Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 25

Număr de rezultate: 1373



An uninspired me around the world that surrounds me
I’m trying to draw and grab it and yet it seems too far
I woke up from a dream that keeps on distancing itself
Watching an aura of dawn fill the city
The voice is lurking within
A swaying me is seeking in the dark for a reason for being
An uninspired me around the world that surrounds me
I’m trying to draw and grab it and yet it seems too far
What should I throw away to make it there?
No matter how many times I scream
I’m not anything but me
No matter whether it’s fictional or real
I’m sure I can get over it
The sky that has no boundaries
I felt troubled, frightened of it
No matter how many times I stumble
You are laughing out there
A small me is still looking for a light that will never die
I can go and run with no map
I’m sure I can make it there no matter how far
Gazing up at the dawning sky, I’ll nail it down here
No matter how many times I scream
I’m not anything but me
No matter whether it’s fictional or real
I’m sure I can get over it
It’s okay to take a tumble
It’s okay to shed tears
Because someday everything will turn into flowers

Flies Flies Piero Barone

Flies Piero Barone.
He’s a good guy sings,
Does the tenor.
Purpose’s touching the sky.
Better not knowing
What he does on the plane.

Motor scooter

Ever since I was tiny
I’ve always wanted a motor scooter
And after twenty years I finally got the machine
It’s a trustworthy, special bike
Unlike my old Jawa
It’s just that the Suzuki braked too late
I got over the first shock
As I lay nicely stretched out on the road
I looked up and thought that I couldn’t bear it
My good little motorbike got totaled
I was told that was my best bet
So a Malaguti became my new machine
65 [kph] was no big deal for it
It’s a trustworthy, special bike
Unlike my old Jawa
But now, instead of a Suzuki, a cat came along
I got over the first shock
As I lay nicely stretched out on the road
If no one told you then I’ll let you know
My feat ended up with a broken collarbone

Îți voi dărui un trandafir

Îți voi dărui un trandafir
Un trandafir roșu pentru a picta orice
Un trandafir pentru fiecare lacrimă de-a ta de consolat
Și un trandafir ca să te pot iubi
Îți voi dărui un trandafir
Un trandafir alb ca și cum ai fi mireasa mea
Un trandafir alb care să te ajute să uiți
Fiecare mică durere
Ma numesc Antonio și sunt nebun
M-am născut în '54 și trăiesc aici de când eram copil
Credeam că vorbesc cu diavolul
Astfel m-au închis patruzeci de ani intr-un spital de nebuni
Îți scriu această scrisoare pentru că nu știu să vorbesc
Iartă-mi caligrafia
de școală elementară
Și mă mir dacă încă mai simt o emoție
Dar vina e a mâinii care nu încetează să tremure
Sunt precum un pian cu o clapă ruptă
Acordul disonant al unei orchestre de bețivi
Și zi și noapte se aseamănă
În puțina lumină care străpunge sticlele opace
Mă scăp încă pe mine pentru că mi-e teamă
Pentru societatea sănătoasă suntem mereu considerați gunoi
Miros de urină și rumeguș
Aceasta este boala mintală și nu există leac
Îți voi dărui un trandafir
Un trandafir roșu pentru a picta orice
Un trandafir pentru fiecare lacrimă de-a ta de consolat
Și un trandafir pentru ca să te pot iubi
Îți voi dărui un trandafir
Un trandafir alb ca și cum ai fi mireasa mea
Un trandafir alb care să te ajute să uiți
Fiecare mică durere
Nebunii sunt semne de întrebare fără fraze
Mii de nave spațiale care nu se mai întorc la bază
Sunt aceleași marionete să se usuce la soare
Nebunii sunt apostoli ai lui Dumnezeu pe care nu-i vrea
Îmi fabric zăpadă cu polistiren
Patologia mea este că am rămas singur
Acum luați un telescop... măsurați distanțele
Și priviți între mine și voi...cine e mai periculos?
Înăuntrul pavilioanelor ne iubeam pe ascuns
Decupând un colț care să fi fost doar al nostru
Imi amintesc puținele clipe în care ne simțeam vii
Nu ca dosarele medicale înghesuite în arhive
Din amintirile mele vei fi ultimul care se va estompa
Erai precum un înger legat de un calorifer
În ciuda faptului că eu încă te mai aștept
Și dacă închid ochii îți simt mâna care mă atinge
Îți voi dărui un trandafir
Un trandafir roșu pentru a picta orice
Un trandafir pentru fiecare lacrimă de-a ta de consolat
Și un trandafir că să te pot iubi
Îți voi dărui un trandafir
Un trandafir alb ca și cum ai fi mireasa mea
Un trandafir alb care să te ajute să uiți
Fiecare mică durere
Mă numesc Antonio și sunt pe acoperiș
Dragă Margherita sunt douăzeci de ani de când te aștept
Nebunii suntem noi când nimeni nu ne înțelege
Când chiar și cel mai bun prieten te trădează
Îți trimit această scrisoare, acum trebuie să plec
Scuză-mi caligrafia de școală elementară
Și te miri că aș simți încă o emoție?
Surprinde-te din nou pentru că Antonio știe să zboare


