Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 6

Număr de rezultate: 197


Die Ballade von Fredrik Akare und Cecilia Lind

Versions: #2
From Öckerö threshing floor, sound accordion and bass
the full moon is shining as if made of glass.
There dances Fredrik Åkare, dancing chin to chin (1)
with the young maiden, Cecilia Lind
She dances, eyes closed, so near to him
He leads and she follows, according to his whim
He leads and she follows, as light as the wind
But why are you blushing, Cecilia Lind..
Do tell, was it 'cause Fredrik Åkare said:
Your smell is so good, and your dancing so dab
Your bosom so round, and your waste is so thin
And you are so beautiful, Cecilia Lind
The dance has now ended and where could they go?
Cause they live so close to each other, you know..
Then they stopped at her porch, and Cecilia grinned
Oh give me a kiss, said Cecilia Lind
Shame on you, Fredrik, so old and senile
Cecilia Lind she is almost a child
Pure as a flower, like a doe sniffs the wind
Soon I'll be 17, said Cecilia Lind
The stars they keep wandring', have forgotten the two
And Fredrik is old, but the moon is so new
Yes, Fredrik is old, but who cares with lights dimmed
Oh, kiss me again, said Cecilia Lind
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth,
and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)


Believe me when I say that tt's not easy for me
You stick to my head like a bascap
As long as I treat you good I want respect
But I don't know why you treat me so bad
Wherever I go, from wherever I come
You stay in my head like a melody
like a melody
like a melod the whole time on repeat
I don't know why you change so fast
You aren't the same as yesterday
One day you behave good
the next you pretend not to know me
I beg you to stop those games
I beg you to stop those tricks
Only become mine
And I furfill your wishes
Wherever I go you I see you
Believe me, you became a big problem for me
You are in my mind
You are in my mind
You are in my mind mind mind
Tricks (3x)
Why do you do these
Tricks (3x)
Why do you do these
Tricks (3x)
Tricks (3x)
aahaha aahaa aaa aaaha
Ay mama
Believe me when I tell you
It's not my fault, mama
Come to me and forgive me
She tells me to calm down
Because I told you from the beginning
I won't stop until I reached my goal
I love that you keep being yourself
Believe me, like a flower
I found you beneath the thorns
I recognize you because of the scent of your parfume
If you become mine I won't make mistakes
If I promise something I'll keep it
You stayed in my head like a list of melodies
Wherever I go you I see you
Believe me, you became a big problem for me
You are in my mind
You are in my mind
You are in my mind mind mind
Tricks (3x)
Why do you do these
Tricks (3x)
Why do you do these
Tricks (3x)
Tricks (3x)
aahaha aahaa aaa aaaha


If you come to me, if you drop in
Make it look like an accident
And do it in a daytime
For ex lovers
Night is a dangerous terrain
While still at the door
Brag about your new boyfriend
Tell me you've never been so happy
Like a bad friend, hurt my vanity
Let me know I shouldn't have hope
Break my heart, make my soul sick
Only you can do that
That doesn't hurt me at all
Just please don't pity me
Chorus 2x
I am neither your friend nor your brother
So that you should tell me your secrets
But whenever you need it
I can be your lover again


Boiko-the-Godling walks here easily
Boiko-the-Godling walks here easily
Through the flowers and fields
Through the dews and forests
Through the cottages and stoves
Through the stars and nights
Boiko-the-Godling walks here easily
Boiko-the-Godling walks here easily
Sun-the-Light rises
Carrying the Earth in hands
Singing by birds,
Playing by musicians
Boiko-the-Godling walks here easily
Boiko-the-Godling walks here easily
He brings the birth
He brings joy for us
He announces wealth
Through the destinies and fields
He cuckoo as a cuckoo
He roars as deer
He sings as girls
He steps as lads
Boiko! (x3)
Walks here easily!
Please don't hesitate to correct me, especially if the translation language is your native language.
With Best Regards,
© Alexander Laskavtsev

You've Been Away for a Long Time

You've been away for a long time
I wait for hours and days
You've been away for a long time
I know that you'll come
I'm impatient
Without you, I know no one
Without you, I can't recognize a thing
You're my other half
The aim of my wandering
When there is no love
The sleepless nights remain
When there is no love
I listen in on you coming
To take me with you
To take...
Into your life
Get me out of here
Light me up with your love
For me living alone
I'm not capable of that
If you can hear these words
My heart is yours too now
If you can hear these words
If you were here, I'd be better
Without you, I'm alone in the world
I know that very well
Get me out of here...


Versions: #3
Glorious sea, sacred Baikal,
Wonderful boat - this fish barrel.
Hey! Barguzin! Push me through the waters!
This lad hasn't far to go.
For a long time I wore heavy chains.
For a long time I wandered in the Akatiya Mountains.
An old comrade helped me flee,
I survived because I wanted to be free.
The towns Shilka and Nerchinsk frighten me no more.
The mountain guards failed to catch me.
The wild animals let me alone.
A bullet fired at me missed.
I travelled night and day.
I circled towns, always carefully on guard.
Women fed me bread,
Men supplied me with tobacco to smoke.
Glorious sea, sacred Baikal!
Wonderful sail! - my hole-ridden tunic.
Hey! Barguzin! Move those waves!
One can hear thunder claps resounding.


Swag in the voice
I have asthma
when we see each other
born route
We´re dominant
well, it´s time
I blink and raise the mass
We´re selected singers
We´re working you gang-bangs
we fuck you very strong
you can´t sit
Holy baby
don´t be shady
because I´m working what you wouldn´t do
in fact, you can´t fuck the universe
No, no, no, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
I say no but I think
All queen to queen
and none of them have their own territory
all empress to empress
but when you walk your crowns are falling
who talk about something, we talk about honesty
life is good when you have a good scheme
Just, just let me calm down
everything irritates me, my soul is shaking
the only medicine is a suicide, uranium
Maria Kiri Distill, just clean
we are fine but only apparently
I don´t dirty my hands, I just order a murder
if I catch yout, that means we´re close
I know you can´t resist
what would these floors say because the walls are silent for a long time
if I tread you, you asked for the light
No, no, no, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
I say no but I think
All queen to queen
and none of them have their own territory
all empress to empress
but when you walk your crowns are falling
who talk about something, we talk about honesty
life is good when you have a good scheme

Kajkavians [1]

In the north of the country Croatia
between Mur and Drave [2]
it doesn´t exist more beautiful piece
than clump of Međimurje [3]
and I´m thinkink, my Međimurci [4]
what singing to you
I´m Žiga Međimurski from Čehovec
I sing in kajkavian
Kaj-kaj-kajkavians, in the east Podravci
in the west Zagorci, in the north Međimurci
kaj-kaj-kajkavians, on the right are Podravci
on the left are Zagorci, in the middle Međimurci
Where the Drave is silent and the most quiet
there is a country of son of Podravina [5]
there always live the legend of the picoks
there lies Podravina
and I´m thinking, my Podravci [6]
what singing to you
I´m Vida Podravski from Gotalovo
I sing in kajkavian
Behind the Sljeme it´s my place Zagorje [7]
where grapevines and forests smells
my soul heals our beautiful kaj [8]
there live my Zagorci [9]
and I´m thinking, my Zagorci
what singing to you
I´m Adam Zagorski from Brestovec
I sing in kajkavian

God damn it

All the stories are the same, sad as this one,
You are the only one in my thoughts when my soul is empty,
All the gazes are the same, heavy and dangerous,
Those eyes are not for you, who can explain them,
And just….
Think of what we can do,
Maybe it’s too late or maybe not,
Does the end smell like this?
We’re both doomed... god damn it...
All the movies are the same, long and prolonged,
Every verse in the poems are already told somewhere,
And almost all the ends are the same, quiet and crying,
They say every end is a beginning, but, I don’t want boring phrases
And just….
Think of what we can do,
Maybe it’s too late or maybe not,
Does the end smell like this?
We’re both doomed... god damn it...
I beg you...
Think of what we can do,
Maybe it’s too late or maybe not,
Does the end smell like this?
We’re both doomed... god damn it...

Good girls

Versions: #2
Be good, you, don't wander the city
Don't wear miniskirts, bad advice spreads
However, be good, don't go out at night
and no, don't follow them, they're bad girls
Be good, you, don't fall in love
Don't kiss or you'll lose your head
However, be good, that's what they always tell me
And don't lie or you'll be doomed
Good girls
They go to heaven for everything
Bad girls
They go where ever they wish
Be good you, come home early
And don't listen to them, they are bad girls
But all those bad ones, my friends
They're not bad, they're all good girls
~ Luvya, dankie mutch :D ~

'Lit' = 'literally'
'Or' = there is an alternate way to translate the line/phrase

Ce-ți lipsește când ai totul?

Viața nouă pe care ai început-o ca să fugi de mine
Ți-a oferit tot ce eu nu am putut?
Fericire, siguranță și totul din plin,
Orice ochii tăi au dorit ai obținut?
Spui că totul e ideal pe coperțile revistelor,
Totul în jurul tău e splendoare,
Dar ochii pot spune ceea ce buzele păstrează tăcut,
Îți dorești îmbrățișarea mea!
Dacă-i așa, asta e problema ta!
Dacă nu-i așa, cu atât mai bine pentru mine!
Ce-ți lipsește când ai totul?
De ce ești curioasă dacă s-a încheiat între noi?
De ce-mi amintești
De ceea ce nu-mi mai aparține?
Ce-ți lipsește când ai totul?
De ce ești curioasă dacă am plecat?
Dacă durerea e reală,
Cu greu va trece vreodată,
Oamenii își spun adio, dar sufletele n-o fac niciodată!
Viața nouă pe care ai început-o ca să fugi de mine
Ți-a oferit tot ce eu nu am putut?
E totul de ajuns de puternic și scump,
Orice ochii tăi au dorit ai obținut?
Spui că ai găsit umbra care te urmează pretutindeni,
Sub lumina puternică și mereu la fel.
Dacă ești bine așa cum spui că ești,
De ce ești în îmbrățișarea mea?
Dacă-i așa, asta e problema ta!
Dacă nu-i așa, cu atât mai bine pentru mine!
Ce-ți lipsește când ai totul?
De ce ești curioasă dacă s-a încheiat între noi?
De ce-mi amintești
De ceea ce nu-mi mai aparține?
Ce-ți lipsește când ai totul?
De ce ești curioasă dacă am plecat?
Dacă durerea e reală,
Cu greu va trece vreodată,
Oamenii își spun adio, dar sufletele n-o fac niciodată!
Ce-ți lipsește când ai totul?
De ce ești curioasă dacă s-a încheiat între noi?
De ce-mi amintești
De ceea ce nu-mi mai aparține?
Ce-ți lipsește când ai totul?
De ce ești curioasă dacă am plecat?
Dacă durerea e reală,
Cu greu va trece vreodată,
Oamenii își spun adio, dar sufletele n-o fac niciodată!

Old Pictures

Old pictures standing still
on them are you and me
and the years are counting the sadness
since you've been gone
I met you this one day
we both just stood still
you told me you are not alone anymore
but tears are warming your cheeks
You are lying that you are happy
you are hiding that you are sad
because next to me
your heart remained
with broken wings
alone, a nest of silk
but your pride does not allow you
to confess to me
but i know - you regret it your whole life
you talk quietly and steal
the shine from my eyes
then you hide your view
you wish you would not be here
you hurry somewhere and cannot
stay for a moment
the truth is only one
you will love me forever
You are lying that you are happy
you are hiding that you are sad
because next to me
your heart remained
with broken wings
alone, a nest of silk
but your pride does not allow you
to confess to me
but i know - you regret it your whole life
You are lying that you are happy
you are hiding that you are sad
because next to me
your heart remained
with broken wings
alone, a nest of silk
but your pride does not allow you
to confess to me
but i know - you regret it your whole life

Look today away

If you think nothing ever changes
And you don't want to go on like this
The desire lays anchored in your heart
Waiting for your eyes to open
Look today away
A new time will come
If you can't expect anything anymore of love
All your plans have gone up in smoke
When your light shines in sleepless nights
Just leave it on till the sun comes up
Look today away
A new time will come
Look today away
A new time will come
But look today away
A new time will come
Look today away
A different time will come

A girl did the falcon harm

A girl did the falcon harm
[She] did him harm, set the mountain ablaze
The mountain burned for two and even three days
Until it burned to the falcon's nest
The falcon is extinguishing the flames, his wings are catching fire
The falconets are shrieking, and the falcon cursing
Harshly curses the falcon the beautiful girl
[May] you be unmarried for long, [and] silently sick
[May] you not have a child, nor take one by the hand
Because you did harm to me, the falcon (×2)
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi

The sun and the moon move over the forest

The sun and the moon move over the forest,
A lad goes to a girl every evening.
Not really to a girl, just to her house —
He knocks on the window so that her mother doesn’t hear.
Not really to a girl, just to her house —
He knocks on the window so that her mother doesn’t hear.
She opened the door, oh, sighing heavily,
She closed the door weeping, crying.
Don’t cry, girl, you was the cause of this,
If you had been smarter, you wouldn’t open.
Don’t cry, girl, you was the cause of this,
You shouldn’t have let a young lad in for a night
The sun and the moon move over the forest,
A lad goes to a girl every evening.
Not really to a girl, just to her house —
He knocks on the window so that her mother doesn’t hear.
Not really to a girl, just to her house —
He knocks on the window so that her mother doesn’t hear.
Don’t cry, girl, you was the cause of this,
If you had been smarter, you wouldn’t open.
Don’t cry, girl, you was the cause of this,
You shouldn’t have let a young lad in for a night

Touch me

I'm standing where you're looking.
In your head, thoughts are fighting.
If you give me any sign, I will answer.
May your sight reach me.
May your heart burn, may it burn,
between us there's a space - I'm waiting for a gesture.
Touch me, let me burn,
touch my body,
touch my body, I want it.
One more time!
Touch me anew,
touch me endlessly,
touch me when I want it.
You have the greenness of the sea in your eyes.
Your lips are unexplored.
If you give me any sign, I will answer.
I see you in my dreams, then my
heart is flaming, my heart is flaming.
Our hands will be bound by time - now you and me.
Touch me, let me burn,
touch my body,
touch my body, I want it.
One more time!
Touch me anew,
touch me endlessly,
touch me when I want it.

A carriage is running

A carriage is running in front of ......
Titi-biti, indiri-bindiri, bi
A colorful, painted carriage.
And who was in the carriage?
Titi-biti, indiri-bindiri, bi
A colorful, painted carriage.
Radka1 was in the carriage.
Titi-biti, indiri-bindiri, bi
A colorful, painted carriage.
And who was driving the carriage?
Ivan2 was driving the carriage
Titi-biti, indiri-bindiri, bi
The carriage is going back, overturns.
And Ivan caresses Radka.
A colorful, painted carriage.
  • 1. Female's name
  • 2. Male's name


Jamaica is at the end of the street
Jamaica is at the end of the street
Be careless, be careless and only one
Be careless, be careless and only one
It's okay, get real sweetheart
It's okay, get real sweetheart
'cuz you are the one, you are the one, who wins all
'cuz you are the one, you are the one, who wins
Jamaica, everything, everything echoes
My mother, everything, everything echoes
And I'm with you, I'm with you
And I'm fine, Bob Marley
And I'm fine, Bob Marley, how does that look

Without you

It's not our fault that we've been strangers for half a century
Our dreams were on a wrong side
Kilometers behind us are woven with sorrow
Your sight thinks there is farce around you
You never had anyone next to you
Who would look at you with other eyes
I don't want to know about others
Everything what is called 'paradise' is with you
People say everything
Just to ruin the best things
I'll never justify myself to anyone,
It's enough that you know the truth
And even if I'm crazy, I don't go anywhere
Without you
Do you see that not everything is this black?
Someday there can also happen a miracle
To let you fall in love and be loved yourself
Leave the past, it's just been sometime
Bestir yourself, because you only have one life
Take everything, so you won't be sorry when you'll sink
Chorus (2x):
I don't want to know about others
Everything what is called 'paradise' is with you
People say everything
Just to ruin the best things
I'll never justify myself to anyone,
It's enough that you know the truth
And even if I'm crazy, I don't go anywhere
Without you

I'm dancing with him until morning

I'm dancing with him until morning
I'm dancing with him until morning
I'm dancing with him until morning
I will be underslept
I'm dancing with him until morning
I'm dancing with him
Saturday, evening, I'm already ready
I will only close the door behind me
Today I start my life from the beginning
Today it is he with whom I will dance. Oooo.
Chorus: I'm dancing with him until morning
I want to be captured today
I'm dancing with him until morning
I'm in love
I'm dancing with him until morning
I will be underslept
I'm dancing with him until morning
I'm dancing with him
By his side, I feel loved the most
Only for him I want to dance
Again we won't sleep this night
I know it well, he loves me
I'm dancing with him until morning
I want to be captured today
I'm dancing with him until morning
I'm in love
I'm dancing with him until morning
I will be underslept
I'm dancing with him until morning
I'm dancing with him
I'm dancing with him until morning
(A night without sleep, let's forget ourselves in dancing)
I'm dancing with him until morning
(You are my darling, I will capture you in a minute)
I'm dancing with him until morning
I want to be captured today
I'm dancing with him until morning
I'm in love
I'm dancing with him until morning
I will be underslept
I'm dancing with him until morning
I'm dancing with him

Shut up, shut up Ujko

I hear a voice on the radio station
Hello Ujko*, Đedo* here!
Get fucked by a dog!
I hear a voice on the radio station
Hello Ujko, Đedo here!
Get fucked by a dog!
Shut up, shut up Ujko! I'll kill you
Do you know our song 'The duke is coming'!?
Shut up shut up Ujko! I'll kill you
Do you know our song 'The duke is coming'!?
I light up a cigar, while talking with him
Cursing my mother, I cursed his back
I light up a cigarette, while talking with him
Cursing my mother, I cursed his back
Shut up shut up Ujko! I'll kill you
Do you know our song 'The duke is coming'!?
Shut up shut up Ujko! I'll kill you
Do you know our song 'The duke is coming'!?
For a long time I was thinking how to outsmart him
But Mujo* interrupted our connection
For a long time I was thinking how to outsmart him
But Mujo interupted our connection
Shut up shut up Mujo! I'll kill you
Do you know our song 'The duke is coming'!?
Shut up shut up Mujo! I'll kill you
Do you know our song 'I dislike you Alija*'!?

Enchanting boykivchanka

Come to the frontier
One spring morning,
You will see dancing
Of our gentle boykivchanok.
But only don't look in their eyes,
For you will fall in love one day,
And peaceful sleep will disappear
Day and night.
Bright sunrise of my eyes
Charms boys, like a spring,
And pour heat in to the young heart
My beauty.
And pour heat in to the young heart
My beauty.
Those precautions
I don't want to hear it,
For I've looked boykovchanke
Straight in the eyes,
For I don't afraid of sleeplessness,
And all my ardent love
I'll give away , for lips
And slender waist.
Bright sunrise of your eyes
Charms me , like a spring,
And pour heat in to the young heart
My beauty.
And pour heat in to the young heart
My beauty.

All the same

Versions: #2
It's all the same, when I win them over
or when I lose them.
It's all the same, when I don't want them
or when I’m kissing them.
It's all the same,
nothing no longer touches me.
It's all the same, when I give up
or when I fight.
When they fall in love with me,
they only make things worse.
Everything I touch,
I turn it into you.
Where are you right now,
to be good enough for you as imperfect as I am,
where are you to tell me,
good luck when I'm leaving,
and to stay by my side
when the whole world turns its back on me.
Where are you right now,
to watch me grow old.
Where are you, so that I can fool
my destiny with your kindness,
because you are the only thing
I never managed to ruin.
It's all the same, when they hate me
or when they're kneeling.
It's all the same, they make me ill
even when they heal me.
It's all the same,
nothing no longer touches me.
It's the same, when they judge me
or when they defend me.
They are all only here
to stop the time after losing you.
Everything I touch,
I turn it into you.
Where are you right now,
to be good enough for you as imperfect as I am,
where are you to tell me,
good luck when I'm leaving,
and to stay by my side
when the whole world turns its back on me.
Where are you right now,
to watch me grow old.
Where are you, so that I can fool
my destiny with your kindness,
because you are the only thing
I never managed to ruin.

Imnul Rîbniței

Pe malul Nistrului verde
orașul nostru a înflorit mulți ani.
Și acum steagurile îi flutură
lupte și victorii în muncă. (bis)
Rîbnița e orașul nostru al speranței,
Rîbnița e strălucirea unui vis luminos,
Rîbnița - spre ziua de mâine, ca și înainte,
te conduc drumurile și podurile tale.
Furtuni au plouat pe pământ,
ești plini de realizări, de forțe noi.
Și-a întins aripile peste tine
în ceruri, Arhanghelul Mihail. (bis)
Trăieşti după destinul tău
cu familia prietenă din Transnistria.
Orașul nostru, suntem mândri de tine
și pentru noi ești veșnic tânăr. (bis)

Past the Buoys

It was like a dream, only real:
We made do without 'Hey what's up?'
I didn't think I'd get this far past the buoys,
The bar scene and plenty of willing lined up.
We exchnaged our hellos, where to begin?
The clamor got sick and died away.
You said 'no one's', I said 'no one's'
We promised to smolder, if only 'till the last day.
Hello there. Who are you?
A goal into my net,
Shooting glances at me,
Do you know that?
So little of summer left for us,
Fake tan, sandals and sails*
The coin's in midair,
Heads or tails?
Yes or...
Leave, worry not, I'll make it through.
Will we meet again? The answer's 'No'.
I didn't think I'd get this far past the buoys,
At the end of this tunnel there's a glow.
Hello there. Who are you?
Boarding passes, banktones,
When's the flight at,
Do you know that?
(Chorus )
So little of summer left for us,
Fake tan, sandals and sails*
The coin's in midair,
Heads or tails?
Yes or...
So little of summer left for us,
Fake tan, sandals and sails*
The coin's in midair,
Heads or tails?
Yes or no? Yes or no?
Yes or...


We are keepers of the forces of nature: the fire, the water,the air,
and the earth.
Look inside yourself - everybody have talantes.
We are ready for a combat!
The villain, run. Be afraid of us: we are the team.
We are strong and friendly.
We save the world from the evil, troubles.
We hit villains! The Veil is wanky.
We,we,we,we... are going ahead!
Our chance! Our hour!
For save the world!

Something ours

Where are you honey
Where are you for years
Who did you love
Why are you not around
So you can come to me
So you can make my nights golden
I'm looking on the bottom of the glass
Something ours
What we had long time ago
I'm looking for your eyes
Drink every night
Since we separated
I'm looking on the bottom of the glass
Something ours
What we had long time ago
I'm looking for your eyes
Drink every night
Since we separated
Where are you honey
Where were you last night
Who did you love
For all days
That you won't be here
I will get drunk again
I'm looking on the bottom of the glass
Something ours
What we had long time ago
I'm looking for your eyes
Drink every night
Since we separated
Since we separated
I'm looking on the bottom of the glass
Something ours
What we had long time ago
I'm looking for your eyes
Drink every night
Since we separated
I'm looking on the bottom of the glass
Something ours
What we had long time ago
I'm looking for your eyes
Drink every night
Since we separated
I'm looking on the bottom of the glass
Something ours

A Seagull

Lonely seagull, gray seagull with mournful cries rushes with urgency
Over fathomless cold sea abyss.
Tell me where did you come from? What for? What is your grave emergency?
Your complaint's full of anguish, why's this?
Endless sea expanse roars. Hostile sky is so gloomy and threatening.
Gray sea foam started curling on crest of a wave.
Northern gale wind laments, and the seagul is crying: insane offspring,
Homeless seagull from distant land, weeping in rave.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


And I miss you
so I can touch your silky gentle skin with my lips,
I'm alone in the noise,
waiting for you to kiss me with your lips which are blue because of wine.
Bella, Bella x3
Bella, Bella, when it gets dark
Nothing is shameful,
Donatella, her dress falls down,
her boiling blood
turns me on like the last gram (of marijuana),
the night smells on Silver,
you've never been only a habit,
all cameras would film
and all newspapers would write
about what you've done last night, Bella.
And I miss you
so I can touch your silky gentle skin with my lips,
I'm alone in the noise,
waiting for you to kiss me with your lips which are blue because of wine.
Bella, Bella x3
A rain fell down
and every her touch is the heat
in the cloud of smoke,
her nearness turn me on,
lie down on my skin like a jewelry
when we remain alone
it's hot like in the middle of a desert,
her eyes shine in the dark like Paris,
and this night I'm searching for a reason
to make her kill me again
And I miss you
so I can touch your silky gentle skin with my lips,
I'm alone in the noise,
waiting for you to kiss me with your lips which are blue because of wine.
Bella, Bella x3
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!

I'm a new driver

I'm a new driver
With little road experience
My car is wide
And my garage narrow
What good are a car
And a big house to me
When I like one
With a thick neck
So I always ask him, while he does body work
Shove the car into my garage!
Around my cars,
Works the mechanic Dzhuro
They didn't wanna start
So he had to push the whole night
The best they say,
Is some mechanic Chedo,
Well I needed him
A long time ago


It's all fake
all on her is fake
it's all fake
all on her is fake
She wears fake branded items
silicons are in her head the whole day
it's important that they see Gucci and Armani
And me..
She fakes that she went to Bali
even her followers aren't real
she's such, she throws hate on everyone, but hate
All on her is fake
her eyes, her hair, her boobs
It's all fake
Her love which she offers almost everyone
It's all fake
Her mind, her connections, her people
it's all a mask, it's all fake
All on her is fake, she knows it
From Kenz to Prada and Louis Vuitton
All on her is fake, even that golden necklace
Even that old-fashioned coat!
She wears fake branded items
silicons are in her head the whole day
it's important that they see Gucci and Armani
And me..
She fakes that she went to Bali
even her followers aren't real
she's such, she throws hate on everyone, but hate
All on her is fake
All on her is fake
She wears Chanel, Givenchy, Ralph Laurent, Swarovski
But in vain when nothing is real on her (it's all fake)
That Emilio Pucci suits you bad
Better carry home that faked Gucci
How does it sound to you, don't learn me
what is an original and what a Turk sold you!
She wears fake branded items
silicons are in her head the whole day
it's important that they see Gucci and Armani
And me..
She fakes that she went to Bali
even her followers aren't real
she's such, she throws hate on everyone, but hate
All on her is fake
It's all fake
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please.
СР: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'.
EN: You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author.
СР: Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена.