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Avem o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine până nu am mai avut-o
Am întrecut măsura, vieți trecute, vedere limpede
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine, aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine pănă nu am mai avut
Dezastrul asigurat omis
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine, aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine
Am îndeplinit cerințele tale, imaginea perfectă exact cum ai plănuit
Nu pot să cred cum am căzut, direct prin
Mi s-a tăiat respirația ca atunci când am fost împreună prima dată
Ne certam mai des decât râdeam, negru și albastru, mm
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine până nu am mai avut-o
M-am îndrăgostit tare dar apoi ți-am pierdut interesul
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine, aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine pănă nu am mai avut
Nopți rele, fete noi, îndoieli
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine, aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine
M-ai adus unde ai vrut, în palma ta e chiar amuzant
Toți prieteni mei au încercat să mă oprească din a te vrea
Dar nu am fost sortită să ascult, până când am găsit un motiv
A trebuit să mă adun toate puterile ca să pot pleca și alege
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine, tine, tine
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine, tine, tine
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine, tine, tine, mm
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine, aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine pănă nu am mai avut
Am raționalizat cu greu printre premoniți
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine, aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine până nu am mai avut
M-am simțit bine cu tine pentru o decizie proastră
Aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine, aveam o presimțire bună în legătură cu tine
Chiar m-ai pus pe gânduri, planuri pentru viitor fără niciun motiv
Au fost nopți nedormite din cauza ta
Și aveam mai puțin de jumătate din ceva, ce îmi dăruiai era ce îmi doream
Până am realizat că mă simt mai împlinită fără tine, mm
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Am tăiat funia și tu ai căzut din turn
I-am dat drumul pentru sănătatea mea mentală
Am încasat glonțul, nu a durut
Dar încă urăsc imaginea cu tine sărutănd-o pe ea
Cu succes ai făcut-o să pară că totul merge spre bine
Și fac pariu că acum ești la ea acasă
Te descalți, ea stă întinsă
Spune-mi e mai drăguță în viața reală decât pe internet?
Conversațile voastre sunt mișto, gen chiar te captivează?
Știu ce ești, mai strălucitor ca stele
Spune-mi dacă te duce departe
Îndeajuns de departe de tot bagajul emoțional pe care îl cari
În sus pe deal către toate fetele care te vor ajuta să îl îngropi
Ele doar te aburesc
Voi spune ce ele nu zic
Eu știu tot ce ele nu știu
Aud vocea ta ca un răcnet în turnul meu
Dorm singură, sunt bine pe deantregul (Mm)
Și tu arăți penibil ieșind în oraș
Dacă are puls, e de nasul tău?
Tu nu simți nimic, și cu toate astea ai lăsa-o
Și fac pariu că ești la ea acasă acum.
Tu nu ai putea să o deosebești în mulțime
Spune-mi e mai drăguță în viața reală decât pe internet?
Conversațile voastre sunt mișto, gen chiar te captivează?
Știu ce ești, mai strălucitor ca stele
Spune-mi dacă te duce departe
Îndeajuns de departe de tot bagajul emoțional pe care îl cari
În sus pe deal către toate fetele care te vor ajuta să îl îngropi
Ele doar te aburesc
Voi spune ce ele nu zic
Eu știu tot ce ele nu știu
Și toate cărțile tale mi se par arogante
La vremea respectivă îmi alimentau fantezia
Am fost așa de impresionată la hotelul tău
Am inhalat fumul și mi-ai citit cu voce tare
Și știai că ultima mea iubire m-a dezamăgit
Era unica ta deschidere
Și fac pariu că te gândești la mine acum
Când ar trebui defapt să dormi
Spune-mi e mai drăguță în viața reală decât pe internet?
Conversațile voastre sunt mișto, gen chiar te captivează?
Știu ce ești, mai strălucitor ca stele
Spune-mi dacă te duce departe
Îndeajuns de departe de tot bagajul emoțional pe care îl cari
În sus pe deal către toate fetele care te vor ajuta să îl îngropi
Ele doar te aburesc (aburesc)
Voi spune ce ele nu zic (nu zic)
Eu știu tot (tot) ce ele nu știu (nu)
Și știu, știu, știu, știu
Și știu, știu, ș–
Și știu, știu, știu, știu
Și știu, ș–
Și știu, știu, știu, știu
Și știu, știu, ș–
Și știu, știu, știu, știu
Și știu, ș–
Cedează-mi (Versiunea Disney)
Click to see the original lyrics (English, English (Jamaican))
Ieși din mintea mea și treci în pat, fată!
Pentru că nu știi cum să ieși din fantezie,
Hei, fetiță, tu ești cheia ... yo ... să încep atunci!
Din privirea ta spre mine, fată, văd că mă dorești,
Când o să-mi cedezi?
Pentru că trupul tău atrage, mă faci să-l doresc,
Când o să-mi cedezi?
Ei bine, dacă n-o fi azi, fată, atunci o să fie mâine
Când o să-mi împlinești fantezia?
Pentru că știi că îți dau iubirea direct ca o săgeată
Când o să-mi cedezi?
Deci fă un pas inapoi, deh... Deci pregătește-o, yeah!
Pentru că vreau să fiu bărbatul care o va avea cu adevărat,
Și-o va stăpâni și o va plesni, yeah ...
Deci cum stă treaba?
Yeah ... Știi că ai făcut vibe-ul din inima mea să crească,
Și s-a dublat, e de două ori mai mare, yeah ...
