Rezultatele căutării pagină 9
Număr de rezultate: 340
This or that way
You know all my deficiencies
and you still accept me when
malice and insanities come from all corners.
My salvation is your painful waiting...
Now I know how expensive your love is
and I took it just like that.
You pay with tears every rudeness of mine,
they are gilding your heart.
Today I am the king of a magic flash,
tomorrow perhaps I will be in the mud as a simple loser,
this or that way, their passion will fade
- only you will love me equally.
Today I have hundred wings so I can fly,
tomorrow, when I start boring them, I will be on the bottom,
this or that way, the time will pass
- only you will love me equally.
Do not forget to remember me
A date and a name encircled
with black marker in my calendar,
the two of us (without judges and juries)
convicted to farewell.
There is a place where the streets
sing because of your high heels,
there is a word which I cannot tell to anyone
since you are gone.
And days are passing, the memories are endless,
and as cursed I need more and more
your touch and your skin with cinnamon smell.
Do not forget to remember me
here I die slowly, every day.
Dear God, please check if the time has come
to wake up together again. (x2)
Some unimportant people, annoying telephones,
everyone is calling except you.
Are we still connected
with an invisible thread in our hearts?
Some small tender things are running through my head
and yes, it is a pity, I need more and more
your touch and your skin with cinnamon smell.
Do not forget to remember me
here I die slowly, every day.
Dear God, please check if the time has come
to wake up together again. (x2)
Nuse, Nuse
(You are sweet as chocolate,
I will steal you in front of your door,
Neither your father,
nor your nine brothers will rescue you.
Regardless that he calls his churches mosques,
we are old friends since the time when we played with marbles.
I saw him accidentally in a pub at Bit Pazar*,
he had never looked so sad, desperate.
Instead of his Nuse**, he is holding and cuddling
a glass of warm rakija*** in his Hands.
Nuse, Nuse, oh Nuse, oh,
I am gathering marks**** to buy you
your father asks for them.
Nuse, Nuse, oh Nuse, oh,
I do not have money, but I will take you,
just keep on laughing.
If you would be far away, you would be a movie couple,
but her father comes from a village near Gostivar*****.
I see, my brother,
you have a big desire underneath your skin.
My heart is tearing apart,
hear what I can propose to you.
Everything for love, we give our word,
if it is necessary we will steal her.
Nuse, Nuse, oh Nuse, oh,
I am gathering marks**** to buy you
your father asks for them.
Nuse, Nuse, oh Nuse, oh,
I do not have money, but I will take you,
just keep on laughing.
Nuse, Nuse, Nuse, (Albanian words)
Nuse, Nuse, Nuse, Nuse, my love!
When the eastern skies start glowing
the sun gilds my cheeks
as if you are sending me secret kisses
instead of letters from far away,
And when the foolish western winds
comb the birch trees
I ask myself if somewhere, at some time
your hair will cover me again?
Where is north... and where south...
- it does not bother it at all,
this heart as a broke compass
shows only in your direction.
Behind Radishani mountains stick up,
in the night the strongest star lies over them.
Dear North Star, is she unfaithful
or are you only her tear?
Each spring some bird
carries love songs in its throat
and with your voice it feels sorry for us
because you and me are apart.
Where is north... and where south...
- it does not bother it at all,
this heart as a broke compass
shows only in your direction.
Mavrovo Whiteness
The road gets unwound as a scarf,
Bistra* is dressed white for a prom,
the sky brings back memories of her,
of eyes from a long time ago.
We were young, still unburnt,
with widely open hearts,
with lips which do not know how to lie
when the love sincerely, for the first time.
The first love is a deep ditch,
first luck which destroys the darkness,
no other love is such innocent,
clean as Mavrovo** whiteness.
It was naive to swear in eternity,
very silently, so that noone can hear,
and only the morning start heard it
up there above Medenica***.
And here we are, new youth, new snows,
their blood is boiling, their cheeks are red,
now they learn that it is possible
that cold winter can warm up their hearts.
The first love is a deep ditch...
Spune tuturor despre femeia asta nebună de lângă tine,
Cât de geloasă a fost, cum te urmărea peste tot,
Cum a dat din întâmplare peste mesajele tale din telefon,
Pentru că tu ai devenit indiferent.
Felicitări, dragule, respiră ușurat,
Ți-ai îmblânzit femeia să nu mai dramatizeze, să nu mai întrebe unde-ai fost,
Uite ce amabilă sunt, cât de bucuroasă te trimit șă ieși seara,
Numai tu nu-ți dai seama că nu mai sunt a ta!
Nu mai sunt îmbrăcată așa pentru tine,
Nu mai port rujul acesta pentru tine, dragule,
Îmi pare rău, ai fost ultimul care a aflat
Cât timp am fost cu tine doar de frică.
Felicitări, dragule, respiră ușurat,
Ți-ai îmblânzit femeia să nu mai dramatizeze, să nu mai întrebe unde-ai fost,
Uite ce amabilă sunt, cât de bucuroasă te trimit șă ieși seara,
Numai tu nu-ți dai seama că nu mai sunt a ta!
Nu mai sunt îmbrăcată așa pentru tine,
Nu mai port rujul acesta pentru tine, dragule,
Îmi pare rău, ai fost ultimul care a aflat
Cât timp am fost cu tine doar de frică.
Two souls and moonlight
It is dawn
we go back to the reality
it feels like a threat
it is time to go apart.
Too many reasons
far too few answers
Is the desire enough
to make something happen again?
In the heights the whole night
two souls and moonlight floated embraced.
Me and you - we are refugees from this world
who learn the love by heart.
The passing day
often consumes me as a chalk.
A step backward in my head
so that I am closer to you.
And still
it seems like I am feeling your taste
kisses like mature dates
which sweaten the lips until dawn
In the heights the whole night
two souls and moonlight floated embraced.
Me and you - we are refugees from this world
who learn the love by heart.
But I love you
In a small shop on the cashier, always smiling:
'Neighbour, anyhing else?'
And the look is shining with the colour of hope, meaning
'Take me too!'
The other day a girl exactly like you gave me a sign and made me reflect
She said 'I will do anything so that you are not alone'.
But I love you
and it is perhaps not reasonable that I dream of you
but I will not and cannot with anyone
My soul does not sing, without you my heart does not laugh
I miss our crazy things
and with out crazy things - is the love love at all?!
Under the mask of friendship
the night is the kingdom of ingeniously covered passions
Of small flirts, ambigous jokes
and women ready for whatever it takes
And I will forget easily with whom I laughed
but not with whom I cried
That is why I love you
and it is perhaps not reasonable that I dream of you
but I will not and cannot with anyone
My soul does not sing, without you my heart does not laugh
I miss our crazy things
and with out crazy things - is the love love at all?!
I'd like to [I'll Try]
I am old enough by now
And I know reality
But I will never give up
And I don't want to cry
Not me, not me...
I don't have trust anymore
Now I don't believe anymore
In those beautiful stories always full of poetry, magic and fantasy
I'd like to...
to succeed to believe in it also
I'd like to
that, that one day it was mine
I'd like to....I'd like to....I'd like to
Everything is changing and no one knows where it's going
I can't wait anymore for
the day in which my city will burn
I'd like succeed to in it also
I'd like to...
that, that one day it was mine
I'd like to...I'd like to
And sooner or later, I will understand, that the difference is there....
between true love, and that fear, hidden inside me...
Now finally, I can also believe in those beautiful stories
always full of poetry, magic and fantasy...
Now I too, I can believe by now in that
Me too, and I will fly sooner or later...
Me too...Me too......
With you.
I'll Try (Hetalia Multilanguage)
I'm not a child now
I can take care of myself so well
And I will show them now
I can't show that I'm weak
I'm perfectly okay
I rarely bother to listen
I am too old for that
Mother's childish thoughts
I see nothing in faith, trust and pixie dust
_________,I don't see like you anymore
If I can, If I can
If I can
abandoned in this city
in flames, hmm, a city in tears.
But sometimes, I want to believe it
I try,
but I can't see it
I try
but It's impossible
I try and try
To understand the distance in between
The love I feel, the things I fear
And every single dream
In the distance sparkles
a star there which is blue
Full of wonderful stories,
for no man can deam without it.
Magic and fantasy....
now i can believe in it myself too
So much
I can see what you see
So much, So much
I can fly
Fly, I'm flying in the wind
Come sit with me gray hair, gray hair.
Silvered my head, then stilled the air.
As Ranevskaya performed - I couldn't go there.
Will you write me letters?
You will write me letters!
Let me finish my smoke, let me down a drink to you.
Resistance is pointless!
Why did I let go your hand? Why, tell me?
There, where play ends, real life begins.
To feel nothing - I will pretend to be a statue of clay.
People, I ask for one thing: bury me under the plinth.
To feel nothing - let me finish my smoke, my drink.
But mama, I beg of one thing: bury me under the plinth.
Don't, I'm alone, I'm alone
For you, for all, with everyone, but alone.
Behind the window is my true friend, moon,
Servant of loneliness.
Will you write me letters?
You will write me letters!
Let me finish my smoke, let me down a drink to you.
Resistance is pointless!
Why did I let go your hand? Why, tell me?
There, where play ends, real life begins.
To feel nothing - I will pretend to be a statue of clay.
People, I ask for one thing: bury me under the plinth.
To feel nothing - let me finish my smoke, my drink.
But mama, I beg of one thing: bury me under the plinth.
The clock has stopped, midnight not rung,
The friends are gone, the ones that lied.
Tragicomedy - encore and crown
Curtain slowly falling down.
I did not act, I lived this whole play
The way I could. Why?
Why did I let go your hand? Why, tell me?
There, where play ends, real life begins.
To feel nothing - I will pretend to be a statue of clay.
People, I ask for one thing: bury me under the plinth.
To feel nothing - let me finish my smoke, my drink.
But mama, I beg of one thing: bury me under the plinth.
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Versions: #2
Scoate-mă în oraș diseară,
Unde este muzică și sunt oameni
Și sunt tineri și plini de viață
În mașina ta...
Nu vreau niciodată, niciodată să mă mai întorc acasă
Pentru că nu mai am una
Scoate-mă în oraș diseară,
Pentru că vreau să văd oameni și vreau să văd viață
În mașina ta,
Te rog nu mă lăsa acasă
Pentru că nu e casa mea, e casa lor
Și eu nu mai sunt binevenit
Și dacă un autobuz supraetajat se ciocnește de noi
Să mor de alături de tine e un fel așa divin de a muri
Și dacă un camion de zece tone ne omoară pe amândoi
Să mor de partea ta, ei bine, plăcerea - privilegiul e al meu
Scoate-mă în oraș diseară,
Du-mă oriunde, nu-mi pasă, nu-mi pasă, nu-mi pasă
Și în pasajul întunecat
Mi-am spus: „Oh Doamne, mi-a venit șansa în sfârșit”
Dar apoi m-a cuprins o frică stranie
Și pur și simplu n-am putut să întreb
Scoate-mă în oraș diseară,
Oh, du-mă oriunde, nu-mi pasă, nu-mi pasă, nu-mi pasă
În mașina ta...
Nu vreau niciodată, niciodată să mă mai întorc acasă
Pentru că nu am una...
Oh, nu am una
Și dacă un autobuz supraetajat se ciocnește de noi
Să mor de alături de tine e un fel așa divin de a muri
Și dacă un camion de zece tone ne omoară pe amândoi
Să mor de partea ta, ei bine, plăcerea - privilegiul e al meu
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Today I know
I don't want to be a child anymore.
I can take care of myself.
They believe in me, well...
I must hide my tears from them.
It's nothing, it's nothing.
I don't have the strength to listen.
Honestly, I have enough of
these childish fairy tales
'cause I don't believe that
somewhere there there's a magic dust.
Today I know
that I want to make an attempt again.
Today I know,
I'll try to look through the fog,
today I know, today I know.
Now I have the certainty
that it's time to believe.
[I have] the trust and hope that
around us
there has always been magic dust.
Today I know
that this faith makes sense.
Today I know
one needs to go through the fog
and rise high,
today I know.
I Believe
I'm no longer a child,
I can take care of myself.
And so that they remain confident
I have to say to those that I love
It's alright, it's alright
But I'm tired
and too grown up to believe
those naive stories
of faith, and loyalty,
and of fairy dust.
