Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 169


Iubire şi gheaţă

îşi purtă domol suflarea
și despărţi cerul și pământul
la o depărtare de mii de stânjeni.
Și-atunci, de făcut ce mai rămase?
Lumina lunii să unească ceea ce gândul măsurase.”
Scriu un răvaş de iubire
Ce se deschide cu prima întâlnire.
O parte durează ani miriade,
Iar un rând, ani o mie.
„Că trecură ani miriade, că trecu ani o mie,
amândoi de-atunci nu se mai uitară
şi mare tulburare se mai iscă în lume.”
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom întâlni în fiecare viaţă.
Am să aștept acolo
Ca să privim asfinţitul împreună.
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom îndrăgosti în fiecare viață.
Am să cânt acolo
Din strune *la lumina lunii.
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom făgădui credinţă în fiecare viață.
Am să sădesc un bulb de lotus roșu
Ca să umple evii cu miresme purpurii.
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom îndrăgosti în fiecare viață.
Am să cânt acolo
Din strune *la lumina lunii.
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom întâlni în fiecare viaţă.
Am să aștept acolo
Ca să privim asfinţitul împreună.
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom îndrăgosti în fiecare viață.
Am să cânt acolo
Din strune *la lumina lunii.
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom făgădui credinţă în fiecare viață.
Am să sădesc un bulb de lotus roșu
Ca să umple evii cu miresme purpurii.
În răvaşul de iubire am găsit
Locul în care ne vom îndrăgosti în fiecare viață.
Am să cânt acolo
Din strune *la lumina lunii.

Amina mother / Prophets birth

Amina, mother of prophet Muhammed
she gave birth to a pearl, a grain of pearl
when Amina was hamila with him
a lot of sings she had seen
the father of our prophet, Abdullah
He chose the benefactor haqq-Allah
When the time came near for him to be born,
Every good thing is coming to you.
it was time of Rebiul-evvel, spring,
Monday night twelfth is coming.
When Muhammad's mother gave birth,
She said she saw a miracle.
As a lightning from the house falls on us,
Nur flies from him to the heavens.
On the hewai an angel lays a mattress
from a paradise named Sundus is.
I saw three flags crucified,
listen to what I am telling you.
On the maghrib, on the mashrik two ayans,
The third flag is right from the Kaaba to the attic.
I knew immediately that he was the best slave,
To dear God, from everyone the favourite
lots of angels came from heavens,
Surrounded our house like Kaba.
The wall dissolved, and I looked,
I saw many miracles next to me.
From the paradise came three Hurries,
They praised Muhammed in everyway
Blessed are you, happy mother, they said,
And with words of praise they spoke of my son
A mother has never given birth like this,
Blessed are you who carried him.
And when the time comes for me to give birth,
The good that will come for me to see.
Thirst came to my soul,
They gave me a cup of sherbet.
colder then snow and whiter,
It was sweeter than sugar and prettier.
And the sherbet they gave me when I drank,
The whole of me drowned in nur.
I drowned in the nur certainly,
And I didn't know for my self.
A white bird accepts me,
Again, all my strength came to me.
And the king was born of the faith at that hour,
And in nur the whole world drowned.
You bring salawat to him,
You will acquire paradise from God.
It is good to bring salawat
And to water your eyes with tears.
Who ask that the fire doesn't hurt him,
Let the heart awaken with salawat.


Everyone is in a hurry,
Everyone is going.
Everyone is nobody to
The metro is rushing,
Intrusion isn't retro.
The silent mass is
Stone cold.
They make tracks
for the void.
Sometimes all people
run out of here.
The train pulls into a black hole.
There is a metro-draft under the ground.
You're being assessed by eye beam lights.
I catch one - it so happens, yours-,
I look back, and I feel like,
This is when life so far ends
My hand is fumbling,
Head is empty.
That's how it goes about
something every day
Time goes by,
Confetti rain is pouring.
The dirty street-depth
is coughing.
I come by here
The globe is dusty,
it slowly falls apart.

