Rezultatele căutării pagină 6
Număr de rezultate: 253
Topping Norway with some plagues
My boys party every day
Shouting shotgun and I'm pulling up in my Opel (ok)
Not my car, dad bought me it for school (brr)
Take the day off school, 'cause I won't be a doctor (yeah, yeah)
Pick up the boys, 'cause my boys are 10 out of 10
The boys are shouting 'fuck school!'
Giving the principal the middle finger (fuck you!)
Gave me a warning for respecting women (what the hell!)
Thinking 'fuck it', I will be president
Winning the election easily forgetting my diploma
Shotgun and I'm pulling up in my Opel (ok)
Not my car, dad bought me it for school
Topping Norway with some plagues
My boys party every day
Shouting shotgun and I'm pulling up in my Opel (ok)
Not my car, dad bought me it for school
Topping Norway with some plagues
My boys party every day
Bing, bam, boom, putting money in my account
Ring my boys, drink my champagne pronto
Drink until we are morons
Never heard of Inkasso
Haven't raw to Picasso, but catch ladies with a lasso
Go with the fittest chicks
00 drooling on the dicks
Wrote 'em up on that list
Virginity was lost
Thinking 'fuck it', I will be president
Winning the election easily when all the boys have voted
Shotgun and I'm pulling up in my Opel (ok)
Not my car, dad bought me it for school
Topping Norway with some plagues
My boys party every day
Shouting shotgun and I'm pulling up in my Opel (ok)
Not my car, dad bought me it for school
Topping Norway with some plagues
My boys party every day
Shotgun and I'm pulling up in my Opel (ok)
Not my car, dad bought me it for school
Topping Norway with some plagues
My boys party every day
Shouting shotgun and I'm pulling up in my Opel (ok)
Not my car, dad bought me it for school
Topping Norway with some plagues
My boys party every day
Square Sun
Get up because your day has come
Get up because it is the time I want to see
You going back home with all you planted
Get up to see the square sun
Get up because your day has come
Get up because it is time for the people to see
You going back home with all you planted
Get up to see the square Sun
One of the laws of Physics say
That whatever you throw up
Falls down on your roof
The world turns
And now even the cattle is confused
One of the laws of Physics say
That whatever you throw up
Falls down on your roof
The world turns
And now even the cattle is confused
Get up because your day has come
Get up because it is the time I want to see
You going back home with all you planted
Get up to see the square sun
Get up because your day has come
Get up because it is time and I want to see
You taking home all you planted
Get up to see the square sun
Get up to see the square sun
Get up to see the square sun
I surrendered to you
Everybody tells me you wander
you spend the nights outside
they are jealous and they go crazy
they are not happy that you love me
I surrendered to you
I don't care about anyone
no matter what others say
while I love you,
I surrendered, baby
I always have you as a talisman
no matter what others say
I will love you
I can do anything for you
I found my other self
even if they say that you wander
it's enough for me that you love me
I surrendered to you
I don't care about anyone
no matter what others say
while I love you,
I surrendered, baby
I always have you as a talisman
no matter what others say
I will love you
I wanna party
Hi DJ,by jumping to a young married couple
clapping ! clapping !
clapping hands !
'Party at Ipanema, my sweet'
I wanna party
In the Samba I want to stay
I wanna party
In the Samba I want to stay
I wanna party and live my life (my life)
I wanna party
I wanna fly
I'll fly like a bird
but you're one
Oh it’s true, I’ll fly like a rocket then
that's cool!
But it's so high,where I need to come down for oxygen
and now it's too late
Once you start, there's no stopping.
Hey, I just want to live my life and party
Hey, freedom and dancing,
this is what really matters in life
I've been all over the world and
I’ll live my life in Rio
But Rio made me realize....
I wanna party
In the Samba I want to stay
I wanna party and fly
I'm that samba, I'm terrific, terrific, right?
terrific, terrific, terrific,
You just turn the sound right here, and you're good to go, to go
But how well you dance pretty girl,but I can do better
I wanna party
In the Samba I want to stay
I wanna party
In the Samba I want to stay
I wanna party and live my life (my life)
I wanna party
I wanna fly
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
16 focuri
Nicio fata nu poate sa-mi vorbeasca despre mama
16 focuri, rezistam mai mult decat pe Xanax (1)
Niciunul dintre ei nu vrea sa vorbeasca despre capul mafiei
Puneti cadavrele intr-o oala, vor arde precum grabba (2)
Nimeni nu poate sa fie obraznic cu mine sau cu mama
Nu esti in siguranta aici, toata lumea are nevoie de armura
16 focuri,vom ucide orice frate
Rah-ta, rah-ta
Ka-kah, ka-kah, ka-kah
N-ai putea sa fi mai dura decat un Kingston?