Why don't I see what they see?
Why don't I believe what they believe?
Why? Why not me?
In this world, troubled
by guns and drama,
I can't leave them,
abandoned in this city
in flames, hmm, a city in tears.
But sometimes, I want to see what they see.
Sometimes, I want to believe what they believe.
To have the faith.
The faith to believe and finally see the universe which separates
this weeping world which trembles with fear,
and their enchanting dream.
Now I can believe
because finally I've been able to see
that our world is made
of faith and loyalty,
and of fairy dust.
Yes I believe,
because now I know.
I finally see what you see.
I believe, I believe, I believe,
In you.
I'm not so little anymore
I know how to take care of myself
And I won't fail them
They won't see me cry
I'm tired of listening to
And I refuse to believe in
Those old stories
There are no fairies to call today
I don't know, I've lost faith
And I've left my emotions behind
I've lost all hope
Left it behind, behind, behind
I'm seeing the world change
Don't know where to turn
I can't keep
Just watching as the city burns
Mmmhh, my city
And I've left my emotions behind
I've lost all hope
Left it behind, behind, behind
And behind is where I'll look to understand
The dreams that were once in me
Fear and love are so close
Who's going to dream like that?
Now I finally see
Now I can believe in
Those old stories
And that world I found
I know, only with faith
And search for the hope I lost
Look at what I didn't see before
Eager, wanting to dream
Black keys, white keys
Passages of a song, broken and forgotten
You used to sing them to me at night
When, together, we fell asleep with our eyes to the moon
You sang that you loved me, that I'm all that you want
But you let me leave your world
You sang that you loved me, that I'm all that you want
But you let me leave your world
I need someone
To need my love
And to give in exchange all that I offer him
I haven't thought of asking for anything else
Mornings in the sheets with messy hair
We stayed in each other's embrace but with bared souls
You consumed of love, you thought that it's unquenchable
I'm afraid that I have to tell you that was all
You sang that you loved me, that I'm all that you want
But you let me leave your world
I need someone
To need my love
And to give in exchange all that I offer him
I haven't thought of asking for anything else
The need for love never extinguishes
Not even when the heart is deceived
I'm waiting for someone who could
Take my hand in his palm, take care of it
I need someone
To need my love
I haven't thought of asking for anything else
I need someone
To need my love
And to give in exchange all that I offer him
I haven't thought of asking for anything else
I need, I need, I need
I haven't thought of asking for anything else
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
Now or Never
I did it
You’re destiny
The moment I saw you, magic history
I just melted
Stop it
Beautiful day Beautiful life
The world was colored
I closed my eyes and opened them again
But I could only see you
Hey baby, you’re amazing
You shake awake my sleeping emotions
That’s right
I’ve changed somehow, I think I’ve fallen for you
It’s complicated, this red light is dangerous
I did it
Oh there was no time so I did it
Baby, I did it right there
Oh, I put everything on the line, I did it
Like you don’t care
Risky like a game of tug-of-war
You burn me up, you shake me up
You lit a fire in my life
There was no time so I did it
Baby, I did it right there
I want you
You never leave my head, this is trouble
You’re too beautiful, oh God
My eyes are filled with nervousness, I’m tied up
I’m getting more anxious, nothing else has meaning to me
I’m only imagining
How you’ll be when you’re mine
I can’t just leave you alone
I can’t lose you
I’ve changed somehow, I think I’ve fallen for you
It’s complicated, this red light is dangerous
I did it
Oh there was no time so I did it
Baby, I did it right there
Oh, I put everything on the line, I did it
Like you don’t care
Risky like a game of tug-of-war
You burn me up, you shake me up
You lit a fire in my life
There was no time so I did it
Baby, I did it right there
I want you
My universe is shaking, I’m confused, is it true?
I keep going up & down
Like a roller coaster ride
Feels like I’m dreaming, you’re so shining
I can’t ever let go, don’t escape from me
I’ve changed somehow, I think I’ve fallen for you
It’s complicated, this red light is dangerous
I did it
Oh there was no time so I did it
Baby, I did it right there
Oh, I put everything on the line, I did it
Like you don’t care
Risky like a game of tug-of-war
You burn me up, you shake me up
You lit a fire in my life
There was no time so I did it
Baby, I did it right there
I want you
I did it, I did it, I did it
Of, într-o grădină de cireși
Of, într-o grădină de cireși cânta o privighetoare.
