Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 18

Număr de rezultate: 107600


Before it's all Over

There’s no such thing that doesn’t change.
It’s the same with your feelings.
I’ve noticed that
you don’t smile as much as you used to.

I wonder where I went wrong.
If I could turn back time,
could it have turned out differently?
I’ve already been thinking about that.

Before it’s all over like that,
Would it be OK to ask,
how should I change?
I don’t even have the courage to say such a thing.
That’s probably why you’re fed up with me.

What should I do to get close to you?
That’s the thing I don’t know anymore.
“You don’t need to be next to me.”
Your words pierce my heart.

I wonder why doesn’t love come back.
Coz once we spill it on the floor,
no matter how earnestly you scrape it up,
it’s mixed with sand and there’s no way you can drink it.

Before it’s all over like that,
Would it be OK to ask,
were you happy?
If I had the strength to ask such a thing,
I wonder if we could have gotten along better.

Before it’s all over like that,
Would it be OK to ask,
how should I change?
I don’t even have the courage to say such a thing.
That’s probably why you’re fed up with me.

I know.
Even if I could ask it,
I bet I wouldn’t even be able to change.



I shut up before I gave in
I laughed before I got hurt
I stomped before I nodded
I gave up before I got swept away
Like a protective charm
I grasped at scraps
Of the slightest common ground

The dinner I partook today
The habit of covering lunch break
I hung up my desire to know
And searched among my idols
I'm attacked by a sensation
I've never felt before

We're human, we should be free
But in acting good, I feel empty
In heart and lungs, palpitations quicken
Rules spell out the end

Act with your whole self, is that all you've got?
You won't get through just being clumsy and kind
Are you trying to look cool?
Get it together, what's your pain?
I want to work out emotional war with you

Losing strength in all directions, I'm so tired
Though I only have a mindset for you
Here we go
I want to believe, to lie in wait
Welcome back, go and eliminate
Get better soon, let's talk, Lambada
The idle countdown

We fall apart in no time
Replies get colder over time
Running toward the sunset
Realizing what you've lost is pathetic
Like a protective charm
Where did you forget
Those scraps of common ground?

Our unstable structure, endless
Once we have it, we get careless
Trying to disappear on purpose
Sometimes hide-and-seek is important too
The willpower to protect myself
Keeps getting stronger

We're human, we should be free
But in acting good, I feel empty
Don't worry, palpitations quicken
Rules spell out the end

Act with your whole self, is that all you've got?
You won't get through just being clumsy and kind
Are you trying to look cool?
Get it together, what's your pain?
I want to work out sensitivity with you

Don't fear things you can't understand
Can't read me? Figure it out
Rambling nonsense
The closer we get, the more we become enemies
Drifting apart, the losers act tough
Full of misunderstandings, innocent answers
To have no ill will is the most cunning
I wanna be stuck in this huge misunderstanding
It's too boring to run, so let's battle

Act with your whole self, is that all you've got?
You won't get through just being clumsy and kind
Are you trying to look cool?
Get it together, what's your pain?
It's when you don't have feelings that you should ask questions

(Losing strength in all directions, I'm so tired)
Stop making excuses
When you haven't done anything
(I want to believe, to lie in wait)
Saying welcome back and going to shrines
Is so tiring I just wanna sleep
But I can't ignore this situation, idle conversation


An asshole

I'm curious if your mom knows that her son is not a romantic
And that the big ego she raised, at the end of the day, makes you so small

I'm curious if your mom heard or saw me crying there at the old house
Before you moved to the center and then discovered that Tel Aviv is the devil
Tell me, what are you running from, from the silence in the village?
From the nights with the moon when you pointed to a star?
And then you told me, look,
It shines like you

Maybe it's better to dance and burn nights for this
You're a man of honor, but not of feelings
And this city is big, the heart is in a maze

Because you're an asshole, who can handle you?
When at night you imagine me there
Just because you're an asshole
The whole city knows I’m running not because I’m unhappy
Just because you are

I'm curious if my mom will always wait for me to learn that you’re so stubborn
Like your new apartment, both your heart and your woman live in chaos
I'm curious if my mom knows that her daughter is aware and that she's no longer naive
I’m Mulan, a strong army, one woman in danger, ready for war

Even if now you're a star shining on buildings
And you forgot the village and grew two eggs
If you told her, look,
It shines like you

