Rezultatele căutării pagină 22
Număr de rezultate: 763
Învață-mă să râd
Renunț, iubind, nu în vis ci în realitate,
Renunț, iubind, la ceea ce mă umple de viață.
Renunț, iubind, dacă plec, chiar o fac,
Renunțând și iubind, îți cer un singur lucru:
Învață-mă să râd! Învață-mă să-mi iau rămas bun!
Fără să mă joc cu umbrele, să fiu ceea ce sunt.
Învață-mă să râd și să nu mă prefac că sunt altcineva,
Că nu mai vreau să-ți aud vocea.
N-a mers prea bine... Ce să fac, viața continuă,
Voi prețui ceea ce a fost între noi.
Te las să pleci. Dacă plec, chiar o fac,
Renunțând și iubind, îți cer un singur lucru:
Învață-mă să râd fără să mă joc cu umbrele.
© Vladímir Sosnín
The Revelation
I am Baphomet
God of the Templars
Advocate of the damned
And leader of souls through the underworld
Heed. I am Baphomet
Because I bring the light forth,
But the darkness belongs to my nature
But in truth
The darkness belongs to my nature
I am Baphomet
Why suffering is worthwhile
Can your eyes
Dead and lifeless
Forgive my guilt?
It tears at my heart
I saw the darkness in me
Heard through the stillness
Your will shattered loudly
Through to my heart
I sought my doubt
As the fire does the devil
True love that stayed with me
It tears at my heart
Who gave birth to me?
Chose this destiny?
Why did I go astray?
It tears at my heart
Tears at my heart
It tears at my heart
You war with truth,
life and death
No one can say
Why suffering is worthwhile
Your dark search
for the love someone forbade you
No one can say
Why your suffering is worthwhile
Helpless she laid by me
She gave her blood
Drank the life out of her
It roars in my heart
Torturing, this silence
I wish I was in hell
There I wait on everyone
It laughs in my heart
Incinerate me with fire
Lock me in the deepest ruins
There pain penetrates into me
It burns in my heart
It was this quest
To give native soil
To this godless life
The hate in my heart
You war with truth,
life and death
No one can say
Why suffering is worthwhile
Your dark search
for the love someone forbade you
No one can say
Why your suffering is worthwhile
Your war with truth
The search for truth
The faith in a god*
Your faith in this god
Which holds the answer
Which holds the answer
Love, which is worth your suffering
Play a Love Song
When I've been hurt, I
quietly reflect alone
You who who reads too much into things
fights with uneasiness
Hold me tight and don't let go
Why we fight I don't know
I don't know
about other people but,
there is no ulterior motive to the underside of my words
I want to welcome the moment in which
the long winter ends with a smile
Even if I persist, I'm just cold..
There are already many sad conversations
Please let me say that I like you
Can we play a love song?
Things like the concern of a friend,
or the trauma of our upbringing
are just annotations
of our history still continuing
Hold me tight and don't let go
Why we fight I don't know
I don't know since when
my parents have been like that
(it's okay, it's okay)
but we will keep growing from here
(it's okay, it's okay)
Try calming down for a moment
it might not help, but
you might be overthinking it
There are already many sad conversations
Let's eat and laugh and sleep
Can we play a love song?
Come to my side
Don't go anywhere
Hold me tight and don't let go
As if to say that I'll never let go
I want to hold you
It's okay if you are doubtful
but there are already many sad conversations
Even if it's a lie, I start to want to tell it
Can we play a love song?
I want to welcome the moment in which
the long winter ends with a smile
Even if I persist, I'm just cold..
There are already many sad conversations
Please let me hear you say you like me
Can we play a love song?
I avoided the main street flooded
by people who take the road home with a certain gait
And while plugging my ears with broken earphones
I was muttering your name
Something like your 'replacement' doesn't exist
Only this at least
will not change even if I am betrayed
I love you, I love you
The only one who always wrenches
the heart of this callous person this way
is only you
Others come and go
But you're in my soul forevermore
Forevermore, forevermore
Forevermore it is so
Friends change and clothes go out of fashion
What makes me me
isn't anything like ingrained values
or preferences I've aquired
You taught me that
Something like my ending doesn't scare me
by some chance
even if I'm reincarnated, I won't forget
I love you, I love you
The one who can make this person who looks good alone
cry without seeing them today either
is only you
Others come and go
But you're in my soul forevermore
Forevermore, forevermore
forevermore it is so
After love too
forevermore, forevermore
even if it's without waiting for the last moment
just this I can say
I love you, I love you
Anything other than that is something of a digression
The one I love, the one I love
is only you
Others come and go
But you're in my soul forevermore
Forevermore, forevermore
forevermore it is so
A Life to be Envied
With a simple bow and self-introduction
I already completely understood
that I would spend the rest of my life with this person
It was the start of our life story together
I don't remember the beginning well
This won't end in just one night
Something which oddly had no end
began to overflow
and this life which I used to think was long was suddenly short
Even if today is the last day of my life
even if 50 years have passed, having been able to meet you
I would say that I've been happier than anyone -
that this was a life to be envied
Even if today is the last day of my life
even if 50 years have passed, having been able to meet you
I would say that I've been happier than anyone -
that this was a life to be envied
I can say this
that no matter how humble I am
this was a life to be envied
'I'll quit already, this way of living
in which I only just live up to people's expectations'
I think while changing
the flowers I offer to my dead mother's portrait
Should I be left behind by you in death
I will stand faithful to you
If I am the one who dies first
I will smile to the end of my final hours
This is the first day of this life
Even after 50 years, having watched you intently
I would say that more than anyone, I am happy
that this was a life to be envied
I can say this
No matter how humble I am
that this was a life to be envied
I can say this
Now matter, no matter how humble I am
that this was a life to be envied
Only the Grace
'In my wandering through this world
Through the cruel temptations,
Everywhere Lord Jesus,
Only your Grace keeps me pure.
Choir: Only the Grace, only the Grace
Keeps me ceaseless.
It makes me, it keeps me
A true Christian.
On the path of holiness
And in my strugle to be better,
To succeed on my own it's impossible,
Only your Grace keeps me.
How I would like to obey the word
And fulfill it as it should be,
I see everything standing against me
Only you Grace keeps.
At your sacred work,
You called me.
I bear too few fruits, and
Only your Grace keeps me.
Whenever and in any mood I am,
Lord, I come to you!
In rise and fall,
Only your Grace keeps me.
If I Fall in Love
Ah, after saying something cheeky...
For some reason, I feel lonely...
Ah, I waited for you, pretendig it's a coincidence...
I wonder if I can sincerely say sorry.
The return path is always a canary color...
It's strange, but I can't read my own feelings these days...
Soon, it seems, the wind will turn...
And will blow toward you...
This is the impression I have.
Oh, every time I think about it,
I realize that you have always been with me.
Ah, in the photo album, we were holding hands...
You smile at my side...
Ah, although I want us to remain friends...
I will feel lonely if our relationship stays like this.
As if tangled threads come unraveled...
For some reason I feel relaxed around you...
I'd want film that pictures the future...
Let me look around at times...
While I'm growing up.
Oh, every time I think about it,
I realize that you have always been with me.
Light of the Fireflies
SHA LA LA I'm sure, someday, I'll obtain it
Softly in my fleeting heart, a light is burning
The 'urge' of wanting to see you, the 'innocence' that made me want to cry
The fireflies that flew into the fire of summer will not return
Don't say anything, just leave me with a kiss
Whilst being burnt, you nodded
Life, to the point of sadness, flickered
SHA LA LA I'm sure, someday, I'll obtain it
Softly in my fleeting heart, a light is burning
SHA LA LA Person dear to me, you, too, can see it
The dazzling moon softly illuminates tomorrow
Shining strongly, strongly
In my violent heart, the nearly lost memories
That had been blown out are gently lit again
I got the feeling that if I ran on in a daze, I'd touch it
So I go on, arm outstretched
Life, to the point of pain, flickers
SHA LA LA I want to go on singing forever
Softly in my shivering heart, a light is burning
SHA LA LA Person dear to me, so that I can reach you
Let these feelings softly be invited into the endless sky
Let them resound strongly, strongly
SHA LA LA I'm sure, someday, the fireflies will stop lighting
Softly in my disappearing heart, a dream is shining
SHA LA LA Person dear to me, don't you forget, either
Softly in the glittering summer, wishes are piling up
SHA LA LA I'm sure, someday, I'll obtain it
Softly in my fleeting heart, a light is burning
SHA LA LA Person dear to me, you, too, can see it
The dazzling moon softly illuminates tomorrow
Shining strongly, strongly
Se topesc zorii luminoși,
Rămas bun, piesă cântată.
O stea cade de pe cer,
Toate acestea mi-au rămas în memorie,
Este doar din cauza ta.
Tristețea mea este bătrână,
Este timpul să te uit pe tine.
Scuză-mă că nu-mi grăbesc viața,
Scuză-mă că te iubesc,
Te iubesc ca odinioară.
N-a existat o altă întâlnire,
Trăiesc prin tandrețea din trecut.
Aud pașii sensibili,
Mi se pare că stai sub fereastră,
Este doar din cauza ta.
Tristețea mea este bătrână,
Este timpul să te uit pe tine.
Scuză-mă că nu-mi grăbesc viața,
Scuză-mă că te iubesc,
Te iubesc ca odinioară.
Cred în veșnicia iubirii,
Norii gri vor pleca.
Un curcubeu va străluci în depărtare
Plin de bucurie că te-am întâlnit pe tine.
Tristețea mea este bătrână,
Este timpul să te uit pe tine.
Scuză-mă că nu-mi grăbesc viața,
Scuză-mă că te iubesc,
Te iubesc ca odinioară.
© Vladímir Sosnín
At 5:30 at the University
I wait the phone to ring
and can't my place
I'd like the hour to come
but I can't rush the time.
I wait the phone to ring
and I know it's gonna ring
to tell her the hour
and where we'll meet
At 5:30
at the University
and if it's too late,
let's meet in Cișmigiu(park)
But I wait at the Athaeneum
so I can come easily
or to make it easy for you,
in front of the Conservatory
I'm waiting the phone to ring
and that I wish for is an answer
what happened yesterday afternoon
that she didn't come to the date
It must be my own fault
but I know I told her explicitely
at which hour and what place
I set up for our date!
At 5:30
at the University
and if it's too late,
let's meet in Cișmigiu(park)
But I wait at the Athaeneum
so I can come easily
or to make it easy for you,
in front of the Conservatory
At 5:30
at the University
and if it's too late,
let's meet in Cișmigiu(park)
But I wait at the Athaeneum
so I can come easily
or to make it easy for you,
in front of the Conservatory
At 5:30
at the University
and if it's too late,
let's meet in Cișmigiu(park)
But I wait at the Athaeneum
so I can come easily
or to make it easy for you,
in front of the Conservatory
I never cared for what they call destiny.
But now, I have no choice,
But to accept that just maybe it's the real thing.
I really believe that I'm fine as I am now.
Don't you think so?
Please don't tie me down to your high expectations.
On a day like today, without a single cloud in the sky,
It's the perfect time for our eternal vows.
We don't need a bouquet, or even people lining the pews.
As long as the color of our rings is the same.
I had to expect the suffering this would bring,
Waiting so long I started to hate even myself.
I want to sleep, every day.
I won't make any more promises.
All they can do is help make some other person happy.
What I'm about to say, isn't something borrowed from another.
It's not a promise either. It's just a vow.
Liar that I once was, I can't go back anymore.
Let's wear rings the color of the morning sun.
Let's dance to the thunderous beating of my heart.
Let's celebrate that we can still seize this moment.
When I am no longer able to hold these tears at bay,
I say something that has no profound meaning.
Just a sudden memory crawling from the past. (Ah, I want to cry.)
So much light pouring into the room through the open door.
I want to be next to you both now and forever,
And I really don't have any other options either way.
On a day like today, without a single cloud in the sky,
We make our vows that no one's ever made before.
We don't need a bouquet, or even people lining the pews,
As long as the color of our rings is the same.
Kiss me once, kiss me twice,
Only once is not enough.
Kiss me once, kiss me twice,
Give yourself all to me.
Kiss me once, kiss me twice,
Kiss me three times.
I beg of you.
Kiss me once, kiss me twice,
Give yourself all to me.
Let's lean on each other shoulders as we listen to the sunrise.
Let's make a vow between us to live on together.
On The Night When The Holy Bells Ring
On the night the holy bells ring
I pray
That this love lasts forever uh...
