Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 107431
Moomin Vallley
One spring morning at four o'clock, the first cuckoo flew through Moomin Valley. It sat on the roof of the blue Moomin house and bleated eight times, a little loudly, because it was still very early for spring.
The valley where they lived was very beautiful. It was full of happy little critters and big green trees. Across the meadows the river flowed. It made a bend around the blue Moomin house and disappeared towards other places with other little critters wondering where it came from.
One by one, I'm trying to connect these transparent blobs
Tiny raindrops creeping down the window pane
A veil of cobalt darkening the night outside
Still I keep gazing
Little by little I can feel the night melting into place
Falling, melting, settling
Falling, melting, settling
Falling, melting, falling, melting
Falling, melting, settling in
Falling, melting, settling in
Falling, melting, settling in
eyes closing, the sun setting
If I could keep believing in something
Could I really do it if I try hard enough?
So I kept believing in something
Meditating on the murky atmosphere and the static of life
I woke up from a strange dream
With a vision stuck in my mind
I don't want to forget, that past I want to forget
Looking up at the sky I cling to the void
Say, where are you now, what are you doing?
what have you been eating, what kind of clothes have you been wearing?
I just want to hear your voice while I pretend that I don't
Then I feel the dusk welcome night
Setting, Melting
Setting, Melting
Setting, Melting
Setting, Melting, Stagnating
Setting, Melting, Stagnating
Setting, Melting, settling in
Setting, Melting, settling in
Setting, Melting, settling in
Setting, Melting, settling in
Setting, Melting, settling in
Setting, Melting, settling in
Setting, Melting, settling in
Blooming, Shining
I kept believing in you
and found that I had become myself
while playing in this dazzling light
I kept believing in you
and found that I had become myself
while playing in this dazzling light
Dan Tucker
Dan Tucker is an old road warrior
Who rises early and turns in late
A flirt, a bit of a braggart
Who lives contentedly amidst his clutter
Go back home, Old Dan Tucker
Your soup is cold, you've worn out your welcome
Get outta there, Od Dan Tucker
It’s too late for partyin'
With his face of an old hand
He acts like a star while playin' his guitar
But beware, he's a chatterbox
He sings worse than an old duck
Go back home, Old Dan Tucker
Your soup is cold, you've worn out your welcome
Get outta there, Od Dan Tucker
It’s too late for partyin'
In his old warrior's Jeep
He sports the look of an explorer
He chases gals with flowers
Makes them eat on his tractor
Go back home, Old Dan Tucker
Your soup is cold, you've worn out your welcome
Get outta there, Od Dan Tucker
It’s too late for partyin'
The old refrain of Dan Tucker
Has brung happiness to the choir boys
But for the tough crowd and rockers
He’s a bluffer and a peddler
Go back home, Old Dan Tucker
Your soup is cold, you've worn out your welcome
Get outta there, Od Dan Tucker
It’s too late for partyin'
Like all the somewhat anarchic stars
The old fox loves caviar
Rocking chairs and good cigars
He lives happy and without drama
Go back home, Old Dan Tucker
Your soup is cold, you've worn out your welcome
Get outta there, Od Dan Tucker
It’s too late for partyin'
Go back home, Old Dan Tucker
Your soup is cold, you've worn out your welcome
Get outta there, Od Dan Tucker
It’s too late for partyin'
My God [Eponine's Errand]
Cosette, will I see you again?
Cosette, I am thinking of
What we were like as children
Now look at my life.
My God, that was really quite a bang!
My God, what a face!
Javert likes to play important
Someone like that won't catch us.
Tell me who the girl was.
Say, did you like that mouse.
Éponine, bring her here.
What will I get for it?
The world!
You're crazy, sir.
How did she get you so excited?
She pleased you well, sir!
Oh no, M'sieur, I don't want any money.
Éponine, I need you.
Come, show me where she lives.
Go about your work cleverly
Your father shouldn't see it
My heart wants to burst out of my chest!
You see, I was right
I know what your talking about
'Ponine knows her way around things like this
prizonier 4859
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
În zorii secolului, un băiat născut lângă lac
Mutat din câmpiile Kareliei
S-a făcut bărbat, în exil, în timpul Marelui Război
Și-a arătat umbra sa lumii
Oh, nu
Oh, nu
Cine-i știe numele?
Prizonier în infern, sau erou la pușcărie?
Soldat la Auschwitz,
Cine-i știe numele?
Încuiat în celulă, purtând războiul în pușcărie
Ascuns, în Auschwitz,
Cine se ascunde în spatele nr. 4859?
Niciodată n-a fost ajutat de dinafară, hotărât să evadeze
Sfârșitul lui aprilie '43
S-a alăturat revoltei, luptând pe străzi, cu insigna ascunsă
Având comanda, luptând pentru ţara lui
Oh, nu
Oh, nu
Cine-i știe numele?