Maybe it's better you tell her that it's harder for you
That the ex is still stuck in your head,
Be careful
Don’t break her heart
Like you broke mine

Because you're an asshole,
Who can handle you?
When at night you imagine me there
Just because you're an asshole
The whole city knows I’m running not because I’m unhappy
Just because you are

Because you're an asshole,
Who can handle you?
When at night you imagine me there
Just because you're an asshole
The whole city knows I’m running not because I’m unhappy
Just because you are


I like being alone

I like being alone
You think I can’t handle it
But every now and then
I just want to see no one

I kick off my shoes
Here, I’m at home
I water the plants
And think only of myself

I like being alone
I stick photos in my album
I turn on all the lights
And let myself go

I go up the stairs
I tidy everything up
I talk to myself
I can manage without you too

I like being alone
I could do this forever
I slam the doors
I sing and don’t care about you

I rearrange the furniture
Go around without makeup
I make myself comfortable
And then I think of you
Of you
Of you
Of you



Писмо ми напиши
с думите, които ми пести...
На листа бял съм ти
от мене две сълзи.

Пиши и го прати
на вятъра,
където любовта отиде цялата,
убихме я - добри сме в това!

На листа бял, че ще ти липсвам аз
пиши ми,
и че ти е жал за нас.
Кажи ми там, че искаш втори шанс.
Кажи ми всичко, дето не можа на глас.

На моята страна в леглото ти
легни, щом къса се душата ти.
Не ни е писано с теб, нали?
Това с големи букви го пиши.
'Последно сбогом' ти ми напиши...

Ако ти кажат край,
загуби я,
по теб се разболя.
Ако ти кажат, че
от утре аз изчезвам от света,
ще се обадиш ли да изкрещиш:
'Обичам те' поне...
За тези думи две убивам аз,
но ти за мене не.

Am Plecat

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Ți-ai luat iubirea prea devreme
Nu ai lăsat nici o șansă să mă uit în spate
Dar acum știu adevăratul
O face să fie mai ușor
Poate când va trece niște timp
Voi înțelege

Să ne prefacem că am trecut peste
Și îmi spun
Că viața merge înainte fără tine
Îmi deschid ochii, mă uit adânc înăuntrul meu
Am plecat

Ai aruncat totul
Atât de orbește
M-ai împins departe de tine
Din viața ta
Acum știu că lacrimile
Nu vor duce la singurătate
Poate când va trece niște timp
Voi înțelege

Să ne prefacem că am trecut peste
Și îmi spun
Că viața merge înainte fără tine
Îmi deschid ochii, mă uit adânc înăuntrul meu
Am plecat

Să ne prefacem că am trecut peste
Și îmi spun
Că viața merge înainte fără tine
Îmi deschid ochii, mă uit adânc înăuntrul meu
Am plecat

Să ne prefacem că am trecut peste
Și îmi spun
Că viața merge înainte fără tine
Îmi deschid ochii, mă uit adânc înăuntrul meu
Am plecat

Să ne prefacem că am trecut peste
Și îmi spun
Că viața merge înainte fără tine

Iubire Bombastică

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Sunt aici să mărturisesc
Că tu ești singurul căruia îi aparțin
Nu știu de unde să încep
S-a transformat într-o artă
Să nu arăt lumii că tu ai fost alesul
Cel care m-a făcut să realizez că nu trebuie să fac compromisuri
Faptul că tu și cu mine ar trebui să avem nevoie
Să știm că vom avea, vom avea o

Iubire bombastică
Atât de fantastică
În cazul în care eu sunt complet a ta și tu ești al meu
Și va fi exact ca într-un film
Când ne îndrăgostim pentru prima dată

Nu știu de ce mă simt atât de nesigură
N-am înțeles niciodată ce înseamnă
Trebuie să mă asigur că nu mă va opri din nou
Nu mai pot sta și aștepta
M-ai făcut să-mi dau seama să nu fac compromisuri
Faptul că tu și cu mine ar trebui să avem nevoie
Știu vă vom avea


Va fi o iubire bombastică
Totul va fi bine
Când eu sunt a ta și tu ești al meu
Va fi o dragoste fantastică
Când mă trezesc totul, este la fel
Și nici măcar nu-mi știi numele


