Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 50

Număr de rezultate: 1956


I'll finally live happily ever after

Rapunzel: Yes, I'll finally live happily ever after1
And it's just as beautiful as in fairy tales
Everything's new and I'm feeling so free
There's so much to see
And nothing at all will stand in my way anymore
True, there's still a lot I often forget
And it doesn't always go as I like
Not so much fun, also rules and controlling yourself
That I have to admit
And still I'll live here every new day
Yes, there are corsets and ribbons and so on
Everything requires skill
But some day I'll surely be happy here
This end is really happy, so lucky
King Frederic: I finally have you here in my arms with me
I'll never let you out of sight
I'll keep every danger far away from you
This end is really happy, so lucky
Eugene: We'll live truly majestically
It came exactly as it should have
But first now it's becoming really great
For Rapunzel and me
Tonight I'll surprise her
I'll vigorously fall on my knees
And get the ring out of the case
And during the dessert, where I'll flirt some more
She'll be about to be called Rapunzel Fitzherbert
She'll be about to be called Princess Fitzherbert
Eugene & Rapunzel: Yes, I'll finally live happily ever after
The story turned out really fantastically
Eugene: So much luxury
Rapunzel: So much to do
Eugene: We're in Paradise
Rapunzel: I'll attend my duties year after year
Eugene & Rapunzel: And so at the end our dream will finally come true
Nothing will hold us back anymore
Because our future is absolutely clear
This end is really happy, so lucky
Rapunzel: So at the end my dream will finally come true
But everything seems so small to me
Everything's arranged, foreseeably planned
Is this end actually really happy, and lucky?
  • 1. Lit. 'I'll finally live happily until my end'
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

It rains happiness

I'm not afraid of the stairs
The higher it gets, I want to go up higher
and climb like a climbing plant that has learned to live among the rocks
I will follow you in this journey because I've been made brave like you
Together, let's go together
Our music is not a thing of this world
I follow you in the sun, you wanderer
Your chords call me with their deep cry
Together, let's go together
No one will be able to take us down from the stars
There go your soul and mine keeping each other company, they are raining happiness.
Free like a leaf that has fallen
You dance next to me and I go with you
Angels that have never been engraved, spinning around infinity.
I will follow you in this journey because I've been made out of corals like you
Together, let's go together
Our music is not a thing of this world
I follow you in the sun, you wanderer
Your hands call me with their deep cry
Together, let's go together
No one will be able to take us down from the stars
There go your soul and mine keeping each other company, they are raining happiness.
My dear, let's go together
Together, let's go together
Our music is not a thing of this world
I follow you in the sun, you wanderer
Your hands call me with their deep cry
Together, let's go together
No one will be able to take us down from the stars
There go your soul and mine keeping each other company
My dear, let's go together
Playing for happiness

Uite ce am facut

[Versul I]
Oh, pot vedea ceea ce tu vezi
Este totul în fața mea
Pot simți doar ce tu simți
Este adând înăuntrul meu
Pot merge în felul în care tu mergi
Pot vorbi în felul în care tu vorbești
Ți-am dat fiecare centimetru din mine
Cum am putut fi atât de pierdut
Suntem atât de puternici, încât am construit o cale atât de greșită
Am simțit că deținem controlul, în timp ce ne roteam
Uite ce am făcut!
Însângerați și damnați, nu îmi pot spăla mâinile
Ne-am simțit atât de bine, în timp ce ne roteam
Uite ce am făcut!
[Versul II]
Poți respira doar ce respir eu
Este tot ce-ți dau din tine
Poți urî doar ce urăsc eu
Ești condus de regulile mele
Nu esti real, decât dacă îți dau șansa de a trăi cu adevărat,
Atingând toată dragostea și încrederea ta.
Cum am putut fi atât de pierdut
Suntem atât de puternici, încât am construit o cale atât de greșită
Am simțit că deținem controlul, în timp ce ne roteam
Uite ce am făcut!
Însângerați și damnați, nu îmi pot spăla mâinile
Ne-am simțit atât de bine, în timp ce ne roteam
Uite ce am făcut!
Cine sunt eu? Cine sunt eu?
Sunt mort sau trăiesc?
Un schelet, cu ochi neînsuflețiți
Acest lucru se termină cu adevărul sau minciuna?
Va rămâne astfel?
Se va schimba vreodată?
Îmi voi accepta vina sau voi fugi, pur și simplu?
Cum am putut fi atât de pierdut
Suntem atât de puternici, încât am construit o cale atât de greșită
Am simțit că deținem controlul, în timp ce ne roteam
Uite ce am făcut!
Însângerați și damnați, nu îmi pot spăla mâinile
Ne-am simțit atât de bine, în timp ce ne roteam
Uite ce am făcut!

