Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 40

Număr de rezultate: 107655


Crazy for the music

All the sounds
Are making my body rock
I hate
To stay silent, no, no
I need some rythm and
Something to go along with it
It's a heavenly feeling
Makes me feel in harmony 'cause
That's just the way i am..

That's how they work
My five senses
But they don't serve me any better
Than my ears
When there's no songs
I'm gonna make my own
Gonna take my chords and
My melodies

I'm crazy for music
There's nothing better
I'm crazy for music
Crazy for music
There's music in everything
And i'm crazy for it

It's going up on my skin
It's going down on my skin
A foolish madness
Of which i never tire, no, no..



Don't lie to me, stupid
I hate it when you lie
Don't cheat on me in secret
That's worse than telling me lies

Don't play games you stupid liar
When you lie, it kills my desire

Between us
It's all i want

Between us
Telling the truth



Don't lie to me, stupid
I hate it when you lie
Don't cheat on me in secret
That's worse than telling me lies

Between us
It's all i want

Between us
Telling the truth



Between us
It's all i want

Between us
Telling the truth




Le soleil brillera demain

Ce matin il pleuvait sur la ville
Et ton coeur est mouillé de chagrin
Car le soleil a gagné l'exil
Et ton amour le même chemin

Tu refuses d'ouvrir les paupières
T'as fermé ta fenêtre à la vie
Tu ne respires plus que la poussière
Tu ne crois plus à la poésie

Mais le soleil brillera demain
Ses rayons forceront ta fenêtre
Tu sentiras en toi tout renaître
Et la vie te tendra la main

Quant à l'amour que tu as perdu
C'est peut-être aussi bien de la sorte
Et dis-toi que la vie qui t'emporte
T'emporte vers un cœur inconnu

Monsieur Soleil depuis quelque temps
A séché les pavés de la ville
Et la fillette au bras d'un amant
Se promène, amoureuse et fragile

Moi, je la regarde tristement
À mon tour, j'ai perdu le sourire
Mais c'est elle qui est là pour me dire
Avec un air de petit enfant...

Mais le soleil brillera demain
Ses rayons forceront ta fenêtre
Tu sentiras en toi tout renaître
Et la vie te tendra la main

Quant à l'amour que tu as perdu
C'est peut-être aussi bien de la sorte
Et dis-toi que la vie qui t'emporte
T'emporte vers un cœur inconnu

La la la la la...

Quant à l'amour que tu as perdu
C'est peut-être aussi bien de la sorte
Et dis-toi que la vie qui t'emporte
T'emporte vers un cœur inconnu

La la la la la...

Si tu m'attends

Si tu m'attends
Je changerai certain'ment
Quand tourneront les vents
Si tu m'attends

Si tu m'attends
Dans un mois ou un an
Je serai différents
Si tu m'attends

Si tu m'attends
J'aurai le coeur plus sage
Quand cess'ront les orages
Si tu m'attends

Si tu m'attends
Je tournerai la page
Pour un autre voyage
Si tu m'attends

Attends-moi, attends-moi
Et je t'attendrai
Je penserai à toi
Et un matin qui sait ?
On se retrouvera
Mieux qu'avant, forcément
Si tu m'attends
Attends-moi, attends-moi
Et je t'attendrai
Les histoires d'autrefois
Moi je les oublierai
On se retrouvera
Autrement, forcément
Si tu m'attends

Si tu m'attends
J'effacerai les doutes
Quand changeront nos routes
Si tu m'attends

Si tu m'attends
En décembre ou en août
Je reviendrai sans doute
Si tu m'attends

Si tu m'attends
Dans cet aéroport
Où je t'aim'rai encore
Si tu m'attends

Si tu m'attends
Je te couvrirai d'or
De mon amour plus fort
Si tu m'attends

Attends-moi, attends-moi
Et je t'attendrai
Je penserai à toi
Et un matin qui sait ?
On se retrouvera
Mieux qu'avant, forcément
Si tu m'attends
Attends-moi, attends-moi
Et je t'attendrai
Les histoires d'autrefois
Moi je les oublierai
On se retrouvera
Autrement, forcément
Si tu m'attends

Si tu m'attends
Si tu m'laisses du temps
Tu m'retrouveras vraiment
Si tu m'attends
Si tu m'attends

Spring Breakers (cu Kesha)

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy

Bună, sunt eu, sunteți cu toții în pericol
Niciodată nu sunt invitată pentru că nu îmi place de ei
Am degetul pe detonator
O fată nebună, o să fac ca în Spring Breakers
(De fiecare dată, eu...)
De fiecare dată, o fac atât de scandalos
Întotdeauna voi pierde în fața celor care joacă sigur
Patru, trei, doi, unu, ne vedem mai târziu
Fată nebună, o să fac ca în Spring Breakers

O să fac, o să fac, o să fac
O să fac ca în Spring Breakers
O să fac, o să fac, o să fac
O să fac ca în Spring Breakers

