Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 60



You know that there's a night in which
Darkness never makes you afraid
It's inside a dream, and you
Following a dream, will find it
And let it take you away
Over the houses, beyond the clouds
And let your magic
Paint the void inside you
Believe in this fable
All will change
In the magic night
Each of your dreams
Is already reality
You know that you only need to believe
To give life to fantasy
And close your eyes as it snows
As silence, with its poetry,
Warms your soul
And gifts you what you don't have
The time to smile
To find what you are
Believe in this fable
All will change
In the magic night
Each of your dreams
Is already reality
And you'll fall in love
(You'll fall in love...)
With this sky that slowly lulls you in its arms
You'll fall asleep
(You'll fall in love...)
In this sea of uncertainties, at times a drop is enough
Your voice, music
To take flight once again every day
And don't let time erase that dream
Close your eyes and think
Even the Moon is different tonight
It seems to be alone but it isn't
There are a thousand stars around it
Making it shine
Making it shine
There was a time
I was always in a hurry
Time is like dreams, nobody buys them around here
Moments pass around here but no one counts them
Those who live in fables and those who tell them to each other
But let yourself be amazed
Just like when, as a child,
You watched the snow fall...
Believe in this fable
All will change
In the magic night
Each of your dreams
Is already reality


Vreau să fiu nemuritoare
ca un Zeu în cer
Vreau să fiu o floare de mătase
ca și cum nu aș muri niciodată
Vreau să trăiesc pentru totdeauna
pentru totdeauna în inima ta
Și vom fi mereu împreună
De la sfârșit la început
Pentru asta o facem
pentru a rezerva un loc
Este doar o altă parte a rasei umane
Pentru asta o facem
pentru a rezerva un spațiu
În istorie este doar
parte a rasei umane
Rasei, rasei, rasei, rasei
Alerg în permanență după timp,
dar toată lumea moare, moare
Dacă aș putea cumpăra 'pentru totdeauna' la un preț
l-aș cumpăra de două ori, două ori
Dar dacă lumea sfârșește în foc
și mările sunt înghețate în timp
Va fi un singur supraviețuitor,
amintirea că eu am fost a ta și tu ai fost al meu
Toată lumea moare
Alerg după timp
Când iubești pe cineva
vor pleca întotdeauna prea devreme
Dar o amintire, o amintire
poate face o floare să înflorească
Vrem să fim amintiți,
nu vrem să trăim degeaba
Dar nimic nu e veșnic,
lumea asta este într-un joc pierdut
Vreau să însemn ceva pentru altcineva
să simt o semnificație în lumea reală
Nu este suficient să trăiești o viață norocoasă
Alerg în permanență după timp,
dar toată lumea moare, moare
Dacă aș putea cumpăra 'pentru totdeauna' la un preț
l-aș cumpăra de două ori, două ori
Dar dacă lumea sfârșește în foc
și mările sunt înghețate în timp
Va fi un singur supraviețuitor,
amintirea că eu am fost a ta și tu ai fost al meu
Nu, nu vreau să îmi fie frică, frică să mor
Vreau doar să fiu capabilă să spun că mi-am trăit viața
O, toate lucrurile pe care oamenii le fac
pentru a lăsa în urmă o mică dovadă
Dar singurul lucru care nu moare este iubirea
Alerg în permanență după timp,
dar toată lumea moare, moare
Dacă aș putea cumpăra 'pentru totdeauna' la un preț
l-aș cumpăra de două ori, două ori
Dar dacă lumea sfârșește în foc
și mările sunt înghețate în timp
Va fi un singur supraviețuitor,
amintirea că eu am fost a ta și tu ai fost al meu
Deci ține-mă în viață
ține-mă în viață
ține-mă în viață


