincing...
Your words are reminiscent of bad repetitions, not convincing
Not convincing...
Good boy you are nothing but only a bum, do not convince...
On your knees, even if you come the train won't return
To leave and free in the mediocre you love
Living, not convincing, not convincing...
I guess I wasn't so understanding
That when we're done, you'll have a place in my heart
But they tricked you, the time changed
And you are Unnecessary in my many plans...

I Had A Heart, But I Lost It

I had a heart, but I lost it
Ah, I wish I could find it
I had a heart, but I lost it
Ah, I wish I could find it
Stuck in the bottom of the river
Or drowned in the sea
Stuck in the bottom of the river
Or drowned in the sea
I wish I could leave
Leave not to come back
I wish I could leave
Leave not to come back
Since death is in love with me
It can come and get me
Since death is in love with me
It can come and get me
I had a heart, but I lost it
Ah, I wish I could find it
I had a heart, but I lost it
Ah, I wish I could find it
Stuck in the mud of the river
Or drowned in the sea
Stuck in the mud of the river
Or drowned in the sea
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

You're Missing Here

Versions: #2
Like every year, when the leaves fall down,
We gather here and we give a toast to you
Year after year, people come, and everyone is here
But your seat is always free
While one eye laughs, the other cries
Like a film, my memories flash before my eyes
And they pass me by
It hurts everywhere now, everywhere you're not anymore
I miss you
You're not here
I'm seeing visions of you, I hear you speak, wherever I go
I miss you
You're not here
You're not here
I still recall when there was so much warmth, so much light,
So much pure love in your eyes
Time passes by, I can only hope you're doing well
Wherever you are now
The light is gone, the pictures stay,
Like a filmstrip, memories pass me by again
I recall again
It hurts everywhere now, everywhere you're not anymore
I miss you
You're not here
I'm seeing visions of you, I hear you speak, wherever I go
I miss you
You're not here
I see you in the mirror
I see you in me
And it feels like you're still present, as though you're here with me
It hurts everywhere now, everywhere you're not anymore
I miss you
You're not here
I'm seeing visions of you, I hear you speak, wherever I go
I miss you
You're not here
It hurts everywhere now, everywhere you're not anymore
I miss you
You're not here
I'm seeing visions of you, I hear you speak, wherever I go
I miss you
You're not here
I miss you


My sweet sisters
Maidens from the neighbors'
Seh eh eh linny koy,
Seh eh eh lah yah
Seh eh eh linny koy,
Seh eh eh lah yah
So he flirted with me
Courted for a long time
Before my mother gave in
My father let me leave
I put my trust in men
I Waited for grooms
Oh, grooms
I waited for grooms
I wanted to go to a man
To go on a wooing journey
Oh, a journey
To go on a wooing journey
The girl was taken away
The daughter to strange lands
They made me a wench
A slave with no rights
I did what the men wanted
I knew their desires
Oh, I knew
I knew their desires
Every day I did my best
At night I was an orphan
Oh, at night
At night I was an orphan
Stupid girls, don't you do
What I did, stupid me
Damn me, I left
To be a wife in strange lands
Damn me, I left
What I did, stupid me
What I did, stupid me
Damn me, I left
Oh, what I did
Damn me, I left
Oh, what I did
Damn me, I left
Oh, what I did
What I did, stupid me
Oh, what I did
What I did, stupid me

The vengeance of Hell

The vengeance of Hell boils in my heart,
Death and despair flame about me!
If Sarastro does not through you feel
The pain of death,
Then you will be my daughter
Disowned may you be forever,
Abandoned may you be forever,
Destroyed be forever
All the bonds of nature,
If not through you
Sarastro becomes pale!
Hear, Gods of Revenge,
Hear a mother's oath!
My own translations are protected by copyrights. Commercial use only with my written permission, private use free if the author is mentioned.

