Rezultatele căutării pagină 8
Număr de rezultate: 385
The Final Step
The final step is the distance to the stars,
The final step, the direction is known,
The final step [slips] through fingers like the sand,
Life will escape, the path has long been chosen.
Like the sand, it'll escape,
The final step.
Only one final step is left to be taken,
Only left to rid [yourself] from empty thoughts,
And desperately yearn to enter a fight with screams,
And then fall like a loser, like a wall of dreams.
This river of life is too deep,
It's too harsh, it's [full of] fake sympathies,
To inhale oxygen with all might to fill up the lungs
It is not enough to flap broken wings.
Something drags [me/you] down to the bottom,
Like an eruption of fate is a whim,
I know that I am not alone,
But there's not enough...
Like the sand, it'll escape through your fingers,
Your life is a river, so intoxicating.
The time has sown scars on my body,
Not just scars.
These adornments are not to be removed.
What'll happen next?
I remember there were days of failure,
Drowned in a war.
We can't be broken down, we can't be defeated,
Wanted to live and this is our last chance.
We'll break down walls that imprisoned us,
The flame of resistance in hearts did not cease.
Something drags [me/you] down to the bottom,
Like an eruption of fate is a whim,
I know that I am not alone,
But there's not enough...
Like the sand, it'll escape through your fingers,
Your life is a river, so intoxicating.
The final step, a sip of blood,
Pull the trigger,
It is your last lesson.
The Snow Is Melting
I break the silence,
I won't leave you alone,
I won't abandon you,
I [am] the new light, the flame in the dark.
With our hands
We will melt the snow, will break the ice,
With hot hearts
We will melt all of this white world.
The sun slices clouds,
We did not see how
The snow is melting, the snow is melting.
With your hor lips tough
To save this whole world,
Whole world.
The sun slices clouds,
And we did not notice
How under our feet
The snow was melting.
Why don't you hear me?
And turn away from me?
Why are you ignoring
The pain that's in your heart?
Why is your hand shy?
Why are you afraid?
You do not live in vain,
Your life is in your hands.
The sun is slicing clouds,
We did not notice
How winter was running
Leaving behind white prints.
The sun is slicing clouds,
We did not know,
By giving a helping hand
You'll save the world!
The world, the world, the world.
I Don't Believe
Among the ideals
That we were taught
We cannot find such
That one would choose for himself.
The taught motivation,
The goal is hidden behind a curtain,
How to recognize with no makeup
Who's your friend, my brother?
Everything is like on a carnival
Masks, roles, medals,
What morals
Are gonna be disguised for us?
No, I don't believe anymore!
I don't believe all of ya'll's words
Instead, silence is better
I do not believe
I don't believe you all
No, I don't believe anymore
And my right to choose I won't give you.
I'll remain in silence,
I don't believe,
I don't believe you all.
Fight for your entry/exit,
Break your inner barriers,
And though the world around you is pale,
May everyone remain silent.
The taught motivation,
The goal is hidden behind a curtain,
How to recognize with no makeup
Who's your friend, my brother?
Everything is like on a carnival
Masks, roles, medals,
What morals
Are gonna be disguised for us?
o, I don't believe anymore!
I don't believe all of ya'll's words
Instead, silence is better
I do not believe
I don't believe you all
No, I don't believe anymore
And my right to choose I won't give you.
I'll remain in silence,
I don't believe,
I don't believe you all.
Ea, doar pe ea o vreau
Amintirile mi-au blocat ușa,
Dar de durerea mea trebuie să scap,
Să uit de-această fată care m-a rănit.
Trebuie să recapăt savoarea vieții,
Dar străzile sunt pline de oameni agitați,
Și-n fața vitrinelor, barurilor, afișelor...
Cred că văd chipul ei oriunde.
Totul de ea îmi amintește, nimic n-o înlocuiește.
Așa că nu-mi vorbi niciodată de alta,
Nu, nicio alta!
Ea, doar pe ea o vreau
Și-a ei fragilă, tandră, sălbatică iubire.
Ea, doar pe ea o vreau,
S-o duc departe, s-o iubesc și să trăim împreună.
Ea, doar pe ea o vreau,
Mă voi lupta și trebuie s-o regăsesc!
Ea, doar pe ea o vreau,
Pentru ca într-o zi viața să ne reunească.