Deci treci la treabă, yeah,
În fel și chip pentru Dutty Looks și Kurup yeah,
Deci fă-le să-și revină, deh,
Fată, îți pui norocul la încercare, deh
Atunci când îl agiți, pentru că mă știi că trebuie să-l măsor, yeah
Din privirea ta în ochii mei, fată, văd, văd că mă dorești,
Când o să-mi cedezi?
Căci trupul tău seduce, mă faci să îl doresc,
Când o să-mi cedezi?
Ei bine, dacă nu azi, fată, atunci trebuie să fie mâine
Când o să-mi împlinești fanteziile?
Că știi că o să-ți dau iubire fix ca o săgeată,
Când o să-mi cedezi?
Hei, drăguță, spune-mi că mă iubești, hai să te văd cum mergi...
Tu nu vorbești engleza, ci doar mă asculți când vorbesc
Asta e din inima mea, femeie, m-ai prins!
Ești mereu în gândurile mele și nu m-ai lăsat în întuneric,
Pe primul loc, fată, acolo trebuie să fii,
Așa că lasă-mă să-l apăs butonul la femeia pe care o pot aprinde și ...
Dă-mi pasiune de la amurg până în zori ...
Spune-mi dacă vrei să fiu acolo, fata mea ...
Ca o femeie independentă, trebuie să merg mai departe
Dar îmi place ce văd și nu vreau să fiu singură,
Căci m-ai uluit, iluzia ta mă face să amețesc,
Mergem înainte și înapoi, de jur-împrejur si nimic nu se întoarce,
Băiețel, ar putea fi asa minunat
Încât să spun că e doar despre felul în care te sucești,
Că m-ai zăpăcit, iluzia ta mă face să amețesc,
Sunt atrasă de tine, iar acum sunt tentată să rămân, oh nu!
Din privirea ta în ochii mei, fată, văd, văd că mă dorești, (oh, oh)
Când o să-mi cedezi?
Căci trupul tău seduce, mă faci să îl doresc, (da, da, da, da, da)
Când o să-mi cedezi?
Ei bine, dacă nu azi, fată, atunci trebuie să fie mâine
Când o să-mi împlinești fanteziile? (da, da, oh, oh)
Că știi că o să-ți dau iubire fix ca o săgeată,
Când o să-mi cedezi?
Bunch, bunch, boom boom
Bunch, bunch, boom boom (haide!)
Bunch, bunch, boom boom
Bu-bu-bunch, bunch, boom boom (Hey!)
Deci, de ce nu poți vedea? ... ar trebui să fim
Împreună, fată, nu mă înfrunta!
Vreau doar să fiu aproape, așa că nu-ti fie teamă
Și lasă-mă să văd că îți aduci trupul chiar aici
Pentru că ar trebui să îl împarți, fată, o să am grijă de el
Și o să-ți dau dragoste atât de curată
Te va face să strălucești si odată ce esti a mea
O să o facem până la sfârșitul timpului...
Puhjennut ilmapallo
Ja autiomaa
On hiekkaa silmissä
Mut en mä näkis mitään muutenkaan
Ilman heliumii en pääse takas korkeuksiin
Ajatuksissain tyhjyyttä vain
Tyhjyyttä vain
Taas ypöyksin ajatusteni kaa
Oon eksyksissä enkä löydä ajatusteni taa
Täs on ollu jonkin aikaa
Pääl jos jonkinmoista vaivaa
Ei sun tarvi päätä paijaa
Kunhan kuuntelet
Mä oon lopettanut viinan ja röökin
Ja ryhtyny kuntoilee
Mä oon jättänyt For You Pagen
Ja lähteny ulkoilee
Silti mun pääni on tyhjä
Ku tunturin laki josta puuttuu puut
Miks sydän ei oo happy
Vaik se on lucky niinku Luke
Puhjennut ilmapallo
Ja autiomaa
On hiekkaa silmissä
Mut en mä näkis mitään muutenkaan
Ilman heliumii en pääse takas korkeuksiin
Ajatuksissain tyhjyyttä vain
Tyhjyyttä vain
Ajatuksissain tyhjyyttä vain
Tyhjyyttä vain
Pää on pehmee ku lampaanvilla
Mielenjuoksu ku apinalla
Ja mä vaeltelen sekavana tyhjän taulun kankahilla
Oon aina kuitannu onneni apilalla
En osaa nauttia tuloksista
Vaik ne olis tullut työllä ja sikaniskal
Täs on menny pari vuot autopilotilla
Ei siinä ehtiny kuunteleen
Mä oon opetellu puhumaan
Ja alkanu huolella tunteilee
Mä oon ottanu itelleni aikaa
Ja satsannu suhteeseen
Silti mun pääni on tyhjä
Ku tunturin laki josta puuttuu puut
Miks sydän ei oo happy
Vaik se on lucky niinku Luke
Puhjennut ilmapallo
Ja autiomaa
On hiekkaa silmissä
Mut en mä näkis mitään muutenkaan
Ilman heliumii en pääse takas korkeuksiin
Ajatuksissain tyhjyyttä vain
Tyhjyyttä vain
Ajatuksissain tyhjyyttä vain
Tyhjyyttä vain
Luate-ar dracu, America!
Click to see the original lyrics (Norwegian)
Atunci când eram mic
Și eram plin de o inocentă ignoranță
Și aveam predictibilitate
Când totul putea fi înțeles
America era șefa
Credeam în eroi
Încurajam o echipă
Și credeam în lumea liberă
O, Doamne, și regretabil
Asta devine din ce în ce mai rău
E asta realitatea?
Lua-te-ar dracu’, America!
Aveai totul, înainte de declin
Lua-te-ar dracu’, America!