About pictures (paintings)

Should you see on this fine painting
River with the raft so fast,
Or the spruce with some white frosting,
Or the yard and overcast,
Or the snowfield with fun sleighing,
Or the field with hut in shape,
Then the naming for this drawing
Is undoubtedly… landscape.
Should a picture framed in amber
Has a coffee mug someplace,
Or the fruit-drink in decanter,
Or the rose in crystal vase,
Or the bronzed heavy kettle,
Or the pear and then some pie,
Or the objects altogether, -
Know this picture is… still life.
Should you notice someone's gazing
From this paining at us, -
Dashing prince - he’s fascinating,
Or the Jack in overalls,
Skyman or a ballerina,
Good friend Kolya – next doorway,
Necessarily this drawing
Goes by name of the… buffet!
Not the buffet, but portray!

Little potato

(She's a little girl with a small nose,)
(and as in fairy tales she was born under a cabbage)
(between clumps of parsley.)
At dawn on one day in April
a warm ray of sunshine,
rummaging in the green of the garden
( it ) found a little thing like that.
Potato, potato, little potato like you.
Little girl, potato,
with a small nose, a little button nose,
you like in fairy tales
you were born under a cabbage,
between parsley clumps
you were born.
Little girl, little potato,
with a small nose, a little button nose,
in a clear morning
with the roosters that sang
and blooming flowers
you were born.
Potato, potato, little potato like you.
Blonde-colored hair
and the sky-blue eyes,
two small velvet hands,
in a minute
you were born.
Little girl, potato,
with a small nose, a little button nose
in a clear morning
with the roosters that sang
and blooming flowers
you were born.
Potato, potato, little potato like you.
Little potato ... little baby
La lala lala lala lala ...
You were born.
Potato, potato, little potato like you.
Blonde-colored hair
and the sky-blue eyes,
two small velvet hands,
in a minute
you were born.
Little girl, little potato,
with a small nose, a little button nose
who believes in fairy tales -
looking under the cabbages -
( he/she ) may be lucky enough to
find you.
Little potato!
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.


How can I explain you what is like to be afraid of being happy,
If not even my friends understood that?
They tell me to keep calm when I need to,
They bring me some hot milk and blankets
And it's right when they're talking to me
That I'd want to scream: 'Thank you all, you can go now',
But I stay here
Watching a film
How can I explain you how patient I am?
Problem is I can't live without
Something that can oppress me,
That makes me realise that one day this life will be over,
Because my brain is really made of thorns1
And my heart is like a flower
In that it still believes in good
And doesn't know that its petals will fall off all at once,
In that moment it will want to just explode,
It will yell at me: 'Stop loving'
This is my cherophobia,
No, it's not negativity,
This is my cherophobia,
Happiness scares me,
But, you, stay here
How can I explain it, if no one understands you,
If nothing affects you,
Total indifference
For the astral form of evil,
We've built a special relationship
And I try to tell this in every song of mine
But people always think I'm talking about someone else:
'You're so pretty, you've got such a baby face, such a child voice...',
But that child grew up too fast
Between the walls of her bedroom
Where she started not feeling safe2
And everytime things work out,
I think I don't have the energy to bear it
And I look for every form of pain
Mixed with sweat and blood
And I feel like I can't breathe anymore,
Feel like my anxiety is getting stronger and stronger,
Let me out of this bloody room
This is my cherophobia,
No, it's not negativity,
This is my cherophobia,
Happiness scares me,
But, you, stay here
Tell you we'll be together,
Tell you we'll be fine,
Tell you this is how it's going to go,
Tell you we'll be together,
Tell you: 'I won't be fine'
My anxiety is coming at me
  • 1. Tricky line here. You can also interpret 'strafatto' with 'very high' as in on drugs, but both options don't make any sense to me.
  • 2. 'stare stretto' literally means 'be tight', but it's also used to say that something isn't for you and doesn't suit you.