Fi obraznica fata de mama mea si pielea ta va sangera
Asa ca, nu te deranja, nu te lua de mama mea
De mama mea, de mama mea
Iubire, crezi ca esti dura, spune ca esti mai dura decat ea
Daca un caine latra, a trecut mult timp decand n-a mai mancat
Muzica rap pe on, muzica pop pe off ,te face sa te misti ca o ciudata
Ei spun ca sunt gangsteri, dar si mama este
Ei vor pune mana pe o fata
Ei vor pune mana pe ea
Privirile ma urmaresc cand intru pe usa
Nimeni nu e pregatit, pentru ce urmeaza sa fac
Nicio fata nu poate sa-mi vorbeasca despre mama
16 focuri, rezistam mai mult decat pe Xanax (1)
Niciunul dintre ei nu vrea sa vorbeasca despre capul mafiei
Puneti cadavrele intr-o oala, vor arde precum grabba (2)
Nimeni nu poate sa fie obraznic cu mine sau cu mama
Nu esti in siguranta aici, toata lumea are nevoie de armura
16 focuri,vom ucide orice frate
Rah-ta, rah-ta
Ka-kah, ka-kah, ka-kah
Nu poti sa te infurii mai tare ca Kobe Bryant?
Fi obraznica fata de mama mea si buzele tale nu se vor mai misca
Asa ca, nu te deranja, nu te lua de mama mea
De mama mea, de mama mea
Deci, chiar crezi ca esti dura, spune ca esti mai dura decat mine
Nu o sa mai dormi daca problemele tale incep in seara asta
Arati ca o ciudata cand prizezi pastila
Ei isi doresc o fata rea, dar nu se gaseste niciuna
Ei vor pune mana pe o fata
Ei vor pune mana pe ea
Privirile ma urmaresc cand intru pe usa
Nimeni nu e pregatit, pentru ce urmeaza sa fac
Nicio fata nu poate sa-mi vorbeasca despre mama
16 focuri, rezistam mai mult decat pe Xanax (1)
Niciunul dintre ei nu vrea sa vorbeasca despre capul mafiei
Puneti cadavrele intr-o oala, vor arde precum grabba (2)
Nimeni nu poate sa fie obraznic cu mine sau cu mama
Nu esti in siguranta aici, toata lumea are nevoie de armura
16 focuri,vom ucide orice frate
Rah-ta, rah-ta
Ka-kah, ka-kah, ka-kah
Ia un glonte, daca crezi ca sunt barbati
Ia doua gloante, daca crezi ca sunt gansteri
Ia trei gloante, daca crezi ca-s idioti
Ia patru gloante, daca sunteti un cuplu
Ia cinci gloante, daca toti se cred tari
Direct *pac pac* in cap, te prabusesti (pe podea)
Gloantele te nimeresc din toate partile
Nicio fata nu poate sa-mi vorbeasca despre mama
16 focuri, rezistam mai mult decat pe Xanax (1)
Niciunul dintre ei nu vrea sa vorbeasca despre capul mafiei
Puneti cadavrele intr-o oala, vor arde precum grabba (2)
Nimeni nu poate sa fie obraznic cu mine sau cu mama
Nu esti in siguranta aici, toata lumea are nevoie de armura
16 focuri,vom ucide orice frate
Rah-ta, rah-ta
Ka-kah, ka-kah, ka-kah
Nicio fata nu poate sa-mi vorbeasca despre mama
16 focuri, rezistam mai mult decat pe Xanax (1)
Niciunul dintre ei nu vrea sa vorbeasca despre capul mafiei
Puneti cadavrele intr-o oala, vor arde precum grabba (2)
Nimeni nu poate sa fie obraznic cu mine sau cu mama
Nu esti in siguranta aici, toata lumea are nevoie de armura
16 focuri,vom ucide orice frate
Rah-ta, rah-ta
Ka-kah, ka-kah, ka-kah
Old Photograph
We even took a photograph
When I was holding you
And the sun was falling down like a river
On your curly hair
Small black and white photograph
In the square's white stairs
It was midday on a Sunday
The blue sky was shining
And the way you were holding my hand
I believed you were strong
I squeezed your beautiful hand
The nice summer ended
Then winter took you away
The world's longing stole you away
Only the old photograph
Remembers the light of our love
Only the old photograph
That looks smiley and a little funny at the same time
We had rented a house
Looking at a small yard
Children were playing with all their heart
You used to tell me you loved me very much
One night you were late
And the key wasn't on the door.
Love Shot
Aiming at each other, to the point it's freezing
Hearing your voice, sounding so sharp
I'm only filled with thoughts that leave me breathless
Oh oh oh oh oh
Aye ye
With our eyes covered
Each of our hearts firmly shut
We turn our hacks on each other
Ah, I'm burning
I can't breathe, it's like I'll split in half
I'm thirsting
And with this one glass
It's like I'll overflow
On this dangerous night
It's the love shot
Na nanana nananana
Na nanana nanana
Na nanana nananana
Oh oh oh oh oh
It's the love shot
Na nanana nananana
Na nanana nanana
Na nanana nananana
Oh oh oh oh oh
It's the love shot
It's getting twisted, love and hate
Our beautiful memories
Are dyed in white
Fading bit by bit
They get deeper each day, calm down
The wounds made of words
And my heart burnt black, where is love?