Am văzut sezoane venind și plecând
De la soarele iernii la zăpadă verii
Asta nu este prima dată pentru mine la rodeo
Natura nu este o mașină de fructe
Ea trebuie să își păstreze creditele curate
Lucruri bune vin la cei care așteaptă
Dar eu nu sunt într-o fază răbdătoare
Este vara și eu atârn pe o viță de vie
Mă voi transforma într-un vin roșu, dulce
Atârnând precum un fruct în copac
Așteptând să fie cules, vino și eliberează-mă
Haide, umple-ți cana
Uitându-te după ceva noroc
Noroc, noroc ție
Atârnând ca un fruct
Gata să devină suc
Suc, suc
Trăind viața dulce
Viața nu putea fi mai dulce
Nu îmi da un motiv
Că nu este sezonul potrivit
Dragule, te iubesc enorm
Îți voi da tot ce am
Da, ști că e adevărat
Mi-am salvat toate verile pentru tine
Mi-am salvat toate verile pentru tine
Precum fructele, precum fructele
Dragule, sunt plinuță și coaptă
Sunt mai roz ca deliciul păstorului
Dulce precum caprifoiul noaptea târziu
Lăsându-l prea mult voi putrezi
Precum un măr de care ai uitat
Păsările și viermii vor veni după mine
Ciclul vieții este complet
Sunt floarea ta carnală, sunt trandafirul tău însîngerat
Culege-mi petalele și fă-mi inima să explodeze
Sunt planta ta mortală, sunt cireșul tău
Tu ești singura mea iubire adevărată, eu sunt destinul tău
Haide, umple-ți cana
Uitându-te după ceva noroc,
noroc, noroc ție
Primăvara, eu voi dispărea
Păsările vor cânta cântecul lor de doliu, cântecul
Trăind viața dulce
Viața nu putea fi mai dulce
Nu îmi da un motiv
Că nu este sezonul potrivit
Dragule, te iubesc enorm
Îți voi da tot ce am
Da, ști că e adevărat
Mi-am salvat toate verile pentru tine
Mi-am salvat toate verile pentru tine
Precum fructele, precum fructele
O, corpul meu este pregătit
Da, este pregătit, este pregătit pentru iubirea ta
O, ramurile mele sunt grele
Da, sunt grele, sunt grele
Trăind viața dulce
Viața nu putea fi mai dulce
Nu îmi da un motiv
Că nu este sezonul potrivit
Dragule, te iubesc enorm
Îți voi da tot ce am
Da, ști că e adevărat
Mi-am salvat toate verile pentru tine
Mi-am salvat toate verile pentru tine
Precum fructele, precum fructele
Trăind viața dulce
Sunt îndrăgostită
Trăind viața dulce
Sunt îndrăgostită
Sunt îndrăgostită

The festival

It was a festive day, you could see that ever since morning
The sun came up in the mountains, everybody was well dressed
You heard wishes all around and the nature singing
Everybody was together
The whole village was celebrating with tsipouro for breakfast
And by noon their hearts were warmer than Summer
They were all there
And the ones that migrated to the United States
And Canada, distant cousins
Relatives and friends, a festival at night
Where else, in the village's stone square
A story was being written under the plane tree
This is how it's been since the old days
The grandfather boasts that his grandchildren are dancing
Time passes, the dancing doesn't stop
And the orchestra doesn't spoil anyone's fun
But little by little dawn was coming
And little by little the festivities had to end
There were only a few passionate people left
And our orchestra had to leave
But their old car wouldn't start
Then the village's policeman came up
Drunk as hell and crazy
He offered to become their driver
He tells them 'Don't worry, I'll drive you
pack your instruments in the police car '
He turns the key and starts
He drives about two kilometres
And he stops outside the cemetery
And he stops outside the cemetery
Then all of a sudden he draws his gun
And he tells them, 'Now all of you get out'
Take the instruments with you
Let's go to the graves to set up a feast
Play the clarinet for the dead to hear
We'll be singing through our souls
Play the violin as well
To scare death off today
My father is buried here
I never got to tell him how much I love him
It's been 40 days since he passed
I'll love him and I'll always remember him
Now all of you get out...
Play the clarinet for the dead to hear...
Play the violin as well...
To scare death off today...

Goodbye, Light of My Days

The days are too sad without you,
with a heavy heart I cry, woe is me.
I hear you down this hall and feel cold,
my little friend, I won't hold you anymore.