Nu rămâne inchis aici, gândule!
Umple-te de soare și du-te în cer!
Căutai casa și apoi, pe perete,
scrie tot ce știi, că este adevărat, ce este adevărat.
Sunt un om ciudat, dar sincer.
Încearcă să-i explici, gândule!
Nu am fost în oraș în noaptea aceea.
N-am rănit-o niciodată, cu adevărat, cu adevărat.
Doar ea în suflet a rămas, știi.
Acest om inutil, acum este prea obosit.
Doar tu, gândule, poți scăpa dacă vrei.
Pielea sa moale
vei mângâia.
Acolo pe munte este calea.
Zboară până acolo sus la ea, gândule!
Din pernă auzi-i respirația, adu-i zâmbetul aici aproape, aproape.
Nu rămâne inchis aici, gândule!
Umple-te de soare și du-te în cer!
Căutai casa și apoi, pe perete,
scrie tot ce știi, gândule, gândule...

It's You I Love

The morning loves the light of the day
And the night loves to be with the moon
The song loves its melody
And luck loves its fortune
Kings love their castles
The soldier loves his rifle
The stars love to shine
The beer loves its barrel
Language loves its idioms
And the rain loves the clouds
The perfume loves the aroma
What goes down loves what goes up
The stomach loves its food
The future loves its seer
The sailboat loves what the wind brings
The path loves its destiny
Everybody here loves something - but
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
But it's you I love, you, you, you, you
But I love you, you, you, you, you
The billy goats love their does
Histories love tales
Books love words
Ideas love thoughts
Painters love colors
Summer loves the sun so much
Bees love flowers
Rice loves its bean
Thieves don't love robbing
Life loves staying alive
Lungs love breathing
Those below love going up
Verse loves its poet
Freshwater loves dolphins
The galaxy loves its planets
And the end wants to finish
Everybody here loves something - but
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
But it's you I love, you, you, you, you
But I love you, you, you, you, you
Eyes love viewing the scenery
Lions love their jungle
Backs love their massages
And the return loves coming back
The peasant loves his machete
Our body loves its skeleton
The stuffed animal loves to be squeezed
Silence loves its secret
Breakfast loves its coffee
Darkness loves its lantern
Believers love to have faith
Adventures love to have legs
I don't need to have everything
I'm moving although the world is still
I learned to walk with my elbows
But with you I feel complete
You, you
You, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
But it's you I love, you, you, you, you
But I love you, you, you, you, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
It's you I love, you, you, you, you
But it's you I love, you, you, you, you
But I love you, you, you, you, you

I also want

Friend I know you have you love
And I see how happy he makes you
I know well of the battles you've encountered
And that your relationship is serious
But as your real friend
I have to tell you the truth
It's just that I fell love with him
I fell in love with him
So friend it's better I stop calling you
Or i'd be fake to you
Because I also want the kisses he gives you
I want the love he gives you
I want the man you have
I want it
Friend I won't harm you
My jealousy isn't blind and I know my place
Don't look at me like that
Nothing happened
It's now embarrassing admitting I'm wrong
He is not to blame
For the feeling I developed myself
I've always waited for my turn
To have a love like you guys
For this story not to be a trio
So friend it's better I stop calling you
Or i'd be fake to you
Because I also want the kisses he gives you
I want the love he gives you
I want the man you have
I want it
I know it's a sinI will condemn myself if I remain by your side
I'll distance myself to not fall into this temptation
I will say no
To my heart
So I will have to leave
So friend it's better I stop calling you
Or i'd be fake to you
Because I also want the kisses he gives you
I want the love he gives you
I want the man you have
I want it

I'm Dying to Know You

I'm dying to beg you
don't walk out of my life
I'm dying to listen to you
say the things you'd never say again
less I shut up and you walk out
I maintain this hope that one day I'll be capable
to not hide the wounds that pain me as I realize (or think about)
how I'm falling deeper in love with you every day a little bit more
How much longer are we going to wait?
I'm dying to hug you
and may you hug me so tightly
I'm dying to please you
and may you kiss me when you awaken
comfortable (accommodated) within your chest
till the sun appears
I'm getting lost in your aroma
I'm getting lost in you lips that draw closer
whispering words that pierce (or arrive at) to this poor heart
I'm feeling fire inside (in my interior)
I'm dying to know you
know what you think of
open all you gates (or doors)
and overcome these storms that want to bring us down
center my glance within your eyes
sing with you till sunrise
kiss each other till we wear out our lips
and see in you face each day, to grow that seed
to believe, to let everything arise
parking aside the fear to suffer
I'm dying to explain to you
what goes through my mind
I'm dying to intrigue you
and to continue being able to surprise you
to feel each day the arrow that is to see you
what do I care what they say
what do I care what they think, if I'm crazy, well that my thing
and now I see the world again in my favor
I see again the light of the sun shining
I'm dying to know you
to know what you think of
to open all your gates (doors)
and overcome these storms that want to bring us down
center my glance in your eyes
sing with you till sunrise
kiss each other till we wear out our lips
and see in you face each day, to grow that seed
to believe, to let everything arise
parking aside the fear to suffer

Sugar from the estuary

You are not so grey,
it is just that everything turned grey.
the pathway gate got closed,
the grace of the postman got lost.
You were a flower before,
painting the sky with love,
now that you do not fly
you are alone. Did they defeat you?
A cloud goes, unstoppable,
climbing through the green garden,
let yourself be sorrounded by the thought,
kiss your feelings again.
En la noche sólo sígueme,
sólo sígueme,
sólo sígueme.
En la noche dame tu alma,
yo la mantendré caliente
bajo mis pies.
Do not let yourself be defeated anymore,
the soul has to be feeded,
a little bit of sugar from the estuary,
a little bit of laughter and candy.
En la noche sólo sígueme,
sólo enamórate,
sólo enamórate...


Ești un bărbat foarte nobil,
Coborâtor dintr-un nobil neam,
Trăiești după regulile familiei tale.
Nu te poți însura cu mine,
Căci eu sunt doar o modestă fată,
Ce nu e născută spre a vedea marea lume.
Iubirea noastră nu poate fi mai mult decât una secretă,
Ca să nu vadă nimeni.
Cavalere, cavalere,
Ești un bărbat faimos în oraș.
Trebuie să te aștept ascunsă,
Până mă vei săruta diseară.
Cavalere, cavalere
Atât de încântător, atât de încântător.
Cavalere, cavalere,
Dacă vreodată mă vei dezamăgi,
Voi plânge neîncetat toată noaptea,
Dar voi dispărea,
Precum soarele pe înserat.
În visele mele,eu sunt bogată și tu sărac,
Și eu caut dragostea.
Te agăț într-o cafenea stradală,
Unde îți petreci zilele.
Ne ducem cu mașina la hotelul meu.
Inima mea e-n flăcări, tu arăți grozav.
N-am să-ți dau drumul, căci iubirea ta trebuie să fie
Doar pentru mine.
Cavalere, cavalere,
Ești un bărbat faimos în oraș.
Trebuie să te aștept ascunsă
Până mă vei săruta diseară.
Cavalere, cavalere
Atât de încântător, atât de încântător.
Cavalere, cavalere,
Dacă vreodată mă vei dezamăgi,
Voi plânge neîncetat toată noaptea,
Dar voi dispărea,
Precum soarele pe înserat.
Cavalere, cavalere...
Cavalere, cavalere,
Ești un bărbat faimos în oraș.
Trebuie să te aștept ascunsă
Până mă vei săruta diseară.
Cavalere, cavalere,
Atât de încântător, atât de încântător.
Cavalere, cavalere,
Dacă vreodată mă vei dezamăgi,
Voi plânge neîncetat toată noaptea,
Dar voi dispărea,
Precum soarele pe înserat.


