Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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The letter

Hello and joy
My loves, hello
Let it be a dream that I am away from you
Loneliness melts my heart
He curses her, he curses her
Give two kisses to the myriokali
And this flower for you
And tomorrow do not forget that it is Sunday,
Do your best for me.
I love you very much, I love you very much
It had a sweet this winter
Even the barracks produced flowers
Yesterday I went out and went to Vangelis
Sends you greetings
Give two kisses to the myriokali
And this flower for you
And tomorrow do not forget that it is Sunday,
Do your best for me.
I love you very much, I love you very much
Write to me, I want to know how you are doing
And our Annoula if she remembers me
Why my gardenia on the balcony
It withers, it withers
Give two kisses to the myriokali
And this flower for you
And tomorrow do not forget that it is Sunday,
Do your best for me.
I love you very much, I love you very much.


Adolescence was bothering me, I left myself unfinished
and pretended to be wise
When I looked through my head I only saw an empty shell
I daydreamed somewhere else again
I looked in the mirror and closed my eyes
Finding my own empty gaze strange
I just existed even though I couldn't fit in myself
I wished to be like the light that shines victoriously
taking over the stage
I shouted at you and showed that I'm still something else
other than crazy and happy
I looked in the mirror and closed my eyes
Finding my own empty gaze strange
I just existed even though I couldn't fit in myself
Adolescence was bothering me, I left myself unfinished
I shut myself in my shell
In my head grew a world where, like a dream, I disappeared into
I left even though I stayed still
I looked in the mirror and closed my eyes
Finding my own empty gaze strange
I just existed even though I couldn't fit in myself
I looked in the mirror and closed my eyes
Finding my own empty gaze strange
I just existed even though I couldn't fit in myself

Bolnav de Dragoste

[Intro: A$AP Rocky]
Te rog măi, te rog frumos
Cu o cireașă deasupra, te rog poți să - ?
[Verse 1: A$AP Rocky]
Vremea este atât de rece, vremea este atât de
Frig frig Willy pinguin cu pene
Pentru că eu înghit Pro, da, drogurile ălea sunt pro
Prometazină, da, o piatră de temelie
Oh, ei făceau figuri? Trage-ți arma
Ei numai omor timpul, altă secundă a trecut
Am auzit că bărbatul tău nu-i acasă, și acuma ești obosită
Dar te comporți de parcă ești tânăra când deja ai crescut
[Pre-Hook: A$AP Rocky]
Am nevoie de tine
Eu aștept să-mi vină gagica acasă
Te vreau pe tine
Băi, jur la Dumnezeu, că ei o să-i fie dor de mine când plec
Am nevoie de tine
Sunt bolnav de dragoste și este drept dar tu ai greșit
Am nevoie de tine, te vreau
Vino aici
Am nevoie de tine, te vreau
Am nevoie de tine, te vreau
Vino aici
Am nevoie de tine, te vreau
[Verse 2: A$AP Rocky]
Mă rog, ea îmi dă iubire, dar asta îmi distruge energia
Fiecare dată înainte să începe vara, am numai amintiri de noi doi
Și acuma suntem iubiți de industrie, ei ne-au făcut dușmani
Adică, câteodată când suntem în fața tuturor, ei ne scurg energia
Vizităm Italia, să fi senorita mea
I-vee-tha sau Eye-be-tha oricum ai nevoie de un visa
Nu vorbesc despre MasterCards, sau carduri de debit
Ne taxează credit, broasca Kermit, margaritas
Da, am auzit că are un bărbat, prietene
Da, el vrea să-și pună mâinele pe mine
Dar el ar trebui să vadă cum ea dansează pe mine
Da, ea dorește să n-am pantalonii pe mine
Am nevoie de tine, te vreau
Vino aici
Am nevoie de tine, te vreau
Am nevoie de tine, te vreau
Vino aici
Am nevoie de tine, te vreau
Am nevoie de tine
Sunt un nenorocit îmbolnăvit de dragoste
Am nevoie de tine
Sunt un nenorocit îmbolnăvit de dragoste
Am nevoie de tine
Sunt un nenorocit îmbolnăvit de dragoste
Am nevoie de tine
Sunt un nenorocit îmbolnăvit de dragoste
Sunt un nenorocit îmbolnăvit de dragoste
Sunt un nenorocit îmbolnăvit de dragoste