I don't love

Your innocent eyes can't stop me
My heart is so wounded, you don't care
It can't be done by only one
Whatever I do that can't go on
Always lies, always excuses, your job never ends
I don't love, I don't love
I can't come without noticing any of your lies
In that way you make me to worry
I can't come to this kind of love

Sfârșitul a venit să se răzbune [Ready as i'll ever be]

- Maiestatea a sosit -
Acum am luat-
Rolul rău.
Și răzbunarea dorinței este încălzirea, conducerea.
- Varian! -
Tăcere! Știu că nu sunt sfânt,
Dar rana este prea mare, care este umbra trecutului
în inima mea.
- Te rog să mă asculți! -
Cuvintele nu mă afectează pentru că trebuie să fac un pas fatal,
Nu există nici o cale înapoi.
Nemis respinge nimic,
Trebuie să lupt acum!
Și nu mă sperii, nu mă sperii, nu mă sperii.
Îmi păstrez obiectivul!
Trebuie să luptăm cu toți dușmanii.
Cine este laș, lăsați-l să iasă acum!
Această sabie de lamă îi cheamă pe toți în luptă,
Cine nu se teme?
Nu mi-e teamă, nu mă tem, nu-mi este frică!
Păstrăm țintă!
Victoria noastră poate fi spartă.
Încă vă văd, există speranță.
Va fi răzbunare!
Lupta mă așteaptă acum!
Trebuie să păzesc pe oricine îmi place!
Și nu mă sperii, nu mă sperii, nu mă sperii.
Sfârșitul a venit să se răzbune!

At nine o'clock

What do you mean, you have to go? I just saw you arriving
You just give me in a while what you have to give
I hope it's a joke, even though I really understand it
You neither want honesty nor for me to continue lying to you
I know you're leaving at nine, I know I'm dying at ten
You know, I'm by your side, don't beg me that this
When the night shuts down you'll give me one single kiss
My mind is tired and my skin leaves with you
You explained it to me a thousand times already, what I see is what you are
I know you're leaving at nine, I know I'm dying at ten
I cannot give guarantees
If it goes out everyday, I don't know if I can wait
I wanted to make it easy for you, distance is not the end
But i don't want to give myself over and for something to die inside me
I know already, you have no idea, you leave and I stay
I only will forgive you because I don't want anything else
I know you're leaving at nine, I know I'm dying at ten
I know you're leaving at nine, I know I'm dying at ten
At nine, I'm dying at ten

My Love, My Vanita*

My love, my Vanita,
Her weird** eyes are beautiful,
Past her teeth you can see the universe,
Her... memories kill molerats.
(Hey! It's 'Her farts' not 'Her memories'!
Uncle! There's a young boy here.)
Her hair feels just like a broom,
Her voice is as sweet as a crow's,
She would have become my bride,
Had I been a dependable young man.

Sfârșitul a venit să se răzbune [Ready as i'll ever be]

- Maiestatea a sosit -
Acum am luat-
Rolul rău.
Și răzbunarea dorinței este încălzirea, conducerea.
- Varian! -
Tăcere! Știu că nu sunt sfânt,
Dar rana este prea mare, care este umbra trecutului
în inima mea.
- Te rog să mă asculți! -
Cuvintele nu mă afectează pentru că trebuie să fac un pas fatal,
Nu există nici o cale înapoi.
Nemis respinge nimic,
Trebuie să lupt acum!
Și nu mă sperii, nu mă sperii, nu mă sperii.
Îmi păstrez obiectivul!
Trebuie să luptăm cu toți dușmanii.
Cine este laș, lăsați-l să iasă acum!
Această sabie de lamă îi cheamă pe toți în luptă,
Cine nu se teme?
Nu mi-e teamă, nu mă tem, nu-mi este frică!
Păstrăm țintă!
Victoria noastră poate fi spartă.
Încă vă văd, există speranță.
Va fi răzbunare!
Lupta mă așteaptă acum!
Trebuie să păzesc pe oricine îmi place!
Și nu mă sperii, nu mă sperii, nu mă sperii.
Sfârșitul a venit să se răzbune.