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Even if I cover my eyes and ears
And force myself to wander, in the end the answer is love
I fill my stomach, starved by too much ego
An empty glass of compassion left behind
Now I fill it again, let me hear it all
It's the love shot
Na nanana nananana
Na nanana nanana
Na nanana nananana
Oh oh oh oh oh
It's the love shot
Na nanana nananana
Na nanana nanana
Na nanana nananana
Oh oh oh oh oh
It's the love shot
People come and people go
You and I standing still in this world
Slowly growing used
To our dulled feelings
My heart burns
My beliefs dried
Feeling like they'll break apart
I wet them with you, filling in the gaps
Lighting the flame in my heart
That felt ready to go out
It's the love shot
Na nanana nananana
Na nanana nanana
Na nanana nananana
Oh oh oh oh oh
It's the love shot
Na nanana nananana
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah) (Na na)
Na nanana nanana
Na nanana nananana
Oh oh oh oh oh
It's the love shot
Why really TMI
Why really TMI
Why really TMI
You did it every time.
I said it like mushrooms.
How good you are.
The first thing I'm curious about is
There was only one.
It's just you.
With those many stretches of you
The explanations drove me crazy.
I've never asked you. I'm tired of me.
Check this out
going going go away
going going go away
Why you still don't know
Moving my body
It's not a car or a bag.
I just ate a grain in front of me.
going going go away
going going go away
Don't pretend to know me.
Turn all the time.
Erase the memory, so whoo
Why really TMI
Why really TMI
shut shut shut
shut your mouth.
Ah yeah.
I'm good.
Do you ever brag about you?
Not for the sake of it.
It's just pretentious.
Like the belt you said.
Membrane the most drama
The stench you left me.
The same trauma
going going go away
going going go away
You're free to be mistaken.
Moving my body
It's not a car or a bag.
I just ate a grain in front of me.
going going go away
going going go away
Don't pretend to know me.
Turn all the time.
I'm gonna erase my memory.
Why really TMI
Why really TMI
shut shut shut
shut your mouth.
Ah yeah.
It's just your words.
Closed my
Closed my
Closed my
More and more hidden
Can't write
Closed my
My mom
Why really TMI
Why really TMI
Why really TMI
Why suffer from torment of pain?
Fast to get a track of pleasure
Left a bit heat still had to illume
Grabbed happiness
Spring brezzed over glass would grow
Never see a dead end
What's tomorrow how could we have known
Wherefore sorrowed trust fate
Like the sun just rises
Be confident a bright road ahead
Wish knowning lives and faith precious
Can have inspired you.
Along way I'll give you little hands
You will make me feel myself so proud
Blessing and joy stays with you
To find the best of life
Make every sound of sighs
Be vitality
With confidence to untie dead knots mist
With cloads fades the sun shows
With honest I bless you
Would step on that bright road ahead
Wish to give you sincerity
Always inspire you
Wish to give you sincerity
Always inspire you
Hot Babe
Shawty got me like whoa
What’s up bebe
You’re so hot babe
Diggin’ diggin’ on you
Hot hot damn it, hot hot babe
Shawty got me like whoa
What’s up bebe
You’re so hot babe
Diggin’ diggin’ on you
Hot hot damn it, hot hot babe
Tonight is a nice night, hey
If you got little drunk, hey
Ladies, body my cushion
Surrounded by Red ocean, the best time, hey
I may wake up with my heart stolen quietly
Okay, get away from my way, I’m a bad boy
So please tell me, yes or no
At the moment my eyes met yours
Deep in to your eyes, eh, eh
I am falling down, eh, eh
I am in the middle of maze with no way to go back
Would you be my babe tonight (Come on)
My lady (Drop that)
(Hey) Babe
(Hey) I’m thinking ’bout you
Shawty got me like whoa
What’s up bebe
You’re so hot babe
Diggin’ diggin’ on you
Hot hot damn it, hot hot babe
Shawty got me like whoa
What’s up bebe
You’re so hot babe
Diggin’ diggin’ on you
Hot hot damn it, hot hot babe
Hot babe ya, again a little by little
Like burning, baby hot, diggin’ diggin’ ya
Call firefighter, a red fire engine
Deep red Lips um ah
Glancing at you several times
Glaring to make you hot
Melting Ice ceam oh yeah
Happy ending, super mellow, yeah
At the moment my eyes met yours
Deep in to your eyes, eh, eh
I am falling down, eh, eh
I am in the middle of maze with no way to go back
Would you be my babe tonight (Come on)
My lady
Shawty got me like whoa
What’s up bebe
You’re so hot babe
Diggin’ diggin’ on you
Hot hot damn it, hot hot babe
Shawty got me like whoa
What’s up bebe
You’re so hot babe
Diggin’ diggin’ on you
Hot hot damn it, hot hot babe
Drop that
(Hey) Babe
(Hey) I’m thinking ’bout you
Shawty got me like whoa
Oh god so hot
I like your body babe (Babe)
Put your hands in the air
Louder louder louder
Shawty got me like
Oh god so hot
I like your body babe (Babe)
Put your hands in the air
Louder louder louder
Shawty got me like whoa
What’s up bebe
You’re so hot babe
Diggin’ diggin’ on you
Hot hot damn it, hot hot babe
Shawty got me like whoa
What’s up bebe
You’re so hot babe
Diggin’ diggin’ on you
Hot hot damn it, hot hot
Mangueira Landscape
Everybody here will dance.