Scared shitless

And i wanted to see you today
And i wanted to run a red light
I have a weakness for things that are
that dangerous
It's been a few years
But what will the neighbors say
And I saw you, dancing in a dream
And I cried, when I woke up at dawn
I always have a weakness for things that are
that dangerous
You know me, that fear is real
And it's been like this for a couple years now
This passion burning me from within
But what will the neighbors say ?
Years, years
Passion burning me from within
But what will the neighbors say.
(Aaaah Aaaaaahh Aaaaah Aaaaah)

No need to cry

There's no need to cry. Just look, there's a star,
there - above the leaves, to the right. Ah, don't start,
I beg you! What was I about to say?
Yes, about that star above the garden gray

Do what pleases you

Do what pleases you, it doesn't mater anymore,
you want to leave and have us separate, go for it.
Thankyou for your kindness but please don't claim,
that you're honest, thankyou for your 'honesty'.
There was never anyone else in my life besides you
in my heart you're the only one and my heart is your yard.
From each and every path I seek you,
and the waves of my love have exceeded your value.
Oh how much I loved you, conscious and unconscious,
the world was your world and the sky was your sky.
I was a ring for you, and you were a ring on my finger.
I wear myself out for you and still turn to your comfort.
From the clouds above, you see where I stand,
until you knocked the stars down and fell.
Now it doesn't matter to me anymore, go if you wish
I no longer want your heaven or your apple (Eve's apple)

Excelența Voastră, Doamnă Despărțire

Excelența Voastră, Doamnă Despărțire,
Am cam fost neamuri odat', na să vezi drăcie,
Stai te rog nu scoate scrisoarea din plic.
N-am noroc la moarte, decît la iubit.
Excelența Voastră, dragă Doamnă Baftă,
Pentru unii ești bună, pentru unii ciumă,
Glonț calibrul nouă, stai să nu mi-l dai.
N-am noroc la moarte, decît la iubit.
Excelența Voastră, Doamnă Pribegie,
Ah, ce mai m-ai strîns la piept, dară nu prea m-ai iubit,
În a tale mreje, stai să nu mă prinzi,
N-am noroc la moarte, decît la iubit.
Excelența Voastră, măi Doamnă Izbîndă,
Care va să zică mai am de cîntat.
Dracilor, hai gata, nu vă mai jurați!
N-am noroc la moarte, decît la iubit.

Love you

Undeniably beautiful, you never understood
You were the only good reason of this world
But it wasn't your fault, wish it was possible
For you to not know to be this beautiful
Your fame has spread as far as the coastal cities,
Sea can distinguish you from the rest of the people
Prior to you, beauty had a limit
Won't be my destiny without sorrow
Your beauty has misplaced the boundaries
Love you
Don't leave cause without you, any steps
Won't be my destiny without sorrow
My other half
My whole love and belief
If I leave you, I'll die
The day when your eyes, be my share, be my eyes
Sorrow can leave me alone
You've turned the whole city mad for your beauty
Your beauty has a lot of headache for you
Love you
Don't leave cause without you, any steps
Won't be my destiny without sorrow
My other half
My whole love and belief
If I leave you, I'll die
Love you
Don't leave cause without you, any steps
Won't be my destiny without sorrow

I’m hearing to you

I’m hearing to you please continue after I love you what did you say.
You think that the day I seen someone else,
I didn’t hear to you
No, by God, I didn’t sigh, and I didn’t be lazy at that time. I’m hearing to you and see for others and I’m thanks God that you are belong to me.
I‘m with you and I‘m hearing to you.
You are the one who knew and ignored all my life, my weakness, my Lord, in my hearts, made you into it.
You came to me and I feels like a crazy the day that you left my senses are back to me.
Look at me, I sold my mind and came madly to follow you and hear you.
How do I separate from your love that has an effect on me.
How can I collect myself ?
How can I get out of your love?
And you are still in my heart.
How can I live without your heart that swears won't let you down and leave.
Many questions if you ask one of it that will not tired yourself out, and you rub your finger. Yes, I love you, but continue
After I love you what did you say.
The important thing is that my silence is prolonged, you know that I’m hearing to you. Listening and following to you.

Most distinguished, Lady Separation

Versions: #4
Most Distinguished, Lady Seperation
We've been relatives a while, there's the situation.
Don't rip up just yet, the envelope my dove.
Luckless in my death yet, lucky in my love.
Most Distinguished, You oh Lady Fortune
For some of us you're only sweet, others get misfortune
Nine grams to the heart I hope you've yet not called.
Luckless in my death yet, lucky in my love.
Most distinguished, Lady Foreign Country
Always hotly holding me, yet you didn't love me
Don't you try to catch me with a net above.
Luckless in my death yet, lucky in my love.
Most Distinguished, you oh Lady Victory,
I guess that this means my song is not History
Would the devil stop swearing on our blood?
Luckless in my death yet, lucky in my love.


