Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză

Număr de rezultate: 108862



Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)

Nu știu cum s-a născut, cum a început
Această nebunie,
Poate dintr-o privire tăcută,
Poate din tandrețe.

Adevărul e că brusc, fără să stai pe gânduri,
Erai înăuntru,
Atât de adânc până în ultimul ungher,
Încât mă cutremur.

Interzisă, ești iubirea mea interzisă,
O rază de soare arzător
Care trăiește aici pe pielea mea
În permanență.

Te iubesc deși știu că e interzis,
Mor de nerăbdare să-ți spun numele
Care arde ca focul în gâtlejul meu.

Nu mai pot scăpa din această închisoare,
Și mi-e frică
De zâmbetul tău care a incendiat
Sentimentele mele.

Și crește pe zi ce trece aici în ființa mea
Această tortură,
Deși mi-e teamă că într-o zi
Vei spune: „Iubire, îmi pare rău...”

Interzisă, ești iubirea mea interzisă,
O rază de soare arzător
Care trăiește aici pe pielea mea
În permanență.

Te iubesc deși știu că e interzis,
Mor de nerăbdare să-ți spun numele
Care arde ca focul în gâtlejul meu.

Interzisă, ești iubirea mea interzisă,
O rază de soare arzător
Care trăiește aici pe pielea mea
În permanență.

Te iubesc deși știu că e interzis,
Mor de nerăbdare să-ți spun numele
Care arde ca focul în gâtlejul meu.

Charra de Salamanca

Charra de zagalejo y mantilla blanca
Charra de zagalejo y mantilla blanca,
eres la flor más pura de Salamanca,
de Salamanca.

Mis ojos en los tuyos quieren mirarse.
Mis ojos en los tuyos quieren mirarse,
porque a la Vicaría quieren llevarte,
quieren llevarte.

¡Escuchen esta canción
que sale del corazón!...

Por tu cariño, ay si.
Por tu cariño, ay no.
Por tu cariño, charra,
siento en mi pecho
pasión de amor.
Por tu cariño, ay si.
Por tu cariño, ay no.
Charra de Salamanca,
paloma blanca,
que adoro yo.
Charra de Salamanca,
paloma blanca,
que adoro yo.

Cariño con cariño hacen amores,
con tu cariño charra
nacen las flores,
nacen las flores.
Nacen las flores charra
de nuestros campos
como la flor del trigo
y el beso charro
y el beso charro.

¡Escuchen esta canción
que sale del corazón!...

Por tu cariño, ay si.
Por tu cariño, ay no.
Por tu cariño, charra,
siento en mi pecho
pasión de amor.
Por tu cariño, ay si.
Por tu cariño, ay no.
Charra de Salamanca,
paloma blanca,
que adoro yo.
Charra de Salamanca,
paloma blanca,
que adoro yo.


Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Nu mai vreau să vorbesc
Sunt obsedată de liniște
Mă duc acasă și-mi încui ușa
Pot auzi sirenele
Văd clădiri și gratii de la fereastră
Și ascult cum bate vântul
Văd oameni și mașini acoperite cu aur
Și sunt fericită să fiu pe cont propriu

Tare ca o piatră, rece ca o stâncă
Alb ca un diamant, negru ca cărbunele
Ruptă ca o bijuterie, da, mă repar singură
Când tu nu ești acolo

Ceva ce consideri rar
Nu vreau să fiu comparată, yeah
Cu acea strălucire ieftină și sclipici

Sunt îndrăgostită de cerul gri-albastrui ca gheața din Anglia
Recunosc că tot ce vreau să fac este să mă îmbăt și să tac
Să-mi privesc viața desfășurându-se în jurul meu
Ca o grădină frumoasă
Văd flori atât de înalte încât mă înconjoară
Oh, inima mea a devenit atât de împietrită

Tare ca o piatră, rece ca o stâncă
Alb ca un diamant, negru ca cărbunele
Ruptă ca o bijuterie, da, mă repar singură
Când tu nu ești acolo

Ceva ce consideri rar
Nu vreau să fiu comparată, yeah
Cu acea strălucire ieftină și sclipici

Și toate celelalte bijuterii din jurul meu
M-au uimit la început
Mi-am acoperit inima în limite
Și toți cei falși m-au numit blestemată
Dar eu nu sunt blestemată, eu nu sunt blestemată
Am fost doar acoperită de murdărie, murdărie, murdărie, murdărie

Ceva ce consideri rar
Nu vreau să fiu comparată, yeah
Cu acea strălucire ieftină și sclipici

Hmm, solitaire
Hmm, solitaire
Hmm, solitaire
Hmm, solitaire

Venus Flytrap

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Orice îi oferi vieții, vei primi înapoi
De ce să fii o floare oarecare când poți fi o Venus Flytrap?

Niciodată nu m-am încadrat
În acel joc numit Hollywood
Nu am jucat după regulile lor
Pentru bani sau faimă

Am făcut totul în stilul meu
Nimic de pe lumea asta nu mă poate schimba

Nu mă subestima
Pentru că într-o zi vei vedea că lupți o bătălie care e deja pierdută
Baby, nu mă vei opri niciodată să fiu eu însămi
Sunt frumoasă, sunt inteligentă
Sunt puternică, țin frâiele
Ar trebui să înnebunesc, la naiba
Dar nimic pe lumea asta nu mă poate schimba

Am sacrificat totul pentru o viață pe care să o numesc a mea
Toată iubirea și siguranța
Ca să fiu eu însămi, oh, eu
Știu că banii nu sunt totul
Și nu înseamnă că ești cel mai bun
Dar mi-am câștigat totul singură
Și sunt milionară

Am făcut totul în stilul meu
Nimic pe lumea asta nu mă poate schimba

Nu mă subestima
Pentru că într-o zi vei vedea că lupți o bătălie care e deja pierdută
Baby, nu mă vei opri niciodată să fiu eu însămi
Sunt frumoasă, sunt inteligentă
Sunt puternică, țin frâiele
Ar trebui să înnebunesc, la naiba
Dar nimic pe lumea asta nu mă poate schimba

Te vor face de rușine, te vor acuza
Se vor preface că te urăsc
Îți vor lua drepturile
Te vor liniști cu minciunile lor
Orice îi oferi vieții
Vei primi înapoi
De ce să fii o floare anonimă
Când poți fi o Venus Flytrap?

