Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 11

Număr de rezultate: 376


White Christmas

Sweet is singing the angel choir
and outside, the snow trickles silently.
Festively shine candles, in all hearts
pass away grief today and sore.
Sweet sounds the bell tone, Christmas
the feast of love is here now.
And a single wish comes,
it would always be peace on earth.
Dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab
dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab
Festively shine candles, in all hearts
pass away grief today and sore.
Dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab
dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab
And a single wish
it would always be peace on earth.
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Because my daddy likes you

Because my daddy likes you
Will he lend us his car?
Yes, he'll lend us his car!
Because my daddy likes you
With a car we are welcome guests
And where we turn up
Only the best is offered to us
Please don't stop!
Please don't stop!
I thank Daddy
He had the the idea
Of the red sports car
Because my daddy likes you
We have a good laugh together
We drive off with 80 things
Because my daddy likes you
I tune in the radio
And listen to the latest hits
Please don't stop!
Please don't stop!
I thank Daddy
He had the the idea
Of the red sports car
by Void Lord

There once where two royal children

1. There once where two royal children
Whose love was like none ever seen
But they couldn't come together
There was two much water between.
2. She said: 'My love could you handle
To swim over here to my side
I'm going to put on a candle
So you can follow its light.'
3. That overheard a false norne
Who, whilst listening, pretended to sleep
And than she put out the candle
The young man drowned so deep.
4. It was on a Sunday morning
All hearts were filled with joy
All but that of the princess
Who missed her beloved boy
5. 'Oh mother, my dearest mother
My head is heavy with pain
I'll go for a walk to the lake
My poor hearts peace to gain.'
6. The mother went to the church
The daughter walked on straight
Until she found the fisher
At the shoreline of the lake.
7. 'Oh listen my good fisher
If it's great wealth that you seek
Bring me my lovely prince
From the waters so dark and deep.'
8. So he threw his net in the water
Deep down 'til he reached the ground
And kept on fishing until
The Kings dead son was found.
9. It took him a very long time
Until he found the dead
'Now look, you lovely maiden
There you have your royal lad.'
10.She kissed his pale dead mouth
And embraced him so tenderly
'Oh, if only you could speak
My young heart would be free.'
11. She leaped into the lake
To leave the world of men
'Farewell my father and mother
For we'll never meet again.'
12. The bells of the church were ringing
And many tears were shed
There lay two royal children
And both of them were dead.

If you don't know a girl

In the evening couples dream
Of love, happiness and fidelity
And even if it is an old fairy tale,
It stays eternally new
If you don't know a girl
That ardently kisses you
Then you don't know what love means
You don't know how beautiful it is
(If you don't know a girl
That ardently kisses you
Then you don't know what love means
You don't know how beautiful it is)
If you don't know a girl
That ardently kisses you
Then you don't know what love means
You don't know how beautiful it is
Then you don't know what love means
You don't know how beautiful it is

Păzeşte-ţi Inima

Deschideți porțile iubirii
Putem lăsa zidurile să cadă
Nu ne poate fi frică de ce
Vezi că ar putea ieşi
Deci, priveşte-mă căzând
Și lasă dragostea să mă preia
Voi da totul
Ca să las dragostea să te preia, Da!
Dă-mi toată dragostea ta
Voi lupta pentru noi
Nu, nu voi renunța
Dacă îmi dai toată dragostea ta
Tu nu trebuie să-ți păzești inima
Pentru că eu voi fi cea care o va deschide
Nu trebuie să fie aşa de greu
Pentru că odată ce începe
Nu voi renunța acum
Nu voi renunța (nu!)
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Viața este o experiență
Uneori trebuie să iubim în zadar
Amintirile pe care noi toți le trăim
Nu pot fi îndepărtate
Deci, priveşte-mă căzând
Și lasă dragostea să mă preia
Voi da totul
Ca să las dragostea să te preia, Da!
Dă-mi toată dragostea ta
Voi lupta pentru noi
Nu, nu voi renunța
Dacă îmi dai toată dragostea ta
Tu nu trebuie să-ți păzești inima
Pentru că eu voi fi cea care o va deschid
Nu trebuie să fie aşa de greu
Pentru că odată ce începe
Nu voi renunța acum
Nu voi renunța (nu!)
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Dă-mi toată dragostea ta...
Hei!... Hei!
Nu, nu voi renunța...
Dacă îmi dai toată dragostea ta
Tu nu trebuie să-ți păzești inima
Pentru că eu voi fi cea care o va deschide
Nu trebuie să fie aşa de greu
Pentru că odată ce începe
Nu voi renunța acum
Nu voi renunța (nu!)
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța
Nu voi renunța.