[Versetul 1]
Acum, că am gustat
Cred că m-aș sufoca
Pentru fiecare secundă în care nu ești lângă mine
Dar acum sunt blocat la poartă
Din moșia lui Lucifer
M-am îndrăgostit de o fată pe care am cunoscut-o în iad
[Versetul 2]
Gândindu-mă la toate lucrurile
Felul în care îmi tragi corzile
Îmi place felul în care mă porniți
Nu sunt Hades, dar eu sunt Regele
As face orice
Ca să te pot duce acasă
M-a înnebunit, m-a înnebunit, a-da-ah
M-a înnebunit, m-a înnebunit, a-da-ah
M-a înnebunit, m-a înnebunit, a-da-ah
M-a înnebunit, m-a înnebunit, a-da-ah
Sunați în jurul Rosie
Buzunar plin de posie
Voi arunca dracului toate cenușa
Sunați în jurul Rosie
Buzunar plin de posie
Imi ia dracu ’de nebun acum
Sunați în jurul Rosie
Buzunar plin de posie
Voi arunca dracului toate cenușa
Sunați în jurul Rosie
Buzunar plin de posie
Mă înnebunesc pentru tine acum
[Versetul 3]
Acum, că am gustat
Voi halucina
Cred că mă împiedic de dragostea ta
Am început să joc jocurile tale
M-ai luat într-un șah
Acum tu ești regina și eu sunt pionul
[Versetul 2]
Gândindu-mă la toate lucrurile
Felul în care îmi tragi corzile
Îmi place felul în care mă porniți
Tu ești Regina, așa că lasă-mă să fiu Rege
As face orice
Pentru a putea conduce lumea
M-a înnebunit, m-a înnebunit, a-da-ah
M-a înnebunit, m-a înnebunit, a-da-ah
M-a înnebunit, m-a înnebunit, a-da-ah
M-a înnebunit, m-a înnebunit, a-da-ah
Sunați în jurul Rosie
Buzunar plin de posie
Imi aruncă dracului toate cenușa
Sunați în jurul Rosie
Buzunar plin de posie
Mă înnebunesc pentru tine acum
Sunați în jurul Rosie
Buzunar plin de posie
Imi aruncă dracului toate cenușa
Sunați în jurul rozei
Buzunar plin de posie
Imi ia dracu ’de nebun acum
Înnebunește pentru tine acum
Suflați toate cenușa în jos

I left you

The night was that dark
Frost ice
Not even my thick coat
Couldn't face the cold
Couldn't face
You may haven't heard
Not a single word from what I have told you
I told you
I left you alone in the street
You were running calmly and I
I love you
Ref: I left you oh I left you
You don't have a single valuable thing
I will stop waiting for you at the door
We are over with that
I left you oh I left you
You don't have a single valuable thing
I will stop waiting for you at the door
We are over with that
Your silhouette is formed
When you used to come to me (to me)
You were watching the wall falling down
Because there was no other way
Yeah yeah yeahhh
Ref: I left you oh I left you
You don't have a single valuable thing
I will stop waiting for you at the door
We are over with that
I left you oh I left you
You don't have a single valuable thing
I will stop waiting for you at the door
We are over with that
I left you oh I left you
You don't have a single valuable thing
I will stop waiting for you at the door
Because I left you

Your Inner Peace

It is just the times, i know that everything will pass
i remember the days, how we shivered from the cold
We will appreciate the small things
a cup of coffee on the balcony, like you love
the small things
under the sun, remember in the meantime
After the sadness happiness will come for us
it does not matter what happened, i am here with you
your inner peace, will triumph over everything in the end
promise me that you will not give up on us
in good times and bad, i am here with you
your inner peace, will triumph over everything
See how our time stops, stands still
and changes always come for us at the right time
Come let's talk about the life that is passing
with a cup of coffee on the balcony
like you love, maybe we should count the stars
up in the heavens? Remember in the meantime
After the sadness happiness will come for us
it does not matter what happened, i am here with you
your inner peace, will triumph over everything in the end
promise me that you will not give up on us
in good times and bad, i am here with you
your inner peace, will triumph over everything in the end
You know? not everything is lost
look in my eyes, we are still
protecting what there is and not simply
under the sun, remember in the meantime...