Nu mă subestima
Pentru că într-o zi vei vedea că lupți o bătălie care e deja pierdută
Baby, nu mă vei opri niciodată să fiu eu însămi
Pentru că orice îi oferi vieții
Vei primi înapoi
De ce să fii o floare anonimă
Când poți fi o Venus flytrap?

Nimic pe lumea asta, oh
Nimic pe lumea asta nu mă poate schimba
Pe mine

Noua America

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Tot ceea ce te-a făcut minunată te-a făcut doar rea
I-a făcut pe oameni să urască tot binele pe care l-au avut
Știu că ai avut vise mari
Că ai avut planuri mari
Dar abuzul nu va fi suportat
Nu va face o țară liberă

Ai un gard alb și tatăl tău are o armă
Și când vezi poliția nu ai niciun motiv să fugi
Ai o slujbă și o mașină, și un plan dentar bun
Ai asigurare de sănătate, bani de buzunar
La naiba

America, America
Nu poți îngropa adevărul
E timpul să-ți plătești datoriile
Aceasta este o nouă Americă
Stelele strălucesc pentru tine
Roșii și albastre scânteietoare

Ați distrus lanțurile de mâncare
Am dat-o în bară și cu agricultura
Și acum mâncarea noastră nu mai are gust
Cum ar trebui să aibă

Au sânge pe mâini
Pentru că au furat tot pământul
Și toate minciunile pe care sunt aici să le spună
I-a făcut să se simtă ca un bărbat
Cine ți-a dat jazz, hip-hop, rock and roll și blues?
Nu contează ce, povestea te prinde din urmă

America, America
Nu poți îngropa adevărul
E timpul să-ți plătești datoriile
Aceasta este o nouă Americă
Stelele strălucesc pentru tine
Roșii și albastre scânteietoare

Dinți albi, zâmbet întunecat
Ai fost în durere pentru o vreme
Nu-ți poți ascunde secretele, noi le putem vedea

Stelele strălucesc pentru tine
Pentru că libertatea va străluci în curând
America, America
Nu poți îngropa adevărul
E timpul să-ți plătești datoriile
Aceasta este o nouă Americă
Stelele strălucesc pentru tine
Roșii și albastre scânteietoare

Decapotabilă Roz

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

În orașul metalului și al soarelui
Îngeri și demoni pe fugă
Bulevardele goale strălucesc ca o armă
Piscine cu oameni care se distrează
Mergând ca zombii în noapte
Nu te teme de apocalipsă pentru că vom supraviețui
Cumpărând genți pe Rodeo Drive
Crezând că Armani ne va ține în viață

Vreau doar să uit
Cât de distrusă este planeta noastră

Râd tot timpul
Conducând în razele soarelui
O decapotabilă roz
Trăiesc în lumea liberă
Suntem atât de orbi, rugându-ne să fim bine
Continuăm să râdem tot timpul, conducând în razele soarelui

Îmi pare rău pentru flori și pentru copaci
Și peștilor otrăviți în cele șapte mări
Avionul privat pare cool pe Instagram
Patruzeci de perechi de Nikes, tu ești cel mai tare
Lasă-mă în pace cu norocul și banii mei
Și nu vreau să știu că e o bombă cu ceas, dragă
Lasă-mă să mă bucur de lipsa mea de probleme
Și nimic nu-mi va sparge bula de bani

Vrem doar să uităm
Cât de distrusă este planeta noastră

Râdem tot timpul
Conducând în razele soarelui
O decapotabilă roz
Trăim în lumea liberă
Suntem atât de orbi, rugându-ne să fim bine
Continuăm să râdem tot timpul, conducând în razele soarelui

Lasă-i să mănânce tort și lasă-ne motoarele să meargă
Nici măcar Marie Antoinette nu și-a dat seama că vine sfârșitul
Petrecem mai mult când nu mai există ziua de mâine
A venit vremea cea rea, dar acum cădem cu toții ca și piesele de domino

Râdem tot timpul
Conducând în razele soarelui
O decapotabilă roz
Trăim în lumea liberă
Suntem atât de orbi, rugându-ne să fim bine
Continuăm să râdem tot timpul
Conducând în razele soarelui


[Refrain: LISA]
(Yeah) Uh, uh, woke up and I'm on again
(Yeah) Uh, uh, please don't call my phone again
(Yeah) Uh, uh, walk in causing havoc
Yes, that is a habit
Bad on bad, I'm tragic, yeah, yeah

[Verse 1: LISA]
They watch me on the stages (Stages), they watch me go crazy (Crazy)
I'm 'bout to make them pick the pieces up, then lock 'em in the cages (Cages)
A lot can happen in a couple minutes, lots of reasons, lots of things in action
Lots of people watchin' things unravel, watch the moment, watch me goin'
Locked and loaded
Say some shit that'll make 'em think it, thought-provoking
Only do things that are makin' history, tryna make moves that'll make 'em miss me
Stay as busy as I want to, takin' trips to escape a bit
Make it shift to a different gear, takin' things to a different tier
Pop up with it on the roof, like a proper villain
All this spendin' got me in a mood, driven by the vision
I've been livin', sittin' pretty, pretty fixin', pretty cities
Busy, busy, uh, really gettin' busy with it, giddy up

[Refrain: LISA]
(Yeah) Uh, uh, woke up and I'm on again
(Yeah) Uh, uh, please don't call my phone again
(Yeah) Uh, uh, walk in causing havoc
Yes, that is a habit
Bad on bad, I'm tragic, yeah, yeah

[Chorus: LISA & Future]
Woke up feelin' like, like
Fuck up the world, fuck up the world
I think I just might, might
Fuck up the world, fuck up the world
Woke up feelin' like, like
Fuck up the world, fuck up the world
I think I just might
I think—, I think— I just—, I just— (I just, I just, Pluto)