Everybody here will dance.
Hey, piper, play out.
Hey, piper, play out.
Hey, piper, play out.
Hey, piper, play out.
It's nice to see
The dancers in Mangueira
What is as beautiful as it?
The Mangueira landscape
How beautiful is Mangueira
When it parades
Down the boulevard
A poem, a pleasure
A party to my eyes
Is seeing my dear Mangueira
The dancer I love lives there
All my childhood dreams were of there
And when the ensemble walk down
They look like flowers
Rolling from the hill
Onto the asphalt
Go, go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go, go dance
Go, go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go, go dance
Go, go, go, go, go dance
It's nice to see
The dancers in Mangueira
What is as beautiful as it?
The Mangueira landscape
How beautiful is Mangueira
When it parades
Down the boulevard
A poem, a pleasure
A party to my eyes
Is seeing my dear Mangueira
The dancer I love lives there
All my childhood dreams were of there
And when the ensemble walk down
They look like flowers
Rolling from the hill
Onto the asphalt
Play out.
Piper, play out.
Play out.
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Heartbreak Hotel
Heartbreak hotel
Heartbreak hotel
Your eyes that see the end
Shakes me endlessly
Tangles me up
Has time come that I can’t make up?
This painful feeling, stop I can’t hide it
From the beginning, our expression were like
Having ended a predetermined journey
With a tired face
Can you predict what will happen next?
I’ll be gone
You can’t hurt me now
This place is heartbreak hotel
In this space that remains for me
I lay down alone, forget you
Even if tears fall, forgive you
Today I’m checking out
I’ll leave here (Heartbreak hotel)
No I ain’t gonna go
No I ain’t gonna go
Today I’m checking out
I’ll leave here (Heartbreak hotel)
I think of that night that was like a dream
It shakes me endlessly
I’m exhausted
This empty space, your organized baggage
Shows the gap between us
Our relationship has become as if we didn’t know
Each other from the beginning, without expressions
With a bit of an unfamiliar face
I can predict what’s next
You’ll be gone
I can’t hurt you now
This place is heartbreak hotel
The vain expectations you sometimes gave me
Even if I think of you, forget you
In the end, I forgive you
Today I’m checking out
I’ll leave here (Heartbreak hotel)
No I ain’t gonna go
No I ain’t gonna go
Today I’m checking out
I’ll leave here (Heartbreak hotel)
It’s a place I came to often
As times goes on, delayed check-in
Responsibility that you can’t pass on
To each other anymore
It has been a long time since
We’ve become indifferent to everything
Feelings left for you
Feels like baggage, never packed
Good room for saying goodbye
Feel like a penthouse suite
Like how it’s comfortable to sleep separately
One heart is now a twin
You and I each
After greeting the morning
Even the last meal is
Roughly taken care of with room service
I’ll leave with everything empty
In a newly purchased carrier
Putting in our memories together
Seems like it’d be heavy, you can hate me
I’ll receive enough punishment
After breaking away from you
If your heart is not settled enough,
It’s okay if you stay longer and come out
Our tiring relationship
Jet lag that won’t unravel
I want to stop this long journey
And go back home
To resolve my sleeplessness
I want to comfortably lay on my pillow
Go back to reality
I want to awaken from this dream of you
I try to blame you
But now it’s pointless, right here
I try to blame you
There’s no use, right here
My love that poured out to you
It shined because it was you
I always wanted to say this to you
But it’s already too late, right here
This place is heartbreak hotel
In this space that remains for me
I lay down alone, forget you
Even if tears fall, forgive you
Today I’m checking out
I’ll leave here (Heartbreak hotel)
No I ain’t gonna go
No I ain’t gonna
Today I’m checking out
I’ll leave here (Heartbreak hotel)
Nurturing My Bitterness
Hey, pal, stretch out your legs
Get the chair and sit down
Put the straw behind your ear
As the housekeeper goes chopping
As the kettle sizzles
I'll go nurturing my bitterness
As the kettle sizzles
(I'll go nurturing my bitterness)
It's good that you came
I had to tell you
A gaúcho in love
Needs to let off steam
Rosinha went away
With my friend João
It's well said that women have wings
On the edge of their hearts
It's well said that women have wings
On the edge of their hearts
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Versions: #2
[Intro: Jennie]
BLACKPINK in your area x2
[Verse 1: Jennie]
Why are you staring at me? Why?
Am I that pretty?
I know it already but
All that staring makes me blush
[Pre-Chorus: Rosé]
Whenever I go by their side boys look back,
With all the attention I feel on my back
What should I do?