Prizonier în infern, sau erou în pușcărie?
Soldatul la Auschwitz,
Cine-i știe numele?
Încuiat în celulă, purtând războiul din pușcărie
Ascuns, la Auschwitz,
Cine se ascunde în spatele 4859
Trimis la pușcărie, unde eroii sînt 'trădători'
Acuzat de trădare de către propriul neam
Pedepsit de ţărani, sub presiunea străinilor,
Bărbaţi pentru care-a luptat să-i elibereze
Oh, nu
Oh, nu
Îi știm numele!
Prizonier în infern, sau erou la pușcărie?
Soldatul la auschwitz, îi știm numele!
Încuiat în celulă, purtând războiul în pușcărie
Ascuns, în Auschwitz, ascuns în spatele 4859
Vulturul alb
Sângele eroilor
În rai
Pentru totdeauna
Erou adevărat
Întâlnire de toamnă
Click to see the original lyrics (French)
La fel cu trec norii
Peste albastrul cenușiu al mării,
Dragostea ne e învolburată
Și inima mi-e răsturnată.
Tot ceea ce ne dă viața
Astăzi noi am pierdut
Prin această întâlnire de toamnă
La care tu n-ai apărut.
Datorez uitării tale
Această lacrimă ce-mi curge pe obraz,
Nu-i nimic, doar un strop de ploaie,
Vântul va șterge totul.
Ce cale aș putea să apuc
Ca să mă desprind de tine,
Cel care n-ai știut să mă înțelegi
Când erai lângă mine?
Dar în timp ce se rotește
Cel mai mic dintre regretele mele,
Toate frunzele au frisoane
Și zboară pentru totdeauna.
Datorez uitării tale
Această lacrimă ce-mi curge pe obraz,
Nu-i nimic, doar un strop de ploaie,
Vântul va șterge totul.
Dar cu cât timpul ne desparte mai mult
Cu atât mă lasă să mă gândesc
Că rămâne din povestea noastră
Prea puțin ca să o plâng.
Raiul Sau Las Vegas
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
[Versul 1]
Plătesc pentru toate păcatele tatălui meu
Așa că îi voi mulțumi pentru tine
Îi voi mulțumi pentru tine
Serotonina mea mai are o vreme de trăit
Fată, a dispărut din cauza ta
A dispărut din cauza ta
Ei spun că vor Raiul
Ei spun că-l vor pe Dumnezeu
Eu spun că am Raiul
Ei bine, eu spun că sunt un zeu
[Versul 2]
Nu m-am rugat nicio clipă în viața mea
Fată, am fost răsplătit cu tine
Am fost răsplătit cu tine
Deci, iubito, lasă-mă să-ți sărut coapsa
Lasă-mă să o sărut pentru tine
Pot să o sărut pentru tine
Ei spun că vor Raiul
Ei spun că-l vor pe Dumnezeu
Eu spun că am Raiul
Ei bine, eu spun că sunt un zeu
Întâlnire de toamnă
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Acum zilele de vară se termină
Frunzele cad, roșii și aurii,
Acum căldura iubirii pălește
Și nopțile devin mai reci.
Din est bate vântul,
Acum cerul nu mai e albastru,
Deasupra capului norii cresc,
Vara a plecat, și tu la fel.
Ai vrut să fii liber,
Dragostea a fost doar un joc pentru tine
Și nu ai vrut niciodată să apari
La această întâlnire de toamnă.
Toată fericirea pe care viața mi-a dăruit-o
Azi s-a preschimbat în deșertăciune.
Acum, că nu mă mai iubești,
A venit toamna, a venit pentru a rămâne.
Viața pare pustie acum fără tine,
Nu este ușor să uiți.
S-ar putea să învăț să trăiesc fără tine,
Dar mereu voi regreta.
Aș plânge, dar n-are sens,
Lacrimile nu te vor aduce înapoi la mine,
Deși te-aș opri dacă aș putea
Ce mi-era sortit n-am cum schimba.
Cu trecerea anilor, încă îmi voi aminti,
Și în timp durerea va trece,
Voi uita acest trist septembrie
Și mă voi bucura că te-am iubit atât de mult.
Sufletul Petrecerii
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Bine ai venit pe partea cealaltă
Ești pierdută
Iubito, ieși din mintea ta
Ai fost cu adevărat pierdută
Ai fost cu adevărat pierdută
Te-ai gândit să fii rea
De când am făcut-o cu tine
Ea are bani de cheltuit
Doar verifică-i nasul naibii
Prescripția nu este o problemă
O poți amesteca cu uh
Și dacă vrei să o faci, iubito
Sunt chiar aici cu tine
Sunt pe norul 9
Iubito, ești în urmă
Poți să mă urmezi
Poți să mă urmezi dacă vrei
Te duci în oraș cu drogurile din corpul tău
Intră, tu ești sufletul petrecerii
Intră cu încredere, tu ești sufletul petrecerii
Sunt cu două fete
Am o cameră mică
E o cameră plină cu tipi
Baby, ce vrei să faci?