You for Me

A while ago I had a friend,
The one I truly wanted.
A princes that took two steps
In her shoes of crystal.
We shared a house
On the other side of the city
We made a place for my bad luck
And her reluctance towards success.
You for me, me for you.
Together we'll go wherever we have to.
You for me, me for you.
Together we'll go just to go.
One dark day we had to walk
Where the bad push and shove.
And there is always someone with filth,
There is always a heavy day.
Be careful with crocodiles,
They can sneak and remain unseen
They ate smiling quietly
I realized and left on foot.
You for me, me for you
Together we'll go wherever we have to.
You for me, me for you.
Together we'll go just to go.
I think of you, where you are
And if you'll ever come back
We'll laugh at this nightmare
Over a cup of coffee
I was on the wilder side.
I promise I'll never go back
Until Lou Reed walks in a suit
And calls his girlfriend from the hotel.
You for me, me for you
Together we'll go wherever we have to.
You for me, me for you.
Together we'll go just to go.
You for me, me for you
Together we'll go wherever we have to.
You for me, me for you.
Together we'll go just to go.


With my eyes towards the sky
Rain washed my tears
This is not automn
It's just the day when I loose
The illusion I had
When I considered our eternity
There are times for dreaming
But in reality
I have lost the courage to love you
I don't want to feel us falling down
I haven't got the strength to bring
My desires towards your hopes
I can't stick to
Hiding myself behind appearences
I was in the wrong
I have lost the courage
Listening to the wind
I can hear the tears you shed
Keep trusting me again
You will find the reasons why
Simply out of repect for my life
I can only be the one I am
I wanted to give you my soul
But the longing is gone
I have lost the courage to love you
I don't want to see us lie to each other
I haven't got the strength to bring
My desires towards your hopes
I can't stick to
Hiding myself behind appearences
I was in the wrong
I have lost the courage
To push my roots
Where my heart brightens
I cannot wait anymore
But you must understand
I have lost the courage to love you
I don't want to see us lie to each other
I have only got time to tell you
That never did I pretend
My longing is gone
Even if it tears my soul apart
I have lost the courage
I was in the wrong
I'm going elsewhere
I'm going... elsewhere

Twice as Strong

I know what you mean
When you must laugh in order not to weep, not to weep
You feel so small
You carry a backpack full of doubt all alone, alone
I know it hurts but don't stand still now
Sometimes we can't see the end of the tunnel
We tumble and fall and not only once
But it will be getting better when we go on.
The first step is the hardest
But already the second is hard no more
And once a heart gets broken
It will get twice as strong afterwards
Twice as strong
Twice as strong
I know how it is
When the ace up your sleeve doesn't sting at all, mmm
And then you wonder
Will the cards be shuffled once more for me?
But don't stand still now for it's OK already
When one doesn't comprehend everything in life
We tumble and fall and not only once
But it will be getting better when we go on.
The first step is the hardest
But already the second is hard no more
And once a heart gets broken
It will get twice as strong afterwards
The first step is the hardest
But already the second is hard no more
And once a heart gets broken
It will get twice as strong afterwards
The first step is the hardest
But already the second is hard no more
And once a heart gets broken
It will get twice as strong afterwards
The first step is the hardest
But already the second is hard no more
And once a heart gets broken
It will get twice as strong afterwards
Twice as strong
Twice as strong
Twice as strong
Twice as strong
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. Thank you!