Îi ceream voie să mă întorc acasă, dar nu-mi dădea drumul,
Îi ceream voie să mă întorc acasă, dar nu-mi dădea drumul.
Ești dragul meu și eu sunt a ta, lasă-mă să plec, s-a crapt de ziuă.
Măicuța mea se va trezi, mă va întreba unde am fost,
Măicuța mea se va trezi, mă va întreba unde am fost.
Dar tu răspunde-i așa - ce frumoasă este noaptea aceasta de mai.
Vine primăvara, ne aduce frumusețea în care înflorește totul,
Vine primăvara, ne aduce frumusețea în care înflorește totul.
Fiicuța mea, nu vine vorba de unde te-ai plimbat toată noaptea.
De ce cosița ți-e despletită și lăcrimoarele îți lucesc în ochi?
De ce cosița ți-e despletită și lăcrimoarele îți lucesc în ochi?
Cosița mi-e despletită, pentru că o prietenă de-a mea a despletit-o.
Lăcrimioarele îmi lucesc în ochi, pentru că m-am despărțit de iubitul meu,
Lăcrimioarele îmi lucesc în ochi, pentru că m-am despărțit de iubitul meu.
Măicuța mea, deja ești bătrână, dar eu sunt o fată tinerică.
Vreau să trăiesc, sunt îndrăgostită, mamo, nu o certa pe fiicuța ta,
Vreau să trăiesc, sunt îndrăgostită, mamo, nu o certa pe fiicuța ta.
© Vladímir Sosnín
Niciodata indeajuns
Incerc a-mi tine respiratia
Lasa a ramane asa
Nu pot a lasa clipa a se sfarsi
Tu starnit-ai un vis, cu mine
Devenind mai 'galagios' acum
Il poti tu auzi rasunand!??
Ia-ma de mana ...!!!!
Ai sa impartesesti asta cu mine ?
Caci iubire , far' de tine ........
Toata stralucirea a o mie de lumini,
Toate 'stelele (ce) noi furam de pe cer ...
Niciodata indeajuns nu vor fi
Niciodata nu vor ajunge
Turnuri de aur , tot neinsemnate sunt ....
Aste maini lumea o poate avea, insa
Niciodata nu va fi indeajuns
Niciodata nu va fi indeajuns !!!
Pentru mine
Niciodata, niciodata ...
Niciodata, niciodata ...
Niciodata, pentru mine
Pentru mine !!
De neajuns !!
De neajuns !!
De neajuns
Pentru mine ....
Pentru mine ...
Pentru mine !!!
Toata stralucirea a o mie de lumini
Toate 'stelele (ce) noi furam de pe cer
Niciodata indeajuns nu vor fi
Niciodata nu vor ajunge
Turnuri de aur , tot neinsemnate sunt ....
Aste maini lumea o poate avea, insa
Niciodata nu va fi indeajuns
Niciodata nu va fi indeajuns !!!
Pentru mine
Niciodata, niciodata ...
Niciodata, niciodata ...
Niciodata, pentru mine !!!
Pentru mine
De neajuns !!
Niciodat' , niciodat'
De neajuns !!
Niciodat', niciodat'
De neajuns
Pentru mine
Pentru mine
Pentru mine
Pentru mine
Aparent infidel
Nu ți-ai amintit că nu trebuie să vorbești cu gura plină,
mai ales când gura ți-e plină de minciuni.
Știi deja că e dulce
să spui minciuni,
dar acum înțelegi dacă e ușor să le înghiți -sunt dulci pentru tine?
Am suportat când veneai acasă la 3 dimineața,
obosit și beat - aparent infidel.
Te-am suportat și am dormit singură,
am fost nefericită și tu erai cu altele.
Acum o să mă suporți tu pe mine,
va durea enorm, tu doar trebuie să vii acasă.
Aerul din casă încă e fierbinte din cauza lui,
astăzi ți-ai dori să fi fost mort,
ți-ai fi dorit să fii mort.
