Rezultatele căutării pagină 8
Număr de rezultate: 267
Good boy
You´re sweet to me
like whip cream and wild strawberries
you´re dangerously handsome
you would won it also Hollywood
Girls are sighting
wherever they meet you
your film is in the style of James Dean
a hundred times I´m falling on you
Oh, sugar honey, my boy
good boy
your have the honey kiss
oh, sugar honey, my boy
good boy
I keep my pillow for you
I keep my pillow for you
oh, sugar honey, my boy
Quietly, on your fingers
you´re sneakingn by my thoughts
you´re stealing my dreams
I can´t sleep until morning
You hug me, you kiss me
but not from the waist to the lower
because that´s dangerous
because that´s too eary for me
You´re sweet to me
like whip cream and wild strawberries
you´re dangerously handsome
you would won it also Hollywood
Girls are sighting
wherever they meet you
your film is in the style of James Dean
a hundred times I´m falling on you
What would we do?
Life goes as fast train
and while you blink the road no longer exist
love goes by water, by air
and on the wall there is it´s picture
And luckily it´s here
it knows me by name
and I have it now
What would I do, what would you do
what would we do without love
what would be the world tomorrow
if I don´t kiss you
Give it to me, give it to me
give me a bite of happiness
a little of me, a little of you
life would be perfect
What would I do, what would you do
what would we do without love
what would be the world tomorrow
if I don´t kiss you
Give it to me, give it to me
give me a bite of happiness
a little of me, a little of you
life would be perfect
Love goes by water, by air
and on the wall there is it´s picture
And luckily it´s here
it knows me by name
and I have it now
What would I do, what would you do
what would we do without love
what would be the world tomorrow
if I don´t kiss you
Give it to me, give it to me
give me a bite of happiness
a little of me, a little of you
life would be perfect
What would I do, what would you do
a little of me, a little of you
What would I do, what would you do
what would we do without love
what would be the world tomorrow
if I don´t kiss you
Give it to me, give it to me
give me a bite of happiness
a little of me, a little of you
life would be perfect
A little of me, a little of you
life would be perfect
What would I do, what would you do
I still love him
We were alone
he took my hand
a lot time passed
until he kissed me
I only wanted that he
gives me a little hug
that takes me to his home and never leaves me
that takes me to his home and never leaves me
I didn´t know
that I was the second one
I´m not sorry
to make a mistake
It was´t a dream when I was crying
because I lost him
he was the only for me, I still love him
I still love him
He is looking other girls now
and I have no desire for that
I´m yours forever
and why not the only one
I only wanted that you
give me a little hug
that you take me to your home and never leave me
that you take me to your home and never leave me
It was´t a dream when I was crying
because I lost him
he was the only for me, I still love him
I still love him
If my heart
If my heart
saw humiliation
and tasted a lot of suffering in his love
it will never forget the old days
as long as it sees him pitying me
if I saw him care even for once
he wouldn't dare to co come to my mind
ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
if only you, cold-hearted man
were testing me
but you remained cold-hearted every night
your shadow keeps swaying before my eyes
my tears drop, I feel sorry for him
ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها
My Eyes
All things around me are grey now, yea
All my tears are spilt now, uuhuu
They fall, they fall, they fall,
They fall down, on my skin uuuuhh
All my thoughts are gone now, yea
And all my words are lost now, uuhuu
They burn, they burn, they burn,
They burn the flame goes out, uuuh
When I close my eyes, I see only you
When I close my eyes,
It is only you I feel here with me
When I close my eyes, eyes, eyes, yea, yea
When I close my eyes, eyes eyes
I dream I am not gone, I dream I am in your core
We could fly over all, where the world it becomes less
We could swim out where the corals live
We could be together, the others will never be
Feel it in mu heart, my smile, my kiss
Though in the dark times baby there is light
See it in my eyes, my features, my look
Baby it is too early you let go and travelled away
Have masses of love*, I have not yet used
Spilt tears may eventually bear fruit
Ahh, all in all I am only trying to tell you
It is so rare that I find one I love.
When I close my eyes, I see only you
When I close my eyes,
It is only you I feel here with me
When I close my eyes, eyes, yea, yea
When I close my eyes, eyes eyes, yea, yea
The world is ice-cold,
I only try to warm it,
But it is hard not to freeze
When I lose you in my arms
I said the world it is ice-cold
I only try to warm it
But it is hard not to freeze
When I lose you in my arms
When I close my eyes, I see only you, yea
When I close my eyes
It is only you I feel
I feel here with me
When I close my eyes,
I see only you, I only see you
When I close my eyes
It is only you I feel here with me
When I close my eyes, eyes eyes, yea, yea
When I close my eyes, eyes, eyes, yea, uuuh
The world is ice-cold
I only try to warm it,
But it is hard not to freeze
When I lose you in my arms
Ciliated woman of the night
Ciliated woman of the night, of the night
Don`t look at my black love, love
don`t look black
Anyways what was to burn, it`s burnt
don`t you fire a flame,
Wearing black daisies
throw away those black roses
I can`t breathe without you
Don`t leave me by myself
Anyways what was to burn, it`s burnt
don`t you fire a flame.
To tell
Who are you to do me that?
How I loose myself in front of you!
I smile when you write to me,
If you go, I would suffer.
Today, at 3 o”clock,
I saw you, but you were with your mates,
And as usually
I hide from your eyes.
(Chorus x 2)
My heart, it beats like that,
I cannot get what”s wrong with it,
You”ve melted me,
It”s not easy to tell.
It”s not easy to tell,
It”s not easy to tell...
I”m at classes, but I”m dreaming,
I cannot concentrate,
I spy on your profile,
I am there in one photo, too.
Yesterday, at 3 o”clock,
I was avoiding you as usually,
Today you take my hand,
I look in your eyes.