It's you

Like a promise, it's you, its you
Like the morning of summer
Like a smile, it's you it's you
So, so, it's you
All my hope, it's you, it's you
Like fresh rain on my hands
Like a strong wind, it's you, it's you
So, so, it's you
It's you
Like the water of my fountain
It's you
The fire of my home
It's you
Like the water of my fountain
It's you
The fire of my home
Like my poem, it's you, it's you
Like a guitar in the night
All my horizons, it's you, it's you
So, so, it's you
It's you
Like the water of my fountain
It's you
The fire of my home
It's you
Like the water of my fountain
It's you
The fire of my home
(Something like that, it's you)

To sing for those

This one spends all the night
Watching the stars
While he's believing that, at the world's end
There is someone who is thinking about him
And this little girl who is playing
Who doesn't want to smile anymore
And who see her father everywhere
Who built an empire
Wherever they go
They are sad at party
Wherever they go
They are alone in their head
I want to sing for those
Who are far from their home
And who have in their eyes
Something that hurt
That hurt
I want to sing for those
Who we are forgetting gradually
And who keep deep inside
Something that hurt
That hurt
Who has stolen their stories ?
Who has stolen their memories ?
Who has trampled on their life
As we walk on a glass ?
This one will want bombs
This one will count the days
By lining up sticks
Like the bars of a prison
Wherever they go
They are sad at party
Wherever they go
They are alone in their head
I want to sing for those
Who are far from their home
And who have in their eyes
Something that hurt
That hurt
I want to sing for those
Who we are forgetting gradually
And who keep deep inside
Something that hurt
That hurt
Wherever they go
They are sad at party
Wherever they go
They are alone in their head
I want to sing for those
Who are far from their home
And who have in their eyes
Something that hurt
That hurt
When I think about them
It hurts, it hurts


Always hungry and always thirsty
I have the memory of an elephant, don't say a bad word about a brother
Always hungry and always thirsty
When I enter the meeting, it smells like bad blood
The suits think they know the character of Lahti
Give me seven days and I'll do the Makaveli
MC:s roam in Dante's Inferno with their necks backwards
If you ever dare to play the game, you and your sect will be run over
Sampo, give me penalty, I can sit for 12 games
In my feet there's black cement and elephant skin
They drop little pellets, we elephant shit
Yeah, piss-smelling suburbs, less and less visitors
The image of the city stays, and if someone tries to change it they will retaliate
The name of the game here is that jonne's don't drop my glass
In here the people don't turn the other cheek, but if you touch, it's on!
Few people have much to say, only warning examples of Lahti
But you only wait until the fire of Lahti spreads from here
And someday it will burn the ground
That's why the grapevine is active, so they would remember:
If you talk shit about my city you will whisper it
Always hungry and always thirsty
I have the memory of an elephant, don't say a bad word about a brother
Always hungry and always thirsty
Always hungry and always thirsty
I have the memory of an elephant, don't say a bad word about a brother
Pick up your disrt in Costa Rica, lift the bar yeah
Lahti United in this bitch, buy yourself an image
Rock Chicago, Rock Chicago
But you can't rock like us, or your knees let go
Automatic fire flow, overpowering
Little boys don't jump in your face and if there's some show I'll take care of it
As an elephant in the room, blindsided
Did you struck a gold vein? Please, take the money and run
Nikke comes into the house and the booth looks like Mordor
I can make them think that one can use hormones in rap
Fuck being relevant, I want to be timeless
Lahti United, every brother has others' back
Mammoths are alive, check that playboy
You can seal lines, homeboy
But you can't copy respect
Dipped in a hot cauldron, elephant you're on thin ice
You only breathe because you're allowed to live
Beware your dive
Be sure you don't suffocate because none of us will never resuscitate you
Dipped in a hot cauldron, elephant you're on thin ice
You only breathe because you're allowed to live
Beware your dive
Be sure you don't suffocate because none of us will never resuscitate you
Hey, hey
Messed up on the inside, lost my vibe
Blood is shed in fifteen minutes, barbies and kens
Zero three Lahti ruined the vibe again
Monolinguals abroad, nothing more than that
Where's your click? Fact or fiction?
Truth or mission? Solve that puzzle
The name of the game is elephant in the underworld
Or rap of today

