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Rezultatele căutării pagină 13

Număr de rezultate: 490


Ceasurile mici

[Egor Kreed:]
Da, am ceva de povestit,
Pentru că aceia scriu atât de des că viața mea este doar un show
Și pot să facă din orice țânțar un mare scandal1,
Doar trebuie să le dai vreun șans al năibii.
Am arătat țării cum de fapt merg treburile,
Dar acum adevărul meu este considerat o minciună.
Mi-am pus sufletul în emisiunea 'Burlac',
Așa că nu-mi atinge sufletul, nemernice.
Trandafirii roși, da, acești trandafiri roși ai năibii,
Acestea sunt greșelile mele, deciziile mele, acțiunile mele.
Și lacrimile ei...
Parcă sunt vegan, dar iar sunt pentru carne,
Merg pe roșu, am tâșnit de pe autostradă.
Nu-mi pasă că vocea mea interioară îmi tot șoptește
Că iar m-am abătut de la drum.
Atâția oameni cred că mai bine să mă las de toate
Și să plec.
Iubirea ta mă încălzește când conform prognozei
În înăuntrul meu este mai puțin de șase grade.
Dar ceasurile mele tot râd de noi,
Pentru că timpul zboară așa de repede.
Cheamă-mă fetița ta
Și apoi îmbrățișează-mă, și apoi minte-mă.
Ceasurile mici râd tic-tac,
Nu regretă nimic și iubește-mă fără niciun motiv.
Cheamă-mă fetița ta
Și apoi îmbrățișează-mă, și apoi minte-mă.
Ceasurile mici râd tic-tac,
Nu regretă nimic și iubește-mă fără niciun motiv.
[Egor Kreed:]
Nu regret nimic,
M-am împiedicat, la naiba, mă voi ridica,
Chiar în cea mai mincinoasă fată eu caut adevărul.
Nu mă joc în iubire, nu,
Nu-mi trebuie aceasta, nu.
Doar vreau să fii lângă mine după ce îmi termin turneul,
Pentru că în spatele fiecărui bărbat stă o lady și mai puternică.
Ce păcat că rețelele sociale au vulgarizat instituția familiei,
Nu sunt sfânt, de fapt, nu sunt cea mai bună opțiune,
Nu te voi minți, o voi face doar atunci când îți voi spune că te părăsesc.
Nu-mi pasă că vocea mea interioară îmi tot șoptește
Că iar m-am abătut de la drum.
Atâția oameni cred că mai bine să mă las de toate
Și să plec.
Iubirea ta mă încălzește când conform prognozei
În înăuntrul meu este mai puțin de șase grade.
Dar ceasurile mele tot râd de noi,
Pentru că timpul zboară așa de repede.
Cheamă-mă fetița ta
Și apoi îmbrățișează-mă, și apoi minte-mă.
Ceasurile mici râd tic-tac,
Nu regretă nimic și iubește-mă fără niciun motiv.
Cheamă-mă fetița ta
Și apoi îmbrățișează-mă, și apoi minte-mă.
Ceasurile mici râd tic-tac,
Nu regretă nimic și iubește-mă fără niciun motiv.
  • 1. Este o referință la expresia 'a face din țânțar armăsar'
© Vladímir Sosnín

Îl iubesc

Am găsit ce am căutat, de aceea sunt fericită,
Sufletul îmi înflorește ca grădinile când vine primăvara.
Ochii lui strălucesc mai tare ca soarele,
Sunt verzi și mă înec în ei.
Îl iubesc - aceasta este un cuvânt simplu,
Nu este ceva nou,
Dar totuși, îl voi mai zice o dată.
Îl iubesc - ca pe primul sentiment,
Sunt tristă un pic,
Dar totuși, îl voi mai zice o dată...
Toate vorbele mele zboară spre tine - este o mare mângâietoare,
Fiecare șoaptă de-a mea este o maree caldă.
Te îmbrățișez cu blândețea fluturelui,
Un cântec îmi răsună în suflet - sunt fericită.
Îl iubesc - aceasta este un cuvânt simplu,
Nu este ceva nou,
Dar totuși, îl voi mai zice o dată.
Îl iubesc - ca pe primul sentiment,
Sunt tristă un pic,
Dar totuși, îl voi mai zice o dată...
Îl iubesc - aceasta este un cuvânt simplu,
Nu este ceva nou,
Dar totuși, îl voi mai zice o dată.
Îl iubesc - ca pe primul sentiment,
Sunt tristă un pic,
Dar totuși, îl voi mai zice o dată...
© Vladímir Sosnín

Închide-ți ochii

Ziua dispare pe neobservate,
De acum nu-ți voi mai vedea umbra,
Nu rămâne decât un minut până când se face întuneric,
Acum ești singură, o știi,
Nu închide ușa în urma ta,
Voi veni la tine, să nu-ți fie dor de mine,
Vom întregi noaptea cu noi doi,
Doar tu și eu, suntem împreună.
Închide-ți ochii și dă-mi vreun semn pe tăcute,
Închide-ți ochii și spune-mi în șoaptă un 'da',
Închide-ți ochii și vom ajunge la capătul lumii.
Închide-ți ochii și dă-mi vreun semn pe tăcute,
Închide-ți ochii și spune-mi în șoaptă un 'da',
Închide-ți ochii și doar lângă mine vei crede în minuni.
Noaptea dispare pe neobservate,
Știi că doar eu pot să te ajut,
Nu fi timidă, vino mai aproape,
Doar tu și eu, doar tu și eu.
Închide-ți ochii și dă-mi vreun semn pe tăcute,
Închide-ți ochii și spune-mi în șoaptă un 'da',
Închide-ți ochii și vom ajunge la capătul lumii.
Închide-ți ochii și dă-mi vreun semn pe tăcute,
Închide-ți ochii și spune-mi în șoaptă un 'da',
Închide-ți ochii și doar lângă mine vei crede în minuni.
© Vladímir Sosnín