[Verse 1]
Tell me, how is it to live when your love,
So immense and even greater than a spring,
Looks at this world in such a confusion,
Not comprehending what for it even exists.
Here is my wall,
And behind this wall
Are rivers, cities,
The whole world.
But above it
There is a sky over my head,
And a stairway to there is my path.
[Verse 2]
There are so much candor in those who believes in the truth of the evil.
Everything is open for them, and their roads are not covered in mud.
But what am I to do?
I want to learn
Who I am and how to forgive my own self.
Here is my wall,
And behind this wall
Are rivers, cities,
The whole world.
But above it
There is a sky over my head,
And a stairway to there is my path.
And all of this,
And fear.
Your face is already
In the dark
Can’t see the bottom
To burn out.
[Verse 3]
Would be nice to understand people,
That way it would be easier to save them.
Would be great to know just how to live together, just the two of us,
And to learn not to avoid the eyes of the person that is reflected in my mirror.
Here is my wall,
And behind this wall
Are rivers, cities,
The whole world.
But above it
There is a sky over my head,
And a stairway to there is my path.

I Just Want To Be With You

Oh, how I want you
I don't know how to say
How much I desire you
It even begins to hurt, oh oh
I'd give you the sun and the moon
Only to have you here
And to always be at your feet
Only you and me
No one around us
Only the blue sky
Only you and me
My heart and yours
Oh oh oh, I just want to be with you
Oh oh oh, I just want to be with you
Oh oh oh, I just want to be with you
Oh oh oh, I just want to be with you
Loving like I love you
May be prohibited
But I don't care
I only want to be with you oh oh
I'd give you the sun and the moon
Only to have you here
And to always be at your feet
Only you and me
No one around us
Only the blue sky
Only you and me
My heart and yours
Oh oh oh, I just want to be with you
Oh oh oh, I just want to be with you
Oh oh oh, I just want to be with you
Oh oh oh, I just want to be with you
Oh oh oh, I just want to be with you
Oh oh oh, I just want to be with you
Oh oh oh, I just want to be with you
Oh oh oh, I just want to be with you


Perhaps you think you've seen it all
And count all knowledge your own
Are you tired from traveling far and wide?
Welcome to our city!
Perhaps you seek adventure
And love wicked scenes
Maybe you're not quite satisfied with life?
Welcome to our city!
Here it's just like anywhere else
Nothing stays secret, no one incognito
Perhaps mere coincidence brought you here?
Enjoy the night with us!
[ ALL ]
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
Where everyone hates with passion
And love never quite fits in
Here only two make the laws
The Montagues and Capulets!
No one needs to take a side
That was done for us long ago!
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
The poison of hate flows through these streets
Through our lives, through our veins!
Our gardens bloom every spring
And we're not short of pretty faces
We live in a paradise on earth
But our souls are chained below!
Long live Verona!
Do you sleep soundly in your bed?
Trusting that you are loved?
This sort of peace doesn't exist here
Welcome to our city!
But God also has power over us
We do die, but we die old
Here everyone wears the prince's crown
Welcome to our city!
Here it's just like anywhere else
Nothing stays secret, no one incognito
Perhaps mere coincidence brought you here?
Enjoy the night with us!
[ ALL ]
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
[ MEN (staggered) ]
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
[ ALL ]
Where everyone hates with passion
And love never quite fits in
Here only two make the laws
The Montagues and Capulets!
No one needs to take a side
That was done for us long ago!
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
The poison of hate flows through these streets
Through our lives, through our veins!
Our gardens bloom every spring
And we're not short of pretty faces
We live in a paradise on earth
But our souls are chained below!
[ Refrain and dialogue together ]
Benvolio and Mercutio, two friends who love their weapons.
Even the prince's words can't keep us from a fight!
And this is Tybalt, their sworn enemy, the leader of this slaughter!
Laws mean nothing to me! I live and die by the sword.
City of insanity! Everyone fights everyone else. War dominates everyday life!
[ ALL ]
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
The poison of hate flows through these streets
Through our lives, through our veins!
Our gardens bloom every spring
And we're not short of pretty faces
We live in a paradise on earth
But our souls are chained below!
Verona! Verona!
Long live Verona!

Walking Slowly

Slowly open the eyes of a long sleep
Your face is being lightened up in the dark
I don't know how to face
This sudden change of life
I always want to break free
From the hands that don't belong to me
But you hold me tight
Saying that you care about me
You carried me on your back and talked about the past
Bought the time alone
I smiled and listened to you
But my sights were blurred
You took the hand that ever hesitated
Walking forward slowly, walking together slowly
*Don't always say I don't understand
Don't always say I don't hurt
The wind ever blew through the corners of my mouth and left tenderness
Don't say you will continue to accompany me
I don't say that I was too silent
You hold your hands firmly
Didn’t hear I said: (“Don't go.”)

If Hai has Yin

*The Sidewalk that was ran over by a row of wheels
Staying at a convenience store on the street corner
The elegant handwritings on blackboard
The infatuated smile
*You are running on the playground in the sun
The sweet tastes of Ice cream and candied fruit
The noisy vows in the waves
If it's less than that hug
Have you ever stood fast to something alone?
Because your vow of eternal love
Side by side unswervingly
Holding hands at the horizon of heaven and end of earth
Forgetting those rumours
I want to grow old with you
I want to grow old with you
I want to grow old with you

Song to Stalin's good health

Accept, Great Stalin, our Father,
The love of hearts devoted to the homeland,
Accept the deference of your people
On your joyous birthday.
We all sing praise to your deeds,
Live, our Leader, live to make us happy!
You illuminated our epoch with clear light,
You are the closest person to us all,
With you, we went the glorious, difficult road,
Fighting for the honour of our native land.
You lead us on Lenin's path,
You call us all to new exploits,
With you, we entered sunny life,
Fighting for peace and building communism!
We all sing praise to your deeds,
Live, our Leader, live to make us happy!

Wish Upon A Star

”That’s how those constellations go, and they have each story for their own.”
I’m in love with you for happily talking about the stars
Like a story made from a line drawn between the stars
I hoped to connect my heart to yours with love
One day, I made a little wish
Back then, together with me, you were gazing up at the night sky
There's just one thing
Just one thing that’s different now, it's that our hands are tightly joined
My wish from that day has come alive
I don’t think we could make it there if we started running at full speed
Besides that, the stars are strongly bound to one another on the line
If we two are to get separated at some point in the future
I hope fate ties us together so we’ll ever meet once again
One day, I made a little wish
Back then, together with me, you were gazing up at the night sky
There’s just one thing
Just one thing that’s different now, it's that our hands are tightly joined
My wish from that day has come alive
One day, I made a little wish
Back then, together with me, you were gazing up at the night sky
There’s just one thing
Just one thing that’s different now, because our hands are tightly joined
You know
Tonight we’re staring at the starlit sky covered with fluffy clouds
You look beautiful as you say “It could've been nice”
I pulled your body against mine, pressing my lips to yours
Because the stars always shorten the distance between us

An Entire Year Without You

It's been since last night that you no longer look at me.
It's spring outside but you are no longer you.
It's only been one day yet I feel that
I have lived an entire year without you.
This love of ours that is now mine alone
is withering like a flower and I remain alone.
How I can't forget the beautiful days that
I have passed with my arms close to you.
Nostalgia for yesterday—you are here next to me.
Your eyes are as black as hers but she is not here.
Perhaps I'll be lucky and you will love me.
Perhaps I'll have the moon and then you will return.
But it's only been one day yet I feel that
I have lived an entire year without you.
But it's only been one day yet I feel that
I have lived an entire year without you—
yeah, without you—
without you.


Cu această față de străin
sunt doar un om adevărat,
chiar dacă vouă n-o să vă par.
Am ochii limpezi precum marea,
capabili numai de visare,
în timp ce deja nu mai visez.
Jumătate pirat, jumătate artist,
un vagabond, un muzician
care fură aproape cât dăruie.
Cu această gură ce va bea
la fiecare fântână ce-o va vedea,
și poate nicicând nu se va opri.
Cu această față de străin
am străbătut viața mea,
fără să știu unde mă duc.
A fost soarele verii
și mii de femei îndrăgostite
să-mi maturizeze vârsta.
M-am purtat rău în fața lor
și uneori chiar eu am suferit,
dar fără a plânge vreodată.
Și al meu suflet, știi,
în purgatoriu va sfârși,
cu excepția unui miracol de-acum.
Cu această față de străin,
pe o navă abandonată
până la tine am venit.
Acum tu ești prizionera
acestei splendide himere,
acestei iubiri fără vârstă.
Vei fi regină și vei domni.
Lucrurile la care vei visa
au să devină realitate.
Iubirea noastră va dura
o scurtă eternitate,
atâta timp cât moartea nu va veni.
Iubirea noastră va dura
o scurtă eternitate,
atâta timp cât moartea nu va veni.