Am căutat cu încăpățânare s-o uit,
Și-atunci o alta a intrat în viața mea,
La fel de isteață, poate chiar mai drăguță,
Credeam c-o iubesc, eram în sfârșit vindecat!
Dar cea mai frumoasă nu e mereu și cea mai bună,
Și noua mea speranță nu era decât o greșeală.
Căci prin gesturile sale, prin corpul său
Eu o căutam mereu pe cea pe care încă o iubeam.
Așa că nu-mi vorbi niciodată de alta,
Nu, nicio alta!
Refren (x2):
Ea, doar pe ea o vreau
Și-a ei fragilă, tandră, sălbatică iubire.
Ea, doar pe ea o vreau,
S-o duc departe, s-o iubesc și să trăim împreună.
Ea, doar pe ea o vreau,
Mă voi lupta și trebuie s-o regăsesc!
Ea, doar pe ea o vreau,
Pentru ca într-o zi viața să ne reunească.
The Abundant Wealth
The wealth of ours is invisible
They can never take or break it
The world is left to envy it
If they stole something you have
Then that thing would be negligible
Not even worth getting back
Because value is determined by life
The wealth of theirs can be bought
We don't count ours and we won't lose it
Apparently the world is still unhappy
If you lamented their words
Then it would be futile
Not even worth crying over
Because words always contain lies
Your shadow is wavering
The sundial I can only see today
The proof that the familiar summer is right there
There are plenty of things that bring you joy
They're all yours
Show me your smile
If they stole something you have
Then that thing would be negligible
Not even worth getting back
Because value is determined by life
See, you are full of wealth
Theory of Happiness
When I went looking for true happiness,
I started thinking to myself that I wanted to love, and be loved.
And it helped me to understand your strengths,
and the weaknesses you tend to keep hidden
So I’m just gonna use up all my energy on you
Because you laugh and cry so openly
To keep myself from hoping for anything
from the flow of time, or the color of the sky
I didn’t see true happiness, so I never realized
That it was actually right here next to me all along…
But I know it was your familiar hands that my numb fingers were seeking
So I’m willing to suffer a little to protect it all:
your melody, your philosophy, the things you have to say.
Because I love you and the way you laugh and cry so openly,
To keep myself from hoping for anything
from the flow of time, or the color of the sky…
I will continue to protect it all:
your melody, your philosophy, the things you have to say.
The reality of you being alive, right here with me,
is all it takes to make me happy.
I don’t need your promises,
I hate things left unfulfilled,
I wanna be connected to you forever,
I want a window where morning never comes.
How did language come to be throughout history?
Sun, oxygen, ocean, wind,
Shouldn’t that have been enough?
We’re both feeling lonely
Can’t blame anyone or anything
for licking each others’ wounds, and rightly so
I bare myself, much like my life *
Forgive me for being so exited,
Just hurry and don’t think about it’s too late alteady.
Come even deeper inside me,
Arouse my urges
The moonlight almost makes me want to tell you
that I don’t give a damn about
Inferiority complexes,categorizing.
Let’s forget about all that
I’m going to be alone in the end anyway
So I’d rather die while carrying on with my false truths for time being
I love that sharp gaze of yours
Ring Na Na
I want to feel the heat
Of your lips the flavour
When you look at me like that
There's nothing left of me
If you don't liven up
I'm leaving, leaving, leaving, leaving
I won't stay waiting
So decide now
Ring ring na na na
Your call comes to me
Chorus: From Tokyo to New York
Today the lights lose control
I can be in London or in Paris
Your call always comes to me
Ring na na, ring na na
Your call always comes to me
Ring na na, ring na na
Your call always comes to me
The rhythm turns on my skin
And there you are looking for me
If you want to find me
Ring ring na na na
Your call comes to me
Chorus: From Tokyo to New York
Today the lights lose control
From Buenos Aires to Madrid
Your call always comes to me
Ring na na, ring na na
Your call always comes to me
Ring na na, ring na na
Your call always comes to me
Chorus: From Tokyo to New York
Today the lights lose control
I can be in Rome or Tel Aviv
Your call always comes to me
Ring na na, ring na na
Your call always comes to me
Ring na na, ring na na
Your call always comes to me
Cartea mea de colorat
Pentru cei cărora le plac cărțile de colorat,
Și multora le plac,
Iată una nouă pentru voi,
Cea mai neobișnuită carte de colorat,
Una cum n-ați mai văzut.