Just a writer

The city dwellers don't care who's the captain taking control
God forbid give me woe from wit!
If authority just clowns around, fighting it is a waste of time.
Why must I go to the Kalashniy Row* then?
I don't need to fool myself for an electorate of sheep
A game with no rules - I'm outside of it
I have a head of full of fog and my calling to is get paper dirty
I'm all for myself and it won't f*ck with me!
[Verse 1]
I wasn't born to do great things
What am I warring with, f*ck, the leader or the dissident?
And how I stupidly found myself with this constant thing
In the middle of life in the forest within the twilight
I barely wear a cross for I am not Jesus
Who and to where will I ever lead? I'm lost myself.
They ask who have I become? What am I fighting for? Where's the way
Eat your fill, thanks to god, let me support you
Give me credit, don't get worked up and don't worry
Who sticks out? Don't teach me how to live! Little by little
Dolce Vita, Chic or Kitsch - it's all too much
Rich men: Givenchy, Jimmy- Jimmy Choo
Judging by their eyes, everyone is really cheered up
The jaw here and there, frozen gums
Honestly guys, I myself don't even know who I've become
I'm just a writer, my job is to write - not f*ck around!
The city dwellers don't care who's the captain taking control
God forbid give me woe from wit!
If authority just clowns around, fighting it is a waste of time.
Why must I go to the Kalashniy Row* then?
I don't need to fool myself for an electorate of sheep
A game with no rules - I'm outside of it
I have a head of full of fog and my calling to is get paper dirty
I'm all for myself and it won't f*ck with me!
[Verse 2]
I won't start a fight with evil
All the rebels here are as doomed as Absalom
I'm all for good, but I write books and as for the rest:
Yes burn in the blue fire! I don't give a f'ck!
Hiding from my issues and where do I go to make trouble?
I'm the city with no rights here myself - good for me
I'm not a rich kid from here. I naturally see the bigotry of a despot.
Who has an honest offshore here?
Well, if you find a corner - don't shit where you live
Your conversations about the trumpets are f*cked up
I haven't kissed any b*tch's ass - my conscience is clear
The rest is society's problem - Listen, why'd you do that?
They already rubbed me about Olympus and shame
The party isn't a convent, take off your halo and cool off
We have a banquet while it's noisy, are the nymph's eyes empty?
But then again our nymphs are young, yours are like Windows 3
Doesn't f*ck around!
The city dwellers don't care who's the captain taking control
God forbid give me woe from wit!
If authority just clowns around, fighting it is a waste of time.
Why must I go to the Kalashniy Row* then?
I don't need to fool myself for an electorate of sheep
A game with no rules - I'm outside of it
I have a head of full of fog and my calling to is get paper dirty
I'm all for myself and it won't f*ck with me!
The city dwellers don't care who's the captain taking control
God forbid give me woe from wit!
If authority just clowns around, fighting it is a waste of time.
Why must I go to the Kalashniy Row* then?
I don't need to fool myself for an electorate of sheep
A game with no rules - I'm outside of it
I have a head of full of fog and my calling to is get paper dirty
I'm all for myself and it won't f*ck with me!
Understand that it won't f*ck me up
What do you have? A strong world here? A politician?
Hello! I'm a writer. The role of the savior isn't mine.
Look how not even the grief gets to me.
Time to go home, this party's ruined - some drank too much and is vomiting
I come out onto the square, lights, but we're not in New York. Given that the car is roaring
I almost sit in a taxi, but I suddenly see her..

Build a snowman with me

Build a snowman with me
Come on let's go and play!
I don't see you anymore
And you're not coming out just like you've gone away!
We used to be like twins
And now we're not
Oh, I wish that I know the reason!
Build a snowman with me
Or we can do something else!
Anna, get away from here!
Okay, bye.
The gloves help you
See, don't feel
Don't reveal
Don't show it to anyone
Build a snowman with me!
Or let's take a round in the castle
I need your company as soon as possible!
Because I'm talking to paintings and stealing their peace!
Hang in there Joan!
I feel so lonely in those rooms
While clock is boringly ticking!
I'm afraid!
They're getting stronger!
If you're upset it's even worse
Calm down
Don't touch me!
Please, I will hurt you
See you in two weeks!
Do you really have to go?
Everything's gonna be fine Elsa
Your Majesty
I know that you're inside
People are already worried about you
I'm trying to be brave!
I'm here when you need me
Just say a word
From now on this world
It's just you and me
We need to find strenght
Build a snowman with me

