Rezultatele căutării pagină 7
Număr de rezultate: 421
The artist and the model
You scream that I’m your tyrant,
and, flourishing with hatred,
you bend, like an animal bold,
your blue spine and a neck naked.
I can’t take your undignified words,
I will run white with venomous anger.
I adore you so much that it hurts,
so don’t change, stay like this forever.
People will pray for you, dirty thing,
While I’m here, while I’m living.
(c) Andrey Voznesenskiy
(c) translated into English by Maryna Tchianova
Heal me
I'm sick, heal me please, my friend...
Give me a drink of baptismal water of life.
Warm up my soul in the palm of your hand,
The titmouse that got lost in the sky.
On the wings that were cut by the stars
The scarlet threads are tangled.
If it's not too late, heal my scars!
Or leave me alone on cold granite.
Calm waters will foam, when the day ends,
I will step right into the icy abyss.
I'm in pain! Heal me, my friend!
My back is scarred from my sins!
An invisible stork will fly above the land
Over wounded titmouse, fallen to the grave.
I did not know, my friend, that I would repent.
You forgive me, I don't know how to pray…
May Seem Contrary
Stop floating arround ye fellow, scorn this wretched one not
In every forbade, freedom will be set for us
Being a lover also a poet and also being an antialcohol
What kind of paradox is this, it may seem contrary
Zboară tu, sufletul meu
Cântă, chitara mea,
Despre drumul destinului.
Spune, de la începutul începutului,
Tot acest basm pe care-l numim ”Viață”,
Pe care-l numim ”Viață”!
Cântă, chitara mea,
Despre focul iubirii nepieritoare,
Cerul turcoaz, câmpul albastru de flori de porumb,
Și despre prospețimea zorilor de ziuă,
Zorilor de ziuă.
Zboară tu, sufletul meu,
Peste plaiul înflorit,
Până unde iarba ce abia respiră,
Până unde iarba ce abia respiră
E trezită de primăvară!
Zboară tu, sufletul meu,
La scumpa mea jumătate,
La cea care, fără grabă,
La cea care, fără grabă,
Așteaptă iubirea în torentul zilelor!
Cântă, chitara mea,
Despre destin spune tot adevărul.
Spune, de la începutul începutului,
Tot acest basm pe care-l numim ”Viață”,
Pe care-l numim ”Viață”!
Zboară tu, sufletul meu,
Peste plaiul înflorit,
Până unde iarba ce abia respiră,
Până unde iarba ce abia respiră
E trezită de primăvară!
Zboară tu, sufletul meu,
La scumpa mea jumătate,
La cea care, fără grabă,
La cea care, fără grabă,
Așteaptă iubirea în torentul zilelor!
Nenorocita șefă
Nu încerc (ah)
Nu încerc
Nu încerc
Nu încerc să fiu mișto ca tine
Fâțâindu-te de colo colo în pantofii tăi cu tocuri
Sunt neîndemânatică
M-am împrietenit cu podeaua
Doi la preț de unu, știi, una dată naibii ia patru
Și două picioare stângi, știi că mereu renunț
Prima chestie pe care o face o fată e să dea din...
Sunt întreaga nenoricită de prăjitură și cireașa de pe top
Am scuturat o sticla și făcut o fată bună să se scape
Nici măcar nu ești aici să petreci,
Ken prin club, încercând să duci acasă o Barbie
Nu vreau să merg, mergi, du-te cu vântul
Spatele curbat până-mi ating degetele de la picioare
Nu vreau...