Creioanele sunt pregătite?
Foarte bine,
Începeți să mă colorați.
Aceștia sunt ochii
Care l-au privit
În timp ce pleca.
Să-i colorați în gri.
Aceasta e inima,
Care a crezut
Că el va fi mereu fidel.
Colorați-o în albastru.
Acestea sunt brațele care l-au strâns
Și l-au iubit,
Apoi cumva l-au pierdut.
Colorați-le pustii acum.
Acestea sunt mărgelele
Pe care le-am purtat până să apară ea.
Colorați-le în verde.
Aceasta e camera în care dorm,
Și-n care intru, și-n care jelesc și-n care mă ascund
Să nu mă vadă nimeni.
Colorați-o însingurată, vă rog...
Acesta e bărbatul
De-a cărui iubire depindeam.
Colorați-l plecat.
On my shoulder
Do you remember this time
Where life seemed sweeter to you
It has already been a while
Sometimes we lose the beat
When for fortune, you had thirty cents
And that happiness was in your pocket
It was before realizing that everything
Holds with wires
Put your head on my shoulder
So that my love brushes against you
You who need it so much
It's been ten years and dusts
That we face the winter wind
Together we are not afraid of anything
Tell yourself that tonight my girlfriend
You are not alone in the world
Here below, when we bail
It looks like we learn from suffering
It’s surely nothing but psycho-pop
Basically nothing makes sense
But tonight I saw him
The handkerchief of tears in your pocket
I don't like it knowing that you
Hold with wires
Put your head on my shoulder
So that my love brushes against you
You who need it so much
It's been ten years and dust
That we face the winter wind
Together we are not afraid of anything
Tell yourself that tonight my girlfriend
You are not alone in the world
We get older, the years go by
And each of us does what we can
We run, we fall, and we cram
We try to be happy
A lifetime of patching the holes
Of the time that escapes from our pockets
In a world that everywhere
Holds with wires
Put your head on my shoulder
So that my love brushes against you
You who need it so much
It's been ten years and dusts
That we face the winter wind
Together we are not afraid of anything
Tell yourself that tonight my girlfriend
You are not alone in the world
Îmi cer scuze dacă simți ceva
Te-am văzut fixând cu privirea înafara abisului tău,
Așteptând ceva ce nu știi sigur dacă măcar există.
Nu te teme să întrebi, nu te teme să fii speriat.
Nu ar trebui să reprezinte vreodată o închisoare,
Așa că îmi cer scuze dacă simți ceva,
Însă iubirea e tot ceea ce avem. Simte ceva! (Amo
Sau dacă e să fur ceva, te rog, amintește-ți că era al meu.
Ceva real.
Solar eclipse
In silence I'm waiting that days drift by
Same weeks are repeating again
Nothing changes, I haven't heard from you
Am I dead or not?
You are waiting for me somewhere on the Milky way
I will come there and forget everything else
Nobody understands that I want to leave
And there is no going back when solar eclipse takes me away
It takes me away, it takes me away
I am looking at the upper mirror again
I am drowning in the soft walls
Eating medicines for lunch, I can't remember my name
Is it smart or not
Nobody understands that I want to leave
And there is no going back when solar eclipse takes me away
It takes me away, it takes me away
Nobody understands that I want to leave
And there is no going back when solar eclipse takes me away
It takes me away, it takes me away
Nobody understands that I want to leave
And there is no going back when solar eclipse takes me away
It takes me away, it takes me away
Hi, are you looking for the other side?
Feel like nothing 'bout this seems quite right
Are you circling the drain or getting off on payment?
You're corrupted
I need to know where your loyalties lie
Tell me, are you gonna bark or bite?
Do you really wanna twist a knife in the belly
Of your master?