O love this season
It’s the season when (love)
The nights with you last the longest
Even the expressions on the people’s faces
Were illuminated
I looked up at the sky
And saw that even the tears that fall from the heavens
Had turned white
I bugged you
Woo, To walk arm-in-arm with me
On the night the holy bells ring
I pray
That this love lasts forever
O holy bells, please ring, oh my wish
Wrapped in our courage, may love last forever!
Your birthday
The anniversary of the day we met
There are so many
Special days in this season
It’s mysteriously nice
Last Christmas Eve
Woo, we kissed on the way home
On the night the holy bells ring
I give my thanks
That we were able to meet
O holy bells, please hear me, oh my wish
Wrapped in you, may love last forever!
On the night the holy bells ring
I pray
That this love lasts forever
O holy bells, please ring, oh my wish
Wrapped in our courage, may love last forever!
All translations are mine unless stated otherwise. Please credit me if using my translations. Contact me if you notice any errors.
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I’m feeling this for the first time baby
This kind of love is a first baby
The person that makes my heart rush
My love, who resembles me – it’s you
The more I see you, the more I miss you
The person who will only be by my side
My girlfriend, whom anyone can say is pretty
My love, who resembles me – it’s you
I can find you even with my eyes closed
The one and only in this world
I will protect you baby
In your day, in my day
Since we’re both there, everything is beautiful to me
Don’t bring up breaking up, such hurtful words
Just stay by my side like this
When you and I are in love, when you and I kiss
This feeling is sweeter than cake, the sound of your breath is so thrilling
When you and I hug and fall asleep, when you and I wake up together
You come into my arms and whisper in my ear
I’ll prepare everything for you,
You just need to receive it
I will give you everything (Baby~)
In your day, in my day
Since we’re both there, everything is beautiful to me
Don’t bring up breaking up, such hurtful words
Just stay by my side like this
You always lift your head to look up at me
I take my big hands aand cup your cheeks and you freeze
I want to give you an Eskimo kiss
I want to go everywhere and anywhere with you
Ma little girlfriend
Before that, I’ll go next to you,
I’ll run to you anytime as you please
Every day, I’ll pat you and caress you, you and me
We’ll have fun and be in love baby Baby~
In your day, in my day
Since we’re both there, everything is beautiful to me
Don’t bring up breaking up, such hurtful words
Just stay by my side like this
In your day, in my day
Since we’re both there, everything is beautiful to me
Don’t bring up breaking up, such hurtful words
Just stay by my side like this
Armenian Spring
They are so flourishing - the apricot fields,
They are so black - the hair of girls.
So many youngsters, in a stream of dreams,
Left their sunny country for other purpose
And now, from the far away lands,
Seeking their home in a dreams,
The find their own selves in their hearts,
Wandering in the fuzzy mists
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט
So what if the time is going?
I know that you usually think
that it ain't easy
when you find yourself so far
on the road of the years.
Don't look on what was before
just raise your fore so high
You got spring in your soul
and that is enough!...
So what if the time is going?
So what?
I say just 'It's ok'
and 'let it go'
So what if the autumn is coming?
I don't care.
You can make your life
more beautiful anytime.
Don't turn your eyes
don't live of memories
when you got so many dreams
that wait to be fulfilled.
Don't look back on the road
to see how long it is
there's time for everything
there's enough time...
So what if the time is going?
So what?
I say just 'It's ok'
and 'let it go'
So what if the autumn is coming?
I don't care.
You can make your life
more beautiful anytime.
So what if the time is going?
So what?
I say just 'It's ok'
and 'let it go'
So what if the autumn is coming?
I don't care.
You can make your life
more beautiful anytime.
So what if the time is going?
So what?
Maybe, maybe...
I saw her on the street
she was blonde and in a rush
looked at me for just a moment
and whispering, asked me something.
Disconcertedness has got me
she didn't get what's up with me
when the dizziness has got me
i felt her leaving...
From then on, I got no rest
I want to see her just for once
but the town is filled with girls
and there's no way to find her...
I'm looking for the one
that bewitched me.
Where is she hiding
'cause I can't find her
Maybe, maybe,
Maybe, maybe I'll find her
Maybe, maybe
Maybe, maybe I'll see her again
I'm looking for the one
that bewitched me.
Where is she hiding
'cause I can't find her
And if she's asking me a question
I'd have the answer
If I'd only find her!