Perhaps your longing
will move you and let you to come
I wonder if you will overcome your situation
Perhaps after the absence, you’ll ask around about me
Or may be our time that spends together didn’t come to your mind
Oh if you knew about the longing
And when love takes over me
Every day I tell my self that tomorrow you are coming back
But tomorrow is lost and still you are hidden from sight
With tears stuck in my eyes for years
Since the day you left, I couldn't see you yet, how long should I wait for your heart to soften people come forward while I am looking back.
Oh if you knew about the longing and how love effects over me.
Your absence pained me and increased my longing. Perhaps if it affects you too may will let you go and let you coming to me.

Covering of God's house is black

Covering of God's house is black
It caused wound in my heart
God's Prophet1, thou come and search
Let your ummah 2 go with your love
God's Prophet, thou come and search
Let your ummah enthuse with your love
Pilgrim's go there part by part
Whose who don't go would be sick
God's Prophet1, thou come and search
Let your ummah 2 go with your love
God's Prophet, thou come and search
Let your ummah enthuse with your love
Head of the lovers in the two worlds
Let your ummah go with your love
Head of the lovers in the two worlds
Let your ummah enthuse with your love
  • Muhammad
  • the whole community of Muslims bound together by ties of religion.

I Miss You

What does I love you mean?
It means that you’re my life, my world,
people, and existence
What does I love you mean?
It means there’s no distance,
No borders (between us)
You’re the most beautiful thing in me
You’re my soul and the light of my eyes
When you depart, everything becomes dark but when you return light returns
When I miss you
I put my hand on my heart as if I’m holding you close to me
And I hear your voice inside me
While closing my eyes
And I think of all that which was between us...
What is between us, is not a little bit
Your eyes have happiness in them when I look at you
I feel like life has smiled at me
And my soul would leave with you if you leave me and come back to me at the time we meet
I can’t believe that I’m seeing you
My heart is talking to your lips
You are a feeling of love that comes once in a lifetime


Go1on your way, say goodbye politely
go far away until it will be clear
don't worry about me i will not be afraid
don't worry about me perhaps another will come
Go meet yourself
see a new world
seek the perspective2that you need
don't worry about me i will soon manage
don't worry about me perhaps another will come
I don't feel any defeat
because all that was possible was already tried
go....far from here
go....far from here
Go on your way to your 'craziness'
go conquer summits without a home and a wife
don't worry about me i will soon manage
don't worry about me perhaps another will come
I don't feel any defeat
because all that was possible was already tried
go....far from here
go....far from here
  • 1. lit: drive
  • 2. lit: distance

Forever Following the Sun

A warm day
a magical day
a pure day
we walked with the sun
as a mix,
a golden day,
we had a good night
before yesterday.
A cold morning opposite the sea
from somewhere
the day comes in through the gate
at the window an oak tree
and a curtain were lit with the light of the sunrise.
Yes, yes, yes, yes...
forever following the sun
forever following the light
the sun sketches my day
and my heart's a bird.
A human,
get up, falls asleep,
does not go silent
the wind in the blue azure
light approaches, head up high
light flows straight to the door's edge.


Fulgerul se prăbușește, o nouă mamă plânge
Placenta ei cade la podea
Îngerul deschide ochii
Confuzia începe
Înainte ca doctorul să poată chiar închide ușa
Fulgerul se prăbușește, o bătrână mamă moare
Intențiile ei cad la podea
Îngerul închide ochii
Confuzia ei
Apare acum, la copilul din hol
Oh, simt că vine din nou
Ca un tunet care alungă vântul
Forțele se trag din nou din centrul pământului
Eu o pot simți
Fulgerul se prăbușește, o nouă mamă plânge
În acest moment ea este așteptată
Îngerul deschide ochii
Iris de culoare albastru pal, conturează cercul
Slava stă în a ascunde, ascunde
Oh, simt că vine din nou
Ca un tunet care alungă vântul
Forțele se trag din nou din centrul pământului
Eu o pot simți, o pot simți
Oh eu, oh eu, oh eu
Oh, simt că vine din nou
Ca un tunet care alungă vântul
Forțele se trag din nou din centrul pământului
Eu o pot simți, o pot simți, o pot simți