Felul în care te miști mă faci să mă simt uhh
M-am tot gândit la asta baby
M-am tot gândit la asta în ultima vreme
Sunt atât de pierdut, și tu ești la fel
Arată-mi cum
Te duci în oraș cu drogurile din corpul tău
Intră, tu ești sufletul petrecerii
Intră cu încredere, tu ești sufletul petrecerii
Iubesc cum mă atingi
Ce simți
Cum respiri
Iubito, cum o faci atât de bine
Felul în care îți răsucești buzele a făcut camera atât de mică, iubito
Fato, te rog, nu pleca
Îi vei mulțumi pe băieții mei
Te-ai gândit la asta, iubito
Da, ești o stea
Oh, ai fumat una
Fată, ai fumat-o
Fată, e 1, 2, 3
Te duci în oraș cu drogurile din corpul tău
Intră, tu ești sufletul petrecerii
Intră cu încredere, tu ești sufletul petrecerii
De când te-am făcut să plângi
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Văd picături de ploaie căzând
Dar nu cad din cer
Îmi văd lacrimile căzând
De când tu, de când mi-ai zis adio.
Inima mi se frânge treptat,
Și știu care-i pricina:
Inima mea a fost părăsită
De când eu, de când te-am făcut să plângi
Nu vezi că îmi pare rău?
Dragostea ce ți-o port nu va muri nicicând.
Mi-e inima zdrobită
De când, de când te-am făcut să plângi
De când, de când te-am făcut să plângi
De când, de când te-am făcut să plângi
Colegă de clasă
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Colegă de clasă,
Acum școala aproape s-a sfârșit,
Vei deveni a verii hoinară
Sau vei fi iubita mea pe mai departe?
Colegă de clasă,
Ne va aduce tristețe această despărțire?
Inelul meu era un lucru pe care l-ai împrumutat
Doar ca să-mi farmeci inima?
Mi-ai furat inima,
Acum ce vei face?
Îmi vei purta inelul, o vei lua de la capăt?
Renunți la mine, oh, mă întristezi?
Colegă de clasă,
Când vine din nou septembrie
Vei fi mai mult decât o veche prietenă
Sau vacanțele vor dovedi că am terminat?
Mi-ai furat inima,
Acum ce vei face?
Îmi vei purta inelul, o vei lua de la capăt?
Renunți la mine, oh, mă întristezi?
Colegă de clasă,
O să-mi petrec vara așteptând,
Așteptând, întrebându-mă și polemizând
Dacă am o șansă cu tine,
Dacă am o șansă cu tine?
I've Had It
When I saw her on the corner
Then, I knew that I was a gonner
I've had it
Well, I've had it
When you say that I should phone
Then I do and there's nobody home
I've had it
Well, I've had it
When you say that you'll keep a date
Then you show up two hours late
I've had it
Well, I've had it
When you say that you love me, honey
When you really need my money
I've had it
Well, I've had it
Mesto duhov
Moje mesto je mesto duhov, še svojega praga nisem spoznal
Tukaj po ulicah neki straši, noben več ne sanja, noben več ne spi
Mimo mene lebdijo sami žalostni ljudje
Nazaj v nostalgijo včerajšnjega dne
Pod nogami se trese
Zapihal je veter, da vse nas odnese
Pa pa pa pa pa
Pa pa pa pa pa
Res je blo lepo
Pa pa pa pa pa
Pa pa pa pa pa
Zdaj pa več ne bo
Umrla je muzika, ugasnil je smeh
Solze utopile so iskre v očeh
Pod nogami se trese
Zapihal je veter, da vse nas odnese
Pa pa pa pa pa
Pa pa pa pa pa
Res je blo lepo
Pa pa pa pa pa
Pa pa pa pa pa
Zdaj pa več ne bo
Pa pa pa pa pa
Pa pa pa pa pa
Res je blo lepo
Pa pa pa pa pa
Pa pa pa pa pa
Kratko in sladko
Pa pa pa pa pa
Pa pa pa pa pa
Res je blo lepo
Pa pa pa pa pa
Pa pa pa pa pa
Zdaj pa več ne bo
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Nu sunt ofensată și niciodată nu am fost
Ți-am zis că te-am mințit pe față, poți s-o sugi
Mă prefac plictisită, e dreptul meu, după atâta iubire
Pe care tu ai aruncat-o în aer
Stai lejer pe canapeaua ta cu un pahar de vin în mână
Nu e la fel cum era între noi doi
Yeah, timpul joacă feste, îmi poate schimba opinia
Mulțumesc Domnului
Acum sunt așa de mișto
O să fiu mișto doar de dragul de a fi
Ai promis că mă vei suna, dar nu ai făcut-o niciodată
Proastă, sunt o proastă mi se potrivește mănușă
Cel mai probabil că tu te-ai întâlnit cu Cazz și ai spus același căcat