Versions: #2
The night fell and your body knows it
And I bring this rhythm for you to dance
Quickly so that this fire doesn't go out
And move your waist like only you know
Baby, your figure drives me crazy, eh
Move it with flavor, yeah
With you, I want an adventure
Go on, baby because the night is yours
Let's get closer just like that
Soft and with delicacy
See that you will not regret
And let this music take you
And get a little bit closer so that I can feel your fire
Dancing closely, this gets good
Like this, do it again
Like this, because this gets good
Baby, I have the key to drive you crazy
Moving so hard and smooth little by little
I know very well that when I dance I provoke you
Let's leave the rest for when we are alone
And I have the key to drive you crazy
Moving so hard and smooth little by little
I know very well that when I dance I provoke you
I am Little Red Riding Hood, but you will be my wolf, yeah
Let's get closer just like that
Soft and with delicacy
See that you will not regret
And let this music catch you
Do it, do it hard without fear
Give it up that this has already got good
And all the people are going down to the ground
And this catches fire a little bit already
And the time has come
I want us to be alone
Your eyes will owe me
That is making me lose control
And the time has come
I want us to be alone
Your eyes will owe me
That drives me out of control
Let's get closer just like that
Soft and with delicacy
See that you will not regret
And let this music catch you


To die for love
Come on let’s drink one for love
You’re breaking me like this raki
Cause I can’t live without it or without you
To drink for love in it I drown my feelings for you
And I did it so that I’m not feeling it
Cause you don’t deserve it, I know
He fell in love with cocaine
He named it “Doruntina”
He said he couldn’t but in our hands we poured it, every time we snapped we would drink one
He fell in love with cocaine
We weren't with others, we only stayed together, I want it the same as atina showed
We be so high, we can reach the sky together
I hate it so much
Even though we’re not together
Because you’ve gone out with other girls
Because you’ve known already
Like with me, with no one else
Can you be as compatible
Because the heart beats, with me you find shelter
Why are you ruining it, you left everything
To want to (vre??)
Til now to (vre??)
Because you’re only for me babe
To die for love
Come on let’s drink one for love
You’re breaking me like this raki
Cause I can’t live without it or without you
To drink for love
In them I drown my feelings for you
And I did it so that I’m not feeling it
Cause you don’t deserve it, I know
I’ve thought that I never drink
Never drink, especially for you
But I don’t know how you’ve come into my head
I only know that I always think of you
Ehh when your self gets deceived like this
And thinks that it never gets hurt
But it can’t happen every day
How much fun we've had
I don’t know if you remember
I ended up alone, I ended up alone
You didn’t fight, at the end I ended up alone
My heart waits, still waits
It can’t accept this reality
And you don’t even care
You turn your head and leave
And you do ours
Nothing but your face
You're not showing
To die for love
Come on let's drink one for love
You're breaking me like this raki
Cause I can't live without it or without you
To drink for love
In this I drown my feelings for you
And I did it so that I'm not feeling it
Cause you don't deserve it, I know

Vreau să mă întorc

Tot ceea ce începe se termină.
Eu cu tine, ce am să fac?
Eu cu tine, ce am să fac?
Când am vitamina ta
Și o doză, se simte bine,
Cutreierându-mi întreaga piele.
Și chiar dacă eu nu aș vrea să mă îndepărtez,
Doar tu știi să mă aprinzi.
Eu vreau doar să mă întorc, să mă întorc,
Vreau să-ți dau săruturi până la răsărit.
Eu vreau să dispar cu tine (nu, nu, nu).
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Eu vreau doar să mă întorc, să mă întorc,
Vreau să-ți dau săruturi până la răsărit.
Eu vreau să dispar cu tine (nu, nu, nu).
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Vreau doar să mă întorc, vreau doar să mă întorc,
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Vreau doar să mă întorc, vreau doar să mă întorc.
(Yatra, Yatra)
Chiar dacă trece timpul, eu te aștept,
Știi că iubirea asta nu e pasageră.
Dacă nu ești cu mine, eu mor,
Pentru că-ți jur că te iubesc, uh.
Baby, nu pleca, Tini nu pleca,
Rămâi cu mine, să dansăm aici pe plaje.
Și când îți voi săruta întreg corpul,
Voi picta o oază în deșertul tău.
Vara asta să dureze etern,
Să nu ies niciodată din mintea ta!
Din Buenos Aires, până în Cartagena,
Te voi iubi complet.
Eu vreau doar să mă întorc, să mă întorc,
Vreau să-ți dau săruturi până la răsărit.
Eu vreau să dispar cu tine (nu, nu, nu).
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Eu vreau doar să mă întorc, să mă întorc,
Vreau să-ți dau săruturi până la răsărit.
Eu vreau să dispar cu tine (nu, nu, nu).
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Vreau doar să mă întorc, vreau doar să mă întorc,
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Vreau doar să mă întorc, vreau doar să mă întorc.
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Și chiar dacă eu nu aș vrea să mă îndepărtez,
Doar tu știi să mă aprinzi.
Eu vreau doar să mă întorc, să mă întorc,
Vreau să-ți dau săruturi până la răsărit.
Eu vreau să dispar cu tine (nu, nu, nu).
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Eu vreau doar să mă întorc, să mă întorc,
Vreau să-ți dau săruturi până la răsărit.
Eu vreau să dispar cu tine (nu, nu, nu).
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Vreau doar să mă întorc, vreau doar să mă întorc,
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Vreau doar să mă întorc, vreau doar să mă întorc.
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.