I wish I wouldn't have fallen in love with you

Versions: #1
our chance is over
we should walk out of this story
it doesn't matter, me or you
who the guilty one is...
I remember the memories
moment by moment, every single thing
don't remind me of anything
I am ruined badly
I felt bad and it got worse
I am leaving on my own
I am going, I don't know where
ah, I don't know what else to do
I am mad at myself
wish I wouldn't have fallen for you
whatever I tried didn't work
the sorrow couldn't be less
I am left with my lonesome
I don't want anything from this world
look at how I ended up
mistakes on top of mistake
everyday, we fell more and more
turned into ash in love
we burned but couldn't make our dream come true
only weeping, only suffering
a hundred of questions without any answer
neither I and nor you didn't feel anything good about love
I am mad at myself
wish I wouldn't have fallen for you
whatever I tried didn't work
the sorrow couldn't be less
I am left with my lonesome
I don't want anything from this world
look at how I ended up
mistakes on top of mistake
our chance is over
we should walk out of this story
it doesn't matter, me or you
who the guilty one is...
I remember the memories
moment by moment, every single thing
don't remind me of anything
I am ruined badly

I'm not your type

Yes, I'm proud, even though there's no daddy behind me
These faces smile at me without love
These nerds took turns standing in a row
All these years trying to break the whale's worms
But I'm one of those people who doesn't follow the sound of coins
I am one of those who come from other planets
I'll do without the swear words, but I'll answer rudely
I'm definitely not your type
Light on me, holding your tails in fright
I'm definitely not your type
I don't care, it won't hurt
I'm definitely not your type
I don't know anyone in your circle
But trust me they know me better than you do
I saw them give a standing ovation
But then you weren't interested in me
You were rushing from behind like laite's dogs
Katana cuts the air, you are on the asphalt
Remain people .. it will be worse
I don't want to get dirty in your blood puddle
Pain is not for me, I don't know how to lose
Until I find you you should run
We're the Apostles of good, not for money
My star in the sky will always shine
Two stripes on the test can be seen to hate
Don't be afraid the samurai won't hurt the weak
You must be very scared barking at me stupidly
I'm definitely not your type
Light on me, holding your tails in fright
I'm definitely not your type
I don't care, it won't hurt
I'm definitely not your type

The Legend of the Sun and the Moon

They surround her
seven planets
but she burns for
his pale face.
And he is so far away
in the skies of the earth
although yearning for her
for her golden fire.
Shadow of the moon
to the face of the sun is drawn.
always between day and night
touching there above -
and it is not enough for him, not enough for her
just for a fleeting moment.
and every day, endless years
he is dead1in her light
she is dead in his.
sunset sunrise rose colored
lost love.
Often in their despair
they darken for a moment,
eclipse of the moon
and eclipse of the sun.
However in this chase
they light up the sky
prisoners in their tracks
without consolation.
Shadow of the moon
to the face of the sun is drawn.
always between day and night
touching there above -
and it is not enough for him, not enough for her
just for a fleeting moment.
and every day, endless years
he is dead in her light
she is dead in his.
sunset sunrise rose colored
lost love.
  • 1. double meaning - dead also means madly in love with

I'll be Back

Someday everything will change
What I am aiming for is only a small piece
I say I do not know
However even if I do not know this
I notice you after a while
Returning a dead flame
I'll be back tonight
I will someday come back to today
I'll be back tonight
Let us go and disappear
Someday everything will change
Things which have disappeared and things which have been forgotten
Things which will pass by
I will start running towards those days that I saw in my dreams
Things which would not continue for you
Returning a dead flame
I'll be back tonight
I will someday come back to today
I'll be back tonight
Let us go and disappear
Someday things will change
Returning the dead flame to a living one
I'll be back tonight
I will someday come back to today
I'll be back tonight
Let us go and disappear
Someday things will change
Someday things will change
Someday things will change for sure

Cherry Blossoms

I will wait for the day that I can meet you once again for sure
On the road above the rows of the cherry blossom trees, I wave and call out for you
Because no matter how painful the time is, you are always laughing
Even when I was on the verge of being disheartened, I felt l should do my best
In the hazy scenery a song can be heard that day
In a moment I knew that fate had scattered
Goodbye my friend as you go on your journey right now, those memories will not change
If it is possible to say anything it would become a line
I wish that your future will sparkle. My true words
I hurry while changing streets
The fluttering cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms
I believe there will be a moment when we will be reborn
My friend who is crying, as we part ways now adorn a smile
The cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms that soar in the sky
Bask gloriously in the light for eternity
Goodbye my friend, let's meet at this place once again
Under the dancing cherry blossoms