Nobody Fools Me Twice

Send me a bouquet of roses
Invest your time in me
Do you want me to forgive you? (forgive you?)
Forget it!
You told me that nothing happened
You said I am weird
I believed you (I believed you)
And this happened again
I know you're sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry
Save your beautiful apologies for someone else
I know you love me, love me, love me, love me
But you are more important than me
Oh, that lie again, I closе my eyes
Oh, nobody, nobody fools mе twice
I say goodbye now
'Cause nobody, nobody fools me twice
'Cause nobody, nobody fools me twice
No need to wait
Don't pretend you don't know it's over
I won't go back (I won't go back)
I'm tired now
I know you're sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry
Save your beautiful apologies for someone else
I know you love me, love me, love me, love me
But you are more important than me
Oh, that lie again, I closе my eyes
Oh, nobody, nobody fools mе twice
I say goodbye now
'Cause nobody, nobody fools me twice
'Cause nobody, nobody fools me twice
'Cause nobody, nobody fools me twice

Scriem pe ziduri

Scriem pe ziduri numele celor pe care îi iubim
Mesaje pentru zilele (vremurile) ce vor veni
Scriem pe ziduri cu cerneala din venele noastre
Desenăm tot ce am vrea să spunem
Peste tot în jurul nostru
Sunt semne de speranță în priviri
Să îi dăm formă scrisă pentru că în noapte
Totul se estompează, chiar și urmele ei
Scriem pe ziduri numele celor pe care îi iubim
Mesaje pentru zilele (vremurile) ce vor veni
Scriem pe ziduri cu cerneala din venele noastre
Desenăm tot ce am vrea să spunem
Scriem pe ziduri cu forța viselor noastre
Speranțele noastre în formă grafitti
Scriem pe ziduri pentru ca dragostea să se înalțe
Într-o bună zi peste lumea adormită
Cuvinte scrise doar ca să nu uităm, ca să schimbăm totul
Să amestecăm ziua de mâine în cuvintele unui refren, chipurile noastre, metisate
Scriem pe ziduri numele celor pe care îi iubim
Mesaje pentru zilele (vremurile) ce vor veni
Scriem pe ziduri cu cerneala din venele noastre
Desenăm tot ce am vrea să spunem
Scriem pe ziduri cu forța viselor noastre
Speranțele noastre în formă grafitti
Scriem pe ziduri pentru ca dragostea să se înalțe
Într-o bună zi peste lumea adormită (x3)

To Love You Every Day

I didn't quite take notice of the exact moment
that you arrived to awaken my love and give meaning to my life,
all of my life I've lived in the shadows, you are the light of my days,
I never allowed myself this feeling because I thought I was undeserving of it.
I've only lived through disappointment, I fear you'll be one more on my list,
my heart has prepared itself in case it should come to this,
if you throw away what I feel and you demonstrate it's the complete opposite