De ce pleci?

Îți promit să nu plâng,
Să te aștept și să nu uit.
Daruiește-mi un ultim sărut care să mă facă să visez.
Și acest strigăt de durere
Niciodată nu va face iubirea asta să tacă.
Prefer să trăiesc așteptând decât să accept că nu ești.
Te iubesc atât de mult, iubire.
Nu știi cât, iubire.
De ce pleci?
De ce ai uitat motivele ce te țineau aici?
De ce ai lăsat vorbele pe care îmi doream să ți le spun?
Deja mi-au spus să te uit, că timpul te vindecă și să continui, dar tu continui aici.
Deja mi-au spus că iubirea nu omoară, dar chiar te doar.
Și doare atât de tare, că mori pe dinăuntru.
Nu contează nimic,
Dacă tu nu mă iubești,
Și chiar dacă deja ai plecat, vreau să rămâi.
Îți promit să nu plâng, (să nu plâng)
Să te aștept și să nu uit (să nu uit).
Daruiește-mi un ultim sărut care să mă facă să visez.
Și acest strigăt de durere (de durere)
Niciodată nu va face iubirea asta să tacă.
Prefer să trăiesc așteptând decât să accept că nu ești.
Te iubesc atât de mult, iubire.
Nu știi cât, iubire.
De ce pleci?
De ce pleci, copilo, de ce pleci?
De ce pleci?
De ce pleci, copilo, de ce pleci?
A rămas un gol atât de mare cânt ai plecat,
False promisiuni și vise care daja nu mai există.
Vară eternă, Primăveri în Iarnă,
Am neglijat chemarea iubirii și a devenit un infern.
Nu te pot opri și chiar și așa încerc,
Nu a fost vina mea și chiar și așa spun că-mi pare rău.
Simt că nu sunt suficient,
Simt că printre atâția oameni, eu aș reuși să mă îndrăgostesc iar de cea care azi e purtată de vânt.
Îți promit să nu plâng, (să nu plâng)
Să te aștept și să nu uit (să nu uit).
Daruiește-mi un ultim sărut care să mă facă să visez.
Și acest strigăt de durere (de durere)
Niciodată nu va face iubirea asta să tacă.
Prefer să trăiesc așteptând decât să accept că nu ești.
Te iubesc atât de mult, iubire.
Nu știi cât, iubire.
De ce pleci?
De ce pleci, copilo, de ce pleci?
De ce pleci?
De ce pleci, copilo, de ce pleci?
Îți promit să nu plâng,
Să te aștept și să nu uit.
Daruiește-mi un ultim sărut care să mă facă să visez.
Și acest strigăt de durere (de durere)
Niciodată nu va face iubirea asta să tacă.
Prefer să trăiesc așteptând decât să accept că nu ești.
Te iubesc atât de mult, iubire.
Nu știi cât, iubire.
De ce pleci?