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Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 57


So Alone

The rising tide of solitude and I
Only want to drown in this sea and
Everything chases me
Everything seems big to me
Oh, winds gather in the weight of my
Body, it wants to be whole but it's
Scared, scared to keep going
I only have a little of this moment and
I want to run forth like a being thristing
For truth
Oh, destiny has power at the door
That makes the brain walk alone
I don't want to think about it
It'll make me feel bad
He's alone, lone
She's alone, lone
They're alone, lone
So alone
I only have a little of this moment and
I want to run forth like a being thristing
For truth
Oh, destiny is powerful at the door
That makes the brain walk alone
I don't want to think about it
It'll make me feel bad
He's alone, lone
She's alone, lone
They're alone, lone
So alone

Pielea ta pe pielea mea

Pielea ta
Pe pielea mea,
Pe tot parcursul zilelor,
Pe tot parcursul nopților.
Pielea ta
Pe pielea mea,
În plin soare
Sau la miezul nopții.
Așa e: două trupuri necunoscute
Care se găsesc.
Iată ce-i iubirea,
Așa e: două trupuri necunoscute
Și la scurt timp, familiare.
Pielea ta
Pe pielea mea...
Mă mai gândesc
La acele vacanțe.
Pielea ta
Pe pielea mea...
Aș vrea atât de mult
S-o luăm de la capăt!

The Wind of Change

I'm tired of fighting for my destiny,
Nikes on my feet, they will not find the path.
The sun has already set over the horizon,
I'm coming to you, you're the one who really is waiting.
[I hope that someday there will be a day, when there will finally be an endless bright streak in my life. Maybe I'm thinking too naively, but now it really seems to me that this day will come.]
Give me the night, give me the day,
Give me life, the wind of change.
Give me the night, give me the day,
Give a smile, take all the shade away.
My pocket is empty, my soul is on fire,
And the soul burns, driving away the pain.
I see it's getting bright, I'll wait for the dawn,
Where you and I belong, but you're not here.
Give me the night, give me the day,
Give me life, the wind of change.
Give me the night, give me the day,
Give a smile, take all the shade away.

numeri crime

Da-da, da, da-da, da
Da-da, da, da-da, da
Eu n-aș putea
Vorbește cum vorbești, merge cum mergi
Că eu aș avea o problemă dormind
Ochi rătăciți și minciuni confortabile
Se pare că tu dormi chiar bine
Eu nu-s sfântă, și eu fac greșeli
Dar lângă tine par sacru
Oh, acum eu mă rog pentru sufletul tău
Mă rog pentru sufletul tău
Dacă numărăm crime, bănuți și monede
Amândoi aș fi bogați dar tu aș fi cel mai bogat din jur
Din jur
Eu niciodată aș putea să mă iubesc iarăși
Eu niciodată aș putea să am îngredere în mine
Dacă făceam jumătate din ce-ai făcut tu
Este destul să-mi dă greață
Eu nu pot să te iubesc, să te iubesc, să te iubesc iar (eu nu pot)
Țin o față serioasă pentru când îți cauz suferință
Spui că este imaginația ta
Asta este ce faci tu trebuie să dovezi
Tu nu ești ce-am avut încredere în (nu)
Dacă numărăm crime, bănuți și monede
Amândoi aș fi bogați dar tu aș fi cel mai bogat din jur
Din jur
Eu niciodată aș putea să mă iubesc iarăși
Eu niciodată aș putea să am îngredere în mine
Dacă făceam jumătate din ce-ai făcut tu
Este destul să-mi dă greață
Eu nu pot să te iubesc, să te iubesc, să te iubesc iar
Da-da, da, da-da, da
Eu n-aș putea
Da-da, da, da-da, da
Eu n-aș putea
Eu n-aș putea
Eu n-aș putea
Nu vreau să joc un joc bolnav și răsucit
Unde cine poate să facă mai rău la celălalt
Și eu plec
Nu vreau să joc, ayy
Eu niciodată aș putea să mă iubesc iarăși
Eu niciodată aș putea să am îngredere în mine
Dacă făceam jumătate din ce-ai făcut tu
Este destul să-mi dă greață
Eu nu pot să mă iubesc, mă iubesc, să mă iubesc iarăși
Da-da, da, da-da, da
Eu nu pot
Da-da, da, da-da, da
Eu nu pot