I simmer slowly

I simmer slowly
Like Chamin on Shabbat
In an instant world
I simmer slow
I’m simmering...I’m simmering
I simmer slow
Kheli Ya hali
So don't chew me like fast food
I haven’t finished the song yet
You wanted me in Hebrew already
But my heart sings in Yemenite
I’m not easy to digest
I come with the Yemenite trill
That's me
That's me
I simmer slowly
Like Chamin on Shabbat
In an instant world
I simmer slow
I’m simmering...I’m simmering
I simmer slow
Kheli Ya hali
Sacred words or cliche words
I mix them shamelessly
Until I'm hot
I simmer slow

your love

Can you comeback?
this is not a request, this is a command
I am very bad since you've gone
you know what, you got to come back.
how did you pass time without me?
ask this and how I was without you.
if you are not here, I'll be crazy anarchist.
I'll be a gypsy with no home.
I had enough of your childish acts.
my baby, my killer,
reason of my laughs, complains, anger and madness
don't do this with my love.
I know you love me.
you know that I don't have the heart to be without you
I am badly in love with you, how can you be without me?
don't let your self to be this voice's spite.
my heart, don't be nervous
don't trouble yourself
you unkind, don't spoil this heart
really, you are bad
don't let me get used to
fight with your love
you know what, you got to come back.
how did you pass time without me?
ask this and how I was without you.
if you are not here, I'll be crazy anarchist.
I'll be a gypsy with no home.
I had enough of your childish acts.
my baby, my killer,
reason of my laughs, complains, anger and madness
don't do this with my love.
I know you love me.
you know that I don't have the heart to be without you
I am badly in love with you, how can you be without me?
don't let your self to be this voice's spite.
would you come back?

I've been praying for years (O Medina)

I've been making Du'a1 for years,
To go to Hajj2 one day.
To perform the Ka'bah Tawaf3,
To utter 'Labbayk Allah4!'
At the Maqam-e-Ibrahim5,
To perform Namaz6,
To drink Zamzam7 water,
To heal my Iman8.
O , o Medina,
Will I get to see your beauty?
Will I be granted Naseeha9,
To be your Musafir10?
All the Hajjis11 which were there,
Utter the same words:
Medina is the most beautiful,
And Nur12 is coming out of it.
O Allah, when will I see,
All the places of our Rasul13,
And pray two Rakat14
In his Jami'a15?
Every night I'm getting up,
To pray Qiyamu-l-Layl16.
While crying in Sajdah17, I say:
O Allah, make me one of your Hajjis.
The Mecca and Medina,
To see with my own eyes,
To die, and not regret,
And that my eyes remain open.
  • 1. 'Du'a' [Arabic: دعاء] = 'invocation / prayer' ()
  • 2. 'Hajj' [Arabic: حج] = 'pilgrimage' - to Mecca, holiest city in the religion of Islam. ()
  • 3. 'Ka'bah Tawaf' [Arabic: كعبة طواف] = lit. 'circling the Cube'. - the ')
  • 4. 'Labbayk Allah' [Arabic: لبيك الله] = literal translation is 'I am here to Your service, o God!' or 'I am responding to you, o God!' - this invocation is known as the 'Talbiyah' and it is the prayer said during the Hajj pilgrimage. ()
  • 5. 'Maqam-e-Ibrahim' [Arabic: مقام إبراهيم] = 'Station of Abraham' - a stone in Macca which is, according to Muslim belief, considered to contain an imprint of )
  • 6. 'Namaz' [Persian: نماز] - 'prayer' - also known as 'Salah' [Arabic: صلاة]. 'Namaz' is the word of Persian origin, while 'Salah' is of Arabic origin. Both words signify the same thing. ()
  • 7. 'Zamzam' [Arabic: زمزم] = Name of a well located in Mecca. ()
  • 8. 'Iman' [Arabic: إيمان] = 'Faith'. ()
  • 9. 'Naseeha' [Arabic: نصيحة] = 'advice' / 'recommendation' / 'guidance' - in this case, it's used with the latter meaning, as 'guidance' or 'leading', in the sense of 'Will I be lead towards being your guest?' ()
  • 10. 'Musafir' [Arabic: مسافر] = 'traveller' or 'guest' - in this context, it means 'guest'. ()
  • 11. 'Hajji' [Colloquial Arabic: حجي or حاجي], also 'Haaj' [Formal Arabic: حاج] = 'pilgrim' ()
  • 12. 'Nur' [Arabic: نور] = 'Light'. ()
  • 13. 'Rasul' [Arabic: رسول] = the 'Messenger' (of God Almighty). In this case, refering to the )
  • 14. 'Rakah' [Arabic: ركعة‎] = one 'cycle' or 'unit' during prayer in Islam. Each prayer consists of a certain number of Rakat. ()
  • 15. 'Jamia' [Arabic: جامعة] - also known as 'Masjid' [Arabic: مسجد] = ')
  • 16. 'Qiyamu-l-Layl' [Arabic: قيام الليل] = 'Standing of the Night' - the nightly prayer - a Muslim prayer performed late in the night - it is a voluntary prayer, and not one of the five obligatory prayers. Also known by the name 'Tahajjud' [Arabic: تهجد‎] - whose meaning is close to 'vigilance', or, 'staying awake at night'. ()
  • 17. 'Sajdah' [Arabic: سجدة] - also known as 'Sujud' [Arabic: سجود] = 'prostration' during prayer. ()