Calmează-te, poate, iubire, calmează-te
Am așteptat ca pereții tăi să mă îngrădească, au făcut-o
Mă învârt în cerc, urăsc felul în care mă învârt în cerc
Până nu mai pot respira
Nu mă prefac așa cum o faci tu
Îți treci mâinile prin e păr, vedetă prefăcută
Apoi spui că îți e dor de mine, ești trist, yeah, fac pariu că ești
Și ghici ce? Mm
Îmi doresc să nu fi făcut, dar știu prea multe
Le-ai abandonat pe Sadie și Sarah când au început să se deschidă în fața ta
O pierdere de rimel, ai crezut că nu vom vorbi
Ai crezut greșit, ah
Acum sunt așa de mișto
O să fiu mișto doar de dragul de a fi
Ai pictat un tablou cu noi doar ca să îi dai foc
Proastă, sunt o proastă mi se potrivește mănușă
Fac pariu că tu te-ai întâlnit cu Dev și ai spus același căcat
Calmează-te, poate, iubire, calmează-te
Am așteptat ca pereții tăi să mă îngrădească, au făcut-o
Mă învârt în cerc, urăsc felul în care mă învârt în cerc
Până nu mai pot respira
Respira, respira
Să știi că voi fi bine
Eu doar voi încerca să văd partea bună
Ascunde-te de ochii lumii
Jumătate din mintea mea, încă e ocupată de tine
M-ai omorât pentru o perioadă, mi-ai furat din timpul meu
Mulțumesc din suflet pentru nimic
Oprește-te, voi fi bine, voi fi bine
Acum sunt așa de mișto
O să fiu mișto doar de dragul de a fi
Mi-ai promis că asta era real, dar nu era
Proastă, sunt o proastă mi se potrivește mănușă
Cel mai probabil că tu te-ai întâlnit cu Elle și ai spus același căcat
Calmează-te, poate, iubire, calmează-te
Am așteptat ca pereții tăi să mă îngrădească, au făcut-o
Mă învârt în cerc, urăsc felul în care mă învârt în cerc
Până nu mai pot respira
My Home
For many years I did not see my home
I came across the sea
Viyo, viyo, brother of mine
Thus I am lucky to be already in my home.
Dear home, sisters and brothers,
Dear friends, I will soon see you again
Viyo, viyo, brother of mine,
Fast from the train into my town.
Already I see trees growing on the Planty
Smiling at me, as to an old acquaintance of theirs,
Viyo, viyo, brother drive
Is this a dream or reality?
Flying by, as if borne by the wind
Here's the ring, I hear the clock tolling
Viyo, viyo, brother drive
Each minute seems to me a year.
Entering the Jewish market section
Something in my heart is painful
Viyo, viyo, brother viyo,
Oh, how happy I felt here once.
Well known muddy roads greet me
Poor pitiful Jews in black coats
Viyo, viyo, brother viyo,
This is my first welcome back.
Grey streets, grey twisted alleys
Grey and fearful is all I meet
Viyo, viyo, brother viyo,
Jewish life here looks grey.
Jewish market stands filled with worries
Poor Jews, without a today and without a tomorrow
Viyo, viyo, brother viyo,
Poverty and want grows from hour to hour.
Did not find Malkale anymore, my sister,
Rifka impoverished, sick is poor Ester,
Viyo, viyo, brother viyo,
Also many friends are not here any longer.
Dear home, oh, in the course of years,
All my dear people have come to harm
Viyo, viyo, brother of mine,
Fast to the train, I can't stay here anymore.
Dear home, it drew me to you,
Now I run away from you as an arraw from its bow
Viyo, viyo, brother of mine,
Back to the land where the air is pure.
And a 'bow-wow!'
Calls echo in the city throughout the night
Tonight, we celebrate again
And the Sandman won't be seeing us this time
Tonight, we'll dance again
Let's throw our paws to the sky and rock 'n' roll
Sausages and soda
The same old gang o' dogs is back together again
A great party's getting planned
Music will ring through the streets
The dog's feeling the groove in its body
Dance away!
We've got dogs all throughout the streets
Party on!
Through the night and into the morning
Dance away!
Hands up, hey, now throw 'em in the air
Everybody come join in!
'Mew, mew!'
And a 'meow, meow!'
Alley cats are joining the party too
I mean, really, it's great
Can it get any better than this?