The tiny clock

[Egor Kreed:]
Yes, I have a lot to tell.
After all, they often write that my life is one big show.
They blow each little issue up into a scandal
if I just give them a damned opportunity
What I gave the country was a real deal.
But by now I accept the truth as a lie.
I poured my soul into the 'Bachelor' project.
So you better keep your hands off my soul, bitch!
Red roses, yes, those damned red roses.
These are my mistakes, my decisions, my actions...
...and her tears.
I'm pretty much vegan, but I'm shitfaced again )*
I'm running thru a red light, I went off the track
Although the inner voice often whispers to me
that I've lost my way again
So many people think I'd better give it all up,
get up and leave.
Your love keeps me warm when the (weather) forecast
says less than -6 (degrees Celsius) inside
And my clock is laughing at us as well
because time flies so fast.
Keep calling me your girl,
then hug me, and then lie to me.
And the tiny clock is laughing tick-tock,
simply love me, don't hold anything back.)**
Keep calling me your girl,
then hug me, and then lie to me.
And the tiny clock is laughing tick-tock,
simply love me, don't hold anything back.
[Egor Kreed:]
I have no regrets.
I stumbled, who gives a damn, I'll get up.
I seek the truth even in the most deceitful girl,
No, I don't pretend in love...
No, I don't need to
I simply want for you to be with me after the tour
After all, behind every [real] man you will find an even stronger lady.
What a shame how social networks have ruined what family stood for
I'm not a saint, nor am I the best choice.
I'll lie to you, but only when saying that I'll break up with you.
Although the inner voice often whispers to me
that I've lost my way again
So many people think I'd better give it all up,
get up and leave.
Your love keeps me warm when the (weather) forecast
says less than -6 (degrees Celsius) inside
And my clock is laughing at us as well
because time flies so fast.
Keep calling me your girl,
then hug me, and then lie to me.
And the tiny clock is laughing tick-tock,
simply love me, don't hold anything back.
Keep calling me your girl,
then hug me, and then lie to me.
And the tiny clock is laughing tick-tock,
simply love me, don't hold anything back.

Could you guess today, damnation ...

Could you guess today, damnation,
What comes tomorrow into our skulls?!
I for instance collect lighters,
Now and Sevka began to torture tortoises.
My friend Kolka is interested in Irina,
My friend Yurka is enthused about riding,
My friend Vitka spends days under the motor-car,
My friend Lovka goes in summer with a beard.
If I begin loafing, become listless -
I give away my lighters in no time,
Or I may simply throw them away
Or light them all at the same time.

A Little Bit

Falling in love in not in fashion
Nobody wants to be sincere nowadays
But in you
I find all, all, all that I want
One February to the next
Medellin or Buenos Aires
I close my eyes, and to think of you
Has become inevitable for me
I don't want to be everything in your life
Or to hurt your pride, either
And I've accumulated one or two debts here and there
So that I may become ...
Yours... I ...a little bit yours,
Even though they may say that I'm not your type
I can give credit to this love in front of a judge
Yours... I ... a little bit yours,
Even though you may think I'm a bit crazy
I'm just in love, and you don't see it
And you don't see me
Looking for you at night
While you're thinking about something else
And you don't see me
And though they may say that what we have is a failure
I'd rather find out for myself in your arms
How easy it is for them to talk because they don't know
That nobody has the key to love
There are people who like to talk from the outside
And yet there is no school for loving you
If I have to learn, let it be with you
And if you want to talk, let it be with me
I don't want to be everything in your life
Or to hurt your pride, either
And I've accumulated one or two debts here and there
So that I may become ...
Yours... I ... a little bit yours,
Even though they may say that I'm not your type
I can give credit to this love in front of a judge
Yours... I ... a little bit yours
Don't think life over so much
We have no other exit left
And you don't see it
And you don't see me
Looking for you at night
While you're thinking about something else
And you don't see me
The story of the most beautiful
Love does not exist in writing
Little by little
I go and eat all of the love
I want to be the hero in your favorite tale,
Though a bear could come
I'd scare it out in a just a little while
I'd even cross
The Sahara Desert for you
You make me be the richest of men,
Though I may have nothing
I wore out all my stockings
Due to following your footsteps
To carry your luggage is my biggest pride
I run, sing, jump
I'm an actor, I ride on a balloon
I am capable of anything
So that I can become a little bit yours
Yours, I... a little bit yours
A little bit yours
You.. a little bit mine
So that you may know why this life
Is the loveliest there is
Yours, a little bit yours
I... a little bit yours
You ... a little bit mine
A little bit


Every night when all the people rush to their homes
Lonesome I walk
I have no one, everywhere I'm alone
My house is always empty
I only have my dreams
But it won't always be this way
I won't be alone
One day I'll find a girlfriend as beautiful as my dreams
Dominika, Nika, Nika will be here name, that's what I know for sure
Because that's what I want
Blonde hair like flax
Warm eyes like the day
That's my Domini
Then never sad, the day will never be sad
and everything will be nice from then on, nice like a dream
Dominika, Nika, Nika will be the joy of my heart
and happy will be the day
When I come back from work and arrive in my home
Domini will be waiting for me
Then never sad, the day will never be sad
and everything will be nice from then on, nice like a dream
Everyone sometimes wants to touch the blue heavens
to find there the stars
Everyone wants, everyone knows that one day, like I,
they'll find their Domini
Then never sad, the day will never be sad
and everything will be nice from then on, nice like a dream
Serenely I wait for the wish of my heart to come true
when I'll find true love
Because one day the moment will arrive,
I always eagerly await that moment,
when I'll find Domini
Then never sad, the day will never be sad
and everything will be nice from then on, nice like a dream
Dominika, Nika, Nika is in my town I know full well
I call every place looking for her
Every night I always walk alone checking every face
looking for my Domini