I was just walking, minding my own business
Walking, minding my own business
And what happened to me
was something I never expected
And I, I, I...
Passion took me away
took me far away
took me there to her
It made my heart melt in a new love
It made me melt in her love
It took me away
and told me
this is the love of your lifetime
live with her
I said
I was just walking, minding my own business
Walking, minding my own business
And what happened to me
was something I never expected
Before meeting
the most beautiful soul
I used to be so lost
I lived so many years
so hurt
but now all this is over
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Feast of a lover

Get up get up, get up and bring the vase
Its the time to plant a Hyacinth
Even if Nowruz doesn't arrive
We will create a feast with a sonnet
Don't say that our Farvardin (first month of the year, in which Nowruz begins with)
still needs some more years to come
Lover's feast is every night
It doesn't need a calendar or a fixed time
Sometimes it is possible that even without spring,
we dream about narcissus
timely or untimely in the home
we set a Haft-Sin table (Nowruz tradition of having 7 items on the table)
Get up get up, get up and bring the vase
Its the time to plant a Hyacinth
Even if Nowruz doesn't arrive
We will create a feast with a sonnet
The tray for growing Sabzeh (grass for Nowruz) is still on the side of storage room
Over your fingertips, still there is the pleasant touch of the Tar (a musical instrument)
There is still a basket, full of wellness within the closet of body!
There is still a book, full of sun inside my heart's bundle!
I am no more waiting for anyone to arrive
My heart doesn't want any miracle from the heavens anymore
You have sat behind the window, looking for whom?
Your merciful hand is awaiting, full of spring!
Get up get up, get up and bring the vase
Its the time to plant a Hyacinth
Even if Nowruz doesn't arrive
We will create a feast with a sonnet
The tray for growing Sabzeh (grass for Nowruz) is still on the side of storage room
Over your fingertips, still there is the pleasant touch of the Tar (a musical instrument)
There is still a basket, full of wellness within the closet of body!
There is still a book, full of sun inside my heart's bundle!
I am no more waiting for anyone to arrive
My heart doesn't want any miracle from the heavens anymore
You have sat behind the window, looking for whom?
Your merciful hand is awaiting, full of spring!
Get up get up, get up and bring the vase
Its the time to plant a Hyacinth
Even if Nowruz doesn't arrive
We will create a feast with a sonnet
Get up get up
Get up get up


You’ve never been in love to understand the pain and sore of lovers
You’ve never been under the rain to understand the heart rending of welkin
You’ve never cried for someone to understand what I’m talking about
Your heart never missed any one, you laugh when I talk about anguish
You’ve never been alone to understand the feelings of restless heart
Your sweetheart never left you to understand the anxiety of train whistle
You’ve never lost a lover to understand what is loosing
You’ve never been in my shoe to understand the difference between you and I
You’ve never worried to understand anticipation
You’ve never been sorrowful to understand the cease of moments
You are the one who’s gone what you know from the grief of emptiness
I am the one who’s left and knows the story of impatient