(Chorus x 2)
My heart, it beats like that,
I cannot get what”s wrong with it,
You”ve melted me,
It”s not easy to tell.
It”s not easy to tell,
It”s not easy to tell...
On a paper, a little heart, you even forgot your name,
You give him attention, he doesn”t notice you,
You too good, he”s out of your league,
From so many good guys, the bad one put a spell on you.
Don”t believe everything you see, it”s an illusion,
You know I, you know I wish you the best,
And now I am at my last verse,
Delete him from your list, take my eraser.
(Chorus x 2)
My heart, it beats like that,
I cannot get what”s wrong with it,
You”ve melted me,
It”s not easy to tell.
It”s not easy to tell,
It”s not easy to tell...
It will be better
Nobody is asking me here
what I hide under my smile
all around love me
because I´m always in a good mood
no one asks me for something else
And that I´m smiling with you all
there is nothing to do with me
heart sends the ad, look for
my love, let me know
nobody is asking me here
Chorus. 2x
My life, it will be better
I´m still in a good mood
althought I´m not the best
and now, goodbye my friends, my dear one
just he exist for me
Love is not for be measured of the clock
to listen me like brother listen a sister
to measure my time, vases
as my heart says
love is not for be measured of the clock
All around love me
because I´m always in a good mood
no one asks me for something else
Chorus. 4x
Nobody is asking me here
Aminteste-ti de mine !
Daca ai avea
O sansa
Sau o oportunitate
Sa obtii tot ce vreodata ti-ai dorit
Intr-O clipa!
Tu ai folosi-o
Sau ai lasa-o sa se piarda?
Palmele transpirate, genunchii slabiti, bratele-i sunt obosite
Voma pe-al sau tricou, spaghetele mamei
El e nervos, dar la suprafata el pare calm si pregatit
Sa detoneze 'rimnele', dar el tot continua sa uite
Ce-a scris, intreg publicul galagios devine
El gura o deschide,dar cuvintele sunt de negasit
El se sufoca, toata lumea glumeste acum
Ceasul se scurge, timpul a expirat, terminat, bloah!
Brusc se intoarce inapoi la realitate,oh, iata gravitatea
Oh! Iata-l infuriat, s-a sufocat
Atat de suparat e, insa nu va renunta asa usor, nu
Nu va permite asta, el stie, ca e incoltit
Nu conteaza, el e tare, o stie, insa e lefter
El e atat de impotmolit ca stie, cand se intoarce in mobila sa casa,
atunci cand e...
Inapoi la studio din nou, toata aceasta rapsodie,
Bine-ar face sa 'captureze' acest moment si sa spere ca
acesta de el sa nu treaca!
Ai face bine sa...
[Amy Lee]
Tu de mine nu-ti amintesti, dar eu-mi amintesc de tine, da..
Stau treaza si incerc din rasputeri sa nu ma gandesc la tine...
Sufletul evadeaza, prin aceasta 'gaura' care se largeste
Lumea asteapta cucerita sa fie
Fa-ma rege, in timp ce ne indreptam spre o noua
ierarhie mondiala
O viata normala e plictisitoare, insa celebritatea e similara cu
un test
Devine tot mai dificila, tot mai fierbinte
Ne tot 'imprastie' peste tot, tarfele astea toate ii sunt
'in spate'
De la o tara la alta, vazut ca un mare calator
Drumurile singuratice..,numai D-zeu stie
El departe de casa a 'crescut', el nu-si spune 'tata'
El acasa se duce si de-abia isi recunoaste propria fiica
Dar 'tine-te bine' fiindca iata 'apele se racesc'
Tarfele lui nu-l mai vor,este un 'produs rece'
Ei trecand la urmatorul fraier ce rime face
'El se prabuseste si nimic nu 'vinde'
Asa ca zvonurile sunt imprastiate si auzite
Cred ca-i este o cunostinta veche, dar beat-ul mai
departe merge!
Da da dum da dum da da!!
Ai face bine sa ...
[Amy Lee]
Tu de mine nu-ti amintesti, dar eu-mi amintesc de tine, da..
Stau treaza si incerc din rasputeri sa nu ma gandesc la tine...
Fara eschivari, voi schimba ceea ce numesti tu furie
Voi 'rupe' nenorocita asta de incapere, precum doi caini
in cusca
Eu ma jucam la inceput, dar situatia, totul s-a schimbat:
'Am fost rumegat, huiduit si scuipat de pe scena'
Dar am continuat rimele si sa scriu urmatoarele versuri
Mai bine, platind costul pentru a mea reusita
Toata durerea, amplificata de faptul
Ca eu nu pot avea un program strict
Prea mult pentru mine e,... sa vreau
Sa tau intr-un singur loc,... o alta zi de monotonie
M-a adus la o stare , eu sunt precum un 'melc'
A trebuit sa elaborez un plan, ori sa sfarsesc in inchisoare
sau impuscat!
Sa reusesc este singura mea optiune, sa esuez nu ...
Mama, eu te iubesc,dar rulota asta eu trebuie in urma sa o las
Eu nu pot viata s-o petrec in Salem Lot
Asa ca eu plec, este sansa mea.
Picioarele sa nu ma lase, pentru ca poate este singura
oportunitate pe care o am!
[Amy Lee]
Tu de mine nu-ti amintesti, dar eu-mi amintesc de tine, da..
Stau treaza si incerc din rasputeri sa nu ma gandesc la tine...
Oprește-mi durerea
Fiindcă uneori te simți obosit,
Slăbit, și când te simți slăbit, simți că vrei doar să renunți
Dar trebuie să cauți în interiorul tău, trebuie să-ți găsești forța interioară
Și să scoți r***tul ăla afară din tine și să obții motivația să nu renunți
Și să nu fii laș, indiferent cât de tare vrei doar sa cazi și să te prăbușești.