I'll never again forget the worry
If you want, just delete my phone number
'Cause I'm not just one in a hundred
I'll fight for my rights, just like Mulan,
Just like Mulan, Mulan, yeah, yeah, yeah
I do care about my own family
I'll take them all to Germany
I'll never again think on a small scale
Like the pattern on the hoody from Bluberry, yeah
I need some time again now for just me
I just want to see the world
Never get stressed over people again
If they don't know how to appreciate me, step aside
We don't have to have anything more to do with each other
Then, have a nice trip!
What most of them don't understand
We all have our own problems
I'll never again forget the worry
If you want, just delete my phone number
'Cause I'm not just one in a hundred
I'll fight for my rights, just like Mulan,
Just like Mulan, Mulan, yeah, yeah, yeah
Do any of you feel my worry?
Do any of you know of my hunger?
I don't need a steak or a lobster
I'll fight for my rights, just like Mulan,
Just like Mulan, Mulan, yeah, yeah, yeah
If you won't stand behind me
Then don't stand in my way
I'm eighteen years old, you know
But you'd cry if I told you
What all I've been through, believe me, it was awful
Don't put any more burdens on my shoulders
I've had enough of it
'Nessa does this,' 'Nessa does that'
If I could, I'd have packed all my things
And pissed myself to some other town, yeah, yeah, yeah
But Mama, I'll never leave you alone
It's not for nothing that you've cried over me
I'll never again forget the worry
If you want, just delete my phone number
'Cause I'm not just one in a hundred
I'll fight for my rights, just like Mulan,
Just like Mulan, Mulan, yeah, yeah, yeah
Do any of you feel my worry?
Do any of you know of my hunger?
I don't need a steak or a lobster
I'll fight for my rights, just like Mulan,
Just like Mulan, Mulan, yeah, yeah, yeah


God sleeps
And his children start a fire
Which they cannot extinguish
And he will never be able to awaken
Every tragedy divides
Before our very eyes
Those things which ought to be loved
And through this endless night
In despair
He can see the dawn
Which will awake him the next morning


Beams of sunlight radiating
On the roof, in the afternoon
Wandering, wandering between dreams
Keep encircling
Tucked in my soul
My life is like a cloud
When wary of wind, upset with rain
Floating as if flying over thousands of desolate mountain tops
Does anyone hear the sound of singing at sunset
Far away
There was a ringing
'Dong dinh dong dinh dong' closed my eyelids
So that my ruminations won't tire me out
My life is not yet drunk
So I'm still naive and carefree
Colors have not been painted with nostalgia (huh ... huh)
The sound of sunset
Replaces the sound of my love of life
Replaces a new shirt
This soul is full of revelation
Still in love
Still dreaming of many things
Still a silhouette who waved to the end of the sky

Stop calling

Please stop calling
When I hear you, I have to drive back to you
You're like a drug, gee, I just can't think clearly anymore
Going 180 kilometers per hour with my eyeliner smudged
Please stop calling
I'm slamming the door
And you're not stopping me
I start the car, yeah, I just wanna get out of here
Don't know where the tires will bring me during the night
I wanna forget you, but I don't know if I'll be able to
Then your name pops up on my screen again
And I realize it's way too much for me
Please stop calling
When I hear you, I have to drive back to you
You're like a drug, gee, I just can't think clearly anymore
Going 180 kilometers per hour with my eyeliner smudged
Please stop calling
Turn up the beat
Don't wanna listen to anything else
Think of you said that nothing's ever gonna tear us apart
Tears on the leather
I won't stop today
We started again way too many times
Please stop calling
When I hear you, I have to drive back to you
You're like a drug, gee, I just can't think clearly anymore
Going 180 kilometers per hour with my eyeliner smudged
Please stop calling

Rise like the sun in me

I thought so much of you today, my love
I thought so much of telling you
that I still love you, I still wait for you here
If love can cross the barriers, without borders
I'll turn the whole world over just to have you with me
I'll scream at the sky that I love you
that I don't know how to live without you by my side
Oh, a sweet sin, oh
Passion is like a cold night without you
And just one of your kisses would make
the love rise like the sun in me
I know that I didn't take our love seriously
I messed it up
I was insecure, lost in that feeling
I don't have a specific explanation, no excuses
What speaks better than me
is my heart
I'll scream at the sky that I love you
that I don't know how to live without you by my side
Oh, a sweet sin, oh
Passion is like a cold night without you
And just one of your kisses would make
the love rise like the sun in me
I know that we will live
a great love again, oh
I'll scream at the sky that I love you
that I don't know how to live without you by my side
Oh, a sweet sin, oh
Passion is like a cold night without you
And just one of your kisses would make
the love rise like the sun in me

Tandem (Duo)

Versions: #1
In the word je t'aime
Too much M
And never never a single N
In love
It's win or loose it's
often the hatred
They stare at me
They consider me
Like a girl that I'm not
I flee
Too fragile
Thousand and one nights
Are keeping me away from me
In the word je t'aime
Same number M
Sometimes it shines like a tiara
Always the same theme
It's ditto
Soon the crash
I don't know when
You're strong in theme
But in math-superior
You become fade
In love
It's win or loose
You reap what you sowe
You stare at me
You consider me
Like a girl I'm not
You flee me
So fragile
Thousand and be nights
Keep me away from you
In the word je t'aime
Same number M
Sometimes it shines like a tiara
Always the same theme
It's ditto
Soon the crash
I don't know when.

Away From Here

Away from here, if only I could fly far
Away from here, I want to get to that place out there
Where the dream of my childhood resides
If only I could get there, it would be so nice
By rocket to the moon
I’ll fly up into space to find her
Then Ba Ba will see true love lasts all eternity
If only I could prove it no path would be too far away for me
He’ll see
Paper lanterns only fly through the light, why shouldn’t I?
Away through time and, if speed is on my side, I know
Every valley will bring my dream a little further into reality
It’s time
I know for sure it’s now or never
I’m starting the countdown and releasing energy
I think it’s gonna work now, so just wait and see
My dearest Banji
Away from here, , soon I’ll see you
Away from here, Ba Ba, then you too will see
I’ll rise up to the stars
I know this journey is worth it
Soon I’ll already be on the moon


Mereu mi-am trăit viața singur
Am căutat locul numit acasă
Știu, că am fost rece ca gheața
Am ignorat visele, prea multe minciuni
Undeva adânc în interior, undeva adânc în mine
Am găsit… copilul care am fost înainte
Și știu, că nu-i prea târziu
Niciodată (nu-i) prea târziu…
3 dimineața!
Vaca pictată!
Nu ne oprești acum!
Ființe umane minunate
Da! Eu sunt tânărul soldat de listă
Haide! Lansatorul de rachete se oprește, da
Nu-i o pasăre, nici un avion
Trebuie să fie Dave, care este pe tren
Am să te prind, te voi prinde
Spune-le că am spus da
Mereu mi-am trăit viața singur
Am căutat locul numit acasă
Știu, că am fost rece ca gheața
Am ignorat visele, prea multe minciuni
Undeva adânc în interior
Undeva adânc în mine
Am găsit… copilul care am fost înainte
Și știu, că nu-i prea târziu
Niciodată (nu-i) prea târziu…
Sunteți gata? Nu-i nici un joc
Eu cânt atât de mult, (să) vă transform în nebuni
Am să vă prind, vă voi prinde
Agitați zona
Eu sunt bobocul
Îndepărtarea blocajului
Da mai tare stereo
Alătură-te caravanei
Căpitanule, ploaia nu va veni!
Undeva adânc în interior
Undeva adânc în mine
Am găsit… copilul care am fost înainte
Și știu, că nu-i prea târziu
Niciodată (nu-i) prea târziu…