Whether you come or not

Whether you come or not
either way i'll drag my heavy steps there
lying my tired body
over the secret, deserted rock.
And i shall await and i shall die
and i will resurrect - i speak, i stay-
with your speech
Whether you come or not i will hug you
and i will fit in my mind
your depiction .
Night. I will go and search in the soil
to fight your footprint, to grasp
and kiss in my handful the soil
and i will enclose inside my hands
the coolness of grass and of the branches
as if it were the coolness of your flesh.
Away from my country, here and there
mocking of me, the oil lamps
will evoke me your ghost.
With all the lamps of the night
i will search to find your passage.
And with the shaking of the pale terror
or staring ecstatically
towards the familiar side of the street
Even if you'll come, even if you won't, i shall wait for you.
Crazy perseverance, all around me
the secret, silent night
my heart shall be fulfilled
only by your chanting voice.
And the warriors ​who shall pass by me
and everything rooted around me
shall announce something about you
and shall deprive me of something of you.
For your sake I found again and I took again
my twenty-year-old lyre,
and i covered
my bent shoulders with the purple color of the alluring passion.
I am the son of ardour
you are the breath of wild lilys
you are my worship, the amulet
of lovelorn barn owls.
Is this a last curse, an evil fate
this yearning, close to you, away from you
or is it the wish of a compassionate angel
that is, to pass away saying your name?
Whether you come or not ,
either way i'll drag my heavy steps there
lying my body over the secret, deserted rock
over thy feet, oh shadow.


M-am trezit cu cerul dimineții mai întâi,
Albastru-senin, la fel cum am repetat,
Când mă ridic de pe acest pământ,
Scutur frunzele înapoi pe brun, brun, brun, brun
Până când sunt curat.
Apoi o iau pe unde aș fi umbrit de copaci,
Pe-o pajiște verde,
Pentru aproximativ o milă,
Mă-ndrept spre oraș, oraș, oraș, cu stil.
Cu toate culorile mele preferate, da, domnule,
Exact toate culorile mele preferate,
Surorile și frații mei
Le văd ca nimeni alții,
Toate culorile mele preferate,
Este o zi bună pentru a trăi,
O zi bună pentru mine,
O zi bună pentru a vedea
Culorile mele preferate, culorile.
Surorile și frații mei,
Ei le văd ca nimeni alții
Toate culorile mele preferate
Acum, du-mă dincolo,
Unde o micuță pasăre cântătoare zboară
Și sunt nori gri sau pereți albi sau cer senin,
Noi mergem să zburăm, să ne simțim bine.
Și noi mergem să zburăm (Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh), da,
Se pare că (Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh), da,
Atât pot să spun, anticipez
O paradă de bun-venit în timp ce fugim
Chiar dimineața.
Cu toate culorile mele preferate, da, domnule,
Exact toate culorile mele preferate,
Surorile și frații mei
Le văd ca nimeni alții,
Toate culorile mele preferate,
Toate culorile mele preferate, da,
Toate culorile mele preferate, da, doamnă,
Surorile și frații mei
Le văd ca nimeni alții,
Toate culorile mele preferate,
Este o zi bună pentru a trăi,
O zi bună pentru mine,
O zi bună pentru a vedea culorile mele preferate, culorile.
Surorile și frații mei,
Ei le văd ca nimeni alții,
Toate culorile mele preferate.

'Silently Appeared, Silently Disappeared' or 'Song with a Special Task'