[Versul 1:]
Până mă prăbușesc o să vărs aceste versuri câtă vreme voi le simțiți
Până în ziua când scap, voi n-o să spuneți niciodată că nu i-am făcut praf
Căci atunci când nu voi mai fi, mă voi opri din scris
Și nu-s doar hip-hopper și nu-s doar Eminem.
Gândurile subliminale când mă voi opri din a le mai trimite?
Femeile sunt prinse în plasă, învârte-le și aruncă venin
Shoturi de adrenalină, de penicilină n-au putut opri boala
Amoxicilina nu e suficient de reală.
Polițistul criminal omorând un hip-hopper nemernic
Schimbare minimală pentru polițist cu milioanele de ascultători (2)Pac.
Tu vii cu mine, o simți sau nu, te vei teme
De parcă ți-am arătat că duhul lui Dumnezeu trăiește în noi.
O auzi într-una, versuri care șochează
E un miracol sau eu sunt doar un produs al popului înflăcărat.
Cu siguranță asta este intriga, ascultă
Voi târfelor ați uitat, pe Slim Shady îl doare în c*r.
[Evanescene] (x2)
Am încercat să-mi opresc durerea
Dar am adus și mai multă
Mult mai multă
Zac pe moarte
Și torn crimă, regrete și trădare
[Versul 2:]
Muzica e parcă magică, e un anume sentiment când ești pe bune
Iar tu scuipi și oamenii simt r***tul tău.
Acesta e momentul tău și fiecare minut pe care-l petreci încercând să te ții de el
Fiindcă s-ar putea să nu-l mai ai niciodată.
Deci câtă vreme ești în el încearcă să-ți iei cât de mult r***t poți
Iar când cursa ta se termină, doar acceptă când e pe sfârșit.
Căci sunt la sfârșitul inteligenței mele cu jumătate din r***tul ăsta care intră în ea.
Am o listă, aceasta e ordinea a ceea ce am pe ea
Începe, Reggie, Jay-Z, Tupac and Biggie, Andre from OutKast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas, apoi eu.
Dar în această industrie eu sunt cauza a multă invidie, deci câtă vreme nu-s pus pe lista asta, că**tul ăsta nu mă ofensează.
De asta mă vezi plimbându-mă de parcă nimic nu mă deranjează.
Chiar dacă jumătate dintre voi au o problemă cu mine.
Urâți asta dar știti respectul pe care ar trebui să mi-l dați
Visele umede ale presei ca Bobby si Whitney. Labagiilor, loviți-mă.
[Evanescene] (x2)
Am încercat să-mi opresc durerea
Dar am adus și mai multă
Mult mai multă
Zac pe moarte
Și torn crimă, regrete și trădare
[Versul 3:]
Curând când versul începe, mănânc inima de MC
Ce crede? Cum să nu meargă împotriva mea? Inteligent.
Și e absurd cum oamenii se agață de fiecare cuvânt.
Probabil că nu voi primi niciodată recuzita pe care simt că o merit
Dar nu voi fi niciodată servit, locul meu este rezervat pentru totdeauna
Dacă voi părăsi vreodată pământul aceea va fi întâi moartea mea.
Căci în adâncul sufletului știu că nimic nu poate fi mai rău.
De asta sunt isteț când pun laolaltă fiecare vers
Am gânduri sporadice, mă port ca un dependent
Fac rap ca și cum aș fi dependent să o dau de parcă's Kim Mathers.
Dar nu vreau să merg înainte și înapoi în lupte constante
Adevărul e că mai degrabă aș sta pe spate și aș bombarda unii rapperi.
Deci ăsta e ca un atac în plină floare, lansat către ei
Piesa e la niște raperi de battle care vor niște electricitate statică
Căci nu prea cred că faptul că eu sunt Slim contează
O placă de platină este nașpa daca nu sunt eu cel mai rău.
[Evanescene] (x2)
Am încercat să-mi opresc durerea
Dar am adus și mai multă
Mult mai multă
Zac pe moarte
Și torn crimă, regrete și trădare
(Verse 1)
I never fit into the uniform
I always missed the big speeches
I was so little of a chameleon
I was at the very back of the front
I am steel and you are lead
I am big and you are free
I know that we're not equal
But at night we are grey
I am steel and you are lead
I am big and you are free
I know that we're not equal
But at night we are grey
(Verse 2)
I leaned into the water as oil
I was in love with hot and cold at the same time
I am the sound, you are the glass
I found the sound when I forgot the word
But I divided all this by zero
Healed my wounds with a stab with a knife
My colours are earth, yours are gold
I tried, but i never wanted it any different
I am steel and you are lead
I am big and you are free
I know that we're not equal
But at night we are grey
I am steel and you are lead
I am big and you are free
I know that we're not equal
But at night we are grey
I am steel and you are lead
I am big and you are free
I know that we're not equal
But at night we are grey
At night we are grey
At night we are grey
At night we are grey
At night we are grey
Dandelion field
Your alphabet planted in me
Danced away with vigour
Hidden it deep inside me
Brought to life at night
Your hand in my belly
And you spring from me
As if sown on your own
By the wind on a dandelion field
You held me tight in your hand
Were naked when I found you
Sparked the fight with great bravery
Worked extremely hard
It breaks, I can't hold it
It wants to spring to daylight
It grows from every hole
Animal in me, what more do you want?
Your hand in my belly
And you spring from me
As if sown on your own
By the wind on a dandelion field
Your hand in my belly
And you spring from me
As if sown on your own
By the wind on a dandelion field
Vinegar on sugar
(Verse 1)
Your name insecure, my body bursts
I am not so sure, it makes me see red
Black shadows over your gaze
I can't read it that way - what do you mean with that?
Your sun got blown out, my lights went on
It got uncomfortable
And everything that was ours was wetted by acid
I tear you apart, I don't care what doesn't let you sleep
Because you, you still are to me
Vinegar that dissolves the sugar
(Verse 2)
Your hands are flames
My blood boils to stone
Your words are like sirens
They whisper to me
(La la lei, la la lei)
I swipe you away while dancing!
Your sun got blown out, my lights went on
It got uncomfortable
And everything that was ours was wetted by acid
I tear you apart, I don't care what doesn't let you sleep
Because you, you still are to me
Vinegar that dissolves the sugar
(Verse 3)
You come into my room
And hang your big poster on my wall
Tell me 'Hello'
And I bite into your hand
I tear at your leash, you want to leave
I bite into glass
No time to give, I didn't have to think
Before forgetting you
Your sun got blown out, my lights went on
It got uncomfortable
And everything that was ours was wetted by acid
I tear you apart, I don't care what doesn't let you sleep
Because you, you still are to me
Vinegar that dissolves the sugar
(You are still to me)
(Because you, you are still to me)
(You are still to me)
(Because you, you are still to me)
No time to give, I didn't have to think
Before forgetting you
Because you are still to me
Vinegar that dissolves the sugar
Where is my tooth of time
That chews on everything
That digests my wishes?
Where is my tooth of time
That chews on everything
That digests my wishes?
Okay. It's Roope Salminen and the dogs
But you already knew that
It goes like this
I have one life, if I counted correctly
So no time to listen to your wishes
Had to do favors today for a lot of people
But my own stuff went ahead of them
You come to torture me with your babble, to ask for some feat
You'll have to drop me from your follows
Cause I don't fucking care
Tough shit, but what else would it be
Freestyling even when I'm dreaming, a golden spoon in my mouth
And it's true that I'm the kid of a celebrity
But these real rappers are behind me in Spotify
Like, unlike and like
I can't please a hundred thousand people
I have to admit, I'm tired of pretending
I'm a huge fucking asshole
Be like this, be like that
Give a yearly salary to Amnesty
I have to admit, I'm tired of pretending
I'm a huge fucking asshole
Na na nanana na na..
I'm a huge fucking asshole
Na na nanana na na..
I'm a huge fucking asshole
You come to fly a flag for justice
To hang a camera in front of my face
A few sticks into a pile of sticks
I don't fucking care
Here you get killed for one mistake
Human gets a keyboard, he becomes a monkey
It's ok if you're not good for everyone
You don't owe them anything (fuck em)
Like, unlike and like
I can't please a hundred thousand people
I have to admit, I'm tired of pretending
I'm a huge fucking asshole
Be like this, be like that
Give a yearly salary to Amnesty
I have to admit, I'm tired of pretending
I'm a huge fucking asshole
Na na nanana na na..
I'm a huge fucking asshole
Na na nanana na na..
I'm a huge fucking asshole
I'm just the same as everyone else
I saw in social media that you need help moving
And I don't want to make you feel bad
But it didn't even occur to me to call you
I don't want to judge your choices
But oh good lord
If you can always be nice
Don't sing with me
Like, unlike and like
I can't please a hundred thousand people
I have to admit, I'm tired of pretending
I'm a huge fucking asshole
Be like this, be like that
Give a yearly salary to Amnesty
I have to admit, I'm tired of pretending
I'm a huge fucking asshole
Na na nanana na na..
I'm a huge fucking asshole
Na na nanana na na..
I'm a huge fucking asshole
Revenge Will Belong to Me
What do I care about jewels when I can steal them?
I'll tell you (both) one thing quite brutal
If you're of rank, that isn't important
And it doesn't matter to the sharks, either
Perhaps there are pirates, too, who fall to their knees
But I am simply not like them
Sing a 'yo-ho', put your glittering stuff away
On the contrary, feel very fine! Better than rum or costly wine
Does revenge, revenge taste to me, and soon, it'll be mine
And revenge, revenge approaches and soon, it'll be mine
In plundering, no one could hinder me
I steal on land and at sea (and at sea)
With gold in the bag, just debris and ash remains
I love the pirate's life so much (life so much)
And all the successes don't mean much
Because I only hunt for my crocodile (he only hunts for his crocodile)
Sing a 'yo-ho,' you can beg and scream
Oh, yo-ho, but that will do nothing for you
It took my hand and I'll soon cut it up
Revenge, revenge approaches and soon, it'll be mine
Revenge, revenge approaches and soon, it'll be mine
Once, I could, in the distance (the distance)
Spy such happy times
But this creature destroyed them and left me
Nearly to dissolve in hatred
Say (what is going on)
Then I just tell you (just tell you)
Since then, I only look forward
And the Dark One will feel (yes, he'll feel)
My terrible wrath soon enough (his terrible, his terrible)
Sing a 'yo-ho,' I'll slaughter the swine
Yo-ho, it must be fate
He'll feel this agony like I do soon enough
Revenge, revenge approaches and soon it'll be
Yes, revenge is, yes revenge is, yes revenge is mine
Yes, revenge is, yes revenge is, yes revenge is mine
Who cares about me?
And if you wander
and if it feels hard
and you know that in life, nothing is easy,
who cares about you?
What remained today of my love?
Just the dream of yesterday
and although I still feel it's tear,
who cares about you?
In this uncaring world,
all that I had,
today, I lost
the bet with happiness
and if maybe tomorrow,
you'll suffer too,
I'll say as you:
'I little care about it!
I don't want, no!'
When the fight for love has ended
and you give up
with your soul hurt by dreams,
who cares about you?
Lonely between four walls,
what has remained
than screaming endless sadnesses?
Who cares about me?...
And if in my love it's too late...
And if in my love it's too late
and I feel so sorry now
that my train is rushing,
who cares about me?
If hope has avoided me,
who can I trust?
Although today, life lied to me,
who cares about me?