Știu că vom avea o


Cum E Să Fi Eu

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Știi cum e?
Haide, haide

Baby, spune-mi
dacă eu...
Arăți ca genul de fată
Pe care vrei să o iei acasă
Să mă faci a ta
Știi măcar ce-mi place
Pentru ce trăiesc,
ce ador
Iubitule, ia-ți timp să realizezi că
Nu sunt genul care să schimbe
Așa cum sunt
Așa că dacă vrei să fii iubitul meu

Mergi o milă în pantofii mei
Tratează-mă cum trebuie sau am plecat
Nu poți vedea că
Dacă vrei să rămâi
Trebuie să mă înțelegi
Ia-ți timp sau pierzi
Ăsta e jocul meu, regulile mele
Și pot vedea, evident
Iubitule, nu știi
Cum e să fi eu

Știi cum e?
Știi cum e?

Nu te dezamăgi, băiete
Și eu te vreau
Dar trebuie să-mi câștigi inima
Înainte să te las înăuntru
Și asta te înșală, iubitule
Nu sunt o fată obișnuită
Am nevoie de cineva pe care să-l iubesc

Iubitule, ia-ți timp să realizezi că
Nu sunt genul care să schimbe
Așa cum sunt
Așa că dacă vrei să fii iubitul meu

Mergi o milă în pantofii mei
Tratează-mă cum trebuie sau am plecat
Nu poți vedea că
Dacă vrei să rămâi
Trebuie să mă înțelegi
Ia-ți timp sau pierzi
Ăsta e jocul meu, regulile mele
Și pot vedea, evident
Iubitule, nu știi
Cum e să fi eu

Iubitule, trebuie să ajungi să mă cunoști
Apoi poți să-mi arăți
că dragostea ta pentru mine este adevărată
Îți voi da tot ce
Poate da o fată
Nu vrei să fii iubitul meu?

Mergi o milă în pantofii mei
Tratează-mă cum trebuie sau am plecat
Nu poți vedea că
Dacă vrei să rămâi
Trebuie să mă înțelegi
Ia-ți timp sau pierzi
Ăsta e jocul meu, regulile mele
Și pot vedea, evident
Iubitule, nu știi
Cum e să fi eu
(Nu, nu, nu)


Mergi o milă în pantofii mei
Tratează-mă cum trebuie sau am plecat
Nu poți vedea că
Dacă vrei să rămâi
Trebuie să mă înțelegi
Ia-ți timp sau pierzi
Ăsta e jocul meu, regulile mele
Și pot vedea, evident
Iubitule, nu știi
Cum e să fi eu

Up to my eyeballs in shit

I got lucky again.
I've bled myself dry.
And now to spite everyone
I'm gonna play love

I'll wag my tail
And the saliva from my tongue
And they'll light up the window
A red dusty sunset

I'm up to my ass in shit again
My footprints burn with fire
They're shouting back to me
That death is getting closer every day

I'm up to my ass in shit again
I'm lying on a white sheet
And life nestled in my chest
whispering to me

I'm lucky again
I'm nobody and nowhere
My time has come
Knocking on the window

I'll write you a letter
A letter in red paste
In it I'll ask you
I want you to tell me why

I'm up to my neck in shit again
My footprints are burning with fire
They're screaming at me
That death is getting closer every day

I'm up to my neck in shit again
I'm lying on a white sheet
And life nestled in my chest
Whispering to me

I'm up to my ass in shit again
My footprints burn with fire
They're shouting back to me
That death is getting closer every day

I'm up to my neck in shit again
I'm lying on a white sheet
And life nestled in my chest
Whispering to me

There's something quietly whispering to me


Scaredy Catty

The stars flicker
Lighting my unclear path
The angels coming?

You hear black harmony?
You lost your clarity?
Rose white feeling

Don't scaredy darlin'
I'm praying with you always
Ooh scaredy Catty
The devil speak you

Sometimes, tears
Wash the stains from my heart
But they remain
Here they are

In darken hills
He heals like heavenly
Now angels pearl on me
I know

Don't scaredy darlin'
I'm praying with you always
Ooh scaredy catty
The devil will just whisper

Don't Scare me darlin'
I'm livin' with you always
Ooh scaredy catty
The devil will just whisper

Don't scaredy darlin'
I'm praying with you always
Ooh Scaredy Catty
I'll pray with you
I'll live with you

Truth inextinguishin'

I'm your flame inextinguishin'