Now everybody's lined up
Paws are going to and fro
Roars of the party echo through the city
Dance away!
We've got dogs all throughout the streets
Party on!
Through the night and into the morning
Dance away!
Hands up, hey, now throw 'em in the air
Everybody come join in!
Dance away!
We've got dogs all throughout the streets
Party on!
Through the night and into the morning
Dance away!
Hands up, hey, now throw 'em in the air
Everybody come join in!
Come join in!
My Father, A Cohen
Of you, my hero, I am not afraid,
Just try to hit me!
As soon as my father hears about it,
You are going to get it!
Because my father is a Cohen
He doesn't understand a joke.
He can rip apart a person
When he gets angry.
Once, in the yard, Avremel,
pushed me forcefully,
And my father, red and furious
Ran out to him
But Avremel is lucky
For just then, at that moment,
His sick father died.
Oh, how lucky he is!
Because a Cohen must leave
The house where there lies a dead body.
Hit me: do you think there will always
Occur such a miracle?
Hot Mess
The world is crazy and loud
As if it’s spinning around
I get dizzy at dawn
Your silhouette at the end of
My tilted and upside-down vision
Your dangerous steps are funny
There’s no salvation anywhere
At times like that, I want to go crazier
I-I-I’m a hot mess
And you, you ain’t so different
In this dizzy world
I’m ruined with you
I’m a hot mess
Crumbling down harder
In this twisted world
It’s breaking down more clearly
It’s distorted, oh
Mess up my life some more
It’s all torn apart, oh
Mess up my life some more
Look at our shoulders that are struggling to breathe
And our faces in the mirror
We’re so funny
The moment we were burned by hot breath
The deep scars
Covered this moment For a moment
In time that seems to have stopped
The world that is becoming distant is quiet
I-I-I’m a hot mess
And you, you ain’t so different
In this dizzy world
I’m falling apart with you
I’m a hot mess
Crumbling down harder
In this twisted world
It’s breaking apart more clearly
It’s distorted, oh
It’s all torn apart, oh
It’s distorted, oh
Mess up my life some more
Blue Eyes
Without knowing, I held you in my arms
A child named you, yeah
You dive into my everything
A tickling heart-beat
Do you feel it too
My heart is pounding, yeah
Dive into my everything
I already knew
Your eyes that emit a strange light
And then I fell deep
I swam all day long
The waves that crash
The waves named you
Into my heart that is full
Locked in your countless emotions
With my feet floating, I naturally
Entrusted everything to you
Without knowing, I held you in my arms
A child named you, yeah
You dive into my everything
A tickling heart-beat
Do you feel it too
My heart is pounding, yeah
Dive into my everything
The spreading light
My own sky that I threw my body into, yeah
You dive into my everything
Sparkling blue eyes
Pull me
The deepening night, yeah
Dive into my everything
I wanna go up to your distant dream
(On a dream)
Secret footsteps that no one knows
Even if I’m trapped in an endless maze
If I’m by your side, I’m fine
Melted in the blue world
I reach out my hands to you
(Take my hands now)
We become a sea of dreams
Filling up the book
Without knowing, I'm held in my arms
A child named you, yeah
You dive into my everything
A tickling heartbeat
Do you feel it too
My heart is pounding, yeah
Dive into my everything
The spreading light
My own sky where I threw my body, yeah
You dive into my everything
Sparkling blue eyes
Pull me
The night deepens, yeah
Dive into my everything
Uh, diving
Uh, diving
Uh, diving
Dive into my everything
You’re a given in the tomorrow that came
Run away
I don’t have a heart
We call each other all night long, tangled up
Uh, diving
Uh, diving
Uh, diving
Dive into my everything
Uh, diving
Uh, diving
Uh, diving
Dive into my everything
Somewhere in an unfamiliar city
A faded alleyway with the color of sunset
Between indifferent gazes
A strange feeling blows
Lightly in a different landscape
Just carrying my body
My picture glass standing alone
Becomes faint
Like a passing wind
Leisurely moving my feet
Between unfamiliar streets
From strangers to shadows
To strangers again
Not knowing anyone
Parting in a passing moment
In a changing scene
From strangers to shadows
To strangers again
Me beyond the car window
With faces and names erased
Falling steps
Looking at this moment, I am like this
Silent memories
Listening to
The fading story
Like a passing wind
Leisurely moving my feet
Between unfamiliar streets
From strangers to shadows
To strangers again
Not knowing No one
A moment too late, parting
In the changing scene
From strangers to shadows
To strangers again
Ah, strangers
Oh, I hear a new song
Ah, strangers
Yeah, engraving the traces that will disappear
Among the people who passed by
For a moment, the eyes mix
My heart feels light
From strangers to shadows
To strangers again
Breathe out comfortably Uh
Emptying my regretful heart Yeah
Flowing again Yeah
From strangers to shadows
To strangers again
Ooh oh
From strangers to shadows
To strangers, Ooh
In Our Own Style
Come bang your drums with us
Swing your hair 'round
Like Komppi Momppi
Or would you rather strum a guitar
And let out a plume of fire
Like Riffi Raffi does from his mouth
Well, you could be a singer
And help out Mister Saurus
You can roar out a: 'Rawr! Rawr!'