When the dew is still on the grass
The horses are still drinking water 1
The successors of old the Kharakternyks 2
Are preparing their parashot.
The helicopter sets for the sky
And the command is given 'take off'
And fighters with a special mission
Leave on their journey.
Silently appeared, silently disappeared,
Enemy destroyed, as by the order,
The sun-sets, the darkness falls,
And Spetznas returns home.
We aren't seen, but we are in here,
We aren't heard, but we are prepared,
So it happens that your heartbeat,
Turns into a hummer in silence.
We are the enemy's eternal fear
And the satan for the traitors,
While above us, so majestically fluttering
A flag with an icon of a bat!
Silently appeared, silently disappeared,
Enemy destroyed, as by the order,
The sun-sets, the darkness falls,
And Spetznas returns home.
Our names are coded
Our faces are hidden with a 'shadow' 3
For the Country, we sacrifice our lives in secret
Without any doubts or hesitations.
And our fallen Brothers,
Commanders, regular privates
Those, who defended their homeland in battles
We will engrave in our hearts.
Silently appeared, silently disappeared,
Enemy destroyed, as by the order,
The sun-sets, the darkness falls,
And Spetznas returns home.
  • 1. In traditional songs this means getting the horses ready for the journey, typically done very early in the morning
  • 2. Cossack warlocks
  • 3. Military slang for camouflage face paint

Baby Baby

Baby Baby can't you hear me?
My heartbeat is running faster
Love me Love me
Please love me
Even a kiss
can't stop me Ready Go!
Baby Baby I'm almost blown up
if I'm broken, I'll catch you up
Knock me Knock me
Beat it
There's no time, I'll catch you up
Ready Go!
oh Why, invisible power
oh Why, connect with it
Baby Baby I don't care
I don't care about their way
Shake me Shake me
I'll be free
Go through it, burn it up
Baby Go! Baby Go!
Baby Go!
Baby Go! Baby Go!
Baby Go!
oh Why, invisible power
oh Why, connect with it
Baby Baby I don't care
I don't care about their way
Shake me Shake me
I'll be free
Go through it, burn it up
Baby Go! Baby Go!
Baby Go!
Baby Go! Baby Go!
Baby Go!
Baby Go! Baby Go!
Baby Go!
Baby Go! Baby Go!
Baby Go!

We Talk a Lot

We talk a lot, you and I
We think we found a solution
I make you a little stronger and you make me a little stronger
[When] I become weak, you become softer
If the solution was to be reached by discussion
The problems of this life would have been solved
Your heart is the one who knows
[How] to heal the biggest problem
When the wound is caused by someone other than you
It is possible that it heals
But you wounding yourself
You can never get better
I look at you and you look at me
We wait for what we wanted to say
Love takes us to another world
We forget what we wanted to say again
If the solution was to be reached by discussion
The problems of this life would have been solved
Your heart is the one who knows
[How] to heal the biggest problem
When the wound is caused by someone other than you
It is possible that it heals
But you wounding yourself
You can never get better

Certain Things

After the rain, I was looking at the sky
In the midst of passers-by
Because there will always be, suffering around
Isn't it so, that the little joys [in life] go unnoticed?
Can I still love you as time goes by?
Am I able to truly protect you?
Looking at the sky, I was thinking of these things
Right now, what is it that I can do for you?
Don't forget, that no matter when
I will definitely be by your side
For that purpose, the both of us, in this place
Experiencing the same winds
Living in the same time
Treasure [everything about] yourself
When you are feeling hurt, silently thinking about someone else
In those times, don't be alone
Don't go leaving far, far away
I'd like your trust rather than doubt
Even though your heart's wounds can't disappear
Lets go find, the things you've lost
One day without a doubt, one day they'll be found
The most important thing of all
Isn't something particularly special
Its being able to keep looking at you
With the feelings I have now
Each and every ordinary day
There are still things
I haven't put into words to tell you
That is definitely the fact that I
Loved you from the day we met
Are you looking at the sky?
Are you listening to the sound of the wind?
No longer can I return here a second time
Even so by no means
Don't feel sad about it
The most important thing of all
Isn't something particularly special
Its being able to keep looking at you
With the feelings I have now
Each and every ordinary day
Don't forget, that no matter when
I will definitely be by your side
For that purpose, the both of us, in this place
Experiencing the same winds
Living in the same time
No matter when
I will definitely be by your side