In this uncaring world,
all that I had,
today, I lost
the bet with happiness
and if maybe tomorrow,
you'll suffer too,
I'll say as you:
'I little care about it!
I don't want, no!'
If hope has avoided me,
who can I trust?
Although today, life lied to me,
who cares about me?
Lonely between four walls,
what has remained
than screaming endless sadnesses?
Who cares about me, about me, about me?...
Who cares about me?....
Sing with me
We were waiting all bored
for a day to get by
me and my friends,
and as usually,
we were singing one more 'Let it be'
but then came
a strange miracle
that fascinated us
some unknown guy
and a guitar.
He didn't tell us 'Good evening'
just sang and looked at me,
It seemed to me
that his eyes were telling me so:
'Come, come, come, sing with me
Sing, please, please, please, be happy my dear
Come, come, come, forget all your troubles
Because now I'm yours, let your dreams just blow away...'
He came just as I said
in a dreamy night
so I met him
and we didn't drift apart
not a moment ever since
Some summers flew by
but it was like yesterday
when he fascinated me
with his strange song
and his guitar
He didn't tell us 'Good evening'
just sang and looked at me,
It seemed to me
that his eyes were telling me so:
'Come, come, come, sing with me
Sing, please, please, please, be happy my dear
Come, come, come, forget all your troubles
Because now I'm yours, let your dreams just blow away...'
'Come, come, come, sing with me
Sing, please, please, please, be happy my dear
Come, come, come, forget all your troubles
Because now I'm yours, let your dreams just blow away...'
'Come, come, come, sing with me
Sing, please, please, please, I am happy, my dear
Come, come, come, forget all your troubles
Because now I'm yours, let your dreams just blow away...
Because now I'm yours, let your dreams just blow away...
Baby, you are mine, let your dreams just blow away...'
Sunday morning to lunch
All my friends have gone,
left me all alone in town
in the morning, I wake up when I want!
I grab a book and start to read,
I don't get up, just sit and idle
I make my tea around lunch and I drink it...
If you come to me, my lady,
ring the door longer, don't expect me
to answer imediately - I'm in my pajamas
Carelessly you can smoke,
You can do anything, I don't mind
The pale smoke climbs onto the ceiling...
I can sit for a year with my eyes on the ceiling
I can sit for a year
I can sit for a year with my eyes on the ceiling
I can sit for a year
I can sit for a year with my eyes on the ceiling
I can sit for a year
The cat was hiding and lying under the bed,
What he's doing, I didn't ask him!
He's got a curious habit, he's very capricious,
When he's angry, he's turning the house upside-down, really!
The morning and us
Until I reached you,
I turned the clock three times
I can barely see you
in the foggy morning light
Look at me sitting
waiting for you to descend
Last night
got late in your eye shadows
You leave traces in the air
with your dark hair
I forgot the day,
the place, the hour - I forgot them all.
You are a witch,
there's no turning back
Your power is big
Making one of two and two from one
There is nothing
just the morning and us.
Sing with me
Sing with me
And all will be well
Sing with me
Feel the rhythm in you
Sing with me
And all will be well
Sing with me
Dance with me
Next to me
You smiled at me for a moment and you enchanted me
And since then, I have begin to write our story
I felt something in my chest for the first time
You made my heart beat
You are next to me, every night
Always next to me
You are next to me, every night
With the sweetest whispers
The clouds wander in my sky
I get chills
When everyone says that we won't succeed
Always, we will be together
I don't want anymore
For you to stay a moment without me feeling you
You are next to me, every night
Always next to me
You are next to me, every night
With the sweetest whispers
I don't want anymore
For you to stay a moment without me feeling you
You are next to me, every night
Always next to me
You are next to me, every night
With the sweetest whispers
You are next to me, every night
Always next to me
You are next to me, every night
With the sweetest whispers
[Estrofa 1: Jazmine Sullivan]
Tengo mucho en que pensar
Estoy pensando que necesito un descanso para quitar el lío, caray
¿Me das un segundo, un poco de espacio?
Has estado en mi cabeza, jugando
Eres demasiado dominante
Me tienes sintiendo que no puedo respirar, ni siquiera puedo juntarme con un amigo
No hay ninguna razón para no confiar en mí, soy tu mejor no una esclave
Eres mi hombre no mi amo, me escaparé pensando ¿hacia quién puedo correr?
Me tienes buscando un nuevo chico
Que tenga una vibra tranquila, que pueda descansar, que no busque peleas, que no sea inseguro
[Coro: Jazmine Sullivan]
¿Por qué tienes que ser tan inseguro?
Cuando yo hice todo lo posible, pero andas queriendo más
Y ¿por qué no puedes parar de estar encima de mí?
Y puedo aguantar mucha porquería, pero no aguantaré eso
[Estrofa 2: Bryson Tiller]
Hace mucho que no he estado en casa - he estado de viaje
Fuera del estado por el trabajo
No sé lo que haces, me pregunto qué haces
Tienes chicos deseándote, nunca dejaré que te desperdicies
Eres mi tesoro, nena, no mi basura
Esta sed está a punto de alócarme
¿Por qué te trato como un trofeo?, controlador
Te digo que eso es mejor que no tener a ninguna fiera
Si encuentras a alguien mejor te puedo liberar
Para de inventar historias, me conoces, soy tu amigo
No lo cortes, lo hemos dicho todo y lo hemos hecho todo
Lo quiero todo para mí solo, perdon si estoy pareciendo inseguro
(Ooh, sí, sí)
[Coro: Jazmine Sullivan]
¿Por qué tienes que ser tan inseguro?
Cuando yo hice todo lo posible, pero andas queriendo más
Y ¿por qué no puedes parar de estar encima de mí?
Y puedo aguantar mucha porquería, pero no aguantaré eso
[Estrofa 3: Jazmine Sullivan]
Nunca confías en nadie, es importante
¿Alguna vez has oído de eso, es extraño para ti?