Get the fuck up, wake the fuck up
Wipe the system and get the fuck up
You're a puppet, when they cut your strings off
Don't come crawling back
Kingslayer, destroying castlеs in the sky
Kingslayer, forevеrmore the apple of my eye
And I sacrifice my life to find you, angel of the flame
Kingslayer, come and collect us, your might
Dark, this world is so dark that I can't see
The future won't disappear
But I want to obtain another world
System failure
Life is encrypted, genome modified
Like a virus in a lullaby
Artificial till the day you die, say you're programmed
You're corrupted
Get the fuck up, wake the fuck up
Wipe the system and break the fuck up
You're a puppet, when they cut your strings off
Don't come crawling back, you're on your own
Now, let's go and open the door of time
Kingslayer, destroying castles in the sky
Kingslayer, I'll fight for you until I die
Kingslayer, destroying castles in the sky
Kingslayer, forevermore the apple of my eye
I'll sacrifice it all to guide you, never have to go alone
Kingslayer, come and collect us, your might
This is your wake up call
You're going down the rabbit hole
Are you ready?
I can't feel you
Oh, yeah!
Is this what you want?!
This is what you'll fucking get!
You motherfucking shit!
After the Thunderstorm
The lightning struck me once.
My steely, left-sleeved cufflink
had disappeared, and there was a buzzing
in my head as if I'd many a drink.
And Doctor Berninger remarked,
so naughty, with wicked pride,
that my buzzing story was typical,
my lightning story was a lie.
The Flamengo Jokers
Two against one
It can be the Flamengo's moment
Bruno Henrique, here we go
Gabigol is asking for it
Gabigol is asking for it
Gabigol is asking for it
Passed to Gabigol
Kicked off!
Here comes the goal, here comes the goal
Here comes the goal!
Flamengo wasn't well, we were in a bad phase
We hired a coach with the name of Jesus
Organized our team, the goal is to become champion
And bring a lot of joy to our great nation
It is hard to stop the Flamengo jokers
Bruno Henrique, Arrascaeta, and our boy Gerson
If there is a Mengão match, the crowd goes wild
Raise the sign: Today there will be goal from Gabigol!
If there is a Mengão match, the crowd goes wild
Raise the sign: Today there will be goal from Gabigol!
It's flowing, Gabigol is top-scorer
It's smooth, follow the Brazilian leader
Well done, team, every match of ours is war
The Maraca shout out loud: Today is favela party
Well done, team, every match of ours is war
The Maraca shout out loud: Today is favela party
Bring me back
Damn it, what kind of evening was that?
Damn it, what kind of night was that?
That the two of us escalated together
I never would of thought
Damn it, what kind of evening was that?
At first I didn’t get it
But then you had your name
Tattooed into my soul, in my soul
Bring me back to that night, to that evening
Bring me back, back, back, back to you
Just bring this moment back to me for an eternity
Back, back, back, back to you
Damn it, what kind of evening was that?
Your beer is still on the table
Everything here screams your name
My playlist also sings about you
Damn it, what kind of night was that?
My heart is thoroughly demolished
Then you gave me a smile
Exorcising my free will, my free will
Bring me back to that night, to that evening
Bring me back, back, back, back to you
Just bring this moment back to me for an eternity
Back, back, back, back to you
Damn it, what kind of evening was that?
Long night, short process
You brought me to your court
And your judgement was my own
Bring me back, back, back back to you
Bring me back to that night, to that evening
Bring me back, back, back, back to you
Just bring this moment back to me for an eternity
Back, back, back, back to you
If life interests you
I will play the game until the very end
I will work to make all the dough
I want to flash and brag about myself
I am a sad human of the twenty first century
Don't ask questions, everything's alright
Even if I know that everything is going sideway
That half of my salary
Is necessary to merely win the cash
That I need to go to work
I close my eyes, I don't want to think about it
I also know that I'm a prisoner
Of a huge cage whose bars are gold
That I live on time I've borrowed
from banks and from credit companies
I need my dose, I'm a junkie!
If life interests you
You are at the right period
Come and celebrate this Solemn Mass
Do you feel useless?
Consume! We have stuff
to fill up the hole in your servile lives!
I live in a world of decadence
That delights itself in abundance
And were people put themselves in a trance
In the face of success and of material goods
We're creating artificial pleasure
Society of contradictions
Where rubs shoulder to shoulder bombshell beauties
Stars of hollywood with fake tits
And obese with fat asses on the edge of an heart attack
In this hamburger culture
And despite the gap becoming wider
Between riches and poverty
Me, I don't feel too concerned
As long as all those stuff
Don't happen in my life
I stick my head in my navel
If life interests you
You are at the right period
Come and celebrate this Solemn Mass
Do you feel useless?