Maybe not

I drive slowly
I don't want to arrive anyway
And if even the brake gets tired
You'll understand
Under the sky of September
What you like
So you can run away
In the weekend
The leaves
The street
Two motorcycles that flash their lights at me
And a cottage on the river
With my friends that go on a cruise with their bikes1
You took the stars
The nights when I go out without sleeping
The dreams that I have in the daytime
The words that I wrote to you
And while you're at it
Then take this song too
While I'm drinking a Coke at the gas station
At full volume to stay awake2
And some hangover to feel better
And don't tell me that you'll really wake up on Monday
Without a mess in your chest
A mess in the bed
The last pack and then maybe I'll quit3
Or maybe not
I only want to distract myself a bit
To lose myself in a pop song
Yes, to pointlessly lose myself
In a dance that moves slowly
The leaves
The street
Your mother who got hurt
You took the stars
The nights
Then you might as well
Then take this song too
While I'm drinking a Coke at the gas station
At full volume to stay awake
And some hangover to feel better
And don't tell me that you'll really wake up on Monday
Without a mess in your chest
A mess in the bed
The last pack and then maybe I'll quit
Or maybe not
Maybe it's only bad weather
Or maybe not
Maybe it's only bad weather
Then take this song too
While I'm drinking a Coke at the gas station
At full volume to stay awake
And some hangover to feel better
And don't tell me that you'll really wake up on Monday
Without a mess in your chest
A mess in the bed
The last pack and then maybe I'll quit
Or maybe not
Maybe it's only bad weather
Or maybe not
Maybe it's only bad weather
The sun will be shining tomorrow anyway
The sun will be shining tomorrow anyway
  • 1. I had a hard time understanding this line. I even talked to some Italian natives and somebody suggested that they're getting their bikes to the boat for when they finish their cruise so they can use them afterwards.
  • 2. He is probably talking about the music that's playing in his car.
  • 3. The last pack of cigarettes and then maybe I'll quit smoking.

O, our Saviour, Lamb of God

O, our Saviour, Lamb of God,
the gates of heaven lift for us.
A hostile rage oppresses us

Made in Fire

I am not alive, but I grow

Cacharpaya for the Heart

They say you're leaving tomorrow
Maybe there' no remedy
This love first
They say you're leaving tomorrow
Maybe there's no remedy
This love first
None was to blame
Things that life has
Don't cry about it
None was to blame
Things that life has
Don't cry about it
Little1cacharpari2for the heart
No resentment
Little cacharpari for the heart
Without remorse
They say you're leaving tomorrow
Maybe there' no remedy
This love first
They say you're leaving tomorrow
Maybe there's no remedy
This love first
None was to blame
Things that life has
Don't cry about it
None was to blame
Things that life has
Don't cry about it
Little cacharpari for the heart
No resentment
Little cacharpari for the heart
Without remorse
  • 1. 'little' here is used in an endearing way
  • 2. a party made to say goodbye to someone


I kill the fight.
The broadcast of sadness.
I kill the fight.
The fostering of loneliness.
I kill the fight.
This fight, I will strike it now.
As much as living in this
World is but a desert,
Oh baby
Blood and tears will fall tomorrow too
Then they'll disappear.
I kill the fight.
Command me something.
I kill the fight.
With the ruthless heart inside me
I kill the fight.
I will beat it now.
Buried in complete darkness.
Parted from light.
Oh baby,
I sleep with the stars on my chest.
Yes, that's right. For eternity.
I kill the fight.
The broadcast of sadness.
I kill the fight.
The fostering of loneliness.
I kill the fight.
This fight, I will strike it now.
I kill the fight.
Command me something.
I kill the fight.
With the ruthless heart inside me
I kill the fight.
I will beat it now.


Look at me! Listen to me! Gather around me
Was the planning successful for you?
Even with colored glasses surround me
Your parents won't know about it, so don't worry!
Paralyzed by the magic of the lens
Preserve right away! As you order!
You being delighted by all the money and
You can't tell anybody
The wound in your heart and the money
Look at me! Listen to me! Gather around me
Was the planning successful for you?
Even with colored glasses surround me
Your parents won't know about it, so don't worry!
Everyone is looking for you!
It's your entry to the show business!
Now, are you in? In the adults world
The world you can't go back is a swamp
Should we go soft at first?
Don't make a stubborn face!
Now, are you in? In the adults world
Photos of whacking and fucking, yes! OK!
Do you have a good name in the streets!? Wanna try filming with the next cosplay genre?
Are you serious!? The adults world
What the heck, are you a pervert?
Wanna try going harder?
SM with toys, 3-4P!
Now, are you in? In the adults world
Photos of whacking and fucking, yes! OK!