But you gotta join the band first!
Hey, come over and play
And sing
Together we'll show you
How we do it
In our own style!
You can rock a bass
Even if you aren't familiar with music notes
Muffi Puffi can help you out
(C, er, B, I mean, K...)
You play piano so elegantly
With Milli Pilli
Everyone else is simply mesmerized
You could be a singer
And help out Mister Saurus!
Hey, come over and play
And sing
Together we'll show you
How we do it (Rawr!)
In our own style!
Hey, come over and play
And sing
Together we'll show you
How we do it (Rawr!)
In our own style!
Mmm, something in the mirror
The expression inside the broken mask was caught
I lost it, no
A better me that I never had from the beginning
Pretending to be better and hiding it all
That gossip As if it was all me
Trapped in an ambiguous color
What, what was I for
It’s all a blur
My words that aren’t free
Even if it hurts, my heart that I turned away from
It all becomes unfamiliar
I don’t recognize you
It’s all a blur
Sansan burns hotter
Even if it’s a mirage, run
It all goes away
I don’t recognize you
It’s all a blur
The path I’ve believed in countless times
It’s all a maze
Now I’m wondering, wondering
The place I’ve run breathlessly
Into a dream that will be illuminated again Wandering
As if I were the day you wrote it yourself
My true self is like no one
Fragmented and painfully put together
What on earth was I for
It’s all a blur
My words that are not free
Even if it hurts, my heart that ignores
Becomes unfamiliar, everything
I don’t recognize you
It’s all a blur
Sundered and burns hotter
Even if it’s a mirage, run
Far away, everything
I don’t recognize you
It’s all a blur
It’s all a blur
I can’t even sleep
I want it clearly, it’s all just me
Outside your attention, it’s dazzling
Now look again
Follow my dreams
Look at all these days properly
It’s just a blur
Look at me properly now
Sometimes when I see you in pain
I feel deep love
Why I dig through the book
And look for it again
And the conclusion that was clearly only wounds
Got me paranoid even if it becomes a problem
I don’t want to let go
Even if I’m crazy Fun
As if I’m walking dangerously on a railing
Pushing and pulling hotly, the two of us
I’m willing
I’m happy even if I fall
Why are we Disaster
Embraced more deeply in your arms
Whoa, whoa
Deeply pushing each other
Jump now I can’t stop
Whoa, whoa
It’s a perfect disaster
Your sincerity that I ask for uselessly like a habit
Even if I give it all to my prickly lips
Isn’t it enough for you Oh, no
One by one, breaking like sand
Even if I know the ending is only despair
I’m swept away
Even if it hurts, I’m happy Yeah
How could we be Disaster
Embraced more deeply
Whoa, whoa
Deeply pushing each other apart
Jump now I can’t stop
Whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa
Oh, it’s a perfect disaster
The front I’ve drawn in my dreams
Willingly throw my whole body
Whoa, whoa
Even if I lose myself in the end
I like it
Whoa, whoa
Oh, it’s a perfect disaster
Oh, it’s a perfect disaster
Fractured more brilliantly
It’s a perfect disaster
It’s a perfect disaster
It’s a perfect disaster
Classical music provokes my spiritual growth.
The dream of a good life is fading away.
I went abroad
to find inner peace.
I visit our favourite spots.
I'm by my lonesome.
So you think you know what's good for you?
Experiencing emotions is a part of richness of life.
I kiss my daughter's picture before I got to work.
I make an honest living. I ain't no hustler.
I've been in a few relationships and
I've never experienced blissfull happiness
I need to get this shit out of my chest.
I don't need no booze to blow off steam.
I see progress, I'm making another banger.
I know how to touch your soul.
Self-discovery didn't happen overnight.
I've led a wild life.
I guess
I'm too much to handle.
I wonder what the future holds for me?
I'm all about appreciating life's simple pleasures.
I'm looking for my queen.
I haven't given up on you yet.
I'm looking for inspiration.
You're my heart.
There's always a flicker that remains from the flame.
There's nothing I wouldn't do for you.
Hope is what gets me going.
Let's make the best of what little time we have.
You bring me joy.
You're like a wistful tune heard in an old pub.
This is the life I chose.
Painting pictures with words.
I enjoy peaceful life but there's darkness in me.
My mother's company brings me serenity.
Sadness is a part and parcel of human life.