Imperiul cel mare
E o telenovelă
Atât de superficial
Un subiect nebun
O retorică aiurită
O lume ca într-un vid
Abia mai funcționează
Timpul fuge, timpul fuge
O, Doamne, Dumnezeul nostru
Asta devine din ce în ce mai rău
E asta chiar realitatea?
Lua-te-ar dracu’, America!
Tu aveai totul, înainte de declin
Lua-te-ar dracu’, America!
Lua-te-ar dracu’, America!
Tu aveai totul, înainte de declin
Lua-te-ar dracu’, America!
Versuri originale luate de pe : Faen Ta, Amerika
Her name is Stephanie
She lives about a thousand miles away from me
It took about a second, a smile, a thousand freckles
To set me free
Oh how cliché
A stranger’s city, random party, rainy Saturday
I was downing drinks to drown the sorrow
Just to run away
And then a lightning strike just fills the place
A reflection of a familiar face
I only saw before with my eyes closed
I guess I knew right from the start
It was either a stroke or a racing heart
That I just met my missing part
Her name is Stephanie
I couldn’t get enough of her, she couldn’t get enough of me
But in the back room of the pub her friend was throwing up
She had to leave
The morning came
I texted her, she texted back a photo of a plane
I’m downing drinks to drown tomorrow
And live in yesterday
When a lightning strike just filled the place
A reflection of a familiar face
I only saw before with my eyes closed
And I guess I knew right from the start
It was either a stroke or a racing heart
I just met my missing part
Love ain’t built for people like me
And love ain’t built for people like me
Happiness ain’t built for people like me
No, love ain’t built for people like me
No, love ain’t built for people like me
Happiness ain’t built for people like me
Oh, oh
Happiness ain’t built for people like me
And love ain’t built for people like me
Happiness ain’t built for people like me
Love ain’t built for people like me
Oh, Stephanie.
Honey of the Night Mist
Sweet, sweet honey
Sweet, sweet honey
Sweet, sweet honey
Sweet, sweet honey
Someone is calling Honey,
From beyond the night sky
When I turn around, I'm all alone,
Surrounded only by dark shadows.
When was it, when was that time
When we looked up at the stars together?
It's okay, this is fine,
Yes, I knew it would turn out this way.
Someone is calling Honey,
Honey, Honey,
That voice from somewhere.
Somewhere it's calling Honey,
A trembling white chest.
Walking with my head down,
In a distant misty town.
No one, no one notices,
These tears of mine.
It's okay, this is fine,
Yes, if I'm alone,
I can cry forever.
Somewhere it's calling Honey,
Honey, Honey,
Someone is calling.
Someone is calling Honey,
Honey, Honey,
That voice from somewhere.
I know all the stars
But a new sky called me
And I felt something changed within me
I know what to choose
But it's as big as the sea
New winds take me away from my home
What is yet to come?
Once more I'm leaving
Everything that made me
What lies beyond,
Under skies I've never seen?
What do I lose if I take
An unknown direction
If I go beyond?
And leave my home behind
To find the future of my people
How can I go beyond?
Fate starts showing
Challenging predictions
Will everything I've done
Be in vain?
I can hear
Your calls
But if I leave
The pain of parting will be too much
What is beyond,
In this endless sea?
What do I lose if I venture
Into unknown lands
To see what lies beyond?
And leave my home behind
To find the future of my people
How can I go beyond?
Will she forgive me
When she doesn't find me?
I'm going beyond
Only time will prove
But I promise I'll return
Because I know who I am
I am Moana!
I bear the land and the sea
And I promise I'm never changing
I know who I am, I am who I am, and I'm going
Sayaka’s Theme
Burning the green forest
Today, the devil’s hand reaches out again
Who is it! Who is it! Who could it be?
With anger in my aching heart
I launch the missile from my chest
Aphrodite A, Aphrodite A
Only you know
I will fight with all my strength
The blue sea turns black
Today, the devil’s hand reaches out again
Who is it! Who is it! Who could it be?
With a wish in my clear heart
I launch the missile from my chest
Aphrodite A, Aphrodite A
Only you know
I will fight with all my life
The red sunset turns gray
Today, the devil’s hand reaches out again
Who is it! Who is it! Who could it be?
With peace in my burning heart
I launch the missile from my chest
Aphrodite A, Aphrodite A
Only you know
I will fight as long as there is love
The gates of the penitentiary
The gates of the penitentiary
Will soon be closin'
And that's where I will end my life
Like other guys ended theirs
For me, my mother gave
Her wedding dress
Can you ever forgive me?
I made you cry so much
The sun isn't made for us
It's at night that we can cheat
You who lost everythin' tonight
Tomorrow, you can win...
Y'all mothers, listen to me
Don't ever let your boys
Wander alone at night on the streets
They will go straight, straight to prison
You gal who loved me
I made you cry so much
The tears of shame you shed
You got to forget them
The gates of the penitentiary
Will soon be closin'
And that's where I will end my life
Like other guys ended theirs
May God welcome, in His great mercy
These children, these sons banished from life
And may He open for them, in His paradise
The gates of the penitentiary
The gates of the penitentiary
The gates of the penitentiary
Right in the middle
(Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah)
The conversations with you at night make my day
There's no need to fall asleep because with you it's already a dream
In the background, we put on a movie that no one watches
Even my mom says that I'm not wrong
You and I, it's perfect – in the middle
Come, let's take a trip – forever
From zero to a hundred, darling,
We're right in the middle
I'm a boy from Haifa and you're a woman from Tel Aviv
You live in a bubble, I live on the outside
You sit down to solve things, and with me, it's only to fight
But why would we fight? We're both on the same path
Listen carefully, I’m leaving everything and coming without thinking
We have what most don’t, none of them are close
They want to open their eyes, if it burns, let them drink a glass of water
They’re nothing, but we’re two, months with you and still
The conversations with you at night make my day
There's no need to fall asleep because with you it's already a dream
In the background, we put on a movie that no one watches
Even my mom says that I'm not wrong
You and I, it's perfect – in the middle
Come, let's take a trip – forever
From zero to a hundred, darling,
We're right in the middle
I have an inflated ego, you took the air out of it
No matter the kitchen, we’re a lid and a pot
Understanding you is complicated, but explaining me is easy
But why explain? We’ve already gotten to know each other, right?
My heart trembles when you make a ringtone
You don't care, but I see double
Dad said no promises, so no more confusion
You and me, you and me
You and I, it's perfect – in the middle
Come, let's take a trip – forever
From zero to a hundred, darling,
We're right in the middle
Come, let's take a trip – forever
From zero to a hundred, darling,
We're right in the middle
The conversations with you at night make my day
There's no need to fall asleep because with you it's already a dream
In the background, we put on a movie that no one watches
Even my mom says that I'm not wrong
Fourteenth century
--- 1 ---
We are in the 14th century
The 13th has come to an end
Wise spirit! Hear and understand
The meteors have prospered
They speak high
And the noble's name is lost
Now devoted to the love of boys
We're lawless
We'll dress up like girls
--- 2 ---
We're stuck in this life
Night falls
We run in vain to catch up
People are penetrated by evil,
Prayer is forgotten
And the ways of righteousness
So we find it in the chronicles
Whether you like it or not,
This is a century of lies
--- 3 ---
The world has given birth
Various kinds of evil that are coming upon us
The prophecies of this century are already being fulfilled
From east to west
The whole land is in turmoil
Evil abounds
Hermits, come to our aid,
We are all dumbfounded
Unless the guardians assist us
--- 4 ---
The world exploded for everyone
A fact well established by restless minds
The scoundrels changed their ways
He who was well born
In the forests is lost
Naked with no clothes
This century, so willed by God
Mired in worry,
At every step, we buttons
--- 5 ---
I swear not to associate with young people,
Since they can't be trusted
Because they tell their parents everything
This century terrifies
It elevates the vile animals
And debases the brave
Dead, we'll be in a stretcher,
And the worms will eat us
No more fats!
--- 6 ---
O my heart, every day I preach:
Flee from vile men!
Those who are ungrateful
Such as, from his bitch of a mother,
lives by his trade
Then comes and mocks
That one day fortune smiles on him
And his condition changes,
And he looks down from heaven
--- 7 ---
My heart vows never to speak again
To the fool,
To me, they're worthless
He speaks out of turn
Stampers his tongue
But his master's hand holds him
He who wishes to test a friend
Waits for him on a critical day
And only then will the brave be revealed
--- 8 ---
Help me, O Ibn Tumi!
Fate has taken hold of me
But you are my guardian
What good is a job that isn't one
Better unemployment
And we ruin ourselves buying on credit
Scary nation
Superb in words
But who finishes who falls
--- 9 ---
I rhyme this stanza in M
And my heart meditates
And admires all it sees
To each his own pool
I pity the wise man
Relegated far and scorned
No more virtuous men
No more modesty
No one is spared from anyone
--- 10 ---
Wherever I go, people's fingers point at me
My Lord, be at my side
I swore an oath to Sidi Khalifa
This nation prefers wild olives
to dates left in heaps
And yet sweet to the taste
From all the cardoon pickers
have become experts
And everyone now wears a watch
--- 11 ---
My heart swears with anger
Crazy people
no longer frequent
All the men of yesteryear are gone
Banished I know not where
One in homeland the other in exile
Only the boar-like remain
Almost all fake
And sharing shame by the bushel
The Vermilion Bird's Sky
The sky swells with a strange, deep red,
the sun melts as it falls.
Your last smile left behind,
too transparent, begins to distort.
A throbbing pulse in my chest that won't fade,
swelling up, only to burst again,
its rough, scraping sound crashes in waves,
more powerful than my raging blood.
The horizon falls silent as the curtain drops,
the scorched wind, unable to move.
The last trace of your touch remains,
a lingering, warm sensation I can’t shake off.
A fragile shadow, shivering as it burns,
left behind, weeping alone.
The endless thoughts that make wings tremble,
darker crimson than the heaving sky.
The throb in my chest that won’t disappear,
swelling, bursting once more,
its rough sound beating in waves,
stronger even than my turbulent blood.
A fragile shadow, shivering as it burns,
left behind, weeping alone.
The endless thoughts that make wings tremble,
a deeper red than the gasping sky.
Stand By Me
The pounding voice of my heartbeat
Has somehow become a comfortable rhythm.
Even when the wind blows fiercely,
I keep my eyes open, always facing forward.
If you ever feel like crying, remember
The silent promise we made to each other.
The song of fledgling birds setting out—
I still can’t fly very well yet,
But as I move forward through the winding times,
I’ll follow the path of the hands that held mine.
The waves of overlapping emotions
Are woven tightly together, binding us close.
The gentle gaze I hadn’t even noticed
Still pierces my heart even now.
We protected each other, and in doing so, lost sight
Of the destination only each of us knows.
The fledgling birds setting out
Fly off without gathering, each to their own place.
Understanding the meaning of solitude
Makes me believe all the more that we can stay connected.
Stay by my side,
I can feel your warmth
Reaching me, even now.
The song of fledgling birds setting out—
I still can’t fly very well yet,
But as I move forward through the winding times,
I’ll follow the path of the hands that held mine.
So I’ll never let you go! Even if
My words only vanish into the sky,
Within the scattered lights, I’ll find you,
A Single Petal
A single petal is swaying beside me right now
I don't want to think that this was a mistaken love
Across the table, you look so down, I'm afraid of the words you're about to say
Since when have we been pretending not to notice these feelings?
If we could go back to the clear, transparent days when we first met
I'd want to hold you one more time
A single petal is swaying beside me right now
I don’t want to think this was a mistaken love
I thought I loved you—I was sure of it—enough to always want to hear your voice
And yet now, the you just within reach seems to be slipping away from my sight
Saying, 'It's okay,' and holding back right away—that was our weakness, wasn't it?
I always wanted to be together, but the way we drifted apart changed everything
Like the gentle smile from the day we met
I felt we could get it back, that I could hold you close again
A single petal is swaying beside me right now
I don’t want to think this was a mistaken love
On the palm of your silent hand, a tear finally reached and burst
Oh, if only we could rewind the time we spent together
A single petal drifted down beside me right now
There’s no way I can forget this as some “mistaken love”
I loved you—I still love you—even now, I want to cling to you so badly
And yet now, the you just within reach seems to be slipping away from my sight
Opening the window, a blue breeze flows into the room
I want to feel it fully,
With my whole body
The light in the curtains makes my heart race
Ah, this is the beginning
That's how it felt
Lost things from the past are somewhere out there
Riding on the wind,
The moment is drawing near
From now on, let’s go far, far away
We can find whatever we’re missing along the way
I want to reach for the dream I saw that day
Let's keep running at this speed
Don’t look back now
Go into overdrive
And take flight
Even if the whole world turns against me
I’ll keep chasing this dream
I’ve yet to fulfill
In the mirror, the other me
Is saying, “You can still do this”
It felt like that,
So I believed it
Let’s go as far as we can, far, far away
We can find whatever we’re missing along the way
I want to reach for the dream I saw that day
Let's keep running at this speed
Don’t give up now
Go into overdrive
And take flight
To the sky, Ah-
Our tears, our pain
Will become the strength to support our future
From now on, let’s go far, far away
We can find whatever we’re missing along the way
I want to reach for the dream I saw that day
Let's keep running at this speed
Don’t look back now
Go into overdrive
And take flight
Millions of Red Roses
Once there lived an artist, his every day was lonely and long
He fell in love with an actress, unfortunately she loved roses
The artist sold his house, sold his art,
yes, his life and he went with the money he got to the flower market
Millions of millions of armful of red roses
You see when the girl opens her balcony every morning
You love, burn and passion makes you
a slave
All life turns into
a sea of flowers for your sake
The girl from the window
The roses spread out till they ran out
The people then carried her away but
a poor artist stayed there
Millions of millions of armful of red roses
You see when the girl opens her balcony every morning
You love, burn and passion makes you
a slave
All life turns into
a sea of flowers for your sake
And their meeting was short,
the night train took her away
Once there lived an artist his every day was lonely and long
Millions of millions of armful of red roses
You see when the girl opens her balcony every morning
You love, burn and passion makes you
a slave
All life turns into
a sea of flowers for your sake
South Third Ring East Road
I'm still here
I suddenly have no energy left
You're still there
You dejected warrior
Who's going to lead me in a song of defiance
About betrayal, about all the deplorableness
Is there no other way?
Am I to wait just like this?
I feel sorrow
I am sinful and malignant
I've got arms and legs in vain
But can't carry this damned flag of responsibility
I've earned and protected my bread
While trampling myself into the mud at dawn
In tattered clothes
Tears streaming down my face
I'm tired
I'm still here
I suddenly have no energy left
You're still there
You dejected warrior
Who will watch the sun go down with me?
Hand in hand, despising all deplorableness
Is there no other way?
Am I to wait just like this?
I feel sorrow
I am sinful and malignant
I've got arms and legs in vain
But can't carry this damned flag of responsibility
I've earned and protected my bread
While trampling myself into the mud at dawn
In tattered clothes
Tears streaming down my face
I'm tired
O sludge, O flesh, and blood
The stones and the earth are you too
Weep not, fear not
The east road will bring you home
O sludge, O flesh, and blood
The stones and the earth are you too
Weep not, fear not
The east road will bring you home
O sludge, O flesh, and blood
The stones and the earth are you too
Weep not, fear not
The east road will bring you home
O sludge, O flesh, and blood
The stones and the earth are you too
Weep not, fear not
The east road will bring you home
O sludge, O flesh, and blood
The stones and the earth are you too
Weep not, fear not
The east road will bring you home
Unstoppable HA~HA
Ride on Ha~Ha
Rock'n Roll Night Ha~Ha
Feelin' Comes… Feelin' Comes…
Feelin' Comes To Me
The best Ha~Ha
It’s a play Ha~Ha
Feelin' Comes… Feelin' Comes…
Feelin' Comes To Me
Feelin' Night… Feelin' Comes…
Feelin' Comes Tonight…
Throw away those tear-jerking love songs
Bare it all Ha~Ha
Rock'n Roll night Ha~Ha
Feelin' Comes… Feelin' Comes…
Feelin' Comes To Me…
Feelin' Night… Feelin' Comes…
Feelin' Comes Tonight…
Can’t stop, can’t let go, ever since I was born, I’m a slave to the beat
Possessed by this
Whether it’s a devil or an angel, Baby Wanna Rock’n Roll
Spit it out with all your might
Until you’re satisfied, tonight is Rock’n Roll
Let your soul take over
Annoyance, irritation, Baby Wanna Crazy Night
Not enough Ha~Ha
The groove isn’t there yet Ha~Ha
Feelin' Comes… Feein' Comes…
Feelin' Comes To Me
Throw away those chains that entangle you
A Promising Youth
The TV keeps glitching on and off.
Your contact information has not been deleted.
The tender care you had for me
was destroyed by my careless hands.
We had a common vision
Of having a place to rest and to eat,
But how were we to make it through
Working those inverted days and nights without the downpayment to show for it.
That drywall that I smashed
Even until now has not been fixed.
A single warm cup of porridge,
afraid that I had not enough,
you left your half for me to go.
Letting your appearance,
happy, from then on turning into your sad habit of reddened eyes,
always made my heart hurt,
at that time, I did not understand.
If only I was a promising youth, who, not full of self-pity,
Knew what was truly worth valuing.
Those beautiful dreams
I could not afford you have left me lost for the rest of my life.
If only I was a promising youth who knew propriety
By no means would I let you suffer in my place.
During your wedding, drink a few more
With the one who is now with you.
We had a common vision
Of having a place to rest and to eat,
But how were we to make it through
Working those inverted days and nights without the downpayment to show for it.
That drywall that I smashed
Even until now has not been fixed.
A single warm cup of porridge,
afraid that I had not enough,
you left your half for me to go.
Letting your appearance,
happy, from then on turning into your sad habit of reddened eyes,
always made my heart hurt,
at that time, I did not understand.
If only I was a promising youth, who, not full of self-pity,
Knew what was truly worth valuing.
Those beautiful dreams
I could not afford you have left me lost for the rest of my life.
If only I was a promising youth who knew propriety
By no means would I let you suffer in my place.
During your wedding, drink a few more
With the one who is now with you.
If only I was a promising youth, who, not full of self-pity,
Had tasted the flavour of regret.
Riches, Money, Estates, Status
After striving for all these things, I just want to give them back.
If only I was a promising youth who knew propriety
By no means would I let you suffer in my place.
During your wedding, drink a few more
With the one who is now with you.
At your wedding, drink a few more
To wish me a promising youth.
I Do It
I slip through the city
Because the light I see at the end of the highway
Will make the small ache in my heart shine
And disappear
I felt like
I couldn’t catch up
But I’m not afraid of anything
There’s still so much I don’t know
I speed up
And run through it all
Since I don’t know where I’m going anyway
I do it
The sky is red
Adding color
Like a digital camera
I don’t want to force anything sentimental
I just can’t keep up with it
It feels like
It's falling apart
So I close my ears
There’s still so much I don’t know
I speed up
And run through it all
I can’t stop, I have to keep moving forward
I wanted an answer
I asked the questions
But I know I can’t see the answer
Unless I keep moving
I’m ready now
I’m not afraid of anything
There’s still so much I don’t know
I speed up
And run through it all
I don’t want it to end like this
I do it
Before it's all Over
There’s no such thing that doesn’t change.
It’s the same with your feelings.
I’ve noticed that
you don’t smile as much as you used to.
I wonder where I went wrong.
If I could turn back time,
could it have turned out differently?
I’ve already been thinking about that.
Before it’s all over like that,
Would it be OK to ask,
how should I change?
I don’t even have the courage to say such a thing.
That’s probably why you’re fed up with me.
What should I do to get close to you?
That’s the thing I don’t know anymore.
“You don’t need to be next to me.”
Your words pierce my heart.
I wonder why doesn’t love come back.
Coz once we spill it on the floor,
no matter how earnestly you scrape it up,
it’s mixed with sand and there’s no way you can drink it.
Before it’s all over like that,
Would it be OK to ask,
were you happy?
If I had the strength to ask such a thing,
I wonder if we could have gotten along better.
Before it’s all over like that,
Would it be OK to ask,
how should I change?
I don’t even have the courage to say such a thing.
That’s probably why you’re fed up with me.
I know.
Even if I could ask it,
I bet I wouldn’t even be able to change.
I shut up before I gave in
I laughed before I got hurt
I stomped before I nodded
I gave up before I got swept away
Like a protective charm
I grasped at scraps
Of the slightest common ground
The dinner I partook today
The habit of covering lunch break
I hung up my desire to know
And searched among my idols
I'm attacked by a sensation
I've never felt before
We're human, we should be free
But in acting good, I feel empty
In heart and lungs, palpitations quicken
Rules spell out the end
Act with your whole self, is that all you've got?
You won't get through just being clumsy and kind
Are you trying to look cool?
Get it together, what's your pain?
I want to work out emotional war with you
Losing strength in all directions, I'm so tired
Though I only have a mindset for you
Here we go
I want to believe, to lie in wait
Welcome back, go and eliminate
Get better soon, let's talk, Lambada
The idle countdown
We fall apart in no time
Replies get colder over time
Running toward the sunset
Realizing what you've lost is pathetic
Like a protective charm
Where did you forget
Those scraps of common ground?
Our unstable structure, endless
Once we have it, we get careless
Trying to disappear on purpose
Sometimes hide-and-seek is important too
The willpower to protect myself
Keeps getting stronger
We're human, we should be free
But in acting good, I feel empty
Don't worry, palpitations quicken
Rules spell out the end
Act with your whole self, is that all you've got?
You won't get through just being clumsy and kind
Are you trying to look cool?
Get it together, what's your pain?
I want to work out sensitivity with you
Don't fear things you can't understand
Can't read me? Figure it out
Rambling nonsense
The closer we get, the more we become enemies
Drifting apart, the losers act tough
Full of misunderstandings, innocent answers
To have no ill will is the most cunning
I wanna be stuck in this huge misunderstanding
It's too boring to run, so let's battle
Act with your whole self, is that all you've got?
You won't get through just being clumsy and kind
Are you trying to look cool?
Get it together, what's your pain?
It's when you don't have feelings that you should ask questions
(Losing strength in all directions, I'm so tired)
Stop making excuses
When you haven't done anything
(I want to believe, to lie in wait)
Saying welcome back and going to shrines
Is so tiring I just wanna sleep
But I can't ignore this situation, idle conversation
An asshole
I'm curious if your mom knows that her son is not a romantic
And that the big ego she raised, at the end of the day, makes you so small
I'm curious if your mom heard or saw me crying there at the old house
Before you moved to the center and then discovered that Tel Aviv is the devil
Tell me, what are you running from, from the silence in the village?
From the nights with the moon when you pointed to a star?
And then you told me, look,
It shines like you
Maybe it's better to dance and burn nights for this
You're a man of honor, but not of feelings
And this city is big, the heart is in a maze
Because you're an asshole, who can handle you?
When at night you imagine me there
Just because you're an asshole
The whole city knows I’m running not because I’m unhappy
Just because you are
I'm curious if my mom will always wait for me to learn that you’re so stubborn
Like your new apartment, both your heart and your woman live in chaos
I'm curious if my mom knows that her daughter is aware and that she's no longer naive
I’m Mulan, a strong army, one woman in danger, ready for war
Even if now you're a star shining on buildings
And you forgot the village and grew two eggs
If you told her, look,
It shines like you
Maybe it's better you tell her that it's harder for you
That the ex is still stuck in your head,
Be careful
Don’t break her heart
Like you broke mine
Because you're an asshole,
Who can handle you?
When at night you imagine me there
Just because you're an asshole
The whole city knows I’m running not because I’m unhappy
Just because you are
Because you're an asshole,
Who can handle you?
When at night you imagine me there
Just because you're an asshole
The whole city knows I’m running not because I’m unhappy
Just because you are
I like being alone
I like being alone
You think I can’t handle it
But every now and then
I just want to see no one
I kick off my shoes
Here, I’m at home
I water the plants
And think only of myself
I like being alone
I stick photos in my album
I turn on all the lights
And let myself go
I go up the stairs
I tidy everything up
I talk to myself
I can manage without you too
I like being alone
I could do this forever
I slam the doors
I sing and don’t care about you
I rearrange the furniture
Go around without makeup
I make myself comfortable
And then I think of you
Of you
Of you
Of you
Писмо ми напиши
с думите, които ми пести...
На листа бял съм ти
от мене две сълзи.
Пиши и го прати
на вятъра,
където любовта отиде цялата,
убихме я - добри сме в това!
На листа бял, че ще ти липсвам аз
пиши ми,
и че ти е жал за нас.
Кажи ми там, че искаш втори шанс.
Кажи ми всичко, дето не можа на глас.
На моята страна в леглото ти
легни, щом къса се душата ти.
Не ни е писано с теб, нали?
Това с големи букви го пиши.
'Последно сбогом' ти ми напиши...
Ако ти кажат край,
загуби я,
по теб се разболя.
Ако ти кажат, че
от утре аз изчезвам от света,
ще се обадиш ли да изкрещиш:
'Обичам те' поне...
За тези думи две убивам аз,
но ти за мене не.
Am Plecat
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ți-ai luat iubirea prea devreme
Nu ai lăsat nici o șansă să mă uit în spate
Dar acum știu adevăratul
O face să fie mai ușor
Poate când va trece niște timp
Voi înțelege
Să ne prefacem că am trecut peste
Și îmi spun
Că viața merge înainte fără tine
Îmi deschid ochii, mă uit adânc înăuntrul meu
Am plecat
Ai aruncat totul
Atât de orbește
M-ai împins departe de tine
Din viața ta
Acum știu că lacrimile
Nu vor duce la singurătate
Poate când va trece niște timp
Voi înțelege
Să ne prefacem că am trecut peste
Și îmi spun
Că viața merge înainte fără tine
Îmi deschid ochii, mă uit adânc înăuntrul meu
Am plecat
Să ne prefacem că am trecut peste
Și îmi spun
Că viața merge înainte fără tine
Îmi deschid ochii, mă uit adânc înăuntrul meu
Am plecat
Să ne prefacem că am trecut peste
Și îmi spun
Că viața merge înainte fără tine
Îmi deschid ochii, mă uit adânc înăuntrul meu
Am plecat
Să ne prefacem că am trecut peste
Și îmi spun
Că viața merge înainte fără tine
Iubire Bombastică
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Sunt aici să mărturisesc
Că tu ești singurul căruia îi aparțin
Nu știu de unde să încep
S-a transformat într-o artă
Să nu arăt lumii că tu ai fost alesul
Cel care m-a făcut să realizez că nu trebuie să fac compromisuri
Faptul că tu și cu mine ar trebui să avem nevoie
Să știm că vom avea, vom avea o
Iubire bombastică
Atât de fantastică
În cazul în care eu sunt complet a ta și tu ești al meu
Și va fi exact ca într-un film
Când ne îndrăgostim pentru prima dată
Nu știu de ce mă simt atât de nesigură
N-am înțeles niciodată ce înseamnă
Trebuie să mă asigur că nu mă va opri din nou
Nu mai pot sta și aștepta
M-ai făcut să-mi dau seama să nu fac compromisuri
Faptul că tu și cu mine ar trebui să avem nevoie
Știu vă vom avea
Va fi o iubire bombastică
Totul va fi bine
Când eu sunt a ta și tu ești al meu
Va fi o dragoste fantastică
Când mă trezesc totul, este la fel
Și nici măcar nu-mi știi numele
Știu că vom avea o
Cum E Să Fi Eu
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Știi cum e?
Haide, haide
Baby, spune-mi
dacă eu...
Arăți ca genul de fată
Pe care vrei să o iei acasă
Să mă faci a ta
Știi măcar ce-mi place
Pentru ce trăiesc,
ce ador
Iubitule, ia-ți timp să realizezi că
Nu sunt genul care să schimbe
Așa cum sunt
Așa că dacă vrei să fii iubitul meu
Mergi o milă în pantofii mei
Tratează-mă cum trebuie sau am plecat
Nu poți vedea că
Dacă vrei să rămâi
Trebuie să mă înțelegi
Ia-ți timp sau pierzi
Ăsta e jocul meu, regulile mele
Și pot vedea, evident
Iubitule, nu știi
Cum e să fi eu
Știi cum e?
Știi cum e?
Nu te dezamăgi, băiete
Și eu te vreau
Dar trebuie să-mi câștigi inima
Înainte să te las înăuntru
Și asta te înșală, iubitule
Nu sunt o fată obișnuită
Am nevoie de cineva pe care să-l iubesc
Iubitule, ia-ți timp să realizezi că
Nu sunt genul care să schimbe
Așa cum sunt
Așa că dacă vrei să fii iubitul meu
Mergi o milă în pantofii mei
Tratează-mă cum trebuie sau am plecat
Nu poți vedea că
Dacă vrei să rămâi
Trebuie să mă înțelegi
Ia-ți timp sau pierzi
Ăsta e jocul meu, regulile mele
Și pot vedea, evident
Iubitule, nu știi
Cum e să fi eu
Iubitule, trebuie să ajungi să mă cunoști
Apoi poți să-mi arăți
că dragostea ta pentru mine este adevărată
Îți voi da tot ce
Poate da o fată
Nu vrei să fii iubitul meu?
Mergi o milă în pantofii mei
Tratează-mă cum trebuie sau am plecat
Nu poți vedea că
Dacă vrei să rămâi
Trebuie să mă înțelegi
Ia-ți timp sau pierzi
Ăsta e jocul meu, regulile mele
Și pot vedea, evident
Iubitule, nu știi
Cum e să fi eu
(Nu, nu, nu)
Mergi o milă în pantofii mei
Tratează-mă cum trebuie sau am plecat
Nu poți vedea că
Dacă vrei să rămâi
Trebuie să mă înțelegi
Ia-ți timp sau pierzi
Ăsta e jocul meu, regulile mele
Și pot vedea, evident
Iubitule, nu știi
Cum e să fi eu
Up to my eyeballs in shit
I got lucky again.
I've bled myself dry.
And now to spite everyone
I'm gonna play love
I'll wag my tail
And the saliva from my tongue
And they'll light up the window
A red dusty sunset
I'm up to my ass in shit again
My footprints burn with fire
They're shouting back to me
That death is getting closer every day
I'm up to my ass in shit again
I'm lying on a white sheet
And life nestled in my chest
whispering to me
I'm lucky again
I'm nobody and nowhere
My time has come
Knocking on the window
I'll write you a letter
A letter in red paste
In it I'll ask you
I want you to tell me why
I'm up to my neck in shit again
My footprints are burning with fire
They're screaming at me
That death is getting closer every day
I'm up to my neck in shit again
I'm lying on a white sheet
And life nestled in my chest
Whispering to me
I'm up to my ass in shit again
My footprints burn with fire
They're shouting back to me
That death is getting closer every day
I'm up to my neck in shit again
I'm lying on a white sheet
And life nestled in my chest
Whispering to me
There's something quietly whispering to me
Scaredy Catty
The stars flicker
Lighting my unclear path
The angels coming?
You hear black harmony?
You lost your clarity?
Rose white feeling
Don't scaredy darlin'
I'm praying with you always
Ooh scaredy Catty
The devil speak you
Sometimes, tears
Wash the stains from my heart
But they remain
Here they are
In darken hills
He heals like heavenly
Now angels pearl on me
I know
Don't scaredy darlin'
I'm praying with you always
Ooh scaredy catty
The devil will just whisper
Don't Scare me darlin'
I'm livin' with you always
Ooh scaredy catty
The devil will just whisper
Don't scaredy darlin'
I'm praying with you always
Ooh Scaredy Catty
I'll pray with you
I'll live with you
Truth inextinguishin'
I'm your flame inextinguishin'
I'll live with you
I Bought No Miracle
How many minutes left
You tell me, I don't have watch
One last moment for me to confess
Just for fun of it
I'm just selling the failure
They shouldn't have bought me at all
I'm just a fake waiting to be broken
I'm just a fake waiting to be broken
I've already stolen millions of excuses
Disguised as millions of wounds
Waiting for the biggest heartache all the time
Because I bought no miracle
I destroyed everything I tried to protected
And there are no exceptions
People see themselves as a gift
Send themselves out without address
They'll never wait for the one to open the seal
Me as well
Crawl out of the box
Finding out I'm just a fake waiting to be broken
I'm just a fake waiting to be broken
I've already stolen millions of excuses
Disguised as millions of wounds
Waiting for the biggest heartache all the time
Because I bought no miracle
I destroyed everything I tried to protected
And there are no exceptions
'Cause I've stolen millions of excuses
Trying to heal millions of wounds of you
And all we wait for was the biggest heartache of all
Because I bought no miracle
I destroyed everything I tried to protected
So let's just betray serenely
Betray Betray Betray
Things are as they are, so lets just be betray serenely