Where to say them

I gave soul to the objects
and I started talking to them
not that I was waiting for an answer
I just wanted to say, I'm in pain…
to someone who lived you with me
and he knew you were my life.
Where to say them
what I have in my heart
I love you
and all my complaining words
I have no man
only you!
Engrave and I have a dialogue
with your cold cup of coffee
I know this is absurd
but you never felt yourself
to lose the earth under your feet
to madness, to despair of reaching
Where to say them
what I have in my heart
I love you
and all my complaining words
I have no man
only you!


Versions: #1
My actions didn't represent my true desires, how shall i tell you this
'As the years pass i will change my behaviour


Take action, in your hands
You have the phone with our past
We are more than fear, after all
Just delete it, someone has to
We're fighting once again
Screams are heard on every floor
We don't have the energy to run
Between us there are two continuous lines
My hands are shaking
You squeezed my hands
Make it beautifully
Thanks to us - amnesia
We're hanging out again, we're not friends
You can run kilometers
'Together' isn't allowed anymore
Post something about that
We're fighting once again
Screams are heard on every floor
We don't have the energy to run
Between us there are two continuous lines
My hands are shaking
You squeezed my hands
Make it beautifully
Thanks to us - amnesia
We're fighting once again
Screams are heard on every floor
We don't have the energy to run
Between us there are two continuous lines
My hands are shaking
You squeezed my hands
Make it beautifully
Thanks to us - amnesia


When all is fine, the old man says :
'Someday every bonfire will blow out,
And the winds will carry the ashes off,
However, while the fire still brazens,
Everyone holds onto it's warmth,
Whether for bitter seasons or cold months.'
When nights grow old, they barely light a flame,
Gathering strength and firewood,
They waste not, sparing the forest.
But sometimes there be a fellow,
He'll get it all wrong,
And his fire will reach the heavens.
And all is not fine, yet it isn't over,
The light of day hasn't faded yet,
And not everyone regrets the great fire, and God protects me.
He who was wise would save his fire,
He accepted he could not warm others,
until a warmer season,
But without pain he survived until a warmer day.
Yet you were wrong, you let it all go in an instant,
And within an hour it all burned out,
And yet in this hour, we were all warm inside.
And all is not fine, yet it isn't over,
The light of day hasn't faded yet,
And not everyone regrets the great fire, and God protects me.


Jerusalem, my home,
Save me!
Join me,
Don't leave me here!
My place is not here,
My kingdom is not here,
Save me,
Come with me!
Save, save, save me,
Do not leave me here!
Save me, save me, save me,
Do not leave me here!
My place is not here,
My kingdom is not here,
Save me,
Come with
Save, save, save me,
Do not leave me here!
Save me, save me, save me,
Do not leave me here!

Kosovo Peonies

She dreamt a big dream Rada from Kosovo,
She was grieving for her dear, beloved in her arms
She was grieving for her dear, beloved in her arms
Hey dear, dear plant peonies,
I will water, and you the roots, let them grow young,
I will water, and you the roots, let them grow young.
Do you see dear, the long field, there are no peonies
only rocks, angry thorns take a nap under the clouds
only rocks, angry thorns take a nap under the clouds
Hey dear, dear plant peonies,
I will water, and you the roots, let the root sprout young,
I will water, and you the roots, let the root sprout young.
To blossom the flat field around the monastery,
and that the shepherd playing the flute under the hill,
and that the shepherd playing the flute under the hill.
Hey dear, dear plant peonies,
I will water, and you the roots, let the root sprout young,
I will water, and you the roots, let the root sprout young.

Where have you been, my child

Where have you been, (was) my child

Sniffing of an allergic person

Allergy is tickling in my nose as I saunter
through avenues, but I feel good, life is fine here
in my blooming country.
I've got watery eyes and am coughing slightly
because of the pollen falling on my face,
I don't believe the alarming news,
I feel just fine here.
Intertwined lovers in fresh grass
and screaming children in the sandpit,
I trust my own mind the most,
body is my shelter.
Now the doctors are bleeding me,
so that the infection wouldn't cause,
that I might also infect my beloved*
country that is very lively indeed.
Famous spring apathy
and long queue before pharmacy,
me and you, we're smoking at the Slavia match,
then later along the waterfront in tram.
Not far from here there is a gallery,
I know the gatekeeper and for one litre of rum
you'll see the paintings of masters from Italy
and the gatekeeper being drunk as a skunk as well.
I like admiring things and I like being admired,
sing a song of the one who gives you bread**,
I sing for whom I happen to meet,
I do everything to stay alive.
'Cause the doctors are bleeding me,
the infection has progressed in me,
if it can't be solved by reason, it must be solved by force,
where is the bugger hidden?
Notes of noble dialogues,
quotes of great men and women,
Smoke signals from the mouths of demagogues,
my home is here - my flourishing country.
Swollen face is the ticket to a legion,
the shadows of fatties on the slim curves of paths,
a partisan attacked by lethargy,
ingenuous victory of promises and gestures.
In T. G. Masaryk primary school,
last history teacher is whining there,
bored students are not interested in the lectures,
the future of our nation is quite off-topic.
The doctors had been bleeding me,
the infection of pressure has withdrawn,
I will leave my beloved*
country that forgot, that Kryl had existed.

Tokyo starlit sky

Thinking about you the day comes to an end
And a sigh escapes me again tonight
I live in this city where we lived together
I feel like we will meet again before long
Ah ... what a beautiful starlit night!
Ah ... a sad dream
Ah ... now embrace the radiance of love
Ah ... softly hug me
Ripples that stir up sweet memories
Sleeping this night with the lingering scent
Leaving the lace curtain open
Drunk with the kisses we exchanged then
Ah ... at least I want to hear your voice
Ah ... Looking up at the sky
Ah ... Not hearing anything
Ah ... alone in this city
Ah ... at least I want to hear your voice
Ah ... Looking up at the sky
Ah ... Not hearing anything
Ah ... alone in this city

I'm your silence

Versions: #1
I'll tell you now what I am, and what not to you.
Expected if you nice songs about you,
praising song about you I will not be,
what else could I be but silence to you.
The word is good: I'm silence, I'm your silence.
If you like me like this I could stay here,
you can sit bearing that songs don't praise you,
no sign, nor flame but silence reaching to the sky.
I'll continue what I am, and what not to you.
Expected if you flame, that I can't be,
lean over me and see that I'm ashes,
you could tell only your future from me.
I told you now what I am, and what not to you.
Expected if you nice songs about you,
praising song about you I will not be,
what else could I be but silence to you.

Yell and response

(Fure Fure)
A place where your dreams come true
(Fure Fure)
To tomorrow Oh ...
The stones that kicked off with all one's might
Boring everyday and goodbye
With all your hope
If you take off your pajamas
Let's go to your own future
Always tomorrow
You see, no one knows
Adventure Hajimari
(Fure Fure)
A place where your dreams come true
(Fure Fure)
There is a song only for us
To the world (tomorrow) that I have never seen
Let's go Oh ...
Let's go all the time
Youth who rushed out
I met an important companion
Put all your thoughts on it
If you spin a song
Let's draw your own future
Always tomorrow
You see, no one knows
Tokimeki is waiting
(Fure Fure)
There is a song for you
(Fure Fure)
So that my voice can reach you
Now to the best stage
Let's go Oh ...
I'm sure I'll go
Every time I stumble
That day's dream
She's been here because she's not the only one who has no dreams to come true without fear to inspire me again
(Fure Fure)
A song to sing for you
(Fure Fure)
Until my voice dies
To that place again
Let's go Oh ...
let's go! !!
(Fure Fure)
A place where your dreams come true
(Fure Fure)
There is a song only for us Now, to the world (tomorrow) that we have never seen
Let's go Oh ...
Let's go forever

Listening to the rain

It's raining on my town
Oh, does it annoy me!
Without you, I am, now
What a pain!
I listen to the rain
While stroking my sweet dreams1
Your love for me, so big
How important it is!
What a nasty weather
At which to stare outside!
Your love for me - crucial2
May we see each other!3
I listen to the rain
While stroking my sweet dreams1
Your love for me, so big
How important it is!
  • lit. 'caressing my dreams of you'
  • 2. 'It's important for me that you love me'
  • 3. lit. 'And tomorrow we'll see each other'