¿Es un buen tiempo realmente aburrido para ti?
Te comportas como Suge Knight, siempre tratando de pelear
¿Eres un abusón o un amante?
¿Eres un hombre o mi hermano mayor?
Nene algo no está bien entre todo esto
Lo haces difícil querer quedarme contigo
Soy tu mejor no una esclave
Eres mi hombre no mi amo, me escaparé
Pensando ¿hacia quién puedo correr?
Me tienes buscando un nuevo chico
Soy una niña buena pero estás inventando las cosas
Estás a punto de darme buena razón para ser insegura
[Coro: Jazmine Sullivan]
¿Por qué tienes que ser tan inseguro? (tan inseguro)
Cuando yo hice todo lo posible, pero andas queriendo más (pero andas queriendo más y más)
Y ¿por qué no puedes parar de estar encima de mí?
Y puedo aguantar mucha porquería, pero no aguantaré eso (pero no aguantaré eso)
My clammy hands
I have nothing to offer
I have no special services
Thick in the head and thick in the stomach
Rather fat and thin in the hair
I'm starting to have bad teeth
There's nothing about me that's right anymore
I have no friends either
I only have my clammy hands
That will touch you
That I will touch you with
They will touch you
They will drag you down
And if we look away from my appearance
Then I have no inner worth either
No qualities that matter
Never there when I'm needed
I have no money either
Nothing left that I can sell
I have no friends anymore either
They slipped away between my clammy hands
That will touch you
That I will touch you with
They will touch you
They will drag you down
The things I have to offer
Are insecurity and alcoholism
I'm always ready to go on a bender
And I'll always appreciate a decent fight
40 records and my destroyed talent
And an apartment that needs to be hosed down
No money, no friends
All I have are my clammy hands
That will touch you
That I will touch you with
They will touch you
They will drag you down
هذا هو الهدوء الذي يسبق العاصفة
مهلاً، كيف كنت سأبدأ هذا؟
لقد نسيت
أسلوبي الارتجالي سيكون
قاسياً للغاية وشديد اللهجة
هل أخاطب به 'ترامب'؟
لا، على الأرجح
ولكن هذا كل ما لدي حتى
أطرح أغنية محكمة القوافي
لدي خطة قوية والآن يجب أن أنفذها
'مثل مروحيات 'الأباتشي
'عندما تطلق صواريخ 'توماهوك
سأدخل المسجد في شهر رمضان
وأقوم بالدعاء في كل مرة
تلقي 'ميلاني' فيها خطاباً
لقد تماديت. سأتوقف، ولكن يجدر بنا
أن نُطري 'أوباما' لأن من يوجد في
البيت الأبيض' الآن هو شخص'
انتحاري، والذي على الأرجح
سيتسبب في إبادة نووية وبينما
تندلع المآسي وهو ينتظر أن تهدأ الأمور
سيقلع على الأرجح بطائرته ويحلق
في الأرجاء حتى تتوقف عمليات القصف
لقد احتدمت الأمور وأصبحت
الأحوال السياسية في تفاقم
عندما يتعلق الأمر يا
ترامب' بالاكتراث فأنت'
بخيل مثلي تماماً. ولكن عندما يتعلق الأمر
بامتلاك الشجاعة لمواجهتي
فأنت تلجأ للاختباء
فالعدم هو أفضل تشبيه لرجولتك
العنصرية هي الشيء الوحيد الذي يميزه
فهذه الطريقة يحصل على نشوته، ويصبح
'مثل صخر في فرقة 'الرائعين الأربعة
.وبشرته برتقالية اللون
نعم، سُمرة تثير الاشمئزاز
لهذا السبب يريدنا أن نتفرق. لأنه
لا يستطيع تحمل حقيقة أننا لسنا
خائفين منه. ولكن تباً
لمراعاة مشاعر الأخرين،
فقد جئت لأقول رأيي بكل صراحة
لهذا السبب يستمر في الصراخ قائلاً
طهروا الحكومة من عديمي الوطنية'. فهو'
عالق في مأزق ولا يستطيع تبرير موقفه
الأمر كما لو أننا نأخذ خطوة إلى الأمام
ثم أخرى إلى الخلف
ولكن هذا هو أسلوبه في الإلهاء
بالإضافة إلى أنه يجد استجابة
جماهيرية هائلة عندما
'يهاجم 'دوري كرة القدم
فنصب اهتمامنا على ذاك الأمر
'بدلاً من مناقشة الشأن 'البورتوريكي
أو قوانين مراقبة الأسلحة
'لصالح ولاية 'نيفادا
وسط كل تلك الفواجع المؤلمة ينتابه شعور
بالملل ويفضل أن يثير الجلبة
على 'تويتر' بمعاونة مؤيديه
يقول أنه يريد تقليل الضرائب
المفروضة علينا، ولكن من إذاً سيدفع
تكاليف رحلاته الباهظة ذهاباً
وإياباً مع عائلته إلى منتجعات
الجولف خاصته وقصوره؟
إنه نفس الهراء الذي جعله
'يشوه سمعة 'هيلاري
ويفتري عليها كذباً، ثم يفعل أضعاف ذلك
'من دعمه لـ 'بانون
.'الذي يؤيد منظمة 'كو كلوكس كلان
وصولاً إلى مسيرات المتطرفين
ضد الجنود ذوي البشرة السمراء
الذين رجعوا من 'العراق' وما زال
'يُقال لهم أن يعودوا إلى 'أفريقيا
فليذهب للجحيم أبوه العنصري
العجوز الذي أصبح جداً وما زال يتجاهل
عواملنا التاريخية التي
أصبحت في حالة يُرثى لها
والآن، إذا كنت رياضياً من ذوي البشرة
السمراء، فأنت فتى مدلل لمحاولة استخدامك
برنامجك الانتخابي أو مكانتك في التعبير
عن هؤلاء ممن ليس لديهم تلك الرفاهية
فمن وجهة نظره، أنتم - أيها الحمقى - تقللون
من شأن الجنود الذين قاتلوا من أجلنا
ما لم تكن من أسرى الحرب الذين تلقوا تعذيباً
وضرباً مبرحاً؛ فهم عديمو القيمة بالنسبة له
لأنه لا يحب أن يقع أبطال الحرب في الأسر
!هذا الكلام ليس تقليلاً من شأن الجيش
'تباً لهذا! هذه تحية لـ 'كولن
!أظهروا له الاحترام
واستمروا في إظهار تعاضدكم بهذا
الشكل مثل رأس 'ترامب' الصلعاء
سوف يتخلص من جميع المهاجرين
سوف يبني الجدار ليتخطى طوله هذا الارتفاع
حسناً، إذا كان سيقيم هذا الجدار
فأرجو أن يكون متيناً كفاية
لأنني سأستخدم جميع ألاعيبه
الدنيئة، مثلما يفعل في السياسة
لأنني سأستخدم نفس عقليته وتفكيره
العقيم حتى ترى الناس حقيقته
وأيّ من معجبيني ومؤيديه في نفس الوقت
سأضع حداً فاصلاً
فأنت في صفي أو ضدي
إذا كنت مشتت التفكير ولا تستطيع
أن تقرر أي الفريقين ستساند
سأقرر نيابة عنك بهذا الشكل
!تباً لك
بقية الشعب الأمريكي فليصمد ويواجه