Sunt o cățea acum - chiar așa?
Știi oare, câinii nu dorm lângă un om
de care nu sunt atașați?
Și tu-mi spui mie că dacă eram un bărbat,
te-aș fi înșelat...
Cu toții fac așa - și tu pui ego-ul/ mândria înaintea iubirii.
E dulce așa?
(refren x 2)
Am suportat când veneai acasă la 3 dimineața,
obosit și beat - aparent infidel.
Te-am suportat și am dormit singură,
am fost nefericită și tu erai cu altele.
Acum o să mă suporți tu pe mine,
va durea enorm, tu doar trebuie să vii acasă.
Aerul din casă încă e fierbinte din cauza lui,
astăzi ți-ai dori să fi fost mort,
ți-ai fi dorit să fii mort...
Unholly bride
Versions: #2
Unholly bride
Dressed like for the tzar
Proudly keeps her chin high
Before the altar
Big diamond ring
Light up the church everywhere
Nothing wrong at a glance, not a thing!
But in fact it's a nightmare...
The choir holds the tune
The pages -veil very tight...
Is it delirium? Oh, come on!
It's worse, it's life!
Nu voi mai iubi din nou
Nu voi mai zâmbi din nou
Până nu îți voi zâmbi
Nu voi mai râde din nou
Ce ar face bine?
Lacrimile mi-ar umple ochii
Inima ar realiza
Că romantismul nostru este la sfârșit.
(Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo)
Nu voi mai iubi din nou
Sunt atât de îndrăgostit de tine
Nu mă voi mai mișca din nou
Pentru altcineva.
În inima mea
Știu că nu voi începe niciodată
Să mai zâmbesc
Până nu îți voi zâmbi.
(Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo)
În inima mea
Știu că nu voi începe niciodată
Să mai zâmbesc
Până nu îți voi zâmbi.
(Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo)
Stealing dreams.
I see you every day and I can't understand,
How can you be more beautiful than moonlight?
And my heart drops, it skips a beat
At the moment you smile accidentally
Only you!
And I stand still, I am riveted to the spot
My thoughts become confused, I have lack of words...
And I know for sure, we'll never be together
And I was awake last night again!
It's for nothing.
I know that
And I'm waiting for dawn.
Probably, I don't even cross your mind,
I warm you in my dreams
You are like shining light
A girl, who's stolen my dreams
Stars hang over and it seems to me, they are closer
You sleep and have sweet, beautiful dreams
And I don't sleep, I'm thinking about making us closer,
You and I get to be a part of this early spring.
My spring.
I will dream about you till the end of times
But you have a flame, that burns for love!
I know, you love one man,
And dammit, he isn't me
He isn't me
Indescribable sorrow
Indescribable sorrow
Opened two huge eyes,
Awake became the flower vase
And spilled its crystal over.
The room drunk all
That languor- medicine so sweet!
A kingdom so small
Absorbed so much of sleep.
Red wine a little bit
A little bit of sunny May-
And, breaking thin biscuit,
The thinnest fingers whiteness.
Night Flight ~Never Marry A Railroad Man~
Wearing in my body the toilet of darkness
I have a dream about one of the thousand nights
If you close your eyes, Fly To Your Night
Even if I love another woman
you'll turn around someday
My sinful wish is Love, Love Me Do
No, No, No
Even though my silent cold blue
look out for a hopeless love
My increasing thought is Fly To Your Night
A dream, a reflection and then an illusion
If they breathe on my chest
Will they become true? Fly To Your Night
Even if I spill tears
I already feel hurt enough
I like you more than anyone else Love, Love Me Do
No, No, No
Wearing in my body the toilet of darkness
I have a dream about one of the thousand nights
If you close your eyes, Fly To Your Night
No, No, No
My every night sleeping gets disturbed
of the tale of the dark night's land
Good night. Love, Love Me Do
No, No, No
Wearing in my body the toilet of darkness
I have a dream about one of the thousand nights
If you close your eyes, Fly To Your Night
No, No, No
My every night sleeping gets disturbed
of the tale of the dark night's land
Good night. Love, Love Me Do
No, No, No
E o noapte-n timpul verii când îți vindecă sufletul,
Îți umplu paharul cu cea mai profundă speranță a ta,
Nu m-am simțit atât de bine înainte,
Simt că sunt acasă.
E o pajă pe o insulă, când soarele apune,
Dansezi în nisip și nu ești singur,
Niciodată nu vezi un suflet gol,
Simt că sunt acasă...
Uuuu uuuu uuuu, simt că sunt acasă,
Uuuu uuuu uuuu, simt că sunt acasă!
(Believe on you)
[Verse 1]
Too many eyes I don't give up fxxk it
I don't know what I want (what I want)
When I was young, don't try to be frank
Please you have to be like this
I wonder, I'm strange or who is strange
Everything is so different than I thought
But isn't it natural
The words that I've heard until now, the words were repeated because I don't want to be heard
Now, we don't have to listen. I think we can do that
Would you take my hand out of the window?
Look for a rainbow to fly
I could be your love
But never mind, I'm Neverland
You never mind, I'm Neverland
But never mind, I'm Neverland
[Verse 2]
Living life for own my way, it's me after all
It's not too far in Wonderland
I only know the end
Teenage dream follow my future
Teenage dream follow my future
Everything is so different than I thought
But isn't it natural
The words that I've heard until now, the words were repeated because I don't want to be heard
Now, we don't have to listen. I think we can do that
Would you take my hand out of the window?
Look for a rainbow to fly
I could be your love
But never mind, I'm Neverland
You never mind, I'm Neverland
But never mind, I'm Neverland
Because we are young and we love (because we love)
It's okay if we don't have anywhere else to go
As far as I know (I know, I know)
Don't worry and fly
Would you take my hand out of the window?
Look for a rainbow to fly
I could be your love
But never mind, I'm Neverland (but never mind)
You never mind, I'm Neverland (you never mind)
But never mind, I'm Neverland
La Vita Che Non Ho Avuto Mai (Reprise) [The Life I Never Led (Reprise)]
I've never dared
answer 'no'
I've always obeyed
and I don't know why
I listen more to you
than I would like
I cancel my will
But now not anymore
I won't give in
She is my sister
and I'll be by her side
I won't stay here
saying others 'yes'
I take
my freedom
You've always promised me that one day
God will call me too
That day has already came
God called me
I'll be a sister
or I won't live
She stays with us
otherwise I'm leaving with her
I'll live that life I had not [1]
Nicicând nu poţi ştii
Era o nuntă puştească
şi babacii le-au urat binele
Puteai vedea clar că Pierre
chiar o iubea pe domnişoară
iar acum tinerul cuplu
au tras clopotul catedralei,
'C'est la vie' ziceau babacii
şi asta-nseamnă că nicicând nu poţi şti!
Şi-au mobilat un apartament
cu un Roebuck de două camere
Răcitorul era plin
de cine ca la tv şi bere de ghimbir
Dar când Pierre a găsit de lucru,
bănuţii au venit desigur
'C'est la vie' ziceau babacii
şi asta-nseamnă că nicicând nu poţi şti!
Aveau un radio hi-fi
frate, îl ascultau la blană
700 de discuri mici
rock, r&b şi jazz
dar când soarele a asfinţit,
tempoul rapid al muzicii a căzut.
'C'est la vie' ziceau babacii
şi asta-nseamnă că nicicând nu poţi şti!
Şi-au luat o rablă
roşie din '53
Au mers cu ea înspre (New) Orleans
să-şi serbeze aniversarea nunţii
Acolo s-a-nsurat Pierre
cu frumoasa domnişoară.
'C'est la vie' ziceau babacii
şi asta-nseamnă că nicicând nu poţi şti!