A te reface

Când totu' dăruiești , însă n-ai de-a reusi
Când te-alegi cu ceea ce vrei însă nu si ceea ce-ai nevoie
Când așa ostenit te simți , însă odihnă de-a ave nu poti
Blocat(A) în revers/ contrast
Iar lacrimile-ti siroiesc pe-al tau chip,
Atunci cand ai de-a pierde acel ceva de ne-nlocuit
Atunci Când dragoste-ai de-a purta cuiva ins-are de-a se trece
Poate-a fi (ceva) mai rău??
'Lumini călăuzitoare' iti vor desena al tau drum catre-a ta casa
Și de speranta trupu-ti vor insufleti
Iar eu voi încerca a te vindeca!!
Și-au de-a fi -nălțătoare timpuri, dar si greoaie timpuri
Atunci Când ești nespus de îndrăgostit intrucat n-ai vrea de-a renunta
Însă de nicicand n-ai de-a ncerca , niciodată n-ai de-a știi ..
Ceea ce-i demn de tine
'Lumini călăuzitoare' iti vor desena al tau drum catre-a ta casa
Și de speranta trupu-ti vor insufleti
Iar eu voi încerca a te vindeca!!
lacrimile-ti siroiesc pe-al tau chip,
Atunci cand ai de-a pierde acel ceva de ne-nlocuit
lacrimile-ti siroiesc pe-al tau chip,
Iar eu
lacrimile-ti siroiesc pe-al tau chip,
Fagadinta-mi ti-e c-am de-a-n vata eu din greseli
lacrimile-ti siroiesc pe-al tau chip,
Iar eu
'Luminile' te vor ghida acasă
Și-ți vor insufleţii trupul
Iar eu voi încerca a te reface!!

Plângi iubire

Plângi iubire,
plângi pentru mine,
căci eu mâine
plec fără tine.
Eu sunt trist
gândindu-mă la tine,
căci vei rămâne
singură, fără mine.
Adio iubire,
știu ultimele cuvinte
ca să-ți spun așa.
Ora se apropie,
inima mea bate,
Mi-e frică să te părăsesc,
cine știe dacă mă întorc...
Adio iubire,
știu ultimele cuvinte
ca să-ți spun așa.
Ora se apropie,
inima mea bate,
Mi-e frică să te părăsesc,
cine știe dacă mă întorc,
cine știe dacă mă întorc...

Red Rose

A red rose and a heart of love
His love remains forever
The sound of a whisper, the heartbeat
And I am yours, after and after
1, 2, 3
Fiery Fiery, your love is never extinguished
fiery fiery
Burning thorns and mouths
fiery fiery
Night with my eyes
my heart is broken
My heart is not enough for you
Me and you in the nest, let's write
His love remains forever, the hard number
A red rose and a heart of love
The sound of a whisper, the heartbeat
His love is forever
And I am yours, after and after
His love is forever
And I am yours, after and after
Red rose, heart of love
The world is sweet and love grows
More and more every second
Do not be upset this night
And the nest after it is tricky

Equator Belle, Thump!

Doki! Thump! Doki! Thump!!
Red, bright sunshine, is frizzling and scorching.
You are making unconcerned face. When you take a step,
heatwave will liven up.
Hey, your eye sight is just like a shadowgraph in the summer.
Even I glance from stylish sunglasses,
I will be nervous when I meet your eye sight.
Mind circuit is short out. Fuse is about to burn out.
My jagged heart is about to jaggedly ripped apart.
You are Equator belle. Love is scorching subtropics.
You are Equator belle. I might be burnt when I hug you.
Doki! Thump! Doki! Thump!!
A phantom that jumped into the blue pool.
Time has cut out your youth intact.
The afterimage is drawn from it.
Dream is shutdown. Alarm bell is ringing.
My jagged scenery is about to jaggedly cracked.
You are Equator belle. Love is scorching subtropics.
You are Equator belle. I might be burnt when I hug you.
Doki! Thump! Doki! Thump!!
Mind circuit is short out. Fuse is about to burn out.
My jagged heart is about to jaggedly ripped apart.
You are Equator belle. Love is scorching subtropics.
You are Equator belle. I might be burnt when I hug you.