Ayy, hey, uh, hey
Ayy, hey, uh, hey
Să începem

Ooh, aceste târfe, le-am egalat
Arta nu este o competiție
Ratingul crește când hainele se dau jos
Dar o cântăreață adevărată face ce vrea
Ooh, târfele astea ne copiază
Ar vrea să fie originale, dar nu sunt
Suntem psihopate, suntem nebune
Da, eu și Charli, suntem zeițele petrecerilor
Oh baby, te enervezi când mă vezi câștigând
Fă-o din nou pentru că eu sunt Kesha, târfo
Mă face să mă simt bine, câștigătoare
Toți nenorociții ar fi bine să se roage
Cântând piesa mea, cântând împreună
'TiK ToK', obișnuită până când câștigă împărăția
Dă-le un hit, ei o să comenteze oricum
Vă sufocați cu numele meu când mă sugeți

Bună, sunt eu, sunteți cu toții în pericol
Niciodată nu sunt invitată pentru că nu îmi place de ei
Am degetul pe detonator
O fată nebună, o să fac ca în Spring Breakers
(De fiecare dată, eu...)
De fiecare dată, o fac atât de scandalos
Întotdeauna voi pierde în fața celor care joacă sigur
Patru, trei, doi, unu, ne vedem mai târziu
Fată nebună, o să fac ca în Spring Breakers

O să fac, o să fac, o să fac
O să fac ca în Spring Breakers
O să fac, o să fac, o să fac
O să fac ca în Spring Breakers

Îmi voi mulțumi mie, îi voi mulțumi lui Dumnezeu
Subiectul conversației
Știi că am genul ăsta de reputație
Iubito, sunt liberă, am să fiu cea mai bună
Eu și Charli, noi suntem zeițele petrecerilor
Pe-pe-petrecerilor, zeițele petrecerilor
Sunt o psihopată, sunt o criminală

Bună, sunt eu, sunteți cu toții în pericol
Niciodată nu sunt invitată pentru că nu îmi place de ei
Am degetul pe detonator
O fată nebună, o să fac ca în Spring Breakers
De fiecare dată, o fac atât de scandalos
Întotdeauna voi pierde în fața celor care joacă sigur
Patru, trei, doi, unu, ne vedem mai târziu
Fată nebună, o să fac ca în Spring Breakers

O să fac, o să fac, o să fac
O să fac ca în Spring Breakers
O să fac, o să fac, o să fac
O să fac ca în Spring Breakers

Timpul nimic nu a schimbat

Click to see the original lyrics (French)

Cu timpul, am crezut că într-o zi te voi uita.
Nu ar fi trebuit să-l cred niciodată pe domnul Ferré,
Nu am reușit s-o fac,
Cu timpul, nimic nu s-a schimbat,
Mi-aș dori să-mi pot sili
Amintirile să tacă.

Cu timpul, s-alerg distrus n-am încetat,
Și chiar când sincer să fiu am încercat,
Ea atunci s-a aliat
Cu timpul, și după cum arăt,
M-am înșelat,
Căci doar de tine aveam nevoie.

Timpul nimic nu a schimbat,
Îmi suport înfrângerea.
Ca un clovn ostenit,
Mă prefac că sunt fericit.
Dacă am rezistat,
A fost pentru a te impresiona,
Dar mi-a pierit tot cheful
De a pretinde că te-am uitat,
Timpul nimic nu a schimbat.

Cu timpul, am încercat să învăț să râd de asta,
Am încercat să învăț să te blestem.
Nu este un cântec
Care te face să crezi că totul este fals.
Memoria trădează,
Nu e adevărat că uităm.

Timpul nimic nu a schimbat,
Îmi suport înfrângerea.
Ca un clovn ostenit,
Mă prefac că sunt fericit.
Dacă am rezistat,
A fost pentru a te impresiona,
Dar mi-a pierit tot cheful
De a pretinde că te-am uitat,
Timpul nimic nu a schimbat.


C'est presque au bout du monde
C'est des chemins étroits
Dessinés de jets d'ombres
Et d'empreintes de pas

Derrière la colline
Le mont Nerone
Se fatigue et s'abîme
À force de veiller

Toi, tu portais des fleurs à l'ama dominae
Pour qu'elle séchait tes pleurs pour que je reste là
Mes parents sont partis et puis mon frère et moi
On ne gagne pas sa vie à vivre à Cai'Serra

Je ne reviendrais pas affronter ton regard
Tu sais quand on s'en va, on est plus de nulle part
Je ne reviendrais pas pêcher à la rivière
Mi voile si tu espères encore que je sois là

Pendant que l'agonie jouait de l'accordéon
Mon père sur ses échasses dansait et faisait des bonds
Mais c'est bien loin tout ça
Je ne reviendrais pas revivre à Cai'Serra

Ceux qui sont revenus
Ne comprennent plus rien
Ils ont mis dans ma rue
Des couleurs d'arlequins

Les vieilles pierres pleurent
Sur la vie d'autrefois
Mon Italie se meurt
Une seconde fois

Toi, tu portais des fleurs à l'ama dominae
Pour qu'elle séchait tes pleurs pour que je reste là
Mes parents sont partis et puis mon frère et moi
On ne gagne pas sa vie à vivre à Cai'Serra

Je ne reviendrais pas affronter ton regard
Tu sais quand on s'en va, on est plus de nulle part
Je ne reviendrais pas pêcher à la rivière
Mi voile si tu espères encore que je sois là

Pendant que l'agonie jouait de l'accordéon
Mon père sur ses échasses dansait et faisait des bonds
Mais c'est bien loin tout ça
Je ne reviendrais pas revivre à Cai'Serra

Daleko si rođeni brate

Otiš’o si rođeni brate
Daleko od rodnoga kraja
U proljeće sedamdeset i neke
U sred cvijetnoga maja

Sudbina bila je takva
Da odeš u delek svijet bijeli
Da kuću i ognjište staro
Tvoje srce uvijek želi

Kraj tebe tuđi ljudi
Prolaze svakoga dana
Ledene duše su neke
Srca su im zaključana

Za onu rođenu zemlju
Velika ljubav te veže
Ne zaboravi svoju braću
I kad je najteže

Toutes les filles sont jolies

Toutes les filles sont jolies
Quand un garçon les aime
Elles font chanter nos vies
Comme dans les poèmes

Elles sont belles, tellement belles
Qu'on voudrait pouvoir passer nos vies à les cajoler
Toutes les filles sont jolies
Mais aucune fille n'est aussi jolie que toi

Toutes les filles sont jolies
Quand un garçon les aime
Et tant pis parfois si
Elles nous font la peine
Elles sont belles, tellement belles
Qu'on peut tout leur pardonner
Pour un tout petit baiser
Toutes les filles sont jolies
Mais aucune n'est aussi jolie que toi

Elles sont belles, tellement belles
Qu'on voudrait pouvoir passer nos vies à les cajoler
Toutes les filles sont jolies
Mais aucune n'est aussi jolie que toi

Toutes les filles sont jolies
Quand un garçon les aime
Elles mettent sur notre vie
Les plus douces des chaînes
Elles sont belles, tellement belles
Qu'on voudrait les supplier de nous garder enchaînés
Toutes les filles sont jolies
Mais aucune n'est aussi jolie que toi

Toutes les filles sont jolies
Quand un garçon les aime x3

Toutes les filles sont jolies


Angélique, Angélique,
Tu seras toujours pour moi
Mon premier amour,
Mon premier sourire,
Mon premier printemps.

Angélique, Angélique,
Et tu resteras pour moi
Mon premier matin,
Mon premier soleil,
Mon premier chagrin.

Quand devant moi tu marchais,
Toi tu semblais voler,
Je croyais voir un ange du ciel.
Tu souriais gentiment,
Sans savoir qu'en passant
Tu déchirais mon cœur d'enfant.

Et un matin de printemps,
Tu as pris le chemin
Qui fait femme une enfant de seize ans.
Mais au bout de ce chemin
Ce n'était pas ma main
Qui te prenait la main.

Qui, qui te dira,
Que depuis ce jour-là,
Un garçon pleure
Le rêve pour toi ?

Angélique, Angélique,
Mais, mais tu resteras pour moi
Mon dernier amour,
Mon dernier sourire,
Mon dernier printemps.

Angélique, Angélique,
Tu seras toujours pour moi
Angélique, Angélique,
L'écho que cherche ma voix.

Voy a perder la cabeza por tu amor

Voy a perder la cabeza por tu amor,
porque tu eres agua, porque yo soy fuego
y no nos comprendemos.

Yo ya no sé si he perdido la razón
qué tu me has arrastra'o, porque soy un juego
de tus sentimientos.

Cuando yo creo que estás en mi poder,
tu te vas soltando, te vas escapando
de mis propias manos,

y hasta Sevilla que tu quieras volver
quizas me encuentres enfadada y triste,
pero enamorada.

Voy a perder las cabeza por tu amor,
como no despierte, de una vez por siempre,
de este falso sueño

Al final veo claro que te estas burlando,
que te estás riendo,
en mi propia cara de mis sentimientos,
de mi corazón.

Voy a perder la cabeza por tu amor,
Porque te quiero y quiero de esta forma loca
que te estoy queriendo.

Yo no soy la roca que golpea la ola,
soy de carne y hueso

y quizás mañana oigas de mi boca:
¡vaya usted con Dios!

Game Of Life

A vision through the lens, the universe unfolds
I’m in a wonderland aya
My ticket in hand, day or night don’t matter
It’s a paradise anytime

Hundreds of advanced machineries
Frantic, flashing in full swing Aya
Scanning, we take our strides
A desire to get to the bottom of it

We can't hold it back...
There’s no way to say sorry
Let em cut the line, jump the queue
If they thrust in force
Chased for life
Ohhh ohhh...
Eyy... and lemme tell ya

Game On!
Everybody, game on!
I know no rules
I don’t care what you think the thrill is all mine
I wander dusk till dawn
Get dirty, get dirty, get dirty

Every, everybody up, stay down
Everybody gonna stay high
And everybody up, stay down
Everybody come on come and get some

Yeah everybody up, and get your hands in the air
Wave em all around like you just don’t care
Got the Brodie on the track and a rolly in the back
Homie know me as the guy who sees a beat and gon attack

(Hold up)

Get dirty, get dirty, get dirty
Bouncy like the Hooper that be busting out the sturdy
It’s the game of life y’all no need to get wordy
AK and JC we make em worry (for real)

We can't hold it back...
There's no way to say sorry
I ride it my way like a rollercoaster
Be my own master let the joy pour over
Ohhh ohhh...
Eyy, and let me tell you

Game On!
Everybody, game on!
I know no rules
I don’t care what you think the thrill is all mine
We in our own zones slayin’
Get dirty, get dirty, get dirty

My homies a bunch, I don’t mind the waiting time
Let it be, whatsoever
I had my fun, my fun is real
Ain’t no lies about it

I’m abouta get!
I’m abouta get!

I’m abouta get dirty... Yea yea
I’m abouta get dirty... Yea yea

It’s the game of my life... yeah yeah yeah
It’s the game of my life... yeah yeah yeah
It is the game of my life... yeah yeah yeah
(It’s abouta get dirty, get dirty)

It’s the game of my life... yeah yeah yeah
It’s the game of my life... yeah yeah yeah
It is the game of my life... yeah yeah yeah
(It’s abouta get dirty, get dirty)



Feeling like a villain (yeah yeah)
No looking back, I must proceed
(From the backseat) (Wait what)
Yeah I’m talking more than feelings (yes I do)
Deep down I know well there’s no halting

Tired of that face, so fake, plotting all day, enough! Give me a break (Figured out the game)
Over with, fooling around, having my best moment, don’t give a dame (Yeah you got that right)

Go dazzling, be the central focus (Shining around)
Be the light, climb up the peak to shine (This good night)

Yeah it’s my villain era, it’s my time
I can’t care less life and death
Do a little wink, little dance to catch ya
Defying rules, I do not bother
Sparing my time on things I like
It’s my era

Feeling like a villain (yeah yeah)
No looking back, I must proceed
(From the backseat) (Wait what)
Yeah I’m talking more than feelings (yes I do)
Deep down I know well there’s no halting

I’m scared of that chase, hurry, pushing, falling, clashing, wearing me out (Figured out the game)
Exploring, fooling around, rushing, getting broken, I’ve seen enough (Yeah you got that right)

I’m a tough boy, be a real boy
Do you wanna join me? Have real joy
If you like it, come and get it
Everybody knows it, just a gambit
I’m a tough boy, be a real boy
Do you wanna join me? Have real joy
If you like it, come and get it
Everybody knows it, just a gambit

Yeah it’s my villain era, it’s my time
I can’t care less life and death
Do a little wink, little dance to catch ya
Defying rules, I do not bother
Sparing my time on things I like
It’s my era

Inborn dislike against boredom
Come on baby, Imma show you how (yeah)
Having all the fun
In my own way, just straightaway
It’s my era

Feeling like a villain (yeah yeah)
No looking back, I must proceed
(From the backseat) (Wait what)
Yeah I’m talking more than feelings (yes I do)
Deep down I know well there’s no halting (You got that right)



When they see you from afar,
what could they be jealous of?
Of your empty and fake life?
Once the crowd's gone,
you once again embrace loneliness.
Does anyone see, that you aren't happy?

Memories and expensive clothes I'll give away
to the poor like a piece of bread.
I'm not one of those women,
to whom you toss change (for them) to get ready!1

Come on, it's your turn! Go buy another paid (piece of) garbage,
to ask you everyday if you still love me
Millions in your hands, let them rain on you!
Be rich in money, but a beggar in the soul!

You're overdoing the alcohol,
you drink and cheat.
You always have some sort of excuse...
During the day, I'm a stranger,
during the night, you fall on my feet.
And all of you, the wealthy, also cry!2

Memories and expensive clothes I'll give away
to the poor like a piece of bread.
I'm not one of those women,
to whom you toss change (for them) to get ready!

Come on, it's your turn! Go buy another paid piece of garbage,
to ask you everyday if you still love me
Millions in your hands, let them rain!
(For you) To be rich in money, but a beggar in the soul!

Come on, it's your turn! Go buy another paid piece of garbage,
to ask you everyday if you still love me
Millions in your hands, let them rain!
(For you) To be rich in money, but a beggar in the soul!
  • 1. ''глася'' means ''I prepare'', ''... getting ready'', ''fit for some purpose'', etc. ''To dress/doll up'' are also correct, as it's the closest to the meaning of the original word
  • 2. ''плачете'' is used for multiple people/group, if ''плачат'' was used, it would be ''The wealthy also cry''


Dance, maiden, dance

Dance, maiden, dance, maiden, dance,
to what I’m singing
dance, gentle girl, dance, gentle maiden,
to what I’m singing.
Whirl around lightly, buoyantly to the sound,
the sound of the waves of the sea.
Feel the affectionate sighing
of the frolicking breeze
that speaks to the heart
in a languishing tone,
and that invites you to a dance
without ceasing, without ceasing,
that invites you to a dance.
Dance, gentle girl, dance, gentle maiden,
to what I’m singing.


Prelude to Youth

Like the spray of waves from a speeding ship,
The smile that spills from your clenched white teeth
Now, the two of us, a prelude to youth

In the gaps between fingers, there is the sun
In the gaps between admiration, there is love peeking through

※YES, I’m a Sunshine
I want to give you this sunlight
Feel it all over your body
Now, the two of us, a prelude to youth

Even on nights where suffering and sadness intersect,
They turn into mornings filled with sparkling joy※

In the gaps between kisses, there is the blue sky
In the gaps between eyes, there are dreams peeking through

YES, I’m a Sunshine
I want to give you this passion
Feel the excitement all over your body
Now, the two of us, a prelude to youth

Even on nights where suffering and sadness intersect,
They turn into mornings filled with sparkling joy



It's not important

Work is not important
Job is not important
Money is not important
And stay on your own way

It doesn't matter what people say
The past doesn't matter
You matter
and that you stay on your own way

The days will pass
And the years will pass
You'll feel that you have grown old
And have not done anything yet

You'll want to live
Like you've never lived before
Believe me, it's never late
To live like you've never lived before



She is by herself, she is with everyone and with no one
She is needed by all and needed by none
In her green eyes, you can easily read
That she will never belong to just one

She always stays silent, maybe there are no words
Or maybe she thinks there's no point in replying
But unlike everyone else, at least she doesn’t lie
And if you want, she will leave again right now

Another day, another night, another year
You hope so much that she'll change
And it seems like you only have a little longer to wait
You want to believe, but she’s just a cat (cat, cat)

What does she dream of when tears are on her lashes?
When can't sleep again tonight
And it hurts so much to smoke one after another

You’ll forgive her everything in the morning when you hear the doorbell ring
She’ll smile again and fall asleep at your feet
And something inside will suddenly feel right again
So far from each other, yet it seems like you’re together

She’s with you now, but tomorrow with someone else
She won’t understand you — she just doesn’t care
Because all she needs are entertainment and wine
And every night with her always feels the same

She’ll come back again and stay silent once more
And don’t blame her if you don’t want to lose her completely
Stay quiet for a bit and try to just understand
She’s just a cat and wants to sleep

What does she dream of when tears are on her lashes?
When can't sleep again tonight
And it hurts so much to smoke one after another

Tears from her eyes — such a cheap trick
When you see it in the movies, it's not the same as in real life
And you wonder why life seems to have passed
But it's just hearts splitting into two

And you wonder why live at all? Well, that's for now
But tomorrow, you'll be waiting for a phone call again
And no matter how hard it is to say that everything's fine
Though in truth, you're lying to each other’s face

Money means nothing, but it's easy to buy a person
Whom you so want to love
But there can’t be too much of it — it will run out again
And then she’ll leave, because she’s just a cat (cat, cat)

What does she dream of when tears are on her lashes?
When can't sleep again tonight
And it hurts so much to smoke one after another

When can’t sleep again tonight
And it hurts so much to smoke one after another, one after another


Whether It is Break of Dawn

Stand u, dear girl and see
Whether it is break of dawn (2x)
Whether the sun has risen up

It is break of dawn, dear lad
the sun has lit the river (2x)
and the girls are there to bring water

The lad began to cry
and the young girl prayed to him
''Do not cry, dear lad,
I will easily bring you out.''

When they ask me about you,
I will tell them dear lad,
that you are not a stranger
but a relative of my mother.


Mon amour

A night’s shadow has fallen on roofs, boulevards, streets
And a circle of golden streetlamps and stars is complete.
Only in the distance someone cradles a song under their fingers
And the Parisian wind carries this song over the world.

Mon amour1, I’m waiting here for you
Mon amour, with a twig of lilac.
Who will take away this spring night from us,
Before again the dawn separates me from you?

Mon amour, the time’s running fast.
You’re chasing happiness, but happiness lives in us.
The city’s bowing to the dormant stars,
The city of love, because you live here.

The song goes on, flying into the world,
And all around there’s the night, the night and the wind,
A shaky trace, a twig of lilac.
Oh, mon amour, mon amour!

I went out into the night, I opened my arms to the song,
And the wind began to rustle and to spin me around.
I looked around, but there was nothing more than darkness,
And a twig at my feet – the last sad trace.

The song faded away, the trace disappeared.
Only the twig and the flower remained,
And also the song
That I’m singing to you for the last time.

Mon amour, the time’s running fast.
You’re chasing happiness, but you won’t find it in us.
The city’s bowing to the dormant stars,
The city of love – no longer ours today.

The song goes on, flying into the world,
And all around there’s the night, the night and the wind,
A shaky trace, a twig of lilac.
Oh, mon amour, mon amour!
  • 1. 'my love' in French


Happy Day in Hell (Italian)

It's possible, I can do it
I know the heavens will listen to me

Charlie, wait

I won't accept failure
It's a big opportunity

It's just a meeting

And I'll discover if an angel can understand me
Maybe they can

I don't see this going well

It'll be ok, Vaggie
I already know
Because today here in Hell there will be happiness

It's better not to sing for them

That bitch is too taken with her song

She is...

Yeah, she's dancing

Oh no...

I can feel the air burning for what is going to happen
It's amazing to admire the city life
It's a special place, everyone knows
And maybe it stinks but
There will be happiness

Good morning, sir

Go fuck yourself
In torture and misery I'll melt here

Good morning

With barbed wire I'll fuck you in the ass

Oh, I'm sorry

I'll do my job, I'll slice you up

So much cruelty

It sucks ass to be here!

If I'll demonstrate that a demon
Can choose too

I don't know if the plan will work out
And that hell can be redeemed
I know it's possible

No angel has mercy

Every struggling lonely soul
I know they can renounce evil
If my Hazbin Hotel will open its doors
Hell will change
And it'll discover happiness

If you love porn shows, you know I'll help you
I'll cleanse bukkake lovers too
Then in Cannibal Town, I'll smile to you, like this!

Holy shit, that's gross, why?!
And what do I care? If I'll get infected
I know I can save them from this atrocity

It's possible, I can do it
In torture and misery I'll melt here
If the heavens will listen to me
I won't accept failure
I love barbed wire, I have it in my ass
It's a big opportunity!
And I'll discover

Will you touch me a bit?

Oh no, thank you. Maybe you don't know that...
Hell will change

Your loss, bitch

If the heavens will listen
In all this shit there will be happiness


It Starts With Sorry (Italian)

If you say 'sorry'
I'll open my heart
Say it just once
Believe it and I'll know
The way of forgiveness is a big challenge but
Your heart will guide you

Who will ever have mercy on me
I don't deserve your kindness

It's better if we kill him!
Never forgive him!

Well, if you really don't want that...

Ok, fine!

But forgiveness is a virtue
If you say 'sorry'


Look inside of yourself and say 'sorry'

I say sorry

You'll be able to be redeemed

It takes some time
Sooner or later you'll get better
If you'll always follow your heart
and say 'sorry'


Out For Love (Italian)

You let yourself be guided by disdain only
You're only moved by cruelty
But against angels it's not so simple
Your regret won't serve you

You're blinded by hate, that's why you'll fail
But if you fight with your heart, you'll triumph

It's love, only with love
you'll protect them, you'll save your loved ones
Love, with love
If you have love inside of you, you can't lose

Let yourself be guided by the fear of losing who's important for you
Wield your heart like a weapon
And take a leaf out of me

You're blinded by hate, that's why you'll fail
But if you fight with your heart, you'll triumph

It's love, only with love
you'll protect them, you'll save your loved ones
Love, with love
If you have love inside of you, you have too much too lose
You can't surrender, if love is inside of you



Everything is ready now, it's over
We're heading straight out into the world, travel
The long nights of hiding have disappeared, we don't stop it
My heart races, our steps match in sync
Everything will become special, our way

The moments we were alone
Counting down with our fingers
Just like we imagined,
I'll be by your side, always
We will become one, we are
Forget yesterday and let's all jump
Fly high into the sky with me
Fly once more, trusting each other

One, our steps were a bit awkward
Two, one, two, slowly getting in sync
Three, it feels like we can dream a new dream
Four, a lucky clover
But nothing is better than five

One, two, three for five
Hands up to the sky
We make stars shine bright
We are shining brighter
One, two, three for five
Hands up to the sky
Four, a lucky clover
But nothing is better than five

One, two, three for five
Get ready, go, get it right
Get ready, go, get it right
Get ready, go, get it right
Ready, ready
One, two, three for five
Get ready, go, get it right
Get ready, go, get it right
Get ready, go, get it right

A refreshing view, a thrilling excitement
Heartbeat racing, feeling as one
Hey, no worries, no, no, be okay
Yeah, look at me, look at my face
My way becomes our way
Enjoy it freely, don't be afraid to shout, woah
Everywhere we go, coming up

We're no longer alone
The shadows are disappearing
Tomorrow will be just like today
I'll be by your side, always
We will become one, we are
Forget yesterday and let's all jump
Fly high into the sky with me
Fly once more, trusting each other

One, our steps were a bit awkward
Two, one, two, slowly getting in sync
Three, it feels like we can dream a new dream
Four, a lucky clover
But nothing is better than five

One, two, three for five
Hands up to the sky
We make stars shine bright
We are shining brighter
One, two, three for five
Hands up to the sky
Four, a lucky clover
But nothing is better than five

Even the rough wind and the sun welcome us
Alright, it's okay to get lost, in the end, it's you and me
After the rain, comes the sunny day
Like a rainbow
Jump high for a high five
Because we are shining

One, our steps were a bit awkward (Our steps)
Two, one, two, slowly getting in sync (Slowly in sync, here we go, hoo!)
Three, it feels like we can dream a new dream (Oh, oh-yeah)
Four, a lucky clover (Better like that)
But nothing is better than five (Let's go five)

One, two, three for five
Hands up to the sky
We make stars shine bright
We are shining brighter
One, two, three for five
Hands up to the sky
Four, a lucky clover
But nothing is better than five (Ooh)

One, two, three for five
Get ready, go, get it right
Get ready, go, get it right
Get ready, go, get it right
Number five
One, two, three for five
Get ready, go, get it right (Get ready)
Get ready, go, get it right
Get ready, go, get it right


Imaginary Friend

Who am I? The revolution
Born from an illusion
Awakened as your new illusion
Oh, I exist in your imagination
I'll make your dreams come true
Even sharing your every breath
Who am I? Can you believe it?
Oh, I'm a fallen angel, and I said

Call out my name in the middle of the night
Why? Don’t be afraid, call out my name, yeah
Call out my name in the middle of the night
Why? Don’t be afraid

You know, I'm your imaginary friend
You know, I'll be your night
When there are monsters on your ceiling
I'll keep you safe and let you dream
You know, I'm your imaginary friend

You know, I’m
It’s you and I until the end

Who am I? The evolution
Grown inside your imagination
A different-colored hallucination
Oh, I exist in your memories
Come on and dance, dance and don't stop
My little lucky spark
I'll give you strength
You and I together, can't stop thinking about our vibe
Now we can run, and I’m killing it to the top, yeah

Call out my name in the middle of the night
Why? Don’t be afraid, call out my name, yeah
Call out my name in the middle of the night
Why? Don’t be afraid

You know, I'm your imaginary friend
You know, I'll be your night
When there are monsters on your ceiling
I'll keep you safe and let you dream
You know, I'm your imaginary friend

You know, I’m
It’s you and I until the end


Having fun

[Verse 1]
Glasses full, the generation empty
Cigarette ash falling on my lap
Bottoms up, don't offend the host
I'll hold your hair if you get sick
I'm sorry, my talking bird
You comprehend little in string theory
When you take my guitar. Oh well,
I can't play Rotaru songs anyway

I don't know how to have fun
Should've confessed long ago
As they say,
Dance by yourself
I don't know how to have fun
I've got an iron shell on
Gotta make peace with
Being too old for this shit

[Verse 2]
Out parents don't seem so big anymore
How did we end up loving what we hated?
Really, eating olives and aspic?
We've crossed the line. Game over, youth
Time doesn't heal, it beats you. Nothing to add
Everyday I'm thinking of how to survive till night
Feet on the floor, my head a spinning top
You told me so and were right again

I don't know how to have fun
Should've confessed long ago
As they say,
Dance by yourself
I don't know how to have fun
I've got an iron shell on
Gotta make peace with
Being too old for this shit

I don't know how to have fun
Should've confessed long ago
As they say,
Dance by yourself
I don't know how to have fun
I've got an iron shell on
Gotta make peace with
Being too old for this shit

Used to be a grape, now I'm a raisin
Tomorrow at last I'll come to my senses
Used to be a grape, now I'm a raisin
Tomorrow at last I'll come to my senses
Used to be a grape, now I'm a raisin
Tomorrow at last I'll come to my senses
Used to be a grape, now I'm a raisin
Tomorrow at last I'll come to my senses
I'll come to my senses. Come to my senses
Come to my senses. Come to my senses
Come to my senses. Come to my senses
Come to my senses. Come to my senses
Come to


Bad Girls R Us

I can't hide it, even my honest expression
It's a waste of time to beat around the bush
Small and cute keyring girl, I'm not for sale, not sorry
You can let 'em talk (You can let 'em talk)
You can let 'em talk, you can let 'em talk to me

I don't fall back, got nothing to hide
Ready? Assemble
Leave it to me, I got your back
Just call me up, I'll shake your heart

Let it go, let it go, here and there
The scars wrapped around my whole body
What about, what about, with your good mind
You can’t even imagine the story
Talk all you want
No one conquers it all like a bad girl

Bad girls are us, bad girls are us
Bad girls are us, make 'em wait, no rush
Bad girls are us, bad girls are us
Bad girls are us, make 'em wait, no rush

With my messy hair, even my heart feels lighter
Let them act funny
Instead of hate easily filling my heart, I blast music
No matter what anyone says

Don't let 'em stop you from dreaming
I don’t feed back, I can’t hear it (Ready? Assemble)
Leave it to me, I got your back
Just call me up, I'll shake your heart

Let it go, let it go, here and there
The scars wrapped around my whole body
What about, what about, with your good mind
You can’t even imagine the story
Talk all you want
No one conquers it all like a bad girl

(Hey) Bad girls
(Hey) Bad girls are us
Ready girl, ready girl, let it burn (Hey)
The sound is heating up now
Ready girl, ready girl, get it girl (Hey)
It's spreading in your heart
You're the queen of the world
Get it girl, get it girl
You're an undefeated star
The rhythm will light up
The night in your heart, bounce to it

Let it go, let it go, here and there
Talking about my scar
To me, to me, it's lighter than the passing wind
Talk all you want
No one conquers it all like a bad girl

Bad girls are us, bad girls are us
Bad girls are us, make 'em wait, no rush
Bad girls are us, bad girls are us
Bad girls are us, make 'em wait, no rush

Bad girls are us, make 'em wait


Bright and clear eyes

Bright and clear eyes,
you inflame me, you, but my heart feels
delight in the fire, not pain.
Words sweet and fond,
you wound me, you, but my breast does not
feel pain in the wound, but delight.
O miracle of Love!
My soul, all afire and all blood,
is melting and not hurting, dying and not pining.



Love makes me choke, there're hundreds of percent of poison in my blood,
I'm filled with you, I can breathe, feel
The taste of your tears, don't sleep, it's time to fly away.
I'm waiting, close your eyes with the hand,
Swallow and fall asleep to the whispering of my crazy words,
I'm with you, I'm with you...

You're my favorite poison, you can't kill and reveal,
Hack my secrets, the doors are closed, the sweet answers.
You know, you're whispering, you're begging,
I'm with you, I'm with you...

Love makes me choke, i have hundreds of percent of poison in my blood,
I'm filled with you, I can breathe, feel
The taste of your tears, don't sleep, it's time to fly away.
I'm waiting, close your eyes with the hand,
Swallow and fall asleep to the whispering of my crazy words,
I'm with you, I'm with you...

You're my favorite poison, you can't kill and reveal,
Hack my secrets, the doors are closed, the sweet answers,
You know, you're whispering, you're begging,
I'm with you, I'm with you, I'm with you...


Right now

Oh... Aha... Ustata1.. Azis...
Oh.. A.. Okay, miss ...

I want you, believe me, right now,
like no other woman.
Look at me, turn me on!2
Caress me, punish me!

It's starting to get interesting.
We're breaking records again.
Someone's making a hit,
the other takes down billboards.
I need the follow-up check.
Is there someone dissatisfied again, ah? Ole-le!
The evening keeps geting hotter.
I can feel eyes all over my body.
Fans on the left, fans on the right,
throwing clothes at my songs.

I want you, believe me, right now...
(Ustata: How?)
Like no other woman.
Look at me, turn me on!
Caress me, punish me!

The coolest fans are ours.
Can you say the same for yours?
Who is that guy, that's talking to me about morals?
Ey, sh-sh-sh! (Azis: Where are you, rag?)
It's about a big, cool party,
My type, beyond any standards.
The longest legs are dancing on the table,
then back again in the S-class.3
How, if not in this way, do I challenge you?
When, if not now? So, get used to it!
Dear, we should be alone, shall we?
To make troubles on the furniture?
Let me try out your taste. Ha!
Let me write you a 6+. Ha!4
Women have always been
a matter of time, if not a matter of money.

I want you, believe me, right now...
(Ustata: How?)
Like no other woman.
Look at me, turn me on!
Caress me, punish me!

A dude like me, dear, never waits.
A dude like me, is never always on the strike.
Today, I'm the center of attention once again
And tomorrow on the cover of a gossip magazine.
It's summer! Tell me, where to crash out?
The boundary between me and you has fallen.
How would you like me to light the fuse?
Completely in my style, right, dear?
Every day is a battle, every night is a win.
Every cool one looks my way.
Tell me, how can I act properly?
How can I not perform excellently?
Your company, to me is mania.
You have no reason to hestiate,
So c'mon, give me a sign, be ready miss
To drive you around in my O'Azis!

I want you, believe me, right now...
(Ustata: How?)
Like no other woman.
Look at me, turn me on!
Caress me, punish me!
  • 1. Literally ''The Mouth''
  • 2. Also ''ignite me'' could be used. Though literally is ''set me on fire'', ''zapali'' is also used as ''to spark something in someone''
  • 3. his car Mercedes-Benz S-Class
  • 4. Refers to the Bulgarian grading system from 2-6, 6 is the highest score meaning ''Excellent''


Ready For This (Italian)

Have you ever had a dream so clear you could taste it?

Like human flesh?

Uhm, kind of
I feel that at this rate my heart will explode
But I must do it because my fears,
I have to overcome them
It's the first time I prove I'm ready
I am, and that's why I'll guide you
And with you I'll do it, I'll accept my role
if I'll do it I know I'll protect you
I'm struggling but if the time has come
I must be ready, and I'll be
And you, are you ready to die
In the name of the idea you believe in?

Instead of dying, can I bite?

That's a choice!
If you are and you'll follow me, I'm sure beside me you'll be among the chosen by the destiny
It's settled!
Wouldn't it be nice to go downtown?
If you join my band, I'll take you to the top of the world
I know you'll like my hotel
Not to mention the guests
That's right, you'll have many friends
They'll stay beside you

And you'll eat an angel every day


Free food? I'm in! Oh, cool! Woah, food!
We'll fight
What a meal we'll have
We're here for you for flambé wings
If you'll guide us
You'll soon see
We'll eat those angels like heroes
We're at your service from now on
Hungry like vultures
And if there's still someone who doesn't want to join
You already know, come on, turn them into a buffet

Well, maybe this is too much, will we calm down a bit?

Oh, you mustn't be afraid
You made them enthusiastic

Uhm, and you think I can control them?

Sweetie, you'll get used to it
If you sing

We're so grateful you're with us

We'll eat an angel!

Oh no...
It's the first time I may actually be ready
And I'll be the star guiding you
I've always known
I'll change hell
I'll write my destiny
If I'll soon face Adam
I'll have to look ready and I'll be

She's so alluring
And so determined

And, you know, it was me who brought her to you

Our princess will make it
She's just as powerful as her dad

With me as her guide she'll bloom

You go!

Everyone's here and Hell will triumph

It's the first time we're united and more than ready

This time Heaven will lose

Ready to fight

Raise your arms with me


If the front sticks together, it'll win

War is behind the corner, if the angels will attack us we'll eat them
We're ready

If I am, I still don't know


Oh, the li'l women (of Paris)!

It's gotta be one of two things
Two legs or two eyes
It's always in pairs
That we seek fortune
But blondes or brunettes in Paris do best
One equals two
And two become one

Oh, the li'l women, the li'l women of Paris!

In the moonlight
Two fickle hearts
Compete fiercely
In causing misfortunes One after the other
One is invited
They both show up
Both are invited
None of them show

I multiply one
I multiply two
Oh how troublesome this is!
How bothersome they are! Ten times a hundred times one
It's too dangerous
For pity's sake, my God
Let there be none left!

Don't y'all hold no grudge
You will be happy
Tell them goodbye to them
'Cause two is too many Thankfully, there's only one head
Oh no, there are two
For lovers
Each to their own