[Verse 2: Future]
Woke up, splurge ten racks (Woah)
I secured another bag for sure (Bag)
Skateboardin' MVP (Hey)
Causin' havoc when I'm in the streets (Yeah)
Passport stamped, overseas (Yeah)
Tycoon life of a G
All this shawty wanted was a Birkin
All this money comin', you deserve it
Fresh, clean, but I'm drinkin' dirty
Chopped the 'Rari truck into a bird (Woo)
I secured a Lamb-chop first
I feel like I'm the greatest show on Earth
Coupled the Phantom, came back in a spur
Patek water, I'm really on syrup
This the type mood I'm in again
Diamonds on me, doin' it again (Yeah)
Princess cuts lit up for the win
Poppin' out on one on one again (Poppin' out)
High fashion, settin' trends
Ayy, say, ayy, say twin (Ayy, say twin)
Not a freestyle, no pimp (Yeah)
Top dog, gotta go big

[Refrain: LISA]
(Yeah) Uh, uh, woke up and I'm on again
(Yeah) Uh, uh, please don't call my phone again
(Yeah) Uh, uh, walk in causing havoc
Yes, that is a habit
Bad on bad, I'm tragic, yeah, yeah

[Chorus: LISA]
Woke up feelin' like, like
Fuck up the world, fuck up the world
I think I just might, might
Fuck up the world, fuck up the world
Woke up feelin' like, like
Fuck up the world, fuck up the world
I think I just might
I think—, I think— I just—, I just—

[Bridge: LISA]
Rappin' like my lease up, I told them that I'm focused (Yeah, yeah)
They want the old LISA, then listen to my old shit (Yeah, yeah)
Rappin' like a deep cut, flowin' like the ocean (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
They want the old LISA, then listen to my old shit

[Chorus: LISA]
Woke up feelin' like, like
Fuck up the world, fuck up the world
I think I just might, might
Fuck up the world, fuck up the world
Woke up feelin' like, like
Fuck up the world, fuck up the world
I think I just might
I think—, I think— I just—, I just—


Flex so hard think, I am elastic
Swipe so fast like I'm made of plastic
Twist you around like Mr. Fantastic
I am the classic
Pressed so tight, gotta itty bom-bom
Catched that flight, don't know where it came from
Stressed so good, gonna leave a light on (Da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da-da)

Oh, baby, this ain't a performance, it's a show
I can be so unforgettable
You'll be calling me Ms. Incredible

I'm a, I'm a elastic girl, try it on me, I'm flexible
Wrap my body right 'round your world, la-la-la-la-la-la
I'm a, I'm a elastic girl, try it on me, I'm flexible
Wrap my body right 'round your world, la-la-la-la-la-la
Stretch me, stretch me out, flex me, flex me now
Baby, watch me drop it down
I can bend and make it bounce
I'm a, I'm a elastic girl, try it on me, I'm flexible
Wrap my body right 'round your world, la-la-la-la-la-la

I'm a bounce like an acrobat (Yeah), you can watch me hit the ground (Ground)
And snap right back, that's a metaphor for life (That's life)
And I'm up on top, I don't wanna spend no change
'Cause I spend it on my rocks (My rocks)

Oh, baby, this ain't a performance, it's a show
I can be so unforgettable
You be calling me Ms. Incredible (And if you didn't already know)

I'm a, I'm a elastic girl, try it on me, I'm flexible
Wrap my body right 'round your world, la-la-la-la-la-la
I'm a, I'm a elastic girl, try it on me, I'm flexible
Wrap my body right 'round your world, la-la-la-la-la-la
Stretch me, stretch me out, flex me, flex me now
Baby, watch me drop it down
I can bend and make it bounce
I'm a, I'm a elastic girl, try it on me, I'm flexible
Wrap my body right 'round your world, la-la-la-la-la-la

Baby, you won't believe your eye-eyes (Mm)
You never had it so divine (Oh, mm)
Elastic girl around your mind (I'm just saying)
Oh my-my-my-my-my
You wanna ride, you wanna ride

I'm a, I'm a elastic girl, try it on me, I'm flexible
Wrap my body right 'round your world, la-la-la-la-la-la
I'm a, I'm a elastic girl, try it on me, I'm flexible
Wrap my body right 'round your world, la-la-la-la-la, LISA
Stretch me, stretch me out, flex me, flex me now
Baby, watch me drop it down
I can bend and make it bounce
I'm a, I'm a elastic girl, try it on me, I'm flexible
Wrap my body right 'round your world, la-la-la-la-la-la

Wrap my body right 'round your world
I'm a, I'm a elastic girl
Wrap my body right 'round your world
I'm a, I'm a elastic girl


Got that uh-huh, that uh-huh
Big, big uh-huh, uh-huh
That uh-huh, uh-huh
Big, big uh-huh, yeah

Something a little like thunder
Got that make you wonder
'How did she become her?'
Yeah, you can't fit it into just one word
Boom, boom, shake the ground
Better make room 'cause I'm coming now (Yeah)
Careful how you move though
Might meet my alter ego
Boom, boom, underground
Better make way 'cause I'm coming now

Make way, make way, make way
Taking space up in the sky
I got that boom, boom so high
When I step in, you gon' see why
I'll take my place up ahead
No, you said I'll never get by
Now look at me, I'm so high
You wanna know what it feels like
It's like

Got that uh-huh, that uh-huh
Big, big uh-huh, uh-huh
That uh-huh, uh-huh
Big, big uh-huh, yeah

Try me a little bit, baby, it's gonna drive ya crazy
My energy, everything, cannot contain it
You can't put me in a box, you can't teach me how to stop
I'ma collar poppin' pocket rocket, see me at the top
Baby, um, I'm a star
Let me show you how it's done, like, ta-da
No, they do not come any realer, don't come any bigger
Eight figure in my bag with a figure, eight figure
Like, mm, this is who we are, mm, can't break it apart

Make way, make way, make way
Taking space up in the sky
I got that boom, boom so high
When I step in you gon' see why
I'll take my place up ahead
No, you said I'll never get by
Now look at me, I'm so high
You wanna know what it feels like
It's like