The raven

A calm midnight
While my soul was wandering
down the pages of a book
searching for some peace of mind
and almost asleep
I felt a faint sound
as if softly
without hitting too much
to not make noise
someone asks 'are you there?'
without hitting too much
In the urging cold
an ember was dying
getting lost in the blackness
of that firewood
unable as my reading
of making less harsh
my life without Lenore
who despite resting in peace
didn't make me calm
to be ever able
to see her nevermore
But the uncertain worry
by the noise of the door
scared me for whatever
was behind it
was it someone or not
the wood creaking
was bothering my heart
but I searched in my reasoning
for any explanation
maybe it's the wind
there must be nothing more
But the noise persisted
though only myself heard it
because I was crumbling in that
without thinking of anything else
then I went to open the door
but when it was opened
it didn't say anymore
than when a minute ago
didn't let me see anything
because the closed night
was shadow and nothing more
Impossible thoughts
in a shiver
I had now and I don't tell them
even if I were wordier
in the heat of the moment
because I said 'Lenore'
and in the voracious silence
of the night there was nothing more
than an repeating echo
as if it digested
that name once more
Calm and disenchanted
I was finishing
the issue when that noise
begins once more
disturbing the sadness
in the quietness of my room
the impatience makes me wild
without expecting anything more
I fully open the window
and raise the curtain
without knowing what's behind
And an extract of blackness
of the huge dark night
cut in the figure
of a big bird of prey
came in easily
raising its beak
with an arrogant gesture
and perched quietly
at the feet of the bed
and in that attitude
remained there like that
As in front of a bad joke
when I felt sad
my face has turned
into a sarcastic frown
before such appearance
and without expecting an answer
I said for the sake of it
'Hello, what's your name?'
and I remained frozen
when fiercely the raven
responded 'Nevermore'
I didn't remain surprised
by the lack of sense
I gave to that answer
because I wasn't expecting anything
from such a grotesque figure
but its lively expression
impressed me much more
though I said to myself
that maybe the raven learned the sound
from some regretful master
who repeated it too much
Staring at my visitor
that a moment ago
was not sticking
its dark face before my eyes
I said 'probably
like many other people
sooner or later
you will leave someday'
and the raven confidently
after a short impasse
said loudly 'Nevermore'
I thought, what a skill
has this guessing raven
to emit its caw
in the moment I want
to be assisted the most
if losing a beloved person
could ever be something
that brings you closer
to another aching soul
or its echo reduced
to the phrase nevermore
To the vanishing light
of the candle that barely
lightened the night
what was seen the most
was a shining eye
of that raven insisting
in fix its eyes on me
it stared and I stared
but I remained sitting
in the chair that Lenore
will use nevermore
And as if in loud voice
I had noticed the missing
that Lenore was doing to me
in excess night and day
and as if from me came
the aching thought
previously mentioned
that Lenore won't ever
be sitting there
the raven with its caw
said again 'Nevermore'
Keeping away from my mind
such unconductive issue
when I could be conscious
that maybe a miracle
from a magic incense burner
lit by messengers
of some heavenly power
a heavenly smell
was keeping me away from the torment
of thinking of Lenore
someone said 'nevermore'
It was that evil raven
and I asked if the words
it brought to its oral heritage
were coming from Satan
or if there was an armistice
which suspended the grief
of not being able to do
anything but talking about
the one who will never return
and being wary of myself hearing
quote the raven 'nevermore'
'You evil monster'
I exclaimed desperately
'Since you're so informed
let's see if you tell me
if God whose government
spans from heaven to hell
maybe wanted
to keep her in his Parnassus
and when I die, maybe
I can hold her once again'
and it said 'Nevermore'
'It's the time to be silent
and return to the streets
or to wherever you came from
you foul-mouthed bird'
I said decidedly
when I was freed from the sound
of its evil sentence
with imperative urgency
'I am sick of your presence
leave immediately'
and it said 'Nevermore'
And with the same stubbornness
there it remains yet
from its witch look
I am free nevermore
and the shadow that the candle
projects in my bed
is the blanket that my hand
tries to move in vain
or the stiff rigid swamp
from which dreaming or awake
I'll be released nevermore