Consume! We have stuff
to fill up the hole in your servile lives!
For the merchants and the sellers
The bullshitting advertisers
My bank account has interests
I'm no longer human, I'm an ATM
Supersized stores
Supersized portions for the masses
Capitalism : point of no return
Yes Sir! Here are the States in my backyard
In my backtard
I decided to play the game
I'm in a vicious cycle
Chronically indebted to a system
That is superficial and pernicious
A universe where the verb 'to have'
As taken over the verb 'to be'
Where all the people make themselves believe
That possession is the only quest
Foregone is the times of temples and churches
Those of our civilisation
Are whores to the glory of merchandise
And of the God of Consumption
Costco, Wal-shit, oh and Loblaw
Life is beautiful Alleluia!
If you don't get hard, there's viagra
And Go bless America!
To Home (Bring Him Home)
Listen, my Lord
I hope you listen to my prayer
(He) is young and afraid
A weary youth
To home
To home
To home
If you gave me a son
Here, a young son
The summer passes and time
flows like an arrow
I am also getting old and (will) disappear
With peace, with joy
(He) will live, (he) is still a young boy
(You) gave and took (him) away
Let him go
I (will) die
Kill me
(Bring) the boy home
to home
to home
Plenum! Ple-e-e-num!
Plenum is important for the revolution
Ple- it is ple- it is ple- it is ple- it is ple- it is ple-e-e-num
Plenum is important for the revolution
Turn your mobiles off, put out the batteries
Plenum is important for the revolution
Why sits only the half of the house here again?
Always the same situation
Who writes our report today? - I!
Plenum is important for the revolution
But don't fill 20 pages with writing again
Okay, then I'll do like the presentation
Agenda item 5, 6, 7, 8
Plenum is important for the revolution
This will take probably until midnight again
We're drinking maté for the focus
We're doing once an atmospheric picture now
Plenum is important for the revolution
Nearly everyone voted for it, the decision counts
Nice! Like this we put aside the discussion
Consent! Co-o-onsent!
Consent different to a majority vote
Con- / That was no, that was no, that was no, was no consent
Take care damn it about the minority
I'm annoyed by the dominance of speach
Plenum is important for the revolution
Nothing of what you're saying has subtance
You're bugging me with your arrogance
Don't make such a fuss
Just shut up, you dick
I think, we need a mediation
Verbal sexim are avoided from now on
Plenum is important for the revolution
Hard luck, you weren't there, we've decided this now
Please non-violent communication
I do hmmm and you do uaah
Plenum is important for the revolution
I don't listen to you anymore blabla-blabla-bla
Veto! Ve-e-e-e-to
I have there a different position
Ey! Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-ey-o
I have an off-topic information
A group of hundred stands in front of the house - lets talk about it
Plenum is important for the revolution
Throw we molotov cocktails or are we just against this?
What we need here is direct action
Some are pragmatic and others stonewall
Plenum is important for the revolution
Like this the plenum can take still 100 years
Daylight come make me wanna go home
Career song
Standing up, leaving, working and going to sleep,
Your day has been like this for years
Cleaning the flat, feeding the kids, getting on well with other mothers,
Sometimes the strain eats you up
And from time to time the whole crap overruns you
And then you venture to
Sit down for ten minutes, let the others having the strain,
Because you need a short break once.
And exactly then your boss arrives
And he is completely nuts anyway
And when he sees you sitting like this
He sackes you immedeately
And now you're sitting there in front of the broo
And you think about an ocean
It was the plan from the beginning
Just to drive out with a sailing barge
The whole childhood sitting around and eating the shit,
They have told you about youself.
To turn you into a drudge and so many good things
You rather havn't done because of this.
And you didn't gave a shit about the whole learning
What had it to with your life?
But you've followed through with this and you're now well-educated
And you should go to work.
And everything for a piece of paper,
And now you have it in your hand,
The real life is here now
It hangs tidy in the cabinet now.
And now you're sitting in the lecture hall
And a tear runs mute
And secretly down your cheek
And the thoughts begin again
After the A Levels you wanted to go with the truck
To Peru or Tibet
Still three years and then it begins
The uni lasts not so long
And now you're sitting there in the retirement home
And wants rather being a bit younger
Now you're out and thats because
That they can't exploit you anymore.
The life goes by so fast
Your warnings fade away in the wind
No one listens, and indeed cause
The youth has just no time.
Daring Woman
You are not laughing on purpose
It's only cold for me
I know your heart
I'm afraid he'll fall for me
You know, that's the charm
I'm not interested
But look at thee
I can't even look and feel
Are you on your way home?
Your shoulders look heavy
This is me
I'll buy you a meal
Hey, hey, hey, hey, look at me
Don't let that fool us
He waited for me
If you talk to me first, do you see any damage?
Hey, hey, hey say it
Tell me to be your girl
I was already a long time ago
I wanted to be your girl
Keep pushing me
Why my heart towards thee
Tell me to be honest
You want me
I'm a little younger, but I'm more than anyone
My heart is deep in the hope of you
I hate you for not knowing me (Hate it)
On the tuft
You're a petulant
On expressions of no interest
Cool you
It's on purpose
It's like me, actually
Tell me, come to you
Come here and be your one and only one
Be a flower
I mean, I don't have a lover
You're not hiding it
I believe your words
I don't like concessions even if they're done
You like that
Woman with many looks
Actually to anyone
He's the kind of guy who doesn't mind
Are you on your way home?
Your shoulders look heavy
This is me
I'll buy you a meal
Hey, hey, hey, hey, look at me
Don't let that fool us
He waited for me
If you talk to me first, do you see any damage?
Hey, hey, hey, say it
Tell me to be your girl
I was already a long time ago
I wanted to be your girl
Ringo, Where Are You Going?
Ringo, where are you going?
You always know
nights without love
will you find.
People without faces,
endless roads
where you will always go,
you will find out.
Why are you only Ringo,
a man who knows
that his fate is to be alone
wherever he will go.
Ringo, where are you going?
You always know
nights without love
will you find.
People without faces,
endless roads
where you will always go,
you will find out—
you will find out.
Se agăța de mine
Era vară și eram singur, știi, fără tine.
Ochi în ochi,
am dansat cu ea aproape în joacă. agățase de mine.
Nu m-am gândit la asta, dar apoi
trupul ei...față-n față cu al meu,
și am înțeles că ea...
mă căuta, mă dorea.
Deodată m-am pomenit
că o sărut, fără să mă mai gândesc.
Și între timp agăța de mine,
din ce în ce mai mult.
Șoldurile ei...în brațele mele,
și am fugit împreună.
Vântul mării,
și nisip în pletele ei acum.
Umbrele lunii
semănau chiar cu tine, pe inima mea. agățase de mine.
În timp ce eu visam la tine,
numele tă buzele mele,
s-a lăsat tăcerea între noi.
Ea și-a dat seama că nu era
la locul potrivit cu mine.
Zise: ”Scuză-mă, n-o să ne mai vedem.”
Și deci eu...în noaptea aceea eu
m-am simțit rușinat de mine.
Te întreb dacă...poți să mă înțelegi...
Un Inel
Trei Inele pentru Regii Elfilor de sub cer,
Șapte pentru Domni Piticilor în sălile lor de piatră,
Nouă pentru Oameni Mortali destinați să piară,
Unul pentru Lordul Întunecat de pe tronul său obscur,
În meleagul lui Mordor unde Stafiile zac.
Un Inel să-i stăpânească, Un inel ca să-i găsească,
Un Inel ca să-i adune și în întuneric să-i arunce
În meleagul lui Mordor unde Stafiile zac.
Sfârșitul primăverii
Într-o zi fermecătoare de primăvară
Când luna arăta frumos
În mod incredibil am cunoscut-o pe frumoasa tu
Una câte una, am notat fiecare amintire pe care am avut-o împreună
Până acum
Timp de multe sezoane
Primăvara era unde te vedeam
Dar acum ai dispărut din cerul meu
Și continuă așa din nou și din nou
Sezonul s-a schimbat într-o clipă
Florile roz au devenit roșii
Doar tu ai rămas în primăvară
Am zâmbit din cauza ta, am plâns din cauza ta
Primăverile mele au fost întotdeauna bune datorită ţie
Dar una câte una, toate dispar
Sezonul frumoasei mele primăveri
A luat sfârşit
Singurul lucru care s-a maturizat este dragostea
Florile au dispărut treptat în această primăvară
Vei continua înaintea sezonului meu?
În briza de primăvară care intră treptat și rapid
Încă există o floare frumoasă care mai rămâne
Am zâmbit din cauza ta, am plâns din cauza ta
Primăverile mele au fost întotdeauna bune datorită ţie
Dar una câte una, toate dispar
Sezonul frumoasei mele primăveri
A luat sfârşit
Roadele sunt aici
Anotimpurile se schimbă
Dar vreau să fiu alături de tine până la sfârșit
În primăvara asta ce a dispărut
Roadele sunt aici
Anotimpurile se schimbă
Dar vreau să fiu alături de tine până la sfârșit
În primăvara asta ce a dispărut
Primăvara s-a terminat, se aude doar vântul
Vreau doar să-ţi mai spun numele încă o dată
Dar una câte una, toate dispar
Sezonul frumoasei mele primăveri
A luat sfârşit
Roadele sunt aici
Anotimpurile se schimbă
Dar vreau să fiu alături de tine până la sfârșit
În primăvara asta ce a dispărut
Roadele sunt aici
Anotimpurile se schimbă
Dar vreau să fiu alături de tine până la sfârșit
În primăvara asta ce a dispărut
Still Living In Wonderful Day
I like it like this
I said to myself
As I turned around with a smile
That night we said goodbye
This is good enough
When tomorrow comes
I can walk with you again
Because we can look at the same sky
Because I can block the cold wind for you
I’m living overwhelming days
I like it like this
You held my shoulders without reserve
As you told me your dreams
So now I’m living as I dream of you
I like it like this
We’re laying down side by side
Underneath the spilling stars
As we talked, you peacefully fell asleep
I wonder if I’m in those closed eyes
Suddenly I got scared
At myself, slowly wanting you more
I like it like this
It’s so strange
Now I can’t even smile
I don’t want to just let you go today
New Direction
ready for new direction
can you feel good emotion
ready for new direction
can you feel good emotion
The white curves of the clouds
Don’t forget, look above you
When your hopes kiss the stars
do it right do it right turnin’ round and round
do anything~ ready for new direction
do anything~ can you feel good emotion
do you love me
cause we love like the hot sun
cause we love, I hope we can shine
cause we love, everything will come true
Let’s shine each other’s candles, do it right do it right
really do it right do it right
really do it right do it right
Like the birds in your heart
Like the big waves of the sea
When your hopes kiss the stars
do it right do it right turnin’ round and round
do anything~ ready for new direction
do anything~ can you feel good emotion
do you love me
cause we love like the hot sun
cause we love, I hope we can shine
cause we love, everything will come true
Let’s shine each other’s candles, do it right do it right
cause we love, when we’re walking together
cause we love, it’s like a painting
cause we love, let’s light each other’s candles
do it right do it right
cause we love like the hot sun
cause we love, I hope we can shine
cause we love, everything will come true
Let’s shine each other’s candles, do it right do it right
ready for new direction
Ring Ring Ring (불러줘)
Girl, call me now
I am waiting, so call me
Baby, you greet me good morning
Making me fluttered
Hey girl, tell me, tell me
Tell me to me, to me
I want to hear your sweet voice like candy
I like it above all things
Yeah, that's so fine with me
Oh yeah
I wonder
Why you would not mind
I hesitate at the moment when I look at your eyes
You’re my melody, it rings around my ears
Could this be love?
Can I make u mine?
Call me anytime and anywhere
Mind goes ring, ring, ring
Ring the bell ddang!
Call me again when I cross your mind
I miss you every, every, everyday
Wait, fly fly fly to you
Touch touch touch me
Lock me in your eyes
Eyes fixed, time stops
Every time I see you
You are the most beautiful thing in the world
You run around all day in my heart
My heart always pumps with your steps
It’s like a nonsense quiz
Do you know my heart?
(Do you know? yeah)
Peoples’ hearts are so tricky
But when I see you
somehow, I tend to know all your heart, girl
It’s true
You’re my melody and you’re always new
Could this be destiny?
Can I make u mine?
Call me anytime and anywhere
Mind goes ring, ring, ring
Ring the bell ddang!
Call me again when I cross your mind
I miss you every every everyday
Wait, fly fly fly to you
We were shinning, because we were together
Feel it with your smile (me & you)
Be possessed by something making me crossing the line, It's over
A growing beating hearts
You can’t stop me
Uh huh, uh huh anytime and anywhere
(Call me)
Uh huh, uh huh even the days and nights
Waiting is boring
Call me now
I’ll be there when I hear you
And I will hug you
Face me and call me
Dazzling bling, bling, bling
My heart goes bang
Call me with the same heart
Becomes more precious, more, more, and more
Like now forerver, forever, and ever together
Call me anytime
Waiting for you call me
Even the days and nights
Call me
Call me now, call me now
Call me anytime
Waiting for you call me
Even the days and nights
Call me
Call me now, call me now
Call me
Spring Again (그러다 봄)
How about you? Do you feel the same?
With that confused look, please don't look at me
Do you not understand what I mean?
It's because I cared about you
I regretted it after saying it
But I still told you everything honestly
I don't know what to do if you look at me like that
It's spring again but it still feels like winter
Reluctantly I get angry first, I couldn't even say sorry
What if we miss each other
What if we regret it, my heart you never knew
I hope you know when it's spring again (I hope you know)
Before I leave (before I leave)
Please understand me
I don't know how long my heart can wait
You still don't know how I feel
With those child-like eyes, please don't look at me
Do you not believe what I say?
Perhaps I liked you too much
I wish there were thirteen months and five seasons
Hold on to my heart a little I want to show it to you
You, actually yeah it's like cherry blossoms outside the window, I have too many thoughts
Reluctantly I get angry first, I couldn't even say sorry
What if we miss each other
What if we regret it, my heart you never knew
I hope you know when it's spring again (I hope you know)
Before I leave (before I leave)
Please understand me
When we see each other someday I hope we regret, my heart you never knew
I hope you recall when it's spring again (I hope you remember)
Even if I'm not beside you (even if I'm not there)
Please understand me
And my heart, as I waited for you
When You Hug Me
When you hug me,
when I look into your eyes,
I rediscover paradise—
my happiness.
When you hug me,
I saw again your skin
shine like stars
when you hug me.
Words are futile.
What can I say to you?
To me you are more than the sun,
our hearts are one heart.
Look up there in the sky
all of the stars of gold
singing together in a chorus
when you hug me.
Words are futile.
What can I say to you?
To me you are more than the sun,
our hearts are one heart.
Look up there in the sky
all of the stars of gold
singing together in a chorus
when you hug me.
Deep in our heart a fire will rise.
This world is built from a million lies.
How can we live in the land of the dead,
where everyone speaks but nothing is said?
Deep within our souls, the embers burn,
black blood flows in our veins.
We ride ever further through the night,
the new freedom is awakened within us.
Everyone is afraid of what he doesn't know,
but they keep so many secrets they don't want to show.
Don't let the last hope beside you die,
don't waste your life, stop living a lie.
[Chorus]: [4x]
Născut într-un oraș fără viață
Prima lovitură pe care am primit-o a fost când m-am izbit de pământ
sfârșind ca un câine care a fost bătut prea mult
ajungând să-ți petreci jumătate din viață încercând să ascunzi,
Născut în S.U.A.
M-am născut în S.U.A.
M-am născut în S.U.A.
Născut în S.U.A.,
Am avut o mică problemă în orașul meu natal
așa că mi-au pus o pușcă în mână
m-au trimis într-o țară străină
să merg să-l omor pe omul galben
Născut în S.U.A.
M-am născut în S.U.A.
M-am născut în S.U.A.
Născut în S.U.A.
M-am întors acasă la rafinărie
Patronul mi-a spus „Fiule, dacă ar fi după mine...”
M-am dus să-mi cunosc omul de la V.A.1
El a spus 'Fiule, nu înțelegi acum?'
Am avut un frate în Khe Sanh, care a luptat cu Vietcongul
Ei sunt încă acolo, el a plecat
A avut o femeie pe care a iubit-o în Saigon
Acum am o fotografie cu el în brațele ei
Jos în umbra penitenciarului
În afara focurilor rafinăriei
Am zece ani de când o ard pe drumuri
N-am unde să fug, n-am unde să mă duc
Născut în S.U.A.
M-am născut în S.U.A.,
Născut în S.U.A.
Sunt un pierzător în SUA, acum
Născut în S.U.A.
M-am născut în S.U.A.,
Născut în S.U.A.
Sunt un şmecher în SUA în acest moment