Am si eu s-o fac asa-n nenumarate dati

Tu Zeu' al creatiei
La cele inceputuri
Inaintea primei raze de lumina
Fara ghidanta-i
Imblanzit cel intuneric
Si-nsufletit minunatia lumini
Si-n vreme ce Graiu-ti graieste
Bilioane de galaxi-s ele-nsufletite
In vaporul rasuflarii Tale planetele-s zamislite
De stelele harazite -au fost ele idolatrizate-a fi in vointa-mi e s-o fac
Pot Inima-ti pusa in fiece-Ai zamislit
Fiece licarire de stea
Un semn zeiesc de bunatate
De tot ce ne-nconjoara-i oda Tie sa-ti aduca astfel am s-o fac si eu
Tu Marete creator in Invatatura ta
In van nu vorbesti
Nicio silabisire-i desarta ori neinsemnata
Caci odata ce Graiu-ti pogorasti
Toata natura si stiinta
Urmeaza sunetul Vocii tale
Si-n Graiu tau
Sute si bilioane de fiinte-s Insufletirea-ti
Ghidandu-si cei pasi in urmarea invsataturilor Tale
De totu-i definit ptin Tine asa-s si eu
Pot Bunatatea eu sa-ti vad in fiece -graire-a Ta
Fiece raza de soare
O panza a Gratiei Tale
De tot ce ne-nconjoara-i etern la mila-ti asa si eu voi face
Si eu voi face
Si eu voi face
De stelele harazite -au fost ele idolatrizate-a fi in vointa-mi e s-o fac
De munti-s ei in reverenta a se pleca si eu am s-o fac
De oceanele-ti vuiesc Maretia-ti si eu am s-o fac
Caci de fiece-i maretie sa-TI aduca si eu am s-o fac
De suflarea de vant se poarta-n cotro-i de Tine Ghidata si eu am s-o fac
De-n tihna stancile-s ele plansetu sa-si poarte si eu am so fac
De-ntregu suflu alor noastre ode-i inca neauzit
Din nou vom canta noi nenumarate ori
Dumnezeul milostiveniei
Tu sufletu mi-ai urmat
Prin toate esecurile-mi si fala-mi
Pe-o colina Tu viat-ai dat
Luminii lumii
Uitata candva-n intuneric
Iar cand fapta-nfaptuiesti Tu
Sute de milione degreseli sterse sunt
Acolo unde Viata tu ti-ai dat ca eu suflu sa pot avea
De-ai tu a te-nalta asa si eu am s-o fac
Natura-ti pot vedea-n fiece-nfaptuire de-a Ta
Fice particica-i invaluita de opera de arta numita iubire
De fara impotrivire alegi Tu sacrificu a face si eu am s-o fac
Eu natura-Ti pot vedea
In nenumarate feluri
Fiecare de pret fiind
Fatul ofranda ti-a fost
De Suflu Ti-ai dat in semnu iubirii, atunci si eu am s-o fac
Insa ce poate-a egala maretia Ta
Tu esti cel ce nicicand nesemninatati pe nimeni nu da

The lady in the dreams of my dreams

The lady in the dream of my dreams
tells me of tells that tell:
she says that it goes like this - death and sorrow!
is written on the path of the long-goners.
The moon has plaster for bones, the sun fire for blood,
the living live and the dead dance -
all to the son1 of the lady with the white bones.
  • 1. the sound/melody
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


All the happiness in the world

We wish you all the happiness in the worlds
And someone reach out to you
May your path avoid bombs
That it leads in quiet gardens
All the happiness in the world...
Since the future is yours
Since we don’t control your fate
That your flight is tomorrow
Like everything we have to offer you
Can’t always be enough for you
In this freedom to come
Since we won’t always be there
As we were in first steps
We wish you all the happiness in the world
And someone reach out to you
May your path avoid bombs
That it leads in quiet gardens
We wish you all the happiness in the world
For today and tomorrow
May your sun lighten the shade
May it shine with love in everyday life
All the happiness in the world...
A whole life is before you
So many dreams to live to the end
Surely full of joy at the meeting
Free to make your own choices
To choose what your path will be
And where this one will take you
I just hope you’ll take the time
To enjoy every moment
We wish you all the happiness in the world
And someone reach out to you
May your path avoid bombs
That it leads in quiet gardens
We wish you all the happiness in the world
For today and tomorrow
May your sun lighten the shade
May it shine with love in everyday life
All the happiness in the world...
All the happiness in the world...
I don’t know what world we’ll leave you
We do our best, only sometimes
Not to save your recklessness
But to appease our conscience
Would I have the right to trust you?
We wish you all the happiness in the world
And someone reach out to you
May your path avoid bombs
That it leads in quiet gardens
We wish you all the happiness in the world
For today and tomorrow
May your sun lighten the shade
May it shine with love in everyday life
We wish you all the happiness in the world
Oh yes, all the hapiness in the world
We wish you all the happiness in the world
Oh yes, all the hapiness in the world
May your path avoid bombs
That it leads in quiet gardens
We wish you all the happiness in the world
All the happiness in the world...
Oh yes, all the happiness in the world
All the happiness in the world

Ce pot să spun?