Once we were a full house
like bees that fall upon a flower
like strengthening the wings
like birds entering into the world
Ref. 2x
Forgive me, dear mother
for taking the rosiness off your face
because I know that I was always
your precious one
With sadness I remember the day when you gave me your
will for my safe travels
the rosiness from your face was gone
and your hand shook like a twig
Ref. 2x
Believe me, mother, in my dreams I experience you
Eagerly I await every beloved encounter
whenever the sun rises I recall my childhood
with tears left on my pillow
Ref. 2x


People were made long ago, in the time of Gods
Even now, they hold sins they can't compensate for
Creation of the World, All Things Changing
Omniscient, Omnipotent, Giving and Taking Life
Echo forth, the screams of thunder that connect Heaven and Earth
Playing the Laws of Causality and Reality as if an instrument
Even if you hang on, cry tears, wish for protection, and regret your sins
You don't realize any mercy that is handed out
Such a foolish Egoist
People were born long ago, in ancient times
Even now, they repeat the same mistakes
Creation of the World, All Things Changing
Omniscient, Omnipotent, Giving and Taking Life
Worthlessly using life in defenseless days
Making welcome the stimulus of help
Even if you darken your eyes, covered in greed and lust, drowning in your schemes, and falling into despair
You can do nothing but comfort yourself
Such a pitiful Egoist
Echo forth, the screams of thunder that connect Heaven and Earth
Playing the Laws of Causality and Reality as if an instrument
Even if you hang on, cry tears, wish for protection, and regret your sins
You don't realize any mercy that is handed out
Such a foolish Egoist
People were made long ago, in the time of Gods

Hookah Kartell

[Part 1]
BBM-Brigada, give a fuck 'bout the BGB (BGB)
First Shisha-Tobacco worldwide with CBD (CBD)
Brother, smoke 'till I die, getting high, yeah (stoney)
Purple paper, like strawberry mint, yeah, yeah, yeah
The Vato is loco, mentality is la familia (forever)
Still no cooperación con la policía
Play the hero, we'll take your live – viva la vida
Pidarase catching a bullet – Iker Casillas
Skunk and Massari (Skunk), lung full of smoke
Gangster want pictures for an Instagram Post
Skunk and Massari (Skunk), lung full of smoke
Gangster want pictures for an Instagram Post
Start a fight, we'll sieve you with MP5 (pow, pow, pow, pow)
I do Fitna with the family circle (Saado)
451, 451, NRW, hood verified
Fuck on Lean, I'll sip Soda
Hookah Kartell, she wants a bang, like my Ganja
Hookah Kartell, in shisha head Marihuana
Hookah Kartell, the smoke pushing 'till Tijuana
Hookah Kartell, Hookah Kartell
Stoney 'till limit, BBM is the gang
Hookah Kartell, Hookah Kartell
Stoney 'till limit, BBM is the gang
[Part 2]
Everyday so high, we have the Jetlags from Haze (Haze)
See how Sunny's spraying fourty-seven on backpacker (spraying)
The Sponge's shooting the fake scene, with real AK (-K)
Shisha fair, rapper pushing hate to the fan base
Ali's cleaning the Milli and I spliff the Saruch (Milli)
Roll trees, the joints are looking like Didgeridoos (paff, paff)
I join Fifa 18 and I'm drinking your blood (join)
Stoney is my condition and no business move (noo)
Skunk and Massari (Skunk), lung full of smoke
Gangster want pictures for an Instagram Post
Skunk and Massari (Skunk), lung full of smoke
Gangster want pictures for an Instagram Post
Start a fight, we'll sieve you with MP5 (pow, pow, pow, pow)
I do Fitna with the family circle (Saado)
451, 451, NRW, hood verified
Fuck on Lean, I'll sip Soda
Hookah Kartell, she wants a bang, like my Ganja
Hookah Kartell, in shisha head Marihuana
Hookah Kartell, the smoke pushing 'till Tijuana
Hookah Kartell, Hookah Kartell
Stoney 'till limit, BBM is the gang
Hookah Kartell, Hookah Kartell
Stoney 'till limit, BBM is the gang

Today I have found you

There are endless crowds of people around,
Ladies are luxurious day by day.
But there is nobody of them in my heart,
And my soul is exhausted in the darkness.
Voices hide a lie inside,
The smile of a devil is in women's eyes.
The fire of hope was going out inside me,
While suddenly I met you.
Birds are singing and flying away into the sky.
The wave embraced a coast quietly and calmly.
The sun gifted me with the warmth.
Today I have found you -
Darling, I've found you!
Darling, I've found you!
Today I have found you!
Darling, I've found you!
Today I have found you!
Your hand is in mine,
I confide everything to you as it is definitely not a game.
The timer came to zero, you are like
An atom bomb but with the particles of kindness.
And millions of days, millions of nights are waiting for us,
Where I will see happiness only in the depth of your eyes.
And every time it will become stronger, let me
Embrace you stronger
I want to warm you.
Birds are singing and flying away into the sky.
The wave embraced a coast quietly and calmly.
The sun gifted me with the warmth.
Today I have found you -
Darling, I've found you!
Darling, I've found you!
Today I have found you!
Darling, I've found you!
Today I have found you!
I have to say that (obviously) English is not my native language, so if you feel that my translation needs some corrections, do not hesitate to offer them =)) I really want to get rid of any mistakes.