[Chorus: All]
I’m so hot
I’m so pretty
I’m so fine
I’m so attractive
I’m so cool
I’m so gorgeous
I’m so so so (hot hot)
[Verse 2: Lisa & Jennie]
A little bit of black, with a little bit of pink
But ain’t none little about this
Been living it bug, uh
Your crib could fit in my crib
Pretty as shhhhhh
Don’t gotta say it no more
Look at my face and they know
They’ve seen it before, oh
Made it to vogue
Put the pop back in pop, at the top
What we rock they all rock had to stop
Have to shop, keep the swagger on five mil
[Lisa & Jennie]
We the only gang to run the games in high-heels
[Pre-Chorous: Jisoo]
I want a quiet life like other girls
My moms to blame
She made me this way
My life is so tiresome
[Chorus: All]
I’m so hot
I’m so pretty
I’m so fine
I’m so attractive
I’m so cool
I’m so gorgeous
I’m so so so (hot hot)
I’m so hot
I’m so pretty
I’m so fine
I’m so attractive
I’m so cool
I’m so gorgeous
I’m so so so (hot hot)
Though in our century there is nothing to surprise us...
Though in our century there is nothing to surprise us, or to shock,
But for that we weren't ready,-
The dolphins learned to talk!
And the first phrase was:' People, you are crazy!'
The scientists were freaking out,
'Come on, repeat!' they exclaimed,
And same again:' People, what are you!..' they shout,
And furthermore:' People what are you doing, are you insane?
Soon you won't reap your fruits, and what then?
Well, we will find some disposition...-
But after all, you have a grudge against the ants,
And you have the mosquitos under suspicion...'
Lilly himself hid in the water all the ends,
But the press doom and gloom announcing,
That among the dolphins there are wise men,
And there are *hunveybins among the dolphins.
Yesterday I drunk a small carafe at local Inn
And, God knows, just for a moment I left my post.
And here you are, one notorious dolphin
Screamed:' Down with communications!' and got lost.
And when the second dolphin caught up with his mate
And tried to convince him:' Renounce sedition, you fool',
He also called him renegade
And to top it, he shouted: ' You are a hummel bull!'
Between heaven and hell, among the famous wilderness
Which Holy Spirit thoroughly avoids by flying away
There is an old inn, in which the phantoms of drunkards
Are celebrating triumphs of frenzy, their drunken toils
Mephisto himself comes too
He sits in this inn
Nightmare from the worst dream
Is also waiting here for sure
The miser who while dying swallowed his amethysts
Will find a perpetual rest here just for two cents
And the criminal who puts all his faith in the knife
Will have an opportunity to meet more than one victim here
Our whole inn is turning into the abyss
The nightmare of the worst dream calls you 'Come here!'
The viper harlot seduces the fat man
That fell in love with her before he died
The musicians are also playing furiously in their band
The whole wild crowd is dancing happily
Our whole inn is turning into the abyss
The nightmare of the worst dream calls you 'Come here!'
Between heaven and hell, among the famous wilderness
Between heaven and hell, among the famous wilderness
Our whole inn is turning into the abyss
The abyss is what our inn is turning into
Between heaven and hell, among the famous wilderness
Which Holy Spirit thoroughly avoids by flying away
The whole abyss is in the abyss
The abyss is what our inn is turning into
Only one old woman is sitting near the furnace
Mother of five hanged men - she is not listening to this whole noise
Gloomily bent down, she silently recalls again
A wonderful, first love fulfilled in the attic
Suddenly she jumped
Drunk all the wine from the pitcher
Polka in the blink of an eye
She played on the comb
Pardon, don, don, don, don, don haters will say it's a photo shop
I'm cupid, don, don, don, don, don all got hit with headshot
Pardon, don, don, don, don, don haters will say it's a photo shop
I'm cupid, don, don, don, don, don all got hit with headshot
It is important to have a beautiful view,
But I want to see your bill
Everybody is clearly looking for them
You call his treasure, and you change your chests
Like the wind in Sliven - you are blowing
As a hybrid engine - you're not worth anything
You want the mandarins to become watermelons
Leave your eyes on these showcases
Sometimes I wonder about your selection
Someone quickly shot your hairdresser
You were amazed at all your pictures
I can not tell you live
Pardon, don, don, don, don, don haters will say it's a photo shop
I'm cupid, don, don, don, don, don all got hit with headshot
Pardon, don, don, don, don, don haters will say it's a photo shop
I'm cupid, don, don, don, don, don all got hit with headshot
It may be a bit hypocritical
Hope you know I'm hotter than Inferno
Such a candy collects lakes
No matter how they follow me - it is a little bit
Every father has become a bodybuilder
More women have a filter
It all ended like a session
You are not with me but with the cheap version
I'm on my screen
Be like me you can try
You want to be dear
For three hundred levs to fill your throat
Pardon, don, don, don, don, don haters will say it's a photo shop
I'm cupid, don, don, don, don, don all got hit with headshot
Pardon, don, don, don, don, don haters will say it's a photo shop
I'm cupid, don, don, don, don, don all got hit with headshot
You can not stand a minute, oh, yes, yes, yes
You do it a lot, but, on, on, on
you want it now, you want it right away
Just as everyone was passing - a glory
You can not stand a minute, oh, yes, yes, yes
You do it a lot, but, on, on, on
you want it now, you want it right away
Just as everyone was passing - a glory
Pardon, don, don, don, don, don haters will say it's a photo shop