Ai fost dintotdeauna
Timpul e-n mâna Ta,
Pământul Tu l-ai creat, ca să pot trăi.
Înainte să cad ai fost,
Crucea-ai purtat pentru min',
Purtat-ai păcatul pe umeri, ca să pot trăi.
Deci, ce pot să spun?
Și ce pot să fac?
Decât să-ți dau inima doar Ție, Isus!
Prin credință eu vreau să umblu,
Duhul Tău e-n min',
Tot ce-ai promis se-ntâmplă, ca să pot trăi.
Și-aștept cu inima deschisă
Pe-acel ce s-a oferit deplin
Și-aștept sufletu-mi să Ți-l predau
Tot ce sunt e-al Tău.

Uniți de iubire

Găsește-ți drumul,
Niciodată nu-ți mai pierde credința,
Ridică-te încă o dată,
Niciodată nu mai înceta să crezi
În lumea aceasta,
Iluzia nu va cădea,
Iubirea mereu va lua tronul,
Suntem uniți de aceeași iubire.
Cu onoare sub același cer vor răsuna
Ca un cântec vocile tuturor țărilor,
Toată Rusia se luminează
Plină de bucurie,
Este timpul tău să te ridici!
Ridică-ți mâinile în sus!
Ridică-ți mâinile în sus,
Haide, arată-ți spiritul,
Aceasta este magia cupei mondiale,
Toți oamenii din toată lumea o pot simți,
Fă-ți-o cel mai bun joc din viață,
Să fie pace steagul nostru,
Nu există hotare,
Hai să ne unim,
Astăzi câștigăm, noi toți
Suntem uniți de iubire.
Un vis se face realitate,
Nimic nu te poate opri dacă vrei să te atingi de stele,
Doar trebuie să crezi,
Oh oh hey!
Trebuie să te mai lupți,
Oh oh hey!
Oh oh hey!
Cu onoare sub același cer vor răsuna
Ca un cântec vocile tuturor țărilor,
Toată Rusia se luminează
Plină de bucurie,
Este timpul tău să te ridici!
Ridică-ți mâinile în sus!
Ridică-ți mâinile în sus,
Haide, arată-ți spiritul,
Aceasta este magia cupei mondiale,
Toți oamenii din toată lumea o pot simți,
Fă-ți-o cel mai bun joc din viață,
Să fie pace steagul nostru,
Nu există hotare,
Hai să ne unim,
Astăzi câștigăm, noi toți
Suntem uniți de iubire.
Te iubesc, Rusia!
Ridică-ți mâinile în sus!
Ridică-ți mâinile în sus,
Haide, arată-ți spiritul,
Aceasta este magia cupei mondiale,
Toți oamenii din toată lumea o pot simți,
Fă-ți-o cel mai bun joc din viață,
Să fie pace steagul nostru,
Nu există hotare,
Hai să ne unim,
Astăzi câștigăm, noi toți
Suntem uniți de iubire.
© Vladímir Sosnín

One more night

One more night, one more day,
everything will change.
I thought that I knew but I didn't.
I thought that I wanted but I didn't.
I was looking for her but I got lost.
Everywhere falsehood, every face, betrayal is lurking,
it hides in the shadows of the gates, it's hounding me.
Tell me why it must be this way.
How am I supposed to live on? How can I live on?
One more night, one more day
and the light that will lead me will shine.
One more night, one more day,
everything will change.
From lips to lips, from hands to hands,
the venom of lie pours all the time, it wants to poison us.
Again somebody blew out the light of candles
but I believe that, I still believe that...
One more night, one more day
and the light that will lead me will shine.
One more night, one more day,
everything will change.

In a thousand years I'll see you again

I'm leaving now and in a thousand years I'll see you again,
I haven't finished yet, I have much to do
but it won't be long, I've almost resolved it
and you'll see that I'll be done soon.
Few were the words you gave me
but (those) few I came to understand,
there was only a handful that truly knew you
and I knew you best for your way of being.
Your footsteps are no longer heard in the hallways
nor the water that you ran in the mornings,
the sun no longer warms me nor does it diminish,
only the immense pain remains.
In the end, the time came all of a sudden:
the wind arrived hastily through the window
the moon set and everyone awakened,
but you stayed with the night, sleeping.
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  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.