Don't play with fire

Black eyes, black hair
A woman's body
You lives in life, you make a slaves
Everywhere you go
Misappropriation of feelings
You plays with love
You plays dishonestly without consciousness
What can you lose?
I dont want to be a victim of your love
Dont try to play with fire
You can burn oneself
Don't play with fire
Don't try to use
Your spells never more
You can go to devil
You will like it
Pack a travel to the hell
Not for a return
You will be there at good hands
Don't play with fire

The Beheaded Hen

The night has strange things
she gave birth to her son in the street
among chinese and sailors
red sex of pained lips
The issue is that it got ugly
many high schools fired up
the teachers are scared
because their children were kidnapped
I think it was a good idea
to pour gasoline on the village
it will be enough with a match
there won't be a damned who bears it!
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

It dawned quickly

I imagined it differently
But it was different
My heart you were always
My big enemy
You supported my mistakes
You supported the passions
And you said that to dream was worth it, to dream
It dawned quickly my dream ended
You became a habit of mine
To awake in my loneliness
It dawned quickly and the light revealed
It's my only truth
That you are no longer here
But I love you
Time to heal me
I awaited for a long time
I hid from friends
That I still hurt
I told them that I forgot about you
That I lost my time
But unfortunately I didn't stop loving you, loving you
It dawned quickly my dream ended
You became a habit of mine
To awake in my loneliness
It dawned quickly and the light revealed
It's my only truth
That you are no longer here
But I love you

I don’t suit you

I’m walking barefoot in the rain
Sorry, it feels like I’m leaving you
lа-lа lа-lа-lа-lа-lа
It’s hot in Moscow, and you’re not properly dressed,
It’s time for you to go home,
Because now you’re out of fashion
А-а lа-lа-lа-lа-lа
On the boulevards couples are kissing once more,
Writing their names on the benches
You’d better look for a more clever and quiet girl
'Cause you don’t need a girl like me
You love me more than anyone else in the world
But, you know, out of love are born children
А-а lа-lа-lа-lа-lа
You play your records only for me
I’m sorry, maybe you forgot that I’m A blond
А-а lа-lа-lа-lа-lа
On the boulevards couples are kissing once more,
Writing their names on the benches
You’d better look for a more clever and quiet girl
'Cause you don’t need a girl like me
On the boulevards couples are kissing once more,
Writing their names on the benches
You’d better look for a more clever and quiet girl
'Cause you don’t need a girl like me
On the boulevards couples are kissing once more,
Writing their names on the benches
You’d better look for a more clever and quiet girl
'Cause you don’t need a girl like me
Don't even try to please me again
I know you’ll think your find happiness with another girl
And don’t call me beauty anymore.
Hasta la vista, my dear
Hasta la vista, my dear
Hasta la vista, my dear
Hasta la vista, my dear

Milion de trandafiri roși

Scriu despre iubire atât de des, încât iubirea,
Bâlbâind, va scrie o poveste despre mine.
Am făcut un pariu cu ea,
Am tatuat numele tău pe brațul meu stâng...
De fapt, săptămânile treceau în zbor,
Toți îți ziceau continuu: 'El n-are bani'.
Despre ce iubire vorbești, la naiba?
Părerea tatălui tău este mai importantă.
Minți de mii de ori, arunci mii de fraze,
Apoi verși mii de lacrimi, dar unde ești acum?
Spui că ești puternică, dar te prăbușești dacă vine vorba de acțiuni,
Ai fost cea mai bună - acum ești teama mea.
Sincer, adevărul tău mă face să râd,
Pentru că ai atât de multă încredere în ceea ce zici,
Doar pentru că ai mințit foarte des,
Ai crezut în toate acestea chiar tu.
Te iubesc și te urăsc, urăsc că te iubesc,
Temperatura inimii mele se apropie de zero,
Te iubesc și te urăsc, urăsc că te iubesc...
Milioane, milioane, milioane de trandafiri roși
Îi vezi din fereastră.
Cel care este îndrăgostit cu adevărat,
Și-a prefăcut viața în flori pentru tine.
Ai nouă vieți, așa că dă-mi a mea înapoi, vor rămâne opt,
Pentru toți ești o pisică de casă, dar din nou îmi ceri să mă vizitezi, târfă,
Nu mai inventa. Este puțin probabil că totul va mai fi ca înainte,
Da, mă joc cu focul, dar hai să fie măcar așa decât să mă ascund de toată minciuna.(O, la naiba).
Arată-mi cărțile tale, acolo este o inimă, dar acolo sunt și pici,
Pentru că ai nevoie de mine doar când am bani și sunt în vârful lumii.
Milioane de momente! Ți le-am dat pe toate! S-o uit? Fără nicio problemă!
Dar îmi aminteam și încă îmi mai amintesc de fiecare din tranfirii pe care i-am tăiat și pe care ți i-am dăruit.
Te iubesc și te urăsc, urăsc că te iubesc,
Temperatura inimii mele se apropie de zero,
Te iubesc și te urăsc, urăsc că te iubesc...
Milioane, milioane, milioane de trandafiri roși
Îi vezi din fereastră.
Cel care este îndrăgostit cu adevărat,
Și-a prefăcut viața în flori pentru tine. (x2)
Uneori viața este așa...
Pentru că am prefăcut-o în flori.
© Vladímir Sosnín

