Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 41
When She Goes Out
Nardey c'est chaud ça1
And when she goes out
And when she goes out
And it's true that I want to see you
But without seeing you I feel lucky
Of not wanting even death
Although it's the same with me not having you
To hide you somewhere
In my mind I can find you
I won't be able to take you off the map
Not even you going to Mars
I live what I say and sometimes I don't give you
So I don't get you used to2
Sometimes you get into the good and in the bad
You could get away
In wanting to know that sometimes we go without brakes
And it can crash you
Is just that you have an art
It's just that you have an art, she says, ala
And when she goes out
And when she goes out
And when she goes out
And when she goes out
And when she sa-ah
And when she ah-ah
And when she goes out
There's no person she doesn't dominate
And when she goes out
She doesn't walk in the street, nor in the corners
And when she goes out
There's no person she doesn't dominate
And when she goes out
She doesn't walk in the street, nor in the corners
And when she goes out
Nobody watches her
There are not two pleople like her
First in line
Even if I die for you, more pride for me
Even if you want sweet talk
Although I die for you, more pride for me
And each one can take it by their side
And she tells me that I contribute nothing
And sometimes I'm sick of fighting
They throw twelve, sometimes four
And no one takes it to the room
And she tells me that I contribute nothing
I feel fed up with fights
They throw3twelve at her, sometimes four
And no one takes her to the room, she says
And when she goes out
And when she goes out
And when she, ala-ala
And when she, ah-ah
And when she, ah-ah
She knew it, look, she says
And when she goes out
There's no person she doesn't dominate
And when she goes out
She doesn't walk in the street, nor in the corners
And when she goes out
There's no person she doesn't dominate
And when she goes out
She doesn't walk in the street, nor in the corners
And when she goes out
There's no person she doesn't dominate
And when she goes out
She doesn't walk in the street, nor in the corners
And when she goes out
There's no person she doesn't dominate
And when she goes out
She doesn't walk in the street, nor in the corners
So in love
Maybe you can ask yourselfWhat does this white night lack
In our lives that have already lived so long
That have seen a thousand colors of silk sheets
And you like to walk when it rains
You are hugging me, without hurry even if you get wet
My love, ours is how it is
It's quite an adventure, doesn't need anything
I'm here so in love with you
That the night lasts a little longer
The scream of a city
That sees our faces, the humidity
And I will keep you company beyond life
I swear to you that above I will love you more
So in love that
The night lasts a little longer
The morning will bring us a new song of happy birds
My love, this is life together
Two crazy people suddenly
Smiling at the people who see us go by
So in love that
The night lasts a little longer
Travel in the train by your side
A dream hard to believe
Little by little the hug
Mouth to mouth, slowly
Breath and warm sighs
To become night
So in love that
The night lasts a little longer
Travel in the train by your side
A dream hard to believe
Maybe you can ask yourself
What does this white night lack
Atât de îndrăgostit
Poate te întrebiCe este nevoie în seara asta albă
Pentru viețile noastre care au trăit deja atât de mult timp
Ai văzut o mie de culori de foi de mătase
Și când plouă îți place să mergi
Mă îmbrățișezi, fără grabă, chiar dacă te uzi
Dragostea mea, a noastră este cum este
E o adevărată aventură, nu are nevoie de nimic
Sunt atât de îndrăgostit de tine aici
Că noaptea durează un pic mai mult
Ca strigătul unui oraș
Cine ne vede fețele, umiditatea
Și îți voi ține companie dincolo de viață
Jur că te voi iubi mai presus
Deci, în dragoste așa este
Noaptea durează un pic mai mult
Dimineața ne va aduce un nou cântec de păsări vesele
Dragostea mea, aceasta e viața împreună
Doi nebuni dintr-o dată
Zâmbind oamenilor care ne văd trecând
Deci, în dragoste, așa este
Noaptea durează puțin mai mult
Călătoresc lângă tine în tren
Un vis greu de crezut
Puțin câte puțin îmbrățișați
Sărut , încet
Respirație caldă și suspine
Devenind noapte
Deci, în dragoste, așa este
Noaptea durează puțin mai mult
Călătoresc lângă tine în tren
Un vis greu de crezut
Poate te întrebi
Ce este nevoie în seara asta albă
Concert pentru îndrăgostiți
Azi nu mai iese soarele,Cerul arată înorat.
Azi, dacă tot plouă,
Am să te aștept ca să ne plimbăm.
Azi totul e ideal
Poate pentru îndrăgostiți.
Azi am să te aștept
Și-ți voi declara marea mea iubire.
Te voi mângâia
Și tu mă vei prinde de mâini.