Back to You

I am torn apart
Into a thousand pieces
Beyond words
In this emotion
I smell at my pillow
There is still the scent of you
I wanna kiss you again
I wanna feel your touch again
I wanna get back to you
I wanna feel your breath again
I will lose myself
In your arms
I wanna get back to you
I wanna feel your breath again
What should happen?
Resting in your arms
You're fascinating me
In a manner
Beyond words
In this emotion
Where are the ways and means,
Bringing me back to you?
These are just the moments
Which are the hardest for me
I wanna get back to you
I wanna feel your breath again
I will lose myself
In your arms
I wanna get back to you
I wanna feel your breath again
What should happen?
Resting in your arms
I wanna get back to you
(I wanna get back to you)
I wanna feel your breath again
I will lose myself
In your arms
I wanna get back to you
I wanna feel your breath again
What should happen?
Resting in your arms
I wanna get back to you

Înapoi la Tine

Sunt sfâşiată,
Într-o mie de bucăți
Dincolo de cuvinte
Cu această senzație
Îmi miros perna,
Acolo încă a rămas mireasma ta
Vreau să te sărut din nou,
Vreau să-ţi simt din nou atingerea,
Vreau să mă întorc înapoi la tine,
Vreau să-ți simt respirația din nou,
Vreau să mă pierd
În brațele tale.
Vreau să mă întorc înapoi la tine,
Vreau să-ți simt respirația din nou,
Ce ar trebui să se întâmple?
Odihnindu-mă în brațele tale.
Tu mă fascinezi
Într-un fel
Dincolo de cuvinte,
Cu această senzație.
Unde sunt căile și mijloacele,
Care mă aduc înapoi la tine?
Acestea sunt momentele,
Care sunt cele mai grele pentru mine
Vreau să mă întorc înapoi la tine,
Vreau să-ți simt respirația din nou,
Vreau să mă pierd
În brațele tale.
Vreau să mă întorc înapoi la tine,
Vreau să-ți simt respirația din nou,
Ce ar trebui să se întâmple?
Odihnindu-mă în brațele tale.
Vreau să mă întorc înapoi la tine,
Vreau să mă întorc înapoi la tine,
Vreau să-ți simt respirația din nou,
Vreau să mă pierd
În brațele tale.
Vreau să mă întorc înapoi la tine,
Vreau să-ți simt respirația din nou,
Ce ar trebui să se întâmple?
Odihnindu-mă în brațele tale.
Vreau să mă întorc înapoi la tine.


Poţi, te rog, să-mi spui de ce?
Este atât de nedrept
Să te îndrăgostești din nou
Doar ca să dispari
Nu e vina mea
Că sunt aici
Nu sunt insensibilă
Dar ţie îţi pasă măcar?
E ca și cum sunt într-un spațiu gol
Singură în dragoste, atât de departe
Atât de departe, atât de departe
Chiar dacă tu încă nu poți vedea
Fiind singură aici, nu pot respira
Dorind să ai caldura pe care n-o vei primi
Şi de jur împrejur noi ne mişcăm
Încă un an, eu tot mai sper
O altă trecere în jurul soarelui
Am așteptat destul de mult?
Când este rândul meu să fiu iubită?
Deşi mă prind de speranţă
Mă simt atât rece
Încă nu pot explica
Starea mea s-a schimbat mereu
Eu încă simt la fel
Dar tu mă vezi diferit
Sunt mereu ultima la rând
Nu-mi simţi durerea?
Continuă să mă îndepărtezi
Și mă voi întoarce de unde am venit
E ca și cum sunt într-un spațiu gol
Singură în dragoste, atât de departe
Atât de departe, atât de departe
Chiar dacă tu încă nu poți vedea
Fiind singură aici, nu pot respira
Dorind să ai caldura pe care n-o vei primi
Şi de jur împrejur noi ne mişcăm
Încă un an, eu tot mai sper
O altă trecere în jurul soarelui
Am așteptat destul de mult?
Când este rândul meu să fiu iubită?
Deşi mă prind de speranţă
Mă simt atât rece
Mă simt atât rece...
Mă simt atât rece...
Mă simt atât rece...
Mă simt atât rece...
Chiar dacă tu încă nu poți vedea
Fiind singură aici, nu pot respira
Dorind să ai caldura pe care n-o vei primi
Şi de jur împrejur noi ne mişcăm
Încă un an, eu tot mai sper
O altă trecere în jurul soarelui
Am așteptat destul de mult?
Când este rândul meu să fiu iubită?
Deşi mă prind de speranţă
Mă simt atât rece
Chiar dacă tu încă nu poți vedea
Fiind singură aici, nu pot respira
Dorind să ai caldura pe care n-o vei primi
Şi de jur împrejur noi ne mişcăm
Încă un an, eu tot mai sper
O altă trecere în jurul soarelui
Am așteptat destul de mult?
Când este rândul meu să fiu iubită?
Deşi mă prind de speranţă
Mă simt atât rece.