Celeb Five (I Wanna Be A Celeb)

I want to be like Serena, like Ariana Grande.
Shelup cuts in New York.
The New York house also has a luxury villa pool.
Sellup Five Home Home
Semi-private 4,000 to 60
Let’s get a glimpse of Cinderella Girls
Do you wanna Celeb Five
He lived under the ring.
Do you wanna be young and rich
Cinderella Girls
Do you wanna workaholic
I got sponsorship
Do you wanna little Tight
Oh, oh.
For the first time
Where is the cuss
Where is the cuss
Look at this.
Look. That’s right.
I do not want to go to the station
Reverse! (I love you)
It’s Taechang! (I want you)
Thread black! (I need you)
We’re all coming from now on.
Do you wanna Celeb Five

Nu mă minți

Știu că l-ai sunat pe altul -
Noaptea am văzut un număr necunoscut de telefon.
De fiecare dată când ne certam
Mă înșelai, transefrându-ți responsabilitatea la durere.
Îmi spui că ești cu prietenele tale.
Ce aiurea zici?
Știu că ești cu el.
El este mult mai serios
Ca tine.
Ți-am făcut un jurământ să te iubesc și să-ți fiu mereu aproape!
Îl iau înapoi!
Nu mă minți! Nu mă minți! Nu mă minți!
Nu mă minți, nu mă minți, baby.
Nu mă minți! Nu mă minți!
Nu mă minți! Nu mă minți, nu mă minți, baby.
M-am lămurit de ce taci.
Îți ferești privirea și încurci gândurile.
Dar nu o poți ascunde.
Îmi amintesc de felul tău de a săruta,
Îmi amintesc de felul tău de a dansa,
Toate acestea nu mi le pot scoate din minte.
Toate acestea deja au fost trecute în fiecare film.
Cum să credem acum că aceștia suntem chiar noi?
Nu mă minți! Nu mă minți! Nu mă minți!
Nu mă minți, nu mă minți, baby.
Nu mă minți! Nu mă minți!
Nu mă minți! Nu mă minți, nu mă minți, baby.
Dacă ai pierdut în dragoste -
Șterge toate urmele de pe tine.
Încearcă încă o dată!
© Vladímir Sosnín


Deșteptătorul meu înnebunește când eu dorm,
Pentru că ea nu înțelege că nu-mi place
Să mă trezesc dis-de-dimineață, mi-e greu s-o fac uneori ,
Aceste prime minute sunt un dezastru.
Nu-mi vine așa de mult să mă scol, dă-mi încă cinci minute,
Te voi strânge în brațe, lăsând toate treburile la o parte,
Telefonul meu este pe silențios, nu ne va mai chinui,
Nu sunt disponibil încă.
Deschide-ți ochii, frumoasă adormită,
Sărută-mă, pentru că ne place aceasta,
Noaptea aceasta îmi va rămâne în memorie,
Ce păcat că totul a fost doar un vis.
Refren: [x2]
Trezește-mă în timp ce faci bigudiuri,
Plec la serviciu spre ora 9, de ce te-am 'pus'1?
Trezește-mă în timp ce faci bigudiuri,
Pleci la facultate spre ora 9, este timp să te duci.
Deșteptătorul meu înnebunește, o voi înțelege,
Pentru că pur și simplu nu pot să întârzii astăzi,
O 'pun' iar și iar ca să nu mă trezesc prea târziu,
Hai să aștepte toată lumea, vom rămâne acasă.
Deschide-ți ochii, frumoasă adormită,
Sărută-mă, pentru că ne place aceasta,
Noaptea aceasta îmi va rămâne în memorie,
Ce păcat că totul a fost doar un vis.
Refren: [x4]
Trezește-mă în timp ce faci bigudiuri,
Plec la serviciu spre ora 9, de ce te-am 'us'?
Trezește-mă în timp ce faci bigudiuri,
Pleci la facultate spre ora 9, este timp să te duci.
  • 1. Este un joc de cuvinte: în rusă, verbul 'заводить' poate însemna atât 'a pune' (am pus deșteptătorul să sune la ora cinci dimineața) cât și 'a scoate pe cineva din minți', fiind foarte atrăgător
© Vladímir Sosnín


at some point your expression became cold
even if i hate you i couldn't let you go
it's time to forget everything
even those words that caused me pain but i can't forget you
you blossomed in my heart
all of the petals fall to the floor with my tears
the sun sets and i go back home
i see moonlight at the end of the darkness
it's not you anymore
i'll love myself a bit more, i'll survive
i'll be a step closer
i'll hold myself more, i'll give myself everything
love myself today
let you go today
love myself today
let you go today
i'll drown you in my sins
the beautiful you grows bigger
you become me, now i'm you
you're in my bloodstream
on and on, you and i are an endless cycle
we're inseparable, when i miss you
i close my eyes and you're approaching me
i close my eyes and you come a bit closer
i bring my hands together and pray for my dreams
i want you back again even just once
three kisses when our promise became light
i didn't know until that moment
it's not you anymore
i'll love myself a bit more, i'll survive
i'll be a step closer
i'll hold myself more, i'll give myself everything
out of all the stars in the universe
you met me
maybe it isn't by chance
maybe it's fate, a blessing
it's not you anymore
i'll love myself a bit more, i'll survive
i'll be a step closer
i'll hold myself more, i'll give myself everything
love myself today
let you go today
love myself today
let you go today
love myself today


