Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză

Număr de rezultate: 106351


Primi giorni di settembre

Primi giorni di settembre, cioè
primi giorni senza amore.
Quando l'ultima vacanza finì
il freddo colpì il mio cuore.

Ora sto tornando a casa da lei
e oramai non conta niente.
Le dovrò spiegare come e perchè
non sei come l'altra gente

Primi giorni di settembre,
quando muoiono i lillà,
senza colori la mia città.
Io però ti penso sempre
e coloro i sogni miei,
non è settembre
tutta la vita.

Vivo solo nell'attesa che noi
si possa tornare insieme

Primi giorni di settembre,
quando muoiono i lillà,
senza colori la mia città.
Io però ti penso sempre
e coloro i sogni miei,
non è settembre
tutta la vita.

Conta le stelle

Guarda che cielo,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
sembra d’argento,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Conta le stelle, le stelle conterò,
per ogni stella un bacio ti darò…
Chiudi gli occhi e dal cielo
le musiche dolcissime degli angeli

Guarda la luna, la luna guarderò,
sotto la luna per sempre t’amerò.
Ogni giorno l’amore vivrà
come un immagine fantastica
per noi.

Un velo di baci
sul viso ti poserò,
e un mondo di luci
negli occhi ti accenderò!

Conta le stelle, le stelle conterò,
per ogni stella un bacio ti darò...
Chiudi gli occhi e dal cielo
le musiche dolcissime degli angeli
vicino a me, vicino a me.

Un velo di baci
sul viso ti poserò,
e un mondo di luci
negli occhi ti accenderò!

Conta le stelle, le stelle conterò,
per ogni stella un bacio ti darò...
Chiudi gli occhi e dal cielo
le musiche dolcissime degli angeli
vicino a me, vicino a me.

Chiaro di luna sul letto

Chiaro di luna sul mio letto,
sai dov'è l'amore mio?
M'ha lasciato e sono sola
con la mia malinconia.

E chiaro di luna sul mio letto,
resta, farmi compagnia!
Cerco ancor la voce sua,
ma poi soffia il vento della notte.

Notte, oh notte,
ho ancora nello sguardo
il suo tepore.
Ho sempre nelle vene
il suo calore.

Chiaro di luna sul mio letto,
resta qui, nella mia stanza.
Fugge un treno in lontananza
e ancora soffia il vento della notte.

Notte, oh notte,
digli ancora di tornare da me!

Notte, oh notte,
digli ancora di tornare,
digli ancora che l'attendo!
Chiaro di luna,
riportalo a me!

Buonanotte Roma

Buonanotte, Roma, buonanotte,
canta con le mille tue fontane!
Vien, amore, vieni nella notte,
dammi la tua bocca da baciar...

Buonanotte, Roma, buonanotte,
ecco l'ora magica dei sogni.
Se mi dici 'amore', io dico 'amore',
tu mi bacierai, ti bacierò.

Bisbigliando gli alberi stan a guardar
stelle d'illusioni
che pian piano il Tevere porta con sé
nel immenso mar.

Buonanotte, Roma, buonanotte!
Buonanotte, amore, un bacio ancora!
Se ti dico 't'amo', dimmi 't'amo',
ti darò la vita.

Buonanotte, Roma,
già svanisce il sogno.
Buonanotte, Roma,

Buonanotte, Roma, buonanotte,
canta con le mille tue fontane!

Bisbigliando gli alberi stan a guardar
stelle d'illusioni
che pian piano il Tevere porta con sé
nel immenso mar.

Buonanotte, Roma, buonanotte!
Buonanotte, amore, un bacio ancora!
Se ti dico 't'amo', dimmi 't'amo',
ti darò la vita.

Buonanotte, Roma,
già svanisce il sogno...
Buonanotte, Roma,

Cu Mult Înainte De Ora Șase

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)

Nu te purta atât de ciudat
Tare ca o stâncă
Dacă ți-aș arăta bucăți de piele
Pe care lumina soarelui nu le-a atins încă
Și atâtea alunițe pe care nici eu nu le știam că le am
Ți-am arătat forța mea brută
Călcâiul lui Ahile, poezia mea

Vei face încă o amintire
Ce voi face dacă nu te voi mai vedea niciodată
Oh, oh

Dacă din ziua în care ai plecat
Voi vedea noaptea venind cu mult înainte de ora șase
Dacă din ziua în care ai plecat
Voi vedea noaptea venind cu mult înainte de ora șase
Cu mult înainte