Got that uh-huh, that uh-huh
Big, big uh-huh, uh-huh
That uh-huh, uh-huh
Big, big uh-huh, yeah
Got that uh-huh, that uh-huh
Big, big uh-huh, uh-huh
That uh-huh, uh-huh
Big, big uh-huh, yeah

When I’m With You

All my pride goes out the window
When I'm with you
I can't change you, oh-ooh

My girls told me, 'Take it slow'
But they don't know what I know
Say you need to stay composed
But they don't know what I know
Tell me I should leave you alone
Tell me, 'Stay your ass at home'
But I don't mind
Cou-cou-could've been a good girl, but I won't be
I'ma turn one night to a whole week
Look at me now, I'm inside out, so wild
I'ma let you control me
Gi-gi-give it to me good like you own me
All my pride goes out the window

When I'm with you
When I'm with you
When I'm with you
Oh, yeah, just look how you got me
Got me out of my body

De-de-de-dealin', dealin' with a certified winner
Michelin Star's how I like my dinner
Said you wanna stick around, go figure
Everybody does, I'm what everybody wants
Everybody sees, I'm on everybody's screens, TV
Everybody jump, I make everybody scream
Tell me this ain't the baddest back to back you ever seen
I could put you on a map and she could take you overseas
Quick trip, one way and I'm there for you (Oh)
Good girl, outdared, but I'm bad for you (Hey)
Elevate my space, am I bad for you?
Anyways, any day, I make plans for you
(I like that) Like it when you tell me what to do
(I like that) Like it when you tell me, 'Break the rules' (Oh)
I like that side of me when we get together
I'm way better

When I'm with you
When I'm with you
When I'm with you
Oh, yeah, just look how you got me
Got me out of my body
When I'm with you (I need you now, no-now, no-now, no-now)
(Now, no-now, no-now, now, now, now)
When I'm with you (Now, no-now, no-now, no-now)
(Now, no-now, no-now, now, now, now)
When I'm with you (Now, no-now, no-now, no-now)
(Now, no-now, no-now)
Oh, yeah, just look how you got me
Got me out of my body

I must be out of my, out of my, out of my mind
Can't tell me nothin' 'bout, nothin' 'bout, nothin' 'bout mine
You must be out of your, out of your, out of your mind
Can't tell me nothin' 'bout, nothin' 'bout, nothin' 'bout mine
I must be out of my, out of my), out of my mind
Can't tell me nothin' 'bout, nothin' 'bout, nothin' 'bout mine
You must be out of your, out of your, out of your mind
Can't tell me nothin' 'bout, nothin' 'bout, nothin' 'bout mine


And it go la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (Uh, what?)
And it go la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (Yeah, uh, what?)
And it go la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (What?)
And it go la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (What?)
And it go

I just spilled my drink all on his Mowalola
Everybody blowin' up my Motorola (Uh)
With five bad girls in the Honda Civic (Honda Civic)
Feels like a Lambo from the way I whip it (Whip, it, whip it)

I don't plan on doin' nothin' cool tonight (I don't, I don't)
I'm just tryna make my way to you tonight (Yeah)
Yeah, I'm in a rush, I'm runnin' through the light
Yeah, I'm in a rush, rush, rush

Meet me in the parkin' lot, let's turn up
Baby, we don't gotta talk a lot
It feels fun when I'm hangin' out the window of your new Mercedes
I can be your bad girl, don't treat me like a lady
Baby, meet me in the parkin' lot, let's turn up
Baby, we don't gotta talk a lot
It feels fun when I'm hangin' out the window of your new Mercedes
I can be your bad girl, don't treat me like a lady

And it go la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (Uh, what?)
And it go la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (Yeah, uh, what?)
And it go la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (What?)
And it go la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (What?)

Wakin' up to bruises I don't know how I got
How much did I blow last night? I'm guessin' a lot
This feel like the 'Rari, drop the top in the rain
Leave the party lookin' different than how I came
Don't text me, I might come over
You might get a four-leaf clover
See the life flash through the backseat
I don't feel like pullin' over

I don't plan on doin' nothin' cool tonight (I don't, I don't)
I'm just tryna make my way to you tonight

Meet me in the parkin' lot, let's turn up
Baby, we don't gotta talk a lot
It feels fun when I'm hangin' out the window of your new Mercedes
I can be your bad girl, don't treat me like a lady
Baby, meet me in the parkin' lot, let's turn up
Baby, we don't gotta talk a lot
It feels fun when I'm hangin' out the window of your new Mercedes
I can be your bad girl, don't treat me like a lady

And it go la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (Uh, what?)
And it go la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (Yeah, uh, what?)
And it go la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (What?)
And it go la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (What?)
And it go


Fast cars, drop tops and tank tops
Diamonds on my tick-tock
That's just my lifestyle, oh-woah
L.A. to Bangkok
Can't stop, so we don't stop
That's just my lifestyle, oh-woah

Hold my phone (Yeah), shut up and watch me go (Uh)
Southside, oh (Yeah), shut up and watch me blow
This, that, mm, she make millions
That's that, mmm, fuck your opinions
That's that, no, no, no (Uh)
I did it on my own

Lo-lo-lo-lovin' it, these checks be comin' in
These checks be doublin', she a icon
Po-po-po-pour it up, we just don't give a fuck
This ain't just luck, this my lifestyle

Fast cars, drop tops and tank tops
Diamonds on my tick-tock
That's just my lifestyle, oh-woah
L.A. to Bangkok
Can't stop so we don't stop
That's just my lifestyle, oh-woah

We turnin' up in Abu Dhabi
Got that bass, bass jumping
I know they never see me comin'
That's just my lifestyle, that's just my lifestyle

Hold my phone, shut up and watch me go (Yeah)
Every time I walk by, you turn to your friend and you ask them, 'Mm, did you see her?'
Had to put the shades on, she was like blindin', she was like somethin' like a diamond (Wow)
Somethin' just struck me, she was like lightnin', I think she gave me a fever
We pullin' up, we pullin' up, shit go off when you take one look at us
It goes up and there ain't no stoppin' us
If it ain't money, I ain't comin' at one
Now pose for the camera, oh, my gosh, she's a star like boulevard
She flashy, fancy, classy, nasty
She do what she want, what she want and everyone else