I can feel my desire
That I only see in you
Your hands that soothes me
Your eyes that tells me
Everything I need to know
I can no longer be here
This ain't my place
Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
Nothing comes that easy
As the love comes from you
Just don't ever forget
To come to see me
I won't have to split myself, no
I am whole this way
And if the hands judge me as an unhappy man
So just smile for me
I can feel that peace
It's in the air, air
It's in the air, air
It's in the air, air
I can feel that peace
It's in the air, air
It's in the air, air
It's in the air, air
Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
Nothing comes that easy
As the love comes from you
Just don't ever forget
To come to see me
Nothing comes that easy
As the love comes from you
Just don't ever forget


You switch me on and off
Just as you need it
All eyes on you, the main thing is you
Here comes your applause!
You made me feel like
I was part of your life, yes
The main thing is you, all eyes on you
But you are already in a relationship with yourself!
You don't need to leave the house
Always on an ego trip
What others feels is ridiculous
Even your reflection admires you!
Everything you do,
you do for your ego, ego
Because for you everyone aside from you is
only decoration, decoration
Because you float everywhere
Only you can appeal to you
Because the whole world spins around you,
around you and your ego, ego!
Ego, but karma strikes back!
Ego, what do you know about happiness?
Ego, Ego
Ego, Ego
Nothing is a must for you
Only your ego is a must
All eyes on you, the main thing is you
After-you-the-flood mode!
You really don't feel sorry for anything
Your loyalty is only yours
The main thing is you, all eyes on you
Only one can be the best
You don't have time for others
Full time job: Egoist
What do you are how others feel
Because you are busy with yourself
Everything you do,
you do for your ego, ego
Because for you everyone aside from you is
only decoration, decoration
Because you float everywhere
Only you can appeal to you
Because the whole world spins around you,
around you and your ego, ego!
Ego, but karma strikes back!
Ego, what do you know about happiness?
Ego, Ego
Ego, Ego
Hmm so nice, to take the love of others
Hmm so nice, no matters how that makes them feel
Hmm so nice, to take the love of others
Hmm so nice, no matters how that makes them feel
Ego, but karma strikes back!
Ego, what do you know about happiness?
Ego, Ego
Ego, Ego
Nobody comes close to you,
Because you are closest to yourself
But if you look into the mirror
And your world if full of rain
You game will never work out,
because you need love to win.
And then you are alone in your house of cards
And I pull my card out.

A Rowan Tree Grows In His Garden...

A rowan tree grows in his garden.
The sorrow is his house warden.
He wears a dirty tattered robe.
With foggy mist the eyes are covered,
The face seems deeply saffron-colored,
His skinny stature's bent like globe.
The sanguine hope is gone forever,
From grave misfortunes what will save him?
And now fate tells him to abide.
In front of his hut, sad and dour,
Accursed by mighty evil power,
A bitter rowan stands like bride.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


This heart has the time counted
wants some more
that you used to give
ay ay ay ay ah
but but but
this cold you relieved
ay ah
but but but
you no longer here next to me
My heart cry out for your hands
where are you?
tell me tell me where?
ay ay ay ay ah
but but but
my mouth keeps looking for you
ay ah
but but but
You through my heart to the mud
Scars on my skin
open up again and again
bleeding out
ratatata tatata
make me feel...
make me feel again...
make me feel again...
just like you do
you you...
come and take me
come and take me
I entered in your war when i didn't want to
now I point at your pupils
you taught me with your low
to use kashnikov really well
but love do not compite my love
nor other cheek insted
my imperfect heart
better fly
oh oh oh oh
my imperfect heart
better fly
oh oh oh oh
My heart cry out for your hands
where are you?
tell me tell me where?
ay ay ay ay ah
but but but
my mouth keeps looking for you
ay ah
but but but
You through my heart to the mud
Scars on my skin
open up again and again
bleeding out
ratatata tatata
make me feel...
make me feel again...
make me feel again...
just like you do
you you..
come and take me
come and take me

Let them think it's me

Debris and a knife shimmering in the table.
In silence, you can hear dust falling down to the floor.
Stains of wine on the sleeves or maybe it's blood.
The fear in your eyes
changes the blueness into blackness.
Yes, before you call out, I'll be there.
Yes, let them think it's me.
Let them loose a pack of hounds
and point a weapon at me.
No matter what, I'll be yours.
I'll never tell you this.
I'm afraid just like you.
If it fails again,
what do we need these dreams for?
We pretend that it's only a breath amidst storms.
After all, we have had nothing to lose since a long time ago.
Yes, before you call out, I'll be there.
Yes, let them think it's me.
Let them loose a pack of hounds
and point a weapon at me.
No matter what, I'll be yours.
Yes, before you call out, I'll be there.
Yes, let them think it's me.
Let them loose a pack of hounds
and point a weapon at me.
No matter what, I'll be yours.
Yes, before you call out, I'll be there.
Yes, let them think it's me.
Let them loose a pack of hounds
and point a weapon at me.
No matter what, I'll be yours.