They Never Know
I’ve opened all of me for you
My eyes, the deepest part of my heart
In a world that’s closed without a small crack
It’s the only place that’s open for you
They never know
A completely different world
Only we can feel it
They never know
The reason we became this close
The rain makes everything wet
We’re ignoring everyone’s eyes
I’ll cross the line first
To the place where you are, cross that
Oh would you dare to cross the line
Yeah, don’t listen to the things
That try to break us down no oh oh
They’re jealous of us
Because we enjoy it rather than avoiding it
Our own message
They targeted it
Hurting us however they wanted
The more I kiss the scar from the arrows
I’m falling more for you every day
They never know
They haven’t seen
The back of the blue moon
They never know
The reason I’m going closer
The rain makes everything wet
(Rain that covers eyes)
We’re ignoring everyone’s eyes
(Love is blind, love is blind)
I’ll cross the line first
To the same world you’re in, cross that
My love is already in your heart
Filled up like a full moon, set free
Past the hesitation, past that line
No matter what they say, don’t believe it
Let go, don’t say no
Let go, don’t say no
Don’t listen to other voices baby
Let go, don’t say no
Let go, don’t say, don’t say
You’re too beautiful
For us to follow the ending
They’ve already thought out
The rain makes everything wet
We’re ignoring everyone’s eyes
I’ll cross the line first
To the place where you are
Baby tell me where the line is
Baby tell me where the line is
[Strofa 1]:
Așază-te lângă mine, сăruntețe,
Este cea care ți-a acoperit capul cu argint, iubitule. Apoi vine liniștea.
Nu aș putea să joc așa cum a jucat Ranevskaya.
Îmi vei scrie scrisori?
Îmi vei scrie scrisori!
Lasă-mă să termin de fumat și de băut din ce ți-a rămas ție.
Rezistența nu are niciun sens!
De ce i-am dat drumul mâinii tale? De ce? Spune-mi!
Acolo unde se termină spectacolul începe viața reală.
Mă voi preface o statuie de ghips ca să nu mai simt nimic.
Oamenilor, vă cer doar un lucru: îngropați-mă în spatelei plintei.
Lasă-mă să termin de fumat și de băut ca să nu mai simt nimic.
Mamă, îți cer doar un lucru: îngroapă-mă în spatelei plintei.
[Strofa 2]:
Nu face nimic, mă voi descurca eu însămi,
Voi face aceasta în locul tău, în locul tuturor, cu toții, dar singură.
Luna plutește dincolo de fereastră - este prietena mea adevărată,
O slujitoare a singurătății.
Îmi vei scrie scrisori?
Îmi vei scrie scrisori!
Lasă-mă să termin de fumat și de băut din ce ți-a rămas ție.
Rezistența nu are niciun sens!
De ce i-am dat drumul mâinii tale? De ce? Spune-mi!
Acolo unde se termină spectacolul începe viața reală.
Mă voi preface o statuie de ghips ca să nu mai simt nimic.
Oamenilor, vă cer doar un lucru: îngropați-mă în spatelei plintei.
Lasă-mă să termin de fumat și de băut ca să nu mai simt nimic.
Mamă, îți cer doar un lucru: îngroapă-mă în spatelei plintei.
[Strofa 3]:
Ceasul s-a oprit, nu mai bate miezul nopții,
Nu mai am prieteni care să mă mintă.
O tragicomedie - publicul ne cere un bis.
Cortina cade încet pe podea.
Nu am jucat, ci am trăit piesa aceasta
Așa cum am putut. De ce?
De ce i-am dat drumul mâinii tale? De ce? Spune-mi!
Acolo unde se termină spectacolul începe viața reală!
Mă voi preface o statuie de ghips ca să nu mai simt nimic.
Oamenilor, vă cer doar un lucru: îngropați-mă în spatelei plintei.
Lasă-mă să termin de fumat și de băut ca să nu mai simt nimic.
Mamă, îți cer doar un lucru: îngroapă-mă în spatelei plintei.
© Vladímir Sosnín
Tell everyone about this crazy woman with you, how jealous she was, how she followed you around & how I secretly went through phones messages, because of you I became different
Congrats, my dear, breathe easy
you tamed your woman to not make anymore dramas, to not ask where you've been. Look how nice I am, how happily I send you off in the evening, you just didn't realize that I am no longer yours.
I'm not all dressed up for you like this
I'm not wearing this lipstick for you my dear, I'm sorry you're the last to know how long I was with you out of fear only
Congrats, my dear, breathe easy
you tamed your woman to not make anymore dramas, to not ask where you've been. Look how nice I am, how happily I send you off in the evening, you just didn't realize that I am no longer yours.