Peperoncino Candy

Pe-pe-peperoncino candy
Yo-yo-you are even more dandy
Ra-ra-rainy on Wednesday
E-e-early afternoon on Thursday
Didn't you say 'there's no way'?
March 3rd is Girl's Festivall
Didn't you say 'there's no way'?
Isn't that a lie?
That girl is definitely a real lady (lady)
Even if she goes astray, she's definitely a real lady (a real lady)
That girl is definitely a real lady (lady)
When she's in her house, she's definitely a real lady
Pe-pe-peperoncino candy
To-to-tomorrow is definitely Sunday
Didn't you say 'there's no way'?
Three nights and four days of going into hiding
Didn't you say 'there's no way'?
Isn't that a lie?
That girl is definitely a real lady (lady)
Even if she goes astray, she's definitely a real lady (a real lady)
That girl is definitely a real lady (lady)
When she's in her house, she's definitely a real lady
Ahh, a lady
That girl is definitely a real lady (lady)
Even if she goes astray, she's definitely a real lady (a real lady)
That girl is definitely, when she's in her house she's definitely
A real lady (lady)
In her heart, she's definitely a real lady

Light and shadow

I wish
I could stay
To be at your side
A little bit longer
To come back to that moment
To have you in front of me
Never fail you again
Never do it again
Never do it again
Don't leave me alone
Neither at night nor at day
Don't leave me alone
Because I would get lost
I wish
I could hug you
And to be able to tell you
It won't happen again
You could look at me
With the same eyes than before
Never fail you again
Never do it again
Never do it again
Don't leave me alone
Neither at night nor at day
Don't leave me alone
Because I would get lost
Sweet company
Don't leave me alone
And don't leave me alone
Because I
Would get lost
Let the bells ring
Let them bring me your love
Because in my chest despair is making noise
Let the bells ring
Let them bring me your love
Because in my chest despair is making noise

Sărmanul meu prieten

Cerul e sumbru și deja plouă cu găleata.
A mea inimă se scufundă în agonie,
Căci în astă noapte totul a naufragiat,
Ea m-a lăsat!
Umblând prin casă fără astâmpăr,
E o umbră care mă urmează.
E umbra câinelui meu care-mi e fidel,
El mă iubește!
Sărmanul meu prieten,
Am rămas singuri, tu și cu mine.
Mica stăpână, știi, ne-a abandonat.
Vrei să știi de ce? Se săturase de mine!
În van vei căuta mângâierile ei,
Iar eu nu pot să-ți ofer decât tristețe.
Am iubit-o atât de mult și ea a plecat,
Și eu mor de gelozie!
Sărmanul meu prieten,
Am rămas singuri,
Tu și cu mine,
Tu și cu mine!
În van vei căuta mângâierile ei,
Iar eu nu pot să-ți ofer decât tristețe.
Am iubit-o atât de mult și ea a plecat,
Și eu mor de gelozie!
Sărmanul meu prieten,
Am rămas singuri,
Tu și cu mine,
Tu și cu mine!

The Galaxy

Waking up in a lounger in a red kimono, give you my hand
Shaking off my towel, brushing off sand and feeling warm
Nothing means anything but everything will be fine
Forgetting what I said and drinking out of my yellow pineapple glass
Tossing away my misery, I have no memories left
I feel no anxiety, everything that I see is ocean
Floating in the clouds, landing on my roof and coming back
I want to lay by a big pool, never long for something again, just stay here
Never work again, never think again
Looking at the horizon, scouting for rain but the sky is clear
Lying down on my back and falling back asleep again
Not feeling anything of what is always waiting ahead
Seeing myself in your sunglasses but you don't see me
I'm nearly high on the scent of gasoline and burning tires
A thousand kilometres faster than sound round after round
Chewing on an icecube, squinting at the sun, like in a trance
No one is forever, no one is forever here
No one is forever, no one is forever here
No one is forever, no one is forever here
No one is forever, no one is forever here