Lo-lo-lo-lovin' it, these checks be comin' in
These checks be doublin', she a icon
Po-po-po-pour it up, we just don't give a fuck
This ain't just luck, this my lifestyle

Fast cars, drop tops and tank tops
Diamonds on my tick-tock
That's just my lifestyle, oh-woah
L.A. to Bangkok
Can't stop so we don't stop
That's just my lifestyle, oh-woah

We turnin' up in Abu Dhabi
Got that bass, bass jumping
I know they never see me comin'
That's just my lifestyle, that's just my lifestyle

Fast cars, drop tops and tank tops
Diamonds on my tick-tock
That's just my lifestyle, oh-woah
L.A. to Bangkok
Can't stop so we don't stop
That's just my lifestyle (Style)

Faima sau avere

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Cine aș fi fără tine?
Aș da lumea toată și mai mult, să știi.
Înger, fără tine
Viața mea un păcat ar fi.

Nu-mi trebuie faimă sau avere,
Toate aceste lumini nu le pot tolera.
Încă la fel cum eram,
Am încercat să găsesc toți acești ani.

Căci nimeni nu se poate compara
Cu dragostea păstrată pentru a mea.
Prefer să mor
Decât să te las aici în seara asta.

Unde aș putea merge fără tine?
Aș zbura prin toată lumea asta s-o petrec
Cu îngerul meu, am găsit
Motivul meu de a trăi.

Nu-mi trebuie faimă sau avere,
Toate aceste lumini nu le pot tolera.
Încă la fel cum eram,
Am încercat să ascund toate aceste lacrimi.

Căci nimeni nu se poate compara
Cu dragostea păstrată pentru a mea.
Prefer să mor,
Da, să mor aș prefera,
Prefer să mor,
Decât să te las aici în seara asta.

Acest ceva numit dragoste

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Ce aș putea face mai mult,
Dacă dragostea înseamnă ce simt pentru tine?
Nu vrei să spui că mă iubești?
Căci, în ochii tăi, știu că asta e adevărat.

Jur că ai zburat
În clipa când m-am ținut de tine.
De ce mi-ai dat drumul,
Când știu că și tu te prăbușești?

Spune-mi doar că nu va fi nicicând
Și spune-mi că sunt prea orb să văd.
Nu mă iubești, lasă-mă să te strâng iar în brațe.
Cum pot fi prieten cu acest ceva numit dragoste?

Nu mi-e de niciun folos,
Nu mai pot face nimic
În legătură cu noi, și tot nu înțeleg de ce
În fiecare noapte am murit, ținut în mâinile tale...

Deci spune-mi doar că nu va fi nicicând
Și spune-mi că sunt prea orb să văd.
Nu mă iubești, lasă-mă să te strâng iar în brațe.
Cum pot fi prieten cu acest ceva numit dragoste?

Spune-mi că nu va fi nicicând
Și spune-mi că sunt prea orb să văd.
Nu mă iubești, lasă-mă să te strâng iar în brațe.
Cum pot fi prieten cu acest ceva numit dragoste?

Moartea Trubadurului

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Oh, iubirea mea,
Au venit după mine,
Au păstrat un glonț
Să mă doboare.
Deși în mormânt,
Inima mea pentru tine va rămâne.


I'm sorry,
I couldn't even take care of a cactus properly,
The water I gave it overflowed.

I'm sorry,
Even if I realize it now, things can't go back to how they were,
All I can do is apologize.

I thought all it took was giving it water,
But if I took that too literally, it ended up like this.
No one ever told me love needs balance.

The love that drowned and withered by the window,
Was it wrong?
I just wanted to see the flowers bloom,
I thought I was doing the right thing.
I simply tried to nurture it in my own way,
I simply poured my love in my own way.

I'm sorry,
I pretended I was fine, acting like it had nothing to do with me,
When unnecessary confidence overflowed.

I never thought it would change this much,
In my head, the one that fits my own convenience,
I never could have understood.

How could I have thought it was fine to be selfish?
When I finally wanted to resolve it,
The research I did made me feel sad.

The love that drowned and withered by the window,
Did it teach me something?
Without realizing it, we were drifting apart,
The way to nurture love.
I simply wanted to see your happy face,
I simply poured my love only into you.

If the flowers bloom, will my love be rewarded?
I want to turn my stubbornness, unable to give up,
Into strength of heart.

The love that drowned and withered by the window,
Wasn't wrong.
Even if I knew what the right balance was,
Love didn’t stop.

I will never let the withered cactus be in vain,
One day, one day, I will make my love’s flowers bloom.



There's a kitten on your knees curled up in a ball
Sleeping and silently crying

Kittens, don't cry, and people, don't cry either:
Everyone survived - everything was different!
Kittens, don't cry, and people, don't cry either:
Everyone survived - everything was different!

There's a dead bird in its paws
Evil fate, short straw

Kittens, don't cry, and people, don't cry either:
Everyone was satisfied - everything was different!
Kittens, don't cry, and people, don't cry either:
Everyone was satisfied - everything was different!

There's a certificate in my hand, what does it mean?
I have AIDS, such a misfortune!

But I don't cry, and you don't cry either:
Everything was different, everything will be different
No, I don't cry, and you don't cry either:
Everything was different, everything will be different...