Eu, eu te voi îmbrățișa,
Tu mă vei săruta, eu te voi săruta.
Azi mi-o datorez mie,
Voi fi mereu lângă tine.
Timpul se va scurge
Și eu te voi iubi cu fiecare clipă mai mult.
Azi mi-o datorez mie,
Trăiesc îndrăgostită de tine.
Țelul meu este
Ca să mă iubești la rândul tău.
Timpul se va scurge
Și ne putem reîntoarce aici,
Dacă totul e real.
Dacă iubirea ta e adevărată, nimic n-o să se schimbe.
Writing is my first home...
Writing is my first home of silenceThe second erupts from the body moving behind the words
Extensive bare beaches where the sea has never been
A desert where the fingers whisper their last crime
To write to you continuously... sand and more sand
Building the tallest walls of nothing within the blood
This passion you've kept for the objects
This skin-memory which exhales a disaster I don't know
The tongue full of moss
We would scatter hemlock seeds throughout the fog of our dreams
The mornings came as a stellar howl
And I'd follow your trail of sperm to the waterside
Other bodies of salt crossed the silence
Of this home built on the precarious saliva of the twilight
Un fan îndrăgostit
Ești acoloÎn mijlocul mulțimii
În mijlocul acelei mări de chipuri
Asta mă face să mă îndrăgostesc
Iată-te aici
Ești acolo
Cum să-ți spun că te-am văzut
Că ai fost la spectacolul de ieri
Și dacă îți place de mine
Și mie de tine
Ți-am citit deja scrisoarea
Și deși nu ți-am răspuns
Îmi rămâne în memorie
Și chiar i-am făcut o muzică
Un fan îndrăgostit
Este o lacrimă care sărută un zâmbet
Ea este cea care își umple peretele cu fotografii cu tine
Ea este cea care trăiește ca tine, din poezie
Un fan îndrăgostit
Așteaptă atenție și privirea ta
Și își mărturisește pasiunea pentru tine la pernă
Ea este cea care te iubește, chiar dacă tu
Nu ști nimic
Ești acolo
Și deși imagini pe care nu le cunosc
În fiecare literă ești întruchipat
Ce vei face de acum încolo
Ți-am citit deja scrisoarea
Și deși nu am răspuns
Îmi rămâne în memorie
Și chiar i-am făcut muzică
Un fan îndrăgostit
Este o lacrimă care sărută un zâmbet
Ea este cea care își umple peretele cu fotografii cu tine
Ea este cea care trăiește ca tine, din poezie
Un fan îndrăgostit
Așteaptă atenție și privirea ta
Și își mărturisește pasiunea pentru tine la pernă
Ea este cea care te iubește, chiar dacă tu
Nu ști nimic
Sunt îndrăgostit(ă)
Versions: #2Vreau să beau săruturile gurii tale
Ca și cum ar fi picături de rouă
Și acolo în aer să desenez numele tău
Împreună cu al meu
Și într-o coardă dulce de chitară
plimb nebunii prin sentimentele tale
Și în subtila îmbrățișare a nopții
Vei știi ceea ce simt...
Că sunt îndrăgostit(ă)
Și iubirea ta mă face mare
Că sunt îndrăgostit(ă)
Și ce bine, cât de bine mă face să te iubesc
Înăuntrul tău lasă-mă-n captivitate
Să fiu alături aerului ce-l respiri
Și-n fiecare spațiu unește-mi iluziile
Împreună cu-a ta viață
Dacă naufragiu mă lasă pe malul tău,
să mă alimentez numai cu amintiri
şi să mă trezesc din visul profund
Numai ca să te văd
Că sunt îndrăgostit(ă)
Și iubirea ta mă face mare
Că sunt îndrăgostit(ă)
Și cât de bine, cât de bine mă face să te iubesc
Voi aprinde focul pielii tale liniștite
Îți voi uda buzele cu apa pasionată
Încât să țesem, apoi, vise din nimic
Că sunt îndrăgostită
(Că sunt îndrăgostit)
Și iubirea ta mă face mare
Că sunt îndrăgostit(ă)
Și cât de bine, cât de bine mă face să te iubesc
Că sunt îndrăgostită
(Că sunt îndrăgostit)
Și iubirea ta mă face mare
Că sunt îndrăgostit(ă)
Și cât de bine, cât de bine mă face să te iubesc
Am fost îndrăgostit
Am fost îndrăgostit de tine,am fost îndrăgostit de tine,
dar acum nu mai simt nimic,
nici nu mă tulbură privirea ta,
ca ieri.