Nu părăsi corabia
Înainte să ajungem
Spre o insulă pustie
Și atunci, atunci vom vedea

Dacă mă vezi neînarmată
De ce să-ți lansezi rachetele?
Dacă știi deja punctele mele cardinale
Cele mai sensibile și subtile

Vei face încă o amintire
Ce voi face dacă nu te voi mai vedea niciodată
Oh, oh

Dacă din ziua în care ai plecat
Voi vedea noaptea venind cu mult înainte de ora șase
Dacă din ziua în care ai plecat
Voi vedea noaptea venind cu mult înainte de ora șase

Cu mult înainte de ora șase

Cu mult înainte

Bună, cum ești?

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)

Nu vreau să te deranjez
Bună, cum ești?
Cum îți merge viața?
Sper că genial, a mea merge rău
Sunt un glonț rătăcit
Știu că n-ar trebui să-ți vorbesc, dar iubito
Uneori uit
Dacă încerc să te evit este fiindcă știu bine că, dacă n-aș face-o, m-aș întoarce la tine

Deseori, aduc flori lucrurilor care n-au funcționat
Pentru că pare așa de frumos ceea ce n-am trăit
Și încă îmi imaginez cum ar fi fost cu tine
Mă gândesc la miile de moduri în care ne-am pierdut
Dar în alt univers știu că suntem împreună
Și nu pun preț pe asta fiindcă n-am de ce
Pentru că tu ești cea mai bună
Cel mai bun lucru pe care l-am pierdut
Dac-aș mai putea sta lângă tine și arunca acele pietre în râu
Și mă vei putea face să nu-mi mai fie frică de mare
Aruncându-ne în apă ținându-ne de mână
Să te invit la dans fără să stau pe gânduri
Știi deja că fac asta doar cu tine
Ca în acea zi în care ne-am cunoscut
Doar că de data asta să dureze o veșnicie
Și dacă cumva n-ai înțeles
Ești cel mai bun lucru pe care l-am pierdut

Mă trezesc dimineața și de data asta fără tine
Visând că mă vei suna, dar nu-i adevărat
Și cu cât te văd mai rar, cu atât știu că te gândești mai mult
Există mii de moduri de a muri
Și am decis să mor doar pentru tine
Ce frumos ar fi fost să nu-ți fi spus asta

Deseori, aduc flori lucrurilor care n-au funcționat
Pentru că pare așa de frumos ceea ce n-am trăit
Și încă îmi imaginez cum ar fi fost cu tine
Mă gândesc la miile de moduri în care ne-am pierdut
Dar în alt univers știu că suntem împreună
Și nu pun preț pe asta fiindcă n-am de ce
Pentru că tu ești cea mai bună
Cel mai bun lucru pe care l-am pierdut
Dac-aș mai putea sta lângă tine și arunca acele pietre în râu
Și mă vei putea face să nu-mi mai fie frică de mare
Aruncându-ne în apă ținându-ne de mână
Să te invit la dans fără să stau pe gânduri
Știi deja că fac asta doar cu tine
Ca în acea zi în care ne-am cunoscut
Doar că de data asta să dureze o veșnicie
Și dacă cumva n-ai înțeles
Ești cel mai bun lucru pe care l-am pierdut


il cielo tuo se quasi spento
come il mio cuor che non ha sobre
e vuole amar.

nelle tue strade c'è il silenzio,
c'è il sonno triste d'ogni fiore
che appassirà.

Avevo nel mio cuor
un verde april, un verde amor,
l'azzurro di quel ciel
che se ne andò
con questo mio amor.

ridammi ancor chi m'ha baciato,
riporta un po' di quel passato
che non ho più.

ridammi ancor chi m'ha baciato,
riporta un po' di quel passato
che non ho più.

Ce A Fost Făcut E Făcut

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)

În camera 16
Ceea ce începe nu se termină
De la mini-bar la Eden
Și cu o companie foarte proastă

A fost acel gust de pe pielea ta
De sulf amestecat cu miere
Așa că am prins curaj și m-am dus într-o călătorie cu partea ta sălbatică

M-am gândit: 'Nu te uita așa la mine'
Știu ce vrei de la mine
Nu e nevoie să fii medium ca să observi
Pentru un rău ca tine nu există corp care să poată rezista

Ce a fost făcut e făcut
M-am lovit din nou
Cu aceeași piatră care a fost mereu acolo
Se simte atât de bine tot ce face rău
Și cu tine nu e niciodată suficient

Cum am făcut-o?
Ce s-a întâmplat?
Noaptea aceea

A sunat
Când s-au plâns cei din camera 17

Nu poate fi deloc normal
Să sfârșesc prin a face o alegere atât de proastă
Când vine vorba de bărbați, sunt expertă în a-mi repeta greșelile
Nu există orbire mai rea

Cum poți să te prefaci că nu mă mai vezi
Când ai ținut inelul în buzunar și l-ai lăsat să treacă pe lângă tine

Ce a fost făcut e făcut
M-am lovit din nou
Cu aceeași piatră care a fost mereu acolo
Se simte atât de bine tot ce face rău
Și cu tine nu e niciodată suficient

Niciodată nu m-am simțit atât de confuză
Niciodată nu mi-au scăpat atât de multe de sub control
Dar totul în această lume este temporar
Tu ești și eu sunt

Niciodată nu m-am simțit atât de confuză
Niciodată nu mi-au scăpat atât de multe de sub control
Dar totul în această lume este temporar
Tu ești și eu sunt
Nu este treaba mea să decid

Ce a fost făcut e făcut
M-am lovit din nou
Cu aceeași piatră care a fost mereu acolo
Se simte atât de bine tot ce face rău
Și cu tine nu e niciodată suficient

Se simte atât de bine tot ce face rău


Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)


M-am dus să-mi iau gândul de la ceva
Și m-am săturat să mă simt plictisită
Am decis să reînviu
Mi-am schimbat prietenii pentru că cei pe care îi aveam
Vorbeau mereu de el
Ca și ei
Am învățat pe calea cea grea
Că nu am nimic de pierdut

Am dreptul să mă port nebunește
Doar mă distrez
Sunt liberă și acum pot face tot ce vreau
Ea se distrează singură

Astăzi este pe barcă, pe plajă
Și încălcă regulile
Pe nisip, pe prosop
Acest plan nu dă greș niciodată
Fata asta are fani
Și inima frântă ca Sanz
Mulți m-au respins, dar
Puțini oameni mi-au dat
Sunt pretențioasă, lipsită de experiență, asta e normal
Din motive evidente, mă tem de dragoste
Nenorocitul care-mi scrie, screenshot cu prietena lui

Nimeni nu-mi spune cum ar trebui să mă comport
Ei pot gândi ce vor

Am dreptul să mă port nebunește
Doar mă distrez
Sunt liberă și acum pot face tot ce vreau
Ea se distrează singură

Am dreptul să mă port nebunește
Doar mă distrez
Sunt liberă și acum pot face tot ce vreau
Ea se distrează singură

Am rezervat hotelul cu vedere la mare
Am luat deja un cocktail
Mi-am pus haine scurte pentru a-mi arăta pielea
Regina albină își împrăștie mierea

Încă miroase a vară aici
Ce este în neregulă cu asta?
Dacă port asta
Dacă corpul meu îmi spune asta

Am dreptul să mă port nebunește
Doar mă distrez
Sunt liberă și acum pot face tot ce vreau
Ea se distrează singură

Încă miroase a vară aici
Ce este în neregulă cu asta?
Dacă port asta
Dacă corpul meu îmi spune asta
Încă miroase a vară aici
Dacă port asta, yeah
Astăzi, pe aici, am primit un pic de atenție


Ea se distrează singură
Am dreptul să mă port nebunește
Doar mă distrez
Sunt liberă și acum pot face tot ce vreau

Ce sentiment minunat
Ea se distrează singură
Vezi cât de minunat este
Ea se distrează singură

Am dreptul să mă port nebunește
Doar mă distrez
Sunt liberă și acum pot face tot ce vreau
Ea se distrează singură x2

Într-o Zi De Ianuarie

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)

Te-am întâlnit într-o zi de Ianuarie
Cu luna pe nasul meu
Și când am văzut că ești sincer
M-am pierdut în ochii tăi

Ce distragere stupidă
Și ce senzație dulce

Și acum că vom călători prin lume
Așa cum au făcut Mutt și Jeff
Am găsit în sfârșit unele dintre cicatricile
Pe care alții ți le-au făcut

Dar iubirea mea nebună
Este cel mai bun doctor pentru tine

Am de gând să-ți vindec sufletul îndurerat
Am de gând să te fac să te simți ca nou
Și totul va trece
Vei vedea soarele strălucind în curând

Tu, mai mult decât oricine, meriți să fii fericit

Vei vedea cum rănile tale
Se vor vindeca puțin câte puțin
Vei vedea cum viața însăși
Va decanta excesul de sare din mare

Și deși erai un străin
Chiar și în propria ta țară
Dacă spun: 'Poți să repeți ce tocmai ai spus?'
Tu spui: 'Mai spune o dată?'
Și plângi lacrimi de fericire când auzi un bandoneon

Și chiar dacă pari să nu ai habar
Cu felul tău lent de a merge
Știu motivul care îți face inima să doară
De aceea am vrut să scriu acest cântec pentru tine

Vei vedea cum rănile tale
Se vor vindeca puțin câte puțin
Vei vedea cum viața însăși
Va decanta excesul de sare din mare

She went away

Next to the flowers
We're going to play
There are a couple of rules
Next to the flowers
You're going to stay
I can't wait

She smiled at me
That's what I wanted
To see in her face
That she was having fun
I listened closely
I was happy when she went away

Happy, lonely
I saw the sky shine
Counting the time
How much passed?
The years flew by

But in the nights
I constantly think
Did I miss some
very important rules?
I stayed, still
I was happy when she went away

Why was I meant to stay here?
Stay here?
For you
Why didn't you come back
ever again?
Ever again?
Ever again?
Ever again for me?

Then it happens
There's news
I'm finally going to see her
She left too soon
Her son was born
She gave her love to others

Isn't that harsh?
Isn't that unfair?
That she didn't let me be in her world
I didn't see it
It can't be
I was happy when she...
When she...
When she went away


My battle

My battle
I fought it with all my soul
And the faith
That slept deep in my heart
My battle
Devoured me with a thousand flames
And its voice, and its voice
Made me dream
Of happiness

Of love
Which is the struggle that all beings
Turn by turn, deliver to the wind of despair
Of love
That is the only good that penetrates us
Every day, every day
With more strength and hope

My battle
At every moment
Rumbles in my heart
And its law
Tells me you love well, you die
My battle
Is everybody's struggle
For its right
In better days

My battle
I fought it with all my soul
And the faith
That slept deep in my heart
My battle
Devoured me with a thousand flames
And her voice, her voice Made me dream of happiness

My battle
I fought it hell on wheels
And the joy
That I reap is truly mine
My battle
I won it with my life
So that you and I
Have love
I fought one day
My battle


She went away

Today, in the garden
Let's play
I'm going to teach you
You won't move from the garden
'This will be great!'

And she smiled
That's what I wanted
To see her happy
Listen to her laughter
I happily listened
I happily played
I happily watched as she went away

Happy and lonely
I waited here for her
Under the endless sky
I counted the hours
I remained lonely
Time went by without me

I happily asked myself
Every day:
'Have I done something wrong?
Or is this how it's supposed to go?'
I happily listened
I happily stayed
I happily watched as she went away

As the story goes on
Of people who don't...
People who don't care about you
And it takes you thousands
Of years to see...
To see that...
To see that...
No one waited for you
You don't matter

And, finally, something came
Of how this ended
She doesn't exist anymore
Her son remained
With her other friends

Isn't that cute?
Isn't that nice?
Isn't that so cruel?
I was a fool to believe her
I happily listened
I happily stayed
I happily watched as she...
She went away


The Wolf and The Bear

The wolf has been old,
A young horse realise that
Catched the wolf and attacked him,
Horse said: 'Come on old motherfucker,

Go, make us think that you're brave
Don't let us to live here!'
The horse also said: 'It's the time
For kill the wolf!' to his bitch children

Poor wolf, passed away there
His 5 children became fatherless
But in a couple of years
They became brave and strong

They attacked like a wolf,
They kicked the bears
From the green land.
My children, learn something from that:
You might be weak but tomorrow, you might be stronger!


Marked One

The desert wind from the East
Binding us together
Dance for me, Marked One

The day has come to prove
To prove your love forever
Dance for me, Marked One

Among the two I prefer you
I want to see you
Set fire to the night

Among the two
You must come through
Oh, let me see you
Set fire to the night

Dance for me this dance
Chant with me this chant

So follow me across the sand
To where the music's playing
Dance for me, Marked One

The sands will blow a thousand years
The rythm still remains
Dance for me, Marked One

Among the two I prefer you
I want to see you
Set fire to the night

Among the two
You must come through
Oh, let me see you
Set fire to the night

Dance for me this dance
Chant with me this chant

Where’ve you gone, Marked One?
Where’ve you gone, Marked One?

Marked One, yeah
Marked One, yeah
I want to see you
Set fire to the night

Marked One, yeah
Marked One, yeah
Oh, let me see you
Set fire to the night

Marked One, yeah
Marked One, yeah
I want to see you
Set fire to the sky


Miffy and her friends

Miffy, Miffy, come and join!
With your friends, so happy
Snuffie, Knorretje and Boris Beer
Look, Betje is also there
Outside with everyone, so nice
Nobody is lonely

A sweet little bunny
A smart little bunny
Little cuddle-bunny

Miffy, Miffy, just join us
The two of us playing outside
Catch the ball and throw it back
The rain falls so take shelter quickly
Oh Miffy, Miffy, look up!
There is the rainbow

A sweet little bunny
A smart little bunny
Little cuddle-bunny

And while you play
You are never bored
You learn so much with a smile
Sing with every chorus
Along nicely with Miffy
And it will be a fun day


Miffy, Miffy in class
She just learned how to read
Arts and crafts, it is so nice
To be at school with the teacher
The bell rings, we're going home
Go ahead and wave, Miffy Bunny

A sweet little bunny
A smart little bunny
Little cuddle-bunny

And while you play
You are never bored
You learn so much with a smile
Sing with every chorus
Along nicely with Mifft
And it will be a fun day

A sweet little bunny
A smart little bunny
Little cuddle-bunny

A sweet little bunny
A smart little bunny
Little cuddle-bunny

Sing along!


How Can I Say?

How can I say that I like you?
I'm just looking at you,
But my heart is already racing

If you smile at me,
I feel like I'm flying
I feel like every childish song in the world
Explains exactly what I feel

I think about you all the day
Those happy fantasies make my heart race
A night like tonight, that dreamy time
I'll keep it all in my heart

On a day that is not so sunny,
That is just sad for no reason
I'll hold your hand, so listen to my heart now

Why am I like this?
I keep laughing
I feel like I've been wandering
For a long time to meet you

I like how my heart is pounding, how excited I feel
You're smiling dazzlingly
And I'm running to you right now

I think about you all the day
Those happy fantasies make my heart race
A night like tonight, that dreamy time
I'll keep it all in my heart

On a day that is not so sunny,
That is just sad for no reason
I'll hold your hand, so listen to my heart now

Today you're sparkling
In front of me again
It feels like time has stopped on your star

I think about you all the day
Those happy fantasies make my heart race
A night like tonight, that dreamy time
I'll keep it all in my heart

On a day that is not so sunny,
That is just sad for no reason
I'll hug you tight
Now hold my hand


The Same Day

It's the same night, I ate the same meal
It's the same day, I turned on the same TV
Following the crying figure on the screen
I burst into tears for no reason

Nothing has changed in the neighborhood
Just one shadow disappeared from the alley
Once I think we'd better never even met,
I instantly fall apart

Everything's the same, just you're not here

It's the first time I have such an awkward day
A day when everything is cut off
At the end of the empty and cruel day
Only crying is ringing in my room

Only you are rising in my heart

Everything's the same, just you're not here

Where should I start? Those countless things to arrange
From what point should I forget things to not know that name
The day I desperately miss you


Everything's the same, just you're not here
The day without your love
Everything's the same, just you're not here


Shadow Play

Even though I'm used to being told I have a lonely smile
When I look into the mirror at midnight, it whispers to me

Say love is a Shadow Play, Shadow Play, Shadow Play
Love is a Shadow Play, even when in love
Love is a Shadow Play, Shadow Play, Shadow Play
Being alone is scary

When I notice the bright lights on the street corners, I walk faster
If I stay in one-sided love, I won’t lose the feeling of being in love

Say love is a Shadow Play, Shadow Play, Shadow Play
Love is a Shadow Play, secretly
Love is a Shadow Play, Shadow Play, Shadow Play
I'm watching you from afar

Don't notice me, darling
Don’t break it, wow wow

Love, Love, Love (talking 'bout it, talking 'bout)
Love, Love, Love (sweet darling)
Love, Love, Love
I said Love is a Shadow Play



Where clouds cry,
Where I'm without you,
Where names are erased,
You're alone forever,
Where clouds cry,
Where I'm without you,
Where the land will end,
Don't look for me.

Where clouds cry,
Where I'm without you,
Where names are erased,
You're alone forever,
Where clouds cry,
Where I'm without you,
Where the land will end,
Don't look for me.

My heart is ice,
It smolders in the glass castle,
It has cooled down a long time ago,
Everything, that was alive,
Is dying without warmth.

The red velvet,
They scattered salt and sugar for nothing,
It hurts me harder and harder,
The wind will dispel everything,
Along with thunderstorms It'll spill me.

Where clouds cry,
Where I'm without you,
Where names are erased,
You're alone forever,
Where clouds cry,
Where I'm without you,
Where the land will end,
Don't look for me.

You'll reveal my secrets
Like rose thorns on the hands,
Eternal spring, like rays of sun
Will melt on my lips.
I'll be torn into a thousand stars,
They don't ask for answer,
There'll be nothing left,
Just wake me up.

Where clouds cry,
Where I'm without you,
Where names are erased,
You're alone forever,
Where clouds cry,
Where I'm without you,
Where the land will end,
Don't look for me.



I was born once, and one day I will leave
What happens doesn't matter, laughing, laughing I'll go
Laughing, laughing I will go, I will go
At this false life, I'll shake my head and leave
With the world still spinning, I'll keep leaving
I'll keep leaving, I'll keep leaving

If I'm thirsty and hungry I'll leave, being poor I'll leave
With my hands and feet clean, I'll leave this world laughing
At the worshipper of paper,1 with his ten-floor houses
With my hands on my belly from laughter, I'll leave

At the sleepy dreamer, blind to others2
He'll also go tomorrow, and I'll leave laughing
I'll leave laughing

I came as a student, but I'll go as a teacher
To those who failed the test, I'll chant 'woe, woe' and go
I’ll chant 'woe, woe' and go, I'll chant 'woe, woe' and go

My bread of hardship I'll leave, my work clothes I'll leave
My temple and tablecloth - again laughing I'll go
At the worshipper of paper,1 with his ten-floor houses
With my hands on my belly from laughter, I'll leave

With his ten-floor houses, with my hands on my belly from laughter
I'll keep on leaving
At the worshipper of paper,1 with his ten-floor houses
With my hands on my belly from laughter, I'll leave
  • Money
  • 2. Rich people


Nobody knows your mind

Your distant heart fogs up like it's the moon
And right as it's about to fully wax, love hides in the clouds

I'm sorry, but I've noticed
that every time heartache increases,
(Baby) even though we suit each other well,
(Baby) whenever we start to be for real,
we're overwhelmed by tears and prepare to flee

Woo yea
Nobody knows your mind
I don't need love if it's a game
Woo yea
Nobody knows your mind
But if I get rid of it once I realize that, it'll be sad, my love

What's required for us to understand each other?
I wanna abandon the merry nights and try to change them

Every time the palpitations rust up,
nothing has any significance, not even the memories
(Baby) I wanna lose sight
(baby) of absolutely everything else,
be fully absorbed in tears, and give really loving you a try

Woo yea
Nobody knows your mind
Even if it's a game, teach me the rest of it
Woo yea
Nobody knows your mind
My gang tell me to quit it, but don't stop, my love

Woo yea
Nobody knows your mind
I don't need love if it's a game
Woo yea
Nobody knows your mind
But if I get rid of it once I realize that, it'll be sad, my love



Come to the window, oh beautiful face
White breast and sugary lips
For I want to serenade you
Play this tarantella for you

Quick, wake up and appear, Nunziata
And think of your poor Chiumella
Who always sleeps out in the cold
In front of your locked door

Why do you want to leave me all night
Down here, sighing like a bellows
As pale as snow and ricotta?
All the men are asleep now
And even the animals are in their caves
Only I must stay awake, without rest

Come to the window, oh beautiful face
White breast and sugary lips
For I want to serenade you
Play this tarantella for you


I don't wanna cry yet

My dream creaks and collapses as hard as the weight of my grief
I wanna cry, I can't cry, and so the salty sea breeze soaks up the night

I wanna chase your lonely profile
Under the starry sky that we saw together, remembering
the scenery where we deliberately put on an act

Your lips can only come up with a 'future' of distracting
But for now, I'll let you read through me, pull me near and hold me

Even if she knows about it, I can't stop
There's nothing I have that can replace you
Give me passionate words

I don't wanna cry yet
Keep your eyes on me
(What do you get)
I don't wanna cry yet
I wanna be treated tenderly
(So if you want me)
You come to a halt
My sweet feelings freeze in place, you make me blue
The night sky hastens my tears

The dreamy reality I paint in with you, it's not in sight
At the borderline of heartbreak, it breaks in the waves and scatters

Leaning on the window of the car, I muffle my long sigh
In a gap between the waves, the moonlight sinks into its seat
But I at least wanna keep being merry

I don't wanna cry yet
I don't wanna hesitate
(What do you get)
I don't wanna cry yet
I can't possibly say farewell
(So if you want me)
I want a kiss
that changes our fate, you make me cry
Late at night, the breeze loudly rustles

I don't wanna cry yet
Keep your eyes on me
(What do you get)
I don't wanna cry yet
I wanna be treated tenderly (I don't wanna cry yet)
(So if you want me)
You come to a halt
My sweet feelings freeze in place, you make me blue
The night sky hastens my tears

My dream creaks and collapses as hard as the weight of my grief
I wanna cry, I can't cry, and so the salty sea breeze soaks up the night

The dreamy reality I paint in with you, it's not in sight
At the borderline of heartbreak, it breaks in the waves and scatters



Suddenly one day
Whatever you say
It doesn't bother me
The time we're spending together today
Feels like it's going slower
But you don't feel it, do you?
I pretend a little
Like I'm sorry,
But I guess there's no point in that too now, is there?
This time I guess it's the last time we see each other,
But it feels so easy
Is it okay to feel so?

And I'm so fine
Faint memories - so fine
That unfamiliar expression - so fine
Nothing to regret - so fine
Though it's so sad
I'm so fine

Now our relationship has changed
And it feels so distant
I can't even recognize it

And I'm so fine
Faint memories - so fine
That unfamiliar expression - so fine
Nothing to regret - so fine
Though it's so sad
I'm so fine

Does it really not bother you at all?
Are your hands shaking?
I'm sure you're not gonna hold onto me
Should I go crazy and hold onto you?
Would you be fine
The moment you turn back
It's over

I'm Not So Fine
Can't I turn it back?
My heart hurts belatedly
I look in your eyes for the last time
And turn around like this
You thanked me - so fine
We're fine like this


Love Is

You are sad
And I want to go to you
Those feelings might only bring wounds
But I want to have them
Love Is Blind
Love Is Crying
Love Is Blue
Though you didn't know
Love Is Pain
Love Is Lie
Love Is Cold
I want to hold you
I want to know your feelings
I look in the mirror
And ask myself
How long
Can I wait?
Love Is Blind
Love Is Crying
Love Is Blue
Though I've never told you
Love Is Pain
Love Is Lie
Love Is Cold
I want to hold you
I want to know your feelings
I want to hold you
I just want to rest
Come closer
Inside of me
There's no time
To love more
I want to hold you
I want to know your feelings
I want to hold you
I just want to rest


I won't be here

You're saying, that due to me you live, you can breathe and you can
Beat the rain, move the earth
You say, I'm the life, the cherry on the celebration
I'm a sun for you to look and a moon for you to go

How nice to say it, how nice to want it
How nice are all these but what do you do afterwards
How nice to say it, how nice to want it
Your words are the sky but your heart is the cliff's edge

I won't be here, for you to live inside me
I won't be here, for you to be watching through my eyes
I won't be here, for you to break my world
If that's how you love, I don't want to be here anymore

It's not enough to love me, to talk, to ask
If I don't feel your lips' line on the body
You're saying, that due to me you live, you calm on my hands
You say that the seasons travel in my two eyes


The Tiger Moth

It'll explose in a few seconds
You can't stop me
Broken timer switch
I'm running towards zero
I won't stop anymore
In your time, in your place, in there
I'm dynamite catching fire
The last remaining hesitation -
Become a dust
All Right All Right
It's not a momentary impulse
Allow Allow
Burning my heart to white, to white
Like a fire
My love is so hot it almost melts me
Heart is a time bomb
Skies are crimson, crimson
Like a fire
Waiting is over
I'm drunk on you, you're dazzling
I'm running towards you
Like a tiger moth
I've already prepared to let go of myself
Because it was pitch dark
Rain was like an awl, and I was fighting with it
I was trapped in a cold space
But your warm eyes
Made me fly
I decided to be a prisoner
In your love forever
I'm ready to go all in
I know it's destiny
I can never give up
If I lose you - I lose the world
Even if you can't see me,
It's enough if I can protect you
I can't breathe
My heart,
My head is full of you
Decalcomania from teardrops
You're drawn in me
Like a mural in a cave of my heart
But no one knows how far it can go
Page full of blank spaces
Lock me in your cage
All Right All Right
It's not a momentary impulse
Allow Allow
Burning my heart to white, to white
Like a fire
My love is so hot it almost melts
Heart is a time bomb
Skies are crimson, crimson
Like a fire
Waiting is over
Don't just look for too long
My wings are wearing out
Right, I'm tiger moth
Right, I'm tiger moth
My love is so hot it almost melts me
Heart Is A Time Bomb
Right, I'm tiger moth
Right, I'm tiger moth
I'll live like a flame


Must Have

I calmy
Lay down
On the street

The past day
In the wind
The times I was crying alone
The times I was just enduring

All I wanted
Was just
A fulfilled heart

Only those feelings
Piled up
On the desk

My look in quick resignation
Reflecting in the bus window

It must have been love
There's just one name
Rising above this night
It's the only thing on my mind
It must have been love
Though it didn't happen to be real
But those feelings
Are already sparkling
And soon they will bloom
Must have been love

I looked
At the street

Everyone looks the same -
Tired faces,

I lose the fear with just one advice
And even that fear is fine

It must have been love
There's just one name
Rising above this night
It's the only thing on my mind
It must have been love
Though it didn't happen to be real
But those feelings
Are already sparkling
And soon they will bloom
Must have been love

It must have been love
Even in the loneliness
Of waiting for someone
There is love
And it's so wide open
Must have been love


When I Dream

I don't know from where and to where
The wind is going
But I take out my forgotten dream
Like a black and white photos

The more I just ignore and ignore
My hurting and aching reality

The wound I tried to bury so hard just get deeper
I won't cry anymore

Oh when I dream
Believe me
No doubt, I will dream again
For myself

I believe
It was just like a dream for me

If I, if I believe

The waves are strong, they wash over me
My knees will get weak again, and I'll fall

Reach your hand to me and lift me up then
I won't cry anymore

Oh when I dream
Believe me
No doubt, I will dream again for myself

I believe
It was just like a dream for me

If I, if I believe

I wish tomorrow will shine brighter than today
Because I'm dreaming again

I hope the future
I've been dreaming about
Will welcome me one day

I believe
It was just like a dream for me

If I, if I believe


The Palette of My Heart

Before love fades away, I want to express my heart
With 12 shades of emotions to you

Red represents innocence, blue represents melancholy
There are so many versions of me

If yellow represents happiness, then green represents relaxation
They all make up who I am

Mixing these colorful emotions on the palette
I'll create a version of myself that's one of a kind in the world

Before love fades away, I want to express my heart
With 12 shades of emotions to you
Even with this slightly awkward love and clumsy affection
Please accept them without laughing—my canvas, painted in my colors

Light blue tears and pink cheeks
They're both a part of me

The orange sunset and the purple starry sky
I want to gaze at them with you

I've mixed so many colorful emotions on the palette
That now, here I am, almost broken, lost in the darkness

But before love fades away, tell me your heart
In monochrome emotions, show me—right now

Before love fades away, I want to express my heart
Without hiding, directly to you
Even with this slightly awkward love and clumsy affection
Please accept them without laughing—a blank canvas of my own

The palette of my heart is made up of just one color—
The color that says, 'I love you.'


Don't You Know

Don't you know how much I loved you?
I know, so don't worry
Don't cry anymore today
Tomorrow it'll hurt more
You said you'd throw away all that saddness

Should I talk to you like I used to?
My heart hurts when I'm in front of you,
I keep crying, keep crying
Should I stand in front of you like a mirror?
So my memories can see you

I love you, I only see you,
But I couldn't say I love you ever again
Because I'm not your love anymore, because I'm nobody for you now
I've got no words

Should I talk to you like I used to?
If you remember that day by any chance,
Laugh, let's laugh
Should I hug you like a photo?
So my heart can remember you

I love you, I only see you,
But I couldn't say I love you ever again
Because I'm not your love anymore, because I'm nobody for you now
I've got no words

I'll protect you, I'll always be with you
Though I couldn't receive anything, I could give
Even if it's not love, if it's just a small memory
I'm fine