Yesterday, for a moment, on the streets
I saw a blonde that was in a rush
All of a sudden, I stopped for while
and wanted to ask her a question
Disconcertedness has got me
she didn't get what's up with me
when the dizziness has got me
I realized that it's not her.
As you see, I got no rest
and I ask about her all the time
Any girl that is in my way
'Pity, but it's not me'
I'm looking for the one
that bewitched me.
Where is she hiding
'cause I can't find her
Maybe, maybe,
Maybe, maybe I'll find her
Maybe, maybe
Maybe, maybe I'll see her again
I'm looking for the one
that bewitched me.
Where is she hiding
'cause I can't find her
And if she's asking me a question
I'd have the answer
If I'd only find her!
I'm looking for the one
that bewitched me.
Where is she hiding
'cause I can't find her
Maybe, maybe,
Maybe, maybe I'll find her
Maybe, maybe
Maybe, maybe I'll see her again
I'm looking for the one
that bewitched me.
Where is she hiding
'cause I can't find her
And if she's asking me a question
I'd have the answer
If I'd only find her!
I'd have the answer
If I'd only find her!
I'd have the answer
If I'd only find her!
Until We Fall Asleep
Within my heart, something is calling to me
Surely, something is waiting for me out there
Though the road in front of me is bumpy
Soon my troubles will dry up like a river
The setting sun is shinning
Over this wilderness
Tonight, here in this place
Will I become the real me?
Let's stay up all night
And talk about the tomorrow untill we fall asleep
As the moon shines down on this bueatiful planet
It awakens these feelings
Of restlessness that reside within me
Why would we have to start over?
That would be foolish
Though your body suffers from injuries
You wear a carefree smile
These teaars of sorrow awaken
A of sense of purpose within all of us
In this place tonight
I will become the real me
Let's stay up all night
And talk about love untill we fall asleep
Flag of Japan
That flag, trailing in the wind - a flag, that has fluttered since ancient times
Lacks meaning, and yet is nostalgic - what is this feeling welling up inside of me?
If I put my hands over my chest and look up to the sky, my blood throbs and my pride soars
The spirit of this country that flows through my body is so noble
Now come, let us go forth, under the name 'Land of the Rising Sun'!
No matter how strong the wind that blows is, no matter how far or high the waves can reach,
The flames of our swaying spirits surely won't lose heart
The gentle voice of Mother in my chest, and the stern teachings of Father on my back
In these hands that have inherited history, why are there still things we fear?
Even if we can't forget the old days, you can still return to how it was back then
Even if our bodies were to be destroyed, they will come to bloom in several thousand years
Now come, let us go forth, there are now things we ought to protect
No matter how strong the wind that blows is, no matter how far or high the waves can reach,
Our seething determination, surely, will not be swayed
No matter how strong the wind that blows is, no matter how far or high the waves can reach,
The flames of our swaying spirits surely won't lose heart
Our seething determination, surely, will not be swayed
You are the sun, you're the moon and stars above us, You’re an earthly happiness, my Belarus
I bless you sincerely from the heart,
I pray for you with my words.
You’re the rivers, lakes and virgin forests.
You’re forever ours, you’re today with me.
We believe in you, my darling,
I love Belarus, because you're with me!
Belarus - you're my land!
Belarus - you're the one!
Belarus - you're my soul!
Belarus - you're my home!
You're the bird that wants to be free,
To the sun, to the sky, to the edge of the earth.
You shed your blood for us, my dear,
So flourish with freedom and live in happiness!
There must be as many ways to love as there are people
There must be as many ways to love as there are people
The thin boy with a guitar
Endured his pain while plucking
Singing about a lost love
I'm reminded also in my chest
A diary of a bittersweet day
But a boy with that deep a scar
I will heal someday
As many ways to love as there are people
There must be surely
Now I am tired heart
It would be nice if you let me rest
Put in your passion and open your heart
I have been in love but
Even a day, even a second
Wasn't a waste
When you fall in love with common sense
It will never be devoured
I will try to hit it where it is
Aim for the chest as a target
As many ways to love as there are people
There must be surely
To that single heart
Someday will cuddle with someone
If all sighs are dissolved during the night
It will be faint
A distant light resembling a winter mornings' glow
Strongly for your heart and hot at impact
From within that breast
As many ways to love as there are people
There must be surely
To that single heart
Someday will cuddle with someone
And one day
If I could meet a person that will share my heart
Songs of good luck will be
You are just love songs
Say yes to love songs
Hopefully, please
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.
Core Metamorphosis
U-M-R! Hey!
U-M-R! Hey!
Not “Yuma”, it’s “Umaru”!
U-M-R! Hey!
U-M-R! Hey!
Not “Yuma”, it’s “Umaru”!
Always play around and take ‘em down with all your might!
As long as no one notices,
Enjoy life to the fullest, young women!
Now, c’mon! The life of a cute lazy lil’ sister
Plop my favorite hoodie on my head and lay around day after day
Favorite potato chips in hand, let’s zone out in front of the pc
When I stand, I’m like a Chinese peony – when I sit, a tree peony – and walking, a lily
Everyone’s jealous of my perfection – J/K!!!
I transform the moment I step inside my house
Let’s be laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy!
The endless trio of eating, sleeping, and playing
Video games and I are bff’s
My big brother may be strict, but without a doubt
He’ll always forgive me
Extreme self-indulgence and “love” are different sides of the same coin
U-M-R! Hey!
U-M-R! Hey!
Not “Yuma”, it’s “Umaru”!
U-M-R! Hey!
U-M-R! Hey!
Not “Yuma”, it’s “Umaru”!
In public, I’m sweet as can be, today and tomorrow, too, I’ll play the part
My ever-popular smile is the weapon I use to keep my friends in the dark
When I stand, I’m in chibi-form – when I sit, a perfect circle – and walking, short and stumpy
A charming mascot to heal everybody’s pain!?
A party to end all parties!
It’s about to begin! (At last, tonight, too, it’s show time!)
Even though I try to act all adorable and refined,
Only my big brother knows better – I don’t want him to hate me
I’ll show him the gratitude I can’t just directly say
Argh! I take it back! Nevermind!
Even big brother can’t know!
Just kidding!
Two hearts beating as one, two as one
‘Cuz, ‘cuz that’s what siblings are, right?
Just the two of us together
In the same boat
So today, let’s laugh and smile with abandon
Be inclined to enjoy ourselves
With an innocent smile,
Tighter and tighter, I’ll hold onto your heart
Is doing whatever you want and reliability different sides of the same coin?
U-M-R! Hey!
U-M-R! Hey!
Not “Yuma”, it’s “Umaru”!
U-M-R! Hey!
U-M-R! Hey!
Not “Yuma”, it’s “Umaru”!
Ok, that’s all!
That Summer's Seagull 〜Cherish〜
Put your gentle days on the wings
of the seagulls
You also chase for your dreams
and leave.
Although I point to the slow-boat now
people give me a smile back.
There is no more sea.
Close your eyes, pray for the blue sky
Goodbye, that dazzling summer.
I tear off the two photos with my fingers
as the ripples float around.
If only my sadness, somehow
drained into the coast.
Even if I wear the sames clothes on that day
I embrace my chest in the cold sea breeze
and get filled with tears.
You are like that seagull
who disappeared on my front.
I am merely having the memory I loved
Goodbye, those two summers.
You can transform into memories now
Goodbye, goodbye from my heart.
It's a vague, but beautiful love
Goodbye, goodbye to you.
Versions: #2
In your eyes, I'm still too young
And I can't cradle you in my arms when you're asleep
Once again I want to sleep on your lap
Your soul is the heavens of love
And kindness eternally flows in your heart
Your heart which has no limits
Oh, Lord!
I love you so much, my dear, my sweet mother
And I pray for you to always stay by my side with your light
My mother, my sun, my home, my memories in photos, my guardian
You smile and I see myself in your eyes
Fill my young days with your dreams
You are worried about me
You shake like a leaf in fear for my soul and body
In your soul, there's a relentless longing
You are my hearth, my name
They say love is your endless universe
Love is your soul
I love you so much, my dear, my sweet mother
And I pray for you to always stay by my side with your light
My mother, my sun, my home, my memories in photos, my guardian
You smile and I see myself in your eyes
Fill my young days with your dreams
Romantic Movie
We met by chance
I liked you instantly
Then tell me, help me to find out how to win your heart
To have you with me forever
And surprisingly if you, like me,
Are in love but you don't know
How to behave or what to do
How to put it to words
That it's me you like
Ah my love there will come
The day that you feel that
Destiny has linked us
Your heart feels my desire
It wants me
Don't try to lie to your heart anymore
Ah my love there will come
The day that you feel that
Destiny has linked us
Your heart feels my desire
It wants me
Don't try to lie to your heart anymore
I'll wait, don't worry
And I'll get what I desire
You pretend to be indifferent
But I know very well you're waiting for me impatiently
Didn't you know what happened?
Both of our time has come
Exactly mine and yours, today
Just like it starts anew
In the typical romantic movie
Ah my love there will come
The day that you feel that
Destiny has linked us
Your heart feels my desire
It wants me
Don't try to lie to your heart anymore
Ah my love there will come
The day that you feel that
Destiny has linked us
Your heart feels my desire
It wants me
Don't try to lie to your heart anymore
Ah my love there will come
The day that you feel that
Destiny has linked us
Your heart feels my desire
It wants me
Don't try to lie to your heart anymore
Ah my love there will come
The day that you feel that
Destiny has linked us
Your heart feels my desire
It wants me
Don't try to lie to your heart anymore
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.
Merry-Go-Round of My Love
Merry-Go-Round of My Love, why do you keep turning?
Merry-Go-Round of My Love, why don't you stop?
I faced happiness today
Some day, you'll stand next to her and then you'll tell me:
'Please stay, because I feel I'm longing for you'
Somehow, it seems to be good for me, but I'll never know
What I myself am going to do then – and what are you going to do?
Merry-Go-Round of My Love, why do you keep turning?
Merry-Go-Round of My Love, why don't you stop?
Today, I faced happiness
A summer's day filled with flowery scent – did it only happen because
My heart used to believe in it at all?
A game of shadows in the evening light and a feeling of happines
That will stay around for us and benumb us
Merry-Go-Round of My Love, why do you keep turning?
Merry-Go-Round of My Love, why don't you stop?
Merry-Go-Round of My Love, why do you keep turning?
Merry-Go-Round of My Love, why don't you stop?
I faced happiness today
Happy Birthday
The clock struck 12
You closed your house door
All your friends came inside
(Today is your celebration, happy birthday)
Let your eyes smile
Shine like the light from the sun
Endless happiness to you
We came and gathered around you today
All of your friends
Be always happy and lucky
(Happy birthday)
come, come, is it not the time now
Keep in your mind your hearts desire
And blow the candles of your cake
(Happy birthday)
We came and gathered around you today
All of your friends
Be always happy and lucky
(Happy birthday)
come, come, is it not the time now
Keep in your mind your hearts desire
And blow the candles of your cake
(Happy birthday)
Let yourself always shine
With every step you take
You always give love and kindness
(Today is your celebration, happy birthday)
Let yourself always be a spring
Stay, stay always that pretty
We love you very much
We came and gathered around you today
All of your friends
Be always happy and lucky
(Happy birthday)
come, come, is it not the time now
Keep in your mind your hearts desire
And blow the candles of your cake
(Happy birthday)
We came and gathered around you today
All of your friends
Be always happy and lucky
(Happy birthday)
come, come, is it not the time now
Keep in your mind your hearts desire
And blow the candles of your cake
Happy celebration
Happy celebration
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.
Winter Scene of the Tsugaru Strait
When I stepped off the night train from Ueno
Aomori Station was covered in snow
The northbound travelers were all silent
Just hearing the roaring sound of the sea
Then I boarded the ferry all by myself
In tears looking at seagulls freezing in the cold
A winter scene of the Tsugaru Strait
Look, that's Cape Tappi, at the northern end
A stranger said pointing towards there
I wiped the windowpane fogged by my breath
But I could only see something hazy far away
Goodbye dear, I'm going back to my hometown
The howling wind shook my heart to bring me to tears
A winter scene of the Tsugaru Strait
Goodbye dear, I'm going back to my hometown
The howling wind shook my heart to bring me to tears
A winter scene of the Tsugaru Strait
More beautiful than you, my eyes have never seen .. and more pleasant than you, a woman have not given birth to...
You were created pure of any flaw .. as if, verily, you were created according to your own wish
Moonlike .. moonlike .. moonlike is the appearance of our master, the Prophet ..
And beautiful .. and beautiful .. and beautiful is our master, the Prophet, and beautiful
Moonlike .. moonlike .. moonlike is the appearance of our master, the Prophet ..
And beautiful .. and beautiful .. and beautiful is our master, the Prophet, and beautiful
And the palm of the Chosen One is like a rose, the fresh .. and its scent remains upon the touching of hands
O God .. O God
And the palm of the Chosen One is like a rose, the fresh .. and its scent remains upon the touching of hands
O God .. O God
And his kindness encompasses the all of God-serving mankind .. and his kindness encompasses the all of God-serving mankind
And his kindness encompasses the all of God-serving mankind .. the Beloved of God, o best of creation
Moonlike .. moonlike .. moonlike is the appearance of our master, the Prophet ..
And beautiful .. and beautiful .. and beautiful is our master, the Prophet, and beautiful
And there's no shadow from him, for he is the Light .. and both sun and moon have been taking it from him
O God .. O God
And there's no shadow from him, for he is the Light .. and both sun and moon have been taking it from him
O God .. O God
And there's no Guidance, without his presence .. and there's no Guidance, without his presence
And there's no Guidance, without his presence .. and all of the universe is illuminated by the light of Ta-Ha
Moonlike .. moonlike .. moonlike is the appearance of our master, the Prophet ..
And beautiful .. and beautiful .. and beautiful is our master, the Prophet, and beautiful
Moonlike .. moonlike .. moonlike is the appearance of our master, the Prophet ..
And beautiful .. and beautiful .. and beautiful is our master, the Prophet, and beautiful
If I Leapt through Time
In the still closed diary
I left some pages half-written
Back when I was dreaming myself
Even now, it doesn't seem for me to get a little closer
Gather it up one by one
Even if it's a long way around
There's nothing to do in vain
Because I believe that it reaches there someday
If I leapt through time
I wonder what I'd tell to the past
I'm still confused but it's alright
The path is leading ahead even now
The hourglass that you gave me
Looks like a dream I saw one day
The traveler who dropped in on me
From the other side of far-off time
I can't get there on my own
Beyond the lofty wall
Let's go over it, hand in hand
Because I will be by your side forever
If I leapt through time
I wonder what I'd bring to the future
A memory that remains within my chest
Or a melody that brightens your smile
It doesn't change, never will
Holding on to my dreams
More and more, I want to change
That's why I like it, even more
Faraway era, a remote country
Echoes of the several melodies
The shine that bridges the sky
Will leap through time
An endlessly continuing story
On each stage of ours that we never see again
I wonder what will ever happen
On the other side of the open door
The Ice Man
I knew a politician who wanted
To be a man but it hurt
Cause he got out on the street and got cursed at
Put in the same bucket with every other thief
It was tempting to become corrupt
Disappointed by the ordinary man
But he realized it's his life test
Otherwise he was becoming the ice man.
Then we won`t be able to love
Then you won`t trust anyone
And maybe there's no point in taking myself seriously
An ice planet, maybe it's something beautiful.
I knew many MCs in the underground
Poor people shooting up their veins
Dedicated one hundred percent honor
I was pirating them, they weren`t selling anything
It was tempting to get into shady things
Another one in this musical prostitution
But they realized it's their life test
Otherwise they were becoming the ice men.
Then we won`t be able to love
Then you won`t trust anyone
And maybe there's no point in taking myself seriously
An ice planet, maybe it's something beautiful.
I knew a boy who 'stung' himself,
With a girl, she was treating him like shit
I knew a girl, she got tricked too
Thinking about guys, a good family
It was tempting to generalize
Regarding the opposite sex, without realizing
That maybe this is their life test
Otherwise they were becoming the ice men.
There's a planet, we know it as well
It houses us throughout the mountains and the mud
But we mistreat it and wage wars
And if we`re not careful it will freeze up
It was tempting for me to generalize
And to say that I don`t want want to be interested
But I realized it's my life test
Otherwise, slowly, the ice man
The ice man, yee, yee.
Then we won`t be able to love
Then you won`t trust anyone
And maybe there's no point in taking myself seriously
An ice planet, maybe it's something beautiful.
The ice man, yee the ice man, yee
The ice man, yee the ice man, yee yee
The ice man, the ice man, the ice man
The ice man, yee the ice man, yee yee
The ice man, yee the ice man, yee yee
Then we won`t be able to love
Then you won`t trust anyone
And maybe there's no point in taking myself seriously
An ice planet, maybe it's something beautiful.