It's Life

She sang to me, 'It's life'
I can remember it, I was little then
Oh, I was a simple little boy
I only could remember her voice, her melody

It's like this, it's like that
It's goes high and low
It goes up, it goes down
And around, and around
And what goes around comes around
This is me, here is me
Singing one, two, three

It's li-li-li-li, life
It's li-li-li-li, life
Yes, It's li-li-li-li, life
Li-li-li-li, life

It's life, and what a miracle
Sometimes in love, sometimes miserable
And I hear yet my mother's voice inside of me
Her voice, her melody

It's like this, it's like that
It's goes high and low
It goes up, it goes down
And around, and around
And what goes around comes around
This is me, here is me
Singing one, two, three

It's li-li-li-li, life
It's li-li-li-li, life
Yes, It's li-li-li-li, life
Li-li-li-li, life

It's li-li-li-li, life
It's li-li-li-li, life
Yes, It's li-li-li-li, life
Li-li-li-li, life

Oh, it's life
Life in white, like a rose
Life in black, time flows
Oh, this rollercoaster
And I will sing until it's over
It goes li, li-li, li-li-li

It's like this, it's like that
It's goes high and low
It goes up, it goes down
And around, and around
And what goes around comes around
Listen to me, oh mother
Singing one, two, three
It's life


A Life Just Enough

Greedy for this and that,
Before I knew it, my hands and path were both blocked,
I spill things bit by bit, then pick them up,
That’s the unstable life I live, huh?

I weighed important things on a scale and ordered them,
Worrying so much that I kept glancing behind,
All that followed me were feelings with no place to go,
Pretending not to see the lowered lashes of yours.

I’m doing fine, in my own way,
I’m already tired of listening to the feel-good songs I learned from someone,
Adding more sacrifices, facing forward,
Mistaking that one day a bright wind will blow.
I’m neither an adult nor a child,
Stuck in-between, feeling like I can’t quite make it.

The things I don’t want to see, the things I can’t see,
I thought I had properly separated them,
But they inevitably sneak in,
Into the every day of my future self.

A washing machine that gets ignored for days,
Peeking into the trash can and comparing myself,
The door to the entrance grows heavier day by day,
And I feel like the ideal version of myself is slipping further away.

I want to cherish all the important things,
Even though I’ve never cherished anything until now, is that selfish?
I want to hold it all in my hands and never let go.

It’s not particularly painful,
I’m not trying to throw my life away,
But still, something’s missing.

I waste time worrying, and it’s a loss,
I get depressed like a fool,
In the darkness, I desperately search, search, search.

I’ll manage, in my own way,
Maybe I’ll listen to some feel-good songs someone taught me,
I have to cherish all the important things.

Even while stuffing my cheeks full,
I’ll swallow each thing slowly, one by one.

The shining future is still invisible,
But that’s why, I’ll keep going.


Crystal ball

[Chorus: Vlad Dobrescu]
I’ll try to read the future in this crystal ball of mine
To see if things will get easier or if we’ll struggle even more
But for now, the whole world will think I’m crazy
Until everything happens exactly as I say
Because the images are starting to appear clearer and clearer
In this crystal ball
I’ll try to read the future in this crystal ball of mine
To see if things will get easier or if we’ll struggle even more
But for now, the whole world will think I’m crazy
Until everything happens exactly as I say
Because the images are starting to appear clearer and clearer
In this crystal ball

[Verse 1: Vlad Dobrescu]
I’m back with a freestyle and a crystal ball
Shining bright so I can see the future
What it shows me surprises me I would’ve been more pessimistic
But shit, I was holding the ball wrong, why didn’t you tell me?
I saw them reaching far, landing on Mars
But unfortunately, they haven’t even left the neighborhood
When they step outside, they wear gas masks
Chances are, they’ll rob you with a laser gun
Soldiers are everywhere, but not to protect you
Because there are no more borders or flags
Now they form camps with global corporations
For which they kill and die endlessly
Silence is a treasure you take to the grave, it seems
So if you ask questions, they’ll put you behind bars
And just like today, the dissatisfied
Are still waiting for change, cursing under their breath

[Chorus: Vlad Dobrescu]
I’ll try to read the future in this crystal ball of mine
To see if things will get easier or if we’ll struggle even more
But for now, the whole world will think I’m crazy
Until everything happens exactly as I say
Because the images are starting to appear clearer and clearer
In this crystal ball

[Verse 2: Deliric]
I see the crystal ball through my ocular globe
But I see the Earth through my frontal lobe
I hear a roar in the background, I feel the furnace fire
It’s a funeral song for another mountain of metal
Because factories have been running automatically for years
And the iron-and-wire fauna keeps growing uncontrollably
And the petroleum flora, processed to bloom
Is programmed to be reborn every spring
Ghetto birds fly overhead in the distance
Satellites keep watching, recording nonstop
I see malls packed with goods, filled to the brim
And from the shop windows, mannequins smile at me
I see churches with holographic Jesuses in the nave
Where the bells toll only on the hour, never at rest
I see stone fruits in the statue of a tree
But no one to pick them I don’t see any people anymore

[Chorus: Vlad Dobrescu]
I’ll try to read the future in this crystal ball of mine
To see if things will get easier or if we’ll struggle even more
But for now, the whole world will think I’m crazy
Until everything happens exactly as I say
Because the images are starting to appear clearer and clearer
In this crystal ball

[Verse 3: DOC]
It’s from my great-grandmother, from when I was just a kid
I found it while tidying up the past I don’t throw anything away
Something tells me, 'Don’t pick it up,' but I take it and wipe it
The cloth glides slowly, everything darkens gradually
It shows me the future, not just mine, but ours
And cousin Time is not what I thought a monster
I stare like a fool at my future self
Laughing with you, content with myself we have wives, money
Kids... actually, you know? Wait, let me zoom out:
We are fewer, but even those who had nothing, now have
Technology is part of us, I don’t see any books with pages
Life is sweet this robot here bakes soft tarts
What’s happening, man? We all speak a weird language
Like English, Spanish, and Chinese, all at once
But we all understand it, along with the fact that things are good
Better than they’ve ever been look, this is humanity!
And as night falls, I sleep so peacefully
But looking at the globe from outside, I hear a beep
Exactly at 3:00 AM, and I suddenly realize
That’s the time when the chip updates

[Chorus: Vlad Dobrescu]
I’ll try to read the future in this crystal ball of mine
To see if things will get easier or if we’ll struggle even more
But for now, the whole world will think I’m crazy
Until everything happens exactly as I say
Because the images are starting to appear clearer and clearer
In this crystal ball
I’ll try to read the future in this crystal ball of mine
To see if things will get easier or if we’ll struggle even more
But for now, the whole world will think I’m crazy
Until everything happens exactly as I say
Because the images are starting to appear clearer and clearer
In this crystal ball


Syphilis and Disorder

Sliding into the darkness
A wild hand that drinks poison
Eating lukewarm flesh
Being consumed from beneath

Corrupted by indulgence
Truth is the seed of goodness
Within the shattered mirror
I exhaust
'Who am I?'