Să dau, dau, dau la cârme
Cu încheietura plină de pietre sper să plutesc
Ridică-te singur în slăvi, că știi că altele n-o fac
Eu mestec, mestec, mestec, căci se speră să mă înec
Sunt o nenorocită, un boss
O nenorocită și un boss și voi străluci ca un gloss
O nenorocită, un boss
O nenorocită și un boss și voi străluci ca un gloss
O nenorocită, un boss
O nenorocită și un boss și voi străluci ca un gloss
O nenorocită, un boss
O nenorocită și un boss și voi străluci ca un gloss
Numită curvă, eu sunt ce urmează, tu ești ce-a fost
Eu armăsarul, tu căluțul de mare
Nu am nevoie de reportaje, nu am nevoie de declarații de presă
Toate pozele mele nasoale au fost cele mai bune pe care le-am făcut
Eu port pălării, eu port pantaloni
Sunt avansată, așa că sunt promovată
Și-mi fac dansul și-ți anulez planul
Dragă, nu fi nervos(/nervoasă) că ți-ai avut șansa
Renunță, îți zic că am luat-o și că am muncit pentru ea
Am câștigat-o și acum stau pe ea
Bani pe podea, când dansăm pe ea
Strălucește puternic, lasă-i să pună un bronz pe ea
Îți zic că am luat-o și că am muncit pentru ea
Am câștigat-o și acum stau pe ea
Bani pe podea, când dansăm pe ea
Strălucește puternic, lasă-i să pună un bronz pe ea, ceva gen:
Sunt o nenorocită, un boss
O nenorocită și un boss și voi străluci ca un gloss
O nenorocită, un boss
O nenorocită și un boss și voi străluci ca un gloss
O nenorocită, un boss
O nenorocită și un boss și voi străluci ca un gloss
O nenorocită, un boss
O nenorocită și un boss și voi străluci ca un gloss
(Rrrrrrrr-ah-ah, aaaaaaah)
(O nenorocită)(Sunt o nenorocită)
(Un boss)(Sunt un boss)
(O nenorocită)(Sunt o nenorocită)
(Un boss)(Sunt un boss)
(O nenorocită)(Sunt o nenorocită)
(Un boss)(Sunt un boss)
Sunt o nenorocită, un boss și voi străluci ca un gloss
Sunt o nenorocită, un boss
O nenorocită și un boss și voi străluci ca un gloss
O nenorocită, un boss
O nenorocită și un boss și voi străluci ca un gloss
O nenorocită, un boss
O nenorocită și un boss și voi străluci ca un gloss
O nenorocită, un boss
O nenorocită și un boss și voi străluci ca un gloss
How Far?
Versions: #1
Did they cast you down,
Break you, knock your heart out?
No one got the picture, no one ever heard you out
I would hear you out, why did you elope..
Give it a burl, see how wretched I am
I'm a wretch who's broken-down by virtue of pain and distress
I'm a fusty ruin who's been vandalized
I loved you ever too much
Leave me in the lurch without thinking, go faraway
Go away even if my tears shed like a flood
My eyes stare into space at night, but you go to the realms without me
You're a sufferer, I'm a sufferer, come on, do tell
How far will it go like this?
True Love
Like a knife
thru butter,
you came into my life
when I was dying.
Like the moonlight
thru a crack,
that's how you
came into my eyes.
and that's how I began
loving you on a daily.
Without any laws
and without time.
and that's how you woke me up
from every dream that
you were in.
and no one was looking for it.
and no one planned it like this,
that in my destiny,
you would be for me.
no one was betting
on me being so happy,
but cupid had pity on me
like rain in
the desert,
you watered my heart with faith and
drowned my fears.
Like a sweet voice,
in the silence,
that's how love came to us,
true love.
We were sitting in the moonlight
I kissed you on your wrist
Then I kissed you while standing
I kissed you on your lips
I kissed you in front of the door
I kissed you from your breath
There were children in the garden
I kissed you from your child
I took you to my home, to my bed
I kissed you on your spoon
We met other houses
I kissed you from your marrow
Finally I took you to the streets
I kissed you from your source
You Possess
I have you sleeping with me
You're beautiful, not to mention...
Your lovely crimson, upon the desk
Keepin' it to your husband...
Though your husband doesn't have my arms
Peel an orange, in slices
I'm from Uzunminare*, born and bred
Can't keep myself away from the sea...
Three people at the stop
The man, woman and kid
Man's hands were in his pockets
Woman were holding her kid's hand
Man was woebegone
Woebegone like woebegone songs
Woman was beautiful
Beautiful like beautiful memories
Was woebegone like beautiful memories
Beautiful like woebegone songs
Vitamin Ğ
Thanks to our men and women of letters
They found a vitamin
When you work a little bit
Tombstone Flowers
70.000 love and 90.000.000 lines of poetry
The world-renowned poet İlhan Berk lies here!
Please passenger, it's a good deed, don't you be too lazy to
Add another zero to that number thyself
Death comes back to my memory, a death at a shot
I'm hanging on a tree's shadow
The Poem Of The One Who Gave Up Smoking
Back in the day, burning was my precedency
Now, not to burn is my precedency
You're beautiful sweetie
But at very close range!
Kiss Me Then Give Birth To Me
Versions: #1
It's the skulduggery that granulates
At the spicas of the fair-haired kids
From the oasis
A blindfolded syringa's scent from the oasis
Is revolving around our little old sun
Brimming over the houses, gazebos
And taking up my voice's residence
The loose-jointed cicutine of my voice
The variegate cicutine of my voice
And towards the birds
My Darling: A Day's...
My darling, it is midday now,
Transportations come and go quickly, everywhere is crowded
I think of you in a cellar-like coffee
Give your hands, give your hands
I see soldiers who are in furlough, I see worker girls who are trotting
İstanbul is as always, howling
Doves save the silence made of sun
I think of you, YOU!
Like those were the our first days
My heart, I say, my heart
It's like a new sold water counter
Memories feed the love as much as dreams
So I say, love is the love as long as it's get older
Love as older as is love
Our daily bread, and our folksongs
Our offsprings and children
Buildings are built next to each other
Vapors' mouths are full of foam
Which doors are opening far away?
A train is reaching a station
Someone is shown there.
Everything knows, every thing
So do you know?
How much I love you,
How much I care about you?
That I come?
That I go?
Turgut Uyar
He sits in a white room
The room's got more doors than windows
Stars in his eyes
Stays in cold
A goblet in his one hand
He suppresses his wounds with the other hand
A voice comes from a building area
As if it caress something
He lies on a couch as if he's embarrassed
The song of the lightwalker
Within the unreturned verses
Roses bloom in his ( verses )
The day when he passed away
All of us were fired.
The Only Prohibition
On the day, when freedom comes,
On that day, dying is forbidden!
The Government
This government
They doesn't give passports to Pir Sultan,
We understood that.
They doesn't give a press card
To Yunus Emre,
We understood that too.
But this government
They ruled:
They doesn't allow
Karacaoğlan to get on the bus.
All architects and engineers at the height,
You are the only architect who is at the below, O Master Sinan!
Edip Cansever
The collar of his green silk shirt
Falls on the long time.
Too much of everything is harmful,
Edip Cansever died because of too much poetry.
I loved you so much,
That is, so much you!
The pain you make me taste
Chirps like birds
After twelve o'clock
All drinks
Are wine
Give praise to the King
Versions: #1
Today I come to give myself bowing before you
My heart can be there
The sky dresses up
It has never been seen like this
Today I come to give myself bowing before you
My heart can be there
The sky dresses up
It has never been seen like this
In a humble manger there in Bethlehem
A king has been born
Give praise to the king
Give praise to the king
Give praise to the king
the King of Isarel
Shepards and wiseman came to you to worship
Angel now sing a new song to God
The gift of God to the world has come
Peace and Salvation
Give praise to the king
Give praise to the king
Give praise to the king
the King of Isarel
Give praise to the king
Give praise to the king
Give praise to the king
the King of Isarel
I loved you insufficiently
I've no cure except for composing while thinking of you and digging my own grave
These streets are guardants whom sit up for mad-lovers, nobody has seen you, nobody
Join me in my heart, come, I won't let you go, I loved you insufficiently, that's not enough
I blocked the road with my heart and sake, you're alone, I'm a wretch, I loved you insufficiently, that's not enough
Broken Words
Even when we run out of strength
And our peace of mind is broken
And once again the road is hidden from our eyes
The first rule, and the most important thing...
Even when it's so late
And another day has passed
And when the bridge is growing narrow
The first rule, and the most important thing...
Is to not be afraid at all...
To not be afraid
Behold, the ways of pleasantness are renewed for us every day
Forgotten paths of peace unveil inside of us now
And instead of all the valleys of the shadow of death, let us pace in the lands of the living
Let us believe that we can speak of what's in our heart
And all the broken words shall join together as prayers
Become songs, restore our strength
Revive our soul
Fill our mouth with laughter
And all the broken words shall join together as prayers
Become songs, restore our strength
Revive our soul
Make our hearts strong and courageous
To not be afraid at all...
Let us not be afraid at all
For God is with us
Albastru și Gri
Unde e îngerul meu?
E sfârșitul zilei
Cineva să vină și să mă salveze, vă rog
Un oftat obosit al unei zile epuizante
Bănuiesc că toată lumea e fericită
Te poți uita la mine? Căci sunt trist și abătut
Însemnătatea lacrimilor mele reflectată în oglindă
Culoarea mea ascunsă într-un zâmbet, albastru și gri
Nu știu unde lucrurile au început să meargă rău
Încă de copil, am avut în mintea mea un semn de întrebare albastru
Poate de aceea trăiesc cu atâta înverșunare
Dar când mă uit înapoi, sunt de unul singur
Acea umbră neclară mă înghite
Totuși, semnul albastru de întrebare:
Oare e anxietate sau depresie?
Cum de regret atât de mult?
Sau poate eu sunt produsul singurătății
Încă nu știu, acel albastru închis
Sper că nu mă va deteriora, voi găsi o cale de ieșire
Vreau doar să fiu mai fericit
Să mă topesc pe mine cel rece
Mâinile mele au fost întinse de nenumărate ori
Un ecou incolor
Oh, am impresia că pământul a devenit mai greu
Cânt de unul singur
Vreau doar să fiu mai fericit
Am simțit când am umblat pe străzile reci iarna
Sunetul respirației mele pentru că inima-mi bătea puternic
Încă mă simt așa
Nu spune că e în regulă
Pentru că nu e în regulă
Te rog, nu mă părăsi
Pentru că doare prea tare
Străzile pe care umblu de obicei și lumina ce-o primesc
Dar astăzi e doar o priveliște stranie
E doar monotonă sau e distrusă?
Însă e grea, această bucată de metal
Un rinocer gri se apropie
Eu doar stau pe loc fără vreun obiectiv
Nu mă simt ca mine însumi în acest moment
Nu sunt speriat
Nu cred într-un Dumnezeu
Cuvintele colorate sunt enervante
O zonă gri întinsă e mult mai convenabilă
Sute de milioane de expresii faciale abătute aici
Când plouă în lumea mea
Dansând deasupra acestui oraș
E ceață într-o zi senină
Mereu împreună în zilele ploioase
Un toast în cinstea
A tot praful ce s-a așezat aici
Vreau doar să fiu mai fericit
Simte căldura mâinilor mele
Nu sunt calde, deci am și mai mare nevoie de tine
Oh, pâmântul e din ce în ce mai greu
Cânt de unul singur
În viitorul îndepărtat, râd
Îți spun că așa am făcut
După ce am adunat în secret vorbele aruncate în vânt
Acum adorm dimineața, noapte bună
Blue & Grey
Where is my angel
The one that brings the end of the day
Someone come and save me, please
I just need to sigh after the end of the tiring day
It looks like everyone is happy
Can you look at me? Cuz I am blue & grey
The meaning of the tears reflected in the mirror is
My colors hidden behind my laughter, blue & grey
I don't know when it all went wrong
Since I was little, my head was filled with blue question marks
So I don't know how I lived so passionately
The sharp shadow that swallowed me alive
Even now I still don't know whether the blue question marks
Are anxiety or depression
Or if it's really the creature called regret
Or if it's the me that loneliness gave birth to
I still don't understand this frosty, vicious blue
I have to make sure it doesn't take me over, I'll find an exit for sure
I just wanna be happier
Melt the frozen me
The hands I've extended so many times
This colorless echo
Oh this ground feels so heavier
I am singing by myself
I just wanna be happier
Am I being too greedy
The feeling when I'm walking down the cold winter road
The sound of my racing heart
I still feel it now
Don't say you're okay
Because you're not okay
I beg of you, don't leave me alone, it hurts too much
I always walk these roads and feel this light
But this time it feels like an unfamiliar scene
Have I gotten dull, or have I become broken
But these chains are heavy
The charging grey rhino
I face unfocused
I don't feel like myself at this moment
I'm just not afraid
I don't believe in the god called confidence
Words like vibrant colors are uncomfortable
The broad range of grey is comfortable
This grey contains millions of expressions
If the rain comes, my world
Dances to the top
To the fog on a mild day
We're always together on a rainy day
To all this dust that's gathered here
I raise a toast
I just wanna be happier
Feel the temperature of my hand
Because it's cold I need you all the more
Oh this ground feels so heavier
I am singing by myself
If there ever comes a day where I laugh again
I'll make sure to tell you
I secretly gathered the words that floated in the air
Now I'm starting to fall asleep at dawn, good night
Zbor de noapte
Nu pot să mă opresc să te iubesc după o noapte
Să te uit după o noapte
Nu pot să te las să pleci după o noapte
Nu pot să mă opresc să te iubesc după o noapte
Să te uit după o noapte
Nu pot să te las să pleci după o noapte
Zbor de noapte
Sunt la geamul din partea dreaptă
Zburăm să ne îndeplinim visurile
Fără cuvinte mă scufund în ochii tăi
Vreau să îmi amintesc, dar cum pot să îmi amintesc tot?
Privirea ta, ca și cum ochii tăi se uită la mine
Te văd din nou, trebuie să fie dragoste
M-ai atins, mi-ai tulburat inima
Mi-ai tulburat inima
Mi-ai tulburat inima
Mi-ai tulburat ...
Stau in fața ruinelor dragostei tale, strig la ceruri
Din nebunie, din nebunie!
Nu pot să mă opresc să te iubesc după o noapte
Să te uit după o noapte
Nu pot să te las să pleci după o noapte
Nu pot să mă opresc să te iubesc după o noapte
Să te uit după o noapte
Nu pot să te las să pleci după o noapte
A girl in a Greenpeace shirt
She's asleep or pretending to sleep...
a fly comes and sits on her mouth
and nevertheless my world ends in her
She's got tired of always sleeping in sofas
and of covering her mouth not to scream.
She never knew how to make a living.
Her crib were the scraps of a Mehari
When she gets angry she sizzles unbearably
She runs away from dimwit suckers
and novice pimps
and just in case she never dwells near the traintracks
without looking behind... looking behind!
Dirtmuth, little sorceress
a girl who pretends to be old
trying for some naive fool to eat the bait
Her jean is tight on her strawberry and she's the queen
on walls she writes on fucking her star
She dreams of a ruffian
who can give her footing and blow her love
and the joy for which her world spins
She runs away from dimwit suckers
and novice pimps
she uses her tongue like a sabre
while she laughs and rushes us...
and just in case she never dwells near the traintracks
without looking behind... looking behind!
Until Today
Until today
I loved you I won't deny it
Until today
Because I'm tired of being your plaything
I hope God forgives you
Because I can't
You killed the love, don't continue crying
Because other arms are waiting for me
It was your fault because you didn't value me
It was your fault
Because you always thought
That you were always going to have me at your feet
It's over, can't you see
It's your fault and you no longer interest me
It was your fault and it'll stay on your consciousness
You killed the love
Don't continue crying
Because other arms are waiting for me
Until today
I loved you I won't deny it
Until today
Because I'm tired of being your plaything
I hope God forgives you
Because I can't
You killed the love, don't continue crying
Because other arms are waiting for me
It was your fault because you didn't value me
It was your fault
Because you always thought
That you were always going to have me at your feet
It's over, can't you see
It's your fault and you no longer interest me
It was your fault and it'll stay on your consciousness
You killed the love
And I've had good luck
Until today