I Go For What I Want

I go through the road
I know the direction well
It's in my heart
I don't want the distraction
That keeps me away from my dreams
I have the map and I know
What I'll face
It's not easy to beat
But I know what I want well
Open your eyes well
We have it all
One must only dare to go
For everything that you want
No one shall stop you
To discover the treasure
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
I go for what I want
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
I know what I want well
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
I go for what I want
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
I know what I want well
I know that I want
How I want
When I want
And if I want you
It's because I want
What I want
How I want
And when I want (x2)
I go through the road
I know the direction well
It's in my heart
I don't want the distraction
That keeps me away from my dreams
I have the map and I know
What I'll face
It's not easy to beat
But I know what I want well
Open your eyes well
We have it all
One must only dare to go
For everything that you want
No one shall stop you
To discover the treasure
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
I go for what I want
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
I know what I want well
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
I go for what I want
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
I know what I want well
I know that I want
How I want
When I want
And if I want you
It's because I want
What I want
How I want
And when I want
I know what I want well
I know that I want
How I want
When I want
And if I want you
It's because I want
What I want
How I want
And when I want
I know what I want well
I know what I want well
I know that I want
How I want
When I want
And if I want you
It's because I want
What I want
How I want
And when I want (x2)
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
I go for what I want
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
I know what I want well

You'll see that I love you

Now that we're only looking forward
And we start our long journey together
For you I will try to become different
I'll learn to listend and I won't be the usual me
And you'll see, and you'll see that I love you
I never been so honest. Do you want more?
We'll go out to dinner once in a week
And then to dance if you still feel like it
And it's possible that I'll finally get in the kitchen
I'm gonna surprise you more than what you can imagine
There won't be missing reasons for you to laugh
And I'll dress in fashion like you wanted
And we'll make a party out of every moment
And I'll be putting in you all that I have


Ben Fero, (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Furkan nigga at the beat)
Babafingo! (brrrrrah)
Let's get crazy yo
Ok that's a bingo
One morning billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy like Kimbo hoe
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo
Get crazy yo
That's a bingo too
Let's go billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy boy
Know my name hoe
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo
[Verse 1]
Our goal isn't seriousness bro
Like okay until now you've asked 'Who's that?'
You keep getting on and off since you can't afford
I do fitness, I don't sleep until mid-afternoon
Your perspective is narrow, have some fun
Don't touch me
And what would I do
Sad music and your stash of tears
I won't cry into the microphone like ''I have so many troubles'' (normal)
Okay? I've sent you IBAN (get it)
I won't even give you one of my cigarettes (no)
The one who is messing with me has arms like a sapling (trash)
Look at me now look at you
Let's get crazy yo
Ok that's a bingo
One morning billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy like Kimbo hoe
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo
Get crazy yo (yea)
That's a bingo too (okay)
Let's go billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy boy
Know my name hoe (yes)
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo
[Verse 2]
Our job isn't by change bruh (lan*)
Didn't happen to you because you kept laying around (no)
We've got influence (we got)
Our forehead is clear* (yes)
Had a fast entry to trap* and had a taste of it (taste)
Just go ahead mind your own business (you)
We are the only true niggers (we)
Just like MMA tough elbow knee (knee)
We put it to Trap too, our city is İz... (mir)*
Furkan and Can Volkan boss (boss)
They said do this the stage is empty (empty)
Our mind is at ease everywhere is dim (dim)
We are the boss lion come and run
Let's get crazy yo
Ok that's a bingo
One morning billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy like Kimbo hoe
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo
Get crazy yo (yea)
That's a bingo too (okay)
Let's go billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy boy
Know my name hoe (yes)
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo
Rest in peace Kimbo Slice
King of the streets
Ben Fero
Rules of the forest
Güzelbahçe İzmir*
Let's get crazy yo
Ok that's a bingo
One morning billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy like Kimbo hoe
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo
Get crazy yo (yea)
That's a bingo too (okay)
Let's go billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy boy
Know my name hoe (yes)
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo


I have seen again the farmsteads
Where I spent my early years.
The walls are now overgrown with moss,
The glass reflected like a rainbow.
There is dust all over now,
And I felt so sad in the silence!
I went to the garden, it was dull and wild,
All overgrown with grass.
What was before is no longer there,
What was before is no longer there,
But the inscription' Veranica',
But the inscription' Veranica'
Carved in the bark of a lime-tree
Was telling my eyes about those passed times.
Rise, grow strong, you tree,
Get up like a living monument!
Raise the inscription to the skies
Raise the inscription “Veranica”!
The more days and nights pass,
The beloved name would uplift higher!
What was before is no longer there!
What was before is no longer there
But the inscription' Veranica',
But the inscription' Veranica'.
The more days and nights pass,
The beloved name would uplift higher!
What was before is no longer there!
What was before is no longer there
But the inscription' Veranica',
But the inscription' Veranica'.
The more days and nights pass,
The beloved name would uplift higher (Veranica)
The more days and nights pass,
The beloved name would uplift higher (Veranica)
The more days and nights pass,
The beloved name would uplift higher (Veranica)


I have no one, I'm forlorn
Everone has fellows
I've become forlorn today
O ye, my god*
In the paths, seeking someone
Orphanage has become my fellow
Shall the pain upon my heart end
In the paths, seeking someone
Filled with people forlorn

Mi s-a oferit marea

Îmi vine să las viața în pace
și să-mi pierd tot timpul privindu-ți chipul.
Îmi vine să-ți spun că te iubesc mult
și să aștept privirea ta ca apa limpede...
Mi s-a oferit marea și țărmurile ei,
și lovitura spumei, vântul și apa,
și aerul buzelor, care sunt cuvintele, care sunt cuvintele.
Îmi vine să-ți îmbrățișez viața, viața,
și să învăț a-ți iubi corpul, viața.
Și pentru că iubirea s-a înarmat cu noroi și piatră,
și eu te vreau aici, pe pământ.
Mi s-a oferit marea și țărmurile ei,
și lovitura spumei, vântul și apa,
și aerul buzelor, care sunt cuvintele, care sunt cuvintele.
Și ție ți-au dat setea și mireasma,
și tandrețea de asemenea, și iubirea.
Și acest cuvânt, IUBIRE, care are durere, care are durere.

I Just Think of You

Yellow roses of love and desire,
secret kisses during sunset,
silent hands seeking paths,
bridges that are crossed only once.
I just think of you,
I just think of you,
I just think of you,
I just think of you.
Letters to the moon,
dreams that get away.
Three years by your side, one, two and three
remains of a shipwreck seeking fate,
glowing lights during dawn.
[Chorus] I only think of you, of my madness,
I only think of you, of my wailing,
I only think of you, in loving you 1
I only think of you, in each kiss.
Days in the mist,
nights waiting,
later, a question 'cause
hours of silence,
later, a question 'cause
Letters to the moon, dreams that get away,
glowing lights during dawn.
[Chorus x1]
  • 1. I think this part of the transcription is wrong, since ''en cada amarte'' makes no sense at all.

It Was the First Time

It was the first time
that I gave up my heart.
The first time for everything,
I gave everything without condition.
The first time I loved,
the first sparrow's flight
who by misfortune flew and fell
into a lion's claws.
[Chorus x2] My first love,
my first sorrrow,
my first misstep,
my first jail sentence.
It was the first time
that I gave up my heart.
The first time for everything,
everything ended up in disappointment.
The first time I loved,
the first sparrow's flight
who stopped by and sang inside a cage
thinking it was a balcony.
[Chorus x2]

My bright star on all ways

The workshop foreman comes up to me shaking his head
Saying “I can’t do anthing more. I’m so sorry.”
I gently stroke your hood and think about our awesome time
You were a lot more to me than just my first car:
My second self and all my pride
I was so in love with your curves
Made of britsh racing green, chrome and noble burl wood
My bright star on all ways
My great freedom
We both put foot down so many times
Now you’re with the yellow angels*
(and) with you my wild years pass away
We both always scored well in Flensburg
We only paid respect to yellow and red
Your passenger seat got used to ladys
We noticed some coming and leaving
My bright star on all ways
My great freedom
We both put foot down so many times
Now you’re with the yellow angels*
(and) with you my wild years pass away