Vânătorul De Fantome

Tu apari în mijlocul nopţii
Dispari când soarele răsare
În mod neașteptat, tu vii la mine
În special, doar pentru mine să văd
Îmi place să mă ții în întuneric
Îți place să te joci cu inima mea fragilă
Ți-am spus să nu vii
Dar continui să mă bântuiești, spunându-mi să fug
Bântuind, bântuind, bântuindu-mă
Bântuind, bântuind, bântuindu-mă
Bântuind, bântuind, bântuindu-mă
Băiete, tu m-ai prins, fantomatic
Dar eu sunt un vânător de fantome
Şi am de gând să te capturez
Îţi folosești schemele rele ca un farmec
Sub o vrajă mi-ai blestemat în brațele tale
Ai făcut o greșeală spunând că a terminat.
Acum continui mă bântuiești, spunându-mi să fug
Da, ar fi trebuit să știu
Da, ar fi trebuit să știu
Niciodată să n-am încredere în cineva care este o fantomă ca tine, nu
Dar n-am putut sta deoparte, rezista farmecului
Acum ești acolo, mergând singur, ucigându-l
Tu îl ucizi
Bântuind, bântuind, bântuindu-mă
Bântuind, bântuind, bântuindu-mă
Bântuind, bântuind, bântuindu-mă
Băiete, tu m-ai prins, fantomatic
Dar eu sunt un vânător de fantome
Şi am de gând să te capturez
Băiete, tu m-ai prins, fantomatic
Băiete, tu m-ai prins, fantomatic
Dar eu sunt un vânător de fantome
Băiete, tu m-ai prins, fantomatic
Băiete, tu m-ai prins, fantomatic
Dar eu sunt un vânător de fantome
Dar eu sunt un vânător de fantome
Şi am de gând să te capturez.

Fight for love

I saw you, I felt you.
How natural it was when the sun shone.
I knew you, I had you.
But in the end we returned to both sides of the strange.
We feared too much and our mistake was to let go easily.
Being reluctant and impulsive, both of us chose to be free.
* We had said that we went to the end of the world together.
Wasn't it that I was dreaming with myself?
Those promises that you had promised me
were disappeared suddenly that I couldn’t hold up.
It turned out that you didn't understand me and your love wasn't enough at first.
Why love Became Fighting?
There was wordless against silence that made me hurt more than using sword to thorn me.
This battlefield I gave up.
I want you, I need you.
The most beautiful story is never stopped.
I miss you, I love you.
But it cannot be changed that we just had each other.
Being cowardly and lonely, there were all strong excuses.
Who was right? Who was wrong? We always chose to be obstinate too much.
* We had said that we went to the end of the world together.
Wasn't it that I was dreaming with myself?
Those promises that you had promised me.
There were disappeared suddenly that I couldn’t hold up.
It turned out that you didn't understand me and your love wasn't enough at first.
Why love Became Fighting?
There was wordless against silence that made me hurt more than using sword to thorn me.
This battlefield I gave up. There was helpless and hopeless.
Being without you, life was like losing myself.
Being without you, my world lost meaning suddenly.
There was no any reason to make farewell become reasonable.
Justifications and explanations,
I just wanted you to fight for me
Why did I let you go?
My pride just swallowed me and my heart was broken and regretted with tears.
It's not worth the price we have to pay.
* We had said that we went to the end of the world together.
Wasn't it that I was dreaming with myself?
Those promises that you had promised me.
There were disappeared suddenly that I couldn’t hold up.
It turned out that you didn't understand me and your love wasn't enough at first.
Everything become a wound that couldn't heal anymore.
It turned out that we were too selfish and we were not mature enough at first.
Giving up to fight because of love and fighting for love.

Fodder for pigs

The pungent odour of ammonia pregnant the air
Paired with the exhalations of pigs
Their hungry cries by cutting the silence
Tonight we're going to prepare a new feed
The powerful steel hopper of the Feed mill
Silvery moonlight is reflected in shiny chrome...
And everything inside is chopped small
To feed for the pigs
Tonight we will try a new recipe
Ingredients for this I was worried at the station
Two willing hookers can be persuaded quickly
They did not know what destiny blooms
But chloroform works quickly and easily
I press the switch and the grinder starts to run
The cold metallic sound of two steel rotors...
In the sack next to me is one of the whores
The clothes are disposed of, ready for slaughter...
With her on the shoulder I ascend the ladder
A glimpse of the funnel is pure anticipation
With her feet first she slips deep down
And then your last dance begins...
The rotors begin to separate their body
The insane pain leads your consciousness back
Cold Chrome breaks your cries to Kakaphonie
Then the meat falls silent...
Only the grinder continues to do its duty
Foaming blood squirts in my face as a fine spray
The rotors have reached the upper body
In the flesh and bone mash the naked body trembles
Until there is only nutritious food left...
So your life still fulfils a good purpose
As fodder for pigs
At least their dead body has its value
As fodder for pigs
A whore still is left that night
As fodder for pigs
The smacking of the animals the next morning
Sounds deeply satisfied whether of the new house recipe...
Fodder for pigs

Our journey

As if we knew each other forever
we swing on one frequency
our waves have the same length
This energy is unlimited
You are freeee
Near you I am right
with every word and every sound
coordinates are not important
we already know our destination
You are free and you can find me
where the journey goes as well
you are free and our lines are connected
where we are too
on this planeeet
yeah yeahNot quite, but I wouldn't know how to translate this. :)[\fn]
And because we understand our signs (even) blind
we have time, you do not have to hurry
I am your protective shield even when we don't see each other
because we share more than one skyCan also be 'heaven'.[/fn[
You are free and you can find me
where the journey goes as well
you are free and our lines are connected
where we are too
on this planeeet
yeah yeah
Free and you can find me
where the journey goes as well
you are free and our lines are connected
where we are too
on this planeeet
yeah yeah
where the journey goes as well
yeah yeah
on this planeeet


Black or White

Black or white, yes or no
Always with me, leave me alone
All at the same time....
I'm still awake
[With] only an hour's sleep, with [your] noise and racket
I have my life cleaned up, finally.
Because that was not I dreamed with you
It started out well
[But I've] Always been hard on life
But then you do Molly* with me
I would never have dreamed you would do that
Do you think I'm stupid?
everything got twisted**
But what is done is done.
I have no problem with that
I want black or white
I want yes or no
Stay with me forever
Or leave me alone
You want everything all at once
That's not normal
But I think:
'Fuck it, it does not matter!'
You are standing in front of me
Did you really think I'd believe you?
And that would shut me up?
I think that's pretty brazen.
Do you think I'm stupid?
You got everything twisted
But what is done is done.
But I have no problem with that.

A Future Without You

What should I protect?
Without a doubt, there was only one thing
An echoing cry
A sound made in vain deep within the forest
The reason I could hold back my tears
Was because of the warmth when our fingers touched
A future without you
Is a future without meaning
I'll never let go of you again
The world I see with you
Is a world I've never seen before
We travel across time and space on a distant journey
Singing voice of truth
Echo in the darkness as I make a pledge in my heart
I'll never stop
Even if I'm inside a storm, until I reach the eternal paradise
The soul can never be destroyed
No matter what fate is passed on
I want to escape with you
Even if this world ends
We'll never look back again
I can make it with you
An infinite movement begins
Someday they'll tell stories about this endless dream
A future without you
Is a future without meaning
I’ll never let go of you again
The world I see with you
Is a world I've never seen before
We travel across time and space on a distant journey
We travel across time and space on a distant journey
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Our Tank Divsion