Even my soul mate couldn't make me stop missing my family.
Life likes to play jokes on us. It goes fast like a shinkansen.
Cosmic energy makes it all possible.
I'm checking out House scene while blendin' Mango Lassi.
I feel like I don't belong anywhere.
I don't rap about trifles.
We won't be flaunting our relationship.
I'll travel the world.
I gave up weed and I don't miss it.
There's this special bond
between us.
My pen is my weapon in this fight for happiness.
I've got high self-awareness and I want only the good stuff.
I'll be embracing life like Horace.
I know how overwhelming depression can be.
I want to feel and deserve to be called 'dad'.
I won't live forever.
Was it too intense?
Erasy me out of your memory. Maybe this time it'll work out. Try.
Forlorn Aren't You
The instant you pass by a pretty girl
you get all energetic.
You're a troublesome one, my Darling.
You're the most fickle boy in all of space.
Do what you like I'm saying bye-bye.
Though you search all over—forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you
You can't find love—forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you
You look like you're shrinking away—forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you
Always reeling every which-way
where can love be?
Your eyes are like radar,
always turning this way and that
looking for pretty girls.
Even though you typically get dumped right away,
not even giving up a little,
you keep getting presents of rejection
over and over again.
Though you search all over—forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you
You can't find love—forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you
You look like you're shrinking away—forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you
Always reeling every which-way
where can love be?
Even when you're in the middle
of making a move
on me in a sweet tone of voice,
you get distracted in no time, my Darling.
You're the most fickle boy in all of space.
Do what you like I'm saying bye-bye.
Though you search all over—forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you
You can't find love—forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you
You look like you're shrinking away—forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you
Always reeling every which-way
where can love be?
Always reeling every which-way
where can love be?
God Games
My Father, when have I asked you for anything?
I've come so you can help my friend
He's very far from his home
It's Odysseus
You ask me to impart Divine Justice
That I shorten the sentence of that dual Greek?
You fight against thunder for a filthy mortal
But, if you want to go on with this
Would you like to play?
Convince 'them' that he is deserving of this
Win and I'll release him
And me!
What do you say?
Yes, sir
Bring it
I love listening to melodies
The sirens are no more
I know Ody did wrong
They tried to attack him, he tried to negotiate
He gave them a warning
And, thanks to that, they finally sing with some precaution
If that's true, release him
All must be forged
Why should I help him?
He left his cohort behind
Don't forget they didn't listen
They stabbed him and tied him
But, if you do what I ask, he'll forge a destiny with his loved ones
Fine, release him
Your apprentice, my child, Odysseus
Loved his mommy so much he abandoned her
He was leading a fight!
Or was just getting distracted
It's thanks to that Cyclops that know he knows how she felt
Reconsider this
Really, Athena!
Play by the rules!
What kind of brute leaves behind his own, alone and dying?
He didn't try to attack Scylla
Didn't act with rage!
He relied on a stupid wooden horse!
Doubt in every decision!
His son is a loser!
That child is my friend!
Maybe your lover still has much to learn!
You want blood? Release him!
He'll get to his kingdom, there will be bloodshed all round!
Agh, release him
Hey, baby
I know of brave ones!
I know how they are!
What could he have that makes him the best one?
He has the mind of a prodigy
Is that all?
He's well spoken
You want to lose?
He's hilarious?
He's never cheated on his wide
Release him
I played and won
Release him
You're very bold
Have you forgotten who I am?
No one beats me
Only I win!
Lightning, attack, I say
My will will be done, until I give the final judgement!
You think she's...?
Let him go, dad
Let him go
I called you to tell you
My love, 'Good Night'
And let me ask you something
If tomorrow, tomorrow would be the end of the world
How about moving somewhere else?
Please, come with me
Let's find a quiet place
Let's find another world
And for one day at least
Come with me
Where no one sees us
Are you coming with me?
We wouldn't love each other in secret anymore
If the world would end tomorrow
Just one day of loving you would be enough.
I want to fall from the stars right into your arms
Let's hold hands and run away far
Only we know the way to the end
Heart, hurry up, the world below is at war.
It's just us against the world
Together, we'll circle the moon
Please come with me, don't look back
Let's find another home... and we'll see what happens next
Please, come with me
Let's find a quiet place
Let's find another world
And for one day at least
I called you to tell you
My love, 'Good Night'
I'm Allowed to Rest
I remember myself alone
Standing before a crowd
And not seeing anyone there
If only I could
Give a tiny room in my heart
Just to myself
Entire days where I only cry
Every day closes in in the darkness for me
Praying to God
That if he's there, to fight
Just for me
I'm sick of running away
I want my strength to come back
To stand before everyone and scream
Everything that's been going on in my body
I'm allowed to rest
To listen to the sounds of the wind
To hug my wounded heart
And to let my wings fly
Looking for the answer
How do you find the serenity
I want to go back to being a girl
So innocent who doesn't understand
I take off the mask
And return to the stage
Throw everything
And sending for you
Because only you understand me
See me
Feel my pain
Contain me
Show me the truth that's in me
Cleanse me
I'm yours
I'm sick of running away
I want my strength to come back
To stand before everyone and scream
Everything that's been going on in my body
I'm allowed to rest
To listen to the sounds of the wind
To hug my wounded heart
And to let my wings fly
I'm sick of running away
I want my strength to come back
To stand before everyone and scream
Rikiishi Toru's Theme
Into the wilderness we boxers go
The sunset shining on a man's dreams
Tears are for tomorrow, today be a wolf
Lick your own wounds
People call me merciless
I howl at the moon alone Woow!
A homeless parentless nameless boxer
I tear away my chains with my teeth Yaaa! Yaaa! Yaaa!
Into the wilderness we boxers go
Tomorrow the sun rises into a man's chest
Yaaa! Yaaa! Yaaa!
I write my name 'Tooru Rikiishi'
On drifting clouds with my finger
Listen to the blues I sing alone
Never show your tears to anyone
Somewhere a blind star is blazing
With just one punch I'll bring it down Yaaa!
A homeless parentless nameless boxer
I tear away my chains with my teeth Waao!
Into the wilderness we boxers go
The sunset shining on a man's dreams
He's the greaser who breaks all hearts
From the Gate of Portillo to Arganzuela ,
Because there ain't a bird
Who don't wanna be friends
With yours truly.
But I, who take care of meself,
When some lass tries to fool me,
Unless she gives me the dosh,
I smack her a coupla times,
Because whacking them about
I'm a real punisher.
He's the greaser who breaks all hearts
From the Gate of Portillo to Arganzuela,
Because there ain't a 'bird'
Who don't wanna be friends with him,
'Cause he's such a ladykiller!)
I spare no expense:
I both train and mold them
And then I get money from them,
To spend it all on my vices
And look like a true gentleman.
(You've made me lose my mind!
You're so adorable!)
That's how you should sing it!
(Buy me a chalet!
Gimme some clothes!
Buy me a car!)
Go and
Get your head straight with a permanent
And, to soften you up, ask for some
You can ask some rich boy for all those things
'Cause, as for me, the one who can ain't been born yet!
Go and
Get your head straight with a permanent
And if you're upset, go drink some
(To me, you're my Frankie...)
What can I do for you, gorgeous?
(The best among the best,
And I know that there are some women out there
Who are all desperate,
And chase after you...)
But I won't give in, because saying NO
I'm the effin' best!
(Go and
Get your head straight with a permanent
And, to soften you up, ask for some cold cream!)
You can ask some rich boy for all those things
'Cause, as for me, the one who can ain't been born yet!
Go and
Get your head straight with a permanent
And if you're upset, go drink some Seltzer water!
When I Was Young
A good night kiss
Look at the stars dancing hula
Stay by my side
And keep smiling like time stands still
A line that crosses the wind and
A crowd of people returning home
Feeling hungry
Thank you for the meal, a refrain of happiness
The sweet words and gestures of when I was young
Will never return
And the continuation of our dreams
Are unknown...
Let's go for a walk
Watch the sun hula dance
Stay by my side
Stop now and keep smiling
I like melancholy
Hallelujah to the withered flowers
Stay by my side
And take me away now
The sweet words and gestures of when I was young
Will never come back
And the continuation of our dreams
Are unknown...
The sweet words and gestures of when I was young
Will never come back
Those sweet gestures and words we shared
No one will know...
Take away all those moments
The gunpowder, the essence of life
Take all those days with you
The softness of your hair, your innocent gaze
Take it slowly, the passing time
The journey is eternal, only the view's changing
Don't be afraid, it hurts sometimes
We're two people who take it to heart
I hate breakups and separations
Tequila till they're all erased -
All the memories you took from me
You forgot your heels at my place
You forgot how to love a long time ago
You kept reminding me of what I don't have
Oy oy oy oy
Take away the pretty words
That manipulative look, and some dreams
Take me, too, if you can
'Cause after you go, you'll leave a wasteland behind
Take it slowly, the passing time
The journey is eternal, only the view's changing
Don't be afraid when it hurts sometimes
Everything works out, don't give up on your heart
I hate breakups and separations
Tequila till they're all erased -
All the memories you took from me
You forgot your heels at my place
You forgot how to love a long time ago
You kept reminding me of what I don't have
The confidence, the friends
The parties, the smoking
All the secrets you kept hidden from me
So goodbye, my love
You were my partner
I wish you'll find everything I don't have
Oy oy oy oy
Oy oy oy oy