I never talk to myself, I don't know how to do it
It's hard to talk to you
You never talk to yourself, but I let you do it

We're in danger by now
And it is time hurting us
But life doesn't kill
But maybe in the long term
I'll never want to be here
But now I pray to stay for a bit more

But life doesn't kill
Our songs, our plans
Caresses, our kisses
Words, my pain
This sun, the emotions
My drugs, the illusions
Some cravings and the instict of dying
Under a machine gun

But life doesn't kill
Our songs, our plans
Caresses, our kisses
Words, my pain
This sun, the emotions
My drugs, the illusions
Some cravings and the instict of dying
Under a machine gun

Life doesn't kill
Life doesn't kill

What lives within won't make us slim
Even if, later, we've been pretending for days
Keeping air between our palate and gums
It's almost as if we no longer breathed

I should get used to it
Or just not think
But life doesn't kill
This time I exaggerated
And I'd never want to be here
But I ask you to stay for a bit more

But life doesn't kill
Our songs, our plans
Caresses, our kisses
Words, my pain
This sun, the emotions
My drugs, the illusions
Some cravings and the instict of dying
Under a machine gun

But life doesn't kill
Our songs, our plans
Caresses, our kisses
Words, my pain
This sun, the emotions
(But life doesn't kill...)
My drugs, the illusions
Some cravings and the instict of dying
Under a machine gun
Life doesn't kill

But life doesn't kill...
But life doesn't kill...
But life doesn't kill...

But life doesn't kill
Our songs, our plans
Caresses, our kisses
Words, my pain
This sun, the emotions
(But life doesn't kill...)
My drugs, the illusions
Some cravings and the instict of dying
Under a machine gun


Everyday is Valentine's

Hey boy Hey hey boy
Hey boy Hey hey boy

Right now, I am a freshly picked orange
With sweet drops trickling
Right now, I am a fruit in the process of getting dyed
The color of the season, amid a dazzling radiance
 Wanting to show you who I am, just as is
 An unpretentious heart, and a down-to-earth look
 Hey boy Hey hey boy
 Hey boy Hey hey boy
 For a sparkling girl
 Everyday is Valentine's

I am a orange in the palm of your hand
That looks great in the light
Right now, I took a drenching shower of morning dew
And will sing in the wind
 Me, just as I am now, to you, just as you are now
 A powdery smooth heart, and silky look
 Hey boy Hey hey boy
 Hey boy Hey hey boy
 For a sparkling girl
 Everyday is Valentine's

 Me, just as I am now, to you, just as you are now
 A powdery smooth heart, and silky look
 Hey boy Hey hey boy
 Hey boy Hey hey boy
 For a sparkling girl
 Everyday is Valentine's


The Cave

Under this cave with its cool mystery
Alone one day, they sat down
Happy, they forgot the earth
The world and their own worries

Running water at the bottom of the gullies
The bird hidden in the bushes
Mingled their divine voices for them
Under the blazing sun of the harvest

The trout lily, the agristic breeze
The love-moaning wood pigeon
Poured on this heavenly hour
The lukewarm voluptuousness of the day

Of the elderberries and the honeysuckles
Floated in the air the soft smell
The great ash tree extented its leaves
To veil their happiness from the sky

Insania Poème V


Love Situation

Suddenly, with your invitation,
I can’t decide which shoes to wear.
Holding onto this brand-new feeling,
I slip into the train.
The view from the window is sparkling,
And your smile comes to mind.
Holding tightly onto this impossible ticket to happiness,
A love story too good to be true.

Someday, everyone’s wishes will come true,
As the seasons turn again and again.
The sunset dazzles, spreading through the city,
And then, I get to see you—La La La.
My heartbeat races, bursting through my chest,
Riding the wind, pouring down on you.
Right now, I just want to share this joy
With anything, with anyone.

Looking into your eyes before me,
My mind turns completely blank.
The tiny plan I prepared
Feels utterly useless now.
A love story that’s too ridiculous to laugh at.

Everyone gets lost in love sometimes,
Caught up in the moment, overwhelmed by it.
Even the twinkling stars could never compare
To the way you shine—La La La.
My heartbeat races, bursting through my chest,
Raining down gently upon you.
I want to give you all my warmth,
All my kindness, all my love.

Even if I can’t find the words to say it,
Love is stronger than hesitation.

If you turn your gaze towards my heart,
That’s the shortcut for the two of us.
So I’ll lay my true self bare,
And never give up on loving you.
As this dream begins,
I just want to get closer, little by little.

Someday, everyone’s wishes will come true,
As the seasons turn again and again.
The sunset dazzles, spreading through the city,
And then, I get to see you—La La La.
My heartbeat races, bursting through my chest,
Riding the wind, pouring down on you.
Right now, I just want to share this joy
With anything, with anyone.


It’s the wine talking

[Verse 1: Bitză]
Close the door, put the chain on I’m not coming home tonight
I’ve only got wine on the table, I’ve got everything that matters
I just wanna forget it all, run away, do whatever I want
I’m at the bar on my street, at my table
And I’m drinking, not coming home, and I sure as hell won’t be coming back
I don’t feel like fighting, so just drop it
Pretend you don’t care, pretend you’re stupid
But to the world, it wouldn’t matter, you’re too damn beautiful
You piss me off, you make me drink all the time
You always nag me why am I always the one to blame?
You really think I don’t want us to be better?
Don’t you see that everything I do, I do with love for you?
Yeah, I mess up, yeah, I stay out all night
Yeah, I party ‘til late with a bunch of scumbags
But in the morning, who shows up at your door with flowers
And always says, “Forgive me, baby”?
Who holds you tight and who kisses you?
Who comes home at night, dead tired, but still ready to fuck you?
And if the answer isn’t me, I’ll kill you
But for now, it’s late go to sleep, sweet dreams