Where the morning wind blows away the dreams
Where the young day hesitantly rises
You hear our division from far away
The heavy tanks resound and rumble
Where the forests stand, we storm ahead
Throwing up clouds in a tempest
Should the earth tremble, yet it will be in peace
That's what our division stands for
Where the noise of the tanks suddenly breaks
The hard day marks each face
Until after the assault we're overcome by joy, yes joy
And our Hooray sounds far into the land

The Banner of Marx and Lenin

Spring came across the Oder [river]
A sea of stars was storming
Glowing red, enraptured by flames
It smashed the exploiters' world
Yes, Red Army men stormed ahead
From Moscow to Berlin
Carrying the red flag to victory
The banner, the banner of Marx and Lenin
Their fight and death brought peace
And a new beginning
And freed us from the savagery
Has turned slaves into humans
Yes, Red Army men stormed ahead
From Moscow to Berlin
Carrying the red flag to victory
The banner, the banner of Marx and Lenin
The flag from those fighting days
Blows far across our lnd
Born by sons of the class
It clasps the thankful hand
Yes, Red Army men stormed ahead
From Moscow to Berlin
Carrying the red flag to victory
The banner, the banner of Marx and Lenin

The scent of lemongrass

They take guesses as to whether or not we met again later on.
Only when one has left the banquet1,does one know to cherish the memory.
Suddenly, I recall your face,That emotional stirring still seems like it was yesterday.
I have finally become a bit more honest with myself.
Is it that memory is mild lemongrass?
In heartache, there is also a fragrance.
[I] had once thought that you were the whole world,
But those days are already so distant.
Only after going around in a full circle do I discover that I have an even further horizon.

Neither of us were in the wrong, just that [we] didn't fit [each other].
Only now do I understand what I need.
Happiness is mine, not [something] you give.
One has to take responsibility for [one's own] loneliness.
After all, one's wishes may not be fulfilled even if one exhausts all strength.
Understanding always only comes after things have happened.
Suddenly, I recall your face,To love or to not love differ by but one thought.
Going around in a full circle, the me of today can [meet] with yesterday face to face.
Neither of us were in the wrong, just that [we] didn't fit [each other].
Darling, I didn't understand it back then.
The choice is mine, not [something] you give.
One has to take responsibility for [one's own] tomorrow.
[I] give the me of yesterday a hug.
Once upon a time, she didn't know what to do.
If we meet again, I will smile,Thank you.Thank you. I have tasted the goodness of love.
  • 1. To give a little context, this 'banquet' comes from the old Chinese saying that 天下没有不散的筵席 ('there is no banquet in the world that doesn't end'). It refers to the time spent in the company of certain persons, and so to leave the banquet is to part ways.

I Cannot Cry

[Chorus 1:]
This I should feel
This I should see
I cannot cry
But I cannot help it
Do you see the angels?
Do you see the sea?
I want to cry
But I can't anymore
I have lost my fears so long ago
They froze with all the other feelings on that day
But now I think I am able to repent
Believe me, I would gladly renew my life
[Chorus 1]
Where will this journey possibly lead?
When nothing and no one can still touch me
I am cold, the coldness comes from inside
And my life appears to escape me
[Chorus 1]
Crazy, the way life plays with us
By what have I earned this life anyway?
The way I trample it under my feet
I should be glad that I am still alive
I miss you so
I'll live your life for you
I miss you so
I'll bring something along
[Chorus 2:]
Cause now I can feel it
Now I can see
I have to cry
And I cannot help it
Do you see the angels?
Do you see the sea?
Now I can cry
I miss you so much...

Eyes front!

Our company was parading through town
followed by two laughing brown eyes. She sure was pretty.
She is our good luck charm.
We were eying her as best we could,
but the commander called out:
'Eyes front!'
All our thoughts were with her as we marched.
Every one of us thought her glances were for him.
She is our good luck charm.
We were eying her as best we could,
but the commander called out:
'Eyes front!'
As we were dismissed, we saw her with a guy.
Our commander walked hand in hand by her side.
She is our good luck charm.
We were eying her as best we could,
but the commander called out:
'Eyes front!'
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Tell me you'll cry

Tell me you'll cry,
when you lose me.
Tell me you can be so happy,
only me with me alone.
Just once I'd like to hear it from you,
and then will all my dreams come true.
Tell me that you too are happy,
[with] us living as a couple.
Then you'll never,
never need to cry
I will be near you.
What I am and what I have
should also from today belong to you,
but first I'd like
to know from you,
if you really love me.
Tell me you'll cry,
when you lose me.
Tell me you can be so happy,
only me with me alone.
Just once I'd like to hear it from you,
and then will all my dreams come true.
Tell me that you too are happy,
[with] us living as a couple.
Then you'll never,
never need to cry
I will be near you.
Then the sun
bright for us will shine,
and you won't be alone.


Credeai ca n-as putea respira fara tine, inhalez!..
Credeai ca as fi fara viziune fara tine, vedere perfecta!
Credeai ca n-as fi putut rezista fara tine,
insa -s de durata
Credeai ca as muri fara tine , da sunt in top!
Credeai ca gres as da fara tine, da n-am sa ma opresc!
Credeai ca m-as distruge singura, insa inca-s aici !
Chiar si-n anii-mi ce va sa vina, tot voi fi aici
Sunt un supravietuitor(Ce...!?)
N-am sa renunt (Ce...!?)
N-am sa ma opresc (Ce...!?)
Mai tare voi trudi (Ce...!?)
Sunt un supravietuitor(Ce...!?)
Am sa reusesc (Ce...!?)
Voi supravietui (Ce...!?)
Continuand sa lupt !
Sunt un supravietuitor(Ce...!?)
N-am sa renunt (Ce...!?)
N-am sa ma opresc (Ce...!?)
Mai tare voi trudi (Ce...!?)
Sunt un supravietuitor(Ce...!?)
Am sa reusesc (Ce...!?)
Voi supravietui (Ce...!?)
Continuand sa lupt !

Because I Need You (Ti Amo)

Ti amo (2x)
You know exactly what I feel for you,
And that tonight I don't want to wait anymore.
I yearn for you so much that it almost hurts.
Being so close and yet not able to feel you,
Not touching you is so hard!
Because I need you and because I love you - Ti amo
And because for me there's only the two of us - Ti amo
And because you're the one
And because it's the night of passion,
So please don't think about it anymore
And give all of yourself to me tonight.
You, I know that you've often been hurt.
And that's also the reason why you're like this today.
Give me your faith, I'm really worth it.
Being so close and yet not able to feel you,
Not touching you is so hard!
Ti Amo (2x)
Because I need you and because I love you
And because for me there's only the two of us
And because it makes me happy,
So give all of yourself to me tonight.
And because it makes me happy,
So give all of yourself to me tonight.
I don't speak fluent German so feel free to correct
Ich spreche Deutsch nicht fließend, Korrekturen sind willkommen

Don't wake me up

I ask myself what happened
Where does it brought us
And where will it bring us
I never thought that
I guess i can't stand it
I just lie down for a moment
Close the eyes
And forget where i am
Don't wake me up
From that dream
It's so beautiful
Can hardly believe it myself
Want to stay a little longer
in my world
I won't back cause i don't like it there
So don't wake me up
And let me lie here
Please don't wake me up
Oh i just stay here
Don't wake me up
From that dream
It's so beautiful
Can hardly believe it myself
Want to stay a little longer
in my world
I won't back cause i don't like it there
So don't wake me up
To love in hard times
I know it's a skill
But the tables will turn
Still believe in us
But at the time i can't stand it
I just lie down for a moment
Close the eyes and forget where i am
Don't wake me up
From that dream
It's so beautiful
Can hardly believe it myself
Want to stay a little longer
in my world
I won't back cause i don't like it there
So don't wake me up
And let me lie here
Please don't wake me up
Oh i just stay here
Don't wake me up
From that dream
It's so beautiful
Can hardly believe it myself
Want to stay a little longer
in my world
I won't back cause i don't like it there
So don't wake me up
Please don't wake me up
Please don't wake me up
So don't wake me up
And let me lie here
Please don't wake me up
Oh i just stay here
Don't wake me up
From that dream
It's so beautiful
Can hardly believe it myself
Want to stay a little longer
in my world
I won't back cause i don't like it there
So don't wake me up
Please don't wake me up
Please don't wake me up
Please don't wake me up
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

How far can love carry

Sometimes you build your luck on sand
but it just stands until the wave comes back
I was in the same situation where you are now
and let my traces behind me on the sand
I can see your tears even if you don't say anything
I know that you wonder...
how high and how far can love carry
and what can a song say to us?
Say how beautiful you are
that hope is everywhere
Fears can just be beaten by courage if we
carry us far with love
Sometimes you just a last step
But you don't know how to go on or how to go back
The pictures that life shows us
always let something there that remains
I can see you laughing, because every of your tear
made you strong
how high and how far can love carry
and what can a song say to us?
Say how beautiful you are
that hope is everywhere
Fears can just be beaten by courage if we
carry us far with love
Do you see how beautiful you are?
That everywhere is hope?
Fears can just be beaten by courage if we
carry us far with love

Further, further

You search for a true word
In another place
You like it, life is grooving, yeah
In summer you go outside
In the rain you get undressed
You like it, life is grooving, yeah
Maybe it's not taking much longer
Maybe it's starting all over again
Some day
Further, further
Even further I need more and more and
Even easier it gets hard and hard and
Everything throws me off track
Cheerful, cheerful
Even further I laugh more and more and
Even easier it gets hard and hard and
Everything throws me off track
They've seen war, they will never understand us
Most of it is fun, but never your small heart
Maybe it's not taking much longer
Maybe it's starting all over again
Some day
Further, further
Even further I need more and more and
Even easier it gets hard and hard and
Everything throws me off track
Cheerful, cheerful
Even further I laugh more and more and
Even easier it gets hard and hard and
Everything throws me off track
Maybe it's starting all over again
Some day
Further, further
Even further I need more and more and
Even easier it gets hard and hard and
Everything throws me off track
Cheerful, cheerful
Even further I laugh more and more and
Even easier it gets hard and hard and
Everything throws me off track
Further, further
Further, further
Further, further

Because of Contempt

These days, when you wake up,
Crawling out of your bed
And you go out through the door
And there's the smell of flowers
Mostly decayed ones from the garbage
When anger comes, often desperation follows,
It ties you up and never lets go
Then you run, faster and faster,
Because your Mind can not help it
Feel how the carotid artery tenses - Every muscle cramps
More hate
More anger
These days, when you wake up,
Crawling out of your bed
And you go out through the door
And there's the smell of flowers
Mostly decayed ones from the garbage
When anger comes, often desperation follows,
It ties you up and never lets go
Then you run, faster and faster,
Because your Mind can not help it

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

She was eighteen years old and so beautiful
And had reddish blonde hair
I told my father that she much be rich,
He said that it didn't matter
'My son, do you want to give your heart away?
If so, you should always remember:
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree,
So be a smart man,
And take a look at her mother first.
If she is a sharp-tongued woman,
Then your life will bring you many tears.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree,
So be a smart man,
And take a look at her mother first.
The mother was, luckily, no dragon,
And she had a wonderful laugh,
I had no drama with her,
And my father happily said:
'My son, do you want to give your heart away?
If so, you should always remember:
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree,
So be a smart man,
And take a look at her mother first.
If her mother is quiet and peaceful
Then life for you will be nice and cozy
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
So be a smart man,
And take a look at her mother first.
And a day will come when
I will tell my own son:
'My son, do you want to give your heart away?
If so, you should always remember:
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree,
So be a smart man,
And take a look at her mother first.
If she is a sharp-tongued woman,
Then your life will bring you many tears.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree,
So be a smart man,
And take a look at her mother first.

Inima Se Opreşte

Mi-am pus ochii pe un străin
Mi se pare dificil să mă uit în altă parte
Sunt în căutarea pericolului? (Poate că sunt)
De aceea nu m-am uitat în altă parte
Nu am spus niciodată că mă uitam
Dar n-am spus niciodată că m-ar deranja un tip ca tine
A venit lovindu-mă în umăr , a fost împins (Poate că sunt)
Doar uitandu-mă după un vis devenit realitate
Vederea îmi este neclară, sunt aproape nimicită
Cred că el mi-a făcut inima să se oprească(da)
Cred că el mi-a făcut inima să se oprească(da)
Iubesc acest sentiment, nu vreau să se oprească (da)
Aşteaptă puţin, dragă trebuie să respir.
Sunt într-o stare ...
Sunt într-o stare ... (Stare de urgență)
Sunt într-o stare ...
Sunt într-o stare ...
Stare de urgență
Acum că mi-am pierdut toată concentrarea
Ești tu de vină sau ar trebui să dau vina pe dragoste?
Cred că începe să observe (Cum sunt)
Și știu că sunt cea la care te gândești
Vederea îmi este neclară, sunt aproape nimicită
Cred că el mi-a făcut inima să se oprească(da)
Cred că el mi-a făcut inima să se oprească(da)
Iubesc acest sentiment, nu vreau să se oprească (da)
Aşteaptă puţin, dragă trebuie să respir
Sunt într-o stare ...
Sunt într-o stare ... (Stare de urgență)
Sunt într-o stare ...
Sunt într-o stare ...
Cineva să sune la 911
Și să le spună că m-am îndrăgostesc
Cineva să sune la 911
Mă gândesc că el ar putea fi acela
Cred că el mi-a făcut inima să se oprească(da)
Cred că el mi-a făcut inima să se oprească(da)
Iubesc acest sentiment, nu vreau să se oprească (da)
Aşteaptă puţin, dragă trebuie să respir
Sunt într-o stare ...
Sunt într-o stare ... (Stare de urgență)
Sunt într-o stare ...
Sunt într-o stare ...
Stare de urgență.

This is the first time I feel it

Can you please answer me?
Don't escape from me
'Cause for the first time in forever,
I finally understand
For the first time in forever,
Let's break the curse hand in hand
I am here to share your worries,
For the first time in forever
I will be here to figure out a plan with you
Please leave,
Back to your life
Where it is sunny and it shines
I know
I might be lonely but
I can still fly
I dont want you to feel worry about me
Anna: About what should I be worried?
Elsa: My magic
Anna: I want you to share feelings with me
Elsa: Why must I do so?
Anna: 'Cause Arendelle is full of ice and snow
Anna: This is the first time I feel it
Elsa: Who can break the intangible lock in their mind?
Anna: I am here, don't be afraid
Elsa: I have never learn to break it through
Anna: Together, we can find a way out
Elsa: My magic is too...
Anna: You can stop the storm
Elsa: More and more snow will fall.
Anna: Don't panic.
Elsa: There's so much fear
Anna: We'll make the sun shine bright
Elsa: This is not the solution
We can face this thing together
We can change this winter weather
We can leave here together to ...
Elsa: Can't 

The answer is known only to the wind

Versions: #2
How many streets on the face of this earth
Are streets filled with tears and despair?
How many seas on the face of this earth
Are seas of sadness?
How many mothers have been alone for so long,
And today are still waiting and waiting?
The answer, my friend,
Is known only to the wind
The answer's known only to the wind
How many people aren't yet free today
And would love so much to be?
How many children go to bed every night
But can't fall asleep due to hunger?
How many dreams implore us at night:
When will it be different for us?
The answer, my friend,
Is known only to the wind
The answer's known only to the wind
How big are the mountains of money that are spent1
On bombs, missiles, and death?
How grand of phrases do many men say today,2
Only to relieve no suffering?
How big a disaster must first happen
To bring humanity to its senses?
The answer, my friend,
Is known only to the wind
The answer's known only to the wind
  • 1. I think that 'How many mountains of money are spent?' sounds more natural and has a similar meaning, but this is a more literal translation
  • 2. 'How many words do some men say today,'

I only lament We Had Never Met Before I Wed

During the winter night, blew a gust of spring wind
The dead water at the bottom of the heart has wavered
Although the warmth has instantly disappeared
Who would forget that lost dream?
You have left me a spring poem
Yet every year, [you] taught me to spend the spring times alone
Until the day I became a bride
Then [I] started to never mention your name
Yet fate likes to play games
Made us accidentally encounter
We only lightly sent a greeting
How much sweetness and sourness
Disappointment and pain
All expressed in silence
You have left me a spring poem
Yet every year, [you] taught me to spend the spring times alone
Until the day I became a bride
Then [I] started to never mention your name
Yet fate likes to play games
Made us accidentally encounter
We only lightly sent a greeting
How much sweetness and sourness
Disappointment and pain
All expressed in silence

Somehow it goes forward

Somehow it goes forward
Someday is it beautiful again
Tomorrow will shine the sky also bright for you
And your luck will be fulfilled
Sometimes you do not remember anymore, not more
(Sometimes you do not remember anymore, not more)
And all the time you feel so alone
(And all the time you feel so alone)
Then stop complaining
And let tell yourself:
Somehow it goes forward
Someday is it beautiful again
Tomorrow will shine the sky also bright for you
And your luck will be fulfilled
Somehow (Somehow) it goes forward
Someday (Someday) is it beautiful again
Tomorrow will shine the sky also bright for you
And your luck will be fulfilled
And your luck will be fulfilled
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission