Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză
Număr de rezultate: 108320
Cine a vopsit luna în negru?
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ai văzut luna strălucitoare
Transformată într-un balon negru,
Exact când te-ai îndepărtat de mine?
Ai văzut cât de mult am încercat
Să nu arăt durerea lăuntrică
Exact când te-ai îndepărtat de mine?
Cine a vopsit luna în negru
Tocmai când ți-ai luat iubirea înapoi?
Cine a vopsit luna în negru?
Of, nu vrei, nu vrei să te-ntorci?
Trebuie să fi fost cea mai întunecată noapte,
Fără nici măcar o stea pe cer,
Exact când te-ai îndepărtat de mine, acum...
Cine a vopsit luna în negru
Tocmai când ți-ai luat iubirea înapoi?
Cine a vopsit luna în negru?
Of, nu vrei, nu vrei să te-ntorci?
Cine a vopsit luna în negru
Tocmai când ți-ai luat iubirea înapoi?
Cine a vopsit luna în negru?
Of, nu vrei, nu vrei să te-ntorci?
Cine a vopsit luna?
Ai văzut luna strălucitoare
Transformată într-un balon negru,
Exact când te-ai îndepărtat de mine?
Cine a vopsit luna în negru
Tocmai când ți-ai luat iubirea înapoi?
Cine a vopsit luna în negru?
Of, nu vrei, nu vrei să te-ntorci?
Cine a vopsit luna în negru
Tocmai când ți-ai luat iubirea înapoi?
Cine a vopsit luna în negru?
Of, nu vrei, nu vrei să te-ntorci?
Cine a vopsit luna?
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Un înger și-a luat rămas bun acum,
Și întunericul se așterne în față.
Inima mea pare să strige
Toate cuvintele pe care nu le-a spus,
Dar în sufletul meu te voi păstra mereu.
Simte-mă, iubito, am nevoie de tine aici
Doar lângă mine, pentru a-mi alina frica,
Și cu tine, iubito, aș putea supraviețui.
Sunt chinuit de sentimentele mele,
Doar tu poți vindeca durerea.
Nu vreau să fur în continuare
Fructele interzise,
Trebuie să păstrăm magia împreună.
Simte-mă, iubito, am nevoie de tine aici
Doar lângă mine, pentru a-mi alina frica,
Și cu tine, iubito, aș putea supraviețui,
Dar dragostea imprudentă a stins lumina
În viața noastră, oh, iubito.
Iubito, am nevoie de tine aici
Doar lângă mine, pentru a-mi alina frica,
Și cu tine, iubito, aș putea supraviețui,
Dar dragostea imprudentă a stins lumina
În viața noastră, oh, iubito.
Lumina vieții mele, o, iubito...
Și inima mea pare să strige...
Oh, iubito, iubito...
Oh, iubito...
Reflexii ale vieții mele
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Schimbarea luminii soarelui în lumina lunii
Reflexii ale vieții mele
Oh, cum îmi umplu ochii
Salutările oamenilor în necaz
Reflexii ale vieții mele
Oh, cum îmi umplu ochii
Toate mâhnirile mele, trist viitor,
Du-mă înapoi la casa mea
Tot plânsul meu, tot plânsul meu
Simt că mor, că mor...
Du-mă înapoi la casa mea,
O, du-mă înapoi...
Schimb, schimb,
Schimb, schimb totul,
Oh, totul în jurul meu.
Nu știi?
Lumea e un loc rău, un loc rău,
Un loc groaznic de trăit,
Dar știi că nu vreau să mor, oh, nu
Toate mâhnirile mele, trist viitor,
Du-mă înapoi la casa mea,
oh, iubito
Tot plânsul meu, tot plânsul meu
Simt că mor,
Pentru că simt că mor
Du-mă înapoi la casa mea
Oh, vreau să merg acasă
O, du-mă înapoi...
Enquanto Febo os montes acendia
Enquanto Febo os montes acendia
Do Céu com luminosa claridade,
Por evitar do ócio a castidade
Na caça o tempo Délia dispendia.
Vénus, que então de furto descendia,
Por cativar de Anquises a vontade,
Vendo Diana em tanta honestidade,
Quási zombando dela, lhe dizia:
”Tu vás com tuas redes na espessura
Os fugitivos cervos enredando,
Mas as minhas enredam o sentido”.
” Milhor é (respondia a deusa pura)
Nas redes leves cervos ir tomando
Que tomar-te a ti nelas teu marido”.
Ziua Independenței
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Răul se răspândea
Peste tot, ca o văpaie
Era noapte când ai murit,
Licuriciul meu.
Ce-aș fi putut să spun
Să te ridic din mormânt?
Aș putea fi eu cerul din seara
De Ziua Independenței*?
'Haide, ai vorbit destul,
Micuțul meu șoim,
De ce plângi?
Spune-mi, ce-ai învățăt
Din incendiul Tillamook**
Sau de Ziua Independenței?
Cu toții murim.'
Stând aici la pat
Cu aureola la cap,
N-a fost, oare, o deghizare
Ca-n gimnaziu,
Când totul era ficțiune,
Viitor și imaginație?
Iar acum, unde sunt?
Rămân fără glas.
'Ai fost iubit destul,
Porumbelul meu?
De ce plângi?
Și-mi pare rău că am plecat,
Era cel mai bine,
Dar mereu m-am îndoit,
Micul meu Versailles.'
La spital au întrebat:
'Ce facem cu trupul?'
Înainte să-mi iau rămas bun,
Steaua mea de pe cer.
Ce gând ciudat,
Să-ți învelim trupul,
Te deranjează?
Libelula mea.
'Să ne uităm la lună,
Micul meu păun***,
De ce plângi, tu?
Trăiește-ți viața cât poți,
Cât ești tânăr,
Cât e lumină.
Hai, ai vorbit destul,
Șoimul meu mic,
De ce plângi?
Ia, zi-mi ce-ai învățat
Din incendiul Tillamook
Sau de Ziua Independenței?
Cu toții murim.
Cu toții murim.
Cu toții murim.
Cu toții murim.
Cu toții murim.
Cu toții murim.
Cu toții murim.'
The One Waiting For Me
I have no one waiting for me
My soul is anxious
My soul is anxious
Memories are always inside
That's why I have no one waiting for me
I never went into those crowd
They watched from afar
I always chose to wake up,
There's no use in silence
These walls don't talk
But it's okay without you
No one even asks after me
Life is no longer enjoyable
But it's okay without you
It was like I had no life, I had neither a friend
nor someone who understood me, pains have always accumulated
Now I have it all, I raised myself
I'm aware of everything
You taught me loneliness
These songs were for you
You're far away now
Even if you want, you can't get here
You can't hear my voice whenever you want
There's no use in silence
These walls don't talk
But it's okay without you
No one even asks after me
Life is no longer enjoyable
But it's okay without you
There's no use in silence
These walls don't talk
But it's okay without you
No one even asks after me
Life is no longer enjoyable
But it's okay without you
Two laws
An uniform, gun, gas and a baton
Handcuffs, a wolfdog and a flashlight
Put us in prison if we spray paint
We don’t break the law, the law of Finland breaks us
I remember when you couldn’t even help Omar
Due to his dark skin, four days in jail
And Ulf Sundqvist walks free either way
Shit like that wakes an Azaski criminal
I flow paint to the wall
I’ll just quickly call Elastine to yo*
Aza doesn’t need a lady, oh no, clean lifestyle
You follow your own manual like a fucking droid
And now in Vesala one lacks an elder brother
A gun arsenal of cops will cause your end
You need to be framed guilty, hocus pocus
Two laws rule in the dark Finland
Who says what’s right, what’s wrong
When the sun rises no one’s too fine
We still break the law, still I push out rhymes
Two laws rule in the dark Finland
Who says what’s right, what’s wrong
When the sun rises no one’s too fine
We still break the law, still I push out rhymes
I don’t understand why Farrah Muhammed sits in jail
The dialogues of police don’t fit in my head
Oh I’m not allowed to complain, can I have a gun and a magazine?
(Oh, who’s flipping)
Can’t erase the hostage drama of Mikkeli
An iron fist strikes when it wants to
The relatives of a dead person stay still, pay the court fees
When can you shoot, when shouldn’t you weigh your heart
The situation is nullified by the police’s very own protocol
Emergency number 00820*
It’s not fresh to unload your stress with a gun
Still police are praised and protected by the press
Brainwashing like a pepper spray
Your tongue tied, your calling, my anger, the ringing of sirens
Or like local anesthesia, K-E-Y, put out a warrant
Two laws rule in the dark Finland
Who says what’s right, what’s wrong
When the sun rises no one’s too fine
We still break the law, still I push out rhymes
Two laws rule in the dark Finland
Who says what’s right, what’s wrong
When the sun rises no one’s too fine
We still break the law, still I push out rhymes
Photos, security cameras, what even is freedom anymore
The intimidation of citizens, the tie of authority
Only a slip of the finger, a new case is lying in front
No magazines emptied, just buy a charge
In Hirsala, four bullets to the victim’s head
Check, the media was sad, didn’t fit in the budget
The casket was closed, transported forward
Under our eyes, shared laws were overturned
Now police get to assault, spam the phone lines
The press is bothering us
You can pass
Not even a riot unit can keep the people put
Trash every car, the hassle of Göteborg
One beautiful day, the cops’ lives are endangered
Then I get to ask for your ID
Offer some entertainment and sport for the eyes
Two laws rule in the dark Finland
Who says what’s right, what’s wrong
When the sun rises no one’s too fine
We still break the law, still I push out rhymes
Two laws rule in the dark Finland
Who says what’s right, what’s wrong
When the sun rises no one’s too fine
We still break the law, still I push out rhymes
My Soldier Has Returned
Notice the weather
And appreciate what
What a lovely morning this is
The wind is whispering
To the cloud and the rainbow
And my soldier has returned
The birds on the grass
Will gleefully sing
'What a lovely morning!'
And if I am excited
It's surely because
My soldier has returned
Someone watches over the soldiers at night
He surely keeps an eye on my soldier, too
Keep him safe inside
The ashes and the soot
And in the Arabah out there
Keep him safe
Between Gaza and Rafah
And in Jerusalem as well
All the soldiers
With their heavy bags
Return to the base at dawn
While I, until nightfall,
Am waiting here for
My soldier to return
Someone watches over the soldiers at night
He surely keeps an eye on my soldier, too
Once he returns to me
I will surely tell him
'Look at this lovely morning!'
The wind will then whisper
To the cloud and the rainbow
And my soldier has returned
The birds on the grass
Will gleefully sing
'What a lovely morning!'
And I am laughing
I will certainly kiss
My soldier
Who has returned
I Only Have You
When I was alone, I was richer than I am today
My friends stopped mattering to me, they left
One after another, tired of seeing us being happy
Bit by bit they disappeared, far away from us
I only have you, and it's over
I only have you, my love
I only have you, you are my life
And you're leaving, my love
I looked for everyone who was once faithful to me
Their phone numbers didn't respond, I only have you
I only have you, and it's over
I only have you, my love
When I was alone, I was richer than I am today
My friends stopped mattering to me, they left
I only have you, and it's over
I only have you, my love
I only have you, you are my life
And you're leaving, my love
(x2 ad lib.)
Sky Walking
The summer night exudes the shining starlight
It's in my heart too, springing like a blossom
Baby, Is it a surprise
You’re like a bouquet of redolent lavender
There’s nothing else I could do but give you my love, dear
For me it’s all a surprise
The showering Milky Way
You were followed by melodies
Connect the zodiacs
Where we can just relax
Come up to the sky walking
I feel like I’m flyin’ away
Can’t get rid of the memories
Connect the zodiacs
Where we can just relax
Come up to the sky walking
Feel the heat burning in too deep
Light it up with your vibrant blue
Hit me with a tsunami
I don’t mind it
So let it fade away
I pretend I don’t know
Just say I wanna look closer? No way
There’s no point in worrying, so I won’t give a damn, my boy
I think I love you, mm-mm
Wanna say I love you, I won’t hesitate
Come and get my heart
Would you return right now and hold me tight?
Don't ponder too much
I'm gonna be alright, oh, yeah
Second guessing? Too late
Don’t you wanna fly away with me?
Stars are falling through the night
Turn my minute into hours
Just believe we’ll be perpetual
Why don’t we go?
The showering Milky Way
You were followed by melodies
Connect the zodiacs
Where we can just relax
Come up to the sky walking
I feel like I’m flyin’ away
Can’t get rid of the memories
Connect the zodiacs
Where we can just relax
Come up to the sky walking
Don’t care if I lose everything I own
‘Cause I know you’ll be in my arms
‘Cause I know you’ll be all I got
Tell me that you’re coming through
And when the night turns to day
Don’t you ever forget a thing
Elated in each other’s gaze, me and you
The showering Milky Way
You were followed by melodies
Connect the zodiacs
Where we can just relax
Come up to the sky walking
I feel like I’m flyin’ away
Can’t get rid of the memories
Connect the zodiacs
Where we can just relax
Come up to the sky walking
Feel the heat burning in too deep
Light it up with your vibrant blue
Hit me with a tsunami
I don’t mind it
So let it fade away
Feel the heat burning in too deep
Light it up with your vibrant blue
Hit me with a tsunami
I don’t mind it
So let it fade away
The voices of silence
I greeted silence
I'm here back at you
And the beginning time I'm getting back
The which I found agaib
And no-one can take me to demise
I hear the voices of silence
I had long times on my trips
Rarely saw a straight road
When the morning barely took the night
I raised my collar and into work
The coldness drove me from wherever I was
I only remembered the voices of silence
And under street lamps
When I wandered every evening
I saw how many millions are there
Thos who can never find
Anyone who would ever believe in words
I listened for the voice of silence
There are many travelers
Many standing on the road
There are many waiting for tomorrow
Perhaps wishing everything to change
Who can ever find the inner peace
They only hear the voices of silence
I don't worship the god of fear
Money doesn't give me pece
I travel pushing to the last
And now I'm heading home again
I say this to all who only draw crap in futility:
'Listen also to the voices of silence'
Venetian Serenata
You burn on my path,
Star of my life,
You are infinite longing
I stay by your heart
The whole world is a heart attack
My treasure, I love you so much
Oh come,
Come with me, my adored one,
Come, maiden, on the sea
Here for you is the serenata
Of who (text unclear) love
Ah! Star of my sky,
I swear love to you forever
Now the veil dissolves
Inflamed is the heart
Of who[ever] sings of love
Oh come
Come with my, my beloved,
Come, maiden, to row
How the serenata
Loses itself like a breath on the sea (?)
Oh come, for the boat awaits you,
Lay your chest on my heart
Come, listen to me, beloved,
Listen to me, beloved,
I only love you,
I love you alone in [my] heart (possibly)
Wonka's Welcome Song (Brazilian Portuguese)
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
He's a master at what he does
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
Chocolate is so good
Modest, smart and intelligent, he manages to be
With so much generosity, it's hard to contain yourself
Contain yourself, contain yourself, contain yourself, contain yourself...
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
He'll be introducing himself in a moment
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
Brilliant, it's impossible to beat
The chocolate maker will appear
He's a bit bitter, but he smiles
Willy Wonka is coming!
SpongeBob SquarePants Opening Theme (European Portuguese) (SIC)
Ready kids?
Yes, my captain!
I don't hear you!
Yes, my captain!
Who lives in a pineapple at the bottom of the sea?
SpongeBob SquarePants!
He's absorbent, yellow and porous!
SpongeBob SquarePants!
If you want nautical nonsense
SpongeBob SquarePants!
Then, hit the deck and swim like a fish!
SpongeBob SquarePants!
SpongeBob SquarePants!
SpongeBob SquarePants!
SpongeBob SquarePants!
SpongeBob SquarePants!
For the reserve of Doñana, in Rolls comes Pollutiane
They made a highway where they felt like it.
The birds there became a little shorter
of cracking so much the water of ninety eight octanes.
What a messy deal, Rodriguez de la Fuente,
they wrecked every living bug.
What a messy deal, Rodriguez de la Fuente,
they wrecked every living bug.
Hundreds of celluloses attacked a hog
They didn't have enough field to get dirty.
The three frogs left to be able to breath
became open to the toilets of the Colmenar quarter.
What a messy deal, Rodriguez de la Fuente,
they wrecked every living bug.
What a messy deal, Rodriguez de la Fuente,
they wrecked every living bug.
The monkeys in the beaches no longer use tan
With the tar they become browner than King Kong
Oh, gosh! The sea food that is in our coast.
There's no healthy clam left to hook up
What a messy deal, Rodriguez de la Fuente,
they wrecked every living bug.
What a messy deal, Rodriguez de la Fuente,
they wrecked every living bug.
By the fields of my town, the herd doesn't work
A quarter or protons pulled the nuclears.
Young rabbits and pikes got lots of weals
and my girl got wrinkles like a melon collar
What a messy deal, Rodriguez de la Fuente,
they wrecked every living bug.
What a messy deal, Rodriguez de la Fuente,
they wrecked every living bug.
What a messy deal, Rodriguez de la Fuente,
what a messy deal, Rodriguez de la Fuente,
they wrecked every living bug.
They wrecked every living bug...
Ray of Sunshine
Obscure beauty
You slowly move forward
Your shadows create
Unusual places
Bizarre creature
That travels in dreams
You tell time 'no'
No, no...
Like a ray of sunlight
In love with you, you
Like the music that makes me
Fly and go crazy
Like a ray of moonlight
That embraces us both
Convicts orbiting
Around a sun
It will be, it will be, it will be, it will be
Whatever fate wants.
And it will be my voice to say
'I love you so much...'
It won't be this speed
It consumes your life
It's always a spiral
Like a ray of sunlight
In love with you, you
Like the music that makes me
Fly and go crazy
Like a ray of moonlight
That embraces us both
Convicts orbiting
Around a sun
Will it be, will it be, will it be
That time will drag us?
I'll defeat you, I'll defeat you
I love you so much...
Like a ray of sunlight
In love with you, you
Like the music that makes me
Fly and go crazy
(It will be, it will be, it will be, it will be...)
Like a ray of sunlight...
(It will be, it will be, it will be, it will be...)
Like a ray of sunlight...
(It will be, it will be, it will be, it will be...)
Like a ray of sunlight...
(It will be, it will be, it will be, it will be...)
Like a ray...
Like a ray of sunlight
“Do you not have a human heart?”
We, who launches ourselves upward, are just tropical fishes
The outcome of today’s argument is a draw again
How about we resort to force or something? Might as well at this point
“With that kind of talk, you definitely don’t have a heart”
Saying all of that, while we sink back into a bathtub
This about us shows how we are two of a kind who despise each other
“My bad” Do you think this is enough?
The manga that I was lending out. Is this enough?
The reply I impatiently waited for. Is this enough?
The movie I was renting. Is this enough?
It has splattered past bad habits
With us two who can’t forgive each other, we should just begin to cannibalize each other
Whether you back down or step up, do as you like
Don’t even show your face. I’ve had enough
The finale of us two, who can’t forgive each other, seems to be ending up in a gutter
Let’s just end it around here already
The parting words are “OK fine. It was all just a memory then”
We are rather like each other’s heart
Because even to this day, we can still hurt each other
You are this much of a know-it-all but do you know?
Even sharks are a kind of fish that love each other
Us two, who seem to be sharks, can’t even succeed in meshing with each other
Whether you back down or step up, until the end of us two,
Let’s just keep hating each other. Might as well at this point
The finale of us two, who seem to be sharks, will surely be turning into surimi right?
Let’s just end it around here already
The parting words are “OK fine. It was all just a memory then”
With us two who can’t forgive each other, we should just begin to cannibalize each other
Whether you back down or step up, do as you like
Don’t even show your face. I’ve had enough
The finale of us two, who can’t forgive each other, seems to be ending up in a gutter
Let’s just end it around here already
The parting words are “OK fine. It was all just a memory then”
Kiss me
(Kiss, kiss
Kiss me
Kiss, kiss...)
I've tried to forget you
And even if I try
I can't stop imagining
All the little things that I did with you
And not having you close is the worst punishment for me
I'm roaming aimlessly
There's emptiness in my soul
I'm like a rose that misses the dew
You, just a memory of what we were,
Heat in the cold
Kiss me like the last time
Leave traces upon my skin
Make it last until the dawn
Don't disappear again
Kiss me like the last time
Kiss, kiss (Ooh ooh...)
Kiss, kiss
Kiss me
Kiss, kiss
Kiss me
Kiss, kiss
Kiss me
I imagine you in my bed
When the dawn arrives
Tell me if you still remember
All the things I gave you
I've got a loop in my mind
I know I'm still stuck on you
I've got many guys calling
But none of them measure up
Ah, ah... Fire, fire
Ah, ah... Feel my fire
Ah, ah... Fire, fire
Ah, ah... Feel my fire
Kiss me like the last time
Leave traces upon my skin
Make it last until the dawn
Don't disappear again
(Kiss me like the last time...)
Kiss, kiss
Kiss me
Kiss, kiss
Kiss me
Kiss, kiss
Kiss me
I’ve been waiting for you every single night
Looking at the stars, waiting for a sign
Come back to me baby, hit me one more time
Need to feel alive
Won’t you bring me back to life
Kiss me like the last time
Leave traces upon my skin
Make it last until the dawn
Don't disappear again
(Kiss me like the last time...)
(Kiss me...)
Kiss me
(Uh uh...)
Kiss me
Kiss me, kiss me
Kiss, kiss
(Ooh, ooh...)
Kiss, kiss
Kiss me...
Carved Stones
Guises are moving in shadows’ dance
Rites that reflect the worlds’ balance
Unseen things from the vault’s roof
Unifying Gods on grey sacred rock
Flaming Sun above the shining fires
Ägir who splashes against soot-coloured stone
The games’ glow sweeps and grows here
The force of the mountain twines the earth with the sky
We carve for sky and earth
So families of gods make peace
The caring cherishes the wheels’ speed
The interplay assists equilibrium and life
A custom of carving on the veil’s shell
Awakens divinities in the deepest hall
The call of traditions for annual growth and peace
Sacrifices restrain the war between kinsmen
Pits from old yet whisper about the way
New life that sprouts through the Norn’s web
The past is made of glass
If you break it on the ground
Be careful where you walk
Don’t let my memories cut you
It’s so easy to forgive
When there’s nothing left to lose
I’ve gotten tired of crying
And waiting for you in hell
Like a sad dog chasing a bone
Begging for a kiss, for a caress
And one more night
I’m looking for what you won't give me
What you won’t give me
I don’t want your cheap love,
Your whims, your silences,
I don’t want to be one of many
That you just kill the time with
I’m tired of your act,
I don’t want to be passing through here
I refuse to be just another bloke in your bed
I don’t want your cheap love
Your lies, your complaints,
I don’t want to keep carrying
Your lies on my body
I’m tired of your act,
I don’t want to be passing through here
I refuse to be just another bloke in your bed
I’m finally breaking this contract
You know you’re the best
No one matches your deceits
You don't even deserve my resentment,
I’ll leave the way I came
Stop repeating yourself already
I never meant to hurt you
But when you lie again
I can tell, even by your lips
Like a sad dog chasing a bone
Begging for a kiss, for a caress
And one more night
I’m looking for what you give me
What you won’t give me
I don’t want your cheap love,
Your whims, your silences,
I don’t want to be one of many
That you just kill the time with
I’m tired of your act,
I don’t want to be passing through here
I refuse to be just another bloke in your bed
I don’t want your cheap love
Your lies, your complaints,
I don’t want to keep carrying
Your lies on my body
I’m tired of your act,
I don’t want to be passing through here
I refuse to be just another bloke in your bed
I’m finally breaking this contract.
Tell me why did you came?
Look at my stitches
And stop the blood with your habds
Seems like someone laughts at us from the sky
While sacrificing the queens
Tell me why did you came?
I don't hold any anger
Colors mixed and again we're strangers
Us with familiar bodies
Tell me why did you came?
You kiss the silhouette
With trembling lips
Atoning to your guilt, you believe
That you're escaping the thurth
And whatever it was
Try at least for once with your words
Because i live at the same address
Drown me in the letters
Tell me why you're once again here?
They're waiting you at home
You were humting two rabbits, but they were rats
Tell me, how do we live from now on?
Tell me why did you came?
Who was going to tell me that everything was going to change?
It’s been a while since I felt anything like this
With you, it’s easy, and now I don’t want anything else
Look, I didn’t want to fall in love
But, well, you came with your brutal light
A simple 'I love you' - how beautiful it sounds on your lips!
I want to be by your side
I want you to be close to me
Let the world know, I won’t lie to you
That I’m crazy for you
That I’m crazy for you
That I’m crazy for you, for you, for you, for you, for you
That I’m crazy for you
That I’m crazy for you
That I’m crazy for you, for you, for you, for you, for you
I love you when you smile at me
When I cry to you and your hug squeezes me
When time passes and it feels like just a moment
And when I’m dramatic sometimes
Your kisses are like the fast lane
I want to be by your side
I want you to be close to me
Let the world know, I won’t lie to you
That I’m crazy for you
That I’m crazy for you
That I’m crazy for you, for you, for you, for you, for you
That I’m crazy for you
That I’m crazy for you
That I’m crazy for you, for you, for you, for you, for you
That I’m crazy for you
That I’m crazy for you
That I’m crazy for you, for you, for you, for you, for you
The past is made of glass
If you break it on the ground
Be careful when walking
May my memories not cut you
It's so easy to forgive
When there's nothing more at stake
I got tired of crying
And waiting for you in hell
Like a sad dog chasing a bone
I beg for a kiss, for a caress
And another night
I look for what you give me
What you won't give me
I don't want your cheap love
Your whims, your silences,
I don't want to be one of many
With whom you kill time
I got tired of your theater
I don't want to be passing through here
I refuse to be another man on your mattress
I don't want your cheap love
Your lies, your laments,
I don't want to keep on bearing
Your lies on my body
I got tired of your theater
I don't want to be passing through here
I refuse to be another man on your mattress
I'm breaking this contract
You know you're the best
Nobody matches your deceit
You don't deserve my grief
I'm leaving through where I arrived
Stop repeating
'I never meant to hurt you.'
When you start lying again
I notice it even in your lips
Like a sad dog chasing a bone
I beg for a kiss, for a caress
And another night
I look for what you give me
What you won't give me
I don't want your cheap love
Your whims, your silences,
I don't want to be one of many
With whom you kill time
I got tired of your theater
I don't want to be passing through here
I refuse to be another man on your mattress
I don't want your cheap love
Your lies, your laments,
I don't want to keep on bearing
Your lies on my body
I got tired of your theater
I don't want to be passing through here
I refuse to be another man on your mattress
I'm breaking this contract
I hack into your psyche, call it cyber
Wrecking houses like the Special Patrol Unit in Tayibe
All the players around me, don't give a fuck about you
Let me know when your movie ends, so we can clap!
Flow's better than water
I swear, can't see below me, get me some glasses
Talking behind my back, you're a pussy
Ukrainian slut, you can call me 'Putin'
Dictator! Electrifying you like a generator
My whole gang spits in your face like alpacas
You told me 'Fuck you!' with no fear
Half an hour later, you got 17 Druze guys in your house!
Fool, you made me violent
Don't need to be no magician
To make you disappear in an orchard
Cutting your dick off and sending it to your mother
With fast shipping like AliExpress!
I'm lovesick with all this rap, it's incurable
Even when I freestyle, people say it's beautiful
Your homeboy represents this generation
Give me some beat, I won't shut up even with a fucking duct tape on
I'm lovesick with all this rap, it's incurable
Even when I freestyle, people say it's beautiful
Your homeboy represents this generation
Give me some beat, I won't shut up even with a fucking duct tape on
Not hungry for food, starving to devour some beats
Listen carefully to the content, I just started, I'm not done yet
Now's the time to shut it, prick, they're shocked by what I've built
I'm no Pop Smoke, but I'm the king of the city!
I did what I did, never regretting
When I overthink, I stab you with a pen
And you die, instead of blood - ink comes out of you
And I'm a Druze, don't forget I'm a son of Jethro
And that means that even if you kill me in your dreams
I come back with intent to kill, reincarnation
Hey, you thought you could get rid of me?
I show up in your nightmares, you piss your sweatpants
What's wrong? Again you cursed me with the evil eye
Ya moron, I grab the fork and make you blind!
Don't worry, this'll never heal
You play against the boss, it's game over for you!
I'm lovesick with all this rap, it's incurable
Even when I freestyle, people say it's beautiful
Your homeboy represents this generation
Give me some beat, I won't shut up even with a fucking duct tape on
I'm lovesick with all this rap, it's incurable
Even when I freestyle, people say it's beautiful
Your homeboy represents this generation
Give me some beat, I won't shut up even with a fucking duct tape on
I only have you
When I was alone, I was richer than I am today
My friends stopped mattering to me, they left
One after another, tired of seeing us being happy
Bit by bit they disappeared, far away from us
I only have you, and it's over
I only have you, my love
I only have you, you are my life
And you're leaving, my love
I looked for everyone who was once faithful to me
Their phone numbers didn't respond, I only have you
I only have you, and it's over
I only have you, my love
When I was alone, I was richer than I am today
My friends stopped mattering to me, they left
I only have you, and it's over
I only have you, my love
I only have you, you are my life
And you're leaving, my love
(x2 ad lib.)
Don't you see?
The club’s just no fun without you
Don't you see?
Why bother making myself look good if…
Don't you see?
What’s the point of being happy?
Don’t you see?
And I’ve been chasing shadows
Chasing pieces of you that I see in others
Talking with mutual friends in case you mention me
Clapping for you at the show as if nothing
Is what’s left of me
Don't you see?
The club’s just no fun without you
Don't you see?
Why bother making myself look good if…
Don't you see?
What’s the point of being happy?
Don’t you see?
The Well of Time
I am seeking high and low
Through and between paths
Where many never dare to go
Most people rather close their eyes
A mixed horror with laziness
One seems to only want an embellished lie
By old and forgotten hearth
Mysterious songs were sung
Pictures of the room’s pieces
The meaning of divinities’ oath
The bonds that must be
An early bridge between sky and earth
I am digging wide and far
Deep into the well of time
In hidden tracks the answers remain
All around the world
Sounded similar words and customs
Where many Gods were enumerated, not one
Poetic synonyms for the memory’s travel
They help the mind to grow
A polishing power flowing up to the head
The myths reminded them
How the rings are connected
How the dead come back to life once again
Ancestors were speaking of
A gigantic tree that stands
With nine homes and branches
Infusing all life
Growing beyond sights
In the core’s eternity and in oneself
Æsir and Vanir’s peace
An oath that creates order
Ancient power from root to canopy
An agreement for a clear mind
Like a reflection of the Gods’ twining
The ancients’ depiction still echoes
Since I was very little
Before I knew how to walk
I learned to be a star
For me, it was so normal
And I discovered a grandee of the theatre
Looking down on the others backstage
But the so-called diva
For the echo of a life
That didn’t belong to her, became enchanted
A diva is simple
Like a mere mortal
A diva doesn’t step on anyone in order to shine
Her voice makes her great
What does it matter if she’s free, singing
Like a fish in the sea?
A diva is brave, glamorous,
She boasts of her humility and lack of vanity
She rises again, dancing
With more strength than a hurricane
They’ll soon see, that diva is me
She’s the mother who wakes up early,
She’s the artist without a label
Whether wealthy or unfortunate
They are divas too
And from their balcony, they embrace the same moon,
Their condition doesn't matter
It’s not fame that makes you great
Equality is my flag
And music is my only hope
A diva is simple
Like a mere mortal
A diva doesn’t step on anyone in order to shine
Her voice makes her great
What does it matter if she’s free, singing
Like a fish in the sea?
A diva is brave, glamorous,
She boasts of her humility and lack of vanity
She rises again, dancing
With more strength than a hurricane
They’ll soon see, that diva is mee
Diva, diva, diva, diva
Diva, diva, diva, diva
Diva, diva, diva, diva
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Diva, diva, diva, diva
Diva, diva, diva, diva
Diva, diva, diva, diva
Oh, oh, oh, oh
That diva is me
A diva is simple
Like a mere mortal
A diva doesn’t step on anyone in order to shine
Her voice makes her great
What does it matter if she’s free, singing
Like a fish in the sea?
A diva is brave, glamorous,
She boasts of her humility and lack of vanity
She rises again, dancing
With more strength than a hurricane
They’ll soon see, that diva is me
You can't do anything about it
On podium for years now, my part,
Which I performed, I dont tolerate someways,
I sang their strophes, but today
I recognise myself as a woman,
When I am me and I dont surender, not, not,
I know, that I am me and I wanna be myself,
You can't do anything about it, so let me come in, in, in.
I know, that I have my mistakes, but thats me,
I know you some time now, some time now, some time now
I meet people like you wherever.
So what is next, whats going on?
You want to have, have, have me in your own image.
I know you,
So dont care for it, just take it to your heart overmuch.
When I am me and I dont surender, not, not,
I know, that I am me,
Life is spontaneous, lets try more,
I understand styles, that turn up,
I dont condemn you, I already my own vision.
You can't do anything about it, so let me come in, in, in.
I know, that I have my mistakes, but thats me,
I know you some time now, some time now, some time now
I meet people like you wherever.
I go on,
I know, that I have mistakes, but thats me,
Thats me,
Thereupon I recognize myself every day.
I'm having a spontanous time, we live it up our life with our people,
Because of you, I feel, that thats okay at long last,
I know, that I sometimes feel unnaturally in myself,
So seems like it, that we don't have to take everything so seriously.
When I am me and I dont surender, not, not,
You can't do anything about it, so let me come in, in, in.
I know, that I have my mistakes, but thats me,
I know you some time now, some time now, some time now
I know you some time now,
I meet people like you wherever.
I go on,
I know, that I have mistakes, but thats me,
Thereupon I recognize myself every day.
Veselă Și Fericită
Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)
În fiecare an, când întorc calendarul lunii decembrie
Golul necunoscut se întoarce
Chiar dacă ea se preface că nu știe, de fiecare dată când vine
Chiar dacă te prefaci că nu ești ea, chiar dacă te prefaci că ești calmă
Tu nu ești
Dar ea are...
Iarna asta e diferită
Colindul care cântă nu o va face să plângă
Acum și mie îmi place Crăciunul
Chiar și zăpada albă care cade nu este singuratică
Acum Crăciunul meu este vesel
Anul Nou este fericit
Pentru că tu ești alături de mine
Clopoțeii sună
Clopoțeii sună
Cum poate suna atât de diferit?
Mergând ținându-te de mână
Chiar și luminile de pe stradă
Toate sunt diferite, sunt atât de frumoase, sunt nebunatice
Tu ești lângă mine
Iarna aceasta este diferită
Colindul care cântă nu mă mai face să plâng
Acum și mie îmi place Crăciunul
Chiar și zăpada albă care cade nu este singuratică
Acum Crăciunul meu este vesel
Anul Nou este fericit
Pentru că tu ești alături de mine
Oh, lasă să ningă
Fulgii pot cădea cât vrem noi
Ultima dată din Decembrie
Am vrut doar să fug de tine
Evitam magia care umple orașul
Dacă există o cale de a scăpa
Am vrut să încerc, am încercat totul
Mi-am acoperit ochii și urechile
A fost jalnic
Cerul te-a trimis
Acum și mie îmi place Crăciunul
Chiar și zăpada albă care cade nu este singuratică
Acum Crăciunul meu este vesel
Anul Nou este fericit
Pentru că tu ești alături de mine
Che vuoi, pastore d'aria?
Ed è ancora il richiamo dell’antico
corno dei pastori, aspro sui fossati
bianchi di scorze di serpenti. Forse
dà fiato dai pianori d’Acquaviva,
dove il Platani rotola conchiglie
sotto l’acqua fra i piedi dei fanciulli
di pelle uliva. O da che terra il soffio
di vento prigioniero, rompe e fa eco
nella luce che già crolla che vuoi,
pastore d’aria? Forse chiami i morti.
Tu con me non odi, confusa al mare
del riverbero, attenta al grido basso
dei pescatori che alzano le reti.
Island of Paradise
They sat and they gazed
At the stars above,
Just a boy and his girl
Oh, so much in love
They talked and they kissed,
Two hearts in the midst
Of paradise
I watched for a while
My eyes soon filled with tears,
Thinking of the past
Over long lost years.
I thought of the nights
Where we saw the signs
Of paradise
I can't believe
She went away
I thought our love
Was here to stay.
Now in my prayers
I ask you once more
Dear Lord, send back
The girl I adore
As days roll by
I will always be
The only one to cry
Beneath the lover's tree
Where we once kissed
A night like this
In paradise