Eternal Moment

It's making tears freeze in my heart,
and fading naivety to be strong.
Opening the memory of the past,
it's not just about losing,
and recorded every parts of life.
Every flashing moment,
it leaves every memory,
and the eternal pictures of life.
The time is passing and disappearing.
All love will be fade off their color.
But once upon a time,
there is the same picture.
A young heart
who has the future that is filled by dreams.
Those passionate notes
that make the blood be boiling again.
Releasing me when every moment is touched.
Like a meteor come across the dark night,
I just want this moment of beautiful bloom.


You'll look, even that you're leaving
I'm like a lioness
Without carefulness look at me
It's silence, its only one, you get me hot
Yeah keep it up [x2]
Your getting me, papi, high high high yeah
Since you arrived
You got me fly fly flyin'
Up to the sky, I don't wan't to stop, keep taking me up higher
Ah yeah ah yeah ah yeah yeah ah yeah ah yeah
I'm burning up and I can't cool down, yeah I got the fire
Ah yeah ah yeah ah yeah yeah ah yeah ah yeah
Ah yeah ah yeah ah yeah yeah ah yeah ah yeah
Take me another time
Without a secret agenda
What you see is what it is
Your getting me, papi, high high high yeah
Since you arrived
You got me fly fly flyin'
Up to the sky, I don't wan't to stop, keep taking me up higher
Ah yeah ah yeah ah yeah yeah ah yeah ah yeah
I'm burning up and I can't cool down, yeah I got the fire
Ah yeah ah yeah ah yeah yeah ah yeah ah yeah
Ah yeah ah yeah ah yeah yeah ah yeah ah yeah
Oh your love is like wild wild fire
You got me flying fly fly flyin'
Up to the sky, I don't wan't to stop, keep taking me up higher
Ah yeah ah yeah ah yeah yeah ah yeah ah yeah
I'm burning up and I can't cool down, yeah I got the fire
Ah yeah ah yeah ah yeah yeah ah yeah ah yeah
Ah yeah ah yeah ah yeah yeah ah yeah ah yeah

Kebab [Parody of Astronaut by Sido]

A Kebab
With all 3 sauces
and extra onions too
Make me a big one now!
My stomach is rumbling like hell
I'm walking around
I am totally fed up
My stomach is empty
And I quickly realize
that I haven't had you since days
When it comes to such great hunger
one must get something delicious.
A döner maybe,
nothing better comes to mind
I have already eaten you in the morning
early at 6 in the subway
There's nothing else other than it
I've been warming it since yesterday
I leave everything behind
Because you are the only one I love this much
You can satisfy me much better
than Schnitzels and sausages
The voice of reason has been silenced for long
I cannot hear anymore
And I'm only thinking of how good
having a döner would be now
There is no turning or going back anymore
Because the line is long.
But finally it is my turn
And I will order from the man
A kebab!
A kebab
with all 3 sauces
and extra onions too
Make me a big one now!
My stomach is rumbling like hell
I've postponed it since so long
I'm extremely looking forward to having it
And my tears almost fall,
When I chew the first bites...
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.


Two-ten hello, my room's a mess but it's Friday again
Seven days out of seven, I fight to make myself another reality
Leave me in my world, don't mess up my vibe, I'm okay this way
When I can't take it anymore, my favorite song is my antidote
When the world wants to change you, believe me, it isn't easy
But whatever's to be is to be, everything is under control
Between what they want, what I am, I can't share myself at all
But as long as I have a battery, everything is under control.
Follow me, follow me, follow me
I don't get my followers with black money
I have a unique style, a unique rhythm, I stay up at night and sleep in the day
Life doesn't have filters, but what's bad about putting some to change it a bit more
We are imperfect, perfect, we have stardust on our arrowheads
When the world wants to change you, believe me, it isn't easy
But whatever's to be is to be, everything is under control
Between what they want, what I am, I can't share myself at all
But as long as I have a battery, everything is under control.
I don't run from reality, 'cause I know how it is
I know there's room for improvement
Don't tell me it can't be done, 'cause I don't understand
And in any case, I do it all my way
Mmm . . . in any case, I do it all my way
When the world wants to change you, believe me, it isn't easy
But whatever's to be is to be, everything is under control
Between what they want, what I am, I can't share myself at all
But as long as I have a battery, everything is under control.
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Like a white snow

And without you the winter will arrive into my soul
The blue sky without you will become grey all around
And in order to find you - I'll fall
I'll fall like a white-white snow on the town
And I'll come for Christmas like a blizzard, with white-white snow
And I'll knock in to your window, like a white-white snow
And i'll write on Christmas, with a white-white snow
How we've met love, under the white -white snow
I would like so much to find you
And for us both to whirl in a white-white dance
But in order to embrace you
I need to fall on the town like white-white snow
And I'll come for Christmas like a blizzard, with white-white snow
And I'll knock in to your window, like a white-white snow
And i'll write on Christmas, with a white-white snow
How we've met love, under the white -white snow
And I'll come for Christmas like a blizzard, with white-white snow
And I'll knock in to your window, like a white-white snow
And i'll write on Christmas, with a white-white snow
How we've met love, under the white -white snow
Under the white-white snow