I'm cupid, don, don, don, don, don all got hit with headshot
Pardon, don, don, don, don, don haters will say it's a photo shop
I'm cupid, don, don, don, don, don all got hit with headshot
You can not stand a minute, oh, yes, yes, yes
You do it a lot, but, on, on, on
I not even want to hear about you
I want to go deaf
I want to lose you in the dampness of the corners
Forget about your crazes and die
I'm sure that far from me
You'll never be happy
I forget you every morning
Having some guaraná and listening to Elis
Well, forget me as well
If you can, if you're able
I don't want more hugs or daggers
I melt and drown regrets
I not even want to hear about you
But I see you on TV
I want to lose you in the dampness of the corners
Forget about your crazes and die
I'm sure that far from me
You'll never be happy
I forget you every morning
Having some guaraná and listening to Elis
Well, forget me as well
If you can, if you're able
I don't want more hugs or daggers
I melt and drown regrets
At Pecados Mortaes
What I want is
To dock my ship at the docks in this Summer
I feel that my heart is tired of bad times
We've been through some rough patches
But I feel that we're attentive
I think that by the end of the year
We'll be single
I think that by the end of the year
We'll be single
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
I'm thankful for these tributes you pay to me
For the sillinesses and beautiful things you say I did
Receiving the gifts is something I'm not brave to do
Send them to those who by right must be happy
Take these flowers to her, who must be crying by now
As she couldn't be close to me now
To receive these honors that the other is enjoying
Our clandestine love obliges us to live like this
Take these flower
And tell her to keep waiting for me
'Cause as soon as the party ends, I'll go hug my love
'Cause, though we are not married
She inspires me and is always by my side
Accompanying me through hard times, through times of pain
I'm thankful
Good evening, Porto Alegre, thank you very much!
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
A Photo (Che Guevara)
A photo of you
Came to me too
A photo of you
From another place
One of those that the students hold
One of those that the finks tear up
One of those that the students keep
Close to their hearts
Che Guevara (x3)
Close the window
Seal the doors
I'm afraid of the man
With the boots
What he wants while he walks in the shadow
What he wants and why he's asking about you
What he wants and he's watching our house
Every night?
Che Guevara (x3)
All these roses
Burned from the snow
Oh, this spring...
Makes me bleed...
In The Boondocks Of The World
The theft, the rape, the putrid abduction
The fetid kidnap
The odd noun that ends in S
Where someone makes a bend
The boondocks of the world, where we are
The stupid crime, the lone criminal
A noun, common
The bogus fruit shines
Under the inhuman shadow of lynchers
The theft, the rape, the putrid abduction
The fetid kidnap
The odd noun that ends in S
Where someone makes a bend
The boondocks of the world, where we are
The stupid crime, the lone criminal
A noun, common
The bogus fruit shines
Under the inhuman shadow of lynchers
The saddest nation
In the most rotten time
Is made of potential
Groups of lynchers
The theft, the rape, the putrid abduction
The fetid kidnap
The odd noun that ends in S
The stupid crime, the lone criminal
Where someone makes a bend
The boondocks of the world, where we are
The stupid crime, short, short, short
Where someone makes a bend
The boondocks of the world, where we are
Where someone makes a bend
The boondocks of the world, where we are
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
The Girl Who Wanted Happiness
Versions: #3
Night was gazing at this girl without hiding eyes,
Very grey was coat with a scarf too old and plain.
This September is too strange and full of leaves. They fly,
Such a cold weather. Maybe let her walk her way.
She was visualizing falling down from the bridge,
How ambulance comes and doctors look at her and tell…
Then her thinking changed for she will live a hundred years,
She has lots of reasons, she has thousands of them
She was just a girl who dreamed to be once happy…
She was just a girl who dreamed to be once happy… happy…
Yes, of course, she need and have so many things to say,
Here is a case for this, pigeons sitting on a roof.
Only a tear glistens on her cheek betraying.
Tears are a weakness, they can be forgiven too
Night was gazing at this girl without hiding eyes,
Very grey was coat with a scarf too old and plain.
This September is too strange and full of leaves. They fly,
Such a cold weather. Maybe let her walk her way.
She was just a girl who dreamed to be once happy…
She was just a girl who dreamed to be once happy… happy…
Impuscatura Iubirii
Ne tintim unul pe celalalt, iar totul e inghetat
Iti aud vocea sunand atat de rigida
Sunt umplut doar cu ganduri care ma sufoca
Oh oh oh oh oh
Aye ye
Cu ochii nostri fiind inchisi
Ambele noastre inimi se inchid ferm
Ne directionam crestaturile unul spre altul
Ah, ard
Nu pot respira, ca si cum as fi fost despicat in bucati
Sunt insetat
Turnand in acest pahar plin
Ca si cum s-ar putea revarsa
Oh in aceasta noapte periculoasa
Este impuscatura iubirii
Na nanana nananana
Na nanana nanana
Na nanana nananana
Oh oh oh oh oh
Este impuscatura iubirii
Na nanana nananana
Na nanana nanana
Na nanana nananana
Oh oh oh oh oh
Este impuscatura iubirii
Iubirea si ura se rasucesc
Amintirile noastre frumoase
Sunt vopsite in alb
Estompandu-se putin cate putin
Se adancesc mai tare pe zi ce trece, calmeaza-te
Taieturile facute din cuvintele tale dureroase
O inima arde in nergu,
Unde se afla iubirea?
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Chiar si daca imi acopar ochii si urechile
Si ratacesc fortat,
in cele din urma, raspunsul e iubirea
Imi umplu stomacul infometat cu prea mult ego
Un pahar gol de compasiune lasat in urma
Acum il umplu din nou, lasa-ma sa aud totul
Este impuscatura iubirii
Na nanana nananana
Na nanana nanana
Na nanana nananana
Oh oh oh oh oh
Este impuscatura iubirii
Na nanana nananana
Na nanana nanana
Na nanana nananana
Oh oh oh oh oh
Este impuscatura iubirii
Oamenii vin si pleaca
Tu si cu mine suntem inghetati in aceasta lume impreuna
Incet, ne obisnuim
cu sentimentele noastre sterse
Inima mea arde
Uscata, in aceste credinte divizate
Ma scufund pe mine insumi cu tine,
incercand sa reumplu paharul
Sunt pregatit
Aprinde flacara din inima mea palpairoare
Este impuscatura iubirii
Na nanana nananana
Na nanana nanana
Na nanana nananana
Oh oh oh oh oh
Este impuscatura iubirii
Na nanana nananana
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah) (Na na)
Na nanana nanana
Na nanana nananana
Oh oh oh oh oh
Este impuscatura iubrii
The Pau Brasil Lady
In our daily sugar loaf, give us, Lord, the poetry of everyday
In our daily sugar loaf, give us, Lord, the poetry of everyday
In our daily sugar loaf, give us, Lord, the poetry of everyday
In our daily sugar loaf, give us, Lord, the poetry of everyday
She was born in the South, moved to Rio
And loved in a way nobody had seen
After swallowing the river
Overseas, where she emerged
She called herself 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
She called herself 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
She works in the orgy business
She works in the madness business
She works in the poetry business
She works in the idleness, idleness, idleness business
She was born in the South, moved to Rio
And loved in a way nobody had seen
After swallowing the river
Overseas, where she emerged
She is called 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
She is called 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
She works in the orgy business
She works in the madness business
She works in the poetry business
She works in the idleness, idleness, idleness business
She was born in the South, moved to Rio
And loved in a way nobody had seen
After swallowing the river
Overseas, where she emerged
She is called 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
Call me 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
Call - I'm 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
My name is 'The Pau Brasil Lady'
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Everyday when I take the road
It's almost always late at night
And my love only gets bigger
Because I think of her all along
I imagine her caresses
And all the good she does to me
And, crazy for the sweetness of her kiss
I look, full of desire, at her picture on the panel
And it's on the coasting of her arms
That I put my tiredness to sleep
And feed on this honey
Everyday when I take the road
It's almost always late at night
And my love only gets bigger
Because I think of her all along
I imagine her caresses
And all the good she does to me
And, crazy for the sweetness of her kiss
I look, full of desire, at her picture on the panel
And it's on the coasting of her arms
That I put my tiredness to sleep
And feed on this honey
I know
I'm going towards her
My heart already beats faster
But I drive carefully
No, I don't coast out of gear
I know
That everyday along this road
As I drive, I think of her
On the bumper I've painted a heart
And her name...
And her name...
And her name...
And her name...
Don't contain yourself, don't contain yourself...
Don't contain yourself, don't contain yourself...
Don't contain yourself, no, don't contain yourself...
Don't contain yourself, no, don't contain yourself...
Don't contain yourself, no, don't contain yourself...
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Who Shall Say?
Who shall say
That who you are all seeing
On that table, drinking
Is the woman I love
Notice that every time she speaks
She brightens the room up
More than the reflector's light
The cabaret stirs up
When she dances
And with the same hope
Everyone looks at her
And I, her owner
Remain here, in my abandonment
I wait, almost falling asleep
For the cabaret to end
'Boy! Take this girl with you'
A friend told me one day
When he saw us talking
'You guys love each other
And love is to be sacred
Forget all the rest
Go build yourself a home!'
Trust me! I almost took his advice
The world, such a huge mirror
That made me think like this
She was born destined to be the moon
For all those who were on the street
She won't live only for me
Who shall say?
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
All I Ever Wanted
Royal majesty of the temple
that for centuries went unchanged
Glory that breathed the spirit
The smell of fimiam
And the coolness of the ancient walls
All that I have dreamed of
and called home
Oh my native Egypt
The most mighty of the states!
My father's house
I am in my palaces
I grew up with all of this
And to those who have doubts, I will proudly reply:
After all, I'm a prince, a descendant
from this there is no cure
And it will be forever!