نحن نحب جيشنا ونحب بلدنا
'ولكننا نكره 'ترامب
All Mine
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
I can't control my mind
My heart beating is getting faster and faster
I can't talk the way that I want
I can't follow my mind
Baby Baby, When I look into your eyes
My heart jumps over the space-time
I'll embrace you in my arms and dive
All Mine, the rainbow as well
All Mine, the ocean as well.
All Mine, even the sunshine
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
All Mine, the whole world
Your lips bring magic
Bloomed Fantasy, a picture of a dream
Hold that in your small hands
Secretly (My Heart)
With scented words
You whispered in my ears
All the fantasies that I see right
It's all mine
Baby Baby, Hold my hands tightly
We're jumping over the space-time
I'm holding your hand, Fly
All Mine, the white cloud as well
All Mine, this wind as well
All Mine, even the scent
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
This is the love I imagined of
No matter where I look above the sky or the end of sea
It's so beautiful
I can't take my eyes off
I hope I can spread it in my dream
Even I can't fall asleep because my heart flutters
I hope it will be forever
even if I close my eyes
All Mine, your voice
All Mine, your eyes as well
All Mine, even your arms
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
Your love is doing magic
Spread Fantasy, a drawing of dream
Hold that in your small hands
Secretly My Heart
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
She Is Ours
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
Two Two Twelve
I Kiss Her Mouth
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
Two Two Twelve
I Kiss Her Mouth
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
Her Mouth Is Made Of Silver
She Has To Be Shot
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
Her Mouth Is Made Of Silver
She Has To Be Shot
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj
Hoi! Make Way Children
Let The Old Man Dance!
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
Hoi! Make Way Children
Let The Old Man Dance!
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj
Stay with me
You play with my hair
I play in your mind just as I am I
With both know
That today we love each other but we don't know tomorrow will bring
You play with my hair
I always hit your soul
and I would like to stay in your heart
that you would me and I may stay in your heart
Maybe it's just your look
maybe it's just my imagination
I don't know what you've done with my mind
but I like it that I feel I'm yours
stay with me
You play with my hair
you have no idea what I want
don't think that you know me so well
we love each other today but we don't know what will be tomorrow
you like to caress me
I like to get you out of my mind
and I would like to be in your heart
so you would love me and I could be in your heart
Maybe it's just your look
maybe it's just my imagination
I don't know what you've done with my mind
but I like it that I feel I'm yours
stay with me
Imminent conjunction
And it will be like you see it
you'll return to grow
and you'll live while raining
and you'll cry without fearing
A leather pencil
a concrete paper
they paint life something purple
in my street deception
A book that no more breaths
a ball that already forgot its shape
a radio that amplifies its obsolence
and me here expiring despite of living
I want to fly without taking off
to reach there, your eyes and your neck
to polish the light of her armour
too achieve the sensation of not doing any more
And it will be like you see it
you'll return to grow
and you'll live while raining
and you'll cry without fearing
The cause would be the black gold
that doesn't shine and its exchange is valid
she's like that I don't want to see her
she wants to shine and I don't let her
I realize that looking for it
I come late to the imminent conjunction
you'll come alone with the third element
while I keep waiting with a friend and a cane

This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
I was a very honest girl,
Polite and reserved,
My virginity was mine,
My pride, and all that other shit.
But I gave in to no one,
Kept myself, much as I could,
Only, at my own cost,
Sex gnawed away at my bullshit.
Oh, how I want a real man,
To leave me black and blue,
To caress me everywhere,
But just not clasp at my zipper.
But if he really pesters me,
And hints at anything,
I'll tell him 'no,' but, at least,
Agree to a blowie.
It's a wonderful word, 'blowie,'
It's a wonderful word, 'blowie,'
It's a wonderful word, 'blowie.'
Now I'm getting married soon,
My husband will respect me,
I was just a girl, after all,
I was just protecting my hymen.
And girls, listen to what I tell you,
Save yourself for your groom,
Don't agree to that, no,
But, bravely, give him a blowie,
Yes, It's a wonderful word, 'blowie,'
It's a wonderful word, 'blowie,'
It's a wonderful word, 'blowie.'
În ultima vreme am fost greu de ajuns
Am fost prea mult timp singur
Fiecare are o lume a lui
Unde poate fi singur
Oare încerci să mă suni , să te strecori
Încerci să ajungi la mine ,
Încerc să ajung la tine
În pula mea sunt atat de deprimat
Pare că nu mai ies din impasul asta
Doar dacă aș putea să trec și peste pasul ăsta
Dar am nevoie ca cineva să mă tragă afară din căcatul ăsta
Mi-am luat loviturile
am căzut si m-am ridicat imediat
Dar am nevoie de acea scânteie care să mă ridice
nu știu cum mă voi ... departe
Și cum am ajuns in această poziție
Încep să mă simt distant din nou
Așa că am decis să înving aceasta durere
Și am incercat să ...
Dar nu pot sa accept faptul că
Aș putea termina cu rap`ul
Am nevoie de ceva nou
Cunosc niște căcaturi greu de înghițit
Și nu pot sta în spate să mă plâng
În propria-mi amărăciune
Dar știu un lucru
Voi fii ceva greu de urmat
Greu de urmat
Acum aici , mâine plecat
Dar ai de mers o mie de mile
Refren :
Intra-n pielea mea , ca să vezi
Cum e să fi eu
Iar eu voi fii tu , hai să facem schimb
Ca să vedem cum ar fi
Să-mi simţi durerea , iar eu pe a ta
Să intrăm unul în mintea altuia
Doar ca să vedem ce găsim
Să căutăm probleme unul în ochii altuia
Dar nu-i lăsa să-ţi spună că nu ești frumos
Se pot duce toți la naiba . Doar să-ţi rămâi fidel ție însuți
Dar nu-i lăsa să-ţi spună că nu ești frumos
Se pot duce toți la naiba . Doar să-ţi rămâi fidel ție însuți
Cred că încep să-mi pierd simțul umorului
Totul e atât de intens și neclar
Simt că trebuie să verific temperatura din camera
Chiar atunci când intru
Deodată toate privirile sunt către mine
Așa că încerc să evit contactul vizual
Căci dacă nu fac asta .. vor incepe conversațiile
De parcă aș vrea asta
Nu caut atenție
Vreau sa fiu ca și tine
Să mă amestec printre cei din camera
Mai bine indruma-mă catre cea mai apropiata baie
În pula mea n-am nevoie de nimeni sa mă servească
Încercând să mă urmărească și să mă șteargă la cur
Să râdă la fiecare glumă pe care o fac
Iar jumatate din ele nici nu sunt amuzante
Ahh Marshall , ești atât de haios omule , ar trebui să fii comediant
Din pacate sunt , Dar mă ascund în spatele lacrimilor unui clovn
Așa că , de ce nu vă așezați jos
Și ascultați povestea pe care am să v-o spun
Nu trebuie să schimbam locurile
Iar tu nu trebuie să mergi mii de mile
Numeni a cerut ca viața să se ocupe de noi
Cu aceste maini pline de indoieli
Trebuie sa luam aceste cărți noi înșine
Și să le intoarcem , nu aștepta ajutor
Acum aș putea avea
Stând , trist si supărat
Dar iau aceasta situație ca atare
Și mă ridic singur
Nu am fost niciodată tipul de copil
Care să astepte , dar știu cum să-i desfac bagajele
Nu am stat niciodată să sper și să mă rog
Pentru un tată care nu a aparut niciodată
Doar am vrut sa mă integrez
În fiecare loc
La fiecare școală la care am fost
Am visat să fiu acel copil mișto
Chiar dacă asta insemna să mă port stupid
Matusa Edna mi-a spus intotdeauna
Mai stramba-te tu mult , că o să rămâi așa
Intre timp eu doar stăteam acolo
Ținându-mi limba-n sus și încercând să vorbesc așa
Până mi-am lipit limba pe semnul de stop înghețat la 8 ani
Mi-am învățat lecția și pentru că nu am mai încercat să-mi impresionez prietenii
Dar deja v-am spus toată povestea mea
Care nu a fost bazată doar pe descrierea mea
Căci felul în care o vezi tu
E probabil 110 % diferit
Cred că ar trebui să ne plimbam o mila
În pielea fiecăruia , cel puțin ..
Ce marime ai ?
Eu am 10.
Hai să vedem dacă ne încăpem în piele.
Da.. pentru copiii mei ..Fiți puternici . Tati va fi aici în curând
Și pentru restul lumii .. Dumnezeu v-a dat fiecăruia viețile
Care vi se potrivesc .. așa că trăiţi-le
Și .. fii tu însuți .. fii mandru de ceea ce ești
Chiar dacă sună pompos
Să nu lași pe nimeni să-ţi spună , că nu ești frumos.
Role model
Ok, I'm going to attempt to drown myself
Everyone's life is the same as me
It's new year but it feels so sad again
Many people are like you and me
Everyday of our life is like yesterday
All of our dreams get burn in the nick of time
Every one tells me you are getting wasted
But maybe it's not my fault
Because every way i turn to is dead-end
Sometimes i forget where i am
I feel like my feet are off the ground
I stare at a point for hours
All the bright colors become dark
I forget to smile
I can't believe this person is me
Who is sad and lonely and desperate
I wish i was asleep and wouldn't see these days
Sometimes i close my eyes to calm down
I close my eyes
I stare at the roof and laugh without a reason
I laugh without a reason
Sometimes i wake up with stress
With stress
I feel like the whole world is mad at me
Is mad at me
You just sit at your home
The seconds are getting wasted
These damn days are getting lost
But for what cost?
You don't want anyone to see your life
These days,everyone's life is like mine
Staring at the wall,music and the guitar
Smoking after tea and having tea after that
You don't even want to listen to your own words
You want to calm down but you can't help crying
Everyday and every night and every minute
Your only friend is your tears
No one understands you in these days
You wonder why is my part in this cruel and cold world
To live like this and then die?