Calm down, don´t need to hurt me, no
Put this gun down, I´ve already raised my hands
Take away whatever that has value
It´s not a robbery, it´s a favour you´re making me
Take away the impregnated car
By the scent she was using
Take away this wedding ring, it has no value to me
Wait, where are you going?
The most importante you don´t want to take
Take away my cell phone
Cause if I drink, I will want to call her
Crying, begging her to come back
You can take it, you can take it
Take away my cell phone
Cause if I drink, I will want to call her
Crying, begging her to come back
You can take it, take everything, without pity
Thankfully I don´t know
her number by heart
Calm down, don´t need to hurt me, no
Put this gun down, I´ve already raised my hands
Take away whatever that has value
It´s not a robbery, it´s a favour you´re making me
Take away the impregnated car
By the scent she was using
Take away this wedding ring, it has no value to me
Wait, where are you going?
The most importante you don´t want to take
Take away my cell phone
Cause if I drink, I will want to call her
Crying, begging her to come back
You can take it, you can take it
Take away my cell phone
Cause if I drink, I will want to call her
Crying, begging her to come back
You can take it, take everything, without pity
Thankfully I don´t know
her number by heart

Do your best

Tonight, I’ve fallen to my knees once again
But even though it tough, I’ll stand up again
And should I fall again, I’ll stand up and go on running
There will never be renounce for me
You can’t simply flap your wings Even if you fall, you will rise
Nobody can learn without trial and error
There’s no renounce, I’m not going down
I’ll go right to the end and start again
I’m not leaving I’ll try everything
I’ll keep challenging even though I could fail
There’s no renounce, I’m not going down
I’ll go right to the end and start again
I’m not leaving I’ll try everything
I’ll keep challenging even though I could fail
Oh oh oh oh oh Do your best
Oh oh oh oh oh Try hard
Oh oh oh oh oh Do your best
Oh oh oh oh oh
Look at your back
It filled about love
It’s alright, now you have a rest.
Don’t bear yourself up
You don’t do that
Because you are in here, most shinning than others.
There’s no renounce, I’m not going down
I’ll go right to the end and start again
I’m not leaving I’ll try everything
I’ll keep challenging even though I could fail
There’s no renounce, I’m not going down
I’ll go right to the end and start again
I’m not leaving I’ll try everything
I’ll keep challenging even though I could fail
I don’t afraid about making mistake
I’ll turn every day in a new day
I’m not afraid
Oh oh oh oh oh Do your best
Oh oh oh oh oh Try hard
Oh oh oh oh oh Do your best
Do your best

I'd like to [I'll Try]

I am old enough by now
And I know reality
But I will never give up
And I don't want to cry
Not me, not me...
I don't have trust anymore
Now I don't believe anymore
In those beautiful stories always full of poetry, magic and fantasy
I'd like to...
to succeed to believe in it also
I'd like to
that, that one day it was mine
I'd like to....I'd like to....I'd like to
Everything is changing and no one knows where it's going
I can't wait anymore for
the day in which my city will burn
I'd like succeed to in it also
I'd like to...
that, that one day it was mine
I'd like to...I'd like to
And sooner or later, I will understand, that the difference is there....
between true love, and that fear, hidden inside me...
Now finally, I can also believe in those beautiful stories
always full of poetry, magic and fantasy...
Now I too, I can believe by now in that
Me too, and I will fly sooner or later...
Me too...Me too......
With you.

Love lasts

How can a moment be stopped?
Actually nothing is forever
But if there is love for us
All the rest will be enough
Joy fills our hearts
It catches us for some instants
Everything comes and goes
Love lasts
Minutes (turn) to hours
Days to years and then
Although all seems lost
Love still remains inside of us
Some moments were
Filled with difficulties
But knowing some difficult moments is important
Not to have a half-life
Then when the dark sneaks up on us
When the sorrow catches us
We'll still feel that
Love lasts
How can a moment be stopped?
Despite troubles and darkness
Oh, love is a feeling
Of pureness and of beauty
Love blooms like a flower
And it can make any fear disappear
It makes us whole, it binds us and it warms us up
Love lasts
Minutes (turn) to hours
Days to years and then
When it already seems like all is lost
There is still love inside if us
How can a moment be stopped?
With the love inside of us

I will achieve my goal

I have fallen to the very bottom long ago
But that's only your fault
I'm evil, but it's all right, I'm not ashamed of myself
You'll pay a heavy price
[If] It's time to attack
Or to back down
There's only one right answer
I will rise off the knees
I move on and fight
I am ready, I am ready, that's for sure
I will achieve my goal
[If] It's time to attack
Or to back down
There's only one right answer
I swear on my weapon
I will achieve my goal
Are you ready?
I'm in! 1
[Pete & Stan:]
We're in!
[Royal Guards:]
We're ready!
I will achieve my goal
Do you think we can do this?
Together we will succeed!
I will be heard!
[Royal Guards:]
[If] It's time to attack
Or to back down...
They will trust me!
[Royal Guards:]
There's only one right answer
I will save my home and my family
[Royal Guards:]
There comes a moment
And there's no doubt
And I'm in!
I'm in!
[Rapunzel & Frederic:]
I'm in!
I will achieve my goal
  • 1. also can be translated as 'I am with you' which is more literal but not completely wrong

Life is a cherry

Life is a cherry
Death is a stone*
Love, a cherry tree.

I'll Try (Hetalia Multilanguage)

I'm not a child now
I can take care of myself so well
And I will show them now
I can't show that I'm weak
I'm perfectly okay
I rarely bother to listen
I am too old for that
Mother's childish thoughts
I see nothing in faith, trust and pixie dust
_________,I don't see like you anymore
If I can, If I can
If I can
abandoned in this city
in flames, hmm, a city in tears.
But sometimes, I want to believe it
I try,
but I can't see it
I try
but It's impossible
I try and try
To understand the distance in between
The love I feel, the things I fear
And every single dream
In the distance sparkles
a star there which is blue
Full of wonderful stories,
for no man can deam without it.
Magic and fantasy....
now i can believe in it myself too
So much
I can see what you see
So much, So much
I can fly
Fly, I'm flying in the wind

The end has come, my revenge lives [Ready as i'll ever be]

- The time is near, your highness -
Now i'm the one who undertook,
The role of the bad.
And the desire for revenge heats me, it drives me more and more.
- Varian! -
Silence! I know, i'm not a saint,
But the wound is too big, which was carved into
my heart by the shadow of the past.
- Please, Listen to me! -
Words don't affect me, because i have to make a life-changing step,
There's no way back.
Nothing distracts me,
Now i have to fight!
And i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid!
I keep the goal in mind!
We have to fight, with every single enemy.
Who is a coward, [that should] run away right now!
This sword blade calls everyone into battle,
Who is not afraid!
I'm not afraid, i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid!
We keep the goal in mind!
Our victory might have a narrow squeak.
As long as i see you, there's hope.
The revenge will be done!
Now the battle is waiting for me!
I have to protect, who i love!
And i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid!
The end has come, my revenge lives.


I look like I´m alone
I give him knowledge
that we´re one, like darkness and obscurity
and that I´m ready for it all
And I´d like to get drunk
just keep pouring, boy
Cartier on his neck
behind his back are vandals
He´s not naive, it´s all about acting
the heat of Cairo, I´ll lost my mind
I would bend my body like no one
for your love I´m queen and servant
And he is not afraid but he has no control
to resist when I hide my body with trousers
why he´s foolishing me, he is commanding
and he donates all emotions just to don´t get hurt
And it must be the magic, baby
and it must be the magic, baby
magic, baby
Open the window widely
on you everything is melting like iceberg on lava
who would not have touched, killed like a blunt
your background is very interesting
And you never skulked ours
You're full of gas like you're tired of ours
And you´re never calm
you´re full of gas like you´re tuned
And tell where you go with these green eyes like laurel
I still shine in the night and I´m not still good with light
It´s a prestige I do for her what I shouldn´t do
like a fetish, I download a new Dior model
She fly high and her new motto is YOLO
heels high every new Manolo model
oh, baby it´s okay we ballin 'like Tony Manolo
we be ballin '
And he is not afraid but he has no control
to resist when I hide my body with trousers
why he´s foolishing me, he is commanding
and he donates all emotions just to don´t get hurt
And it must be the magic, baby
and it must be the magic, baby
magic, baby
And I´d like to get drunk
just keep pouring, boy
Cartier on his neck
behind his back are vandals
I'd like to get drunk, get drunk, get drunk
I'd like to get drunk, get drunk, get drunk

Ready as I'll ever be

Versions: #2
Varian: Any moment now, your highness.
Believe me I know I’ve sunk pretty low
But whatever I’ve done you deserve
The Queen: Varian-
Varian: Quiet!
I’m the bad guy, that’s fine! It’s no fault of mine
And some justice at last will be served
The Queen: Please listen!
Varian: Now it’s time to step up
Or it’s time to back down
And there’s only one answer for me
And I’ll stand up and fight ‘Cuz I know that I’m right And I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready!
Ready as I’ll ever be
Cassandra: Now it’s time to rise up
Or it’s time to stand down
And the answer is easy to see
And I swear by the sword If you’re in, get on board Are you ready?
Eugene: I’m ready!
The Guards: We’re ready!
Ensemble: We’re ready!
Cassandra: Ready as I’ll ever be!
The King: Are you quite sure we can do this?
Rapunzel: Together we will guaranteed!
Varian: I’ll make them hear me!
Ensemble: Now it’s time to redeem
Or it’s time to resolve
C: Prove they can trust me!
Ensemble: And the outcome will hardly come free Rapunzel: I’ll save my home and family.
Ensemble: Now our line’s in the sand
And our moment’s at hand
Eugene: And I’m ready!
Cassandra: I’m ready!
The King & Rapunzel: I’m ready!
Varian: Ready as I’ll ever be

Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată

Versions: #2
Scoate-mă în oraș diseară,
Unde este muzică și sunt oameni
Și sunt tineri și plini de viață
În mașina ta...
Nu vreau niciodată, niciodată să mă mai întorc acasă
Pentru că nu mai am una
Scoate-mă în oraș diseară,
Pentru că vreau să văd oameni și vreau să văd viață
În mașina ta,
Te rog nu mă lăsa acasă
Pentru că nu e casa mea, e casa lor
Și eu nu mai sunt binevenit
Și dacă un autobuz supraetajat se ciocnește de noi
Să mor de alături de tine e un fel așa divin de a muri
Și dacă un camion de zece tone ne omoară pe amândoi
Să mor de partea ta, ei bine, plăcerea - privilegiul e al meu
Scoate-mă în oraș diseară,
Du-mă oriunde, nu-mi pasă, nu-mi pasă, nu-mi pasă
Și în pasajul întunecat
Mi-am spus: „Oh Doamne, mi-a venit șansa în sfârșit”
Dar apoi m-a cuprins o frică stranie
Și pur și simplu n-am putut să întreb
Scoate-mă în oraș diseară,
Oh, du-mă oriunde, nu-mi pasă, nu-mi pasă, nu-mi pasă
În mașina ta...
Nu vreau niciodată, niciodată să mă mai întorc acasă
Pentru că nu am una...
Oh, nu am una
Și dacă un autobuz supraetajat se ciocnește de noi
Să mor de alături de tine e un fel așa divin de a muri
Și dacă un camion de zece tone ne omoară pe amândoi
Să mor de partea ta, ei bine, plăcerea - privilegiul e al meu
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată
Există o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată

The new adventures with Winnie the Pooh

Now I must go,
Now I have to see an old friend of mine!
He is round, he is fluffy,
I love him because he is
The Pooh bear! My Winnie the Pooh bear!
Looking for fun
On the hunt for honey bees.
The Pooh bear, where is he now, kids?
Splashing, soaking
Сlimbing the honey trees.
Together with the other animals they go to adventures,
But not when there are thunder and rain.
And when you are alone, then I would think that
It is nice to have a really good friend!
The Pooh bear! My Winnie the Pooh bear!
Wherever you go, let me join you!
The Pooh bear, my Winnie the Pooh bear!
This is you and this is me!
My good old Winnie the Pooh.
Eniisi Lisika.

Today I know

I don't want to be a child anymore.
I can take care of myself.
They believe in me, well...
I must hide my tears from them.
It's nothing, it's nothing.
I don't have the strength to listen.
Honestly, I have enough of
these childish fairy tales
'cause I don't believe that
somewhere there there's a magic dust.
Today I know
that I want to make an attempt again.
Today I know,
I'll try to look through the fog,
today I know, today I know.
Now I have the certainty
that it's time to believe.
[I have] the trust and hope that
around us
there has always been magic dust.
Today I know
that this faith makes sense.
Today I know
one needs to go through the fog
and rise high,
today I know.

I Believe

I'm no longer a child,
I can take care of myself.
And so that they remain confident
I have to say to those that I love
It's alright, it's alright
But I'm tired
and too grown up to believe
those naive stories
of faith, and loyalty,
and of fairy dust.
Why don't I see what they see?
Why don't I believe what they believe?
Why? Why not me?
In this world, troubled
by guns and drama,
I can't leave them,
abandoned in this city
in flames, hmm, a city in tears.
But sometimes, I want to see what they see.
Sometimes, I want to believe what they believe.
To have the faith.
The faith to believe and finally see the universe which separates
this weeping world which trembles with fear,
and their enchanting dream.
Now I can believe
because finally I've been able to see
that our world is made
of faith and loyalty,
and of fairy dust.
Yes I believe,
because now I know.
I finally see what you see.
I believe, I believe, I believe,
In you.


I'm not so little anymore
I know how to take care of myself
And I won't fail them
They won't see me cry
I'm tired of listening to
And I refuse to believe in
Those old stories
There are no fairies to call today
I don't know, I've lost faith
And I've left my emotions behind
I've lost all hope
Left it behind, behind, behind
I'm seeing the world change
Don't know where to turn
I can't keep
Just watching as the city burns
Mmmhh, my city
And I've left my emotions behind
I've lost all hope
Left it behind, behind, behind
And behind is where I'll look to understand
The dreams that were once in me
Fear and love are so close
Who's going to dream like that?
Now I finally see
Now I can believe in
Those old stories
And that world I found
I know, only with faith
And search for the hope I lost
Look at what I didn't see before
Eager, wanting to dream

Now or Never

I did it
You’re destiny
The moment I saw you, magic history
I just melted
Stop it
Beautiful day Beautiful life
The world was colored
I closed my eyes and opened them again
But I could only see you
Hey baby, you’re amazing
You shake awake my sleeping emotions
That’s right
I’ve changed somehow, I think I’ve fallen for you
It’s complicated, this red light is dangerous
I did it
Oh there was no time so I did it
Baby, I did it right there
Oh, I put everything on the line, I did it
Like you don’t care
Risky like a game of tug-of-war
You burn me up, you shake me up
You lit a fire in my life
There was no time so I did it
Baby, I did it right there
I want you
You never leave my head, this is trouble
You’re too beautiful, oh God
My eyes are filled with nervousness, I’m tied up
I’m getting more anxious, nothing else has meaning to me
I’m only imagining
How you’ll be when you’re mine
I can’t just leave you alone
I can’t lose you
I’ve changed somehow, I think I’ve fallen for you
It’s complicated, this red light is dangerous
I did it
Oh there was no time so I did it
Baby, I did it right there
Oh, I put everything on the line, I did it
Like you don’t care
Risky like a game of tug-of-war
You burn me up, you shake me up
You lit a fire in my life
There was no time so I did it
Baby, I did it right there
I want you
My universe is shaking, I’m confused, is it true?
I keep going up & down
Like a roller coaster ride
Feels like I’m dreaming, you’re so shining
I can’t ever let go, don’t escape from me
I’ve changed somehow, I think I’ve fallen for you
It’s complicated, this red light is dangerous
I did it
Oh there was no time so I did it
Baby, I did it right there
Oh, I put everything on the line, I did it
Like you don’t care
Risky like a game of tug-of-war
You burn me up, you shake me up
You lit a fire in my life
There was no time so I did it
Baby, I did it right there
I want you
I did it, I did it, I did it

Ready For What’s Gonna Happen

Varian: Anytime now, your Highness
I’m mean, alright?
It doesn’t matter for me
You deserve everything I’m doing
The Queen: Varian!
Varian: Quiet!
It has no point
It’s gonna happen
There are no words left that affects me
The Queen: Varian listen!
Varian: I stand up for myself
And soon a squad will come
There’s only one way out from that
I’m gonna fight
And now I’m of course
Very ready
Yes ready
Completely ready
Ready for what’s gonna happen
The captain: Ah, ah.
Flynn: Captain, are you sure you can do this?
The captain: Actually, I don’t think I can.
A guard: But, who’s gonna lead the attack?
The captain: Not me. She is.
Cassandra: Are you still going to fight or just watch?
That’s the question I’m asking you
You are needed to fight
But of course you’ll
have to be ready
Flynn: We’re ready
The guards: Yes ready, completely ready
Cassandra: Ready for what’s gonna happen
Rapunzel: There you are
The King: Yes, I just stopped by the kitchen. I’ve heard that you are pretty handy with things like this
Rapunzel: Hehe, yeah that’s right
The King: Do you think he’ll be stopped?
Rapunzel: Together I think it can happen
Varian: Now I’ll be heard
Cassandra: Will I succeed?
The guards: Now the guy have to watch out
Because here comes a squad
Who’s gonna fight until success
Rapunzel: We can do it, they’ll see it
We’re standing up for our people
And we’re never giving up
Flynn: We’re ready
Cassandra: Yes ready
Rapunzel and the King: Completely ready
Varian: Ready for what’s gonna happen

11 (Eleven)

everyone tells you to be strong (to be strong)
tells you not to depend (not to depend)
stick even when you’re passing by
definitely not to hold my hand
(not to hold my hand)
you have shoulders that are waiting for me
and a warm back to hug
and a place beside you to rest
you’re hesitating
I can be by your side
and I can compliment you everyday
why are you hesitating (hesitating)
I’ll protect you by your side
I’ll hug you from behind
for you who became so weak
I’ll give you everything
come closer
how many are there these days
guys, who would give everything for you
today too, I..
work hard, work hard, work hard
work hard, work hard, work hard
let’s close our eyes slowly
Hotter than a summer
even in winter, it’s like summer
in summer, it’s even more like summer
you might not be cold,
but take off your clothes and hang them on your shoulders
through your long hair, the peeking eyes nose lips
tomorrow when your wake up, no need for talk
turn off your phone for a bit
if today passes, I’ll compliment you
you make me dizzy
i want to disturb you
I’ll protect you by your side
I’ll hug you from behind
for you who became so weak
I’ll give you everything
come closer
how many are there these days
guys who would give everything for you
today too, I..
work hard, work hard, work hard
work hard, work hard, work hard
wait for me, don’t act strong in front of me
talk to me honestly
I’ll accept everything now
you rub it like a child
you worked hard, you stick to me and relax
I’m your only rest
the future that will fill your expectations
wait for me, don’t act strong in front of me
talk to me honestly
I’ll accept everything now
you rub it like a child
you worked hard, you stick to me and relax
I’m your only rest
the future that will fill your expectations
I’ll protect you by your side
I’ll hug you from behind
for you who became so weak
I’ll give you everything
come closer
how many are there these days
guys who would give everything for you
today too, I..
work hard, work hard, work hard
work hard, work hard, work hard
how many are there these days
guys who would give everything for you
today too, I..
work hard, work hard, work hard

Ușor Pentru Tine

Deși totul doare, te iubesc, de unul singur
De ce sunt eu? De ce ești tu? Nu știu
În acest univers, faptul că tu și cu mine suntem atrași unul de celălalt ar putea fi ciudat
Ușor pentru tine, ce dacă tu
Pot să te iubesc?
Ușor pentru tine, ce dacă tu
Pot să vin la tine?
Pot să te iubesc?
Ușor pentru tine, ce dacă tu
Pot să vin la tine?
De ce tremur în fața unei fete ca tine
Din acest moment, s-ar putea să fiu nebun
Ușor pentru tine, ce dacă tu
Pot să te iubesc?
Ușor pentru tine, ce dacă tu
Pot să vin la tine?
Pot să te iubesc?
Ușor pentru tine, ce dacă tu
Se va termina cu lacrimi?
Se confruntă reciproc, polenul nostru
Cu o inimă palpitantă, durerea mea este ștersă
Mă voi ține de tine
Nu te voi face niciodată să plângi
Ușor pentru tine, ce dacă tu
Pot să te iubesc?
Ușor pentru tine, ce dacă tu
Pot să vin la tine?
Pot să te iubesc?
Ușor pentru tine, ce dacă tu
Sau se va termina cu lacrimi?


I avoided the main street flooded
by people who take the road home with a certain gait
And while plugging my ears with broken earphones
I was muttering your name
Something like your 'replacement' doesn't exist
Only this at least
will not change even if I am betrayed
I love you, I love you
The only one who always wrenches
the heart of this callous person this way
is only you
Others come and go
But you're in my soul forevermore
Forevermore, forevermore
Forevermore it is so
Friends change and clothes go out of fashion
What makes me me
isn't anything like ingrained values
or preferences I've aquired
You taught me that
Something like my ending doesn't scare me
by some chance
even if I'm reincarnated, I won't forget
I love you, I love you
The one who can make this person who looks good alone
cry without seeing them today either
is only you
Others come and go
But you're in my soul forevermore
Forevermore, forevermore
forevermore it is so
After love too
forevermore, forevermore
even if it's without waiting for the last moment
just this I can say
I love you, I love you
Anything other than that is something of a digression
The one I love, the one I love
is only you
Others come and go
But you're in my soul forevermore
Forevermore, forevermore
forevermore it is so

Even If I Die, It's You (죽어도 너야)

Versions: #4
Creaking creaking
In my cracked heart
The chill of your sighs
Little by little
Like a withering flower
My heart aches
This damn love
Just because of you alone
I can’t stop even if I get hurt
Even if I die, for me it’s only you
Without you
There are only tears that pierce through my chest
And a dark hell I’ll fall into
To me, you are that kind of existence
Don’t leave me
Don’t leave me behind
Your heart that turned away
Please turn (it) back towards me
I want the you who is desperate
It’s everything that (I’ve) risked (my) life for
Into the light that has been scattered
Take me there, please
To the end of that world
na na na na na na
It’s gonna be you
na na na na na na
It’s gonna be you
na na na na na na
Woah oh oh oh
I can‘t let go
It was left to the heavens
The key to my destiny
Is once again in my hands
Swallowing a long breath and
Burning up my soul
I’m going to make you mine
This damn love
Just because of you alone
I can’t give up even if I get hurt
Even if I die, for me it’s only you
Without you
I have no blood or tears
I am just a dangerous shadow
To me, you’re that kind of existence
Don’t leave me
Don’t leave me behind
Your heart that turned away
Please turn (it) back towards me
I want the you who is desperate
It’s everything that (I’ve) risked (my) life for
Into the light that has been scattered
Take me there, please
To the end of that world
na na na na na na
It’s gonna be you
na na na na na na
It’s gonna be you
na na na na na na
Woah oh oh oh
I can‘t let go
I will sacrifice myself to protect you
I will try to do it (despite) being doubted
This crisis right now, I
Am going to try to turn it into an opportunity
You’re my best choice
You can’t stop me
Into the light that has been scattered
Take me there, please
To the end of that world
na na na na na na
it’s gonna be you
na na na na na na
it’s gonna be you
na na na na na na
Woah oh oh oh
I can‘t let go
na na na na na na
na na na na na na

Cântec pentru oricare

Te iubesc din fundul penarului meu
te iubesc în cântecele ce le scriu şi cânt
te iubesc fiindcă mă pui la locul potrivit
şi iubesc cecurile PRS pe care le aduci.
Ieftin, deloc ieftin
îţi cânt cântece până când adormi
când tu te duci sus, apar
şi mă pun să ţi le scriu...
O, Shirley, Debora, Julie, Jane
ţi-am scris atâtea piese despre tine încât ţi-am uitat numele
(ţi-am uitat numele)
Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue
Deborah, Annabel, şi tu
(ţi-am uitat numele)
Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue
Deborah, Annabel, şi tu
(ţi-am uitat numele)
Te iubesc din fundul penarului meu
îmi place felu-n care nu mă-ntrebi de ce
Îmi place să scriu despre fiecare rid de pe chipul tău
şi te iubesc până când mi se usucă cerneala din stilou...
Adânc, atât de adânc
#1 sper să îl ating
depinde de lacrimile pe care tu le verşi
Aşa că plângi, frumoaso, plângi
plângi, plângi, plângi...
O, Cathy, Debora, Julie, Jane
M-ai făcut să fac atâţia bani de când am scris cântecul ăsta pentru tine
(Am scris acest cântec pentru tine)
Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue
Deborah, Annabel, şi tu
(am scris acest cântec pentru tine)
Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue
Deborah, Annabel, şi tu
(pentru tine)
O, Cathy, Debora, Julie, Jane
M-ai făcut să fac atâţia bani de când am scris cântecul ăsta pentru tine
(Am scris acest cântec pentru tine)
Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue
Deborah, Annabel, şi tu
(am scris acest cântec pentru tine)
Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue
Deborah, Annabel, şi tu
(pentru tine, pentru tine, pentru tine, am scris acest cântec pentru tine)
(am scris acest cântec pentru tine)

The Snows of January

Versions: #3
The moment has come
My sweetheart to have an honest talk
I have waited a long time to see if you would change
And you don’t even look at me
At first, you said that once
The snows of January come
Going to see the Virgin Mary and then getting married
would be the first thing (after the January snows)
Now the snows of January are gone and
The flowers of May have come
As you see I have endured earnestly (a lo macho)
And I just silence my bitter pain
Now the flowers are gone and the winter has arrived
And you don’t even look at me
And that is why I tell you that finally, the moment has arrived
Have an honest talk
At first, you said that
When the January snows come
Going to see the Virgin Mary and then getting married
would be the first thing
I can’t stand your lies anymore
This wait is destroying me
Looking at how the years have passed
I do not plan to die waiting
Now the snows of January are gone and
The flowers of May have come
As you see I have endured earnestly
And I just silence my bitter pain

Everyone knows Juanita

Juanita is already well-known everywhere
With eyes of two different colors
With a broken tooth, crooked jaw
Her...fists are to the ground
(Those are the wrong words, there's children here)
Her hair's like a broom
She rode like the wind
And if I were just a bit better looking
Then maybe she'd ask me