I'll live with you


I Bought No Miracle

How many minutes left
You tell me, I don't have watch
One last moment for me to confess
Just for fun of it
I'm just selling the failure
They shouldn't have bought me at all
I'm just a fake waiting to be broken
I'm just a fake waiting to be broken

I've already stolen millions of excuses
Disguised as millions of wounds
Waiting for the biggest heartache all the time
Because I bought no miracle
I destroyed everything I tried to protected
And there are no exceptions

People see themselves as a gift
Send themselves out without address
They'll never wait for the one to open the seal
Me as well
Crawl out of the box
Finding out I'm just a fake waiting to be broken
I'm just a fake waiting to be broken

I've already stolen millions of excuses
Disguised as millions of wounds
Waiting for the biggest heartache all the time
Because I bought no miracle
I destroyed everything I tried to protected
And there are no exceptions

'Cause I've stolen millions of excuses
Trying to heal millions of wounds of you
And all we wait for was the biggest heartache of all
Because I bought no miracle
I destroyed everything I tried to protected
So let's just betray serenely
Betray Betray Betray
Things are as they are, so lets just be betray serenely


Legend of Everfree

You have to choose if your mark will be left by you
If your story will live or will it remain a mystery?
Will they then sing of what you have done and will do?
Now it's your turn, but you have to decide

In the Legend of Everfree
In the Legend of Everfree

Like a big hero, with great deeds you will accomplish
The fear that you have, your strength will win
And when you return, everyone will admit that
You are in the Legend of Everfree

In the Legend of Everfree
In the Legend of Everfree

You can find your glory
You will become a star
Nature can teach you
To understand who you are

You have to choose if your mark will be left by you
If your story will live or will it remain a mystery?
Will they then sing of what you have done and will do?
In the Legend of Everfree

In the Legend of Everfree
In the Legend of Everfree



Scents remain when sealed up in small bottles
Love is stardust the city is the sea
I kiss the inside of my palms
And now, I toss it far away
Those days I spent crazy about you
were the lights dancing in a prism

Let's go back to that sea
to have a dazzling eternity
Please sleep, my feelings
For when I hear a lonely voice calling for me,
I will not turn around

If I turn around, a gentle wave
will wash my footprints away
I squint my eyes and look towards the sky
My scattered tears form a prism

Let's spill (our tears) from our hearts
and go somewhere no one has ever been
Even if I tell myself I was childish
The memories are undamaged

Let's go back to that sea
to have a dazzling eternity
Please sleep, my feelings
For when I hear a lonely voice calling for me,
I will not turn around


In plain Romanian

[Verse 1: Tata Vlad]
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut the hell up!
If you say another word, I think my head’s gonna explode
You’re a senator, giving people hope on TV
When all you really want is to steal in the future
I accuse you of abuse, you’re stealing my future
And that of a few million other Romanians, and I
Say shove it up your ass! I won’t accept, I won’t stand
Some guy who’s just here for the cherry to put on his cake
What more stories are you gonna spin? You’re killing us slowly
Every four years, you hand out pills
Like a dealer peddling hits, only in a suit, white shirt
And tie, you’re nothing but a stain
On this map made for all of us
With dreams of better days from people long gone
In plain Romanian, if I had to compare
I’d say every inmate in prison should be set free

[Chorus: Uzzi & Tata Vlad]
You, you’re the one telling me that you
Want to help me live when you
Want to gift me death instead
Not me, you’re the one who should be in prison
‘Cause you, you’re the one telling me that you
Want to help me live when you
Want to gift me death instead
Not me, you’re the one who should be in prison

[Verse 2: Caddillac & Tata Vlad]
It’s getting worse and worse, but you’re still talking it up
Promising every time that brighter days are coming
People are sick of all the shit
That you’ve fed them with every mandate
Meaning you’re the one burying us alive
The one robbing us of our last chance to survive
You’re just a wannabe living the good life, motherfucker
And as for the rest of us, fuck you, you don’t give a fuck
Kids are born with no future ahead
So, Mr. Minister, Deputy, or Senator
Just as you always show up with your mask
I’ll wish death on you just as many times
Your greed is enormous in a country where
People have to steal to put food on their plates
In plain Romanian, if I had to compare
I’d say every inmate in prison should be set free

[Chorus: Uzzi & Tata Vlad]
You, you’re the one telling me that you
Want to help me live when you
Want to gift me death instead
Not me, you’re the one who should be in prison
‘Cause you, you’re the one telling me that you
Want to help me live when you
Want to gift me death instead
Not me, you’re the one who should be in prison

[Verse 3: Uzzi]
Didn’t you steal a villa from me? A car?
A trace of hope that I could ever see the light again?
Stop telling me what’s right and what’s not
Don’t talk about justice, you don’t know what it means, man
It’s not some scam, it’s not some joke
You’re stealing from yourself, you get why?
Because a kid who steals from a store gets four years
But a corrupt minister? What’s he do? Sleeps on cash
Fuck him, I’ll take it all and live like him
And he should live like me, broke, in the ‘hood
At the same level as everyone in the streets
Worrying about what shit he can put on the table
‘Cause if I’m a criminal, then what are you? A legit one?
Oh, right! You’re just a “legal” criminal
In plain Romanian, if I had to compare
I’d say every inmate in prison should be set free

[Chorus: Uzzi & Tata Vlad]
You, you’re the one telling me that you
Want to help me live when you
Want to gift me death instead
Not me, you’re the one who should be in prison
‘Cause you, you’re the one telling me that you
Want to help me live when you
Want to gift me death instead
Not me, you’re the one who should be in prison


Thanks For Everything

Now I am twenty-five
And I'm letting you in
Already smiling
Even though my journey was difficult

My life is
A circus and bear blues
Always sensing you
So I need a hug from mom
I search for diamonds
And you are a light bearer in a dark world

And even though I'm lonely and tired
And my wounds are burning
I don't want to change anything
Because what else can I say other than

Thanks for everything
Thanks for everything
Thanks for everything
Thanks for everything

I feel too much
Or I don't feel anything
I know which moments
Tend to disappear quickly
You and I are one
But I can't do it anymore
Because your voice gets in
And your words hurt

And even though I'm lonely and tired
And my wounds are burning
I don't want to change anything
Because what else can I say other than

Thanks for everything
Thanks for everything
Thanks for everything
Thanks for everything

My life is
A circus and bear blues
Always sensing you
So I need a hug from mom
I search for diamonds
And you are a light bearer in a dark world

Thanks for everything
Thanks for everything
Thanks for everything
Thanks for everything

No matter where I go
No matter how far
Family is everything
The only thing I have

I know that I stop short
That I often take the wrong way
But if I say goodbye tonight
Then I bid you farewell in peace



Far, outside in the dark, right now there flees a man.
Who bent the law
Bent the law
God is my witness, that I don't rest
Until we're eye to eye
Until we're eye to eye

He searches his way, in the dark
To me the light has shown
Every human, who will live righteous
Will be saved as well
But if he makes the fall, that Lucifer fell
He'll fall on the sword

Star, light times a thousand, light in the darkness.
You create the order in the chaos and night
You are the guards
Shining bright and strong
Guarding us in the dark
Guarding us in the dark

Everyone knows where it's supposed to be
everyone stays on track, hours after hour
Every season in the repeating lane
But if you fall, like Lucifer fell
Will you fall in the fire?

And that's how it should be, how it is written
On the threshold of paradise
He that may fail, he that falls, pays the price

Lord, my desire, let me capture him
So begs Javert, earlier than that I will not rest
I plead this as my vow, at the light of the star.


Alpha - Prelude

I am the first seed of all things on earth. I am also the end of the universe: Alpha, Omega


This [note] to you and my brother

This [note] to you and my brother, that it may be of use, which I hastily gathered, Like a mellow drink, mixed with honey, As food for the month, I always encourage you to taste.


The ballad of Ira the Injun

Listen up, all of y'all!
Imma sing y'all a story
It's the true story of a young Injun
That we should remember well
He was from the Pima tribe
A proud and peaceful people
That lived in Arizona
In the Phoenix valley
The Pima'd always irrigated that valley
And the water sang day and night
In the streams and ditches
But one day, the white man came
A-sowing war and misery
The Injun streams fell silent
The prairie became a desert
For the tribe of the young Ira
It was shame and famine
But when the war broke out
He enlisted in the Marines

Call him a dirty Injun
He won't answer anymore
Neither the Injun, nor the Marine
They are drowned in gin Call him a dirty Pima
He won't answer anymore
But the gin drinkin' Injun
He was the hero of the Marines

On the hill of Iwo Jima
Two hundred fifty men went up
But at the end of the battle
Only twenty-seven remained
And of these famous Marines
It was him, the young Injun,
Who planted Old Glory
On the hill
Upon his return to the U.S.
Ira the Injun was celebrated
With him, the symbol of these soldiers, people came and shook hands
But he was just a Pima With no money, an Injun with nothing
And what he'd done there Didn't count for the Injuns So Ira started drinkin' hard
Jail was often his home
They'd let him raise the flag
Like you'd throw a dog a bone

Call him a dirty Injun
He won't answer anymore
Neither the Injun, nor the Marine
They are drowned in gin Call him a dirty Pima
He won't answer anymore
But the gin drinkin' Injun
He was the hero of the Marines

He died alone in the land
He fought so well to save
Two inches of water in a lonely ditch
Was the last bed for the Injun

Call him a dirty Injun
He won't answer anymore
Neither the Injun, nor the Marine
They are drowned in gin Call him a dirty Pima
He won't answer anymore
But the gin drinkin' Injun
He was the hero of the Marines

Yeah, call him a dirty drunkard
But these lands remain thirsty
And his ghost is lyin' in the bed of a stream
An Injun stream forever dried up

Call him a dirty Injun
He won't answer anymore
Neither the Injun, nor the Marine
They are drowned in gin Call him a dirty Pima
He won't answer anymore
But the gin drinkin' Injun
He was the hero of the Marines


Spider Web

Hidden in a dark corner,
The spider weaves its web.
Outside the wind is blowing and the weather is rainy,
A singing cricket is sheltered under a leaf.

Time still weaves its web over the ages,
And many destinies are caught in its net,
As if all things are just pieces of a game
At the mercy of the dice thrown on the table.

In the spider's web I'd like to catch happiness,
Woven over the years with dreams and longing,
To catch life and love alike in the net,
And over the heart's door to pull the latch.


Without you

Without you, how will it be?
I’m not asking what will happen
All I know is I already notice
A hint of indifference in the way you are
But will I truly be okay without you?
No, don’t joke, or maybe, maybe it’s really true
You know how doubts can be
My heart feels cloudy, and I feel like someone else

Without you, just imagine
There are things one can't do
Days when you no longer know what you want
And you take it out on those who love you, and then...
Without you, what is the sun?
What is a flower without pure water and without love?
Tell me, because I can’t live anymore
All that's left is day after day

But will I truly be okay without you?
But will I truly be okay without you?
No, don’t joke, or maybe, maybe it’s really true
You know how doubts can be
My heart feels cloudy, and I feel like someone else
Without you, how will it be?


Stepping Through the Night

I walk the streets thinking of you,
I walk with a slow step,
And I lose myself in the night,
Which comes without you again.
Somewhere in the thin silence
A piano is heard,
While I awaken from memory
The leaf of another year.

If you could give me some news
That you exist somewhere
Again I would bring into your pockets,
The sky, star by star.
And the night wouldn't be as big
As it is in your absence,
And at dawn, as in an old embrace,
I'd like you to extinguish me.

Sometimes I hear velvet steps
Passing through the night,
And then I flinch, thinking that maybe
I'll see you again.
But therețs no one, and in the great silence
My shadow, as in memories,
For you, from lunar gardens,
Steals roses.

If you could give me some news
That you exist somewhere
Again I would bring into your pockets,
The sky, star by star.
And the night wouldn't be as big
As it is in your absence,
And at dawn, as in an old embrace,
I'd like you to extinguish me.

If you could give me some news
That you exist somewhere
Again I would bring into your pockets,
The sky, star by star.
And the night wouldn't be as big
As it is in your absence,
And at dawn, as in an old embrace,
I'd like you to extinguish me.


Lose ourselves

Did you want to show what you had to give
And in the dark, in secret, you’d shake your head
At this love that had just begun
Did you tell me the dreams you have
And I, stubbornly, always forgave you
My love, how I loved you!
Then you touch me
While I sleep, and
In my dreams, there’s
There’s something more
First a tree
Then a forest
And now I no longer sleep

Take my hand, there’s still time, you know
To lose ourselves in the warm breath of a sigh
Take me far away, it doesn’t matter where you go
And lose ourselves, lose ourselves, lose ourselves, lose ourselves

Am already asking too much of a goodbye
But your eyes no longer have questions
My love, how strong you are!
Then you touch me
While I sleep, and
In my dreams, there’s
There’s something more
First a tree
Then a forest
And now I no longer sleep

Take my hand, there’s still time, you know
To lose ourselves in the warm breath of a sigh
Take me far away, it doesn’t matter where you go
And lose ourselves, lose ourselves, lose ourselves, lose ourselves


Good Luck Charm

A Ferris wheel swaying in the wind
Resembles our love, doesn’t it
Your sudden silence makes me anxious

I’m jealous of those passionate eyes
That forget me on occasion
But you know what, your way of living
・・・ I love it

A panorama of the cityscape, polished by sunlight
The sparkle hidden within my heart is always precious

Let’s make a pinky promise, deep inside my heart
Are the thoughts that tightly bind us
I’ll always be your
Good luck charm
This invisible power, second to not even an angel
I’ll give it to you

Even when you’re down and out
I’ll worry alongside you sharing the same feelings
That’s how the two of us can go on walking

Your eyes teared up from putting on too much mustard
That slightly embarrassed smile of yours is so charming

With each passing of a trivial everyday
Our hearts grow closer
Yes, it’s true…I’m your
Good luck charm
Even those feelings you can’t express in words, I know them all
Down to the last one

Let’s make a pinky promise, deep inside my heart
Are the thoughts that tightly bind us
I’ll always be your
Good luck charm
This invisible power, second to not even an angel
I’ll give it to you

I’ll make your dream come true

This invisible power…I’ll give it to you


Wherever You Go I'll Follow

I hate to commit
I don't even have checks
And I'm afraid of being disappointed
So most of the time I avoid
I spend my credit
More than what I have
How are you not throwing me away

I'm doing a bunch of things
And not a champion of anything
And I laugh when it's not appropriate
Like some moron
I have a shitload of friends
I don't answer rings1
But you love me

Even if I'm
A hot mess
Broken into a thousand pieces on the floor
You're by my side
Like a fire
I was zero degrees and had already lost reason

People search their whole lives to find
Wherever you go I'll follow
Wherever you go I'll follow
Wherever you go I'll follow

I don't understand cars
And I live on automatic
And I reject the tickets2
Up until the court
And I tend to get high
Never slow
But you're flowing with me

Even if I'm
A hot mess
Broken into a thousand pieces on the floor
You're by my side
Like a fire
I was zero degrees and already lost reason

People search their whole lives to find
Wherever you go I'll follow
Wherever you go I'll follow
Wherever you go I'll follow
  • 1. Referring to a communication device, such as a cellphone.
  • 2. Speeding tickets.


Tell Me Always that You Love Me

I want to hear you saying words of love,
If you knew how much peace and happiness you bring me
I want us to give a new glow for every dream
And to build with a second a century of fulfillment.

Tell me always that you love me,
That every day you love me more,
Speak sweet words to me, I like to hear them.
Tell me all the time that you love me
And in the setting of the starry night
Tell me that you miss me every day.

(Tell me always that you love me)

I want to hear you saying words of love,
If you knew how much peace and happiness you bring me
With just one word you can give me a world,
A world to which we can give a name through love.

Tell me always that you love me,
That every day you love me more,
Speak sweet words to me, I like to hear them.
Tell me all the time that you love me
And in the setting of the starry night
Tell me that you miss me every day.

Tell me always that you love me,
That every day you love me more,
Speak sweet words to me, I like to hear them.
Tell me all the time that you love me
And in the setting of the starry night
Tell me that you miss me every day.

Tell me always that you love me...
Tell me always that you love me...


Nicotine and Alcohol

Bad habits sit on me good
It's still a bit hard, hard for me to love
The one in the mirror whom I tried to silence
25 years and it's never enough

Bad moments sit on me good
Like once when I lost another somebody close
Mom is buried and Dad doesn't talk
25 years and it still burns

Scratches that left scars on me, it still hurts
Trips in the car with songs that will break my heart
Nicotine and alcohol play the soundtrack
When I run away from everything
When I run away from everything

A first love always ends badly
Usually relationships are a matter of choosing
I stayed a lot when I had no reason to
I didn't get the hint until she left

I always reject endings
It blows up in my face
I don't get up when everyone is dancing
I'm still living with

Scratches that left scars on me, it still hurts
Trips in the car with songs that will break my heart
Nicotine and alcohol play the soundtrack
When I run away from everything
When I run away... from everything

Nicotine and alcohol play the soundtrack
And I run away from everything


Never give up

Never give up, man (man)
Oh no (oh no!) oh, oh, oh no! (Oh no!)

Never give up, man (man)
The rulers, the lords, and the kings
Are men just like you
Never give up, man (man)
Oh no (oh no!) oh, oh, oh no! (Oh no!)

Never give up, man (man)
Clench your fists as you go
And endure as long as you can
Never give up, man (man)
Oh no (oh no!) oh, oh, oh no! (Oh no!)

Never give up, man (man)
Trampled as much as you may be
Freedom never dies
Never give up, man (man)
Oh no (oh no!) oh, oh, oh no! (Oh no!)

Never give up, man
Oh no! No, no, no, no...
Never give up, man
Never give up, man
Never give up, man


Erros meus, má Fortuna, Amor ardente

Erros meus, má Fortuna, Amor ardente
Em minha perdição se conjuraram
Os erros e a Fortuna sobejaram,
Que para mim bastava Amor somente.

Tudo passei mas tenho tão presente
A grande dor das cousas que passaram,
Que já as frequências suas me ensinaram
A desejos deixar de ser contente.

Errei todo o discurso de meus anos
Dei causa a que a Fortuna castigasse
As minhas mal fundadas esperanças.

De Amor não vi senão breves enganos.
Oh! Quem tanto pudesse, que fartasse
Este meu duro Génio de vinganças!

Când și Când

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Știu că este adevărat
Totul e datorită ție
Și dacă voi reuși
Va fi datorită ție

Când și când
Dacă ar fi să o luăm de la început
Ei bine am ști cu siguranță
Că te voi iubi

Uneori îmi lipsești
Când și când
Aș vrea să fii acolo pentru mine
Întotdeauna să te întorci la mine

Știu că este adevărat
Totul e din cauza ta
Și dacă vei pleca
Știu că nu va fi pentru totdeauna

Din când în când îmi lipsești
Oh, din când în când
Îmi doresc să fii acolo pentru mine

Știu că este adevărat
Totul este din cauza ta
Iar dacă voi reuși
Va fi datorită ție

Бом, Бом

Una, do, trei (Costi forca)

Ром-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом, леко, леко
Ром-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом, пръсна, пръсна ми сърцето
Бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом, луда си не си с ума си
В часовете късни, правиш нещата мръсни!
Ром-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом, леко, леко
Ром-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом, пръсна, пръсна ми сърцето
Бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом, луда си не си с ума си
В часовете късни, правиш нещата мръсни!

Мале-ле ма Лейди, мале-ле-ле спря ми тока
От главата до петите ти си най-жестока
Всеки втори иска да те заговори
Всяка втора казва тука 'Тя е шефа'

Шефе, шефе, шефе слагам ти забрана
Шефе, шефе затегни колана
Шефе, шефе, правя ти реклама
От Бояна до Копа Кабана!

Ром-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом, леко, леко
Ром-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом, пръсна, пръсна ми сърцето
Бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом, луда си не си с ума си
В часовете късни, правиш нещата мръсни!

Мале-ле ма бейби, мале-ле, merava tuke
По хормона ме удари тялото ти чук е
Кво ми правиш извънредно на релефа?
Искам от върха да викаш 'Ти си шефа'!

Шефе, шефе, шефе слагам ти забрана
Шефе, шефе затегни колана
Шефе, шефе, правя ти реклама
От Бояна до Копа Кабана!

Ром-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом, леко, леко
Ром-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом, пръсна, пръсна ми сърцето
Бом-бом-бом-бом-бом-бом, луда си не си с ума си
В часовете късни, правиш нещата мръсни!

Haide Djorda, forca!
Op! (Хей-опа!) Op!
Haide opa!
[Финал: Джордан]
Нещата мръсни!

Gliding Bird

Gliding bird, gliding through the sky...
I'm wondering why
I can't be, why I can't be as free.
Gliding bird, gliding all day long,
Sing your secret song,
Away from all these faces that I see,
Is where I want to be.

My feet are so tired,
They walked too many miles
If I run so wild
Like heaven's child
I'll learn to fly someday

Gliding bird, riding in the sun,
Rainbow colors run.
I hear the wind,
I hear its mournful call.

Gliding bird high above the sea
Is it longing to be free?
Your voice is silent,
But your wings tell all.