[Chorus: Bitză]
Forget everything I’m telling you now by tomorrow
It’s the wine talking for me
Don’t pay attention to what I say, what I do without you
Forget everything I’m telling you now by tomorrow
It’s the wine talking for me
Don’t pay attention to what I say, what I do without you

[Verse 2: Cheloo & Bitză]
I don’t want you to change me, just understand me
All I need is you, money, and some good days
Money doesn’t define me, I’ll always keep you for myself
And when shit gets worse, we’ll make it through just fine
I told you I’m not coming back, you should understand
If you keep believing only what you want, you’re gonna lose
We’ve been tied together for too long, too deep you can’t just erase it
But you’re starting to forget all the best parts, and that’s a mistake
Instead, you always remember the worst
And you hurt yourself every time you think about it
Tell me, what are you afraid of? Why are you acting like this?
You always suspect me, always trying to catch me slipping
But after your storm, the sun will shine again someday
Even if I fuck up a lot and talk a lot of shit
Know this: everything good in my heart is tied to you
Why do you care what people say about me?
You know me better let them talk
Why even listen, if the world is full of idiots?
Why would you wanna be like them, when that’s not the truth?
Don’t you know careless people give the shittiest advice?
Weird, she always said, “I don’t want to,” “I don’t have time”
And now I realize I’ve started to change
I’m a little different now, and everything looks blurry
So I’ll leave you be see you in the morning

[Chorus: Bitză]
Forget everything I’m telling you now by tomorrow
It’s the wine talking for me
Don’t pay attention to what I say, what I do without you
Forget everything I’m telling you now by tomorrow
It’s the wine talking for me
Don’t pay attention to what I say, what I do without you
Forget everything I’m telling you now by tomorrow
It’s the wine talking for me
Don’t pay attention to what I say, what I do without you
Forget everything I’m telling you now by tomorrow
It’s the wine talking for me
Don’t pay attention to what I say, what I do without you


Amado mio

Amado mio, only love
my heart desires and is longing for,
us, to be forever, my sweet love,
together in the the pain and happiness.

You, whispering me, my sweet love,
words of pleasure, words that hearts desire
to listen in privacy.

With kisses and caresses, amado mio,
so that life passes by, day and night,
carefree, enchantingly,
amado mio, only love
my heart desires and is longing for.

My heart desires and is longing for
us to be forever, my sweet love,
together in the the pain and happiness.


Finland's most checked out

Runnirock is about to start
I walk along the rainy street
I notice a zip lock bag on the ground and my curiosity awakens
I check it out, it's empty
I leave it in it's place
Neljä Ruusua starts soon
I want to go watch it

Finland's most checked out zip lock bag
Finland's most checked out zip lock bag
Finland's most checked out zip lock bag
Finland's most checked out zip lock bag

Eppu Norma finishes already
I go to the park
To sit down and look at people passing by
I see the zip lock bag on the place I left it
And every other who walks past checks it out but throws it on the ground

Finland's most checked out zip lock bag
Finland's most checked out zip lock bag
Finland's most checked out zip lock bag
Finland's most checked out zip lock bag

Finland's most checked out zip lock bag
Finland's most checked out zip lock bag
Finland's most checked out zip lock bag
Finland's most checked out zip lock bag

Finland's most checked out zip lock bag
Finland's most checked out zip lock bag



Tonight, while watching the red moon, I walk on.
With a slight fever, I hold your hand.
The duralumin reflects a moon that shouldn’t be there,
As we run through the platform.
Our inevitable connection is clear.
There, an accidental color begins to bloom.
Oh please try to love me tonight,
I’ve never seen a girl like you.

Tonight, we’re holding hands, gripping tightly,
Including the tears.
The meeting feels like it just happened,
A new kind of air.
I quietly made a promise alone,
Though I should have been walking down the stairs,
Now, together, we overlook the city.
We can’t separate anymore,
I’m sure you feel the same.

Swaying, stealing glances,
I take the flowing time into my hands.
Oh please don’t laugh at me tonight,
I never thought I’d have a moment like this.


Morning World (The Day After)

The land lies desolate and empty.
The depths are dark, the wall of fog is so grey.
Where are you? Are you still there?
Am I sleeping or am I awake? Is everything dead where there was life?

Morning world. Am I the last person?
Morning world, am I the last person?
In this city, in this world, am I the last person?
Can you hear me? Can you see me? Am I the last person?

There on the water the old spirit (spirit...) still floats
That promises us life and not death.

Morning world, am I the last person?
Morning world, am I the last person?
In this city, in this world, am I the last person?
Can you hear me? Can you see me? Am I the last person?
In this city, in this world, am I the last person?
Morning world I am the last person?

'Where are you? Are you still alive? I don't want to be the last.

Tomorrow world, I am the last human?
Tomorrow world, I am the last human?
The last human, made of flesh and blood, the last specimen.


Killer Tune

Luxury is my ally, I want more, even if I lose.
Whether I win or lose, this sensitivity won’t waver.
Poverty is the true enemy.

To indulge in luxury, surely, a wallet alone isn’t enough.
Because what’s beautiful isn’t something you find often.
Be cautious of the trap (the snare).

Look, see? We met on purpose.
Let’s live using seasons, tossing them aside.
You can’t steal the night, nor the autumn.
You are my lifetime’s treasure.

To indulge in luxury, surely, I must be envied.
Don’t glare at the sweet fragrance.
If you don’t want it, then don’t.

“Just once today.” If there’s no waste, there’s no meaning.
What’s beautiful can’t be measured.
It overflows, you see.

Look, we met here, in this harsh land.
Thank you for finding me.
You can’t deceive the sky, nor love.
I am your lifetime’s treasure.


When evening falls

When evening falls
A small lizard, next to its friends
Falls asleep, hand in hand
Given it all, once again
The small paws, the funny tails
So tired after a long day

When evening falls
It tiptoes from somewhere to our dreams, a familiar
Song of our great friend
The chorus of that song
When you hear it, you know: in your dreams
You see the last mammoth