Am fost îndrăgostit de tine,
am fost îndrăgostit de tine,
dar acum nu mai simt nimic,
nici nu mă tulbură vorbele tale,
ca ieri.
Și când mă gândesc că într-o zi te-am iubit,
cum pe nimeni n-am iubit vreodată!
Și când mă gândesc că mereu ți-am spus
că nu te-aș putea părăsi pentru nimic în lume!
Am fost îndrăgostit de tine,
am fost îndrăgostit de tine.
Dar vreau să fiu sincer:
adevărul e că nu te iubesc
ca ieri.
Și când mă gândesc că într-o zi te-am iubit
cum pe nimeni n-am iubit vreodată!
Și când mă gândesc că mereu ți-am spus
că nu te-aș putea părăsi pentru nimic în lume!
Am fost îndrăgostit de tine,
am fost îndrăgostit de tine...
Two lovers
I see two lovers walking,In the evening mists,
Young couple that prefers to be,
Where no one can see them.
And comes to my memory,
Our old story,
From my youth.
We secretly loved each other,
And it was like a dream,
Our blue paradise.
I see two lovers walking,
In the evening mists,
That they are sighing that to have the age,
That their love does not have to hide.
They will dream that what awaits them,
Sweet spring,
And their love will flourish.
They will think of adventures,
And the million follies,
That love will bring them.
I see two lovers walking,
In the evening mists,
That they love each other as much as you and I
And the light of love they can see
In love with you
In love with youMy soul lives in ardent passion
It lives like a nomad
Free to love
Every day a new kiss
Every night a sweet hug
Every sunrise
In a new destination
Every sunset
Under a roof of stars
When we take off
These clothes
This gravity of shyness
In us, absolutely nude
There will be no end
To this rapture
The One in Love
Moons, ivory, instruments, roses,lamps and the works of Dürer,
the nine numbers and the changing zero,
are things I must pretend to see.
I must pretend that Persépolis and Roma
were long gone, and that a fine arena
measured the luck of the battlement
that the centuries of Iron disrupted.
I must pretend that the weapons and pyre
of the epopee and the heavy seas
eat away the Pillars of the Earth,
and that others exist, yet it's all a lie.
Only you exist. You, my misfortune
and my fortune, who is tireless and pure.
Sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Sunt îndrăgostit de tineCând mă faci așa
Nu vrei să mă dezlegi
Sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Când mă faci așa
Până în zori
Hei huh, huh huh
Dragă, tu și cu mine ne vom pierde capul
Și poți să conduci
Hei huh, huh huh
Lasă-mă să îți îndeplinesc toate fanteziile
Știu că de data asta
Pleci cu mine
Nu spune că nu
Suntem piele pentru piele nu
Dacă mă întrebi mai mult
Mami, ți-o dau
Te las să pleci
Că mă faci rău
Că sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Și lasă-mă să încerc
Modul tău senzual
Sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Când mă faci așa
Sunt îndrăgostit, sunt, sunt îndrăgostit
Sunt, sunt, sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Eu sunt, eu sunt, sunt îndrăgostit
Sunt, sunt, sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Sunt, sunt, sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Sunt, sunt, sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Eu sunt, eu sunt, sunt îndrăgostit
Sunt, sunt, sunt îndrăgostit
Uita de pas
Dă-i, baby, toarnă-ți un alt pahar
Îmi îndepărtez ochii cu ceva timp în urmă
Un om condamnat
Da, baby, nu ești alături de mine
În întuneric, ești raza mea
Și spune-i lui
Ce te-am cucerit
Că tu ești soția mea
Și nu vrei să-l vezi
Știu că de data asta
Pleci cu mine
Nu spune nu
Suntem pielea pentru piele
Dacă mă întrebi mai mult
Mami, ți-o dau
Te las să pleci
Că mă faci rău
Că sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Și lasă-mă să încerc
Modul tău senzual
Sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Când mă faci așa
Te las să pleci
Că mă faci rău
Că sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Și lasă-mă să încerc
Modul tău senzual
Sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Când mă faci așa
Sunt îndrăgostit, sunt, sunt îndrăgostit
Sunt, sunt, sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Eu sunt, eu sunt, sunt îndrăgostit
Sunt, sunt, sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Eu sunt, eu sunt, sunt îndrăgostit
Sunt, sunt, sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Eu sunt, eu sunt, sunt îndrăgostit
Sunt, sunt, sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Eu sunt, eu sunt, sunt îndrăgostit
Sunt, sunt, sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Eu sunt, eu sunt, sunt îndrăgostit
Sunt, sunt, sunt îndrăgostit de tine
I was in love
I was in love with you,I was in love with you,
But now I don't feel a thing,
nor your look worries me
Like yesterday
I was in love with you,
I was in love with you,
But now I don't feel a thing,
nor your words worry me
Like yesterday
And the thing is that I loved you one day,
like I never loved before
And the thing is that I always told you
that I couldn't leave you for anything
I was in love with you,
I was in love with you,
But I want to be sincere
honestly, I don't love you
Like yesterday
And the thing is that I always loved you
like I never loved before
And the thing is that I told you one day,
that I couldn't leave you for anything
I was in love with you,
I was in love with you.

My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
The lover
Open another bottleI want a toast for the females
They brought me in love
Purely beautiful cowgirls
I like to have a lot of them
For not wasting time
The world is for me
I can tell them happily
The northern band, the new cars
The best cowgirls, I bring them by my side
Pure Buchanans with the red seal
I like to complete all my wishes
The beaches, the clubs, and the piers
In the nightclubs and casinos I bet millions
I have many friends everywhere
They are good people of high class
And I tell my people
I am in love
If I fall in love with one
I will bring her to Paris
And if I am not pleased anymore
I will bring her to the hotel
I like to be happy
The world is for me
I am very in love
I will tell them again
The northern band, the new cars
The best cowgirls, I bring them by my side
Pure Buchanans with the red seal
I like to complete all my wishes
The beaches, the clubs, and the piers
In the nightclubs and casinos I bet millions
I have many friends everywhere
They are good people of high class
And I tell my people
I am in love
And listen well who I am
All the pretty ladies
The northern band, the new cars
The best cowgirls, I bring them by my side
Pure Buchanans with the red seal
I like to complete all my wishes
The beaches, the clubs, and the piers
In the nightclubs and casinos I bet millions
I have many friends everywhere
They are good people of high class
And I tell my people
I am in love
The Widow's Boyfriend
The widow's boyfriendThe widow's boyfriend
The widow's boyfriend
The widow's boyfriend
Passed by
The widow's boyfriend
Passed by
Apprehensive, thoughtful, suspicious
Looking everywhere
Because he knew
That around town
People began betting that
He can't get the job done1
Because he knew
That around town
People began betting that
He can't get the job done1
What kind of widow is this?
Everyone wants her, but they're afraid
They're afraid of owning her
They say that she has such
A physical and financial endowment
I want to see it!
What kind of widow is this?
Everyone wants her, but they're afraid
They're afraid of owning her
They say that she has such
A physical and financial endowment
I want to see it!
The widow's boyfriend
Passed by
The widow's boyfriend
The widow's boyfriend
The widow's boyfriend
The widow's boyfriend
The widow's boyfriend
The widow's boyfriend
- Very possibly, satisfy the said woman in a sexual way
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
The Indian in love by ‘’Laberinto''
Original idiom: Spanish01.08.2018
In Love
I don't know if it's love anymoreWhat I feel in my heart
I only know that this love
Envelops me, I don't know how to say no
If I see you I paint a wish
Of the sweet taste of your kiss
It calms me when you come touch me
You come close, my head spins
Your voice is a poem
A kiss to make my world stop
And to make me love you
I am enamored by you
I don't know how to explain it
This love that comes from within
Involves my feelings
I only know how to love you
I am enamored by you
I don't know how to explain it
This love that comes from within
Involves my feelings
I only know how to love you
I don't know if it's love anymore
What I feel in my heart
I only know that this love
Envelops me, I don't know how to say no
If I see you I paint a wish
Of the sweet taste of your kiss
It calms me when you come touch me
You come close, my head spins
Your voice is a poem
A kiss to make my world stop
And to make me love you
I am enamored by you
I don't know how to explain it
This love that comes from within
Involves my feelings
I only know how to love you
I am enamored by you
I don't know how to explain it
This love that comes from within
Involves my feelings
I only know how to love you
I only know how to love you, to love you
In love
Tell me, babe, tell me, honey, what happened to us?We both went our separate ways, it all ended
And what do I do now, darling? My heart hasn't forgotten about you
I wanna love you, I wanna have you by my side
I'm dying for your warmth
And that's how it's leaving, that's how it left
It spread its wings and went away
I know full well that you aren't coming back
You've already forgotten my voice
I'm in love with you
from head to toe
Out of control
because of your kisses, I think about you all day
I'm in love, in love, in love
I'm in love, in love, in love
My wounds haven't healed yet
And I don't really know what to do anymore
I've searched for the fragrance of your skin in every corner
And looked at your pictures
I want to make time go back
I want you to come back, my darling, and not lose you again
And that's how it's leaving, that's how it left
It spread its wings and went away
I know full well that you aren't coming back
You've already forgotten my voice
I'm in love with you
from head to toe
Out of control
because of your kisses, I think about you all day
I'm in love, in love, in love
I'm in love, in love, in love
Tell me, babe, tell me, honey, what happened to us?
We both went our separate ways, it all ended
My wounds haven't healed yet
And I don't really know what to do anymore
I've searched for the fragrance of your skin in every corner
Where are you going? Where?
Where are you? Where?
Where are you going? Where?
I'm in love with you
from head to toe
Out of control
because of your kisses, I think about you all day
I'm in love
And if you go away, I can't go on
Out of control
because of your kisses, babe
I'm in love, in love, in love
I'm in love, in love, in love
Where are you going? Where?
Where are you? Where?
Where are you going? Where?
Where are you going?
I hope this was helpful! Any corrections are truly appreciated.
These translations are made with love and care, so it'd be great if you credited me whenever you repost them somewhere else!
Versions: #2How do I cut this at its root if it already flourished?
How do I come up with a goodbye if it's already love?
How do I cut this at its root if it already flourished?
How do I come up with a goodbye if it's already love?
I don't want to rewrite our story lines
'Cause if they weren't crooked we wouldn't have met
I don't want to rediscover my truth
If it appears to be so much mine when it's ours
How do I cut this at its root if it already flourished?
How do I come up with a goodbye if it's already love?
How do I cut this at its root if it already flourished?
How do I come up with a goodbye if it's already love?
Don't let me fill with emptiness
The place that's only yours
Don't fall for another fellow
If you've already made your Home here with me
Crazy In Love
Versions: #2I confess that I've been idealizing you for some time
My whole life searching for you
I don't know what to do, you look so fine
I'll get closer.
I confess that I'm not good at talking
I'm a shy person, as you can see
but this tim, I'll take the risk
I'm going to say it to you.
You make me go crazy in love
baby,to be honest I like you way too much
Come on here, I tell you the rest while dancing
Come close to me.
Now I can't get you off my mind
I'm frequently walking around here thinking of you
Can it be possible that you feel the same way too?
Come close to me
You know that it's me
Who's keeping you warm
I know that you'll be better with me
You know that it's me
Who makes you lose your mind
I want to dance with you until the very last song.
If you're meant for me
then I am meant for you
I'd do anything to spend another night with you
If you're meant for me
then I am meant for you
If you let it flow,I'd give you anything you want.
I don't know, baby, what you have
when you dance with me
you make me so nervous
when you move like that
In a provocative way
that motivates me
dancing an old Reggaeton,
the ones that activate you
The ones that you dance slowly
Close together
You make me go crazy in love
baby,to be honest I like you way too much
Come on here, I tell you the rest while dancing
Come close to me.
Now I can't get you off my mind
I'm frequently walking around here thinking of you
Can it be possible that you feel the same way too?
Come close to me
You know that it's me
Who's keeping you warm
I know that you'll be better with me
You know that it's me
Who makes you lose your mind
I want to dance with you until the very last song.
If you're meant for me
then I am meant for you
I'd do anything to spend another night with you
If you're meant for me
then I am meant for you
I'd do anything to spend another night with you
(I'd do anything)
You know that I like you
You know that I'm enchanted by you
Dance slow, you know it kills me
Go, I'm not in a hurry
Let's make this night eternal
Don't say you're leaving
Let's search for a place
without anybody, just darkness
Kiss me slowly, let's stop the time.
Hey, You make me go crazy in love
baby,to be honest I like you way too much
Come on here, I tell you the rest while dancing
Come close to me.
Now I can't get you off my mind
I'm frequently walking around here thinking of you
Can it be possible that you feel the same way too?
Come close to me
You know that it's me
Who's keeping you warm
I know that you'll be better with me
You know that it's me
Who makes you lose your mind
I want to dance with you until the very last song.
You are meant for me
and I am meant for you
I'd do anything , anything for you.
Open Dwelling
Tell me river that I knowLike I don't know myself
How much grief will run
Until lovessness ends.
You don't even hear me - a soldier with your spear¹
Between valleys and hills
Quenching my thirst by the willow
Washing the fountains soul.
I saw my love leaving
In a train of vanity
To look for the world
In the cities carousels
Where the living is loose
And they say there's no loneliness
But I in my wilderness
Don't have this illusion.
If I were a white cloud
And not this rag person
I'd shed a rainfall
Into your running water
And I'd run without pain
I wouldn't care about myself
And like you in this rumor²
I'd love without committing.
Come river because it's getting late
To arrive at the unsure side
Spread throughout these hills
Because my dwelling is open.