Snow White Jaguar

Uh, yeah
Pickup line, huh?
Yeah, start talking, Barney!
Only a cold drink
Gets me as excited as this song does
While I'm watching her,
The beautiful, dumb - beautiful, dumb woman
We've been eyeing each other for a long time now,
But it turned out, she still believes that fairytale about the prince
So I'm telling her
That pickup-- that pickup line
Snow White Jaguar, it is waiting outside
I came for you, baby, I know you called me
Let's get out of here, the engine's still running
The engine's still running
The girl softens immediately
Behind her eyes, desire is set ablaze
She's already smiling
The beautiful, dumb - beautiful, dumb woman
And she takes my arm
As if she somehow felt
That this is what she's been waiting for,
And I'm just talking hot-- talking hot air.
Snow White Jaguar, it is waiting outside
I came for you, baby, I know you called me
Let's get out of here, the engine's still running
The engine's still running
The Snow White Jaguar, that is waiting outside
I'm the one you called, baby
Let's skedaddle, the engine's still running
The engine's still running
Tears are falling from her eyes
I'm a bit ashamed that the girl was conned like this
The girl was conned like this - but hopefully there won't be any problems
But the whole girl is just so beautiful
As she is simple, so hopefully there won't be any problems
Hopefully there won't be any problems
It is a pretty sad fact
That at this place, she's the third creature
Who still believes
This fairytale I pick - this fairytale I pick up girls with
And the woman is beaming
And I'm making her drink, maybe it won't be noticeable then
What kind of car she's getting into
'cos this isn't a Jagu-- this isn't a Jaguar at all
Snow White Jaguar, it is waiting outside
I came for you, baby, I know you called me
Let's get out of here, the engine's still running
The engine's still running
The Snow White Jaguar, that is waiting outside
I'm the one you called, baby
Let's skedaddle, the engine's still running
The engine's still running
Come, beautiful, come, beautiful
Come, beautiful, come, beautiful

Bitter Honey

A step that you're really afraid of,
a question that I know has no answer,
only when you're beyond tomorrow.
You don't know how much it is worth
while you're playing it anyway, but when it finally ends,
maybe a price too high will await you.
Good things are good things, even if they aren't visible to the eye.
Sometimes colors are empty, pain can be sweet,
and one can walk the wrong path.
Such is this bitter honey:
as long as you're alive, it doesn't matter
that a raging typhoon will come after the fire.
Bitter honey - as long as you feel,
it doesn't matter how bad or good the taste is.
What's too good may be too difficult,
sometimes honey isn't even sweet like this anymore,
and whatever there had been is just fire doused by the water.
But there are no bitter errors,
because every case like this is another awakening.
It hurts a bit, but you'll understand it once you're there.
Good things are good things, even if they aren't visible to the eye.
Sometimes colors are empty, pain can be sweet,
and one can walk the wrong path.
Such is this bitter honey:
as long as you're alive, it doesn't matter
that a raging typhoon will come after the fire.
Bitter honey - as long as you feel,
it doesn't matter how bad or good the taste is.
Such is this bitter honey:
as long as you're alive, it doesn't matter
that a raging typhoon will come after the fire.
Bitter honey - as long as you feel,
it doesn't matter how bad or good the taste is.
Only feel, never ask what it is like,
there are many answers, but you should only choose 'yes'!
Only feel, never ask what it is like,
there are many answers, but you should only choose 'yes'!
Only feel, never ask what it is like,
there are many answers, but you should only choose 'yes'!
Only feel, never ask what it is like,
there are many answers, but you should only choose 'yes'!
Such is this bitter honey:
as long as you're alive, it doesn't matter
that a raging typhoon will come after the fire.
Bitter honey - as long as you feel,
it doesn't matter how bad or good the taste is.
Such is this bitter honey:
as long as you're alive, it doesn't matter
that a raging typhoon will come after the fire.
Bitter honey - as long as you feel,
it doesn't matter how bad or good the taste is.
Such is this bitter honey:
as long as you're alive, it doesn't matter
that a raging typhoon will come after the fire.
Bitter honey - as long as you feel,
it doesn't matter how bad or good the taste is.