In the paintings - all that I have dreamed of
Everything I had wanted
Everything to what I have gotten used to
Wanted To Stay
I really wanted to stay
Like thousands of other people
Not becoming one of them
Be able to differ
I really wanted to stay
Don't shut the window behind me
My reflection will still remain
In glass pieces
Step by step, slow down
Your coming to the center of me
That you'll be able to hear
It's just words
Try to make peace with it
And understand me for the hundredth time
I change the drops for eyelashes at the farewell
Too bad, but I got tired
To choose words and explain
Too bad, but I failed to understand
That I knew too little
Words - they are just reflections
Of what I got inside of me
Take your knive and solve
Your doubts in me
I really wanted to stay
With you as (I've stayed) a hundred times before
At any time, but now
We'd better say farewell
Step by step, slow down
Your coming to the center of me
That you'll be able to hear
It's just words
Ladies also want love
Adult ladies also want love
What? Are you sorry, or what?
Go and help them! Your time is coming.
You will also become an adult.
Doing the waltz-swing on a chair
Smoking cigarettes.
You'll need to caress
You'll need to feel tenderness
Everyone will ignore these issues
Why won't you help?
In this universe of infinity, help the ladies.
In romantic intercourse
In romantic intercourse
In romantic intercourse
In romantic intercourse
In romantic intercourse...
The Journey of Gathering a Conch(소라를 줍는 여정)
Try to gather a Conch
But it isn't easy
Shattered Conch cuts me and says 'no more'
I throw the Conch which I have in my hands
But gathers again when my tears dried
When the night comes, inside my pocket
Take out the Conch and open it
The white flesh of it is so
Pretty, pretty and pretty
Your shape settled by moonlight
Wonders if I could find or not tomorrow,
Thinking about my Conch, try to sleep
Sound of the wave is so nice
When the night comes, inside my pocket
Take out the Conch and open it
The white flesh of it is so
Pretty, pretty and pretty
Your shape settled by moonlight
Wonders if I could find or not tomorrow,
Thinking about my Conch, try to sleep
Sound of the wave is so nice
In the Hotel to the Paradise
What feels well? Tell me!
A Rendezvous with strictly closed door
Yeah how do you come
To such a Rendezvous
To have the things glad
and having it good together?
Where don't you get ripped off?
I give you the recipe cause of friendship
Yeah in the Hotel to the Paradise
There I always find
A beautiful room
The Stubenmaid hm, hm, she's called Alice
You ring for her,
And she is at the door.
She comes in late at night:
'My Lord, what is it?'
Yes, the Alice (?)
Do I find sweet (?)
Thats why I'm a regular in the Paradise
Husband, Husband
Does your spouse behave yourself now and then -
For reasons you can not
Officially discusses -,
Yes, does she throws you out,
Even from your house?
Husband, then be glad
You sleep much better elsewhere!
Yeah in the Hotel to the Paradise
There I always find
A beautiful room
The Stubenmaid hm, hm,
For sure (?)
You ring for her,
And she is at the door.
She comes in late at night:
'My Lord, what is it?'
Yes, the Alice (?)
Do I find sweet (?)
Thats why I'm a regular in the Paradise
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
Atat De Fierbinte
[Intro: Jennie]
BLACKPINK in zona ta x2
[Strofa 1: Jennie]
De ce te holbezi la mine? De ce?
Sunt chiar atat de draguta?
Stiam deja dar
tot acest holbat ma face sa rosesc
[Pre-Refren: Rose]
De fiecare data cand sunt langa ei
Baietii se uita in urma,
cu toata atentia pe care o simt pe spatele meu
Ce ar trebui sa fac?
[Refren: Jennie, Rose, JiSoo & (Lisa)]
Sunt atat de fierbinte
Sunt atat de draguta
Sunt atat de buna
Sunt atat de atractiva
Sunt atat de cool
Sunt atat de periculoasa
Sunt atat de atat de atat de fierbinte fierbinte
[Strofa 2: Lisa & Jennie]
Putin negru cu putin roz
Dar nimeni nu e putin asa
Am trait-o maret.
Incurcatura ta s-ar putea potrivi in incurcatura mea
Destul de SHHHHHH
Nu mai trebuie sa o rostesc
Se uita la fata mea si deja stiu,
Au mai vazut-o inainte
Oh, facuta pentru Vogue
Pune pop-ul inapoi in pop la top
Ei fac rock-ul pe care l-am facut, trebuia sa inceteze
Trebuie sa fac cumparaturi, sa continui sa ma dichisesc in 5 milioane
Noi suntem singura gasca care sa conduca jocul in tocuri inalte
[Pre-Refren: JiSoo]
Vreau sa traiesc o viata linistita precum celelalte fete
Mama e de vina, ea m-a facut asa,
Viata mea este atat de obositoare
[Refren: Toate]
Sunt atat de fierbinte
Sunt atat de draguta
Sunt atat de buna
Sunt atat de atractiva
Sunt atat de cool
Sunt atat de periculoasa
Sunt atat de atat de atat de fierbinte fierbinte
Sunt atat de fierbinte
Sunt atat de draguta
Sunt atat de buna
Sunt atat de atractiva
Sunt atat de cool
Sunt atat de periculoasa
Sunt atat de atat de atat de fierbinte fierbinte